The Doctor Who Big Blue Box Podcast

- Description:
- The Big Blue Box Podcast is a show dedicated to bringing you news and opinions on all things Doctor Who. Each episode has a news round up, opinion segments on everything from classic Who through to audio plays and commentaries.
RSS Feed:
- Episodes:
- 230
- Average Episode Duration:
- 0:1:38:58
- Longest Episode Duration:
- 0:2:42:06
- Total Duration of all Episodes:
- 15 days, 12 hours, 48 minutes and 19 seconds
- Earliest Episode:
- 27 October 2019 (10:52pm GMT)
- Latest Episode:
- 19 July 2019 (1:34pm GMT)
- Average Time Between Episodes:
- 7 days, 18 hours, 36 minutes and 47 seconds
The Doctor Who Big Blue Box Podcast Episodes
Sarah Jane Adventures - Ep244: The Trickster back to its old, er, tricks
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 38 minutes and 56 secondsHEY, WHO FANS!
The News
Gamers will be happy to know another Doctor Who VR game is on the way - The Edge of Time is out on the usual VR platforms on the 12th November.
Merch Corner
A double bill of the little green alien Sil is on the the way in Nov: SIL And the Devil Seeds of Arodor is out on the 4th Nov and The Doctors: More Monsters! is also out on the 4th. There's a couple of Who Xmas jumpers up for pre-order too; one from EMP and the other from
Review story this week is SJA: The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith
Listeners will know we've loved reviewing the SJA so far and this is one story we've been looking forward to. Does the inclusion of the 10th Doctor bring this show up to an even higher standard or is it just hype?
Thank you all for listening this week. Our review story next week will be the 3rd Doctor story - The Ambassadors of Death. Until then have a super week and remember – Allons-y!
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Doctor Who - Ep243: Homo reptilia vs. The Doctor
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 46 minutes and 29 secondsHEY, WHO FANS!
The News
We say Happy Birthday to Doctor Who Magazine who is still going strong after 40 years and sadly we say goodbye to Stephen Moore (coincidentally Stephen played “Eldane” in our review story this week) who passed recently.
Merch Corner
Another unofficial Doctor Who Annual is on its way. After the success of the 1972 Annual, this fan project from Terraqueous Distributors is now working on the 1987 Sixth Doctor release – details here. A new Doctor Who retailer is about to launch here in the UK! Yes, new Who-specific company “The Time Meddlers” launches on November 5th with their website and site located in central London’s Convent Garden Jubilee Market. Sign up here for an exclusive pre-launch discount of 25%. Exciting times for Who merch hunters.
Review story this week is The Hungry Earth and Cold Blood
We haven’t spent any time with the Eleventh Doctor nor Series 5 in a while so does this story bring back good memories or are we pulled under the ground in nostalgic disappointment?
Thank you all for listening this week. Our review story next week will be SJA: The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith. Until then have a great week and remember – Allons-y!
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Torchwood - Ep242: Scarves, NYCC Exclusives and Torchwood Fight Club
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 15 minutes and 40 secondsHey, Who fans!
The News
Still very quiet for news, nothing of note to report on.
Merch Corner
Lovarzi's new 13th Doctor scarf will be landing on their site from 11th October and if you sign up to their DW Fan Club you'll get 15% off too. We also mention the two Doctor Who NYCC Exclusives from Titan.
Review story this week is Torchwood: Combat
Written by Noel Clarke, this story throws Owen into an undercover role which reveals a violent underworld involving Weevles and Gwen tumbles deeper down the path of regret. All deep dark stuff but does it serve up that TW grit?
Thank you all so much for listening this week. Our review story next week will be the 11th Doctor two-parter: The Hungry Earth and Cold Blood. Until then have a great week and remember - Allons-y!
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Doctor Who - Ep241: We're back with news, merch and anti-matter Omega
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 29 minutes and 17 secondsHey, Who fans!
It is sooo good to be back and chatting Doctor Who. Let's get into it...
The News
Chris Eccleston seems to be embracing fandom recently and another example of that is the announcement that he'll be attending the Gallifrey One convention next February. Nice one Chris.
Merch Corner
Fan of Martha Jones? If so then you'll be pleased to know Freema Agyeman is returning to the world of Doctor Who to star alongside Eve Myles in Big Finish's "Torchwood: Dissected" which is out in February 2020 and if you're in need of a new laptop bag, Lovarzi has you covered with their new TARDIS themed offering.
Review story this week: Arc of Infinity
Back to Gallifrey, the Time Lord High Council, traitors, Omega, posh British accents and Peter Davison doubling as the bad guy. How do we feel about this often snubbed story?
Thank you all so much for coming back and listening. Our review story next week will be Torchwood: Combat. Until then have a great week and remember - Allons-y!
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Doctor Who – Ep238: Listeners of Ours, it’s Full On John Smith
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 43 minutes and 20 secondsHey Who fans. In this week's show...
The News
It's that time of year again when San Diego Comic Con is upon us and lovers of artwork will want to check out portraits of all 14 Doctors by artist Jeremy Enecio which will be on display all weekend.
Merch Corner
A bunch of SDCC exclusives are available, a new blu ray set "The Complete David Tennant" is releasing in the US in September and Donna Noble is returning to Big Finish next year.
"Human Nature and The Family of Blood" Review
An often loved two-parter and a story we've spoken about fondly but after a recent re-watch are we still into this one, listeners of ours?
Next week our review will be the SJA story - The Mad Woman in the Attic. Until then have a super week and remember - Allons-y!
