Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: A Journey Through Doctor Who

- Description:
Homepage: http://www.wanderin4d.com/
RSS Feed: http://wanderin4d.libsyn.com/rss
- Episodes:
- 526
- Average Episode Duration:
- 0:1:08:56
- Longest Episode Duration:
- 0:2:39:06
- Total Duration of all Episodes:
- 25 days, 4 hours, 22 minutes and 42 seconds
- Earliest Episode:
- 6 February 2014 (7:20am GMT)
- Latest Episode:
- 6 February 2025 (7:01pm GMT)
- Average Time Between Episodes:
- 7 days, 15 hours, 21 minutes and 10 seconds
Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: A Journey Through Doctor Who Episodes
Episode 23: The Ark
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 50 minutes and 52 secondsThis week we cover Doctor Who story #23, 1966's "The Ark", in which our heroes accidentally re-introduce the common cold to the human race, with disastrous consequences!
QotW: If you were to choose any author, living or dead, to write a Doctor Who story, who would it be?
Listener Mailbag
Discussion of "The Ark" (David 9.5, Trevor 9, Charlie 9.5)
Connor's Corner
Discussion of Big Finish audio adventure "Mother Russia" (David 7, Trevor 6, Charlie 6)
Doctor Who Reviews: Doctor Who Yahtzee
- Trevor
- Twitter: @WhovianTrev
- Tumblr: http://trevsplace.tumblr.com/
- Charlie
- David
- Twitter: @gwythinn
- WWW: http://www.davidsafar.com/
- Tumblr: http://maroonedwhovian.tumblr.com/
Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who serial #24, The Celestial Toymaker! We invite you to follow along by watching this serial before the podcast. Only one episode survives in video format, but the soundtrack is available from Audible.com.
- Trevor
Episode 22: The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 50 minutes and 27 secondsThis week we cover Doctor Who story #22, 1966's "The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve", which finds the TARDIS crew in 16th century France, trapped in a conflict between the Catholics and the Huguenots!
QotW: What historical period would you like to see the twelfth Doctor visit (or re-visit) in series 8?
Listener Mailbag
Discussion of "The Massacre" (Charlie 4, David 5.99, Trevor 5.5)
Connor's Corner
Discussion of Big Finish audio adventure "Home Truths" (Charlie 8, David 8, Trevor 7.5)
TARDIS Coordinates: The TARDIS Room 1218 N. Killingsworth St., Portland, OR, 97217
- Trevor
- Twitter: @WhovianTrev
- Tumblr: http://trevsplace.tumblr.com/
- Charlie
- David
- Twitter: @gwythinn
- WWW: http://www.davidsafar.com/
- Tumblr: http://maroonedwhovian.tumblr.com/
Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who serial #23, The Ark! We invite you to follow along by watching this serial before the podcast. You can stream this serial from Hulu Plus, rent the DVD from Netflix, or buy the DVD from Amazon, the BBC Doctor Who Shop, or many other fine retailers.
- Trevor
Episode 21p2: The Daleks' Master Plan (episodes 7-12)
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes and 29 secondsThis week we cover the second half of Doctor Who story #21, 1965-66's "The Daleks' Master Plan", in which our heroes must save not just Earth, not just the solar system, not just the galaxy, but the entire UNIVERSE from domination by the Daleks!
QotW: Which modern or pre-Galaxy 4 Doctor Who companion do you wish had met an untimely end?
Listener Mailbag
Discussion of the second half of "The Daleks' Master Plan" (Feast of Steven: Trevor 4, Charlie 3, David 2 eye-bleeds; Second Half: Trevor 8, Charlie 9, David 8.25; Overall: Trevor 8.25, Charlie 9, David 8.5)
Connor's Corner
Doctor Who on the Web: BBC Doctor Who Shop
- Trevor
- Twitter: @WhovianTrev
- Tumblr: http://trevsplace.tumblr.com/
- Charlie
- David
- Twitter: @gwythinn
- WWW: http://www.davidsafar.com/
- Tumblr: http://maroonedwhovian.tumblr.com/
Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who serial #22, The Massacre of St. Bartholomew’s Eve! This serial is entirely lost, meaning that none of the episodes have survived in video form. However, we invite you to follow along by listening to the soundtrack for this serial before the podcast. It is available from Audible.com.
