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Dr Who Livecast - Episode 33: Countryside
Dr Who Livecast- No words, just a 4 person cluster - Oh, and cannibals, but really just a 4 person cluster
Tim's Take On: Episode 240(Doctor Who: Daleks Master Plan episodes 7-12 mini review)
Tim's Take On...My classic series reviews conclude for now with episodes 7-12 of The Daleks Masterplan.
You can read more about this story here
and the wife in space blog's verdict is here and here
Album art is by The Chris of Fenric
End theme is Doctor Who theme(Band aid mix)
The show is now on Facebook please join the group for exclusive behind the scenes insights and of course also discuss and feedback on the show
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
Tim's Take On: Episode 240(Doctor Who: Daleks Master Plan episodes 7-12 mini review)
Tim's Take On...My classic series reviews conclude for now with episodes 7-12 of The Daleks Masterplan.
You can read more about this story here
and the wife in space blog's verdict is here and here
Album art is by The Chris of Fenric
End theme is Doctor Who theme(Band aid mix)
The show is now on Facebook please join the group for exclusive behind the scenes insights and of course also discuss and feedback on the show
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
Tim's Take On: Episode 240(Doctor Who: Daleks Master Plan episodes 7-12 mini review)
Tim's Take On...My classic series reviews conclude for now with episodes 7-12 of The Daleks Masterplan.
You can read more about this story here
and the wife in space blog's verdict is here and here
Album art is by The Chris of Fenric
End theme is Doctor Who theme(Band aid mix)
The show is now on Facebook please join the group for exclusive behind the scenes insights and of course also discuss and feedback on the show
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
Cultdom Interviews: Ian on Orlando Nerd Fest 2014
The Cultdom CollectiveDave catches up with Ian about his weekend at Orlando Nerd Fest 2014 His encounter with Steam Powered Giraffe and thoughts on the event as a whole.
Episode 190 - Human Nature 101
Traveling the VortexIn this week’s show we examine the similarities and contrasts between both treatments of Paul Cornell’s Human Nature. We look at both the Virgin New Adventures novel featuring the Seventh Doctor and Bernice Summerfield and the Series 3 television adventure with the Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones. Listen to us give our impressions of both adventures which sometime clash in the realm of Doctor Who universal canon and continuity.
Also, a few announcements surrounding this week’s return of the television show with Series 8.
Plus, lot’s of discussion regarding Doctor Who: Legacy and the release of The Hunt for Greyhound One.
And, of course, your feedback!
Links in this week’s show:
Whocast #279 - Als ich mein Ohr auf Trenzalore verlor - Boah (Deutsche)Wir haben uns heute hier versammelt, um zusammen mit einer Flasche Sherry das Ende einer Ara zu feiern. Oder besser zu betrauern. Mit einem lachenden und einem weinenden Auge (und naturlich mit einem im Kahn) besprechen Kolja und Raphael heute die letzte Folge mit Matt Smith als Doctor - Time of the Doctor und werfen dabei einen kurzen Blick auf die Ara des ersten Moffat-Doctors. Fur alle, die noch vor dem 23. 08 reinhoren - gibt es etwas zu gewinnen!
Whocast #279 - Als ich mein Ohr auf Trenzalore verlor - Boah (Deutsche)Wir haben uns heute hier versammelt, um zusammen mit einer Flasche Sherry das Ende einer Ara zu feiern. Oder besser zu betrauern. Mit einem lachenden und einem weinenden Auge (und naturlich mit einem im Kahn) besprechen Kolja und Raphael heute die letzte Folge mit Matt Smith als Doctor - Time of the Doctor und werfen dabei einen kurzen Blick auf die Ara des ersten Moffat-Doctors. Fur alle, die noch vor dem 23. 08 reinhoren - gibt es etwas zu gewinnen!
Cultdom Interviews: Ian on Orlando Nerd Fest 2014
The Cultdom CollectiveDave catches up with Ian about his weekend at Orlando Nerd Fest 2014 His encounter with Steam Powered Giraffe and thoughts on the event as a whole.
