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The Memory Cheats #121
The Memory CheatsEpisode #121 of Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats! And the story we will be discussing today is...
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Episode 21p2: The Daleks' Master Plan (episodes 7-12)
Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: A Journey Through Doctor WhoThis week we cover the second half of Doctor Who story #21, 1965-66's "The Daleks' Master Plan", in which our heroes must save not just Earth, not just the solar system, not just the galaxy, but the entire UNIVERSE from domination by the Daleks!
QotW: Which modern or pre-Galaxy 4 Doctor Who companion do you wish had met an untimely end?
Listener Mailbag
Discussion of the second half of "The Daleks' Master Plan" (Feast of Steven: Trevor 4, Charlie 3, David 2 eye-bleeds; Second Half: Trevor 8, Charlie 9, David 8.25; Overall: Trevor 8.25, Charlie 9, David 8.5)
Connor's Corner
Doctor Who on the Web: BBC Doctor Who Shop
- Trevor
- Twitter: @WhovianTrev
- Tumblr:
- Charlie
- David
- Twitter: @gwythinn
- WWW:
- Tumblr:
Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who serial #22, The Massacre of St. Bartholomew’s Eve! This serial is entirely lost, meaning that none of the episodes have survived in video form. However, we invite you to follow along by listening to the soundtrack for this serial before the podcast. It is available from
- Trevor
Episode 114: 2001: A Space Odyssey
The Bad Wilf PodcastIn which Martyn and Pete are joined by Phil from the excellent who's he? podcast
to discuss the 1968 film, 2001:A Space Odyssey.
The podcast can be accessed via different places, including Miro, Stiticher, Blubrry, Player fm and Itunes.
Twitter: Martyn-@BadWilf
The Show-@TheBWpodcast<
Episode 114: 2001: A Space Odyssey
The Bad Wilf PodcastIn which Martyn and Pete are joined by Phil from the excellent who's he? podcast
to discuss the 1968 film, 2001:A Space Odyssey.
The podcast can be accessed via different places, including Miro, Stiticher, Blubrry, Player fm and Itunes.
Twitter: Martyn-@BadWilf
The Show-@TheBWpodcast<
6.07b The War Games Extra - Drunken Science: Hypnosis
Drunken Time TravelIn what will be our last Drunken History/Science, we take a look at Hypnosis.
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #264 - Regenerations 9: The End of Time
The Doctor Who PodcastJoinJames, Stephen, Tom and very special guest Kyle Anderson as they convene to discuss the much maligned tenth Doctor swan-song, The End of Time. This story has is supporters - it finished 82nd in the recent poll by Doctor Who Magazine - higher than A Christmas Carol, higher than The Snowmen and (criminally) higher than [...]
Regenerations 9: The End of Time
The Doctor Who PodcastJoin James, Stephen, Tom and very special guest Kyle Anderson as they convene to discuss the much maligned tenth Doctor swan-song, The End of Time. This story has is supporters – it finished 82nd in the recent poll by Doctor Who Magazine – higher than A Christmas Carol, higher than The Snowmen and (criminally) higher than The Twin Dilemma; but do this week’s campervan occupants rate it?!
If you like sane, sensible and measured anaysis rather than our usual ramblings, Kyle regularly contributes to The Nerdist, usually about Doctor Who but he does dare to go off topic on occasion. He is also a co-host on both the Doctor Who: The Writers Room and WTF Are You Watching?! podcasts – go check out his stuff!
Join us next week when we get all Christmassy again (yes, in July) as we take on Time of the Doctor in our penultimate Regenerations review.
Regenerations 9: The End of Time
The Doctor Who PodcastJoin James, Stephen, Tom and very special guest Kyle Anderson as they convene to discuss the much maligned tenth Doctor swan-song, The End of Time. This story has is supporters – it finished 82nd in the recent poll by Doctor Who Magazine – higher than A Christmas Carol, higher than The Snowmen and (criminally) higher than The Twin Dilemma; but do this week’s campervan occupants rate it?!
If you like sane, sensible and measured anaysis rather than our usual ramblings, Kyle regularly contributes to The Nerdist, usually about Doctor Who but he does dare to go off topic on occasion. He is also a co-host on both the Doctor Who: The Writers Room and WTF Are You Watching?! podcasts – go check out his stuff!
Join us next week when we get all Christmassy again (yes, in July) as we take on Time of the Doctor in our penultimate Regenerations review.