- Trevor
Episode 21p1: The Daleks' Master Plan (episodes 1-6)
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 46 minutes and 22 secondsThis week we cover the first half of Doctor Who story #21, 1965-66's "The Daleks' Master Plan", in which our heroes must save not just Earth, not just the solar system, not just the galaxy, but the entire UNIVERSE from domination by the Daleks!
QotW: What's your favorite modern Dalek story?
Listener Mailbag
Discussion of the first half of "The Daleks' Master Plan" (David 8.75, Trevor 8.5, Charlie 9)
Connor's Corner
Please contribute your ideas for Doctor Who on the Web, Doctor Who Reviews, Shout Out, or Doctor Who Events segments!
- Trevor
- Twitter: @WhovianTrev
- Tumblr: http://trevsplace.tumblr.com/
- Charlie
- David
- Twitter: @gwythinn
- WWW: http://www.davidsafar.com/
- Tumblr: http://maroonedwhovian.tumblr.com/
Join us next week for our review of the final six parts of Doctor Who serial #21, The Daleks’ Master Plan! This is the longest Doctor Who story, consisting of 12 episodes. As such, we have split it across two podcast episodes. This week we covered the first six episodes, and next week we will cover the remaining six. We invite you to follow along by watching these episodes before the podcast. Most of The Daleks’ Master Plan has been lost, however, the remaining episodes can be found on the Lost In Time DVD set. The soundtrack can be acquired from Audible.com.
- Trevor
Episode 20: The Myth Makers
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 40 minutes and 40 secondsThis week we cover Doctor Who story #120, 1965's "The Myth Makers", in which our heroes meet the heroes of ancient Greece and Troy, and find their allegiances split -- which side will they help to win the war?
QotW, courtesy of Joshua-Shane Vis: If you were to make a Doctor Who video game, what kind of game would it be? Rule: Must use all canon Doctors.
Listener Mailbag
Discussion of "The Myth Makers" (Charlie 7, David 7.5, Trevor 8)
Connor's Corner
Discussion of Big Finish's "The Suffering"
Doctor Who on the Web: Doctor Who Parody by The Hillywood Show
- Trevor
- Twitter: @WhovianTrev
- Tumblr: http://trevsplace.tumblr.com/
- Charlie
- David
- Twitter: @gwythinn
- WWW: http://www.davidsafar.com/
- Tumblr: http://maroonedwhovian.tumblr.com/
Join us next week for our review of the first six parts of Doctor Who serial #21, The Daleks’ Master Plan! This is the longest Doctor Who story, consisting of 12 episodes. As such, we will split it across two podcast episodes. Next week we will cover the first six episodes, and the following week we will cover the remaining six. We invite you to follow along by watching these episodes before the podcast. Most of The Daleks’ Master Plan has been lost, however, the remaining episodes can be found on the Lost In Time DVD set. The soundtrack can be acquired from Audible.com.
- Trevor
Episode 18 and 19: Galaxy 4 and Mission to the Unknown
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 42 minutes and 50 secondsThis week we cover Doctor Who story #18, 1965's "Galaxy 4", in which our heroes meet two alien races on a doomed world: the beautiful Drahvins and the hideous Rills. But who is good and who is evil? We also cover story #19, "Mission to the Unknown", also known as the Dalek Cutaway. Three men are stranded on the planet Kembel a millennium after the Dalek invasion of Earth. The Daleks have returned to our galaxy, and these men must get word back to Earth!
QotW: Not counting Capaldi, which modern Doctor do you feel is most like the first Doctor and why?
