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  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #95 - Not the Mind Probe!

    Radio Free Skaro

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    06:43 (GMT) - 11 Aug 2008

    News was sparse this week, but all the better for us to leap into commentary on "The Five Doctors," one of the most pleasurable bits of fanwank to grace the British small screen, at least until "The Stolen Earth." Next week, the adventures of the intrepid Bill Filer in "Claws of Axos." Whee!

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #95 - Not the Mind Probe!

    Radio Free Skaro

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    05:43 (GMT) - 11 Aug 2008

    News was sparse this week, but all the better for us to leap into commentary on "The Five Doctors," one of the most pleasurable bits of fanwank to grace the British small screen, at least until "The Stolen Earth." Next week, the adventures of the intrepid Bill Filer in "Claws of Axos." Whee!

  • Staggering Stories Podcast

    Staggering Stories Podcast #26: Dr. Horrible's Whovian Prom

    Staggering Stories Podcast

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    22:19 (GMT) - 9 Aug 2008

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, the Doctor Who Prom, Bonekickers, lots of news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00.30 — Welcome!
    • 00.59 — Song: “We Have Our Crumbly Back.”
    • 01.45 — Where has Crumbly been?
    • 02.53 – News:
    • 03.06 — David Tennant & Patrick Stewart’s Hamlet: only signing RSC merchandise.
    • 05:28 — Star Trek Online is reborn.
    • 07:06 — DC Universe MMO.
    • 08:38 — Babylon 5 no more?
    • 10:12 — Life on Mars USA: Harvey Keitel & the alternate mythology.
    • 12:48 — Freema Agyeman quits Hub for law office.
    • 13:39 — Joss Whedon’s Doll House gets second pilot.
    • 15:09 — Wii Fit bites dog.
    • 15:52 — Cadbury Wispa bars are back, not in pog form.
    • 16.55 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 18.18 – Fight Club: Luke Skywalker vs. Adric…
    • 23.36 – Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.
    • 39.37 – Doctor Who Prom at the Royal Albert Hall.
    • 55.21 – Bonekickers.
    • 66.16 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 66.30 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game.
    • King Bladud’s Pigs.
    • LugRadio.
    • Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast
    • Royal Shakespeare Company’s Hamlet with David Tennant and Patrick Stewart.
    • Star Trek Online.
    • Wikipedia: DC Universe Online.
    • Wikipedia: Babylon 5.
    • Wikipedia: Life on Mars: USA.
    • Wikipedia: Freema Agyeman.
    • Wikipedia: Law and Order: London.
    • Torchwood.
    • Wikipedia: Dollhouse.
    • Wii Fit.
    • Cadbury Wispa.
    • Wikipedia: Luke Skywalker.
    • Wikipedia: Adric.
    • Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.
    • Felicia Day’s The Guild.
    • Doctor Who Prom 2008.
    • Bokekickers.

  • Doctor Who Review Today

    EPISODE1 - Curse of Fenric & Planet of Evil review and review of Rose

    Doctor Who Review Today

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:03 (GMT) - 8 Aug 2008

    review of the Curse of Fenric and Planet of Evil on dvd, and a review of Rose.my e mail is carrie_king99@yahoo.com,for any feedback you may have.also moment of podshock zen.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #94 - Madoc! I mean, Robot!

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    11:35 (GMT) - 4 Aug 2008

    A titanic torrent of news was only the beginning of this mammoth episode of Radio Free Skaro, which featured almost an hour's worth of banter even before we got around to commentary on "Robot", Tom Baker's debut story. Much as the crew has a certain fondness for this tale of fascistic scientists, errant droids and wonky regenerative antics, they were unsparing in their criticism of the silliness on screen...and Warren said "MADOC!" a lot. Enjoy!

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #94 - Madoc! I mean, Robot!

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    11:35 (GMT) - 4 Aug 2008

    A titanic torrent of news was only the beginning of this mammoth episode of Radio Free Skaro, which featured almost an hour's worth of banter even before we got around to commentary on "Robot", Tom Baker's debut story. Much as the crew has a certain fondness for this tale of fascistic scientists, errant droids and wonky regenerative antics, they were unsparing in their criticism of the silliness on screen...and Warren said "MADOC!" a lot. Enjoy!

  • Geek Syndicate

    Comic Racks 19 - Everybody Loves Paul

    Geek Syndicate

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    11:20 (GMT) - 4 Aug 2008

    Episode 19 - Everybody Loves Paul

    In this momentous episode the ladies do away with their usual format in order to bring you their very first creator interview with none other than the frankly rather awesome Paul Cornell.

    Paul has dipped his toe into the wonderful world of comics on many an occasion, writing stories such as Wisdom, 2000AD's XTNCT and the currently running (and fucking brilliant) Captain Britain and MI:13 series, to name but a few. As well as working in the comics world, Paul has penned some of the best episodes of Doctor Who to grace our TV screens (Human Nature and Family Of Blood, anyone?), several Doctor Who novels and audio shows, and episodes for top series' such as Primeval, Robin Hood and Casualty.

    During the interview, the girls quiz Paul about his upcoming projects, whether being a writer makes watching shows/reading books more difficult from a technical point of view, and whether he's had any unnerving fan experiences (other than Stacey professing her undying love for him at Bristol Convention earlier this year, of course.)

    To top the episode off, we pick our Rack Music for this fortnight; both of which turn out to be rather geekily inspired as one of us riffs on a Watchmen theme while the other takes inspiration from Wisdom #3.

    All this as well as some insights into Paul's writing history, advice for budding writers and some good old fashioned swearing.

    Don't forget to take part in the UK Comics Podcast Group competition by listening to the 5 Secret Quotation episodes: for more information visit www.comicspodcasts.co.uk


  • Geek Syndicate

    Doctor Who Special - Season 4 review Part 2

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    10:53 (GMT) - 4 Aug 2008

    Here it is, at last, the second part of our Geek Syndicate special with special guest Heath as we look back at the second half of season four of Doctor Who.

    Enjoy and see you in September!

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #94 - Madoc! I mean, Robot!

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    10:35 (GMT) - 4 Aug 2008

    A titanic torrent of news was only the beginning of this mammoth episode of Radio Free Skaro, which featured almost an hour's worth of banter even before we got around to commentary on "Robot", Tom Baker's debut story. Much as the crew has a certain fondness for this tale of fascistic scientists, errant droids and wonky regenerative antics, they were unsparing in their criticism of the silliness on screen...and Warren said "MADOC!" a lot. Enjoy!

  • Geek Syndicate

    Comic Racks 19 - Everybody Loves Paul

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    10:20 (GMT) - 4 Aug 2008

    Episode 19 - Everybody Loves Paul

    In this momentous episode the ladies do away with their usual format in order to bring you their very first creator interview with none other than the frankly rather awesome Paul Cornell.