The post Doctor Who – Ep238: Listeners of Ours, it’s Full On John Smith appeared first on The Doctor Who Big Blue Box Podcast.
Torchwood – Ep237: Tissues at the Ready
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 29 minutes and 13 secondsHey Who fans. In this week's show...
The News
A bunch of guests have already been announced for next year's The Capitol event from the DWAS in April (as well as the ruddy good read The Cosmic Masque VIII) and sadly actor Glyn Houston who played Professor Watson in "The Hand of Fear" and Colonel Wolsey in "The Awakening" has passed away aged 93.
Merch Corner
The modern series steelbooks continue to roll forward as the Series 4 - The Specials has been announced and a great looking book titled "Target Trawl" is now available from Nick Mellish at where Nick reviews every Target book released to date.
"Torchwood - Out of Time" Review
Ah Torchwood Series 1, you've been a strange beast for us so far. Some stories are ok, some are not great and a few have been great. This one changes the tone and formula quite a bit and brings an emotional wallop. Is the Hub crew back on form or are the tissues wasted on this one?
Next week our review will be the 110th Doctor two-part story - Human Nature and Family of Blood. Until then have a great week and remember - Allons-y!
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Doctor Who – Ep236: Arrest the Scarf
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 42 minutes and 25 secondsHey Who fans. In this week's show...
The News
On Sat 20th and Sun 21st July, Big Finish is running a 20-hour live stream to celebrate their 20th Anniversary over on their YouTube channel and this Sat 6th July, BBC Radio 4 Extra is running a special Jon Pertwee centenary program hosted by his son Sean.
Merch Corner
Danilo has released their new 2020 Doctor Who calendars which are available over on Amazon or their site directly consisting of the usual wall hanging calendar and the small desk block style.
"The Leisure Hive" Review
A chance for us to bust out the Season 18 blu ray set and check out that opener with the longest panning shot ever! As you know Tom Baker is a favourite here but does this story that kicked off the JNT era with lots of changes maintain that classic "Tom" charm?
Next week our review will be the Torchwood story - Out of Time. Until then have a great week and remember - Allons-y!
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Sarah Jane Adventures – Ep235: It’s Creepy Sarah Jane
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 42 minutes and 17 secondsHey Who fans. We're back! In this week's show...
The News
Some news to catch up on plus new stuff. We start with the sad news of the passing of Paul Darrow, the next classic animated movie will be "The Faceless Ones" and in the US, "The End of Time" gets a cinema outing for its 10th anniversary year.
Merch Corner
New Character Options figure sets are coming to B&M stores this summer, the next classic Who limited edition blu ray box set will be Season 23, a new book is on the way titled "Star Tales" later this year to coincide with Series 12 and another Big Finish vinyl is out soon - "Wave of Destruction" which will be a Sainsbury's exclusive.
"SJA - Prisoner of the Judoon" Review
We're always up for reviewing SJA as you know and this week we eagerly kick off Series 3 with this creepy story of Judoon vs Attic crew vs Androvax the Anhiliator. Does this continue the decent scores we've dished out for SJA or is this the downturn we hope wouldn't come?
Next week our review will be the 4th Doctor story - The Leisure Hive. Until then have a super week and remember - Allons-y!
The post Sarah Jane Adventures – Ep235: It’s Creepy Sarah Jane appeared first on The Doctor Who Big Blue Box Podcast.
Doctor Who – Ep234: Winking at Angels
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 39 minutes and 31 secondsHey Who fans. In this week's show...
The News
Sad news, Stephen Thorne who played Azal from The Dæmons, Omega from The Three Doctors and Eldred from The Hand of Fear has passed away aged 84.
Merch Corner
Bugger all merch this week.
"The Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone" Review
We love Series 5 and Matt Smith is soooo good in this series. With The Weeping Angels back in this pseudo-sequel to Blink so they still terrify or have they mellowed somewhat?
Next week our review will be the SJA story - Prisoner of the Judoon. Until then have a super week and remember - Allons-y!
The post Doctor Who – Ep234: Winking at Angels appeared first on The Doctor Who Big Blue Box Podcast.
Torchwood – Ep233: Random Ghosts
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 8 minutes and 9 secondsHey Who fans. In this week's show...
The News
The VR film/game/experience "Doctor Who: The Runaway" is now available on the Oculus Store, Vive Port and, the BBC VR App and the BBC have teased the return of the Judoon for series 12.
Merch Corner
The next story to get the vinyl treatment is "The Evil of the Daleks", out in July.
"Torchwood - Random Shoes" Review
Back to Torchwood this week for this interesting episode which tries out a different formula, similar to that of "Love & Monsters". Is this one enough to bring the excitement back to Torchwood or does it fall flat like a terrible ghost story?
Next week our review will be the 11th Doctor two-part story - The Time of the Angels and Flesh and Stone. Until then have a super week and remember - Allons-y!
The post Torchwood – Ep233: Random Ghosts appeared first on The Doctor Who Big Blue Box Podcast.
Doctor Who – Ep232: Who vs The Crystal Maze
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 31 minutes and 48 secondsHey Who fans. In this week's show...
We have no news or merch to cover this week. We know, sad face.
"The Keys of Marinus" Review
"Yes my boy!" We're hanging out with the 1st Doctor this week for this series 1 six-parter. A collection of mini-stories provide some interest across the arc but enough to keep up into the search for the keys?
Next week our review will be the Torchwood story - Random Shoes. Until then have a great week and remember - Allons-y!
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Torchwood – Ep229: Suzie Die Already
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 30 minutes and 21 secondsHey Who fans. In this week's show...