Listener Mailbag
Discussion of "Galaxy 4" (Trevor 7.5, Charlie 6.5, David 6.5)
Discussion of "Mission to the Unknown" (Trevor 8.5, Charlie 8, David 7.5)
Connor's Corner
- Trevor
- Twitter: @WhovianTrev
- Tumblr: http://trevsplace.tumblr.com/
- Charlie
- David
- Twitter: @gwythinn
- WWW: http://www.davidsafar.com/
- Tumblr: http://maroonedwhovian.tumblr.com/
Join us next week for our reviews of Doctor Who serial #20, The Myth Makers! We invite you to follow along by watching the serials before the podcast. The Myth Makers is a completely lost story, meaning no video of it has survived. However, the soundtrack can be acquired from Audible.com.
- Trevor
Episode 17: The Time Meddler
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes and 35 secondsThis week we cover Doctor Who story #17, 1965's "The Time Meddler", in which the TARDIS crew discover strange anachronisms in 11th century England -- but who could be responsible?
QotW: If you had to choose one companion, Ian or Barbara, which would you choose and why?
Listener Mailbag
Discussion of "The Time Meddler" (David: 6.9, Trevor: 8.5, Charlie: 9)
Connor's Corner
Discussion of "The Time Museum"
Doctor Who Events: BBC Worldwide Celebrates David Tennant: Doctor Who + Wings by Fathom Events http://www.fathomevents.com/event/doctor-who-and-wings
- Trevor
- Twitter: @WhovianTrev
- Tumblr: http://trevsplace.tumblr.com/
- Charlie
- David
- Twitter: @gwythinn
- WWW: http://www.davidsafar.com/
- Tumblr: http://maroonedwhovian.tumblr.com/
Join us next week for our reviews of Doctor Who serials #18, Galaxy 4, and #19, Mission to the Unknown! We invite you to follow along by watching the serials before the podcast. Three of the four parts of Galaxy 4 are lost, so there has been no full-length DVD release. A condensed reconstruction is available on the Aztecs Special Edition DVD, and the official soundtrack is available from Audible.com. Mission to the Unknown is also lost, but the soundtrack is included with the soundtrack of The Daleks' Master Plan, also available from Audible.com.
- Trevor
Episode 16: The Chase
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 49 minutes and 50 secondsThis week we cover Doctor Who story #16, 1965's "The Chase", in which the Daleks pursue the TARDIS throughout time and space, intent on exterminating its crew wherever or whenever they may flee!
QotW: What is your favorite modern Doctor Who catch phrase?
Listener Mailbag
Discussion of "The Chase"
Connor's Corner
Doctor Who Review: Our video unboxing and review of the Doctor Who Chase Action Figure Set from Underground Toys
- Trevor
- Twitter: @WhovianTrev
- Tumblr: http://trevsplace.tumblr.com/
- Charlie
- David
- Twitter: @gwythinn
- WWW: http://www.davidsafar.com/
- Tumblr: http://maroonedwhovian.tumblr.com/
Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who serial #17, The Time Meddler! We invite you to follow along by watching the serial before the podcast. The region 1 DVD is out of print, so you can buy it from Amazon, but it’s very expensive. You can rent the DVD from Netflix or stream the serial from Hulu Plus.
- Trevor
Episode 15: The Space Museum
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 48 minutes and 42 secondsThis week we cover Doctor Who story #15, 1965's "The Space Museum", which finds the TARDIS crew lost in a space museum, desperately trying to avoid becoming the next exhibit!
This week we're joined by our special guest co-host, Jess Hall, Charlie's co-host on The Infinite Longbox podcast!
QotW: If you could pick a signature accessory for Peter Capaldi's twelfth Doctor, what would it be, and why?
Listener Mailbag
Discussion of "The Space Museum"
Discussion of Big Finish's "The Rocket Men"
Connor's Corner
Shout Out: Comic Geek Speak Podcast
- Trevor
- Twitter: @WhovianTrev
- Tumblr: http://trevsplace.tumblr.com/
- Charlie
- David
- Twitter: @gwythinn
- WWW: http://www.davidsafar.com/
- Tumblr: http://maroonedwhovian.tumblr.com/
- Jess
Viewing options for next episode's serial, "The Chase"
Buy the DVD from Amazon
Rent the DVD from Netflix
Stream from Hulu Plus starting with Part 1
- Trevor
Episode 14: The Crusade
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 49 minutes and 16 secondsThis week we cover Doctor Who story #14, 1965's "The Crusade", in which the TARDIS crew find themselves swept up in the struggle between King Richard and Saladin!
