The Doctor Who Big Blue Box Podcast

- Description:
- The Big Blue Box Podcast is a show dedicated to bringing you news and opinions on all things Doctor Who. Each episode has a news round up, opinion segments on everything from classic Who through to audio plays and commentaries.
RSS Feed:
- Episodes:
- 230
- Average Episode Duration:
- 0:1:38:58
- Longest Episode Duration:
- 0:2:42:06
- Total Duration of all Episodes:
- 15 days, 12 hours, 48 minutes and 19 seconds
- Earliest Episode:
- 27 October 2019 (10:52pm GMT)
- Latest Episode:
- 19 July 2019 (1:34pm GMT)
- Average Time Between Episodes:
- 7 days, 18 hours, 36 minutes and 47 seconds
The Doctor Who Big Blue Box Podcast Episodes
Big Blue Box Podcast - Episode 40
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 8 secondsJump aboard the Tardis for episode 40 while we break down the news for you, announce the winner of our book giveaway then join us for our review of Black Orchid.
The News
As always we hate kicking the news off with sad times but we do also like to celebrate the lives of people who have appeared in Doctor Who. Nigel Terry, who played the firm and naive General Cobb in the 10th Doctor story The Doctor's Daughter has sadly passed away aged 69. After a long career in both movies and television it's his performance in 2008 along side David Tennant that will stick with Who fans.
Big Finish have now secured the rights to Torchwood and we'll be getting six brand new audio plays starting this September. After years of fans asking for a new Torchwood TV show this is the best we're going to get until then but in some ways this is potentially better as Big Finish have a very high success rate within the Who universe and its many spectacular stories. John Barrowman will return along with new characters to continue Captain Jack's adventures.
It seems we may not have seen the last of River Song. Alex Kingston has been speaking at Mega-Con in the US she says "All I can say is... spoilers!". She then goes onto say that she hasn't been told her character is done so, take from that what you will.
Competition - winner announced
Thank you all for tweeting in for our latest competition. The winner of Cameron K McEwan's new book The Unofficial Doctor Who Big Book of Lists is - Thomas Evans. Congratulations and enjoy. Thank you to Race Point Publishing for giving us a copy of the book for the competition. For those of you who didn't win, we highly recommend the book which can be picked up in all good bookshops or at Amazon.
"Black Orchid" Review
We love Classic Who week and we pick out a fairly quiet story that hardly ever gets talked about or reviewed. It's a short two-parter featuring 5th Doctor Peter Davison with the trio of Tegan, Nyssa and Adric who get pulled into a lively social gathering but there's a sinister figure responsible for murder. Is this short and sweet or does it shrivel and die like un-watered flowers?
It's been a great week inside the Tardis. Thank you for your thoughts on Black Orchid and thank you for pushing us over 500 Likes on Facebook, that's awesome! Next week we're reviewing Eccleston's Father's Day. Until next week - Allons-y!
Big Blue Box Podcast - Episode 39
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 8 minutes and 29 secondsIf your week felt empty fear not! We're back to make your Friday more bearable and today, as well as running through the news and giving you our review of Planet of the Dead, we have a cool giveaway too. Let's go!
The News
First up in the news - Moffat answers a question in the latest Doctor Who Magazine regarding Peter Capaldi's appearance in The Fires of Pompeii. Interestingly they are going to look at this subject in an upcoming story for episode 9. Are some things better left to mystery? We think so.
Those clever peeps at Real SFX and Milk VFX have scooped a BAFTA for their work on Who. Nabbing the award for Best Visual, Special and Graphic Effects in 2015, what a proud moment for those guys.
A mysterious new monster has been snapped on-set during the filming for series 9 in a medieval village. Big, hulking and menacing, we're intrigued as to what new monster this is.
More on series 9 and David Schofield of Merlin and Pirates of the Caribbean fame has been cast to star in episodes five and six. Great news to consistently have great actors on Who.
Peter Davison has been speaking to Digital Spy about a possible Five(ish) Doctor's sequel. The good news is that he seems up for it, there are a few issues though. Firstly there's a Doctor missing (ahem Tom) and secondly there's the matter of payment for the cast. The first outing (which we're assuming was always viewed as a one off for the 50th anniversary) was fine to rope people in but to pull them in again for nowt? He goes on to say it also needs to be a good idea and story, better than the first.
To win Cameron K McKewan's awesome new book Unofficial Doctor Who: The Big Book of Lists simply follow us on Twitter and tweet us something like "I want this cool book now!" and use the hashtag #bigblueboxcomp. Good luck.
"Planet of the Dead" Review
Another Who story that separates the fans this week. As the first in a run of four specials leading up to Tennat's departure, does it kick things off with a bang or do we want to bury our heads in the sand?
Thank you for joining us for episode 39, we hope we've put things back to normality and your Friday isn't empty and soul-less. Remember to get tweeting to be in with a chance to win the book and next week we're reviewing Carnival of Monsters. Until next time - Allons-y!
Big Blue Box Podcast - Episode 38
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 33 minutes and 41 secondsWelcome back inside the Tardis for episode 38. Some interesting news items to go through before we jump into our first Q&A then onto our review of a Hartnell classic - The Time Meddler.
The News
5th Doctor Peter Davison celebrated his 63rd birthday on Monday 13th April. He's looking great for his age and doesn't look in his sixties at all. Happy Birthday Sir!
Disney XD in the US is to air the 10th Doctor's series 2 starting in May.
The Mirror newspaper dropped a potential huge spoiler for the two-part opener for series 9. If you don't want to hear this rumoured spoiler at the moment, mute your audio at 11:20 for about 3 minutes.
Our first Q&A
Everyone loves a Q&A, they're all the rage these days. Seeing as we get asked a lot of questions while at conventions or on social media we thought it would be good to open it up for you to send in your questions for us to answer on the show. Thank you for sending in your audio clips, YouTube clips and questions on Facebook. Enjoy.
"The Time Meddler" Review
We go way back to series 1 of the classic years and soak up the gorgeous black and white grainy adventure with the 1st Doctor, Vicki and Stuart. Does the meddling Monk, Saxons and Vikings draw us into this timey wimey story or do we run back to the beach looking for the Tardis?
Thank you for larking about in the Tardis. It's been fun answering your questions and also revisiting the Hartnell era. Next week we're reviewing Tennant's Planet of the Dead so look out for the usual posts on Facebook and Twitter to send us your thoughts. Until next time - Allons-y!
Big Blue Box Podcast - Episode 37
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 15 minutes and 46 secondsA great show this week with some interesting news headlines then we're onto our review of Amy's Choice. Actually, is that birds I can hear? Singing... yes... birds... ZzZzZzZ
The News
Mr Moffat himself has gone on record to say that Who will be with us on our screens for at least another five years into 2020. That's awesome news seeing as there's been rumours of late about a possible hiatus.
