Under The Miniscope

- Description:
- Welcome to Under the Miniscope, a conversational-style Doctor Who fan podcast from the husand-and-wife team of Sarah and Andrew Gilbertson. Here you'll find discussions of specific stories and general topics ranging all throughout Doctor Who's 49-year-run, from William Hartnell's First Doctor (and the oft-under-discussed Black and White era of Who) to Matt Smith's Eleventh.
Homepage: http://www.nolinecinemas.com/Miniscope/index.html
RSS Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/miniscope?format=xml
- Episodes:
- 69
- Average Episode Duration:
- 00:00
- Longest Episode Duration:
- 00:00
- Total Duration of all Episodes:
- 0 minutes and 0 seconds
- Earliest Episode:
- 11 February 2012 (1:46pm GMT)
- Latest Episode:
- 8 January 2014 (4:27am GMT)
- Average Time Between Episodes:
- 10 days, 2 hours, 17 minutes and 58 seconds
Under The Miniscope Episodes
Episode #67: "The Day of the Doctor, Pt. 3: Lots of Star Wars Metaphors"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsWe come to it at last- the third and final part of our Day of the Doctor epic, featuring much better audio quality than the first two! This finale features Andrew, Sarah, and special guest Nathan P Butler waxing philisophical on the Zygon plot and finale, the implications of Gallifrey's return the special's fitness as a 50-year commemoration, Einstein and time travel, and the most controversial line of the special!
Episode #66: "The Day of the Doctor, Pt. 2: Surprisingly Deep"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsAlas, Eleven is gone, and with him 2013... and hurrah, Twelve is here, along with the new year! Celebrate 2014 with Sarah, Andrew, and special guest Nathan P Butler as we cover the second hour-long Day of the Doctor review epic, focusing on the portrayal of the Time War and the End of Time disconect, the Tenth Doctor's usage, the Moment, the War Doctor, who remembers what, reused gags, what the big deal about Zygons is, and screwdriver metaphors.
Episode #65: "The Day of the Doctor, Pt. 1: Her Name Was Osgood"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsAndrew and Sarah, along with a special guest, podcasting legend Nathan P. Butler, embark on an epic discussion covering Day of the Doctor from start to finish... to be continued New Years Day! This Christmas mashup covers the opening sequence, setting confusion, Moffat's treatment of characters vs. plotlines, the significance of the Lethbridge-Stewarts to New Who fans, Gallifreyan art mechanics, the threadbare Time War, the War Doctor's 'dramatic' introduction, and the Slitheen Theme playing a lot.
Episode #64: "That OTHER Doctor..."
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIt's a walk on the non-canon side as Andrew and Sarah take a look at that hero of space and time, Dr. Who! It's Peter Cushing's first big-screen adventure from the 60s, in a Police Box of his own! Plus, Andrew gets called out on contradicting Frodo.
Episode #63: "David What's-His-Name For Doctor, 2017!"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsOh no! Once again, Andrew and Sarah take on Tennant! Can they refrain from endless commentary on his era and the tenure of Russel T Davies? And with another dip into the Gap Year, will they continue the more-positive trend? Or return to the dismal bashing of episode 4? Plus female forms and the return of the crickets! (Note: When Andrew says 'The Tenth Doctor' repeatedly around the 3 minute mark, he means 'The Next Doctor')
Episode #62: "Where All Da Time Lord Chicks At?"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIt's time for Doctor Who: the Movie. No, not the McGann TV special. No, not the proposed 2012 project. Not even the Cushing films. But the first, most epic serial, so cinematic and sweeping in scope that it truly deserves the title- a story so amazing and vast that it could have played on the cinema screens. Yes, that's right... it's The Deadly Assassin. (Those crickets you hear chirping are not an indication of an audience bored to tears, we hope- just an artifact of having our windows open. Sorry!) Plus, a major battle of the sexes!