QotW: What's your favorite Doctor outfit?
Listener Mailbag
Discussion of "The Crusade"
Discussion of Big Finish's "Farewell, Great Macedon"
Connor's Corner
Doctor Who Reviews: Doctor Who Watch from the Unemployed Philosophers’ Guild
- Trevor
- Twitter: @WhovianTrev
- Tumblr: http://trevsplace.tumblr.com/
- Charlie
- David
- Twitter: @gwythinn
- WWW: http://www.davidsafar.com/
- Tumblr: http://maroonedwhovian.tumblr.com/
Viewing options for next episode's serial, "The Space Museum"
Buy the DVD from Amazon
Rent the DVD from Netflix
Stream from Hulu Plus: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
- Trevor
Episode 13: The Web Planet
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 42 minutes and 13 secondsThis week we cover Doctor Who story #13, 1965's "The Web Planet", in which the TARDIS lands on a planet where two formerly peaceful insect races are locked into a mortal conflict -- but what dark secret lies at the heart of the web that has infested their world?
QotW: Who is your least favorite modern Doctor Who alien? (If you say the Slitheen, please give your second answer too!)
Listener Mailbag
Discussion of "The Web Planet"
Connor's Corner
Doctor Who on the Web: Doctor Who Compendium
- Trevor
- Twitter: @WhovianTrev
- Tumblr: http://trevsplace.tumblr.com/
- Charlie
- David
- Twitter: @gwythinn
- WWW: http://www.davidsafar.com/
- Tumblr: http://maroonedwhovian.tumblr.com/
Viewing options for next episode's serial, "The Crusade"
This serial is partially lost. The remaining episodes and soundtracks for the lost episodes can be found on the Lost in Time Volume 1 DVD collection.
Buy the DVD from Amazon
Rent the DVD from Netflix
- Trevor
Episode 12: The Romans
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 48 minutes and 23 secondsThis week we cover Doctor Who story #12, 1965's "The Romans", in which the TARDIS crew find themselves in ancient Rome at the time of Emperor Nero. Will they be enslaved, put to death, turn out to be responsible responsible for the shape of history?
QotW: Who do you prefer at the helm of the modern Doctor Who: Russell T Davies, or Steven Moffat?
Listener Mailbag
Discussion of "The Romans"
Discussion of "An Earthly Child"
Connor's Corner
Shout Out: The Classic Doctor Who and the TARDIS Facebook page
- Trevor
- Twitter: @WhovianTrev
- Tumblr: http://trevsplace.tumblr.com/
- Charlie
- David
- Twitter: @gwythinn
- WWW: http://www.davidsafar.com/
- Tumblr: http://maroonedwhovian.tumblr.com/
Viewing options for next episode's serial, "The Web Planet"
Stream from Hulu Plus: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Rent the DVD from Netflix
- Trevor
Episode 11: The Rescue
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 39 minutes and 7 secondsThis week we cover Doctor Who story #11, 1965's "The Rescue", in which the TARDIS crew land on the planet Dido to find a member of the once-peaceful Didonian race holding two humans prisoner there after having slain their comrades. But what dark secret does this sinister creature hold?
QotW: If you had a chance to cast one actor or actress as an upcoming Doctor Who companion, who would it be?
Listener Mailbag
Discussion of "The Rescue"
Discussion of "Daleks - Invasion Earth 2150 A.D."