Cultdom Interviews: Ian on Orlando Nerd Fest 2014
The Cultdom CollectiveDave catches up with Ian about his weekend at Orlando Nerd Fest 2014 His encounter with Steam Powered Giraffe and thoughts on the event as a whole.
Cultdom Interviews: Ian on Orlando Nerd Fest 2014
The Cultdom CollectiveDave catches up with Ian about his weekend at Orlando Nerd Fest 2014 His encounter with Steam Powered Giraffe and thoughts on the event as a whole.
Verity! Extra! - Series 8! Series 8! What Do We Appreciate?
Doctor Who: Verity!IT'S ALMOST HERE! Pardon the shouting, but we're a bit excited. Join Deb, Erika, Katrina, and Lynne as we talk about what little we know of the upcoming Series 8. We also have a nice little discussion about out spoiler policy--and spoilers in general. Poor Erika does too much Verity! homework and learns more than she wants. Lynne experiences ratatouille and bitterness. Kat wants you to serve her fangirly whims. And Deb is apparently on a first-name basis with Steven Moffat.
What are you most excited about in series 8? Let us know (in a spoiler-free manner!) in the comments! And let us know your thoughts on spoilers too!
Related links [on our site]:Mr. Chris from The Pharos Project snapped a pic of us "on the big screen"Radio Free Skaro's trailer coverageBridging the Rift"I have a could be bunnies"Doctor Who World Tour playlistThe Ultimate CompanionThe Ultimate Time LordSeries 8 fan-made openingDeimos (Big Finish audio w/Paul McGann & the Ice Warriors)Rachel TalalaySheree FolksonSeries 8 episode titles (and more)BBC America Deep Breath time change
Verity! Extra! - Series 8! Series 8! What Do We Appreciate?
Doctor Who: Verity!IT'S ALMOST HERE! Pardon the shouting, but we're a bit excited. Join Deb, Erika, Katrina, and Lynne as we talk about what little we know of the upcoming Series 8. We also have a nice little discussion about out spoiler policy--and spoilers in general. Poor Erika does too much Verity! homework and learns more than she wants. Lynne experiences ratatouille and bitterness. Kat wants you to serve her fangirly whims. And Deb is apparently on a first-name basis with Steven Moffat.
What are you most excited about in series 8? Let us know (in a spoiler-free manner!) in the comments! And let us know your thoughts on spoilers too!
Related links [on our site]:
Mr. Chris from The Pharos Project snapped a pic of us "on the big screen"
Radio Free Skaro's trailer coverage
Bridging the Rift
"I have a could be bunnies"
Doctor Who World Tour playlist
The Ultimate Companion
The Ultimate Time Lord
Series 8 fan-made opening
Deimos (Big Finish audio w/Paul McGann & the Ice Warriors)
Rachel Talalay
Sheree Folkson
Series 8 episode titles (and more)
BBC America Deep Breath time change
Verity! Extra! - Series 8! Series 8! What Do We Appreciate?
Doctor Who: Verity!IT'S ALMOST HERE! Pardon the shouting, but we're a bit excited. Join Deb, Erika, Katrina, and Lynne as we talk about what little we know of the upcoming Series 8. We also have a nice little discussion about out spoiler policy--and spoilers in general. Poor Erika does too much Verity! homework and learns more than she wants. Lynne experiences ratatouille and bitterness. Kat wants you to serve her fangirly whims. And Deb is apparently on a first-name basis with Steven Moffat.
What are you most excited about in series 8? Let us know (in a spoiler-free manner!) in the comments! And let us know your thoughts on spoilers too!
Related links [on our site]:
Mr. Chris from The Pharos Project snapped a pic of us "on the big screen"
Radio Free Skaro's trailer coverage
Bridging the Rift
"I have a could be bunnies"
Doctor Who World Tour playlist
The Ultimate Companion
The Ultimate Time Lord
Series 8 fan-made opening
Deimos (Big Finish audio w/Paul McGann & the Ice Warriors)
Rachel Talalay
Sheree Folkson
Series 8 episode titles (and more)
BBC America Deep Breath time change
2MTL 352: The Fate of the Impossible Girl
Two-minute Time LordSo the tabloids think that season is Clara's swan song. I'm not ready to see her go, but…
Guess what haters – Clara is the best companion, second maybe only to Donna.