6.07b The War Games Extra - Drunken Science: Hypnosis
Drunken Time TravelIn what will be our last Drunken History/Science, we take a look at Hypnosis.
6.07b The War Games Extra - Drunken Science: Hypnosis
Drunken Time TravelIn what will be our last Drunken History/Science, we take a look at Hypnosis.
6.07b The War Games Extra - Drunken Science: Hypnosis
Drunken Time TravelIn what will be our last Drunken History/Science, we take a look at Hypnosis.
Episode 183 - The British Are Coming!
Traveling the VortexIn this week’s podcast we are fresh back from Britishfest in Omaha, NE, where we took part in its first ever convention.
This week we regale our madcap adventures in the Cornhusker state, and share all the wonderful stories from the weekend’s activities, including the first ever Friday Night Who (or Saturday in this case) tweet-along.
Also, we take a peek at some of the news items on the list for this week.
Plus a special announcement about our podcast that we are quite proud of.
And, of course, your feedback.
6.07b The War Games Extra - Drunken Science: Hypnosis
Drunken Time TravelIn what will be our last Drunken History/Science, we take a look at Hypnosis.
6.07b The War Games Extra - Drunken Science: Hypnosis
Drunken Time TravelIn what will be our last Drunken History/Science, we take a look at Hypnosis.
The Others Missing Episode Minicast 6
The Others PodcastThe Others feels strongly about the spreading of information especially where missing episodes are concerned. There are people who take a lot of the information they are given at face value and they rely on these parties that give out this information to be as truthful as possible. In this episode, The Others give their opinion about how people on the Internet who have this influence on other people have a responsibility with what they are reporting. One member of The Others cites an example of this from a recent Facebook exchange he was a part of a little while ago. Every attempt has been made to represent this viewpoint in this podcast as fair as possible. Also, there is a round-up of facts on missing episodes. What do we really know vs. the un-researched to-good-to-be-true rumour of the day. We are open for sensible debate on this issue. For this episode, The Others wanted to have a readable transcript of this episode available at the time of posting by trying to hire someone to do it or find someplace online to create it. No luck in finding a suitable resource. If anyone has any ideas on how to do this cheaply, it would be appreciated.
We are The Others.
The Others Missing Episode Minicast 6
The Others PodcastThe Others feels strongly about the spreading of information especially where missing episodes are concerned. There are people who take a lot of the information they are given at face value and they rely on these parties that give out this information to be as truthful as possible. In this episode, The Others give their opinion about how people on the Internet who have this influence on other people have a responsibility with what they are reporting. One member of The Others cites an example of this from a recent Facebook exchange he was a part of a little while ago. Every attempt has been made to represent this viewpoint in this podcast as fair as possible. Also, there is a round-up of facts on missing episodes. What do we really know vs. the un-researched to-good-to-be-true rumour of the day. We are open for sensible debate on this issue. For this episode, The Others wanted to have a readable transcript of this episode available at the time of posting by trying to hire someone to do it or find someplace online to create it. No luck in finding a suitable resource. If anyone has any ideas on how to do this cheaply, it would be appreciated.
We are The Others.
The Others Missing Episode Minicast 6
The Others PodcastThe Others feels strongly about the spreading of information especially where missing episodes are concerned. There are people who take a lot of the information they are given at face value and they rely on these parties that give out this information to be as truthful as possible. In this episode, The Others give their opinion about how people on the Internet who have this influence on other people have a responsibility with what they are reporting. One member of The Others cites an example of this from a recent Facebook exchange he was a part of a little while ago. Every attempt has been made to represent this viewpoint in this podcast as fair as possible. Also, there is a round-up of facts on missing episodes. What do we really know vs. the un-researched to-good-to-be-true rumour of the day. We are open for sensible debate on this issue. For this episode, The Others wanted to have a readable transcript of this episode available at the time of posting by trying to hire someone to do it or find someplace online to create it. No luck in finding a suitable resource. If anyone has any ideas on how to do this cheaply, it would be appreciated.
We are The Others.
