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MUTTER'S SPIRAL 53 - "The Name of the Doctor"
Mutter's Spiral PodcastIt's another MUTTER'S SPIRAL Podcast, this time talking about the monumental Series 7 finale "The Name of the Doctor", written by Steven Moffat himself.
Did the episode live up to the hype? Was it a satisfying conclusion to the mystery of who is Clara? What IS the Doctor's greatest secret? How will that play out in the 50th? How many times can one person use the adjective "Lovely" during a podcast? Also, trivia, talk of the upcoming podcasts during the hiatus, and lots of other stuff! Ok, not really, it's all about "The Name of the Doctor"! Listen and find out!
MUTTER'S SPIRAL 53 - "The Name of the Doctor"
Mutter's Spiral PodcastIt's another MUTTER'S SPIRAL Podcast, this time talking about the monumental Series 7 finale "The Name of the Doctor", written by Steven Moffat himself.
Did the episode live up to the hype? Was it a satisfying conclusion to the mystery of who is Clara? What IS the Doctor's greatest secret? How will that play out in the 50th? How many times can one person use the adjective "Lovely" during a podcast? Also, trivia, talk of the upcoming podcasts during the hiatus, and lots of other stuff! Ok, not really, it's all about "The Name of the Doctor"! Listen and find out!
Episode 8 with Ken Deep
Doctor Who: The Quest Is The QuestIt's Episode 8 featuring that renegade time lord that wreaks havoc wherever he goes....the Master? No! It's Ken Deep! My special guest Doctor Who: Podshock's own Ken Deep joins me to talk about all things Season 8 from 1971. This one also features the possible intro of that awesome spin-off special we've all been waiting for. Bill Filer! Master of Intrigue. A Quinn-Martin Production.
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Episode 8 with Ken Deep
Doctor Who: The Quest Is The QuestIt's Episode 8 featuring that renegade time lord that wreaks havoc wherever he goes....the Master? No! It's Ken Deep! My special guest Doctor Who: Podshock's own Ken Deep joins me to talk about all things Season 8 from 1971. This one also features the possible intro of that awesome spin-off special we've all been waiting for. Bill Filer! Master of Intrigue. A Quinn-Martin Production.
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Episode 8 with Ken Deep
Doctor Who: The Quest Is The QuestIt's Episode 8 featuring that renegade time lord that wreaks havoc wherever he goes....the Master? No! It's Ken Deep! My special guest Doctor Who: Podshock's own Ken Deep joins me to talk about all things Season 8 from 1971. This one also features the possible intro of that awesome spin-off special we've all been waiting for. Bill Filer! Master of Intrigue. A Quinn-Martin Production.
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Episode 84: Cyber-Silverfish
The Sonic ToolboxCybermen are scary. Silverfish are disgusting. Neil Gaiman is fantastic. Put the three together and you get "Nightmare in Silver", the penultimate story in Series 7. Join us as we rabbit chase our way across the cosmos with rabbits in tow.
WARNING: Contains rabbit chasing
Neil Gaiman interview on
Episode 84: Cyber-Silverfish
Radio Free Skaro #367 - Everybody Hurts
Radio Free SkaroWell, the most recent series of Doctor Who has wrapped up, and what a way to do it - a fangasmagoria from Steven Moffat containing notable nods to the past and tantalizing hints of what's to come. "The Name of the Doctor" gave fans what they wanted (and more) in a 50th anniversary story, and it was six months early! But what did the Three Who rule think of this extravaganza? Also discussed in this episode were the now assured future of Doctor Who and the show's return in Series 8, stats, more stats, and the potentially damaging effects of Eurovision. And now, six months to wait until more new Doctor Who...but what else does the BBC have in store before then?
Check out the show notes at
Radio Free Skaro #367 - Everybody Hurts
Radio Free SkaroWell, the most recent series of Doctor Who has wrapped up, and what a way to do it - a fangasmagoria from Steven Moffat containing notable nods to the past and tantalizing hints of what's to come. "The Name of the Doctor" gave fans what they wanted (and more) in a 50th anniversary story, and it was six months early! But what did the Three Who rule think of this extravaganza? Also discussed in this episode were the now assured future of Doctor Who and the show's return in Series 8, stats, more stats, and the potentially damaging effects of Eurovision. And now, six months to wait until more new Doctor Who...but what else does the BBC have in store before then?
Check out the show notes at
Beneath the strains of time
Who's He?This is it, the series finale of series 7b of Doctor Who, The Name of The Doctor and Phil & Paul aren't completely in agreement! Paul struggles to find the story in this episode whilst Phil just likes it for what it is. But one this is for sure though, they both agree that seeing past Doctors was marvelous and as for John Hurt? Listen to find out!