BBC America is partnering with BitTorrent to legally, yes legally, offer a new boxset containing 10 items from modern Who. For $12 which works out to be roughly PS8 you're getting a few great episode such as The Empty Child, The Doctor Dances, Blink and The Day of the Doctor plus more. It's a great price to have them handy in digital format plus you also get a few Peter Capaldi intro's too.
More news from Moffat now with his views on a Doctor Who movie. Although not completely closed to the idea he feels it wouldn't work as we have such a successful TV show currently running. He likens it to James Bond, you wouldn't have a 007 movie on with a Bond TV show running. We agree with his thoughts and while a movie will probably happen one day, it's not the right time now.
"Amy's Choice" Review
Yes we're hand flapping our way back to the Matt Smith era with this creepy story or dream states and choices. Does Amy's Choice fill us with confidence to give an appropriate score or, like Rory's ponytail, does it leave us feeling sleepy?
Thank you for flying the Tardis with us. Remember to submit your Q&A question to either garry[at] or adam[at] If you send us a YouTube clip or audio file we'll play it on the show but if you don't have a mic or camera, simply Like us on Facebook and check the post out there to submit a written question. Until next time - Allons-y!
Big Blue Box Podcast - Episode 36
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 6 minutes and 13 secondsBack in the Tardis and back behind the mic. News round up, requests for our upcoming Q&A and our review of The Mark of the Rani. Let's get this thing going!
The News
Walking Tours now back at the Doctor Who Experience. Those of you that haven't had the chance as yet or had your tour cancelled late last year will be pleased to know that the popular Walking Tours are now back, starting this Easter weekend. Lasting around 75 minutes and taking you to no fewer than 40 filming locations around the Cardiff Bay area, this is sure to please those of you keen to see the actual locations used from Series 1 onwards. The tours will continue from 27th April up until the end of June, go book yours now!
Good news for Big Finish fans a they've now renewed their licence for Doctor Who with the BBC until 2020. Producing Doctor Who original cast audio dramas since 1999, Big Finish have been responsible for some of the best Who stories ever and thanks to them we've had the pleasure of hearing our classic Doctor's shine in a way not possible from their on-screen days. They've already planned Doctor Who adventures up to 2017 so lots of good stuff on the way.
Those of you who watch Game of Thrones will be pleased to here Maisie Williams aka Ayra Stark is to guest star in Series 9. Steven Moffat goes on to say "We're thrilled to have Maisie Williams joining us on Doctor Who. It's not possible to say too much about who or what she's playing, but she is going to challenge the Doctor in very unexpected ways. This time he might just be out of his depth, and we know Maisie is going to give him exactly the right sort of hell". Series 9 is shaping up to be great by the sounds of it, we can't wait for it to arrive.
Our first Q&A
We always get lots of questions wether on Facebook, Twitter or in person at conventions so we thought it was time to do a proper Q&A for you all. If you'd like to send us a question you can do so either by YouTube or sending us an audio file. If you're going to do a YouTube vid just pop the link over to us on Facebook or Twitter (they'll be a Facebook post pinned to the top of our page where you can comment with your link). If you want to record an audio file, save it as an mp3 and email it to: We'll collate them all and answer them all on Friday 17th's show. Get recording your questions now!
"The Mark of the Rani" Review
Seeing as we haven't done a Colin Baker story in a long while we thought it would be good to visit a classic story of his. While not always viewed as one of the most popular era's of classic Who, there's a lot to like about old Sixie but does this episode provide enough? Do we share in his excitement or, like Perri, just want to go back to the Tardis and have a cuppa?
Thank you for jumping into episode 36 and geeking out once more. Next week we review Amy's Choice so be sure to send us your thoughts on that one. Also remember to get your questions in for our Q&A. Until next time - Allons-y!
Commentary #2 - Rose
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 51 minutes and 5 secondsWelcome back to our second commentary which closes out our 10th Anniversary of New Who.
Rose was such an important episode for many reasons and we owe a lot to the brilliant writing of Russell T Davies, the fresh companion attitude of Billie Piper and the fantastic new direction of Christopher Eccleston's Doctor.
Get the episode ready at 0:01 seconds and watch along with us as we take a trip down memory lane and this widely well received episode.
Thanks for checking out the episode Rose with us and we hope it was interesting to hear our thoughts on it. Jump onto Facebook or Twitter and let us know what you think as we still need to chose the next one.
Until next time - Allons-y!!!
Big Blue Box Podcast - Episode 35
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 23 minutes and 4 secondsHappy 10th Birthday Doctor Who! What a cool way to celebrate your birthdays eh? A 50th followed by a 10th! Welcome inside the Tardis for our anniversary show not just to celebrate 10 years of new Who on our screens but the 1 year anniversary of the podcast. We recap on some of the last few years on new Who and the podcast, some good news stories then our review of Rose. One lucky listener also gets to find out if they've won our huge giveaway. A lot to get through so, as 9 would say - Run!
The News
The Horror Channel has picked up an award for best Design - General Image Programme Design Package at the PromaxBDA Europe Awards 2015. We've mentioned this cool design on the show recently and we're thrilled this has scooped an award. It's also great that more people get to see it as it's now on Freeview (channel 70) so go and check out lots of classic Who!
Doctor Who: Legacy, the people behind the awesome skill based mobile game, have brought out a new adventure called Bigger on the Inside and it looks great in all its 8-bit wonder. To access the new adventure, head to the Specials tab within the Legacy game. With nearly 2 million downloads under it's belt there's never been a better time to get into this very addictive Who game.
More awards for the show! This time it's bagged two at the Cardiff Life awards for Best in Leisure and Tourism (The Doctor Who Experience) and Best Creative in the City (Cardiff based special effects company Real SFX). More shiny things to put on the shelf.
"Rose" Review
It wouldn't be a fitting 10th anniversary show without revisiting the episode that brought long-time fans back into new yet familiar adventures whilst also starting the cycle all over again for a new generation. We talk trough the pressure on Russell T Davies, Julie Gardner, Chris Eccleston and Billie Piper. We laugh at Clive, the burping bin and Jackie Tyler's seduction tactics. Overall, we celebrate this important episode that paved the way for new Who since.
Thank you for joining us for episode 35 and also for sticking with us in our first year. We would like to thank ALL OF OUR LISTENERS who have followed us, commented on our posts and tweets, liked us, agreed with us, disagreed with us and generally interacted in any way shape or form. It's been a wonderful ride for Who fans over the last 10 years and it's been a privilege to have you guys listen for a small portion of that. We honestly do appreciate all your feedback and here's not only to another year inside the Big Blue Box Podcast but another 10 years of Who on our screens. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Until next time - Allons-y!
