Latest Podcast Episodes
Geek Syndicate - Episode 154 'Return of the Monts'
Geek SyndicateSo at last David aka 'Monts' aka 'Volcanic Ash Cloud Survior' returns to the podcast.
News: Dave finds some interesting geek parties to vote for, Dark Horse slips up, We chat about the future of TV fantasy shows and Thor casting talk.
Week that Was: Turf, Shield, Iron Man 2, Human Target,V,9, Carriers and Surrogates.
Main: Having spent all this time bursting to talk Dr Who we revist the new series once again to get his thoughts on them and on the new Dr and companion. Be warned their are spoilers for the first four Dr Who episodes.
Two Geeks with No Name Podcast - Episode 7 Empires Conclusions
Geek SyndicateWrapping up their premier series on Empires the disagreeing duo of Kehaar and Grampus sit back relax and muse over Empires in genre fiction in general. Why do evil Empires get reeled out so often? What alternatives are there? What about ravenous space locusts? Skipping as they do into Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, The Wire, 2300 and much much more.Don't forget details here of the Comic Forum Project here: at or
198 - Doctor Who: Podshock
PodshockDoctor Who: Podshock - Episode 198
Running time: 1:12:33Doctor Who: Flesh and Stone reviewed live over the net with live feedback (part 1 of 2).
Hosted by Louis Trapani, Ken Deep, James Naughton, and Dave Cooper.
Brought to you by the Gallifreyan Embassy and is a production of Art Trap Productions.
This podcast is made possible in part by Podshock Supporting Subscribers and from donations from listeners like you.
Do you want the Enhanced Podcast AAC file format? Get our Enhanced Podcast version of this episode using our feed at
2MTL 130: "Victory of the Daleks" Revisited
Two-minute Time LordIn a time of GREATEST EPISODES EVAR, "Victory of the Daleks" meekly peeks its eyestalk out and asks the rest of the world, "Remember me? I wasn't that bad!"
(Big thanks to Mark Goodacre for posting Ross's review in 2MTL #129 while I was away.)
Whocast #161 - The Kimme in Space (Deutsche)Im heutige Podcast geht es weiter mit der aktuellen Staffel Doctor Who. Und zwar mit der Folge "Victory of the Daleks". Im Studio: Harald, Raphael und ein wenig Post.
Whocast #161 - The Kimme in Space (Deutsche)Im heutige Podcast geht es weiter mit der aktuellen Staffel Doctor Who. Und zwar mit der Folge "Victory of the Daleks". Im Studio: Harald, Raphael und ein wenig Post.
Episode 24 - ESpace Trilogy: Warrior's Gate
Hoo on WhoMarty and David discuss the final story in the E-Space trilogy, Warrior's Gate, and review the entire box set as a whole. They discuss upcoming changes at the Hoo On Who website, talk Thundercats and Marty gives his "High Speed Review of New Doctor Who" episodes 4 and 5, the Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone (All Spoiler Free!).
As always, we cover Listener Feedback emails and DVD Extras!
Episode 24 - ESpace Trilogy: Warrior's Gate
Hoo on WhoMarty and David discuss the final story in the E-Space trilogy, Warrior's Gate, and review the entire box set as a whole. They discuss upcoming changes at the Hoo On Who website, talk Thundercats and Marty gives his "High Speed Review of New Doctor Who" episodes 4 and 5, the Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone (All Spoiler Free!).
As always, we cover Listener Feedback emails and DVD Extras!
The Doctor's Companion Ep. 21 - Eyes Wide Shut
The Doctor's CompanionScott and Randy anxiously return to discuss the conclusion to “The Time of Angels”, the fifth episode of series 5 “Flesh and Stone”. The Doctor’s plan to save the crew from the Weeping Angels surrounding them succeeds, but they all find more then they bargain for at the heart of the Byzantium. Amy’s run in with an Angel is still causing her problems, and the mystery of River Song begins to unravel. Will the Doctor be able to save Amy from certain doom? What is River hiding from the Doctor? And what nefarious plans does Amy have waiting for the Doctor in her bedroom? Find out, in the newest episode of The Doctor’s Companion! And remember, BEWARE OF SPOILERS!!
Next Week: Vampire in Venice!!