And in the news this week, Steven Moffat thanks the fans for keeping their gobs shut after BBC America released the series 7b blu-ray boxset a week early, series 8 has been confrmed by the BBC, the sad passing of Doctor Who actors and crew during the week and in Omega's Tat Corner, some tat has been released that absolutely no-one was crying out for!!
Beneath the strains of time
Who's He?This is it, the series finale of series 7b of Doctor Who, The Name of The Doctor and Phil & Paul aren't completely in agreement! Paul struggles to find the story in this episode whilst Phil just likes it for what it is. But one this is for sure though, they both agree that seeing past Doctors was marvelous and as for John Hurt? Listen to find out!
And in the news this week, Steven Moffat thanks the fans for keeping their gobs shut after BBC America released the series 7b blu-ray boxset a week early, series 8 has been confrmed by the BBC, the sad passing of Doctor Who actors and crew during the week and in Omega's Tat Corner, some tat has been released that absolutely no-one was crying out for!!
Who's He? Podcast #107 Beneath the strains of time
Who's He?This is it, the series finale of series 7b of Doctor Who, The Name of The Doctor and Phil & Paul aren't completely in agreement! Paul struggles to find the story in this episode whilst Phil just likes it for what it is. But one this is for sure though, they both agree that seeing past Doctors was marvelous and as for John Hurt? Listen to find out!
And in the news this week, Steven Moffat thanks the fans for keeping their gobs shut after BBC America released the series 7b blu-ray boxset a week early, series 8 has been confrmed by the BBC, the sad passing of Doctor Who actors and crew during the week and in Omega's Tat Corner, some tat has been released that absolutely no-one was crying out for!!
Radio Free Skaro #367 - Everybody Hurts
Radio Free SkaroWell, the most recent series of Doctor Who has wrapped up, and what a way to do it - a fangasmagoria from Steven Moffat containing notable nods to the past and tantalizing hints of what's to come. "The Name of the Doctor" gave fans what they wanted (and more) in a 50th anniversary story, and it was six months early! But what did the Three Who rule think of this extravaganza? Also discussed in this episode were the now assured future of Doctor Who and the show's return in Series 8, stats, more stats, and the potentially damaging effects of Eurovision. And now, six months to wait until more new Doctor Who...but what else does the BBC have in store before then?
Check out the show notes at
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #208 - Review of The Name of the Doctor
The Doctor Who PodcastWe are finally here. The long journey that began way back in September 2012 comes to an end with The Name of the Doctor. Comes to an end, but also tantalises us with the voyage we have ahead of us in this anniversary. An eager Trevor, James and Tom are in the campervan this time [...]
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #208 - Review of The Name of the Doctor
The Doctor Who PodcastWe are finally here. The long journey that began way back in September 2012 comes to an end with The Name of the Doctor. Comes to an end, but also tantalises us with the voyage we have ahead of us in this anniversary. An eager Trevor, James and Tom are in the campervan this time [...]
Episode #54: "Hartnell's Still Got It..."
Under The Miniscope
Sarah and Andrew discuss Joruney to the Center of the TARDIS, corrections to the last episode, the Edge of Destruction, and our featured topic, the William Hartnell serial 'The Rescue.' Yay, Vicki!
(Sorry for the quality drop at the end; don't know what happened there!)
EPISODE203 - Dr Who 'The Name of the Doctor' Review
The Cultdom CollectiveThe Cultdom Collective LIVE review of the final episode of Series Seven: Dr Who 'The Name of the Doctor' (Spoilers!)
Staggering Stories Commentary #88: Doctor Who - Cold War
Staggering Stories PodcastSummary:
Adam J Purcell, Andy Simpkins and Keith Dunn sit down, naked, in front of the 2013 Doctor Who episode, ‘Cold War’, and spout our usual nonsense!Skaldak’s a naturist, Clara’s getting wet and Professor Grisenko has a foul taste in his ears. But enough of their problems, please sit down with us to enjoy Doctor Who: Cold War...
Vital Links:
EPISODE203 - Dr Who 'The Name of the Doctor' Review
The Cultdom CollectiveThe Cultdom Collective LIVE review of the final episode of Series Seven: Dr Who 'The Name of the Doctor' (Spoilers!)
EPISODE203 - Dr Who 'The Name of the Doctor' Review
The Cultdom CollectiveThe Cultdom Collective LIVE review of the final episode of Series Seven: Dr Who 'The Name of the Doctor' (Spoilers!)
EPISODE203 - Dr Who 'The Name of the Doctor' Review
The Cultdom CollectiveThe Cultdom Collective LIVE review of the final episode of Series Seven: Dr Who 'The Name of the Doctor' (Spoilers!)