    Paul has dipped his toe into the wonderful world of comics on many an occasion, writing stories such as Wisdom, 2000AD's XTNCT and the currently running (and fucking brilliant) Captain Britain and MI:13 series, to name but a few. As well as working in the comics world, Paul has penned some of the best episodes of Doctor Who to grace our TV screens (Human Nature and Family Of Blood, anyone?), several Doctor Who novels and audio shows, and episodes for top series' such as Primeval, Robin Hood and Casualty.

    During the interview, the girls quiz Paul about his upcoming projects, whether being a writer makes watching shows/reading books more difficult from a technical point of view, and whether he's had any unnerving fan experiences (other than Stacey professing her undying love for him at Bristol Convention earlier this year, of course.)

    To top the episode off, we pick our Rack Music for this fortnight; both of which turn out to be rather geekily inspired as one of us riffs on a Watchmen theme while the other takes inspiration from Wisdom #3.

    All this as well as some insights into Paul's writing history, advice for budding writers and some good old fashioned swearing.

    Don't forget to take part in the UK Comics Podcast Group competition by listening to the 5 Secret Quotation episodes: for more information visit www.comicspodcasts.co.uk


  • Geek Syndicate

    Doctor Who Special - Season 4 review Part 2

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:53 (GMT) - 4 Aug 2008

    Here it is, at last, the second part of our Geek Syndicate special with special guest Heath as we look back at the second half of season four of Doctor Who.

    Enjoy and see you in September!

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 67: Trial of a Time Lord 1 - 4 Mysterious Planet

    Tin Dog Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    10:40 (GMT) - 3 Aug 2008

    The Mysterious Planet is a serial in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, which was first broadcast in four weekly parts from September 6 to September 27, 1986. It is part of the larger narrative known as The Trial of a Time Lord, encompassing the whole of the 23rd season.Plot Synopsis The TARDIS materialises in a corridor, and the Doctor steps out bewildered and alone. He walks into a room, where it is revealed that he is being put on trial for conduct unbecoming a Time Lord. The Inquisitor notes that the Doctor has been on trial previously, and the Valeyard states that he will argue that the Doctor was shown too much leniency on that occasion. The Valeyard opens the case by using the Matrix to show the Doctor's involvement on the planet Ravolox. The Doctor and Peri arrive on Ravolox, which is virtually identical to Earth. He tells Peri that the official records state that the planet was devastated by a fireball, but they note that the forest they are walking through suggests otherwise. They are seen by Sabalom Glitz and Dibber, who attempt to shoot the Doctor; but he moves off just in time. Glitz and Dibber discuss their plan to destroy the "L3 robot" by sabotaging its light conversion system, which has been turned into a totem by a primitive tribe on the planet. The Doctor and Peri find an apparently abandoned building and explore it. Peri discovers a sign saying "Marble Arch" -- a London Underground sign, which means that they are on Earth. Peri begins to mourn for her planet. The Doctor asks what the relevance of this is, then asks why Peri is not with him on the station. The Valeyard answers that she is where the Doctor left her, and states that the Doctor's evident temporary amnesia - a side-effect of being taken out of time - should soon pass. The Doctor goes into the complex alone because Peri is upset, but she is captured by two masked figures. Meanwhile, Glitz and Dibber are brought before Katryca, Queen of the tribe. Glitz claims that the totem attracted the fireball that devastated Ravolox, and asks for it to be taken down. The Queen tells him that others have asked for the totem to be dismantled, and none have succeeded. Glitz and Dibber draw out their guns, but they are overpowered and locked up. The Doctor finds an underground complex, but is caught. He is accused of spying, and sentenced to be stoned. The Doctor tries to block the rocks with his umbrella, but is knocked unconscious. The Valeyard proposes that the inquiry into the Doctor's activities should become a full blown trial, with the penalty being the termination of his life. Other officials arrive and break up the stoning. The Doctor is still breathing, but before he can be killed, Merdeen receives a message from the Immortal stating that he wishes to question the Doctor. The Immortal, revealed to be a huge humanoid robot, commands its two assistants to release the service robot. Peri is brought before Katryca, who informs Peri that as there are few women, she will need to take many husbands. She is then put in the same prison as Glitz and Dibber. They tell Peri their plan to destroy the Robot. They are taken back to Katryca, who tells them that Glitz will be sacrificed because of his attempt to destroy the great totem. The Doctor is taken to the Immortal, who introduces itself as Drathro. He commands that the Doctor work with the two assistants. The Doctor identifies the problem, and tries to leave in order to fix it, but Drathro does not allow him to leave, as his instructions were to maintain an underground system. The Doctor electrifies the robot and his assistants, and escapes. Drathro sends the service robot to track down the Doctor. Meanwhile, Peri, Glitz and Dibber overpower the guards and escape. Dibber remains behind to plant a bomb on the Black Light converter, whilst they go to the underground complex. In Marb Station, Merdeen tells Balazar that there has been no fire for hundreds of years, and that he should leave the complex. They encounter the Doctor, and Merdeen implores him to help Balazar escape. Peri, Glitz and Dibber, pursued by tribesmen, find the Doctor, and they flee into the Marb Station, but are trapped between the tribe and the service robot. The tribesmen shoot at the service robot and disable it. The Doctor tries to re-enter the underground complex, but the tribesmen insist they all return to the village. There, The Doctor is brought before Katryca, but she is unimpressed with his explanation of the true nature of the Totem, and puts them all back in the prison cell. Glitz confirms that the planet is actually Earth. Drathro reactivates the service robot, and send it to the village. It breaks into the building with the Doctor, stuns him and takes him away. The tribesmen disable the service robot, and decide to attack the Immortal's castle to steal his technology. Peri rescues the Doctor from the service robot, and they set off to the underground complex to stop Katryca and disable the black light system. Katryca and tribesmen arrive at the Castle, where they are confronted by Drathro,. He electrocutes Katryca, and dismisses the rest of the tribe. The Doctor enters Drathro's domain, promising to help repair the black light system. However, he determines it to be beyond repair, and tells Drathro that he must shut down the Black Light System to prevent a massive explosion. Drathro refuses to allow that as it would mean its own destruction. The Doctor pleads with him, saying that the explosion could destroy the entire universe, but that only makes Drathro determined to allow what he thinks is a unique event. Balazar and Peri plead with Merdeen to help them, noting that he would die if the converter exploded. Glitz and Dibber arrive and follow them into the Castle through a food chute. Drathro attempts to kill by turning on the food processing system, but Dibber shoots him through the wall. Glitz tells Drathro that they have black light on their ship, and offers to take the robot to the Andromeda Galaxy. Drathro agrees, and leaves with Glitz and Dibber. The Doctor realises that the black light system has already begun to self-destruct, and that all he can do is prevent it starting a chain reaction. The system explodes, but the blast only destroys the Castle, and as a result Drathro collapses. The Doctor and Peri leave Merdeen and Balazar to take the remaining inhabitants to a new life on the surface. The Doctor announces to the court that he has saved the Universe, and starts to present his defence. The Valeyard warns the Doctor that he has more evidence to come, and that the Court will demand the Doctor's life at the end. Continuity The reason why Earth has become Ravalox, as well as the reasons for the Fireball, are explained in The Ultimate Foe, the final part of the Season.The relationship between the Sixth Doctor and Peri is less abrasive in this story than in the previous season. Both Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant wanted to show how travelling together had made their characters less combative and argumentative. Both this and the changes in their appearances, particularly Peri's hairstyle and mode of dress suggest a long gap between this story and their previous on-screen appearance in Revelation of the Daleks and allowing for "unseen" adventures in the spin-off media to be placed there.Early in Part One, the Doctor appears to be about to reveal his surname for the first and only time in the entire series (but see The War Machines, and further discussion in "Doctor who?").The Inquisitor and the Valeyard reference the events of The War Games.The Doctor's claim that he cannot be on trial as he is Lord President and the Inquisitor's explanation that he had been removed were reportedly added to the script after Colin Baker noticed the apparent plot hole.Recovering from unconsciousness, the Doctor briefly slips back into the personality of one of his previous selves, allowing Colin Baker to do an impersonation of Jon Pertwee. He even uses the phrase, "Reverse the polarity of the neutron flow."In this serial, the First Law of Time refers to the well-documented Time Lord policy of non-interference, as opposed to specifically forbidding a Time Lord meeting a past or future incarnation and therefore interfering with his own history, as stated in earlier serials. Production The details available for each episode of this story are outlined in the table below[1][2][3]. Episode Broadcast Date Run Time Ratings "Part One" 06 Sep 1986 24'57" 4.9m "Part Two" 13 Sep 1986 24'44" 4.9m "Part Three" 20 Sep 1986 24'18" 3.9m "Part Four" 27 Sep 1986 24'20" 3.7m Preproduction In February 1985, the BBC announced that the planned twenty-third season of Doctor Who had been canceled. After vocal protests by the press and Doctor Who fans (including a charity single, Doctor in Distress), the BBC announced that the progamme was merely on "hiatus", and would return in September 1986. Several stories which had been planned or commissioned for the original Season 23 were abandoned in favour of an overarching "trial" theme, reflecting the fact that the programme itself was on trial at the BBC.[4] This story was the last complete Doctor Who story written by Robert Holmes. Its plot is similar to Holmes' first contribution to Doctor Who, The Krotons. In both stories, an alien machine subjugates a humanoid civilization and forces its brightest young people into its service.[5] [edit] Casting The actor playing Merdeen, Tom Chadbon, had previously appeared in the 1979 Fourth Doctor serial City of Death. Production The opening model shot of the Time Lord Space Station where the trial is held throughout the season was the most expensive model shot from the classic series run (costing more than PS8,000).[6] The sequence depicts the Time Lord Space Station orbiting in space then dragging the TARDIS inside via the use of a tractor beam. From this serial onwards, all location work would be recorded on Outside Broadcast (OB) tape instead of 16mm film. This practice would continue until the end of the series. The only footage shot on film for this episode was the opening special effects shot of the TARDIS. The BBC had been encouraging the replacement of film cameras with OB cameras since the early 1980s on the grounds that they were cheaper, and mixed with studio-shot material better. John Nathan-Turner had actually wanted to switch to OB shooting as early as Peter Davison's first season in 1982, but met with resistance from the directors working on the show at the time. Post-production Dominic Glynn was hired to score the music for The Mysterious Planet, and John Nathan-Turner offered him the chance to rearrange the opening title music. His new score for the opening theme was the shortest lived, lasting this season alone (not counting the unused 1973 version by Delia Derbyshire and Paddy Kingsland). Some saw it as an improvement on the Peter Howell version, while others criticized it for being "too quiet" or "not scary enough". It has since been used on the majority of the Big Finish Productions audio plays featuring Colin Baker as the Sixth Doctor. Commercial releases In October 1993, this story was released on VHS as part of the three-tape The Trial of a Time Lord set. A DVD release is due in 2008, similarly boxed with the other stories in The Trial of a Time Lord season. In print Doctor Who book The Mysterious Planet Series Target novelisations Release number 127 Writer Terrance Dicks Publisher Target Books Cover artist Tony Masero ISBN 0 426 20319 4 Release date 19th November 1987 (Hardback) 21st April 1988 (Paperback) Preceded by The Time Meddler Followed by Time and the Rani A novelisation of this serial, written by Terrance Dicks, was published by Target Books in November 1987. External links The Mysterious Planet at bbc.co.ukThe Mysterious Planet at the Doctor Who Reference GuideThe Mysterious Planet at Outpost GallifreyThe Trial Of A Time Lord (Segment One) at Doctor Who: A Brief History Of Time (Travel) Reviews The Mysterious Planet reviews at Outpost GallifreyThe Mysterious Planet reviews at The Doctor Who Ratings Guide Target novelisation On Target -- The Mysterious Planet