Episode #61: "Back to the Beginning...Almost"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsAnother hour-long extravaganza- this time with crickets! After a recent re-watch, Andrew and Sarah revisit Waters of Mars... and episode 4 of the podcast, examining what has changed and what has stayed the same, plus imaginary motorcycles and ANOTHER discourse on Tennant and RTD- but Sarah starts it this time!
Episode #60: "Jagra...fesh?"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsNo, we're not doing The Long Game again, we... well, yes we are, kinda. Sarah and Andrew tackle an unnamed new feature, as we re-imagine a new series story as it might have appeared across the spectrum of Doctor Who eras...
Episode #59: "Wait... It Actually ISN'T Kevin???"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsSarah and Andrew revisit the Pertwee classic Terror of the Autons, and probably tick off a lot of Troughton/Hines and Baker/Sladen fans in the process. Jo Grant, the nature of the Master, Time Lord ruminations- and we discuss the trend of substituting actor names for Doctors. You know you do it too...
Episode #58: "It Should've Ended Sooner"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsSarah and Andrew do a semi-commentary on Journey's End, and discuss the foibles of Davies, Rose, the infamous 2-parter, and everything. The battle of ideologies simmering for 58 episodes comes to an end in one showdown even more epic than the story we're recapping tries to be. Andrew talks a lot. Sarah talks a little. Andrew says "You know what I'm saying?" far too many times. And Sarah, methinks, begins to fall for Davies' sappy story charms... Could Journey's End's reviled end have a DEFENDER...? And perhaps the issue of Rose will be settled once and for all...
NOTE: Appologies for intermittent 'hiccups' in this and the next show; we had a few recording issues.
Episode #57: "The Report Card"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsPart 2 of 2; Andrew and Sarah touch on their reactions to the series finale, and then overview Series 7b and Moffat's tenure as a whole; how do we feel about everything in retrospect? How was the resolution to the mystery? What are we looking toward in the future? And with so very much to talk about, how could it be less than an hour?
(Note: This was recorded just after Name of the Doctor aired, and was held back until now due to real-life issues going on with us lately. This explains our naive optimism about Matt Smith's ongoing tenure; the announcement hadn't yet been made.)
Episode #56: "Dis on Kevin"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsSarah and Andrew confess their ships and argue about the division of seasons as they dive into this combo 'Nightmare in Silver' review and response/speculation about the reception of Series 7b thus far. Please pardon all of the coughing; it's allergy season. Part 1 of 2, to be followed up next week...
Episode #55: "The B-List"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsCoffee, Silver Markers, the Paternosta gang, and a burst of outright insanity that for once actually OUTLASTS that entire track from Superman. Oh, and the featured topic, in which Andrew and Sarah revisit reinvented villains from the classic series for the lesser-advertised ones... the ones that got left behind last show.
Sorry for the hiss- we're still nailing down our new audio settings these last few weeks.
Episode #54: "Hartnell's Still Got It..."
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds
Sarah and Andrew discuss Joruney to the Center of the TARDIS, corrections to the last episode, the Edge of Destruction, and our featured topic, the William Hartnell serial 'The Rescue.' Yay, Vicki!
(Sorry for the quality drop at the end; don't know what happened there!)
Episode #53: "He Meant Silurians, Not Sontarans"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds
We discus Hide, the Doctor's marriage, fire, Ice Warrior subtlety, Gallifreyan grass, as well as hitting our featured topic- the success or failure of the different re-imagined enemies brought into New Who from the classic series.
...And in the heat of his anger at Silurians, Andrew calls them Sontarans.
Episode #52: "Ring Around The Akhenaten"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsSarah and Andrew set out to discuss Sontarans, but end up mentioning the Rings of Akhenaten 'in brief' for so long that it becomes the (spoiler-filled) show! Plus 'hetop,' 'undert,' and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Also, that's an oven door opening intermittently in the background, not the screech of a baby raptor...
Episode #51: "Just Teasing, Andrew Doesn't REALLY Hate The Fifth Doctor..."
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsWe put "Love and Monsters" on trial (sadly, capital punishment is not an option here) on this, our first 15-minute show, clocking in at only 30 short minutes! ...Okay, we're still working on it. Still, tune in for all of the features you love- Rose-rage, 80s radio, the anti-soul predilictions of New Who, really bad Leela impressions, musings on accents, and much, much more!