— Kyle Anderson (@FunctionalNerd) August 16, 2014
…really, Kyle Anderson of Let's not go quite that far. Yet.
A015 Hothouse
Who Back WhenThe Doctor and Lucie battle a rockstar environ-mentalist intent on turning the Earth into a Brussels sprout.
The post A015 Hothouse appeared first on Who Back When | A Doctor Who Podcast.
Gallifrey Stands - Ep17 - Toby Hadoke ate my Episode Title
Gallifrey StandsThis weeks guest companion is Toby Haddock, who talks about his fantastically successful Doctor Who stand up show 'Moths ate my Doctor Who Scarf' and follow up, 'My Step-Son Stole my Sonic Screwdriver', his first Doctor Who meeting, why it's all about love of the show, not hate of other shows and much more!
Gallifrey Stands - Ep17 - Toby Hadoke ate my Episode Title
Gallifrey StandsThis weeks guest companion is Toby Haddock, who talks about his fantastically successful Doctor Who stand up show 'Moths ate my Doctor Who Scarf' and follow up, 'My Step-Son Stole my Sonic Screwdriver', his first Doctor Who meeting, why it's all about love of the show, not hate of other shows and much more!
Season 8 Preview: SPOILERS!
The Doctor Who PodcastYes, it’s here. It’s our spoiler special preview of Series Eight! In case you didn’t get it from the title, this episode does not hold back in discussing all the recent chatter doing the rounds on the interweb. Rumours, conjecture and no fewer than three Kooky Theories of the Week make up this week’s DWP. That said, Leeson and James don’t really know much anyway so how spoilery this episode is is arguable anyway! Just to set the boundaries up front – neither Leeson or James have read the leaked scripts or watched the partially complete episodes.
Spoilerphobes of any dispostion are safe up until the very clear warning.
We’ll be back as quickly as we can be after Deep Breath airs on Saturday.
Enjoy the show.
Season 8 Preview: SPOILERS!
The Doctor Who PodcastYes, it’s here. It’s our spoiler special preview of Series Eight! In case you didn’t get it from the title, this episode does not hold back in discussing all the recent chatter doing the rounds on the interweb. Rumours, conjecture and no fewer than three Kooky Theories of the Week make up this week’s DWP. That said, Leeson and James don’t really know much anyway so how spoilery this episode is is arguable anyway! Just to set the boundaries up front – neither Leeson or James have read the leaked scripts or watched the partially complete episodes.
Spoilerphobes of any dispostion are safe up until the very clear warning.
We’ll be back as quickly as we can be after Deep Breath airs on Saturday.
Enjoy the show.
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #271 - Season 8 Preview: SPOILERS!
The Doctor Who PodcastYes, it's here. It's our spoiler special preview of Series Eight! In case you didn't get it from the title, this episode does not hold back in discussing all the recent chatter doing the rounds on the interweb. Rumours, conjecture and no fewer than three Kooky Theories of the Week make up this week's DWP. [...]
Gallifrey Stands - Ep17 - Toby Hadoke ate my Episode Title
Gallifrey StandsThis weeks guest companion is Toby Haddock, who talks about his fantastically successful Doctor Who stand up show 'Moths ate my Doctor Who Scarf' and follow up, 'My Step-Son Stole my Sonic Screwdriver', his first Doctor Who meeting, why it's all about love of the show, not hate of other shows and much more!
Ep 17 - The Crusade (Story 14)
GeeklecticWe discuss "The Crusade" which was our first reconstructed episode of Doctor Who that we featured. Jean Marsh was great, Ian was pointless and every one was the bad guy!
Ep 17 - The Crusade (Story 14)
GeeklecticWe discuss "The Crusade" which was our first reconstructed episode of Doctor Who that we featured. Jean Marsh was great, Ian was pointless and every one was the bad guy!