  • Tachyon TV Podcasts

    The Stolen Earth

    Tachyon TV Podcasts

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    20:17 (GMT) - 2 Aug 2008

    'No Dempsey! Make peace!'. Topics up for discussion include: Soho drinking clubs, incipient Forsythia, Sarah Jane's giant dating computer, Sky series link clashes, Torchwood's AV bill, and the definite Dempsey and Makepeace DVD boxset release.

  • Doctor Who Review Today

    EPISODE 0 -promos doctor who review today(updated 2/7/09)

    Doctor Who Review Today

    Direct Podcast Download

    18:27 (GMT) - 1 Aug 2008

    promos for me and other podcasts

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 90 Season 1 Finale

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    23:12 (GMT) - 31 Jul 2008

    This is it people. The ark has been raided, the stone romanced, the ghosts busted, the dragon has been entered and now it's time for the real adventure to begin... This is the last episode of season 1 of Geek Syndicate before the boys take a little siesta. Apologies for some of the audio glitches in this episode. News Torchwood meets Captain America New Gene Hunt for US version of Life on Mars Back to the Bristol Con Dimension Manga Week that was The Sword (Comic) Dr Horrible's Sing along Blog. A very brief non spoiler review of the Dark KNight(as Dave's not seen it yet) The Forbidden Kingdom (Movie) Button man (Comic) Main We take a look at two of the comics passed to us by Listeners. Eleventh Hour Vol 1 Starship Troopers: Bad Blood Discover at last what the secret quotation is. Enjoy...