Big Blue Box Podcast - Episode 34
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 43 minutes and 58 secondsWe have a great show lined up for episode 34. Before landing the Tardis to go through the news we give you the lowdown on the Day of the Doctors Convention from last weekend then finish up with our review of Survival.
The News
The Radio Times have released the results of their latest poll - The Top 10 Episodes of the Modern Era. This was all done by the public and the list may surprise you, it did us. Check out the list here and let us know what you think.
Who regular Mark Gatiss has been confirmed as penning one of the upcoming episodes for series 9. He says: "It has been a tough nut to crack, but I'm delighted with how scary it is. I can't say any more than that.". This is either good or not so good news depending on how you rate any of the previous Gatiss episodes.
Character Options will release a few additions as part of wave 4 at the end of March. In the 3.75 inch line up we're getting the 12th Doctor in his Caretaker outfit, the mummy from the awesome Mummy on the Orient Express episode, an up-to-date Cyberman and the menacing Scovox BLitzer. Look out for them in the usual toy stores and online.
"Survival" Review
If there's ever an era of Who that is guaranteed to spark good debate on the show it's the McCoy era. Does Survival check all the boxes for us or leave us hungry out in the sun?
Thank you for joining us for this longer than usual episode. Next week we review Rose as part of our new Who 10th Anniversary celebrations and as usual would love your thoughts on it. Our 10th Anniversary competition is still open for you to enter so check out the details here on how you can enter. We'll announce the winner on next week's show. Until then remember - Allons-y!!!
Big Blue Box Podcast - Episode 33
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 13 minutes and 42 secondsEpisode 33 is upon us. We give you the latest news then onto our review of The Fires of Pompeii. Are we ready to land the Tardis?
The News
With the new 9th Doctor comic run from Titan quickly approaching a few more variant covers have popped up. They have the same mix of photographic and comic art style as we've seen with the 10th, 11th and 12th Doctor comics. You can check them out here and as you can see they look great. Can't wait for these.
Horror Channel coming to Freeview right now! As you listen to this podcast on launch day (Friday 13th March) you should be able to tune into the Horror Channel on channel Freeview 70. This is good news for Who fans as it means that you'll be able to enjoy loads of classic Who which they put out all the time.
New collectibles available in the BBC Shop. If you're into your Doctor Who collectibles then you'll love this new piece up for pre-order - a huge Cyberman bust based on the latest incarnation and in a stunning damaged stone effect. It comes in at a hefty PS250 but it looks stunning. You can also order the 4th Doctor premium figure made by Big Chief, complete with accessories. Go and decorate your shelves!
"The Fires of Pompeii" Review
We zip forward to modern Who this week and take a peek at The Fires of Pompeii. Lot's of emotion, action and humour in this historic episode. Do we give this Tennant story plenty of love or does it enrage the fires below?
Thanks for jumping onboard the Tardis and continue to give us your thoughts on our review episodes. Next week it's a classic episode - Survival. Also remember you can enter our 10th Anniversary competition - details here. Until next time - Allons-y!!!
Big Blue Box Podcast - Episode 32
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 16 minutes and 49 secondsWe have a great show this week as we talk through some interesting news items, we review a classic Tom Baker story plus reveal the details of our competition and how you can enter.
The News
Doctor Who has got two nominations at this year's Saturn Awards. The show itself is up for Best Youth-Oriented Television Show and Jenna Coleman is up for Best Supporting Actress in a Television Series. They are up against some stiff competition with other shows such as Game of Thrones, Supernatural and The Walking Dead but we have faith in fans of Who to make the right choice. The awards will be announced on June 25th.
A special tribute event will take place at the BFI Southbank on April 1st to appreciate the great work Verity Lambert did. The event, Verity Lambert: An Appreciation, will start at 6:10pm and boasts a couple of special gusts including Joanna Lumley and Lynda La Plante. The panel event, hosted by author of new Lambert biography Richard Marson, should be good and we'll hopefully see you there.
Two French indie video game artists, Alexis Foletto and Caroline Vic, are soon to put out a Doctor Who game entitled Doctor Who: A Brilliant Game based on the story The Day of the Doctor. It's got a wonderful old school 8-bit look and feel to it and this could be a little gem in the world of Doctor Who games, something that's been lacking of late. You can keep up to date with the game on their Facebook page.
"Robot" Review
We venture back to Tom Baker's very first episode as the Doctor in this often loved classic story. Action, humour and full of that classic Who charm, did it leave us falling in love with it all over again or like the troubled K1, leave us cold?
10th Anniversary Competition
After a few weeks of teasing you all we can now reveal the details of our competition to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Doctor Who's return in 2005. It also falls in line with our first anniversary too!
We have the following prizes up for grabs and one lucky winner will receive them all... 1. 11th Doctor New Touch Control Sonic Screwdriver 2. Tardis style mug 3. City of Death DVD starring Tom Baker 4. Big Blue Box Podcast T Shirt and Mug 5. New Lethbridge-Stewart novel The Forgotten Son 6. 4th Doctor Replica Scarf from Lovarzi 7. Dark Eyes 4 box set from Big Finish
As you can see, a great swag bag of Who goodies for the winner. In order to win ALL THE PRIZES however, all you have to do is jump onto Twitter, Facebook or both and tweet/post a small message about the competition and use the hashtag #bigblueboxcomp. Our aim is to reach a goal of 700 Twitter followers and/or 1000 Facebook likes (we don't expect to hit both targets, although that would be nice, so once the target has been reached for either one, all the prizes get thrown into the bag). The competition will start with prizes 1 through to 5 with the last two added on once we reach certain milestones which are...
- 600 Twitter followers - we add on the 4th Doctor Replica scarf
- 700 Twitter followers - we add on Dark Eyes 4, completing the package
Similar approach for Facebook...
- 800 Facebook likes - we add on the 4th Doctor Replica scarf
- 1000 Facebook likes - we add on Dark Eyes 4, completing the package
So as you can see, it's up to you guys to jump on both Twitter and Facebook and get the message out. Encourage as many follows/likes and retweets as you can. Once we get to that magic target, someone will grab the lot. A winner will be chosen completely at random and you can post as many tweets or status' as you like. We'll announce the winner on the Friday 27th March show.
It's been a cool show this week and talking through Robot was great fun. Remember to dive in and get Tweeting and Facebook posting to be in for a chance to win those awesome Who goodies. Have an awesome week and until next time - Allons-y!!!
Big Blue Box Podcast - Episode 31
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 4 minutes and 7 secondsWelcome aboard the Big Blue Box for episode 31. Some good and not-so-good news to kick off with but then we're straight into our review of The Doctor's Wife.