Gallifrey Stands -Ep10- Enthusiasm with Unthusiasm Paul
Gallifrey StandsThe good Doctor and Dottie Who talk to guest companion, @unthusiamPaul about Big Finish audios, why only Tom Baker could have been the great curators and our stance on where or not they should have a femalil
Episode 10 - Enthusiasm with Unthusiasm Paul
Gallifrey StandsThe good Doctor and Dottie Who talk to guest companion, @unthusiamPaul about Big Finish audios, why only Tom Baker could have been the great curators and our stance on where or not they should have a femalil
Trailers! Trailer #3
Drunken Time TravelTo celebrate the upcoming first Third Doctor story we've put together some specially made trailers. Here is trailer #3
Trailers! Trailer #2
Drunken Time TravelTo celebrate the upcoming first Third Doctor story we've put together some specially made trailers. Here is trailer #2
Trailers! Trailer #1
Drunken Time TravelTo celebrate the upcoming first Third Doctor story we've put together some specially made trailers. Here is trailer #1
Trailers! Trailer #3
Drunken Time TravelTo celebrate the upcoming first Third Doctor story we've put together some specially made trailers. Here is trailer #3
Trailers! Trailer #3
Drunken Time TravelTo celebrate the upcoming first Third Doctor story we've put together some specially made trailers. Here is trailer #3
Trailers! Trailer #3
Drunken Time TravelTo celebrate the upcoming first Third Doctor story we've put together some specially made trailers. Here is trailer #3
Trailers! Trailer #2
Drunken Time TravelTo celebrate the upcoming first Third Doctor story we've put together some specially made trailers. Here is trailer #2
Trailers! Trailer #2
Drunken Time TravelTo celebrate the upcoming first Third Doctor story we've put together some specially made trailers. Here is trailer #2
Trailers! Trailer #2
Drunken Time TravelTo celebrate the upcoming first Third Doctor story we've put together some specially made trailers. Here is trailer #2
Trailers! Trailer #1
Drunken Time TravelTo celebrate the upcoming first Third Doctor story we've put together some specially made trailers. Here is trailer #1
Trailers! Trailer #1
Drunken Time TravelTo celebrate the upcoming first Third Doctor story we've put together some specially made trailers. Here is trailer #1
Trailers! Trailer #1
Drunken Time TravelTo celebrate the upcoming first Third Doctor story we've put together some specially made trailers. Here is trailer #1
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #264 - Regenerations 9: The End of Time
The Doctor Who PodcastJoin James, Stephen, Tom and very special guest Kyle Anderson as they convene to discuss the much maligned tenth Doctor swan-song, The End of Time. This story has is supporters - it finished 82nd in the recent poll by Doctor Who Magazine - higher than A Christmas Carol, higher than The Snowmen and (criminally) higher […]
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #264 - Regenerations 9: The End of Time
The Doctor Who PodcastJoinJames, Stephen, Tom and very special guest Kyle Anderson as they convene to discuss the much maligned tenth Doctor swan-song, The End of Time. This story has is supporters - it finished 82nd in the recent poll by Doctor Who Magazine - higher than A Christmas Carol, higher than The Snowmen and (criminally) higher than [...]
Gallifrey Stands -Ep10- Enthusiasm with Unthusiasm Paul
Gallifrey StandsThe good Doctor and Dottie Who talk to guest companion, @unthusiamPaul about Big Finish audios, why only Tom Baker could have been the great curators and our stance on where or not they should have a femalil
Trailers! Trailer #3
Drunken Time TravelTo celebrate the upcoming first Third Doctor story we've put together some specially made trailers. Here is trailer #3
Trailers! Trailer #3
Drunken Time TravelTo celebrate the upcoming first Third Doctor story we've put together some specially made trailers. Here is trailer #3
Trailers! Trailer #2
Drunken Time TravelTo celebrate the upcoming first Third Doctor story we've put together some specially made trailers. Here is trailer #2
Trailers! Trailer #2
Drunken Time TravelTo celebrate the upcoming first Third Doctor story we've put together some specially made trailers. Here is trailer #2
Trailers! Trailer #1
Drunken Time TravelTo celebrate the upcoming first Third Doctor story we've put together some specially made trailers. Here is trailer #1
Trailers! Trailer #1
Drunken Time TravelTo celebrate the upcoming first Third Doctor story we've put together some specially made trailers. Here is trailer #1
Verity! Episode 45 - Mechanical Meanies
Doctor Who: Verity!It's another villaintastic episode of Verity! This time we're talking about machines--computers, robots, and androids who want to do very bad things. Join Deb, Erika, and Liz as we use "The Robots of Death" as a jumping-off point for our discussion. It's a great place to start, as it deals not only with robots themselves, but their integration into society. From there we jump to their integration into stories, and after that, we're all over the map: WOTAN! BOSS! Tara! Smilers! And much much more!
