Who Back When | A Doctor Who Podcast

- Description:
- There are hundreds of Doctor Who episodes and stories out there and we intend to watch them all! Not just that - We'll watch, review, discuss, debate, rate and praise and/or poke holes in every episode of Doctor Who, starting with the 1963 pilot. That's right; we're beginning with William Hartnell and then working our way forward through time, episode by episode and Doctor by Doctor. From comparing Dalek and Cybermen military strategems to ranking companions by hairstyle, we've got it covered. And while you subscribe to us on iTunes, we're populating WhoBackWhen.com with written reviews, episode statistics and an ever-growing visual index of aliens, creatures, historical figures and companions that the Doctor meets along the way.
Homepage: http://whobackwhen.com
RSS Feed: http://whobackwhen.com/feed/
- Episodes:
- 18
- Average Episode Duration:
- 0:1:15:46
- Longest Episode Duration:
- 0:1:47:50
- Total Duration of all Episodes:
- 0 days, 22 hours, 43 minutes and 42 seconds
- Earliest Episode:
- 12 March 2017 (6:03pm GMT)
- Latest Episode:
- 5 September 2021 (9:08am GMT)
- Average Time Between Episodes:
- 90 days, 23 hours, 30 minutes and 13 seconds
Who Back When | A Doctor Who Podcast Episodes
C128 Enlightenment
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 39 minutes and 56 secondsWho set up this boat race? What happened to any of the participants? Did Doc know all along? We require enlightenment!
The post C128 Enlightenment appeared first on Who Back When | A Doctor Who Podcast.
N140 Empress of Mars
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 40 minutes and 1 secondNoisy Victorian males find sweet Fanny Adams on Mars, until the Ice Queen has a hissy fit
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B074 Fourteenth Doctor and Next Showrunner Speculations
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 46 minutes and 15 secondsWho might The Fourteenth Doctor and next showrunner be? We sat down for some in-depth speculation and dream casting
The post B074 Fourteenth Doctor and Next Showrunner Speculations appeared first on Who Back When | A Doctor Who Podcast.
C127 Terminus
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 33 minutes and 42 secondsThree wasted pincers, not how levers work, and Splinter King-Kongs Nyssa before she inexplicably exits the show
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B072 Eighth Anniversary Blooper Reel
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 15 minutes and 24 secondsHoly Moly, Who Back When just turned 8 years young!
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N133 Smile
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 44 minutes and 5 secondsA happy-go-lucky episode full of corridon’ts, and what exactly does a self-aware AI demand in rent?
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N118 The Magician’s Apprentice
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 47 minutes and 50 secondsDoc's night out in Essex is cut short as we're treated to the origin story of one of the greatest nemeses of Doctor Who
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N056 The Next Doctor
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 19 minutes and 15 secondsA steampunk cyber giant, a TARDIS balloon and a terrible ending
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C056 The Mind of Evil
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 59 minutes and 9 secondsPsychiatric treatment of criminals using an alien in a bucket? It's got to be The Master!
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N055 Journey's End
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 30 minutes and 56 secondsThe Doctor abandons Rose with a genocidal Donna in Tennant-form and there's no sign of The Shadow Proclamation anywhere!
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N054 The Stolen Earth
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 18 minutes and 39 secondsCompanions and spin-offs collide when Davros and his new race of Daleks transport the Earth far across the universe
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B033 OxCon II -- The Oxford Comic Con 2017
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 23 minutes and 59 secondsWe attended the second ever Oxford Comic Con, which alongside myriad cosplayers, gamers, comic book artists and nerds galore hosted The Sixth Doctor himself, Colin Baker!
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C055 Terror of the Autons
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes and 21 secondsKiller daffodils, a carnivorous armchair and the debut of The Master.
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N053 Turn Left
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 11 minutes and 59 secondsA Beetle Backpack, the Death of the Doctor and the Return of Rose. Could this be any more epic?!
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C054 Inferno
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 2 minutes and 43 secondsDisco Werewolves, Venusian Karate and yet another Drill-to-The-Centre-of-the-Earth spiel.
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B032 Class - The Doctor Who Spin-off
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 13 minutes and 32 secondsIt's a Whovian "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" with bits of "Captain Planet" and tentacle porn. We review the Doctor Who spin-off, CLASS.
The post B032 Class – The Doctor Who Spin-off appeared first on Who Back When | A Doctor Who Podcast.
N052 Midnight
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 15 minutes and 46 secondsA tense, psychological thriller and some terrifically high-concept sci-fi, this is RTD's Reservoir Dogs in space
The post N052 Midnight appeared first on Who Back When | A Doctor Who Podcast.
C053 The Ambassadors of Death
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 4 minutes and 10 secondsMore astronaut-cosplaying aliens, palpably inappropriate music, and foreign conspirators from foreign countries
The post C053 The Ambassadors of Death appeared first on Who Back When | A Doctor Who Podcast.