Episode 6
The Gallifrey Times PodcastIn Episode 6 of The Gallifrey Times Podcast Oliver is once again joined by fellow team member Graeme Bentzen to take a look at the latest Doctor Who news from the past week and review the Series 7 finale The Name Of The Doctor Also this week Louis Rabinowitz rounds up what we already know for the 50th Anniversary special
DWO WhoCast - #292 - Doctor Who Podcast
DWO WhoCastWhat is the Name of The Doctor? Who is Clara? Why am I asking so many questions?
We all get together for a bit of fan speculation before Elizabeth and Dave review the finale to the latest season of Doctor Who
DWO WhoCast - #292 - Doctor Who Podcast
DWO WhoCastWhat is the Name of The Doctor? Who is Clara? Why am I asking so many questions?
We all get together for a bit of fan speculation before Elizabeth and Dave review the finale to the latest season of Doctor Who
043: Death to the Daleks
The Krynoid Podcast
"It's rather a pity, in a way. Now the universe is down to six hundred and ninety nine wonders."
The Doctor reacts badly to the news of Girls Aloud splitting up. Luckily, the Krynoid Podcast is here to take his mind off it.
After giving Cold War, Hide and Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS the once-over, Jim and Martin travel back in time to 1974 for Death to the Daleks - a tale of disarmed Daleks, operatic Exxilons and homicidal hoovers from the City of Dave.
They play 'Spot the Terry Nation Trope' while also wondering just how terrifying a patch of two-toned flooring can be.
With an empty Dalek 'standing' about and a blushing high priest channeling Spike Milligan, they ask 'Who is the real goon?'
And they plead with Carey Blyton to stop using sax as a weapon.
So why not dive in? Come on, the water's effervescent...
DWO WhoCast - #292 - Doctor Who Podcast
DWO WhoCastWhat is the Name of The Doctor? Who is Clara? Why am I asking so many questions?
We all get together for a bit of fan speculation before Elizabeth and Dave review the finale to the latest season of Doctor Who
043: Death to the Daleks
The Krynoid Podcast
"It's rather a pity, in a way. Now the universe is down to six hundred and ninety nine wonders."
The Doctor reacts badly to the news of Girls Aloud splitting up. Luckily, the Krynoid Podcast is here to take his mind off it.
After giving Cold War, Hide and Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS the once-over, Jim and Martin travel back in time to 1974 for Death to the Daleks - a tale of disarmed Daleks, operatic Exxilons and homicidal hoovers from the City of Dave.
They play ‘Spot the Terry Nation Trope’ while also wondering just how terrifying a patch of two-toned flooring be.
With an empty Dalek 'standing' about and a blushing high priest channelling Spike Milligan, they ask 'Who is the real goon'?
And they plead with Carey Blyton to stop using sax as a weapon.
So why not dive in? Come on, the water's effervescent...
TFA 39 - StarTrek & DragonCon's Garrett Wang, Misti-Con, StarMage and Ken Spivey Band's New Doctor Who Album!
Transmissions From AtlantisWhat a show we have for you this week folks. We have Star Trek royalty joining as Garrett Wang, who played Ensign Harry Kim in Star Trek Voyager and is now the director of Trek Trak for DragonCon, will give us a chat about what’s going on with DragonCon Trek Trak, make two major announcements on appearances, talk about Star Trek Into Darkness and his opinion on the JJ Abrams franchise as well as his career and other amazing anecdotes.
We also have Dr. Scott Vigue to tell us why we shouldn’t hate Colin Baker’s Sixth Doctor. We tell you all about our trip to New Hampshire for Misti-Con and we give you the low down on our recently launched KickStarter campaign for Jason’s comic, StarMage.
Plus we review Nightmare in Silver and give you a preview of The Name of the Doctor!
So, let’s get to it!
Schedule and links after the jump!
Episode 39
The Lineup and Links
Support the Kickstarter for Star Mage
1:31 Opening
4:08- Sci-Fi News
- StarMage Kickstarter
- Misti-Con
19:32- Transmissions Received
- Garret Wang, Star Trek Actor and Director of Trek Trak at DragonCon
01:02:12 Doctor Who News
- Ken Spivey Band’s New Album
- Sexy Professor
- Matt Officially back for Series 8
- Review of Nightmare in Silver
- Preview of The Name of the Doctor
1:24 Legacy Who News
- Doctor Scott Vigue talks the Sixth Doctor, Colin Baker
1:48:11- Closing featuring Star Trekkin’ by The Firm
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The TFA Android App: Transmissions From AtlantisThe post TFA 39 – StarTrek & DragonCon’s Garrett Wang, Misti-Con, StarMage and Ken Spivey Band’s New Doctor Who Album! appeared first on Transmissions From Atlantis.