The News
Unfortunately production designer Barry Newbury has passed away aged 88. Barry was involved with the show since An Unearthly Show all the way through to 1984's The Awakening. It's sad that another Who veteran has left us but we celebrate his legacy and the awesome work he did on the show.
Samuel Anderson aka Danny Pink has picked up the award for Best Male Performance in TV given at the 2015 Screen Nation Film and Television Awards. He received the award for his work on Doctor Who and Trollied. Nice work Mr Anderson.
Bad news for fans eagerly awaiting the release of The Underwater Menace. Originally due for release in 2014 but pushed back to sometime this year, we've now learnt that it's removed from this year's schedule all together. As we haven't had a classic release in just over a year now (since The Web of Fear) it's disheartening to learn that we could go another year with no release. There is a fan petition here if you want to get your name down and show some support for it's release.
"The Doctor's Wife" Review
Modern Who time and after our commentary episode of The Eleventh Hour we stick with Matt Smith and look at an episode often referred to as overrated and weak. Did we review this one with great gusto or get squashed like an Ood standing in the wrong spot?
Thank you all as usual for getting in touch with your thoughts. Next week is Tom Baker's Robot so remember to give us your opinions. Have an awesome week and until then - Allons-y!!!
Commentary #1 - The Eleventh Hour
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 14 minutes and 36 secondsIt's our first ever commentary show and what better way to kick things off than with a modern classic - The Eleventh Hour.
We debated for a while on what episode to do for our first commentary and this wasn't actually our first choice (that one's coming very soon). We wanted to do a story from newer Who (you'd all probably get quite bored listening to us comment on a 6-part classic story) and this episode with it's hour long run time seemed perfect. What better episode to pick from the Matt Smith era than his first?
So get your blu ray, dvd or digital file ready, get a cup of tea or coffee and enjoy this great episode with our usual banter to go with it.
Thanks for stopping by for this commentary show. Let us know if you enjoyed this and we'll continue to do them. Also let us know your thoughts on The Eleventh Hour.
Until next time - Allons-y!!!
Big Blue Box Podcast - Episode 30
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 57 minutes and 59 secondsIt's a packed Tardis this week as Adam and I go through the news and this week's review but then we also stop by to pick up the author Andy Frankham-Allen to talk about is new book Lethbridge-Stewart. Let's do it!
The News
The BBC have now officially announced that Michelle Gomez will return as Missy in the opening two-parter for series 9 later this year. We didn't expect to see Missy back so soon but the opening couple of episodes do sound very good. Let's see what happens this time around for The Mistress.
Before series 8 and Capaldi bounded onto our screens a visual fx artist Billy Hanshaw put out his own interpretation of the opening theme which was then spotted by the beeb and subsequently used for the show as we see it now. This week, another visual fx enthusiast going only by the name John Smith on YouTube, has put out his version of the Tardis de-materialising and it looks fantastic. The quality is superb and it looks like it could be dropped into the show tomorrow. We love it when fans directly contribute to the show so hopefully this might have a similar uptake.
Want to study the history of Doctor Who? Now you can if you're anywhere near Stockport, Manchester. Aquinas College is running an 11 week evening class run by historian Michael Herbert starting April 14th. If you want to study the early beginnings of the show and learn about the classic years then this could be for you.
Interview with Andy Frankham-Allen
We may remember a few weeks ago we announced a new series of novels to be released at the end of February all about the legend that is Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart played by Nicholas Courtney. We are very pleased to have the author and editor of the series Andy Frankham-Allen inside the Tardis to give us some insight into writing for this classic character and what we can expect from the series. Jump over to Amazon and order the book there and if you're in London on the 28th February be sure to drop into The Who Shop and get a signed copy.
"The Visitation" Review
Another classic years review this week and it's the turn of 5th Doctor Mr Davison. An often well received story this tale brings us back to a village just outside London and the start of the plague. Large alien fugitives, a camp android and a rather pantomime-eqsue ally give us plenty to be happy about or do we crumble under the sonic booster?
A huge thank you to Andy for jumping on-board this week. Remember to order the book, it's a wonderful read. Thank you all for getting in touch with your thoughts and get ready for next week when we review The Doctor's Wife. You're also treated to our first commentary next week where we waffle on while watching The Eleventh Hour.
Until next time - Allons-y!!!
Big Blue Box Podcast - Episode 29
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 11 minutes and 20 secondsWelcome aboard the Tardis for episode 29. Plenty of good Doctor Who news to get through and then we're onto our review of The Unquiet Dead.
The News
We have a new comic hitting the shelves on the 26th Feb 2015 entitled, quite un-inspiringly, Doctor Who Comic. It will feature short adventures from the 10th, 11th and 12th Doctors along with competitions and other stuff. Across 84 pages it should be a good read and at PS3.99 it's a reasonable price. Look out for it in supermarkets, W H Smith and select newsagents.
The Radio Times has ranked all the opening titles and have come up with an interesting list. What do you think to this? We had a few doubts and would definitely change the order.
Convention goers in the South of the UK might be interested in a Who con that's gone underneath the radar - The Bedford Who Charity Con. Featuring some great guest appearances from the classic years it sounds like a good day. As a bonus, all the profits will go to a local food bank so you'll be doing your bit for charity too.
Big Finish are on a roll recently. After the awesome announcement last week of the regeneration story for the 6th Doctor, we're now going to be treated to a UNIT spin off series starring current show UNIT director Kate (Jemma Redgrave) amongst others. Check out the cover art and be prepared to pre-order another story. It's released in November this year.
"The Unquiet Dead" Review
Review time and this week we pull out a story from series 1. It's another one of those episodes where it's overlooked and not one you'd pull out if you wanted to watch an Eccleston episode. It's creepy and dark and features some great little links to larger aspects of Who lore but does it fire us up to cook on gas or does it fizzle out?
Thank you again for your views on our review episode this week, it's great reading out your opinions and seeing the fans views. As always we really appreciate your feedback too so thanks for that. Next week it's Davison's The Visitation. Until next time - Allons-y!!!
Big Blue Box Podcast - Episode 28
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 21 minutes and 2 secondsHey Who fans! It's a creepy-village-vibe this week as review a Pertwee classic. A great news round-up puts our opinions to the test but first, cue the scary wind...
The News
Maybe Chris Eccleston isn't so bad where it concerns Who fans? In light of recent events with Eccleston hanging up the phone during an interview when questioned about Doctor Who, a video has surfaced which shows him more than willing to help out a surprise engagement. Does this alter your opinion on Eccleston's attitude towards the show? Let us know.
