On the Time Lash

- Description:
- Join Ben and Mark down the pub for a few pints and a pub crawl through 21st Century Doctor Who. Beginning with Rose, each fornight they'll work their way through every episode of modern Doctor Who comparing each story with a classic serial. Join them on Twitter (@OnTheTimelash, @BenVerth @Oldmankrondas) or on www.facebook.com/onthetimelash
Homepage: https://www.facebook.com/onthetimelash
RSS Feed: http://2guyswotworkinacinema.jellycast.com/podcast/feed/16
- Episodes:
- 221
- Average Episode Duration:
- 0:1:32:17
- Longest Episode Duration:
- 0:2:21:00
- Total Duration of all Episodes:
- 14 days, 3 hours, 55 minutes and 56 seconds
- Earliest Episode:
- 24 January 2014 (9:36pm GMT)
- Latest Episode:
- 2 May 2021 (11:35am GMT)
- Average Time Between Episodes:
- 12 days, 0 hours, 16 minutes and 49 seconds
On the Time Lash Episodes
116. Body Horror with Ben and Mark
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 59 minutes and 19 secondsTwo fine examples of body horror, Ben and Mark discuss Cyber origins by way of 'World Enough and Time'/'The Doctor Falls' and the Big Finish audio 'Spare Parts'. As well as discussing the inevitability of the Cybermen, they also discuss the relatable aspects of the Master's self-destructive downfall. With 'Spare Parts', they ponder how much Big Finish has changed since the show returned in 2005 and how you avoid the pitfalls of "just doing Genesis of the Daleks again". Also: Has Steven Moffat actually written the last ever episode of Doctor Who? What does the Doctor's failure say about the political climate of 2017? What's it like to cook a lasagne in the company of four different Nick Briggs?
115. Romans in the Gloamin'
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 44 minutes and 57 secondsBen and Mark discuss two TARDIS trips to bonnie Scotland by way of 'The Eaters of Light' and 'The Highlanders'. As they're roman in the gloaming, they chat about Peter Capaldi's old-school charm, the National Theatre of Scotland, the Falkirk Wheel and Ben's crystal waving fascination with standing stones. After that they top up their glasses and visit another blood soaked battlefield as they discuss balancing historical horror with swashbuckling adventure in 1967's 'The Highlanders'. Mark discusses another BBC production about the battle of Culloden and the lads discuss the historical importance of those dark days in 18th century Inverness. There's some laughs too!
114. Briggsit
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 1 minutes and 23 secondsBen and Mark tackle two Doctor Who stories placed at Britain's exit and entrance into Europe - The Empress of Mars and The Curse of Peladon. What do these two stories tell us about exceptionalism, federalism and the ideal of something larger than ourselves? Who are we kidding, it's mostly knob gags and digs at Big Finish. Also: How good are the Ice Warriors, really? An appreciation of Christopher Eccleston, a brief chat about the new Target novelisations, joining DWAS and quite a few references to Star Trek. If you enjoy the podcast, you can buy us a pint
113. Poppin' a Cap in P Cap
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 59 minutes and 44 secondsBen and Mark discuss two benevolent dictatorships as they tackle 'The Lie of the Land' and 'The Macra Terror'? Does the Monk trilogy reach a satisfying conclusion? Were British holiday camps all that bad? Under discussion: Would the Monk arc have worked better as a 12 part Netflix series? Is 'The Lie of the Land' the most overt bit of political commentary in all of Doctor Who? Is the first Troughton series one of the great under-appreciated moments in Doctor Who? Also, Ben and Mark ponder the thesis that humanity never learns from its mistakes, and discuss how 'The Macra Terror' may be more relevant than it's ever been. As ever, if you enjoy the show you can buy us a pint here
112. Claws of Axos Meets It's a Knockout
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 3 minutes and 30 secondsBen and Mark discuss hangovers, wasted potential and climates of fear as they try to spin a few hours out of ‘The Pyramid at the End of the World’ and ‘Warriors of the Deep’. Ben and Mark try to criticise the failings of ‘Pyramid’ without being too insensitive, discussing how successfully Doctor Who tries to tackle Brexit and Trump through the Monk’s trilogy. Meanwhile, Margaret Thatcher throws a spanner in the works for Johnny Byrne’s Cold War allegory ‘Warriors of the Deep’. Is the Doctor’s blindness actually just a bit insulting? How did that chemical lab meet building regulations with such a dangerously access unfriendly lock? What exactly does Turlough offer young boys watching at home? ALSO: Ben and Mark audition for the Degsestial Funmaker’s Shakespeare Company, Mark’s girlfriend drunkenly tries to describe the Myrka and there’s a competition to win a copy of Sylvester McCoy’s new film ‘The Owners’ on DVD.