There's also a wee bit of irony at work in this ep. A technical issue prevented the excision of some coughing. (Deb had a cold.) This would be merely unfortunate, but it's catapulted into the realm of irony when Erika boasts of her cough-muting prowess...and then can't mute the coughs. Such hubris. Never tempt fate in front of the podcast gods. Lesson learned.
(That same technical issue accounts for the somewhat iffy sound quality in this ep. We thank you for your patience, and will try to have things back to normal next week!)
Also covered [links on our site]:
- Erika
- thinks Snoopy may actually be the Doctor!
- and fangirls over Doctor Who director Rachel Talalay, who posted a pic of Chicks Dig Time Lords!
- Liz
- anticipates the newest regeneration of the Rani, courtesy of Big Finish!
- and said words that are now in Doctor Who Magazine!
- Deb had a smashing good time with Doctor Who programming at Philadelphia Comic Con!
Bonus links [also on our site]:
The Incomparable #193 - Murderous Roomba
The Resurrection Casket
Radio Free Skaro #423
- Erika
Verity! Episode 45 - Mechanical Meanies
Doctor Who: Verity!It's another villaintastic episode of Verity! This time we're talking about machines--computers, robots, and androids who want to do very bad things. Join Deb, Erika, and Liz as we use "The Robots of Death" as a jumping-off point for our discussion. It's a great place to start, as it deals not only with robots themselves, but their integration into society. From there we jump to their integration into stories, and after that, we're all over the map: WOTAN! BOSS! Tara! Smilers! And much much more!
There's also a wee bit of irony at work in this ep. A technical issue prevented the excision of some coughing. (Deb had a cold.) This would be merely unfortunate, but it's catapulted into the realm of irony when Erika boasts of her cough-muting prowess...and then can't mute the coughs. Such hubris. Never tempt fate in front of the podcast gods. Lesson learned.
(That same technical issue accounts for the somewhat iffy sound quality in this ep. We thank you for your patience, and will try to have things back to normal next week!)
Also covered [links on our site]:
- Erika
- thinks Snoopy may actually be the Doctor!
- and fangirls over Doctor Who director Rachel Talalay, who posted a pic of Chicks Dig Time Lords!
- Liz
- anticipates the newest regeneration of the Rani, courtesy of Big Finish!
- and said words that are now in Doctor Who Magazine!
- Deb had a smashing good time with Doctor Who programming at Philadelphia Comic Con!
Bonus links [also on our site]:The Incomparable #193 - Murderous RoombaThe Resurrection CasketRadio Free Skaro #423Robophobia
- Erika
Verity! Episode 45 - Mechanical Meanies
Doctor Who: Verity!It's another villaintastic episode of Verity! This time we're talking about machines--computers, robots, and androids who want to do very bad things. Join Deb, Erika, and Liz as we use "The Robots of Death" as a jumping-off point for our discussion. It's a great place to start, as it deals not only with robots themselves, but their integration into society. From there we jump to their integration into stories, and after that, we're all over the map: WOTAN! BOSS! Tara! Smilers! And much much more!
There's also a wee bit of irony at work in this ep. A technical issue prevented the excision of some coughing. (Deb had a cold.) This would be merely unfortunate, but it's catapulted into the realm of irony when Erika boasts of her cough-muting prowess...and then can't mute the coughs. Such hubris. Never tempt fate in front of the podcast gods. Lesson learned.
(That same technical issue accounts for the somewhat iffy sound quality in this ep. We thank you for your patience, and will try to have things back to normal next week!)
Also covered [links on our site]:
- Erika
- thinks Snoopy may actually be the Doctor!
- and fangirls over Doctor Who director Rachel Talalay, who posted a pic of Chicks Dig Time Lords!
- Liz
- anticipates the newest regeneration of the Rani, courtesy of Big Finish!
- and said words that are now in Doctor Who Magazine!
- Deb had a smashing good time with Doctor Who programming at Philadelphia Comic Con!
Bonus links [also on our site]:
The Incomparable #193 - Murderous Roomba
The Resurrection Casket
Radio Free Skaro #423
- Erika
BMU #4 Star Trek Into Darkness '13
Doctor Who: Prognosis NegativeBeam Me Up IV
- Prognosis Negative proudly presents this Beam Me Up, the preeminant Star Trek commentary podcast featuring Steven, Josh, Eric, and Kyle.
- Join us as we dive into Abrams' (second) Lensflarapaloola, Star Trek Into Darkness. Let the mayhem begin!