Great news! LEGO have announced that a Doctor Who set will be on it's way later this year. After a surprisingly long wait the LEGO guys have finally accepted the a submission from one of the "LEGO Ideas" that happen each year. Good work Andrew Clarke for designing such a cool set that will now be released at some point this year.
The very cool online game The Doctor and the Dalek which is used to teach children how to code has now been released on tablets on the Apple, Amazon and Google Play stores so you can give it a go while on the move (or the sofa). It's a great game and Mr Capaldi himself recorded the audio.
Those chaps over at Big Finish have announced an amazing 6th Doctor story coming up later this year. Doctor Who: The 6th Doctor - The Last Adventure, as you can tell from the title, is a proper regeneration story for old "sixie". During his time on the TV show he was never granted a regeneration story or a fitting ending to his tenure so this looks to rectify that with the usual quality and love Big Finish are known for. Featuring a raft of the 6th Doctor's past companions and The Valeyard too, we can't wait for this story to land. Pre-orders at the ready!
"The Daemons" Review
We jump in the Tardis and hop back to 1971 and Devil's End to look at this Pertwee classic. Creepy settings, witchcraft, village cult, evil little statues and The Master. Sound like a good story? Listen to hear our thoughts on this 3rd Doctor classic Who adventure. If you want more information on the fantastic setting for this story, check out our very own Adam's YouTube video "The Search for Devils End".
It's been a blast once again talking all things Who. With all the talk of Eccleston recently we're going to review a series 1 story next week - The Unquiet Dead. Be sure to jump over to Facebook and Twitter with your opinions. Until next time - Allons-y!!!
Big Blue Box Podcast - Episode 27
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 5 minutes and 14 secondsWelcome Who fans to episode 27. Some good news pieces to go through before we get into our review of The Doctor's Daughter. Hath we go...
The News
5th Doctor Peter Davison was interviewed by ABC News recently and was asked about the possibility of there being a female Doctor. His reply was: "I have trouble with the idea of a female Doctor, only because I reckon if you're born on Gallifrey a man, you're probably a male Time Lord." An interesting statement from Davison and one that we share here on the show, at least for now.
Our lovable tin dog companion K-9 is the subject of a new campaign for a new book. The Essential Book of K-9 is a new project from K-9 series co-creator Paul Tams. He feels there should be a more complete book about K-9 and his adventures not only with the Doctor but the likes of Sarah Jane etc. You can contribute over at IndieGoGo to make sure this book gets published, so go and do that now!
With the launch of the new Lethbridge-Stewart novels around the corner, The Who Shop in London is holding a special launch day event where you'll be able to get the book signed by Andy Frankham-Allen as well as mingle with Who names such as Jemma Redgrave and Terrance Dicks. The event will happen on Saturday 28th February and you can find address details to the brilliant Who Shop here.
Chris Eccleston has been doing the media rounds the last couple of weeks to promote new Sky Atlantic show Fortitude and as usual there's not much love for Doctor Who. Never one to give the show much love since his departure there's even rumour he hung up on a reporter when they asked his thoughts on Capaldi. Come on Chris, landing an iconic role that helped your career can't be that bad, can it?
"The Doctor's Daughter" Review
We're back with Tennant this week as we take a look at an often overlooked episode. There's plenty to like with this story but there's also something about it that holds fans back from re-watching it. Did we get on board with The Doctor and Jenny's cause or did we walk away feeling a little un-loved?
It's been great chatting through some interesting news stories this week and also talking more in-depth than we thought about this week's review episode The Doctor's Daughter.
Thanks for joining us and until next time - Allons-y!!!
Big Blue Box Podcast - Episode 26
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 8 minutes and 28 secondsRed Kang or blue? It's classic years this week and we review the McCoy era story Paradise Towers. Is it ice hot or does it leave us a little lukewarm?
The News
Doctor Who is staying put on Netflix. There's been lots of chatter for the past few weeks and even a few petitions have appeared since the BBC's contract has been in question with Netflix. Good news has prevailed however and The Doctor is here to stay, at least for now.
Russell T Davies' confuses us a little this week after his comments recently. In the last episode we told you that he wouldn't be making a return to write for Doctor Who and wanted to move on but in his latest interview he says that if a DW movie was presented he would absolutely do it. Yeah, we thought it was weird too.
It was the National Television Awards on Wednesday 21st Jan and although DW didn't win in the Best Drama category (that went to the rip-roaring action packed thriller Downton Abbey) the 10th Doctor himself David Tennant did pick up the Special Recognition Award. Completely justified as he's an amazing actor and for us Who fans he always carries the show's torch with pride.
"Paradise Towers" Review
It's back to the 80's and the McCoy era as we talk through a story that often divides opinion but are we Red Kangs or Blue? Is the Great Architect a suitable monster and what purpose did Pex serve? Find out and more as we chew the fat and give you our rating.
Thank you for getting in touch and posting your thoughts on this week's review. Next week it's The Doctor's Daughter so jump on to Facebook or Twitter and give us your thoughts. Until next time - Allons-y!!!
Big Blue Box Podcast - Episode 25
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 11 minutes and 8 secondsWelcome back into the Tardis Who fans as we bring you a lot of news covering the possible return of Torchwood to Series 9 filming tid bits. We then crack on with our review of The Beast Below.
The News
Torchwood is set to make a return! I know you've just jumped up and down with excitement but please sit back down as it's not the kind of return you hoped for. It is coming back but in the form of audio plays. This was confirmed by John Barrowman while being interviewed about his role on comic book drama Arrow. Although not the return we were hoping for (which still may happen one day), this does at least bring us some Torchwood stories.
BBC Three will air Doctor Who: Earth Conquest - The World Tour on Friday 16th January at 7pm. Also included as a special feature on the series 8 box set, it follows Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman and Steven Moffat as they visit some of the worlds major cities such as New Mexico, Seoul, London and Sydney to promote the launch of series 8 and its debut episode Deep Breath.
Plenty of series 9 talk is afoot. Most notably the episodes currently being filmed have been written by Toby Whitehouse who has written some great stories over the years such as School Reunion and A Town Called Mercy. This will also be a two-parter which is great as we miss those mid-series. Other series 9 news includes Game of Thrones regular Paul Kaye will be starring in an episode.
Doctor Who has been nominated for a National TV Award. It's always great to see Who being nominated for awards and in the world of UK TV this is a pretty big one. You can cast your vote here before midday on 21st January.
Russell T Davies has commented on the chatter about him ever returning to write an episode of Who and, sadly, he has quashed those rumours. In an interview with the Radio Times he says that he has/is moving on and is basically doing his one thing and Doctor Who doesn't feature in that plan. Sad I know but let's hope that one day he changes his mind.
