Latest Podcast Episodes
Tim's Take On: Episode 226(TARDIS copter review/Doctor Who: The Web Planet mini review)
Tim's Take On...First up this week a review of the TARDIS copter R/C model, you can see videos of me flying it here and here
My classic series reviews reach Dr Who: The Web Planet otherwise known as planet of the insects, another case of a story that could do with being four rather than six episodes long but you have to admire it's creativity.
You can read more about this week's story here and the wife in space verdict here
End theme is Doctor Who theme(Band aid mix)
The show is now on Facebook please join the group for exclusive behind the scenes insights and of course also discuss and feedback on the show
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
Tim's Take On: Episode 226(TARDIS copter review/Doctor Who: The Web Planet mini review)
Tim's Take On...First up this week a review of the TARDIS copter R/C model, you can see videos of me flying it here and here
My classic series reviews reach Dr Who: The Web Planet otherwise known as planet of the insects, another case of a story that could do with being four rather than six episodes long but you have to admire it's creativity.
You can read more about this week's story here and the wife in space verdict here
End theme is Doctor Who theme(Band aid mix)
The show is now on Facebook please join the group for exclusive behind the scenes insights and of course also discuss and feedback on the show
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
Tim's Take On: Episode 226(TARDIS copter review/Doctor Who: The Web Planet mini review)
Tim's Take On...First up this week a review of the TARDIS copter R/C model, you can see videos of me flying it here and here
My classic series reviews reach Dr Who: The Web Planet otherwise known as planet of the insects, another case of a story that could do with being four rather than six episodes long but you have to admire it's creativity.
You can read more about this week's story here and the wife in space verdict here
End theme is Doctor Who theme(Band aid mix)
The show is now on Facebook please join the group for exclusive behind the scenes insights and of course also discuss and feedback on the show
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
Terminus Podcast -- Episode 9: You're Golden, Baby: Day of the Doctor
Terminus: A Doctor Who PodcastSo, after about six months of unintended hiatus (!), the ninth episode of 'Terminus' is now finally finished and available for you! So, life sort of got on top of me during that time, derailing me completely and utterly, but I'm back to give things another go with a belated review of the 50th anniversary story, 'The Day of the Doctor' (I've postponed the promised 'Silver Nemesis' review episode for later, since I'm shuffling my schedule around a bit to accommodate the hiatus).
Anyway, many apologies for the wait and many thank-yous to those who've been listening all this time and cheering me on to return to my podcast again. Hopefully, things will balance out soon again on this end and I can bring you more content, more frequently.
Anyway, as I said above, join me on this episode as I chat about 'The Day of the Doctor' and even get a bit saucy and naughty at times, but that's what recording at 3:00 AM will do for you. I hope no one minds too much, but I thought I'd give a warning, nonetheless.
And, as always, glad to have you aboard. Enjoy the ride!
Episode 9 – You're Golden, Baby: Day of the Doctor
Table of Contents
0:00:00 - Opening and Welcome
0:06:31 - Happy Fandom Time!
0:12:41 - Chatting lots and lots about 'Day of the Doctor'
1:05:58 - Coming soon on the next episode!
1:07:05 - Goodbye, Thanks, and Outro
+ Website:
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+ Music Theme: 'Violin Doctor Who Theme' by ViolinistBAKA (on YouTube)
Happy Fandom Time Links:
+ 'Night of the Doctor' prequel on YouTube (for those who somehow missed it!)
+ 'The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot' on Vimeo (again for any poor souls who've not yet seen it!)
Other Fun Links Related to the Show:
+ 'Chiaroscuro' by radiantbaby (my fanfic that has the Black Archive and the Space-Time Telegraph, for anyone curious -- it's a Nine/Martha story, because MARTHA IS MADE OF WIN!)
Opening audio clips from the Fifth Doctor serial 'Terminus' and the Tenth Doctor serial 'The Shakespeare Code', copyright BBC. The female robot voice was from '2nd Speech Center' text-to-voice software. 'Doctor Who' theme was by ViolinistBAKA, link provided above.
Terminus Podcast -- Episode 9: You're Golden, Baby: Day of the Doctor
Terminus: A Doctor Who PodcastSo, after about six months of unintended hiatus (!), the ninth episode of 'Terminus' is now finally finished and available for you! So, life sort of got on top of me during that time, derailing me completely and utterly, but I'm back to give things another go with a belated review of the 50th anniversary story, 'The Day of the Doctor' (I've postponed the promised 'Silver Nemesis' review episode for later, since I'm shuffling my schedule around a bit to accommodate the hiatus).