112. Claws of Axos Meets It's a Knockout
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 3 minutes and 17 secondsBen and Mark discuss hangovers, wasted potential and climates of fear as they try to spin a few hours out of ‘The Pyramid at the End of the World’ and ‘Warriors of the Deep’. Ben and Mark try to criticise the failings of ‘Pyramid’ without being too insensitive, discussing how successfully Doctor Who tries to tackle Brexit and Trump through the Monk’s trilogy. Meanwhile, Margaret Thatcher throws a spanner in the works for Johnny Byrne’s Cold War allegory ‘Warriors of the Deep’. Is the Doctor’s blindness actually just a bit insulting? How did that chemical lab meet building regulations with such a dangerously access unfriendly lock? What exactly does Turlough offer young boys watching at home? ALSO: Ben and Mark audition for the Degsestial Funmaker’s Shakespeare Company, Mark’s girlfriend drunkenly tries to describe the Myrka and there’s a competition to win a copy of Sylvester McCoy’s new film ‘The Owners’ on DVD. If you like the show and want to buy us a pint, you can do so here
110. Walnut Baby
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 4 minutes and 45 secondsIt's space, the final frontier as Ben and Mark traverse two less than utopian visions of mankind's future via 'Oxygen' and 'Colony in Space' from a less than utopian present. Is 'Oxygen' just 40 minutes of set-up for one gag? Is Bill the most human and real Doctor Who companion? Is that a chip and pin terminal on the airlock? And then 'Colony in Space' inspires Ben to give a potted history of both Doctor Who quarries and the East India Company. ALSO: Jimmy Savile, the strangeness of early 00s television and a moment of Zen courtesy of Glen McCoy.
109. Spooky Hoose 3: Soor Ploom
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 3 minutes and 12 secondsIn the first of another round of Lockdown Lashes, Ben and Mark tackle some creepy goings on in an old house and a murderous rampage in a spooky lighthouse as they discuss 'Knock Knock' and 'Horror of Fang Rock'. Just how accurate a representation of modern student life is 'Knock Knock'? What is it about lighthouses that have become so ingrained in popular culture and mythology? Is 'Horror of Fang Rock' a compelling weekly serial or a cracking film split into four parts? Also: Mark reminisces about living in a nunnery, we analyse the Doctor's property portfolio, There's some Accidental Glen McCoy courtesy of Noel Edmonds, unforeseen Brexit casualties and Ben has a full-on breakdown during another round of DICS. Brought to you by Wooden Mother IPA If you like the podcast and want to buy us a pint, you can do so here
108. Dudley Simpson's Foam Party
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 10 minutes and 36 secondsContent
107. Aubergine
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 57 minutes and 8 secondsAubergine emojis and a bit of a gunging, it's Ben and Mark's discussion about 'Smile' and 'The Happiness Patrol', will happiness prevail? Yer auld da writing about emojis for yer auld space uncle, the old-school charms of 'Smile', stunning location work. Then it all gets a bit high-fallutin' with a discussion of the influences of Margaret Thatcher, German expressionism, Kafka, Chekhov, and Ionesco on 'The Happiness Patrol'. Also: Ben is buoyed by the positivity of Doctor Who day, a guest appearance from Tom Baker, John Barrowman's Scottish accent and more ropy impressions in another few rounds of DICS. On the Time Lash's LIVE Christmas episode will stream live on Facebook on December 19th You can listen to Ben's new podcast 'That, But Funny' here You can buy us a pint here
106. Skagra's Big Baw
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 6 minutes and 3 secondsOn the Time Lash: The College Years opens with a discussion of 2017's The Pilot and the unfinished 1980 serial Shada. In other words, it's Joy Division and cheap lager v.s bicycles and acapella choo-choos. Is The Pilot really a fresh start? Who or what influenced Steven Moffat's re-imagining of the 12th Doctor as an educator? What happens when you add orange juice to Vodka and Coke? Just what is the definitive version of Shada and what the bloody hell does Kylie Minogue have to do with all of this? Also: The Degsestial Funmaker pays a long overdue visit to launch a new series of Degsey's Where Did it Come? Game, Ben and Mark ponder when Doctor Who last excited them and Ben shares quite a moving story about the personal connections he has to Douglas Adams' great unfinished work. Buy us a pint here