Episode #50-5: "With 50, You Get Unicorn"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIt's our 50th in the 50th! Yes, appropriate to the celebratory year and season we're entering, Under the Miniscope celebrates its 50th show! Join the party as Sarah and Andrew record a jam-packed commentary on one of our favorite classic Who stories of all time, The Mind Robber! And please, heed the warning at the start...? Thrills, chills, a catfight over a catsuit, mysogyny and chivalry, intelligence vs. knowledge, the weeping angel conceptual trio, beating the concept of brook-pressing over the head, and much, much more... come on in and join the celebration!
Episode #50-4: "With 50, You Get Unicorn"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIt's our 50th in the 50th! Yes, appropriate to the celebratory year and season we're entering, Under the Miniscope celebrates its 50th show! Join the party as Sarah and Andrew record a jam-packed commentary on one of our favorite classic Who stories of all time, The Mind Robber! And please, heed the warning at the start...? Thrills, chills, a catfight over a catsuit, mysogyny and chivalry, intelligence vs. knowledge, the weeping angel conceptual trio, beating the concept of brook-pressing over the head, and much, much more... come on in and join the celebration!
Episode #50-3: "With 50, You Get Unicorn"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIt's our 50th in the 50th! Yes, appropriate to the celebratory year and season we're entering, Under the Miniscope celebrates its 50th show! Join the party as Sarah and Andrew record a jam-packed commentary on one of our favorite classic Who stories of all time, The Mind Robber! And please, heed the warning at the start...? Thrills, chills, a catfight over a catsuit, mysogyny and chivalry, intelligence vs. knowledge, the weeping angel conceptual trio, beating the concept of brook-pressing over the head, and much, much more... come on in and join the celebration!
Episode #50-2: "With 50, You Get Unicorn"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIt's our 50th in the 50th! Yes, appropriate to the celebratory year and season we're entering, Under the Miniscope celebrates its 50th show! Join the party as Sarah and Andrew record a jam-packed commentary on one of our favorite classic Who stories of all time, The Mind Robber! And please, heed the warning at the start...? Thrills, chills, a catfight over a catsuit, mysogyny and chivalry, intelligence vs. knowledge, the weeping angel conceptual trio, beating the concept of brook-pressing over the head, and much, much more... come on in and join the celebration!
Episode #50-1: "With 50, You Get Unicorn"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIt's our 50th in the 50th! Yes, appropriate to the celebratory year and season we're entering, Under the Miniscope celebrates its 50th show! Join the party as Sarah and Andrew record a jam-packed commentary on one of our favorite classic Who stories of all time, The Mind Robber! And please, heed the warning at the start...? Thrills, chills, a catfight over a catsuit, mysogyny and chivalry, intelligence vs. knowledge, the weeping angel conceptual trio, beating the concept of brook-pressing over the head, and much, much more... come on in and join the celebration!
Episode #49: " Roseapaloosa"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsSarah and Andrew wrap up their long-running 'departures' series with a look at the four major New Series companion departures... as well as a discussion on the Master trilogy, and plenty of the complaints about Rose that you've come to know and love. Or... at least know. (Our apologies about the quality of Sarah's audio throughout.)
Episode #48: "We Hardly Knew Ye"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsA zonked-out Andrew and Becky (or is it Salazar?) rewind time and go back to take a look at the companions that never really got a goodbye- how the last time we saw them served, and what a more appropriate endcap might have been. Also, Salazar recommends companion suicide, impunes the honesty of Ben and Polly, and talks about the maths of love.
Episode #47: "The Planet Kevin"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsWe manage to hold it under an hour as Andrew and Sarah tackle the companion departures for Davison, Baker #2, and McCoy. Where will Peri fall? Will the Kamelion rant be trotted out AGAIN? Does anyone even REMEMBER Nyssa's departure? The answers to all this, and more...!