Episode 5: The Eleventh Hour
The Bad Wilf PodcastThis episode contains the following:
Jack Daniels
Date Night
Ren & Stimpy
The Eleventh Hour
The Beast Below
Victory of the iDaleks
Time of the Angels
Flesh and Stone
Martyn: @BadWilf
Imran: @Nerdthropology
Commentary - Flesh & Stoned
The Cultdom CollectiveDave, Mike & Ian peer into the crack and take a look at Episode 5 Flesh & Stone. Hope you enjoy the commentary :)
Tim's Take On:May Bank Holiday Special(Nick Courtney and Richard Franklin at Invasion)
Tim's Take On...As a special May Bank Holiday treat here's Nick Courtney and Richard Franklin's panel at Invasion recorded on 1st May 2010 in Barking, East London also in this episdoe a bit of fan reaction to Nortongate.
You can see my photos taken at Invasion here
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
End theme tune is a remix of the Doctor Who Theme by Tony Gallichan of The Flashing Blade Podcast, Tony can be contacted here
Tim's Take On:May Bank Holiday Special(Nick Courtney and Richard Franklin at Invasion)
Tim's Take On...As a special May Bank Holiday treat here's Nick Courtney and Richard Franklin's panel at Invasion recorded on 1st May 2010 in Barking, East London also in this episdoe a bit of fan reaction to Nortongate.
You can see my photos taken at Invasion here
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
End theme tune is a remix of the Doctor Who Theme by Tony Gallichan of The Flashing Blade Podcast, Tony can be contacted here
Commentary: Dr Who - Flesh & Stone
The Cultdom CollectiveDave, Mike & Ian peer into the crack and take a look at Episode 5 Flesh & Stone. Hope you enjoy the commentary :)
Commentary: Dr Who - Flesh & Stone
The Cultdom CollectiveDave, Mike & Ian peer into the crack and take a look at Episode 5 Flesh & Stone. Hope you enjoy the commentary :)
Commentary: Dr Who - Flesh & Stone
The Cultdom CollectiveDave, Mike & Ian peer into the crack and take a look at Episode 5 Flesh & Stone. Hope you enjoy the commentary :)
Podcast #3
The Unearthly Podcast
It's the moment you've all been waiting for! Podcast #3 is available for download. In this podcast about "Victory of the Daleks", I address the new designs of the Daleks, why the spitfires didn't make any sense, kudos to the casting director, and much more.
Podcast #3
Small picture of Daleks from Peter Cushing movie
Review – Flesh and Stone
The Doctor Who PodcastA weird title. Flesh and Bone…
Trevor and James review the episode Flesh and Stone.
Review – Flesh and Stone
The Doctor Who PodcastA weird title. Flesh and Bone…
Trevor and James review the episode Flesh and Stone.
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #12: Review - Flesh and Stone
The Doctor Who PodcastA weird title. Flesh and Bone... Trevor andJames review the episode Flesh and Stone.
Podcast #2
The Unearthly Podcast
Podcast #2 is ready for your downloading pleasure. "The Beast Below" podcast covers why the concept of the star whale made no sense, how annoying was Liz 10?, the crack and much more.
Episode Two.
Podcast #1
The Unearthly Podcast
Here it is, the very first The Unearthly Podcast. In this first episode, I delve into the contents of the Eleventh Hour, how well Matt Smith and Karen Gillan did, and much more.
Episode One.
002 - The Unearthly Child Podcast: Basically, Run.
The Unearthly Child PodcastIn this episode, I look back at Matt Smith's first three episodes: The Eleventh Hour, The Beast Below, and Victory of the Daleks. You can email me feedback and comments at or visit for the latest updates.
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 37
Bigger on the InsideThe Doctor and Jo find themselves helping a young King as he's torn between sticking with traditions and moving his people forward ("The Curse of Peladon"). Then The Master awakens the aquatic cousins of the Silurians in another attempt to destroy mankind ("The Sea Devils").