105. A Red Hole
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 7 minutes and 10 secondsIn a crossover worthy of Marvel comics, Ben and Mark are joined by Dylan and Jack from 'Doctor Who: Too Hot for TV' to discuss fake invasions, hollow pastiches, dodgy American accents and much more by way of 'The Return of Doctor Mysterio' and 'Invaders from Mars'. Under discussion: letting an old man in through your window, awkward sex stuff, nostalgia for the Eighth Doctor era, feeling protective over Mark Gatiss and whether or not Steven Moffat has actually seen a superhero film since the 1970s. Also: A definitive decision on the best War of the Worlds, Dylan pitches a documentary about Ian Levine, there's a chocolate surprise from listener Andy Moore and another round of DICS sees everyone gargle with gravel. You can listen to 'Doctor Who: Too Hot for TV' here You can listen to Ben's new podcast 'That, But Funny' here You can buy us a pint here
104. Waiting for Someone to Get Stabbed
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 25 minutes and 15 secondsBen and Mark attempt to save Christmas with a discussion about two seasonal stories of romance, decapitation, precious jewels, swashbuckling and braining someone with the Royal sceptre - The Husbands of River Song and The Androids of Tara. Under discussion: Endings, Steven Moffat's extended farewell, watching Doctor Who with your family, four Mary Tamms, the flimsiness of the Key to Time arc and a tin dog with an ASBO. Also: Ben and Mark act like a couple of DICS, Ben battles with a devastating hangover and Mark tries to watch Doctor Who on John Logie Baird's original television. Listen to Ben's new podcast "That, but Funny" here Buy Ben and Mark a pint here
103. A Glaswegian on Gallifrey
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 11 minutes and 33 secondsA homesick Ben and Mark discuss the Doctor's difficult homecoming in 'Hell Bent' and delight in the first meeting with one of the Doctor's people in 'The Time Meddler'. Along the way they'll fundamentally miss the point of 'Hell Bent' by wittering on about Timelord mythology, discuss why Steven Moffat's writing sometimes rubs people up the wrong way, propose a new Gallifreyan foe for the Doctor and learn all about the tumultuous year that was 1066. You can buy Ben and Mark a pint here Listen to Ben's new podcast "That, but Funny" here
102. He's Punching Himself a Lintel
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 1 minutes and 19 secondsBen and Mark discuss pain, anguish, death and loss in another hilarious episode of On the Time Lash which pairs 2015's Heaven Sent with 1982's Time Flight. Heaven Sent: Paul McEvoy writes in to tell us all about the beauty of Murray Gold's score, Mark tries to structure the plot around the Kubler-Ross 5 stages of grief, and Ben unpicks the clockwork mechanisms of Steven Moffat's tremendous script. Time-Flight: What would this be like as a Pertwee story? ponders Mark on his first viewing of a much-derided story, but will he toe the line or dissent from fan consensus? Meanwhile, Ben introduces the ropiest conspiracy theory you'll hear all year and discusses what Time-Flight had to offer his younger self as he started out on his Doctor Who journey.
101. #NotMyEldrad
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 51 minutes and 9 secondsBen and Mark say farewell to two long-serving companions and celebrate the 46th anniversary of The Hand of Fear by pairing it up with Face the Raven. Trap Street's back, alright? Visiting an alien refugee camp, the Lash Lads quibble the legality of Me's contract with the raven, Mark's disappointed to see a bunch of drably costumed extras on a Harry Potter set, Ben's unconvinced by the Doctor's fury and Letitia Wright is wasted in an expositionary role. But what of Rigsby? Meanwhile over at the Nunton nuclear power station, Mark discusses doing Chernobyl on a shoestring, Ben loves a quarry and small, positive steps for trans acceptance in 1970s television before the near-immediate murder. ALSO: Ben and Mark find a new guru figure, the correlation between dislike for Clara and the #NotMyDoctor "movement" and a series of references to obscure British crime shows.