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 90 Season 1 Finale

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:12 (GMT) - 31 Jul 2008

    This is it people. The ark has been raided, the stone romanced, the ghosts busted, the dragon has been entered and now it's time for the real adventure to begin... This is the last episode of season 1 of Geek Syndicate before the boys take a little siesta. Apologies for some of the audio glitches in this episode. News Torchwood meets Captain America New Gene Hunt for US version of Life on Mars Back to the Bristol Con Dimension Manga Week that was The Sword (Comic) Dr Horrible's Sing along Blog. A very brief non spoiler review of the Dark KNight(as Dave's not seen it yet) The Forbidden Kingdom (Movie) Button man (Comic) Main We take a look at two of the comics passed to us by Listeners. Eleventh Hour Vol 1 Starship Troopers: Bad Blood Discover at last what the secret quotation is. Enjoy...

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #93 - Mr. Sin's Lament the Second

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    08:51 (GMT) - 27 Jul 2008

    Despite the madness of Comic-con and Warren's current geographical position in San Diego, Radio Free Skaro continues with the second part of our "Talons of Weng Chiang" commentary. Wit, abandon, and politically correct tut-tutting of Chinese stereotypes await!

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #93 - Mr. Sin's Lament the Second

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    08:51 (GMT) - 27 Jul 2008

    Despite the madness of Comic-con and Warren's current geographical position in San Diego, Radio Free Skaro continues with the second part of our "Talons of Weng Chiang" commentary. Wit, abandon, and politically correct tut-tutting of Chinese stereotypes await!

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #93 - Mr. Sin's Lament the Second

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:51 (GMT) - 27 Jul 2008

    Despite the madness of Comic-con and Warren's current geographical position in San Diego, Radio Free Skaro continues with the second part of our "Talons of Weng Chiang" commentary. Wit, abandon, and politically correct tut-tutting of Chinese stereotypes await!

  • Tachyon TV Podcasts

    Black Orchid Part 2

    Tachyon TV Podcasts

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:44 (GMT) - 26 Jul 2008

    'Brought down by a badly planned party...'. Topics up for discussion include: optera fetishes, giant hot dogs, Latoni's canapes, directing by omission and light snacking..

  • Staggering Stories Podcast

    Staggering Stories Podcast #25: Have I Got News

    Staggering Stories Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:11 (GMT) - 26 Jul 2008

    Show summary: Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith, the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn and Ian McArdell talk about the Doctor Who Season 4 in overview, lots of news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00.27 — Greetings, yes?
    • 00.48 — Where is Crumbly?
    • 01.17 – News:
    • 01.22 — Life on Mars USA – a second pilot.
    • 03:10 — The Prisoner: Reversioned!
    • 05:58 — Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles – dumbed down?
    • 07:23 — Heroes – BBC buying upfront.
    • 08:33 — Battlestar Galactica: Caprica and a TV movie.
    • 09:59 — Torchwood Season 3 writers announced.
    • 10:38 — Goodbye LugRadio.
    • 11:06 — Doctor Who: Journey’s End top rated programme for whole week.
    • 11.51 – Doctor Who: Season 4 Overview.
    • 60.58 – Goodbyeeeeeeeee!!
    • 61.35 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game.
    • Wikipedia: Life on Mars: USA.
    • Wikipedia: The Prisoner.
    • Wikipedia: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
    • Wikipedia: Heroes.
    • Wikipedia: Battlestar Galactica: Caprica.
    • Torchwood.
    • LugRadio.
    • Doctor Who.
    • Doctor Who: “Series Four”.
    • The Journal Of The Most Normal Things.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Doctor Who Special - Season 4 review Part 1

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:14 (GMT) - 26 Jul 2008

    In this special episode the guys are joined by former Listener of the month and co host of Geek Bunch Heath. Together they will take use on a journey through time and space as they review the first half of Doctor Who Season 4. Enjoy!!!

  • Geek Syndicate

    Doctor Who Special - Season 4 review Part 1

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    08:14 (GMT) - 26 Jul 2008

    In this special episode the guys are joined by former Listener of the month and co host of Geek Bunch Heath. Together they will take use on a journey through time and space as they review the first half of Doctor Who Season 4. Enjoy!!!

  • Geek Syndicate

    Comic Racks Episode 18 - Secret Quotation - We are Awesome

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:34 (GMT) - 22 Jul 2008

    After the weeks of waiting, we finally reveal the mystery behind Secret Quotation. Keep an ear out in this episode for the Comic Racks portion of our UK Comics Podcast Group-wide competition! To be in with a chance of winning awesome prizes such as Noble Causes V1 & 2, an assortment of Virgin trades, a Wisdom trade and other splendid stuff to be announced, all you have to do is find the comic movie quote embedded within this episode, identify the film, then find the quotes from the same film in the other UK podcasts; Geek Syndicate (Episode 90), Quiet! Panelolgists At Work (Episode 45), Comic Book Outsiders (to be announced) and Birds Of Geek (to be announced). You have until the end of August to send your email containing your name, the title of the film, and all five secret quotations to secretquotation@gmail.com. Good luck!

    Anyhoo, on with the show! In this accidentally long episode, the girls tackle the topic of comic book movies, announcing some of their favourites, some of their, ahem, not-so-favourites, some they haven't seen yet but would like to see, and some upcoming movies that have them squirming in their seats with anticipation!

    On top of this comes all the regular bumph; Stace discusses her Things To Do Before She's 30 achievements, Iz warms to Guitar Hero 3 now she isn't getting booed off stage and both girls get excited at all the Rack-related news! Well, wouldn't you get excited at the prospect of interviewing Paul Cornell, having Jamie Smart on the show and being in a comic?? Thought so ;)

    During the reviews, the Ladies of the Racks unite in their enjoyment of The Uniques #1 and 2, continue their squabbling over whether the art in Wolverine Origins really is any good, Stace dispairs at her lack of memory during the reading of Final Crisis #2, and Iz travels down Memory Lane by picking up the Dandy!

    All this and The Donnas and Weezer sound too good to be true? Well, it is true, so get to the listening! :P


  • Geek Syndicate

    Comic Racks Episode 18 - Secret Quotation - We are Awesome

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:34 (GMT) - 22 Jul 2008

    After the weeks of waiting, we finally reveal the mystery behind Secret Quotation. Keep an ear out in this episode for the Comic Racks portion of our UK Comics Podcast Group-wide competition! To be in with a chance of winning awesome prizes such as Noble Causes V1 & 2, an assortment of Virgin trades, a Wisdom trade and other splendid stuff to be announced, all you have to do is find the comic movie quote embedded within this episode, identify the film, then find the quotes from the same film in the other UK podcasts; Geek Syndicate (Episode 90), Quiet! Panelolgists At Work (Episode 45), Comic Book Outsiders (to be announced) and Birds Of Geek (to be announced). You have until the end of August to send your email containing your name, the title of the film, and all five secret quotations to secretquotation@gmail.com. Good luck!

    Anyhoo, on with the show! In this accidentally long episode, the girls tackle the topic of comic book movies, announcing some of their favourites, some of their, ahem, not-so-favourites, some they haven't seen yet but would like to see, and some upcoming movies that have them squirming in their seats with anticipation!