- Nowhere will you find a Star Trek commentary that sprinkles in more oblique Doctor Who references.
- This discussion contains miscellaneous SPOILERS pertaining to the film(s) discussed and more! If you are 100% spoilerphobic to films not yet seen, do not complain to us.
- The commentary is littered with EXPLICIT terms, concepts, and as always expect strokes of innuendo throughout.
- ↓The Podcasts that Rule this Commentary↓
- Radio Free Skaro:
- The Memory Cheats:
- Mostly Harmless Cutaway:
- WTF Are You Watching:
- Doctor Who: The Writers' Room:
- This commentary was recorded Live March 17, 2013.
- COMING SOON: ProgNeg #24
Jim, you just sat that man down at a high-stakes poker game with no cards and told him to bluff. Now, Sulu's a good man, but he's no captain.
Steven @Legopolis
Josh @whomeJZ
Kyle @FunctionalNerd
Eric @BullittWHOPrognosis Negative @ProgNeg
Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Facebook: by E.A. Escamilla
BMU #4 Star Trek Into Darkness '13
Doctor Who: Prognosis NegativeBeam Me Up IV
- Prognosis Negative proudly presents this Beam Me Up, the preeminant Star Trek commentary podcast featuring Steven, Josh, Eric, and Kyle.
- Join us as we dive into Abrams' (second) Lensflarapaloola, Star Trek Into Darkness. Let the mayhem begin!
- Nowhere will you find a Star Trek commentary that sprinkles in more oblique Doctor Who references.
- This discussion contains miscellaneous SPOILERS pertaining to the film(s) discussed and more! If you are 100% spoilerphobic to films not yet seen, do not complain to us.
- The commentary is littered with EXPLICIT terms, concepts, and as always expect strokes of innuendo throughout.
- ↓The Podcasts that Rule this Commentary↓
- Radio Free Skaro:
- The Memory Cheats:
- Mostly Harmless Cutaway:
- WTF Are You Watching:
- Doctor Who: The Writers' Room:
- This commentary was recorded Live March 17, 2013.
- COMING SOON: ProgNeg #24
Jim, you just sat that man down at a high-stakes poker game with no cards and told him to bluff. Now, Sulu's a good man, but he's no captain.
Steven @LegopolisJosh @whomeJZKyle @FunctionalNerdEric @BullittWHO
Prognosis Negative @ProgNegEmail: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~comWebsite: Tumblr: Facebook:
Produced by E.A. Escamilla
BMU #4 Star Trek Into Darkness '13
Doctor Who: Prognosis NegativeBeam Me Up IV
- Prognosis Negative proudly presents this Beam Me Up, the preeminant Star Trek commentary podcast featuring Steven, Josh, Eric, and Kyle.
- Join us as we dive into Abrams' (second) Lensflarapaloola, Star Trek Into Darkness. Let the mayhem begin!
- Nowhere will you find a Star Trek commentary that sprinkles in more oblique Doctor Who references.
- This discussion contains miscellaneous SPOILERS pertaining to the film(s) discussed and more! If you are 100% spoilerphobic to films not yet seen, do not complain to us.
- The commentary is littered with EXPLICIT terms, concepts, and as always expect strokes of innuendo throughout.
- |The Podcasts that Rule this Commentary|
- Radio Free Skaro:
- The Memory Cheats:
- Mostly Harmless Cutaway:
- WTF Are You Watching:
- Doctor Who: The Writers' Room:
- This commentary was recorded Live March 17, 2013.
- COMING SOON: ProgNeg #24
Jim, you just sat that man down at a high-stakes poker game with no cards and told him to bluff. Now, Sulu's a good man, but he's no captain.
Steven @Legopolis
Josh @whomeJZ
Kyle @FunctionalNerd
Eric @BullittWHOPrognosis Negative @ProgNeg
Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Facebook: by E.A. Escamilla
2MTL 347: A Tale of Two Action Figures, or Why the War Doctor Doesn't Count
Two-minute Time LordWith apologies, the War Doctor just doesn't seem "real" enough to warrant a space on my shelf among the ordinally-numbered Doctor action figures in my collection. As magnificent as John Hurt was, why am I reluctant to include him in the tribe?
Dr Who Livecast - Episode 26: Army of Ghosts
Dr Who Livecast-This week we look at the 1st part of the second season finale Army of Ghosts - Special guest hosts @Umamor and Baron Von Gosu