The News
The BEEB has set up a fan art competition where you could get your art printed on t-shirts for San Diego Comic Con.
Merch Corner
The Complete Season 4 Steelbook is on the way and the K-9 Mega Model from Eaglemoss has had a price drop.
"The Keep Killing Suzie" Review
Back to Torchwood this week as we continue to roll through series 1. This story sees Suzie resurrected to help with an investigation but things go awry when she has darker plans. Are we getting into TW a bit more with this one?
Next week our review will be the 10th Doctor two-part story - Rise of the Cybermen and The Age of Steel. Until then have a great week and remember - Allons-y!
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Sarah Jane Adventures – Ep227: No You’re Crying
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 27 minutes and 29 secondsHey Who fans. In this week's show...
The News
The CHAS charity is asking for your donations while sporting your best geeky t-shirts. Get the details and donate here.
Merch Corner
No merch this week.
"The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith" Review
Another emotional wallop this week from SJA but does it provide anything else that keeps the review scores high with this always likeable story.
Next week our review will be the 2nd Doctor story - The Macra Terror. Until then have a great week and remember - Allons-y!
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Doctor Who – Ep226: Damn Cybermats Again
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 2 minutes and 42 secondsHey Who fans. In this week's show...The News
A scene from Rosa has been nominated for a BAFTA in the Must See category - get over there and vote.Merch Corner
Big Finish is releasing a multi-Master story later this year for Ravenous 4, a fan has been bust putting together the un-released classic 1972 annual, Robert Harrop release the monochrome 2nd Doctor statue and Forbidden Planet (.com) has released the cover for Free Comic Book Day which is 4th May this year."Closing Time" Review
More bloody Cybermats along with Cybermen cause havoc in a shopping centre but can our buddy-tag-team The Doctor and Craig bring their best game to keep the world safe and keep Stormageddon in one piece? Next week our review will be the SJA story - The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith. Until then have a great week and remember - Allons-y!The post Doctor Who – Ep226: Damn Cybermats Again appeared first on The Doctor Who Big Blue Box Podcast.
Torchwood – Ep255: Sneaky Pendant
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 28 minutes and 9 secondsHey Who fans. In this week's show...
The News
Fancy working on Doctor Who? Work placement company It's My Shout is looking to fill five placements and they are encouraging applicants from diverse backgrounds, disability and lower Socio-Economic backgrounds. Get your cv emailed here: If you're thinking of going to Bedford Who Charity Con 5 then you can grab 10% off with this offer from Doctor Who News. We talk a little about new Who being back for 14 years, where has the time gone?!
Merch Corner
No merch this week.
"Greeks Bearing Gifts" Review
Back on the Torchwood reviews and we're looking at this Tosh focused story. We haven't exactly been thrilled with our re-visits to TW but can this one pull us up above water?
Next week our review will be the 11th Doctor story - Closing Time. Until then have a super week and remember - Allons-y!
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Doctor Who – Ep224: Rise Sir Doctor
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 37 minutes and 47 secondsHey Who fans. In this week's show...
The News
Another week of no news.
Merch Corner
The unofficial sequel to Pertwee's story The Daemons - The White Witch of Devil's End from Reeltime Pictures is coming to blu ray with extra features early next year and Big Finish is bringing back classic companion Katarina for the next volume of The Early Adventures.
"The King's Demons" Review
This little two-parter is hardly ever mentioned from classic Who or even Davison's era specifically but can it be that bad? Let's find out.
Next week our review will be the Torchwood story - They Keep Killing Suzie. Until then have a great week and remember - Allons-y!
The post Doctor Who – Ep224: Rise Sir Doctor appeared first on The Doctor Who Big Blue Box Podcast.
The Sarah Jane Adventures – Ep223: Mind Control Pendant
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 14 minutes and 36 secondsHey Who fans. In this week's show...
The News
Jodie Whittaker has been added to the list of people who will receive the age-old Freedom to the City of London.
Merch Corner
Forbidden Planet (.com) have put a bunch of new T's up for pre-order ranging from Weeping Angels to, er, the Pting.
"The Mark of the Berserker" Review
Back with SJA for this "Sarah Jane Lite" story about Clyde and his Dad getting into some trouble due to a pesky pendant. Another decent SJA story or have we finally hit a dud?
Next week our review will be the Fifth Doctor's story - The King's Demons. Until then have a great week and remember - Allons-y!
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The Sarah Jane Adventures - Ep220: The Stars Have Aligned
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 32 minutes and 46 secondsHey Who fans. In this week's show...
The News
The episode Rosa, co-written by Malorie Blackman and Chris Chibnall, bags an award at the Visionary Arts Awards.
Merch Corner
A new 13th Doctor 1:6 scale figure from Big Chief is up for pre-order and they need to get 500 orders in for the units to go into production.
"SJA - Secrets of the Stars" Review
We continue into Series 2 of The Sarah Jane Adventures with the Attic team investigating an astrologer-fraud-come-alien-light-being. Are we starry-eyed about this one or have the stars not aligned?
Next week our review will be the 3rd Doctor story - The Mutants. Until then have a great week and until next time - Allons-y!
The post The Sarah Jane Adventures – Ep220: The Stars Have Aligned appeared first on The Doctor Who Big Blue Box Podcast.
Doctor Who - Episode 219: Don't Gang Up on the Gangers
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 35 minutes and 23 secondsHey Who fans. In this week’s show…
The News
We finally have some news! Doctor Who included in the Top 10 iPlayer shows of 2018, we say goodbye to Clive Swift and Tiny Rebel Games are shutting down their Legacy game.