    On top of this comes all the regular bumph; Stace discusses her Things To Do Before She's 30 achievements, Iz warms to Guitar Hero 3 now she isn't getting booed off stage and both girls get excited at all the Rack-related news! Well, wouldn't you get excited at the prospect of interviewing Paul Cornell, having Jamie Smart on the show and being in a comic?? Thought so ;)

    During the reviews, the Ladies of the Racks unite in their enjoyment of The Uniques #1 and 2, continue their squabbling over whether the art in Wolverine Origins really is any good, Stace dispairs at her lack of memory during the reading of Final Crisis #2, and Iz travels down Memory Lane by picking up the Dandy!

    All this and The Donnas and Weezer sound too good to be true? Well, it is true, so get to the listening! :P


  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #083 - Lieber ein Ende mit Schrecken...

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    04:35 (GMT) - 22 Jul 2008

    Mit diesem Whocast verabschieden wir uns - zu dritt - von der vierten Staffel des aktuellen Laufes der Serie und haben leider nur wenig Positives daruber zu berichten. Auch Harald ist diesmal erstaunlich still... Ausserdem gibt es noch nachzugelnde Post zum Thema "Warum liebe ich Doctor Who" und die ersten Rekationen auf den letzten Cast.

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #083 - Lieber ein Ende mit Schrecken...

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    03:35 (GMT) - 22 Jul 2008

    Mit diesem Whocast verabschieden wir uns - zu dritt - von der vierten Staffel des aktuellen Laufes der Serie und haben leider nur wenig Positives daruber zu berichten. Auch Harald ist diesmal erstaunlich still... Ausserdem gibt es noch nachzugelnde Post zum Thema "Warum liebe ich Doctor Who" und die ersten Rekationen auf den letzten Cast.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #92 - Mr. Sin's Lament the First

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:09 (GMT) - 21 Jul 2008

    The three jaunty fellows were pleased as punch to commentate on one of the high points of Tom Baker's career, "The Talons of Weng Chiang," a fantastic set of episodes by the late, great Robert Holmes (though unfortunately marred by the casual racism of the period.) Since Talons is longer than a trip on a Victorian steamer to the colonies, we decided to split the commentary into two parts. Warren will be at San Diego Comic-Con next Sunday, but he'll do his best to get Part 2 off his hard drive and onto the Internet in a timely fashion.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #92 - Mr. Sin's Lament the First

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:09 (GMT) - 21 Jul 2008

    The three jaunty fellows were pleased as punch to commentate on one of the high points of Tom Baker's career, "The Talons of Weng Chiang," a fantastic set of episodes by the late, great Robert Holmes (though unfortunately marred by the casual racism of the period.) Since Talons is longer than a trip on a Victorian steamer to the colonies, we decided to split the commentary into two parts. Warren will be at San Diego Comic-Con next Sunday, but he'll do his best to get Part 2 off his hard drive and onto the Internet in a timely fashion.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #92 - Mr. Sin's Lament the First

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:09 (GMT) - 21 Jul 2008

    The three jaunty fellows were pleased as punch to commentate on one of the high points of Tom Baker's career, "The Talons of Weng Chiang," a fantastic set of episodes by the late, great Robert Holmes (though unfortunately marred by the casual racism of the period.) Since Talons is longer than a trip on a Victorian steamer to the colonies, we decided to split the commentary into two parts. Warren will be at San Diego Comic-Con next Sunday, but he'll do his best to get Part 2 off his hard drive and onto the Internet in a timely fashion.

  • Tachyon TV Podcasts

    Black Orchid Part 1

    Tachyon TV Podcasts

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:44 (GMT) - 19 Jul 2008

    'Pass the jazz salt...'. Topics up for discussion include: missing aliens, Sting, 1920s sex games, Nyssa's piercing, and the five hour novelisation reading by Michael Cochrane.

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 66: Doctor Who Brain of Morbius

    Tin Dog Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    08:20 (GMT) - 19 Jul 2008