"The Beast Below" Review
Bit of a surprise this one but this was the first episode of Doctor Who that I (Garry) watched completely and put me on my journey into the world of Who. This is an often overlooked episode and gets mixed reviews but what did we think of it?
A pretty smooth Tardis flight this episode, thank you for joining us and to leave you with a teaser, we have some amazing prizes lined up for a March giveaway. More details to come. Until next time - Allons-y!!!
Big Blue Box Podcast - Episode 24
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 5 minutes and 7 secondsOur first show in 2015 and we kick off with landing the Tardis quite smoothly for a change to bring you the latest Doctor Who news then go straight in with our review of this much praised classic - The Web of Fear, but did it give us chills?
The News
Sadly to start with, television director Fiona Cumming has sadly passed away aged 77. Fiona has been in the industry for many years and was a popular director around the Troughton era through to Davison's, putting her name to over 34 episodes. A sad occasion but good memories from some of those amazing stories.
John Hurt, the War Doctor himself, has been knighted. Yes, the veteran actor who portrayed the almost given up War Doctor in the 50th anniversary special The Day of the Doctor is now a Sir! Well done indeed.
Filming kicked off on Monday 5th Jan in Cardiff for Series 9. Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman were back in the thick of it and starting recording block A. As we know Jenna decided at the last minute to stay on for series 9's entirety so we think and dream of all the adventures that await.
2015 marks the 10 year anniversary of the show's return to our screens when Chris Eccleston and Billie Piper changed the show forever. As a celebration we will be holding a competition nearer the time (March/April) with some cool goodies up for grabs. We'll reveal more as we get closer so stay tuned to find out how you can win.
"The Web of Fear" Review
We travel way back to the years of black and white to review this recently found classic story. Generally reviews very well did we agree with the general opinion or was there more to this story that made us think otherwise? Did the Yeti's scare enough? Was Jamie and Victoria worthy of companion applaud? Did Troughton give us his usual brilliance? All these and more in our retro-review.
Thank you for kicking off 2105 with us inside the Big Blue Box. We'd love to hear your thoughts on The Web of Fear so let us know in the comments below or on Twitter and Facebook. Until next time - Allons-y!!!
Big Blue Box Podcast - Episode 23
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 18 minutes and 25 secondsAs 2014 draws to a close we round out the year's news then go straight in with our review of 2014's Christmas special - Last Christmas.
The News
We have confirmation that Jenna Coleman will be staying on throughout all of series 9 and not just for the first half as we first thought. A bit of an up-and-down story this one as originally she was meant to leave at the Christmas special, then decided she wanted to stay on for the first half of series 9 and now she's on for good. Oh Clara, what are we going to do with you?
2014's Christmas special Last Christmas received modest ratings of 6.3m in the overnights. It surprisingly beat Downton Abbey and came in just shy of Corrie. Not amazing overnight's but as we've spoken about on the show recently, more people are recording via Sky+, Virgin etc or watching via BBC iPlayer so this is more of an opening remark rather than the final curtain call.
The Doctor has been voted the Best Sci-Fi Character of All Time in a survey conducted by the British Film Institute. Beating off sci-fi icons such as Darth Vader, Ripley from Alien, Doctor Spock and Fox Mulder to name a few, The Doctor has once again be held in high regard by fans of sci-fi. Full story and results here.
Now that the 10th, 11th and 12th Doctor's are in full swing with their own comic book run from Titan Comics, it's time for the 9th Doctor to have a turn too. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the show's return in 2005, a 5-issue mini-run will launch in March featuring Eccleston. Definitely a purchase based on the quality of the current comics.
"Last Christmas" Review
Our last review of 2014! As we took Christmas week off as a break our last review had to be 2014's much awaited Last Christmas. With guest roles from the likes of Nick Frost and Dan Starkey and featuring a story line around Santa Claus this one definitely had us interested. Did it deliver a tasty tangerine or put us back to sleep to dream of better Christmas specials?
As always. thanks for flying in the Tardis with us for episode 23. As this was out last recording of 2014 I'd like to say a very Happy New Year (you can read my more detailed message here) and let's all have a fantastic 2015. Allons-y!!!
Big Blue Box Podcast - Episode 22
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 2 minutes and 24 secondsIt's a festive episode this week for our Christmas podcast. Who news has slowed a little so we discuss our top 3 favourite things from Who this year then finish up with our retro-review of The Christmas Invasion.
The News
We have our first little nugget of information for Series 9 next year The Magician's Apprentice. We have nothing else to go on as yet but the title alone sounds quite cool.
The Doctor Who Experience in Cardiff is to advertise at cinemas and TV. To promote the new Peter Capaldi element of the experience viewers will get a brief look at what's in-store. There's also props from the upcoming Last Christmas on display too.
Our Top 3 Favourite Who Things of 2014
To finish off the year we thought we'd give you our 3 top favourite things from Doctor Who. We went very general with this one and picked 3 things from any area. Let us know your top 3 things.
"The Christmas Invasion" Retrospective Review
This episode's retro-review takes a look at the first Doctor Who Christmas Special since 2005 with David Tennant's first full episode as The Doctor. The Christmas Special's are not considered the best episodes among Who fans so does this one leave us with that warm, fuzzy yuletide feeling or does it crash and burn like a soggy Christmas pudding?
Thanks for flying in the Tardis with us for episode 22. This is our last podcast before Christmas so from both myself and Adam, we hope you have a wonderful Who Christmas and thank you so much for your support and kind words. Have a good one and... Allons-y!!!
Big Blue Box Podcast - Episode 21
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 58 minutes and 4 secondsEpisode 21 is here and we've got some very cool news stories to go through plus our retro-review for a classic story set in a light house with a certain green jelly-like alien.
The News
The broadcast time for Last Christmas has been confirmed and will go out at 6:15pm on Christmas Day in the UK which is great time slot for post-Christmas dinner relaxing. Our friends in the US and Canada will get it at 9:30pm while Australia will have to wait until Boxing Day.
Next year, starting February 2015, we're going to be treated to a new series of novels based on Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart's character. Being released each quarter the series will start with The Forgotten Son, followed by Horror of Det-Sen then The Schizoid Earth and lastly Mutually Assured Domination. Colonel Alistair is a great character and important throughout Who history so looking forward to checking these out.
According to the Daily Mirror (one of the UK's more ridiculous tabloids) Doctor Who has been an absolute flop with series due to the later start times with them claiming it's had the worst viewing figures since the show's return in 2005. Yes, while the ratings have been slightly down year-on-year there's been a massive increase in iPlayer and on-demand viewing which accounts for a significant chuck. A story best left to the cynics we think.