Merch Corner
A new unofficial drama from Reeltime Pictures featuring Sil is out later this year and John Levene’s autobiography is out this month.
“The Rebel Flesh and The Almost People” Review
The majority of 11th Doctor (and 10th Doctor for that matter) episodes left for us to review are two-parters. Our first one, and this week’s review, is a story of moral situations, plot twists and two Doctors!
Next week our review will be the Sarah Jane Adventures episode – Secrets of the Stars. Until then have
a s uper week and until next time – Allons-y!The post Doctor Who – Episode 219: Don’t Gang Up on the Gangers appeared first on The Doctor Who Big Blue Box Podcast.
Torchwood - Episode 218: Chibber's Brings the B-Horror Movie Vibe
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 5 minutes and 34 secondsHey Who fans. In this week’s show…
The News
Nothing occurring.
Merch Corner
A new B&M set featuring the regenerated 4th Doctor and TARDIS is due out, hopefully, soon.
“Countrycide” Review
Back on the Torchwood train as we look into this gory story from Chris Chibbnall.
Next week our review will be an 11th Doctor two-parter – The Rebel Flesh and The Almost People. Until then have a great week and until next time – Allons-y!
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Doctor Who - Episode 217: Thals vs Kaleds vs Mutos
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 58 minutes and 21 secondsHey Who fans. In this week’s show…
The News
We say Happy Birthday to Tom Baker and David Tennant has started up new Twitter and Instagram accounts to accompany his upcoming interview style podcast.
Merch Corner
Two new as yet unreleased Dalek novels are due this year.
“Genesis of the Daleks” Review
We’re finally getting round to reviewing this often loved Classic Who story and good timing too with Tom Baker’s birthday. Do we love this one as much as the majority of Who fandom?
Next week our review will be Torchwood – Countrycide. Until then have a great week and until next time – Allons-y!
The post Doctor Who – Episode 217: Thals vs Kaleds vs Mutos appeared first on The Doctor Who Big Blue Box Podcast.
Sarah Jane Adventures - Ep216: You'll Float Down Here
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 25 minutes and 38 secondsHey Who fans. In this week’s show…
The News
The tumbleweed is already rolling down the road – no news.
Merch Corner
A new collectors edition vinyl of The Daleks’ Master Plan is coming soon and Mags from the Psychic Circus is joining McCoy for an upcoming Big Finish adventure.
“SJA – The Day of the Clown” Review
We’re back on the SJA reviews and we pick up series 2 and a certain series 11 companion stars alongside Liz Sladen in this creepy story inspired by Stephen King’s IT.
Next week our review will be the 4th Doctor story – Genesis of the Daleks. Until then have a great week and until next time – Allons-y!
The post Sarah Jane Adventures – Ep216: You’ll Float Down Here appeared first on The Doctor Who Big Blue Box Podcast.
Doctor Who - Ep215: Happy 2019 Who fans
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 4 minutes and 52 secondsWelcome back Who fans, we hope you all had a great Christmas and a very Happy New Year to you all. We’re kicking 2019 off with a coat of new paint on the website and a new intro to the podcast. Without further ado…
The News
We hate starting off a show (and a new year) on sad news but June Whitfield and William Sheppard left us, there’s a new Cosmic Masque from DWAS and a bunch of new high-quality audio recordings from early Who have been found.
Merch Corner
The War Master will battle The Eighth Doctor is the upcoming Rage of the Timelords and the kid’s mag Doctor Who Adventures is back for a one-off special jam-packed with cool Who goodies.
“Resolution” Review
Our final Thirteenth Doctor review until next year, 2018 did go quick! We ended series 11 feeling a bit flat so does this provide a suitable exit and leave us wanting more of Jodie and the team or is this an unfortunate continuation on poor writing etc from The Chibbers?
Thank you for joining us for 214. Next week we’ll be back to our usual schedule and it will be The Day of the Clown from The Sarah Jane Adventures. Until then have a great week and until next time – Allons-y!
Doctor Who - Ep214: 2018 Year in Review
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 19 minutes and 48 secondsWelcome to Episode 214...
No news, merch or review this week Who fans. Instead, we're going to round out 2018 with a year in review where Adam and I give you our best and not so good moments followed by some Q&A. As 2018 draws to a close both Adam and I would like to thank you all for another awesome year. Our little podcast which started as a one-man-show back in 2014 has grown so much and we really appreciate all the comments, reviews, audio clips and interaction with all our listeners. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas (hope you get that piece of Who merch you've been after!) and a Happy New Year! A reminder that we're now off for a couple of weeks and we will return on 11th Jan with our review of the New Year's Day Special - Resolution. Until then have a brilliant break and until next time - Allons-y!
Doctor Who - Ep213: It's the End, and it Certainly hasn't been Prepared for
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 6 minutes and 23 secondsWelcome to Episode 213...
The News
More viewing figure chat from the last two weeks and last week plus the story of no new Who until 2020.Merch Corner
A new Reeltime Pictures dvd - The Colin Bakers Years is on the way, The Macra Terror and the Series 11 soundtrack is up for pre-order."The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos" Review
Series 11 has flown by, we're at the end, the final, the finale, the big push, the big... oh hold on. Yeah, strap in Who fans as we dissect episode 10 and does it stand up as a suitable finale? Thank you as always for joining us for 213. Next week is our final show of the year and not the usual format, we'll be doing a year in review plus some Q&A fo look out for the social media post for that. Until then have a brilliant week and until next time - Allons-y!
