The Androzani Whiners

- Description:
- Nick and Luke sneer and stagger their way through all of New-Who
RSS Feed:
- Episodes:
- 26
- Average Episode Duration:
- 00:00
- Longest Episode Duration:
- 00:00
- Total Duration of all Episodes:
- 0 minutes and 0 seconds
- Earliest Episode:
- 15 August 2016 (1:52am GMT)
- Latest Episode:
- 15 April 2017 (6:28am GMT)
- Average Time Between Episodes:
- 9 days, 8 hours, 29 minutes and 3 seconds
The Androzani Whiners Episodes
Episode 23: Reaction Rubbish - The Pilot.
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsLuke, Nick and Ben decide to cover a thing. WE MUST BE TOPICAL. WE MUST BE TOPICAL. CLEVER. CLEVER. CLEVER.
Episode 22: The Unquiet Dead - The Hipster Christmas Episode
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsSod doing a Christmas special, we're going to be contrarian. Luke and Nick rip apart the good Gatiss one.
The Return of Doctor Mysterio Reaction: Luke and Ben
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsLuke and Ben are too impatient and storm ahead without Nick to give their verdict on every episode that came out this year.
Episode 21: Tooth and Claw
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsCan Luke get over that it's set in the same time as Ghost Light? The answer is obviously a No.
Episode 21: Tooth and Claw
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsCan Luke get over that it's set in the same time as Ghost Light? The answer is obviously a No.
Episode 20: The Rings of Akhaten
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsNick remembers this as his finest hour, Luke remembers this as his worst. That is not a coincidence. Featuring Ben guest starring his role as the man who hides under the table and creeps over Clara from the Hide episode.
Androzani Whiners: Boom Town
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsThings go boom! The title is lazy, and find out what else Nick and Luke find lazy in the contents of this whining shit.
Episode 18: Rose
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsNick and Luke finally get to the beginning and celebrate by eating Jammy Dodgers
Episode 18: Rose
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsNick and Luke finally get to the beginning and celebrate by eating Jammy Dodgers
Episode 17: Kill the Moon Commentary
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIt's finally here! The worst of new who. Let's kill it.
Episode 16: The Girl Who Died Commentary
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsNick and Luke are initially irritated that the title is a spoiler, then are even more irritated when it turns out that it's completely misleading.
Episode 2: The End of the World Commentary
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsNick and Luke tackle their first Russell T Davies episode, the man who made New Doctor Who possible and this podcast necessary. Does it stand up to scrutiny?
Episode 1: Amy's Choice Commentary
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsNick and Luke are angered to find that their first episode is one they like, and not one which breaks the rules. But they take solace in that it's all downhill from here.
Episode 0: The Cynical Introduction
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsWherein Nick and Luke cynically set out the rules for the cynical drinking game, which are as follows.
1) 1 drink every time after the first instance that the Doctor or Companion theme plays in an episode.
2) 2 drinks for every plot point introduced in an episode which is not resolved that season.
3) 1 drink for every out of place comedy or horror moment.
4) 1 drink for any character trait which is introduced for plot convenience.
5) 1 drink for every disconnect between the CG and practical effects.
6) 1 drink for every out-of-place 21st century earth reference.
7) 1 drink for every time in an episode that the writer rips himself off from an earlier episode.
8) 2 drinks for every gratuitous appearance of an old alien.
9) 1 drink for any overly obvious Classic Who reference.
10) 1 drink for any character which exists solely as a plot point.
11) Down if the day is saved by love.
12) 1 drink every time The Doctor doesn't understand humans.
13) 1 drink for every stupid use of the Sonic Screwdriver.
ii) 3 drinks if this saves the day.
14) 2 drinks if a character exists solely for an easy gut punch when they die.