Anyway, many apologies for the wait and many thank-yous to those who've been listening all this time and cheering me on to return to my podcast again. Hopefully, things will balance out soon again on this end and I can bring you more content, more frequently.
Anyway, as I said above, join me on this episode as I chat about 'The Day of the Doctor' and even get a bit saucy and naughty at times, but that's what recording at 3:00 AM will do for you. I hope no one minds too much, but I thought I'd give a warning, nonetheless.
And, as always, glad to have you aboard. Enjoy the ride!
Episode 9 - You're Golden, Baby: Day of the Doctor
Table of Contents
0:00:00 - Opening and Welcome
0:06:31 - Happy Fandom Time!
0:12:41 - Chatting lots and lots about 'Day of the Doctor'
1:05:58 - Coming soon on the next episode!
1:07:05 - Goodbye, Thanks, and Outro
+ Website:
+ RSS feed:
+ Email:
+ Facebook: (the social group) or Like Us at:
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+ Music Theme: 'Violin Doctor Who Theme' by ViolinistBAKA (on YouTube)
Happy Fandom Time Links:
+ 'Night of the Doctor' prequel on YouTube (for those who somehow missed it!)
+ 'The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot' on Vimeo (again for any poor souls who've not yet seen it!)
Other Fun Links Related to the Show:
+ 'Chiaroscuro' by radiantbaby (my fanfic that has the Black Archive and the Space-Time Telegraph, for anyone curious -- it's a Nine/Martha story, because MARTHA IS MADE OF WIN!)
Opening audio clips from the Fifth Doctor serial 'Terminus' and the Tenth Doctor serial 'The Shakespeare Code', copyright BBC. The female robot voice was from '2nd Speech Center' text-to-voice software. 'Doctor Who' theme was by ViolinistBAKA, link provided above.
Terminus Podcast -- Episode 9: You're Golden, Baby: Day of the Doctor
Terminus: A Doctor Who PodcastSo, after about six months of unintended hiatus (!), the ninth episode of 'Terminus' is now finally finished and available for you! So, life sort of got on top of me during that time, derailing me completely and utterly, but I'm back to give things another go with a belated review of the 50th anniversary story, 'The Day of the Doctor' (I've postponed the promised 'Silver Nemesis' review episode for later, since I'm shuffling my schedule around a bit to accommodate the hiatus).
Anyway, many apologies for the wait and many thank-yous to those who've been listening all this time and cheering me on to return to my podcast again. Hopefully, things will balance out soon again on this end and I can bring you more content, more frequently.
Anyway, as I said above, join me on this episode as I chat about 'The Day of the Doctor' and even get a bit saucy and naughty at times, but that's what recording at 3:00 AM will do for you. I hope no one minds too much, but I thought I'd give a warning, nonetheless.
And, as always, glad to have you aboard. Enjoy the ride!
Episode 9 – You're Golden, Baby: Day of the Doctor
Table of Contents
0:00:00 - Opening and Welcome
0:06:31 - Happy Fandom Time!
0:12:41 - Chatting lots and lots about 'Day of the Doctor'
1:05:58 - Coming soon on the next episode!
1:07:05 - Goodbye, Thanks, and Outro
+ Website:
+ RSS feed:
+ Email:
+ Facebook: (the social group) or Like Us at:
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+ Music Theme: 'Violin Doctor Who Theme' by ViolinistBAKA (on YouTube)
Happy Fandom Time Links:
+ 'Night of the Doctor' prequel on YouTube (for those who somehow missed it!)
+ 'The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot' on Vimeo (again for any poor souls who've not yet seen it!)
Other Fun Links Related to the Show:
+ 'Chiaroscuro' by radiantbaby (my fanfic that has the Black Archive and the Space-Time Telegraph, for anyone curious -- it's a Nine/Martha story, because MARTHA IS MADE OF WIN!)
Opening audio clips from the Fifth Doctor serial 'Terminus' and the Tenth Doctor serial 'The Shakespeare Code', copyright BBC. The female robot voice was from '2nd Speech Center' text-to-voice software. 'Doctor Who' theme was by ViolinistBAKA, link provided above.
Gallifrey Stands -Ep4 - Love it or 8 it, The TV movie
Gallifrey StandsDoctor Squee & Dottie Who strap in for their first (truncated) audio commentary on the 1996 Doctor Who TV Movie and lament an opportunity lost as well as a Master camper than a VW.