Doctor Who - Ep212: It's the Muppet Show!
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 12 minutes and 38 secondsWelcome to Episode 212...
The News
Some chat around viewing figures and the upcoming "Worlds Collide" from Escape Room.Merch Corner
New "Mini Moment" prop from Rubbertoe and the NYCC Exc Vashta Nerada Pop! is now available in the UK."It Takes You Away" Review
We quite liked the synopsis for this one and you know, Chibbers isn't in the chair still, so it could be a great ep. It could be. Please let it be! Thank you as always for joining us for 212. Next week will be our review of - The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos. Until then have a great week and until next time - Allons-y!
Doctor Who - Ep211: Which One of You is a Witch?
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 5 minutes and 31 secondsWelcome to Episode 211...
The News
Rose is getting her own story run at Big Finish, viewing figures for the last two weeks and some scarf action in the new New Years Day episode promo.Merch Corner
New book based on an idea by Tom Baker up for pre-order and the next blu ray box set will be Series 18, out in Feb 2019."The Witchfinders" Review
Old English witch trial vibes for this one. Creepy enough to send the nippers behind the sofa or another lack lustre effort from this up and down series? Thank you as always for joining us for 211. Next week will be our review of - It Takes You Away. Until then have a brill week and until next time - Allons-y!
Doctor Who - Ep210: The Future of Amazon?
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 37 minutes and 55 secondsWelcome to Episode 210...
The News
A short documentary for William Hartnell released on the Doctor Who Appreciation Society YouTube channel, viewing figures for Demons of the Punjab and Kerblam! and the Xmas Special is now the New Year's Day Special.Merch Corner
Big Finish continues The Time War with Volume Two out in March next year and a few Who Black Friday deals on Amazon."Kerblam!" Review
Series 11 is ticking along quicker than we expected as we're already at episode 7! Does this one deliver (pun intended) or does it suffer from some of our series 11 woes? Thank you as always for joining us for 210. Next week will be our review of - The Witchfinders Until then have a great week and until next time - Allons-y!
Doctor Who - Ep209: All the Historical Emotional Things
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 18 minutes and 22 secondsWelcome to Episode 209...
The News
A new exhibition planned for Cardiff next year, more viewing figures for the last couple of weeks and confirmed titles for episodes nine and ten.Merch Corner
A new dvd about the actors behind monsters of Classic Who, new Crimbo stuff from Lovarzi, Jenny to team up with the Fifth Doctor in next year's The Legacy of Time Special, Character Options release version 2 of the latest sonic and a new 5.5" figure."Demons of the Punjab" Review
We need a decent ep after a bit of a mid-series dip and, without Chibbers writing, does this emotional historical deliver? Thank you as always for joining us for 209. Next week will be our review of the awesomely titled - Kerblam! Until then have a great week and until next time - Allons-y!
Doctor Who - Ep208: It's Definitely a Conundrum
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 56 minutes and 52 secondsWelcome to Episode 208...
The News
Arachnids in the UK consolidated and The Tsuranga Conundrum overnight figures; episodes 7 and 8 get their official titles and some blurb; lost story The Wheel in Space is getting a 10 minute animated short at the BFI and The Paternoster Gang is coming to Big Finish.Merch Corner
No merch this week."The Tsuranga Conundrum" Review
We weren't impressed last week so has this week provided some more oomf or is this a mid-series dip for sure? Thank you as always for joining us for 208. Next week will be our review of - Demons of the Punjab. Until then have a brilliant week and until next time - Allons-y!
Doctor Who - Ep207: It's the Double Whammy Review Show!
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 22 minutes and 4 secondsWelcome to Episode 207...
No news or merch this week.
"Rosa" Review
A proper historical for what seems like ages in Who. Important subject matter and some emotional stuff to behold but does The Chibbers handle this well and with respect? And..."Arachnids in the UK" Review
After the previous emotional bomb from the last episode, we need a good old "creature feature". Did this deliver a decent scare show in time for Halloween or is this a case of Arach-miss in the UK? Thank you so much for joining us for 207. Next week the review train carries on with our review of -The Tsuranga Conundrum. Until then have a brilliant week and until next time - Allons-y!
Doctor Who - Ep206: It's the TARDIS but not as we know it
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 5 minutes and 34 secondsWelcome to Episode 206...
The News
The Woman Who Fell to Earth tops the viewing figures for a series opener, the William Hartnell plaque is unveiled and there's a new fan project book awaiting your submissions about Torchwood.Merch Corner
Lovarzi release their new short version of the Fourth Doctors burgundy scarf, the upcoming TARDIS Type 40 Manual is on the way and Titan announce a new Thirteenth Doctor Kawaii 6.5" figure along with the new TARDIS 6.5"."The Ghost Monument" Review
With the much-hyped Series 11 opener out the way, we're into our first proper adventure. Does Jodie's second story carry the momentum or is this one a bit flat, like, talking tissue paper flat? Thank you so much for joining us for 206. Next week it's more of the same with the third ep - Rosa. Until then have a brilliant week and until next time - Allons-y!
Doctor Who - Ep205: Unlucky for some but not here
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 22 minutes and 29 secondsWelcome to Episode 205...