Episode #46: "Almost Forgot About Harry Sullivan"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsThe episodes grow longer and longer as we tackle the 3nd, 3rd, and 4th Doctor companion departures in hits 90-minute behemoth! Laugh, cry, remember fondly the companions of yore, and the days when departures started getting more and more sudden! (Next episode on the 18th)
Episode #45: "It's Always Kevin"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsAnother whopper of a show as we jump from Doctors to companions in our big countdown to #50; in this show, Sarah and Andrew discuss and rate all of the First Doctor companion departures... plus, Chad the Dinosaur, deep insights into Sarah, and lots about romance!
Episode #44: "Andrew Can't Count"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsWe make up for the long absence by delivering a superpacked double-length spoiler-filled episode finishing out our special on Regeneration Scenes. Plus a debate on the Tennant-only segment of fandom, the redemption of the Ninth Doctor, RTD plagiarism, and some heartfelt pleas for the 50th anniversary.
Episode #43: "...And A Happy New Doctor"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsPart 1 of 2, Andrew's long-awaited Regeneration show kicks off with a look at the End-and-Beginning of the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Doctors! Much tomfoolery, and a good time to be had by all- come join us!
Episode #42: "We Wish You A Furious Deep..."
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsOur gift to you- a return to the Lost Story well for a brand new, slightly more structured feature on these lost gems- this time, one of the most memorable and understandably-censored, Fury from the Deep. And the cat is acting up again...
Episode #42B: "A Little Family Drama on Christmas..."
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsFor our subscribers on Christmas- a little gift from us to you. A series of Doctor Who audio drama skits created in conjunction with editor (and Miniscope webmaster) Joe Harrison for the Oblivion Continuum podcast, chronicling the Dalek and Cyberman invasions of the Star Wars galaxy... and our role in the resistance.
Episode #41: "Cooties!"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsThe male perspective, the female perspective, and more Spider-man rants as Sarah and Andrew pontificate on the nature of romance, love, marriage, heroes, immortality, and more... all under the context of discussing that age-old fandom question: Should the Doctor notice girls? Can he fall in love? ...Okay, that's two questions.
Episode #38: "Yes, But WHY Were There Bats in the TARDIS?"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsHitting 'Record' as the end credits roll, Sarah and Andrew jump in with their high-energy, off-the-cuff impressions of the final entry in their classic Who viewing, The Enemy Within! (A.k.a. The Paul McGann TV movie.) Heresy, murder, random bats- what more do you need from an episode?
Episode #37: "But What About The Thals?"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsA continuation of the 'Time Travel in classic Who' discussion, from the First Baker to McCoy!Plus scientific implausibility and the genocide of the Thals.
Episode #36: "Getting On The Bus"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsSarah and Andrew (mostly Andrew) discuss the use of Time Travel on Doctor Who- for a series about time travel, how often do they actually use it, aside from the arrival at the start of each episode? Part 1 of 2...
Episode #35: "Salty Is Gonne Become a New Euphemism, Isn't It?"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsSweet and Salty, British copyright, and far more as we give our 'Trial' format a trial-run by putting the Empty Child and the Doctor Dances... on trial! (Is there really any doubt whether it'll be exonerated...?) And we open the controversy can-'o-worms of the Russel T. Davies 'gay agenda'... on a Steven Moffat episode.
Episode #33: "Sock Hop of Doom"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsThe Seventh Doctor is welcomed with open arms by a good-natured roast of one of his less-stellar entries, in which Sarah plays the prosecution and Andrew's attempts to mount a defense are stymied by his continual finding of more faults.
Episode #32: "Roller Coaster Ride"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIn this rapid-fire Op-ed quickie, Andrew and Sarah dash off a brief discussion about upward and downward trends- things that started out hot but wore out their welcome, and other things that made a bad impression, but really redeemed themselves by the end.
Episode #31: "A Tale of Two Bakers"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsLock up your sacred cows- Sarah and Andrew are on the rampage again! In this first of two op-ed episodes, we examine the popularly held opinions of the least-and-most-popular Doctors of the classic series- why we think they're so-held, and whether we think that's accurate. We'd love to hear you weigh in, too- check it out!