BBC Worldwide have announced a new BBC Theme Park, costing PS2Bn, will open in Kent in 2020. It will feature experiences from the BBC's top shows including Doctor Who. This is a big story but not many details are available as yet so make sure you're subscribed to keep up with news on this.
Jenna Coleman has decided she wants to stay on as so the Christmas Special will no longer be her last episode but instead she'll be with us through the first half of series 9. Is this a good or a bad thing? Is there more stories left to tell for Clara?
Finally, the classic story The Underwater Menace is getting a release on DVD, landing in February 2015. A long winded story this one but we could finally get our hands on it soon.
"Horror of Fang Rock" Retrospective Review
It's Classic Who review time and this week we venture to the dark, cold and creepy light house where the Doctor and Leela investigate a mysterious green light and the sudden death of the light house's inhabitants. A story often overlooked but absolutely underrated this is one you'll definitely want to check out.
Thanks for stepping into the Tardis for episode 21. Some great comments through on the interwebs, please keep them coming in and don't forget to hit the subscribe button in iTunes or your fav podcast player. Until next time - Allons-y!
Big Blue Box Podcast - Episode 20
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 9 minutes and 23 secondsThe Tardis lands for episode 20 where we say Happy 51st Birthday to our beloved Doctor and we retro-review an underrated series 4 good'n.
The News
Happy Birthday Doctor Who! Yes, the rebellious Time Lord has been on our screens for 51 years as of Sunday 23rd November. What started with a grumpy old man in a junkers yard concealing his time machine disguised as an old police box has now turned into one of TV's most popular shows in the UK and around the world. Not looking too shabby for 51 at all.
The upcoming Christmas special has been given the title of Last Christmas along with an official synopsis: "The Doctor and Clara face their Last Christmas. Trapped on an Arctic base, under attack from terrifying creatures, who are you going to call? Santa Claus!" Does this lead to more sinister and darker times for a Doctor Who Christmas Special or does it show nothing more than the usual mediocre romp?
"The Unicorn and the Wasp" Retrospective Review
Adam picked this one out as an often overlooked and underrated episode from the Tennant era. With some great chemistry between Tennant and Tate this fun stand alone story, which often divides opinion, gave us plenty to talk about.
Thanks for stepping into the Tardis for episode 20. Thank you for your tweets and Facebook messages, we really appreciate those so please keep them coming. Until next time - Allons-y!
Big Blue Box Podcast - Episode 19
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 59 minutes and 35 secondsHey Who fans! Welcome to episode 19 where we get back into our retrospective reviews and to kick things off we look at The Five Doctors. First, the news...
The News
So it turns out that Peter Capaldi could have had a shot at Who before his recent appointment as the 12th Doctor. HE was invited to audition for the 8th Doctor but turned it down - "I loved it so much that I didn't want to have the disappointment of going for something that I would never get." If Capaldi did get the part we wouldn't have had the brilliant Paul McGann and we wouldn't have the wise old grumpy 12th Doctor we have now. Funny how things work out in the end.
More Capaldi news - our very own Adam got pretty close to Capaldi while at an event last weekend. Apparently he's signed on for series 9 (although no official word from the BBC) which is great news although it's still unsure whether Jenna Coleman will be onboard. Other cool nuggets of info indicate that he'd love to have the roundels back in the Tardis (which would look awesome) and he'd also like his one Sonic Screwdriver. All good things that we hope Mr Capaldi will get.
Another award dished out for a Who actor, this time to the amazing Bernard Cribbins. He's been awarded the J M Barrie Award for a lifetime of unforgettable work for children on stage, film, television and record. Always nice to see actors involved with Who getting recognition for their work. Good on you old boy!
"The Five Doctors" Retrospective Review (or as I said it this week - retro-re-spective!)
We're back on the classic stuff from this week seeing as there's no new Who on TV until Christmas. This one was a good story to get into as it's an easy watch and is one of those stories that you can stick on, relax and enjoy without having to think too hard. We loved the performances of most of the Doctors but what score did we award it? We think you'll agree with our rating.
As we move forward we're going to retro-review a classic story but what would like us to review? It can be anything from An Unearthly Child right through to Day of the Doctor. Get in contact to let us know and pick the most popular request.
Thanks for stepping into the Tardis for episode 19. Keep your tweets and Facebook messages coming and remember to let us know what story you want us to review. Until next time - Allons-y!
Big Blue Box Podcast - Episode 18
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 10 minutes and 35 secondsHey Who fans! Some feel good news items this week followed by our review of the Series 8 finale second parter: Death in Heaven.
The News
More Doctor Who Experience news this week but more positive than recent. The Studio Set Tours which were due to finish at the end of November have now been extended to December 14th which is great news if you wanted to check it out but couldn't make it this month. You can book tickets as usual on the DWE site.
The BBC have opened up a couple of auctions on eBay to raise money for this years Children in Need. The first is a set visit to one of the episodes next year for series 9 where you'll be treated like a VIP and get to meet the whole cast and crew etc. The bid is already at over PS5000 but it looks absolutely worth it and all the money goes to the Children in Need charity. Take a look at the auction here. The second auction is to spend the day with the BBC National Orchestra of Wales as they rehearse for the Symphonic Spectacular, again another great day up for grabs, check it out here.
Finally, tomorrow night's Children in Need program is to have a slot to feature Doctor Who which is something the show has done every year since 2005. They're usually great little shorts and often feature a star guest or similar so look out for it during the program.
"Death in Heaven" Review
The Series finale crept round deceivingly early, where has series 8 gone already?!? Last week's Dark Water was overall very good but does the conclusion offer the same? Find out as we discuss the plot, the good, the bad and the, well, not so good.
Thanks for stepping into the Tardis for episode 18. As the current series has now ended we're going to revive the retrospective reviews from the classic years so look out for those starting next week. Until next time - Allons-y!
Big Blue Box Podcast - Episode 17
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 15 minutes and 6 secondsHey Who fans! Only a couple of news bits to cover this week before we dive into our review of Dark Water.
The News
That fine fellow Mr Peter Davison has been announced as the host of next year's Symphonic Spectacular when it hits the UK. This is great news as he went down a storm when he popped out at the BBC Proms last year. We're looking forward to this even more now.
The BBC received several complaints about the subject matter in Dark Water and it's potential effect on some viewers, particularly the "three words". You'll hear our thoughts on this subject and how it may impact the show.
"Dark Water" Review
The first part to the series 8 finale went down very well and despite a few little gripes we scored it 8/10. Agree with us or not? Fire us your thoughts.
Thanks for stepping into the Tardis for episode 17. We look forward to chatting all things Who next time. Until then - (and we finally got there!) Allons-y!
Big Blue Box Podcast - Episode 16
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 47 minutes and 50 secondsHey Who fans! The news gets us in both good and bad moods but then our review of In the Forest of the Night gets us even grumpier. It's not all bad though, let's do this!