Connor's Corner
Doctor Who on the Web: Doctor Who 2048
- Trevor
- Twitter: @WhovianTrev
- Tumblr: http://trevsplace.tumblr.com/
- Charlie
- David
- Twitter: @gwythinn
- WWW: http://www.davidsafar.com/
- Tumblr: http://maroonedwhovian.tumblr.com/
Viewing options for next episode's serial, "The Romans"
Rent the DVD from Netflix
- Trevor
Episode 10: The Dalek Invasion of Earth
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 30 minutes and 52 secondsThis week we cover Doctor Who story #10, 1964's "Planet of Giants", in which the TARDIS crew find themselves on Earth in the 22nd century... where the daleks have already taken over!
Shout Out: Matt Elliot's Ask the Doctor series
Listener Mailbag
Discussion of "The Dalek Invasion of Earth"
Discussion of "The Beginning"
Connor's Corner
Doctor Who Reviews: Doctor Who Legacy
- Trevor
- Twitter: @WhovianTrev
- Tumblr: http://trevsplace.tumblr.com/
- Charlie
- David
- Twitter: @gwythinn
- WWW: http://www.davidsafar.com/
- Tumblr: http://maroonedwhovian.tumblr.com/
Viewing options for next episode's serial, "The Dalek Invasion of Earth"
Stream from Hulu Plus: Part 1, Part 2
Rent the DVD from Netflix
Buy the DVD from Amazon(excruciatingly expensive)
- Trevor
Episode 9: Planet of Giants
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 10 minutes and 51 secondsThis week we cover Doctor Who story #9, 1964's "Planet of Giants", in which the TARDIS crew find themselves shrunken down to just one inch tall and witness to a plot which could spell the end of all life on Earth!
Shout Out: Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Project by Chang Dai (thanks to ThePathologist for the link)
Listener Mailbag
Discussion of "Planet of Giants"
Discussion of "Dr. Who and the Daleks"
Connor's Corner
Doctor Who Reviews: IDW's Assimilation² mini-series
- Trevor
- Twitter: @WhovianTrev
- Tumblr: http://trevsplace.tumblr.com/
- Charlie
- David
- Twitter: @gwythinn
- WWW: http://www.davidsafar.com/
- Tumblr: http://maroonedwhovian.tumblr.com/
Viewing options for next episode's serial, "The Dalek Invasion of Earth"
Rent the DVD from Netflix
Buy the DVD from Amazon
Buy the DVD from BBC Doctor Who Shop
- Trevor
Episode 8: The Reign of Terror
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 0 minutes and 48 secondsThis week we cover Doctor Who story #8, 1964's "The Reign of Terror", which sees our heroes materializing in the midst of French Revolution, where their freedom and indeed their very lives may be at stake!
Shout Out: Master builder GlenBricker's proposal for a Doctor Who set of Legos
Listener Mailbag
Discussion of "The Reign of Terror"
Connor's Corner
Doctor Who on the Web: Chrissie's Transcripts Site
- Trevor
- Twitter: @WhovianTrev
- Tumblr: http://trevsplace.tumblr.com/
- Charlie
- David
- Twitter: @gwythinn
- WWW: http://www.davidsafar.com/
- Tumblr: http://maroonedwhovian.tumblr.com/
Viewing options for next episode's serial, "Planet of Giants"
Stream from Hulu Plus: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Buy the DVD from Amazon
Buy the DVD from BBC Doctor Who Shop
- Trevor
Episode 7: The Sensorites
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 2 minutes and 39 secondsThis week we cover Doctor Who story #7, 1964's "The Sensorites", in which the TARDIS crew must unravel the secret intrigues of a pacifist society dying of a mysterious ailment!
Shout Out: Doctor Puppet
Listener Mailbag
Discussion of "The Sensorites"
Connor's Corner
Doctor Reviews: Tenth Doctor Sonic Screwdriver
- Trevor
- Twitter: @WhovianTrev
- Tumblr: http://trevsplace.tumblr.com/
- Charlie
- David
- Twitter: @gwythinn
- WWW: http://www.davidsafar.com/
- Tumblr: http://maroonedwhovian.tumblr.com/
Viewing options for next episode's serial, "The Reign of Terror"
Rent the DVD from Netflix
Buy the DVD from Amazon
Buy the DVD from BBC Doctor Who Shop
- Trevor
Episode 6: The Aztecs
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 1 minutes and 13 secondsThis week we cover Doctor Who story #5, 1964's "The Keys of Marinus", in which the TARDIS crew are for an RPG-style collection quest where good and evil hang in the balance!