100. Teatime Torture Porn
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 21 minutes and 0 secondsBen and Mark celebrate 100 episodes with their listeners in a very special bumper episode of the podcast which discusses ‘Sleep No More’ and ‘Timelash’. Two disparate stories that, as the episode plays out, have something very special in common. We talk about Doctor Who coming late to the found footage party, the inherent nastiness of the Sixth Doctor era, eye bogies, missed potential and the perils of Peri. Also: Undercutting giant leaps for diversity, Hammy Darrow, cancelling HG Wells and the things Glen McCoy can do with seven minutes.
99.1 Titavate the Fronds
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 24 minutes and 46 secondsBen and Mark are joined by rival Scottish Doctor Who podcast The Polis Box to discuss 'The Zygon Invasion/Inversion'. Will the Lash Lads put aside their differences with Lee, Dave and Cameron as they sit down and talk? Well, yes, quite easily actually. Under discussion: The slightly queasy messaging of integration, the T word, whether or not the Zygons are more than just a one-shot villain, repeated public alien incursions, the dubious Doctor Disco, 'heeling it up' and some snark about spin-off media. Also: A Fatal Five Way Degsey's Where Did it Come? Game and a skip full of pubes.
98.2 Without Teeth is £80 Extra
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 2 minutes and 23 secondsBen and Mark continue their look at the price of immortality as they watch Douglas Adams' Doctor Who debut - The Pirate Planet! Under discussion: How far can/should you go when making a comedy about genocide? Tom Baker's top lip, the joys of the Doctor and Romana dynamic, shipping the Captain and Mr Fibuli and the daftness of a fight between a robot dog and robot parrot. Also: Shitting lasers, discarded jewels and Graham Williams in a dog suit.
98.1 Never Watched Game of Thrones
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 22 minutes and 53 secondsBen and Mark begin a two part episode all about the price of immortality with a discussion of 'The Girl Who Died' and 'The Woman Who Lived'. Did the Doctor know Ashildr would die? Isn't it fine to just sometimes cast the same actors again in larger roles and never refer to it? Is Maisie Williams any better in 'Game of Thrones'? We've never watched it. Is the Me character nothing more than an obfuscating Hybrid red herring? Also: Gallows humour, living through the violent establishment of European society, comedy and flippancy in Doctor Who and two exciting rounds of Degsey's Where Did it Come? Game. WARNING: MAY CONTAIN STAR TREK
97.2 You Wouldn't Dare Show a Loved One a Monoid
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 17 minutes and 12 secondsContent
97.1 No Shame in Being the 25th Tallest Man
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 22 minutes and 40 secondsBen and Mark attempt to undo some bootstraps with a discussion of the second Series 9 two parter - Under the Lake/Before the Flood. Under discussion: Is there a link between the Fisher King and the Myrka? Is time travel really all that complex? Why Doctor Who can't do ghosts and whether base under siege stories light a fire beneath Peter Capaldi. Also: Being amongst the 25 tallest men, levels of fandom in guest actors and another of Mark's terrible Doctor Who anecdotes. If you enjoy the podcast, and would like to buy Ben and Mark a drink you can do so at buymeacoffee.com/onthetimelash or leave us a review at iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts
96.2 Two Thirds of Fascist Allegory, Barman
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 26 minutes and 27 secondsIn the second of their Davros 2-parter, Ben and Mark go back to the very beginning with (categorically) Terry Nation's masterpiece Genesis of the Daleks. Under discussion: The shadow of nuclear anxiety and fascism in Nation's best works, prejudice, brutality, the directorial genius of David Maloney, how Genesis is Doctor Who's Hamlet and we completely forget to talk about the giant clam. Also: Possibly the hardest ever round of DWDICG, Ben and Mark pitch a new beer to Brewdog, Mark's tenuous familial link to Michael Wisher and a very special tribute indeed...