Ep 17 - The Crusade (Story 14)
GeeklecticWe discuss "The Crusade" which was our first reconstructed episode of Doctor Who that we featured. Jean Marsh was great, Ian was pointless and every one was the bad guy!
Ep 17 - The Crusade (Story 14)
GeeklecticWe discuss "The Crusade" which was our first reconstructed episode of Doctor Who that we featured. Jean Marsh was great, Ian was pointless and every one was the bad guy!
DWO Whocast - #329 - Doctor Who Podcast
DWO WhoCastDave, Elizabeth, Thomas, Dean & Michelle say goodbye to the Doctors and the WhoCast with a look at Matt Smith
Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world doesn't mean you are wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar. E Murrow
DWO Whocast - #329 - Doctor Who Podcast
DWO WhoCastDave, Elizabeth, Thomas, Dean & Michelle say goodbye to the Doctors and the WhoCast with a look at Matt Smith
Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world doesn't mean you are wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar. E Murrow
DWO Whocast - #329 - Doctor Who Podcast
DWO WhoCastDave, Elizabeth, Thomas, Dean & Michelle say goodbye to the Doctors and the WhoCast with a look at Matt Smith
Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world doesn't mean you are wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar. E Murrow
episode 64: Preparing for the Delivery of Series 8
MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who PodcastWe are now less than one week away from the premiere of Season 8 and the full debut of Peter Capaldi as the 12th Doctor!! Join Mark, Trish, Ed, and Christian as they sit down with returning champion Patrick Hawkins to do one last round up of the news, rumors, Moffat lies (?!), and other various tidbits surrounding the upcoming season. We also look at the new Doctor Who themed restaurant in New York and try to take guesses on the menu. And we even dovetail into talk of Blake's 7. All this plus we pay tribute to the late great Robin Williams. Markwho42, more fun than trying to cast American actors as the Doctor...
episode 64: Preparing for the Delivery of Series 8
MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who PodcastWe are now less than one week away from the premiere of Season 8 and the full debut of Peter Capaldi as the 12th Doctor!! Join Mark, Trish, Ed, and Christian as they sit down with returning champion Patrick Hawkins to do one last round up of the news, rumors, Moffat lies (?!), and other various tidbits surrounding the upcoming season. We also look at the new Doctor Who themed restaurant in New York and try to take guesses on the menu. And we even dovetail into talk of Blake's 7. All this plus we pay tribute to the late great Robin Williams. Markwho42, more fun than trying to cast American actors as the Doctor...
episode 64: Preparing for the Delivery of Series 8
MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who PodcastWe are now less than one week away from the premiere of Season 8 and the full debut of Peter Capaldi as the 12th Doctor!! Join Mark, Trish, Ed, and Christian as they sit down with returning champion Patrick Hawkins to do one last round up of the news, rumors, Moffat lies (?!), and other various tidbits surrounding the upcoming season. We also look at the new Doctor Who themed restaurant in New York and try to take guesses on the menu. And we even dovetail into talk of Blake's 7. All this plus we pay tribute to the late great Robin Williams. Markwho42, more fun than trying to cast American actors as the Doctor...
episode 64: Preparing for the Delivery of Series 8
MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who PodcastWe are now less than one week away from the premiere of Season 8 and the full debut of Peter Capaldi as the 12th Doctor!! Join Mark, Trish, Ed, and Christian as they sit down with returning champion Patrick Hawkins to do one last round up of the news, rumors, Moffat lies (?!), and other various tidbits surrounding the upcoming season. We also look at the new Doctor Who themed restaurant in New York and try to take guesses on the menu. And we even dovetail into talk of Blake's 7. All this plus we pay tribute to the late great Robin Williams. Markwho42, more fun than trying to cast American actors as the Doctor...
episode 64: Preparing for the Delivery of Series 8
MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who PodcastWe are now less than one week away from the premiere of Season 8 and the full debut of Peter Capaldi as the 12th Doctor!! Join Mark, Trish, Ed, and Christian as they sit down with returning champion Patrick Hawkins to do one last round up of the news, rumors, Moffat lies (?!), and other various tidbits surrounding the upcoming season. We also look at the new Doctor Who themed restaurant in New York and try to take guesses on the menu. And we even dovetail into talk of Blake's 7. All this plus we pay tribute to the late great Robin Williams. Markwho42, more fun than trying to cast American actors as the Doctor...