    The Brain of Morbius is a serial in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, which was first broadcast in four weekly parts from January 3 to January 24, 1976. Contents [hide] 1 Synopsis2 Plot Summary 2.1 Cast notes 3 Continuity 3.1 The "Morbius Doctors" 4 Production5 Outside references6 In print7 Broadcast, VHS and DVD releases8 References9 External links 9.1 Reviews9.2 Target novelisation //<![CDATA[ if (window.showTocToggle) { var tocShowText = "show"; var tocHideText = "hide"; showTocToggle(); } //]]> [edit] Synopsis Years ago, the Time Lord known as Morbius tried to lead a revolution but was executed for his ambition on the planet Karn. When the Fourth Doctor and Sarah arrive on the planet, they discover that, thanks to Dr Solon, the dead may rise. [edit] Plot Summary On the planet Karn, an insect-like alien crawls away from an escape pod. It is ambushed and killed by Condo, a large man with a hook for a hand, who takes its head to a castle and his master Solon. However, the head is unsuitable -- Solon needs a humanoid, warm-blooded and with a central nervous system. The TARDIS materialises on Karn in the middle of a lightning storm, and the Fourth Doctor rushes out, ranting at the Time Lords for diverting him to this planet. Sarah suggests that perhaps the TARDIS malfunctioned again, but the Doctor is insistent there is something going on which the Time Lords do not want to sully their hands with. While the Doctor sulks, Sarah finds the escape pod, and climbing to a higher point, sees a valley filled with wrecked spacecraft. She comes across the headless body of the alien and gasps, which finally attracts the Doctor's attention. The Doctor identifies it as a Mutt. He also now recognises the stars -- his homeworld is within a couple of billion miles from this planet. Sarah spots the castle just as it starts to rain, and the two travellers make for it, all the while observed by a girl in a strange headdress. The girl, Ohica, reports to the elderly Maren, the leader of the Sisterhood of Karn. Maren does not believe Ohica at first, insisting that no ship could approach Karn without attracting their honed senses. Maren shows Ohica the Flame of Life, which is burning low. Without the Flame, there is no Elixir, and there has not been for over a year -- the chalice stands empty. The secret of the Elixir is known only to the Sisterhood and the High Council of the Time Lords, with whom they shared the Elixir. Now, there is none left, except for the few vials they have kept for themselves. Maren fears that the Time Lords have sent agents to steal the Elixir. Maren tells Ohica to summon the other sisters to form a circle. In the castle, Solon scolds Condo, warning him that if he does not obey him, he will not reattach Condo's arm. The Doctor and Sarah ring the doorbell, seeking shelter. Solon is delighted at the arrival of humans, and welcomes the two, complimenting the Doctor on his "magnificent" head. The Doctor notices a clay bust, but Solon quickly draws a sheet over it. When the Doctor asks Solon about the Mutt and the wrecked ships, Solon suggests that it is due to the magnetic radiation around the planet. Solon rescued Condo from one such starship, and had to amputate his arm to save his life. The Sisterhood chant in a circle, allowing Maren to see the TARDIS reflected in her ring. Concentrating further, they make the TARDIS materialise in their shrine in the midst of a strange mist. Examining the ship, Maren identifies it as a Time Lord vessel, and concludes that the Doctor is here on their behalf to steal the elixir. The Sisterhood's powers can overwhelm most others and drive them insane, but the Time Lords are their equals in mind power. The circle continues to chant, seeking the Doctor. The Doctor knows of Solon, who was an authority on microsurgical techniques and tissue transplants. He remarks that Solon's disappearance caused quite a stir and there were rumours that he had joined the Cult of Morbius. The Doctor now recognises the clay head -- it is that of Morbius, one of the most despicably criminal minded Time Lords in history. Before he can say anything further, the drugged wine takes its effect, and the Doctor falls over unconscious as does Sarah. Solon and Condo take the Doctor's body to the laboratory, not realising that Sarah was only feigning unconsciousness. In the laboratory, Solon's examination of the Doctor confirms he is a Time Lord. Condo is concerned about their power, but Solon dismisses them as spineless parasites. Morbius offered them power, but they rejected it, and they will now feel the power of his revenge. Needing proper lighting for the operation, Solon and Condo go to repair the generators that have been knocked out by the storm. Once they leave the room, however, the Doctor's body vanishes in the same mist the TARDIS did. Sarah keeps hidden as Solon and Condo pass, and enters the lab. She draws back the curtain on a bed, thinking it is the Doctor, but as the lights come up, she sees a headless, patchwork creature made from various body parts. It sits up... Sarah moves away from it quickly, but hears Solon and Condo returning to the laboratory and has to hide. Solon finds the Doctor gone, and concludes that it must be the work of the Sisterhood. Solon swears revenge, and he and Condo go to get the Doctor's body back. The Doctor regains consciousness to find himself surrounded by members of the Sisterhood. Maren accuses him of being sent by the Time Lords to steal the Elixir. The Doctor denies this, saying that the last thing he remembers is having wine with Solon and Morbius... but Morbius is dead, executed by the Time Lords on Karn for leading a rebellion. His body was placed in a dispersal chamber and atomised. The Doctor realises that he just before he passed out, he felt the mind of Morbius. Maren refuses to believe that Morbius is alive and says that the Doctor will join him in death shortly. Sarah trails Solon and Condo as they make their way towards the shrine. They observe the Sisters gathering wood to burn the Doctor at the stake. The Doctor points out that the Time Lords have always been friendly to the Sisterhood -- they saved them when Morbius overran the planet. Maren retorts that this was out of self-interest as they needed the Elixir. Ohica reveals that the Flame is dying. The Doctor is puzzled, as the Flame is fed by gases from deep within the planet and should last for millions of years unless there has been some subterranean movement. They tie the Doctor to the stake while chanting the Song of Death. The Doctor warns them that if the gases are sealed in, the mountain could explode. Solon and Condo interrupt the ceremony, to Maren's anger. Solon asks them to spare the Doctor, even offering Condo in his place. When that is denied, he begs them to give him the Doctor's head. While Maren dismisses Condo and Solon, a disguised Sarah sneaks up behind the Doctor and cuts his bonds. The ceremony starts again, and as the flames lick up, Maren's eyes close. The Doctor and Sarah take the opportunity to slip away, but Maren spots them, hitting Sarah with a blue bolt from her ring before they get away. Back at the castle, Condo is angered by Solon's offer to sacrifice him, and threatens to kill Solon. Pleading for his life, Solon offers to restore Condo's arm and tells him to prepare the laboratory. Meanwhile, Sarah and the Doctor have escaped the shrine, but Sarah has been blinded by the energy from Maren's ring. She is worried that it may be permanent, but the Doctor assures her that the flash merely numbed the optic nerves and she should recover in a few hours. Despite Sarah telling him about the headless body she saw, the Doctor leads them back towards Solon's castle. Solon speaks with a tremulous voice he addresses as Morbius. Solon asks for more time, but Morbius is impatient. Condo calls from above: the Doctor and Sarah have arrived. The Doctor asks him to examine Sarah's eyes, and they go to the laboratory. As Solon does so, the Doctor finds the headless body hidden behind the curtain. Condo escorts Sarah back to the parlour, while the Doctor speaks to Solon. Solon tells him that Sarah's retinae have been almost completely destroyed, but there is one chance: the Elixir of Life. Despite the risks, the Doctor must return to the shrine. Solon summons Condo, who leaves Sarah in the parlour. Solon gives a note for Condo to pass to the Sisterhood before the Doctor gets there. Sarah hears Morbius's voice calling for Solon. Following the sound, she enters a hidden laboratory. As she stumbles blindly towards Morbius, who is a glowing brain in a tank, he accuses her of being a part of the Sisterhood, sent here to destroy him... Solon enters and drags Sarah out of the laboratory. As he closes the door, Sarah hears Solon address the voice as "Morbius" and hears how Solon has sent the Doctor into a trap. Sarah locks Solon in the laboratory and, still blind, makes her way out of the castle. In the shrine, Maren gives five of the Sisters, including Ohica, the last of Elixir. Only these five will survive when the Flame finally dies. The letter from Solon arrives, and Maren tells Ohica to warn the guards. When the Doctor enters the tunnels, a net falls on him and he is surrounded. When he explains why he came back, Maren tells him that the effects of the ray are not permanent, and Solon knows that. Maren demands to know why the Doctor is here, if it is not to steal the Elixir, and the Doctor replies that he feels something evil is brewing, something to do with Morbius. Maren still does not believe -- she saw Morbius being dispersed. The Doctor asks if Solon was here at that time, and Maren says many came to Karn at the time. Morbius led an army of mercenaries, promising them the Elixir and immortality and revealing its existence to the cosmos. The Doctor tells Maren that if she wants his help, the wrecking of spaceships simply passing by Karn has to stop. Outside, Sarah continues to work her way along the rocks and runs into Condo, who had orders to find her. He tells her the Doctor is dead and carries her, struggling, back to the castle. The Doctor persuades Maren to let him see the Flame, the first one outside the Sisterhood to see it. The Doctor admires the process -- the heat of the Flame causes oxidation of chemicals in the surrounding rocks, with the reaction of superheated gases forming drops of the Elixir. The Doctor insists the process is not mystical and with analysis, the Elixir could probably be synthesised, but the consequences would be disastrous with everyone trying to live forever. Even the Time Lords only take it in rare cases, not regularly like the Sisterhood, who because of it have become stagnant, unchanging, without progress. The Doctor takes