The News
A quick update on the Hartnell Heritage Plaque and the Series 11 opener overnight viewing figures.Merch Corner
Volume 3 of the Tenth Doctor Adventures is coming in May 2019 featuring Wilf and there's an exclusive (and very expensive!) limited edition 13th Doctor Barbie if you can find one."The Woman Who Fell to Earth" Review
It's finally here! It's great to watch our new Doctor doing her thing as we kick off our Series 11 reviews. Was it all worth the wait and hype or are we in the familiar territory of first episode mania? Thank you so much for joining us for 205. Next week we're moving forward into Series 11 with the second ep - The Ghost Monument. Until then have a brilliant week and until next time - Allons-y!
Doctor Who - Ep204: Goodbye One Before Hello Thirteen
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 2 minutes and 48 secondsWelcome to Episode 204...
The News
Series 13 gets its Sunday evening time slot confirmed and our friends in Canada also get their broadcast time confirmed.Merch Corner
A new 4th Doctor audio adventure is on the way from the BBC and the 13th Doctor is making an appearance in the Eaglemoss figurine magazine."The Tenth Planet" Review
We thought it would be fitting to do a Hartnell story for two reasons; one, we haven't done a Hartnell story in ages and two, it seems fitting to go back and look at his farewell story just before we say hello to the 13th Doctor. Lots of snow, bad American accents and those awesome Mondasian Cybermen. All good or is this one a bit cold? Thank you so much for joining us for 204. Next week we'll finally reviewing the first episode from series 11 - The Woman Who Fell to Earth! Until then have a brilliant week and until next time - Allons-y!
Sarah Jane Adventures - Ep203: The Attic Crew Vs Potato Head
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 1 minutes and 16 secondsWelcome to Episode 203...
The News
We get another, meatier trailer which takes the show in a very different vibe and some news on the Episode 1 press screening in Sheffield.Merch Corner
New vinyl exclusives from the 4th and 10th Doctor's are heading to Sainsbury's and HMV respectively and three new 13th Doctor books (with their audiobook counterparts) are on the way."SJA - The Last Sontaran" Review
We've loved reviewing SJA so far and Series 1 was awesome. Are we just as happy with this story that kicks off Series 2 or does a Sontaran in SJA turn out to be too much for our Attic Crew to handle? Thank you so much for joining us for 203. Next week for episode 204 we're travelling to visit the 1st Doctor story - The Tenth Planet. Until then have a fantastic week, do something Doctor Who related and until next time - Allons-y!
Doctor Who - Ep202: Journey to the Centre of... Oh, Corridors
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 2 minutes and 41 secondsWelcome to Episode 202...
The News
A quick update on the DWAS fundraising for the Hartnell Heritage plaque (check their eBay auction items here), talking of the DWAS they're holding a cool Series 11 launch party if you can get to South End, Earthshock is being shown (the upcoming remastered high-def version) at the BFI London and we chat through a bunch of Series 11 info released by the Beeb.Merch Corner
Rubbertoe Props release "Sonic docking ports" for the 11th and 12th Doctor Sonic Screwdrivers, Romana's Sonic is up for orders also from Rubbertoe, a cool looking 13th Doctor children's book is out in Nov and Missy is heading to Big Finish in 2019."Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS" Review
We had to put this one off last month so it's come back around for our review. Does this one live up to the grand majesty of its title or does it flop, like a belly flop into a widely know pool somewhere in the TARDIS? Thank you so much for joining us for 202. Next week for episode 203 we're heading back to The Sarah Jane Adventures as we kick off the Series 2 story - The Last Sontaran. Until then have a great week and until next time - Allons-y!
Torchwood - Ep201: It's a Small World After All
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 28 minutes and 42 secondsWelcome to Episode 201...
The News
We finally have an airdate for series 11 with a move to Sunday nights, our Australian friends will get the series 11 opener in cinemas, sadly actor Peter Benson (Bor in Terminus) has passed away and we've got some info on that K-9 movie that disappeared.Merch Corner
The 4K UHD release of Twice Upon a Time can now be ordered in the UK, the 13th Doctor is coming to the Mr Men/Little Miss universe with a new story and on the subject of the Hargreaves characters, all 13 Doctors will be released in a collection in early 2019.Torchwood "Small Worlds" Review
Continuing our plough through series 1, Small Worlds is a "fairy" odd story with some dark tones that we've come to expect from Torchwood so far. Likey or stinky? Thank you so much for joining us for 201. Our review story next week is the Eleventh Doctor story - Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS (we were meant to review this last month but we had to cancel that ep). Until then have a great week and until next time - Allons-y!
Doctor Who - Ep200: We're Shocked At Reaching 200!
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 26 minutes and 32 secondsWelcome to Episode 200...
We made it to 200!
Wow, where has the time gone?! Back in 2014, we had no idea that our show would last this long and how it would progress in an already growing area of Who podcasts. I'm thrilled with the community we've built and able to share the good times with you all. Over the last 200 hundred shows, we've reviewed a ton of Who (and there's lots of classic Who left to do!), put together an awesome writing team who put out great articles each week, travelled to plenty of conventions and met lots of you plus we've interviewed some great people involved in the show. A huge huge huge thank you to all of you who take the time each week to listen to our crazy waffle and rantings. Whether you've been with us since the early days or you jumped onboard last week - we wouldn't carry on doing it if there was no one to listen to us. Any interaction you've had with us, be it as a listener, chatted with us on the socials, sent in a review etc, you make it all worthwhile. For that, again, Adam and I want to send you all a massive thank you and here's to the next 200 shows! Ready... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaallons-y!The News
We kick off with the sad news of Production Designer Michael Pickwoad and Jaqueline Pearce have passed away but then some happier news of our friends in South Africa getting a special Who experience at the first Africa Comic Con.Merch Corner
The BBC continue their retro audio releases with the Dalek Audio Annual, we gush over the upcoming K-9 figure from Robert Harrop, Paul McGann and Sheridan Smith are reuniting for more audio adventures as The Doctor and Lucie Miller at Big Finish and Titan Comics reveal more covers and details for their upcoming 13th Doctor run."Earthshock" Review
So we, er, forgot that we did a Davison story recently (Ep197 - Snakedance) but what the hey, more Fifth Doctor action is never a bad thing and so we get stuck into a bit of a milestone for the show with the first (proper) death of a companion. Adric gets bumped off but what about the rest of the story? A decent Cyberman revival or is it "shock"ing? Thank you so much for joining us for 200. Next week for episode 201 we're reviewing the Torchwood story - Small Worlds. Until then have a great week and until next time - Allons-y!