96.1 Heritage Centre of the Daleks
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 25 minutes and 57 secondsContent
94. Danny, SPLINK
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 0 minutes and 40 seconds*With thanks to our listener Paul McEvoy for the title suggestion It's the darkest day, the blackest hour. Chin up, shoulders back, let's see what Ben and Mark are made of as they tackle the existential horrors of 'Dark Water' and 'Death in Heaven'. Under discussion: How careful do you have to be when dealing with death and real world tragedy in what's ostensibly a family show? Whose internal conflict was greater this series - the Doctor's or Steven Moffat's? And most pressingly of all, what is all of this for? After that they squelch their way through Malcolm Clarke's synth soundtrack to discuss another Master plan - 1972's The Sea Devils. Under discussion: nudey monsters, the refinement of Roger Delgado, 70's electronic music and larking about with the Navy. If you enjoy the podcast, you can buy us a coffee here. The albums Mark mentions are - Fripp & Eno - No Pussyfooting Popol Vuh - In the Garden of Pharao White Noise - An Electric Storm
93. In the Forest of the Shite
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 55 minutes and 36 secondsBen and Mark take a before and after look at solar flare damage in Doctor Who - pairing 'In the Forest of the Night' with 'The Ark in Space'. Is 'In the Forest of the Night' really all that bad? Is 'The Ark in Space' really one of the all time classics? Under discussion: Doomed relationships, challenging children, childishness, body horror, bubble wrap and how the multicultural vision of 'Star Trek' doesn't always match with a BBC directors address book. If you like the podcast, and want to buy us a pint you can do so here.
92. Running from the Boners
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 48 minutes and 9 secondsAs the Doctor and Clara visit Bristol in 'Flatline', Mark advocates toppling 'The Celestial Toymaker' off a harbour in an oddly topical, yet mostly trivial new episode of On the Time Lash. Under discussion: Artistic expression, class and race in 1960s Doctor Who, child-unfriendly childishness, the evolution of the Doctor-lite episode and how a prestige Saturday night drama can attract a younger audience. Also: Two painful things more enjoyable than 'The Celestial Toymaker', Mark taps into an austere childhood at his Great Aunts and Ben relates a heart-warming tale from a children's play park.
90. Eggy Ruin
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 52 minutes and 21 secondsBen and Mark tackle complex moral dilemmas, gushing Cybermen and the history of squirty bottles as they discuss Kill the Moon and The Moonbase. Under discussion: Balancing the daftness of Doctor Who with the darkness of a prestige science fiction programme, the continuing improvements to animated reconstructions, Patrick Troughton becoming the Doctor and struggling to understand the Doctor's motivations. If you enjoy the podcast and want to buy us a coffee (no sugar) you can do so here, thanks!
89. Space Dad
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 31 minutes and 31 secondsBen and Mark turn their attention to the teachers of Coal Hill School as they look at 'The Caretaker' and 'The Rescue'. One story features two kindly teachers specialised in history and chemistry whilst the other focuses on two teachers who, whilst romantically involved, have neither. Under discussion: A whistle stop history of portrayals of the military in Doctor Who, the unassuming historical significance of 'The Rescue', boyfriend errors, and the invention of the Doctor Who companion. If you enjoy the podcast, you can buy us a pint over at buymeacoffee.com/onthetimelash, thanks to those who have so far. You can also watch the podcast at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQ7cdqg_ctU
87. Scratchy Blankets
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 39 minutes and 23 secondsBen and Mark discuss 'Listen' and 'The Mind of Evil' in two classic Doctor Who stories that deal with fear. Under discussion: The comforting message of one of the show's creepiest episodes, talking to yourself in isolation, military brutality, the origins of the Black Mariah, the simplicity of one of the show's most memorable monsters and the pointlessness of another. Also: The brain of Philip Morris, visiting Stangmoor prison, Master plans and major crawlers If you like the podcast, you can buy us a pint at www.buymeacoffee.com/onthetimelash!