The Oncoming Storm Ep 105: NA # 26 - 3 Podcasters in Search of a Review
The Oncoming StormTime to put on your Sunday best! The Oncoming Storm is taking you to the theatre. The Theatre... of War! Episode 105 sees your hosts Josh, Ashley, and Rachel returning once more to the New Adventures, this time looking at a novel that will change the landscape of Doctor Who universe for years to come. The 26th New Adventure, Theatre of War by Justin Richards features the Doctor, Ace, and Benny getting involved with an archeological dig on the planet Menaxus where they have to face the forces of living mud, murderous virtual reality creations, and the machinations of one Irving Braxiatel! There is also news, featuring new books, new audios, and new ways to mispronounce Humble Bundle! The Oncoming Storm.... This time, we've got living statues! No, not Weeping Angels silly. The OTHER living statues!
The Oncoming Storm Ep 105: NA # 26 - 3 Podcasters in Search of a Review
The Oncoming StormTime to put on your Sunday best! The Oncoming Storm is taking you to the theatre. The Theatre... of War! Episode 105 sees your hosts Josh, Ashley, and Rachel returning once more to the New Adventures, this time looking at a novel that will change the landscape of Doctor Who universe for years to come. The 26th New Adventure, Theatre of War by Justin Richards features the Doctor, Ace, and Benny getting involved with an archeological dig on the planet Menaxus where they have to face the forces of living mud, murderous virtual reality creations, and the machinations of one Irving Braxiatel! There is also news, featuring new books, new audios, and new ways to mispronounce Humble Bundle! The Oncoming Storm.... This time, we've got living statues! No, not Weeping Angels silly. The OTHER living statues!
Episode 4 - Love it or 8 it - The TV movie
Gallifrey StandsDoctor Squee & Dottie Who strap in for their first (truncated) audio commentary on the 1996 Doctor Who TV Movie and lament an opportunity lost as well as a Master camper than a VW.
Gallifrey Stands -Ep4 - Love it or 8 it, The TV movie
Gallifrey StandsDoctor Squee & Dottie Who strap in for their first (truncated) audio commentary on the 1996 Doctor Who TV Movie and lament an opportunity lost as well as a Master camper than a VW.
The Memory Cheats #115
The Memory CheatsEpisode #115 of Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats! And the story we will be discussing today is...
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The Memory Cheats #115
The Memory CheatsEpisode #115 of Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats! And the story we will be discussing today is...
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The Memory Cheats #115
The Memory CheatsEpisode #115 of Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats! And the story we will be discussing today is...
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Episode 15: The Space Museum
Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: A Journey Through Doctor WhoThis week we cover Doctor Who story #15, 1965's "The Space Museum", which finds the TARDIS crew lost in a space museum, desperately trying to avoid becoming the next exhibit!
This week we're joined by our special guest co-host, Jess Hall, Charlie's co-host on The Infinite Longbox podcast!
QotW: If you could pick a signature accessory for Peter Capaldi's twelfth Doctor, what would it be, and why?
Listener Mailbag
Discussion of "The Space Museum"
Discussion of Big Finish's "The Rocket Men"
Connor's Corner
Shout Out: Comic Geek Speak Podcast
- Trevor
- Twitter: @WhovianTrev
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- Charlie
- David
- Twitter: @gwythinn
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- Jess
Viewing options for next episode's serial, "The Chase"
Buy the DVD from Amazon
Rent the DVD from Netflix
Stream from Hulu Plus starting with Part 1
- Trevor
2.13 - Doomsday
FeexbyWelcome to the triumphant stop of this season of podcasts!
A commentary for Doomsday, the final episode of New Who Series 2.Some of the wrong things this time: It is Philippe Mora who directed Howling II and Howling III, not Phillip Noyce (ahem); and crucially it was Peter Pratt who played the Master in The Deadly Assassin, not Geoffrey Beevers.Thanks for listening. Mwah. Mwah.
Download Standard Podcasts
6.06 Extra - Drunken Science: Graphene
Drunken Time TravelIt might not be the super material that is Argonite in The Space Pirates, but it nearly is, it's graphene. Find out what it's all about here.
6.06 Extra - Drunken Science: Graphene
Drunken Time TravelIt might not be the super material that is Argonite in The Space Pirates, but it nearly is, it's graphene. Find out what it's all about here.
6.06 Extra - Drunken Science: Graphene
Drunken Time TravelIt might not be the super material that is Argonite in The Space Pirates, but it nearly is, it's graphene. Find out what it's all about here.