Shout Out: Metal Souls
Listener Mailbag
Discussion of "The Aztecs"
Connor's Corner
Ryan Hess's take on "The Aztecs"
Doctor Who on the Web: The Doctor Who Hub on Facebook
- Trevor
- Twitter: @WhovianTrev
- Tumblr: http://trevsplace.tumblr.com/
- Charlie
- David
- Twitter: @gwythinn
- WWW: http://www.davidsafar.com/
- Tumblr: http://maroonedwhovian.tumblr.com/
Viewing options for next episode's serial, "The Sensorites":
Stream from Hulu Plus: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Rent the DVD from Netflix
Buy the DVD from Amazon
Buy the DVD from BBC Doctor Who Shop
- Trevor
Episode 5: The Keys of Marinus
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 55 minutes and 34 secondsThis week we cover Doctor Who story #5, 1964's "The Keys of Marinus", in which the TARDIS crew are for an RPG-style collection quest where good and evil hang in the balance!
Shout Out: Whovian artists:
Paul Hanley's The Infinite Doctor
Jenny Parks's Doctor MewListener Mailbag
Discussion of "The Keys of Marinus"
Connor's Corner
Doctor Who on the Web: The Destruction of Time
- Trevor
- Twitter: @WhovianTrev
- Tumblr: http://trevsplace.tumblr.com/
- Charlie
- David
- Twitter: @gwythinn
- WWW: http://www.davidsafar.com/
- Tumblr: http://maroonedwhovian.tumblr.com/
Viewing options for next episode's serial, "The Aztecs"
Stream from Netflix (Collection 1)
Stream from Hulu Plus: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Stream from Amazon Instant Video
Rent the DVD from Netflix
Buy the DVD from Amazon (Special Edition)
Buy the DVD from Amazon
Buy the DVD from BBC Doctor Who Shop (Special Edition)
- Trevor
Episode 4: Marco Polo
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes and 32 secondsThis week we cover Doctor Who story #4, 1964's "Marco Polo", in which the TARDIS crew head back in time to meet historical figures Marco Polo and Kubla Khan!!
Shout Out: Colin is Eleven
Listener Mailbag
Discussion of "Marco Polo"
Connor's Corner
Doctor Who Reviews: Doctor Who The Eleven Doctors Micro-Figure Set
- Trevor
- Twitter: @WhovianTrev
- Tumblr: http://trevsplace.tumblr.com/
- Charlie
- David
- Twitter: @gwythinn
- WWW: http://www.davidsafar.com/
- Tumblr: http://maroonedwhovian.tumblr.com/
Viewing options for next episode's serial, "The Keys of Marinus"
Rent the DVD from Netflix
Buy the DVD from Amazon
Buy the DVD from BBC Doctor Who Shop
- Trevor
Episode 3: The Edge of Destruction
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 43 minutes and 32 secondsThis week we cover Doctor Who story #3, 1964's "The Edge of Destruction", in which the TARDIS crew face the possible annihilation of the TARDIS while they are locked within it!
Shout Out: Heroes and Villains Podcast
Listener Mailbag
Discussion of "The Edge of Destruction"
Connor's Corner
Doctor Who Reviews: Doctor Who Series 1: Winter's Dawn, Season's End
- Trevor
- Twitter: @WhovianTrev
- Tumblr: http://trevsplace.tumblr.com/
- Charlie
- David
- Twitter: @gwythinn
- WWW: http://www.davidsafar.com/
- Tumblr: http://maroonedwhovian.tumblr.com/
Viewing options for next episode's serial, "Marco Polo"
Full version (recommended):
- Buy the soundtrack from Audible.com.