Episode #30: "Screwing Around"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIt's a show all about sonic screwdrivers! And more petty bickering! An evaluation of each design! A discussion on whether the sonic has become a 'magic wand' or overused plot device! And what do Star Wars' Boss Nass, Yosemite Sam, and Elmer Fud have in common? Come find out!
Episode #29: "Stop The Presses!"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsThis just in! Sarah and Andrew pre-empt THEMSELVES to deliver a fresh, topical review of the new Matt Smith premiere, Asylum of the Daleks! We're clearly having a blast, and we hope you will, too! Come join us, for Matt Smith, Autons, the Sarah Jane adventures, writing mysteries, romantic dialogue, both Romanas, bad Colin Baker impressions, Andrew curses in other languages, reconciling Destiny of the Daleks, and whatever other rabit-trails we may delve into on this jam-packed special edition!
Episode #28: "The 'Lesser' Baker...?"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsAn introduction to the Sixth Doctor! The Rani! More on the Master (because you haven't had your fill of THAT lately...)! Lots of petty bickering! And... Ewoks?
Episode #27: "Enter The Eccleston"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsWe go back to where it all began... again... and finally begrudgingly induct Mr. "Same river twice" into our ranks of review. Plus debates on haughty vs hotty, Jagrafesh vs Jagrafess, and WAY too much speculation of the lifecycle of Max.
Episode #26: "The Rise and Fall of Peter Davison"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsControversy is sure to abound as Sarah and Andrew discus Caves of Androzani- and take a poke at all of the Doctor Who sacred cows- Christopher Eccleston, the writing of Russel T. Davies, Genesis of the Daleks' "Have I the right...?" - in this decidedly outspoken tribute to the handoff from Fifth Doctor to Sixth!
Episode #25: "Kevin, Meet Chad"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIt's our big 25th Podcast blowout! Probably a fairly wimpy milestone, bit for us, it's a majorly big deal- and we celebrate by giving our report on the much-maligned Sixth Doctor, and then doing a full audio commentary for our very favorite Doctor Who to date- The Eleventh Hour! It's a Matt Smith-stravaganza, discussing New Who trends, legacy, Moffat wiliness, theories for the future, and more! Come join us for all the fun!
Episode #24: "The New Kid on the Block"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds
Yes, that's right- the youngster himself, Baker's illustrious successor, Peter Davison enters the Under the Miniscope lineup as we discus a serial that's a kinda sequel. (Get it?) Yes, that's right, Snakedance rears its serpentine hand, along with worldbuilding, and the physics of wrought-iron table legs. Don't worry- if you don't like it, you can open your hand, and the podcast will slip through your fingers...
Episode #23: "Almost About Traken"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsSarah and Andrew sit down to record the Anthony Ainley Master Special... whilst INTENDING to record an episode about the Keeper of Traken. With as much as we covered, this may BE our actual 'Master Special' for the podcast- so even if you don't like Traken (and honestly, who does?), check it out!
Episode #22: "Hulk Smash Puny Planet of the Spiders!!!"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsLevel-headed-Sarah and Andrew, the Bringer of War, present their differing viewpoints on that Jon Pertwee classi- er, abominatio- er... serial, Planet of the Spiders. Much much ranting and rage, plus Pertwee's shameless hussy and a discourse on unreasonable murderous second-in-commands.
Episode #21: "Li'l Brudder: The Serial"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsAndrew and Sarah review a lost classic which may have lost more than most as they review Patrick Troughton's base-under-siege, The Web of Fear... as well as reviewing bases under siege in general, and issuing a stirring directive to all of England!
Episode #20: "The Origin of My Ringtone"
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsHowdy, partners! Join us for this here 20th episode as we done go and take us a look-see at that Hartnell historical, The Gunfighters! Now don't you worry none- you'll get to hear that purty little ballad PLENTY this episode! Musicals, trainwrecks, and Dodo not being a dodo! Don't miss it, now, y'hear?