6.06 Extra - Drunken Science: Graphene
Drunken Time TravelIt might not be the super material that is Argonite in The Space Pirates, but it nearly is, it's graphene. Find out what it's all about here.
Dr Who Livecast - Episode 20: The Age Of Steel
Dr Who Livecast-Rex is BACK and so is Sayo. - There can only be ONE..... MICKEY!!!!!
Dr Who Livecast - Episode 20: The Age Of Steel
Dr Who Livecast-Rex is BACK and so is Sayo. - There can only be ONE..... MICKEY!!!!!
6.06 Extra - Drunken Science: Graphene
Drunken Time TravelIt might not be the super material that is Argonite in The Space Pirates, but it nearly is, it's graphene. Find out what it's all about here.
6.06 Extra - Drunken Science: Graphene
Drunken Time TravelIt might not be the super material that is Argonite in The Space Pirates, but it nearly is, it's graphene. Find out what it's all about here.
2.13 - Doomsday
FeexbyWelcome to the triumphant stop of this season of podcasts!A commentary for Doomsday, the final episode of New Who Series 2.Some of the wrong things this time: It is Philippe Mora who directed Howling II and Howling III, not Phillip Noyce (ahem); and crucially it was Peter Pratt who played the Master in The Deadly Assassin, not Geoffrey Beevers.Thanks for listening. Mwah. Mwah.
2.13 - Doomsday
FeexbyWelcome to the triumphant stop of this season of podcasts!A commentary for Doomsday, the final episode of New Who Series 2.Some of the wrong things this time: It is Philippe Mora who directed Howling II and Howling III, not Phillip Noyce (ahem); and crucially it was Peter Pratt who played the Master in The Deadly Assassin, not Geoffrey Beevers.Thanks for listening. Mwah. Mwah.
2.13 - Doomsday
FeexbyWelcome to the triumphant stop of this season of podcasts!
A commentary for Doomsday, the final episode of New Who Series 2.Some of the wrong things this time: It is Philippe Mora who directed Howling II and Howling III, not Phillip Noyce (ahem); and crucially it was Peter Pratt who played the Master in The Deadly Assassin, not Geoffrey Beevers.Thanks for listening. Mwah. Mwah.
Download Standard Podcasts
303 - Doctor Who: Podshock
PodshockDoctor Who: Podshock - Episode 303
Running time: 1:58:51We review the Doctor Who story, 'The Invasion of Time' starring Tom Baker as the Doctor and Louise Jameson as Leela, plus news, your feedback, and more. Hosted by Louis Trapani, Dave Cooper and Ian Bisset.
Presented to you by the Gallifreyan Embassy and is a production of Art Trap Productions.
This podcast is made possible in part by and is brought to you by Podshock Supporting Subscribers and from donations from listeners like you.
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Do you want the Enhanced Podcast AAC file format? Get our Enhanced Podcast version of this episode using our feed at
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #258 - Regenerations 4: Planet of the Spiders
The Doctor Who PodcastJoinJames, Michele and Ian as they talk about Jon Pertwee's and the third Doctor's final story, Planet of the Spiders. How does this story stand up compared to the other farewell stories? And just who is afraid of spiders anyway? Along with some listener feedback and the announcement of the winner of the Tenth Planet [...]
Regenerations 4: Planet of the Spiders
The Doctor Who PodcastJoin James, Michele and Ian as they talk about Jon Pertwee’s and the third Doctor’s final story, Planet of the Spiders. How does this story stand up compared to the other farewell stories? And just who is afraid of spiders anyway? Along with some listener feedback and the announcement of the winner of the Tenth Planet DVD competition, what more could you ask for?
Well okay then, since you insist: Ian and Michele also review the final story in the third series of Eighth Doctor and Charley Big Finish adventures, The Twilight Kingdom.
Regenerations 4: Planet of the Spiders
The Doctor Who PodcastJoin James, Michele and Ian as they talk about Jon Pertwee’s and the third Doctor’s final story, Planet of the Spiders. How does this story stand up compared to the other farewell stories? And just who is afraid of spiders anyway? Along with some listener feedback and the announcement of the winner of the Tenth Planet DVD competition, what more could you ask for?
Well okay then, since you insist: Ian and Michele also review the final story in the third series of Eighth Doctor and Charley Big Finish adventures, The Twilight Kingdom.
056: The Horns of Nimon
The Krynoid Podcast"Lord Niiiimon… it is I, Soldeed…"
Words to strike terror into every self-respecting Doctor Who fan.