Radio Free Skaro #196 - Eyes Wide Shut
Radio Free SkaroThe Two Who Rule (Chris was consumed by a Weeping Angel and sent back in time to 1973) were effusive in their praise of one of the best episodes not only of this season but of Doctor Who’s storied history, lauding both Matt Smith for his great performance and Steven Moffat for one of the scariest episodes in recent memory. Without Chris, the Two Who Rule were unable to effectively slag RTD (though they tried) or dismiss David Tennant’s contributions to the program (perish the thought!) though they did their best to not slip into a coma while discussing ratings. Allons-onimo! Check out the show notes at
Radio Free Skaro #196 - Eyes Wide Shut
Radio Free SkaroThe Two Who Rule (Chris was consumed by a Weeping Angel and sent back in time to 1973) were effusive in their praise of one of the best episodes not only of this season but of Doctor Who's storied history, lauding both Matt Smith for his great performance and Steven Moffat for one of the scariest episodes in recent memory. Without Chris, the Two Who Rule were unable to effectively slag RTD (though they tried) or dismiss David Tennant's contributions to the program (perish the thought!) though they did their best to not slip into a coma while discussing ratings. Allons-onimo! Check out the show notes at
Radio Free Skaro #196 - Eyes Wide Shut
Radio Free SkaroThe Two Who Rule (Chris was consumed by a Weeping Angel and sent back in time to 1973) were effusive in their praise of one of the best episodes not only of this season but of Doctor Who's storied history, lauding both Matt Smith for his great performance and Steven Moffat for one of the scariest episodes in recent memory. Without Chris, the Two Who Rule were unable to effectively slag RTD (though they tried) or dismiss David Tennant's contributions to the program (perish the thought!) though they did their best to not slip into a coma while discussing ratings. Allons-onimo! Check out the show notes at
The Flashing Blade Podcast 1-47
The Flashing Blade PodcastOh look, rocks! Yes, this time we look, continuously and without blinking (it's an obligatory Weeping Angel 'joke'. We have to make it. It's The Law!) at The Time of Angels as well as the final episode of Dalek Empire; Project Infinity in which some research and paperwork take a very long time indeed.
Or something.
Oh yes! We also launch a brand new competition for all the usual prizes!!!!!!!
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #12: Review - Flesh and Stone
The Doctor Who PodcastA weird title. Flesh and Bone... Trevor andJames review the episode Flesh and Stone.
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #12: Review - Flesh and Stone
The Doctor Who PodcastA weird title. Flesh and Bone… Trevor and James review the episode Flesh and Stone.
EPISODE41 - Dr Who 'Flesh And Stone'
The Cultdom CollectiveOnce again we review Doctor Who - this time part two of a two part story.
EPISODE41 - Dr Who 'Flesh And Stone' Review
The Cultdom CollectiveOnce again we review Doctor Who - this time part two of a two part story.
EPISODE41 - Dr Who 'Flesh And Stone' Review
The Cultdom CollectiveOnce again we review Doctor Who - this time part two of a two part story.
EPISODE41 - Dr Who 'Flesh And Stone' Review
The Cultdom CollectiveOnce again we review Doctor Who - this time part two of a two part story.
TT #17 Dalek Restroom Cutaway
Mostly Harmless CutawayTARDIS Tavern #17: Dalek Restroom Cutaway
With a little help from our friends...
Podcest is such a wonderful thing; That interconnection we all share as part of the Doctor Who Podcast Alliance. We were recently listening to our pals Steve & Sean's latest TARDIS Tavern podcast. Since its inception back in November '09, their program has been steadily growing, improving, & finding it's own place among the pantheon of WHO 'casts out there now. This Blue Guy thuroughly enjoyed their recent Dalek potty humor sketch & immeditately asked for permission to publish it here on the Guide to the Whoverse feed for all of you to enjoy should you partake. This is only a small excerpt however, the bulk of this episode is actually a half druken review of the Second Doctor's first story Power of the Daleks. Honestly it was, but a mere coinicdence that the 'Two WHO Drool' just happened to preselect reviewing this classic story right on the heels of the newest Dalek story Victory of the Daleks airing.
Be sure to listen to the entire TARDIS Tavern Episode 17 The Victory of the Power of the Daleks which can be found here. Warning: This skit contains EXPLICIT language along with some crude humor, but honestly no more crude than that found in RTD's Aliens of London / World War Three.
We'd really like to thank Steve & Sean again for allowing us to feature this clip on our feed. (Mostly) every week they hit up their locak WHO tavern & review a classic story while inbibing Pan-Galactic Gargle Blasters. Quite an interesting mix of conflicting interests if you ask us.