2MTL 309: Meet the Editors and Writers of "Queers Dig Time Lords" (Time Dilation)
Two-minute Time LordSigrid Ellis, Michael D. Thomas, Erik Stadnik and Mary Anne Mohanraj reveal all about Mad Norwegian Press's Queers Dig Time Lords: A Celebration of Doctor Who by the LGBTQ Fans Who Love It. Secret origins! Star Trek-related confessions! Manifestos! Fun!
Tim's Take On: Episode 173(Dr Who The Name of The Doctor review)
Tim's Take On...Series 7b of Dr Who reaches it's finale with The Name of The Doctor which thankfully wasn't revealed but the reason that Clara is the impossible girl was in a flashback heavy episode which has hopefully pleased all of fandom.
End theme is Dr Who Ultimate title mix (1963-2007)
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
Tim's Take On: Episode 173(Dr Who The Name of The Doctor review)
Tim's Take On...Series 7b of Dr Who reaches it's finale with The Name of The Doctor which thankfully wasn't revealed but the reason that Clara is the impossible girl was in a flashback heavy episode which has hopefully pleased all of fandom.
End theme is Dr Who Ultimate title mix (1963-2007)
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
Tim's Take On: Episode 173(Dr Who The Name of The Doctor review)
Tim's Take On...Series 7b of Dr Who reaches it's finale with The Name of The Doctor which thankfully wasn't revealed but the reason that Clara is the impossible girl was in a flashback heavy episode which has hopefully pleased all of fandom.
End theme is Dr Who Ultimate title mix (1963-2007)
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
The Cloister Room 052 - Gollum Style
The Cloister RoomAfter the penultimate episode of series seven, Nightmare in Silver, Louis guided Tom through a therapeutic reconstruction of the plot, and the two of them share predictions about what will happen in The Name of the Doctor.
Episode 44 - He would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those pesky kids!
Outpost Skaro PodcastDerek, Andy and Alan take a look at Neil Gaiman’s latest Dr Who story: “Nightmare in Silver”. Are the Cybermen scary again?
Doctor Who: Who Is The Man Podcast episode 66: Playing Catch Up With a Streaming Consciousness
'Who' - Is The Man PodcastThis episode has taken forever to record. This episode has taken forever to edit. And this episode talks about 4 Doctor Who episodes that took me forever (well... a long time) to watch. To be speific those Doctor Who episodes are:
Cold War by Mark Gatiss
Hide by Neil Cross
Journey to The Centre of The TARDIS by Stephen Thompson
The Crimson Horror by Mark Gatiss
If you have any thoughts, compliants or anything you want out on the internet through this show, send it to or comment on
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Commentary: Doctor Who - Nightmare in Silver
The Cultdom CollectiveDave Mike and Ian decide to have a bit of fun on the Spacey Zuma ride before getting some free ice cream, but before the ride is done Mike's ticket falls out of his pocket and blows away. While he runs off to chase it Dave and Ian belly up to the Ice Cream Stand to wait and get started on this weeks Commentary: Doctor Who - Nightmare in Silver
Commentary: Dr Who - Nightmare in Silver
The Cultdom CollectiveDave Mike and Ian decide to have a bit of fun on the Spacey Zuma ride before getting some free ice cream, but before the ride is done Mike's ticket falls out of his pocket and blows away. While he runs off to chase it Dave and Ian belly up to the Ice Cream Stand to wait and get started on this weeks Commentary: Doctor Who - Nightmare in Silver
Commentary: Dr Who - Nightmare in Silver
The Cultdom CollectiveDave Mike and Ian decide to have a bit of fun on the Spacey Zuma ride before getting some free ice cream, but before the ride is done Mike's ticket falls out of his pocket and blows away. While he runs off to chase it Dave and Ian belly up to the Ice Cream Stand to wait and get started on this weeks Commentary: Doctor Who - Nightmare in Silver
Commentary: Dr Who - Nightmare in Silver
The Cultdom CollectiveDave Mike and Ian decide to have a bit of fun on the Spacey Zuma ride before getting some free ice cream, but before the ride is done Mike's ticket falls out of his pocket and blows away. While he runs off to chase it Dave and Ian belly up to the Ice Cream Stand to wait and get started on this weeks Commentary: Doctor Who - Nightmare in Silver
081 - Silver Nemesis
The Minute Doctor Who PodcastWas this episode any better than the last time we had a Cyber story with Silver in the title? Available in YouTubeHD –
081 – Silver Nemesis
The Minute Doctor Who PodcastWas this episode any better than the last time we had a Cyber story with Silver in the title? Available in YouTubeHD –
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Waffle On PodcastWaffle On about Ferris Bueller's Day Off Hello and welcome to this months edition of Waffle On. Join Meds and Kell as they chat away about this classic film from the 1980's. Director and writer John Hughes once again smacks the ball over the net and delivers a knock out film that launched lead actor Mathew Brodericks film career. Remember we have a Facebook page so please feel free to come along and join in