The News
After we hyped up the re-opening of the Doctor Who Experience in Cardiff last week BBC Worldwide go and cancel a load of Tardis set tours and put everyone on a downer, meh. The set tour is closed from 3rd - 23rd November and if you've already booked and it falls within those dates contact Crowd Source (or whoever you booked it through) and request a new date or a refund. Thank you to those who tweeted us their experiences so far and we hope you all get something sorted.
Silva Screen Records are releasing a 2-disc CD soundtrack of The Day of the Doctor and The Time of the Doctor to celebrate the show's 51st anniversary (yes, it's now 51 years, didn't the 50th celebrations go quickly?). Keep an eye on the Doctor Who Music site for pre-order details.
Doctor Who bags another award! This time the show has picked up a Welsh BAFTA (British Academy Cymru Award) for it's special effects. Excellent news and always a good thing when the show gets awarded for it's amazing talent behind the scenes.
"In the Forest of the Night" Review
This one brings us a bit deeper down I'm afraid, we really weren't fans of this episode and in our opinion this throws up the series' first true clunker. What could have been a very good episode based on an interesting story the entire episode was let down by poor writing, poor performances throughout and other poor elements such as visual effects and props. We wanted to like it, we really did but it just doesn't work.
Thanks for stepping into the Tardis for episode 16. We look forward to chatting all things Who next time. Until then - Allons-y!
Big Blue Box Podcast - Episode 15
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 3 minutes and 41 secondsHey Who fans! The first official show as a duo as Adam Charlton from The Geeks Handbag jumps on board as new co-host. We go through plenty of news plus a review of Flatline.
The News
The Doctor Who Experience in Cardiff is now open with a new interactive feature starring current Doctor Peter Capaldi, which replaces the Matt Smith section. Tickets are now on sale as usual so get yourself over to Cardiff and check it out.
Sad news again this week as Lynda Bellingham who played The Inquisitor in Colin Baker story Trial of a Timelord as well as audio plays from Big Finish unfortunately lost her battle with cancer. We wish Lynda's family our sympathies at this time.
BBC Online have released a new online game for kids called The Doctor and the Dalek. It's a free game but comes with an interesting twist in that it teaches kids to code as you progress through the game.
Adam was out on force at the London Film and Comic Con and caught up with interesting character John Levene, we have a great little clip in the podcast.
"Flatline" Review
We really enjoyed this episode and kept us interested and creeped out at the same time. Some awesome performances from Jenna and Peter once again prove that Doctor Who is indeed one of the best shows on TV. What are your thoughts on this one? Let us know below...
Thanks for stepping into the Tardis for episode 15. Adam and Garry look forward to chatting all things Who next time. Until then - Allons-y!
Big Blue Box Podcast - Episode 14
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 35 minutes and 51 secondsHey Who fans and welcome. Along with the news round up I give you my review of The Caretaker and if it floated my Tardis, I mean, boat.
The News
Sadly, actress Maggie Stables has passed away. Having appeared in twenty Big Finish audio plays, most notably as companion Evelyn to the Sixth Doctor, it's a big shame for fans of hers. I hadn't heard her work until I found out about her passing but after listening to some samples she really did give great performances.
Now the BBC have vacated their main head office (which I think, for the record, is a huge mistake and confusing decision) there's lots of equipment and TV stuff lying around which is going to be auctioned off. Peter Pattinson Auctioneers will hold various online auctions from Tues 4th November to Friday 7th November. One of the items is a huge 3.5m wide by 2.5m high canvas backdrop of Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor used in promotions. If you've got the room for it, it's a great piece to own. Details for the auction can be found here (scroll down to BBC Memorabilia).
Titan Comics will be showing off the new 12th Doctor comic run at New York Comic Con on the 10th and 11th of October. You'll also be able to pick up NYCC exclusive covers for the already launched 10th and 11th Doctor comics too. Wow, lots of variants for this one!
"The Caretaker" Review
Another one of those Who episodes that's full of fun and humour that's sure to please the kids this time. The Caretaker wasn't the strongest episode this series but certainly wasn't terrible. Afterwards we're still left asking "who is Missy and what is the Neversphere?"
What are your thoughts on this one? Let me know on the site, Twitter or Facebook.
Thanks for stepping into the Tardis for episode 14 and look forward to chatting all things Who next time. Until then - Allons-y!
Big Blue Box Podcast - Episode 13
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 49 minutes and 34 secondsWelcome back inside the Tardis as I get you up to speed with what's happening in the world of Who, a review of Time Heist and then my thoughts on Series 8 so far.
The News
Two new Who box sets have arrived. First up here in the UK is The Complete David Tennant Years DVD box set which features all of his episodes including all three series' plus the four specials. Second to be released in the US on Nov 4th is The Complete Matt Smith Years blu ray box set which features all of Matt Smith's episodes including the Christmas specials and other episodes. If you're into either Doctor and don't own any of the episodes as yet this could be the purchase for you.
Casting confirmed for the Christmas Special. Along with Michael Troughton, Natalie Gumede, Faye Marsay and Nathan McMullen the great Nick Frost has also been confirmed. Known mainly for his movies along side Simon Pegg his acting is top notch so looking forward to what he will bring to this years Crimbo episode.
McCoy's Ghostlight is getting the vinyl treatment and is available to pre-order now through SilvaScreen Records. As this soundtrack was mastered while everything was still analogue this will sound amazing on vinyl so highly recommended for your vinyl collection. Landing 13th October 2014.
"Time Heist" Review
Time Heist split opinions pretty much evenly with lots of equally happy and disappointed fans. I give you my thoughts on this episode but does it hit the right beats for me? Thank you also for tweeting me during the recording with your reviews on this.
Kai McNamee sent me this on Facebook after I finished recording but does sum the episode up quite well:
"I thought "Time Heist" was a bit of a let down, especially after the dynamic 'Next Time' trailer. I felt the story wasn't really interesting enough to grab my attention, with no help from the ineffective supporting cast members. It's unfortunate, but I genuinely didn't care about these characters, and they just weren't engaging enough for me to care about their 'deaths'. Plus, I thought it was fairly predictable: I knew Ms Delphox would be responsible for the heist in some form, and I knew that the assisting characters weren't killed off."
Let me know your thoughts on Time Heist.
Series 8 So Far
Has Peter Capaldi impressed enough so far? Is Clara fitting the bill and is Series 8 living up to the hype? I give you a quick run-down on how I feel Series 8 is going and I'd be interested to hear your thoughts too.
Thanks for stepping into the Tardis for episode 13 and look forward to chatting all things Who next time. Until then - Allons-y!