something from his hair and puts it in the Flame, seemingly extinguishing it. Horrified, Maren orders the Doctor killed, but the flames ignite again, brighter than ever. It was merely soot that was blocking the gases. At the castle, Sarah is bound hand and foot and lying on a table. Solon rants about how others called him insane, and only Morbius believed in him. When Solon tells Morbius that the Doctor is a Time Lord, Morbius calls him a fool -- that means that the Time Lords have tracked him down and will return in force. Morbius insists that he be transferred into the body now, and asks about the artificial brain casing Solon once constructed. Solon protests that he abandoned it because there was no way to stop the static electricity build-up, which risked severe pain and seizures. Morbius tells him that he will take his chances. Back in the castle, Solon prepares to operate, but Condo is enraged when he recognises his lost arm attached to the patchwork body. He attacks Solon, who shoots him in the belly. As the two struggle, Morbius's brain falls to the floor. Not knowing what damage has been done, Solon places the fallen brain in the casing, releasing Sarah so she can assist in the operation. If Morbius dies, so does she. The wounded Condo crawls into the hallway as outside, the Sisters carry the Doctor's seemingly dead body through the lightning storm. In the meantime, the operation is finished -- within minutes Morbius will live again. Solon goes to answer the door bell, and sees the Sisters leaving the Doctor's body in the parlour. In the laboratory. Sarah's eyesight starts to clear, but the monstrous body of Morbius gets off the operating table and lumbers towards her... Sarah screams as she sees the Morbius creature, and dodges out of the way. She warns Solon that the creature is loose and he runs back to the laboratory. Sarah notices the Doctor's body, but as she approaches, the Doctor wakes up and smiles at her. He is here to stop Solon, but Sarah tells him it is too late. Morbius sees his new body in the mirror, and smashes it angrily. Solon tries to calm him down, but Morbius renders him unconscious. When the Doctor meets the creature, he too is struck down. Morbius chases Sarah, but Condo intervenes, knocking Sarah down the stairs into the cellar while he grapples with Morbius. However, Morbius is too strong, and kills Condo instead. Morbius wanders out of the castle as the Doctor regains consciousness. He carries Sarah into the secret laboratory to let her recover. Solon, too, has awakened, and assembles a tranquilizer gun. He tells the Doctor that the operation was not complete, only the motor functions are working, the rest on an instinctual level. Knowing Morbius's hatred, he will seek out the Sisterhood. Sure enough, Morbius finds one of the sisters in some ruins nearby and kills her. The Doctor and Solon find the body and they search the ruins. Morbius attacks the Doctor, but is knocked out by Solon's tranquilizer. As they carry the creature back to the castle, the Doctor tells Solon that Morbius's brain will be detached and returned to the Time Lords. The body of the dead Sister is brought back to Maren. Ohica reports that witnesses saw a creature and then the Doctor and Solon hunting for it. Maren realises that Solon has succeeded in his experiments and resurrected their ancient enemy. But Maren is too old and weak to leave the shrine, and she gives Ohica permission to lead the Sisters to the castle. The Doctor gives Solon five minutes to disconnect the brain as he goes and checks on Sarah. However, Solon locks them in the secret laboratory instead and begins to repair Morbius. Using materials from the secret laboratory, the Doctor makes cyanide gas, which he then pipes through a vent that leads to the operating room above. Solon has finished the operation, but the gas chokes him and he dies. The alien lungs of Morbius, however, are more robust and the creature walks out of the room unharmed. He goes to confront Sarah and the Doctor -- he claims that when the knowledge of his resurrection spreads, his followers will rise in their millions. The Doctor and Sarah mock Morbius in an attempt to overheat his brain, and the Doctor challenges him to a mindbending contest. They grab hold of the appropriate apparatus in the laboratory and begin. The machine's display begins to show Morbius's brain casing head, then his previous face, then the Doctor, then the Doctor's previous incarnation. Further and further back into the Doctor's past the images go, as Morbius asks, "How far, Doctor? How long have you lived?" The face of the First Doctor fades into a series of eight other faces, with the current Doctor interspersed between them looking more defiant... then Morbius's brain case shorts out. The Doctor collapses, as Morbius stumbles out in a daze. Ohica's band of sisters finally reach the castle, and threaten Morbius with lit torches. Ohica goes down to the secret laboratory while the other Sisters herd Morbius out into the mountains. Ohica finds Sarah cradling the dying Doctor. Outside, the Sisterhood chases Morbius over a cliff, where he falls to his death. Taking the Doctor back to the shrine, Maren says only the Elixir of Life can save him, but there is none left. However, the revived Flame has gathered enough Elixir. There is enough for the Doctor, but not for Maren, who accepts that the Doctor was right: there should be an end. The Elixir is given to the Doctor, who revives almost immediately. Maren steps into the Flame of Life, becoming younger, and then vanishes. Ohica starts to thank the Doctor, but he stops her, saying that Sarah and he have another engagement. Before they leave, he gives her a match and touch paper in case they need to relight the Flame again. This time, the TARDIS vanishes in a puff of light and smoke... [edit] Cast notes Philip Madoc, who plays Solon, has appeared on Doctor Who in four different stories. He also had a role in the film Daleks - Invasion Earth 2150 AD See also Celebrity appearances in Doctor Who. [edit] Continuity This serial includes a scene in which the Fourth Doctor kills Solon by deliberately creating cyanide gas under the vent up to the operating theatre. Although he does this while trying to stop Morbius, this is nonetheless one of the few occasions in the series in which the Doctor directly takes the life of a human(oid) enemy. Similar incidents occur in Day of the Daleks, The Invasion of Time, The Ribos Operation, Vengeance on Varos and The Two Doctors.The Doctor says that he was born a few billion miles from Karn. Since billion can have different meanings in old British and American usage, it is possible that Gallifrey is between a few thousand million or a few million million miles away and so possibly in the same star system (for comparison Pluto is six thousand million miles from the Sun). Given the Doctor's mood at the start of the story, he may not be speaking literally.[1] The New Adventures novel Lungbarrow places Karn in Gallifrey's solar system.[2]Maren mentions an alien race who travel in "silent gas dirigibles". In the script it is "Muthi" but she pronounces it "Hoothi" instead. Writer Paul Cornell spelled it as "Hoothi" when he featured them in his New Adventures novel Love and War.[3]The BBC Books Past Doctor Adventures novel Warmonger by Terrance Dicks is both a sequel and prequel to this story, explaining how Morbius's brain survived his execution and the Fifth Doctor's involvement in the surrounding events.[4]It is explicitly stated that Morbius was the first Time Lord to be sentenced to execution in the race's history. The Doctor himself would be the second case in Arc of Infinity. [edit] The "Morbius Doctors" The faces appearing on the mind test machine are those of various members of the production team. After a complaint and as recompense the BBC paid a sum of money to the actors union Equity.[5] The faces are those of George Gallaccio (Production Unit Manager), Robert Holmes (script editor), Graeme Harper (production assistant), Douglas Camfield (Director), Philip Hinchcliffe (producer), Christopher Baker (production assistant), Robert Banks Stewart(Writer), and Chris Barry (director).[6] Those same faces have caused much debate among fans because they seemingly show past incarnations of the Doctor prior to the First Doctor, contradicting The Three Doctors (which refers to the First Doctor as the earliest incarnation), The Five Doctors (which explicitly states that the Doctor is in his fifth incarnation) the fifth Doctor serial Mawdryn Undead (which numbers his current and previous incarnations) and Time and the Rani, (which has the Doctor saying that he is in his seventh incarnation). The faces are commonly referred to as the "Morbius Doctors". Alternative explanations are that the faces are Morbius' previous incarnations or the Doctor's potential future incarnations.[7][6] The brain-tank and humanoid versions of Morbius are also seen in the mind test machine. See also Other (Doctor Who) and "The Doctor's regenerations". [edit] Production The details available for each episode of this story are outlined in the table below[8][9][10]. Episode Broadcast Date Run Time Ratings "Part One" 03 Jan 1976 25'25" 9.5m "Part Two" 10 Jan 1976 24'46" 9.3m "Part Three" 17 Jan 1976 25'07" 10.1m "Part Four" 24 Jan 1976 24'18" 10.2m The original script was written by Terrance Dicks, using some ideas from his script of the stage play Doctor Who and the Daleks in the Seven Keys to Doomsday; however after delivery he was out of the country when production limitations required substantial changes to the story. Script editor Robert Holmes undertook the rewrites without informing Dicks, who could not be contacted. Upon his return to the United Kingdom, Dicks learnt of the changes and disliked them; as a result, he demanded the replacement of his name on the credits with a "bland pseudonym".[6] The American tapes appear to have been produced without an incidental music/SFX track for the first episode. This is especially noticeable in the "movie-length" edit, when the music soundtrack suddenly cuts in at the start of episode two. [edit] Outside references There are many obvious links to Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein, and particularly to the James Whale Frankenstein film released by Universal Studios.[7]The Sisterhood of Karn, an LGBT, London-based science fiction fan club, took their name from this serial.[11] [edit] In print Doctor Who book Doctor Who and the Brain of Morbius Series Target novelisations Release number 7 Writer Terrance Dicks Publisher Target Books Cover artist Mike Little ISBN 0 426 11674 7 Release date 23 June 1977 Preceded by Doctor Who and the Ark in Space Followed by Doctor Who and the Planet of Evil