Yes, Jim and Martin scrape the very bottom of the cavernous Who barrel this time and confront The Horns of Nimon.
The budget is low but the camp is oh-so-very high. Tom Baker and Graham Crowden compete to bite the biggest chunks out of the unimpressive scenery, accompanied by the wrong Romana and the incorrect K9, while Janet Ellis longs desperately for her Blue Peter job offer to come through the post.
Marvel as trained dancers balance enormous bull masks on their heads and themselves on their ludicrous platform shoes. Gasp as the co-pilot flaps his jowls like a demented bloodhound. Consider suicide as Crowden and Baker have the time of their lives, at the expense of the production and its tormented viewers.
But is it so bad it's good? Or is it so bad that it'll split your trousers?
Listen in for Jim and Martin's verdicts on this pseudo-mythical mess.
056: The Horns of Nimon
The Krynoid Podcast"Lord Niiiimon... it is I, Soldeed..."
Words to strike terror into every self-respecting Doctor Who fan.
Yes, Jim and Martin scrape the very bottom of the cavernous Who barrel this time and confront The Horns of Nimon.
The budget is low but the camp is oh-so-very high. Tom Baker and Graham Crowden compete to bite the biggest chunks out of the unimpressive scenery, accompanied by the wrong Romana and the incorrect K9, while Janet Ellis longs desperately for her Blue Peter job offer to come through the post.
Marvel as trained dancers balance enormous bull masks on their heads and themselves on their ludicrous platform shoes. Gasp as the co-pilot flaps his jowls like a demented bloodhound. Consider suicide as Crowden and Baker have the time of their lives, at the expense of the production and its tormented viewers.
But is it so bad it's good? Or is it so bad that it'll split your trousers?
Listen in for Jim and Martin's verdicts on this pseudo-mythical mess.
056: The Horns of Nimon
The Krynoid Podcast"Lord Niiiimon… it is I, Soldeed…"
Words to strike terror into every self-respecting Doctor Who fan.
Yes, Jim and Martin scrape the very bottom of the cavernous Who barrel this time and confront The Horns of Nimon.
The budget is low but the camp is oh-so-very high. Tom Baker and Graham Crowden compete to bite the biggest chunks out of the unimpressive scenery, accompanied by the wrong Romana and the incorrect K9, while Janet Ellis longs desperately for her Blue Peter job offer to come through the post.
Marvel as trained dancers balance enormous bull masks on their heads and themselves on their ludicrous platform shoes. Gasp as the co-pilot flaps his jowls like a demented bloodhound. Consider suicide as Crowden and Baker have the time of their lives, at the expense of the production and its tormented viewers.
But is it so bad it's good? Or is it so bad that it'll split your trousers?
Listen in for Jim and Martin's verdicts on this pseudo-mythical mess.
Verity! Episode 42 - Life, the Universe, and Traitors
Doctor Who: Verity!This week's ep starts with several announcements (including a contest!) and our usual Doctor Who happy-things. After that, we get down to business with a fascinating and surprisingly multi-faceted topic. Join Deb, Erika, Katrina, and Lynne as we talk traitors--those baddies (and occasionally goodies) who sell out their own people and side with the invaders, oppressors, and other villains. Why do they do it? What motivations are the most interesting? Which lend themselves best to scenery-chewing?
Now the usual chit-chat is out of the way, let's get on to more important things, like a CONTEST! If you want to win a copy of Paul Cornell's new novel The Severed Streets, leave us a comment below and let us know! (Personal recommendation: Do enter to win! I really enjoyed the first book, London Falling, and I can't wait to dig into this one!)
Also covered [links on our site]:
- Katrina snapped up the Humble Doctor Who Comics Bundle!
- Erika is thrilled to hear the 12th Doctor won't flirt!
- Lynne is also stoked about the Doctor Who Humble Bundle, especially the Doctor Who: Legacy bit, because she's rocking that game!
- Deb...
- talks about geek-parenting on the Nerdology podcast!
- appreciates new fan-run Doctor Who conventions like CONsole Room and the upcoming (second annual) L.I. Who!
- cheers because Rachel Talalay will direct Doctor Who!
Verity! Episode 42 - Life, the Universe, and Traitors
Doctor Who: Verity!This week's ep starts with several announcements (including a contest!) and our usual Doctor Who happy-things. After that, we get down to business with a fascinating and surprisingly multi-faceted topic. Join Deb, Erika, Katrina, and Lynne as we talk traitors--those baddies (and occasionally goodies) who sell out their own people and side with the invaders, oppressors, and other villains. Why do they do it? What motivations are the most interesting? Which lend themselves best to scenery-chewing?