85. Oscar Wilde of the Daleks
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 39 minutes and 56 secondsOr: The Incredible Shrinking Doctors Special Ben and Mark discuss miniaturisation, prawns, robot dogs, soldiers and viruses as they tackle both 'Into the Dalek' and 'The Invisible Enemy'. Is 'Into the Dalek' just a rehash of old ideas? Is 'The Invisible Enemy' really as rubbish as everyone remembers? ALSO: The return of Degsey's Where Did it Come Game, meeting Michael Sheard in a car park, and how Mark is due royalties from sales of Into the Dalek. If you like the podcast and want to buy us a drink to say thanks you can do so here For Les Anderson
84. Not Your Teenage Sister's Doctor Who
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 8 minutes and 15 secondsBen and Mark welcome the 12th Doctor as they discuss 2014’s feature length, cinematic spectacular Deep Breath with a suggested pairing of Robert Holmes’ ghastly gastronomic 1985 story The Two Doctors. Along the way, they travel back along their own timelines to ponder their initial reactions to Deep Breath compared to their opinions on it now, discuss the merits and flaws of bringing back old Doctors outside of anniversaries and talk effusively about the work of Ben Wheatley and casting of Peter Capaldi. ALSO: Being sexually intimidated by Jacqueline Pearce, watching Doctor Who with Frank Skinner, nibbling on an Ogron, Season 6B and whether or not The Two Doctors goes too far. You can buy us a coffee/pint/copyright lawyerhere.
The Timeless Sound of Men Moaning Online
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 8 minutes and 27 secondsContent
82. The Three Birthdays Part Two
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 4 minutes and 28 secondsBen and Mark go back to where it all began, with the very first multi-Doctor story 'The Three Doctors'. After a very special edition of Degsey's Where Did it Come Game, they try to define the indefinable magic of Doctor Who by looking at this most comforting slice of nostalgia. Under discussion: Trying to understand the reverance with which each later Doctor holds the earliest incarnation, John Levene's finest hour, Patrick Troughton and Jon Pertwee's hugely entertaining rivalry and an appreciation for those fabulous Bristol boys - Bob Baker and Dave Martin.
82. The Three Birthdays Part One
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 36 minutes and 59 secondsTo celebrate six years On the Timelash, Ben and Mark look back on the weekend that started it all by reminiscing about the 50th anniversary celebrations at the Excel centre and the various treats we got on the way to 'The Day of the Doctor'. Along the way they'll be joined by some old friends who share their own memories and thoughts on the 50th anniversary special
80. Hong. Kong!?
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 1 minutes and 10 secondsBen and Mark return from their festive hibernation to discuss the mythical Cybermen. In Nightmare in Silver, the fantastical worlds of Neil Gaiman clash with the sci-fi action movie, whilst Tomb of the Cybermen updates Egyptian tomb raiding for the cybernetic age. But are they any good? Under discussion: Neil Gaiman's shifting opinions, Brazilian stew, Mark's proposed Tomb of the Cybermen stage production with a cast of 10 year olds, racial representation, what it means to be human, the slow, creeping death of Doctor Who fandom and the perils of imagination.
79. Ben and Mark of the Rani
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 44 minutes and 48 secondsBen and Mark celebrate the 100th On the Time Lash upload by discussing 21st Century Doctor Who's 100th episode 'The Crimson Horror'. It's Ben's favourite story of the post 2005 run, will Mark and our listeners share his enthusiasm? Also this episode: Vile Victorian villainesses as we discuss 'The Mark of the Rani'. Ben meets a descendant of Major Barrington. Mark reveals his two degrees of Terry Nation. Byker Grove. Ant and Dec. Auf Wiedersehen, Pet and much much more.
78. Ripping Out the Copper Wiring
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 37 minutes and 45 secondsContent
77. Spooky Hoose 2: Penis Snake
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 37 minutes and 48 secondsBen returns to the podcast for a Halloween special as we discuss the spooky goings on in Hide and Image of the Fendahl. Two stories, it soon turns out, that are quite evenly matched. (About time, 77 episodes in) Under discussion: The perils of dropping the T-Bomb, reaching the age where 'totty for the dads' is directed at you, the flaws of the show's sci-fi format, two(!) sequels to Image of the Fendahl, some opinions on Ravenous 4, and a competition over whose girlfriend is least intereste
76. Mammoth on a Submarine
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 54 minutes and 38 secondsIt's a Ben-lite episode, but will it be Love & Monsters or Blink? Mark is joined by friends of the podcast Lee McMenemy (The Polis Box) and Richie Morgan (I Hate Doctor Who) to discuss 'Cold War' and 'The Ice Warriors'. Under discussion: Mammoths on submarines, Ultravox, planning your whole story around a title, everyday sexism, design marvels and scavenging hee-haw. ALSO: The On the Time Lash listeners provide their worst Doctor Who anecdotes, Mr. Eccleston has some strong words about the state of the park and we discover the secrets of Richie Morgan's sock drawer.