Disclaimer: Should you still have any more rants, complaints, or comments please direct them to:
ATTN: Sean -> or reach him via twitter: @tardistavern
And for all those still wondering the answer to that ultimate question of life, the universe, and Megan's singleness all we can say is...
Creator/Producer: Eric Escamilla
Email: bullitt33 ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Skype username: bullitt33
Twitter: @Bullitt33
Facebook: Bullitt33Co-host: Megan Hibner
Email: meganhibner ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @meganhibner
Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @HHG2W
Tumblr: guidetothewhoverse.tumblr.comThe MHC theme was created by Eric Escamilla.
The MHC coverart was created by Cat (@fancyfembot).
TT #17 Dalek Restroom Cutaway
Mostly Harmless CutawayTARDIS Tavern #17: Dalek Restroom Cutaway
With a little help from our friends...
Podcest is such a wonderful thing; That interconnection we all share as part of the Doctor Who Podcast Alliance. We were recently listening to our pals Steve & Sean's latest TARDIS Tavern podcast. Since its inception back in November '09, their program has been steadily growing, improving, & finding it's own place among the pantheon of WHO 'casts out there now. This Blue Guy thuroughly enjoyed their recent Dalek potty humor sketch & immeditately asked for permission to publish it here on the Guide to the Whoverse feed for all of you to enjoy should you partake. This is only a small excerpt however, the bulk of this episode is actually a half druken review of the Second Doctor's first story Power of the Daleks. Honestly it was, but a mere coinicdence that the 'Two WHO Drool' just happened to preselect reviewing this classic story right on the heels of the newest Dalek story Victory of the Daleks airing.
Be sure to listen to the entire TARDIS Tavern Episode 17 The Victory of the Power of the Daleks which can be found here. Warning: This skit contains EXPLICIT language along with some crude humor, but honestly no more crude than that found in RTD's Aliens of London / World War Three.
We'd really like to thank Steve & Sean again for allowing us to feature this clip on our feed. (Mostly) every week they hit up their locak WHO tavern & review a classic story while inbibing Pan-Galactic Gargle Blasters. Quite an interesting mix of conflicting interests if you ask us.
Disclaimer: Should you still have any more rants, complaints, or comments please direct them to:
ATTN: Sean -> or reach him via twitter: @tardistavern
And for all those still wondering the answer to that ultimate question of life, the universe, and Megan's singleness all we can say is...
Creator/Producer: Eric Escamilla
Email: bullitt33 ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Skype username: bullitt33
Twitter: @Bullitt33
Facebook: Bullitt33Co-host: Megan Hibner
Email: meganhibner ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @meganhibner
Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @HHG2W
Tumblr: guidetothewhoverse.tumblr.comThe MHC theme was created by Eric Escamilla.
The MHC coverart was created by Cat (@fancyfembot).
Tim's Take On:Episode 15(Flesh and Stone)
Tim's Take On...This week my first thoughts review is on Doctor Who:Flesh and Stone complete with a few comments from the twitterverse.
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
End theme tune is a remix of the Doctor Who Theme by Tony Gallichan of The Flashing Blade Podcast, Tony can be contacted here
Keep and eye on the feed for a special Bank Holiday bonus episode featuring the Nick Courtney and Richard Franklin panel at Invasion.
Tim's Take On:Episode 15(Flesh and Stone)
Tim's Take On...This week my first thoughts review is on Doctor Who:Flesh and Stone complete with a few comments from the twitterverse.
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
End theme tune is a remix of the Doctor Who Theme by Tony Gallichan of The Flashing Blade Podcast, Tony can be contacted here
Keep and eye on the feed for a special Bank Holiday bonus episode featuring the Nick Courtney and Richard Franklin panel at Invasion.
2MTL 129: SPOILERS - Creeping with Armstrong's Ross Reviews "Flesh and Stone"
Two-minute Time LordRoss from Creeping with Armstrong reviews "Flesh and Stone", episode 5 in the 2010 series of Doctor Who. Guest introduction by Mark Goodacre.
The RaT Project 78 Live - Open Mic Night
The RaT Project LiveOpen Mic Night. Possible topics for discussion: thoughts on where the plot arc for Doctor Who is going, any shows you're watching, games playing, books reading, whatever.