Now the usual chit-chat is out of the way, let's get on to more important things, like a CONTEST! If you want to win a copy of Paul Cornell's new novel The Severed Streets, leave us a comment below and let us know! (Personal recommendation: Do enter to win! I really enjoyed the first book, London Falling, and I can't wait to dig into this one!)
Also covered [links on our site]:
- Katrina snapped up the Humble Doctor Who Comics Bundle!
- Erika is thrilled to hear the 12th Doctor won't flirt!
- Lynne is also stoked about the Doctor Who Humble Bundle, especially the Doctor Who: Legacy bit, because she's rocking that game!
- Deb...
- talks about geek-parenting on the Nerdology podcast!
- appreciates new fan-run Doctor Who conventions like CONsole Room and the upcoming (second annual) L.I. Who!
- cheers because Rachel Talalay will direct Doctor Who!
Verity! Episode 42 - Life, the Universe, and Traitors
Doctor Who: Verity!This week's ep starts with several announcements (including a contest!) and our usual Doctor Who happy-things. After that, we get down to business with a fascinating and surprisingly multi-faceted topic. Join Deb, Erika, Katrina, and Lynne as we talk traitors--those baddies (and occasionally goodies) who sell out their own people and side with the invaders, oppressors, and other villains. Why do they do it? What motivations are the most interesting? Which lend themselves best to scenery-chewing?
Now the usual chit-chat is out of the way, let's get on to more important things, like a CONTEST! If you want to win a copy of Paul Cornell's new novel The Severed Streets, leave us a comment below and let us know! (Personal recommendation: Do enter to win! I really enjoyed the first book, London Falling, and I can't wait to dig into this one!)
Also covered [links on our site]:
- Katrina snapped up the Humble Doctor Who Comics Bundle!
- Erika is thrilled to hear the 12th Doctor won't flirt!
- Lynne is also stoked about the Doctor Who Humble Bundle, especially the Doctor Who: Legacy bit, because she's rocking that game!
- Deb...
- talks about geek-parenting on the Nerdology podcast!
- appreciates new fan-run Doctor Who conventions like CONsole Room and the upcoming (second annual) L.I. Who!
- cheers because Rachel Talalay will direct Doctor Who!
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #258 - Regenerations 4: Planet of the Spiders
The Doctor Who PodcastJoin James, Michele and Ian as they talk about Jon Pertwee’s and the third Doctor’s final story, Planet of the Spiders. How does this story stand up compared to the other farewell stories? And just who is afraid of spiders anyway? Along with some listener feedback and the announcement of the winner of the Tenth […]
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #258 - Regenerations 4: Planet of the Spiders
The Doctor Who PodcastJoinJames, Michele and Ian as they talk about Jon Pertwee's and the third Doctor's final story, Planet of the Spiders. How does this story stand up compared to the other farewell stories? And just who is afraid of spiders anyway? Along with some listener feedback and the announcement of the winner of the Tenth Planet [...]
Episode #221
The 20mb Doctor Who PodcastDoctor Who and the Silurians
Adam, Kirby, Mary and Ben discuss this 7 part Jon Pertwee story and we also have feedback, news, the result of our Lovarzi scarf competition. Of course there is also You Won't Get This One.
Dr Who Livecast - Episode 19: Rise of the Cybermen
Dr Who LivecastThis week Sayo is back Rex is gone and Nonmail delivers as we watch Series 2 Episode 5 "Rise of the Cybermen"
Dr Who Livecast - Episode 19: Rise of the Cyberman
Dr Who LivecastThis week Sayo is back Rex is gone and Nonmail delivers as we watch Series 2 Episode 5 "Rise of the Cybermen"
Episode 29 Bringing Up Baby
Nerdology UKMark is joined by Ben Schneider from The Tower Of Technobabble podcast, Deb Stanish from the Verity! podcast and Lee Rawlings from The Blue Box Podcast as we try to navigate our way through bringing up the ultimate nerd.
Also featuring new music from friend of the show Momo:Tempo
Episode 29 Bringing Up Baby
Nerdology UKMark is joined by Ben Schneider from The Tower Of Technobabble podcast, Deb Stanish from the Verity! podcast and Lee Rawlings from The Blue Box Podcast as we try to navigate our way through bringing up the ultimate nerd.
Also featuring new music from friend of the show Momo:Tempo
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