Doctor Who - Ep199: Bad Mr Smith
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 0 minutes and 53 secondsWelcome to Episode 199...
The News
The DWAS kick-off the fundraising for the Hartnell Heritage Plaque and a bunch of new writers and directors announced for Series 11.Merch Corner
Moody Dalek Tat this week brings us... Big Finish announce their 20th Anniversary celebrations with upcoming special releases across 2019 and 2010, Series 19 is getting the restoration and blu ray set treatment, last year's The Sarah Jane Adventures convention The Attic is coming to dvd and blu ray and Character finally put up the Bill Potts figure from a lifetime ago."The Lost Boy" Review
We've come to the end of Series 1 of the SJA and it's been amazing so far. Adam and I have loved watching these, most of them for the first time. Does this series closer round off the series nicely or are we left feeling a little, er, lost? Thank you for joining us for 199. Next week it's our 200th episode! Our review will be the Fifth Doctor's story - Earthshock. Have a great week and until next time - Allons-y!
Torchwood - Ep198: Sexy Cyber Fail
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 59 minutes and 58 secondsWelcome to Episode 198...
The News
The DWAS to honour William Hartnell, series 11 wraps filming and a quick update on the BBC court case to sniff out the mole who leaked a series 11 clip a few weeks back.Merch Corner
New Doctor Who Magazine Special - The World of Doctor Who, we're getting Fourth Doctor stories at Big Finish until at least 2021 and the full soundtrack to The Five Doctors is up for pre-order."Cyberwoman" Review
Often viewed as a poor story in series 1 of Torchwood, how do we view this "Lanto in love with a part converted woman" episode written by our now Who showrunner Chris Chibnall? Happy smiles or floods of tears? Thank you for joining us for 198. It's the Eleventh Doctor's turn next week with Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS. Have a great week and until next time - Allons-y!
Doctor Who - Ep197: Doctor vs. Snake
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 4 minutes and 38 secondsWelcome to Episode 197...
The News
We give you the rundown on London Film and Comic Con plus the sad news of a classic Who actor leaving us.Merch Corner
The Class soundtrack gets a special vinyl release."Snakedance" Review
A bit creepy this one with possessed people and, er, very camp spoilt sons. We haven't reviewed a Davison story for a while so good to spend some time with this Tardis crew. What are we thinking though? Hit or missssss? Thank you for joining us for 197. It's Torchwood's turn next week with Cyberwoman. Have a great week and until next time - Allons-y!
Sarah Jane Adventures - Ep196: Beware Hooded Aliens
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 12 minutes and 55 secondsWelcome to Episode 196...
The News
The BBC and have teamed up to offer a Who-themed Escape Room starting later this year and get into all the Who details from last weekend's San Diego Comic Con.Merch Corner
DWM subscribers are going to get text-less covers from now on, the first 13th Doctor book to accompany the new series is out in Sep, the War Master is back at Big Finish and there's a new Sonic Screwdriver in town."Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?" Review
A little bit of back story for our super-detective Sarah Jane this week accompanied by a very shady alien. Does our journey through the SJA happily continue or are we tricked into a dud? Thank you for joining us for 196. Next week it's classic Who and the Fifth Doctor is back for Snakedance. Have a super week and until next time - Allons-y!
Doctor Who - Ep195: The Beast Below
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 9 minutes and 14 secondsWelcome to Episode 195...
The News
Plenty to cover from the last two weeks including... a confirmed Christmas Special(?), New Zealand channel nabs the broadcast rights for series 11 and we discuss the recently released teaser.Merch Corner
A new 50th Anniversary book for Lethbridge-Stewart, plenty of 13th Doctor figures inbound from SDCC and those re-released DVD boxsets from the US."The Satan Pit" Review
Possessed Ood, big caverns and Alien-esque air vents make up this story for our review conclusion to this 10th Doctor two-parter. We up for this or do we wish the black hole would swallow us up? Thank you for joining us for 195. Next week we jump back to the SJA with What Ever Happened to Sarah Jane? Have a super week and until next time - Allons-y!
Doctor Who - Ep194: Xenomorphs and Slush Puppies
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 54 minutes and 29 secondsWelcome to Episode 194...
The News
The BBC isn't messing around with the recent leak and is off to court to track down and punish the naughty individual.Merch Corner
The upcoming primer/volume 0 issue of the Thirteenth Doctor's comic run starting this September has had some details released."Dragonfire" Review
Series 24 is an odd beast to contend with. McCoy's first run around the block certainly divides opinion but how does this series finale hold up? Voted as McCoy's most popular story around the time of the 40th anniversary, do we concur or are we left hanging. Literally? Thank you for joining us for 194. Next week it's Torchwood's turn with Cyberwoman. Have a grrrrrreat week and until next time - Allons-y!