-AND- - Acquire a telesnap reconstruction (the details on how to do this are left as an exercise for the listener).
30 minute condensed version:
- Rent the DVD from Netflix (Add disc 2, Marco Polo is in special features on The Edge of Destruction).
- Buy the DVD from Amazon (Also includes the first three serials)
- Buy the DVD from BBC Doctor Who Shop (Also includes the first three serials. Double the price of Amazon.)
- Trevor
Episode 2: The Daleks
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 12 secondsThis week we cover Doctor Who story #2, 1963's "The Daleks", the introduction of the Doctor's most iconic and recognizable foes!
Shout Out: Legion of Rassilon
Other Fandom: The Cartoon Art Museum's Neil Gaiman Exhibit
Discussion of "The Daleks"
Connor's Corner
Doctor Who on the Web: Hulu Plus
Doctor Who Product Reviews: The Beginning DVD Boxed Set
- Trevor
- Twitter: @WhovianTrev
- Tumblr: http://trevsplace.tumblr.com/
- Charlie
- David
- Twitter: @gwythinn
- WWW: http://www.davidsafar.com/
- Tumblr: http://maroonedwhovian.tumblr.com/
Viewing options for next episode's serial, "The Edge of Destruction":
- Buy the DVD from Amazon (Also includes the first and second serials for a very affordable price and eligible for Amazon Prime).
- Buy the DVD from BBC Doctor Who Shop (Also includes the first and second serials.)
- Stream from Hulu Plus: Part 1 Part 2
- Rent the DVD from Netflix (Add disc 2).
- Trevor
Episode 1: An Unearthly Child
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 18 minutes and 20 secondsEpisode #1 is a review of the first ever serial of Doctor Who, 1963's classic "An Unearthly Child".
Shout Out: The Infinite Longbox Podcast.
Discussion of "An Unearthly Child"
Connor's Corner
Doctor Who on the Web
Doctor Who Product Reviews: Eleventh Doctor Sonic Screwdriver Programmable Remote
- Trevor (https://twitter.com/WhovianTrev)
- Tumblr: http://trevsplace.tumblr.com/
- Charlie (https://twitter.com/insanityinchaos)
- Infinite Longbox Podcast: http://infinitelongbox.libsyn.com/
- Comic Conspiracy Podcast: http://www.geekbox.net/archives/category/podcasts/comic-conspiracy/
- David (https://twitter.com/gwythinn)
Viewing options for next episode's serial, "The Daleks":
- Buy the DVD from Amazon (Also includes the first and third serials for a very affordable price and eligible for Amazon Prime).
- Buy the DVD from BBC Doctor Who Shop (Also includes the first and third serials.)
- Stream from Hulu Plus: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
- Rent the DVD from Netflix (Add disc 1).
- Trevor (https://twitter.com/WhovianTrev)
Episode 0: An Adventure in Space and Time
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 2 minutes and 41 secondsThe first episode of our new Doctor Who podcast, introducing Trevor, Charlie, and David. In this episode we greet our listeners and discuss the docu-drama An Adventure in Space and Time which was produced as part of the 50th anniversary festivities this past November.
Shout Out: Ryan and the Comic Conspiracy podcast. http://www.geekbox.net/archives/category/podcasts/comic-conspiracy/
What is Doctor Who?
An Adventure in Space and Time episode discussion.
Connor's Corner
Doctor Who on the Web: Adventures with the Wife in Space. http://wifeinspace.com/
Doctor Who Product Review: The Tenth Doctor coat. http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/ea7a/
Trevor (https://twitter.com/WhovianTrev)
Tumblr: http://trevsplace.tumblr.com/
Charlie (https://twitter.com/insanityinchaos)
Infinite Longbox Podcast: http://infinitelongbox.libsyn.com/
Comic Conspiracy Podcast: http://www.geekbox.net/archives/category/podcasts/comic-conspiracy/
David (https://twitter.com/gwythinn)
WWW: http://www.davidsafar.com/
Tumblr: http://maroonedwhovian.tumblr.com/