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #271 - Season 8 Preview: SPOILERS!
The Doctor Who PodcastYes, it's here. It's our spoiler special preview of Series Eight! In case you didn't get it from the title, this episode does not hold back in discussing all the recent chatter doing the rounds on the interweb. Rumours, conjecture and no fewer than three Kooky Theories of the Week make up this week's DWP. [...]
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #271 - Season 8 Preview: SPOILERS!
The Doctor Who PodcastYes, it's here. It's our spoiler special preview of Series Eight! In case you didn't get it from the title, this episode does not hold back in discussing all the recent chatter doing the rounds on the interweb. Rumours, conjecture and no fewer than three Kooky Theories of the Week make up this week's DWP. […]
Who Girls Podcast 10: Take a Deep Breath
WhoGirls podcastJoin Heather, Michelle and Kerri as they discuss Doctor Who.
Who Girls Podcast 10: Take a Deep Breath
WhoGirls podcastJoin Heather, Michelle and Kerri as they discuss Doctor Who.
Episode 128: That Fantastic Duo
The Happiness PatrolThe Happiness Patrol takes on a monumental task this week with the overview of the entire New Who era. More precisely, a compare and contrast of the Russell T Davies era and the Steven Moffat era.I think this is one that got pretty deep, so take a listen and enjoy this week's
Episode 128: That Fantastic Duo
The Happiness PatrolThe Happiness Patrol takes on a monumental task this week with the overview of the entire New Who era. More precisely, a compare and contrast of the Russell T Davies era and the Steven Moffat era.I think this is one that got pretty deep, so take a listen and enjoy this week's
Episode 128: That Fantastic Duo
The Happiness PatrolThe Happiness Patrol takes on a monumental task this week with the overview of the entire New Who era. More precisely, a compare and contrast of the Russell T Davies era and the Steven Moffat era.I think this is one that got pretty deep, so take a listen and enjoy this week's
ZEUS POD Episode 1
Zeus PodThe brand new sparkly Doctor Who podcast just in time for Series 8 from the team that brought you Zeus Plug and Zeus Blog. In this episode, Capal-day is less than a week away, so what are our expectations for Series 8? Possibly unrealistic and fanwankery but you never know. Also, DWM may have chosen the top stories of all time, but we think we can do better with our 60 Second Story Smackdown, we kick off the Target collection challenge and what is the least remembered Doctor Who story ever? Joining Jono Park is fellow creator of the Zeus Plug empire, Peter Adamson. Episode 1. Production code A. Let's make magic. Oh and we promise the next one will be shorter.
ZEUS POD Episode 1 - Series 8 Preview
Zeus PodThe brand new sparkly Doctor Who podcast just in time for Series 8 from the team that brought you Zeus Plug and Zeus Blog. In this episode, Capal-day is less than a week away, so what are our expectations for Series 8? Possibly unrealistic and fanwankery but you never know. Also, DWM may have chosen the top stories of all time, but we think we can do better with our 60 Second Story Smackdown, we kick off the Target collection challenge and what is the least remembered Doctor Who story ever? Joining Jono Park is fellow creator of the Zeus Plug empire, Peter Adamson. Episode 1. Production code A. Let's make magic. Oh and we promise the next one will be shorter.
Episode 33....Presason review!
Two girls, a guy and a TARDIS....The Podcast - Nervous Dog ProduSo in this episode, our first in awhile, we basically do a little "preseason" show for the upcoming season premiere in just about a week. We recap the casting, what we know about episodes and what we hope to see in the next season and beyond! So as always thanks and enjoy! Oh and by the way if you're in the Cedar Rapids area October 31st through November 2nd stop in at the Cedar Rapids Marriott and check out ICON 39!
-John, Nicole and Joanna
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