Sarah Jane Adventures - Ep193: Don't Trust Your Computers
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 48 minutes and 0 secondsWelcome to Episode 193...
The News
We have a new composer! Murray Gold has been turfed out via the back door and new guy Segun Akinola has been drafted in to not only compose the incidental score but also put a new theme together. Best of luck!Merch Corner
More new Torchwood is on the way as Big Finish announce Series 6: God Among Us, a new audiobook from the BBC, The Caves of Androzani, read by Peter Davison is due for release this November and also coming this November, a new documentary DVD from Reeltime Pictures: The Doctors: Villains!"Warriors of Kudlak" Review
Snarly aliens, shady laster tag owner and plenty of investigatory action all feature in this story. We've been big fans of SJA thus far so does this one keep the momentum going or are we fooled into a false sense of security like Kudlak and his AI Mistress? Thank you for joining us for 193. Next week it's classic Who and the Seventh Doctor is back for Dragonfire. Have a grrrrrrreat week and until next time - Allons-y!
Doctor Who - Ep192: Is it Sutekh or not?
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 52 minutes and 27 secondsWelcome to Episode 192...
The News
This year's San Diego Comic Con will see the first panel featuring the new cast and producers from the new series of Who. Can we expect a trailer?Merch Corner
The fan fiction book The Temporal Logbook II: Further Journeys is out now with all proceeds going to charity; Robert Harrop preview the Second Doctor and K9 and the Series 11 dvd and blu rays are already up for pre-order!"The Impossible Planet" Review
Often viewed as a cool story within a mediocre series (not our opinion of course), it's about time we tackled this creepy two-parter. An enjoyable one or are we watching through the gaps in our fingers? Thank you for joining us for 192. Next week we're back to The Sarah Jane Adventuress and Warriors of Kudlak. Have a great week and until next time - Allons-y!
Torchwood - Ep191: Who You Gonna Call?
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 37 minutes and 31 secondsWelcome to Episode 191...
The News
Australian comedian Rob Lloyd is taking is Who-themed comedy show Who, Me. tour across the UK.Merch Corner
A collection of the Lethbridge-Stewart novels from Candy Jar Books are available for free this weekend on Kindle, there's new Who Talk commentaries for The Massacre and Revenge of the Cybermen and Eaglemoss are offering 17% off for Fathers Day with code FATHER17."Torchwood - Ghost Machine" Review
We're loving the excuse to watch Torchwood as we review these stories. Ghost Machine certainly has some dark undertones but is it entertaining enough to keep us engaged or do we switch off and watch Ghostbusters instead? Thank you for joining us for 191. Next week it's modern Who and that cheeky Tenth Doctor is back for our review of The Impossible Planet. Until then have a great week and until next time - Allons-y!
Doctor Who - Ep190: It's Man-Dragg-Ara
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 53 minutes and 17 secondsWelcome to Episode 190...
The News
All of Who since 2005 is on iPlayer, Big Finish makes their first steps towards digital-only releases and the BBC close the legendary Maida Vale Studios.Merch Corner
Jenny - The Doctor's Daughter out now from Big Finish, the 10th Doctor story Infamy of the Zaross is coming on vinyl as an HMV exclusive and we bring you the details regarding Class coming from Big Finish this August."The Masque of Mandragora" Review
We put this story off last month but it's back and the Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane are ready to get stuck into this sort-of-historical. It's wizardry and superstition vs science in this series 14 four-parter. We into this or are we pulled down by Mandragora Helix energy? Thank you for joining us for 190. Next week it's the Torchwood story Ghost Machine. Until then have a great week and until next time - Allons-y!
Sarah Jane Adventures - Ep189: Sarah Jane's Nun Too Happy
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 1 minutes and 33 secondsWelcome to Episode 189...
Hey, Who fans! I'm joined by a special guest co-host this week... Phil from the Who's He Podcast chats all things Who and Sarah Jane so a big thank you for stepping in. Go and check out Phil's show now (site, iTunes and YouTube), a fabulous Who podcast that's we've listened to for many-a-year.The News
500 episodes from Classic Who, starting with An Unearthly Child, kicked off on Twitch this week and Class is returning this August via Big Finish featuring Ace!Merch Corner
Fan made ezine Whotopia issue 32 is out now and issue 526 of Doctor Who Magazine featuring Tom Baker drops this week."Eye of the Gorgon" Review
We're back on to The Sarah Jane Adventures this week. More of an adult-themed story this one. Does it affect our good run of positive reviews or are Phil and I feeling a little nunned off? Thank you for joining us for 189 and to my special co-host Phil from the Who's He Podcast. Next week we're looking at the 4th Doctor story we were meant to cover last month - The Masque of Mandragora. Have a super week and until next time - Allons-y!
Doctor Who - Ep188: We killing Hitler or not?
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 9 minutes and 30 secondsWelcome to Episode 188...
The News
Sadly, Graham Strong, custodian of a large collection of high-quality classic Who audio recordings has passed away aged 69.Merch Corner
The upcoming Series 12 Blu Ray boxset is being delayed by a week to Monday 18th June and there's a new image released showing the awesome inside, booklet and disc artwork."Let's Kill Hitler" Review
More series 6 shenanigans this week as we continue the 11th Doctor's story. This one isn't so much about Hitler but more about River (thank you Moff 🙄) so does it entertain like a sweet melody or get drowned out by story arc faff. Thank you for joining us for 188. Next week we're back to The Sarah JaneAdventuress and Eye of the Gorgon (and a special guest co-host). Have a great week and until next time - Allons-y!