  • The Doctor Who Audio Dramas

    Trailer - Equilibrium

    The Doctor Who Audio Dramas

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:00 (GMT) - 17 Jul 2008

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 89

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    12:25 (GMT) - 17 Jul 2008

    Welcome to our penultimate episode before we head off for a short summer break. So without further ado let's hit the world of geekdom with a good old right hook!


    The Return of Artemis Fowl.

    30 Days of Nights's follow up web series.

    Primeval roars into the U.S.

    Clone Wars backstory revelations.

    David Monteith vs Buzz Aldrin and NASA.

    Geek Syndicate's nemesis EPOCH rears it's head once again.

    Back in time at the Bristol Comic Convention

    Liam Sharp of MAMTOR! (pronounced MAMTOOOOOOOR!)

    Notes from Nuge and Max the Cat

    Indy 4 (A young hero on the rise).

    Week that Was

    Four feet from a rat (Comic from MAMTOR).

    Delve into the world of Paranormal State (TV).

    Gotham Knight (DVD).

    Main feature

    Journey back with the guys to 1999 when the world was at the brink of the apocalypse. They look at some of the movies and tv that were out in that year.


    The Secret Quotation will be revealed next episode!

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 89

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    11:25 (GMT) - 17 Jul 2008

    Welcome to our penultimate episode before we head off for a short summer break. So without further ado let's hit the world of geekdom with a good old right hook!


    The Return of Artemis Fowl.

    30 Days of Nights's follow up web series.

    Primeval roars into the U.S.

    Clone Wars backstory revelations.

    David Monteith vs Buzz Aldrin and NASA.

    Geek Syndicate's nemesis EPOCH rears it's head once again.

    Back in time at the Bristol Comic Convention

    Liam Sharp of MAMTOR! (pronounced MAMTOOOOOOOR!)

    Notes from Nuge and Max the Cat

    Indy 4 (A young hero on the rise).

    Week that Was

    Four feet from a rat (Comic from MAMTOR).

    Delve into the world of Paranormal State (TV).

    Gotham Knight (DVD).

    Main feature

    Journey back with the guys to 1999 when the world was at the brink of the apocalypse. They look at some of the movies and tv that were out in that year.


    The Secret Quotation will be revealed next episode!

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #91: Slack Orchid

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:53 (GMT) - 14 Jul 2008

    The dark times begin as we enter a solid half year with no new Who, but the august crew at Radio Free Skaro have ably responded to this gulf in quality televisual spectacle with a new series of Classic series commentaries, beginning (sort of) with Black Orchid, a Davison two-parter done on the cheap and set in the 1920s. Sarcasm and japes, anyone?

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #91: Slack Orchid

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:53 (GMT) - 14 Jul 2008

    The dark times begin as we enter a solid half year with no new Who, but the august crew at Radio Free Skaro have ably responded to this gulf in quality televisual spectacle with a new series of Classic series commentaries, beginning (sort of) with Black Orchid, a Davison two-parter done on the cheap and set in the 1920s. Sarcasm and japes, anyone?

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #91: Slack Orchid

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    04:53 (GMT) - 14 Jul 2008

    The dark times begin as we enter a solid half year with no new Who, but the august crew at Radio Free Skaro have ably responded to this gulf in quality televisual spectacle with a new series of Classic series commentaries, beginning (sort of) with Black Orchid, a Davison two-parter done on the cheap and set in the 1920s. Sarcasm and japes, anyone?

  • Staggering Stories Podcast

    Staggering Stories Podcast #24: Lost and Found

    Staggering Stories Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:14 (GMT) - 13 Jul 2008

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about the Doctor Who Season 4 episodes The Stolen Earth and Journey’s End, Fight Club: Sarah Jane Smith vs. Lois Lane, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00.31 — Greetings, yes?
    • 00.47 — Where Is Keith?
    • 02.13 – News:
    • 02.22 — Doctor Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.
    • 05:03 — Star Trek: The Experience to close.
    • 05:32 — Don S. Davis has left the mountain.
    • 06.11 – Letters and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 07.53 – Fight Club: Sarah Jane Smith vs. Lois Lane.
    • 15.47 – Doctor Who:
    • 15.59 — The Stolen Earth.
    • 44:59 — Journey’s End.
    • 92.34 – Goodbyeeeeeeeee!!
    • 93.19 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game.
    • Doctor Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.
    • Star Trek: The Experience.
    • Don S. Davis.
    • Wikipedia: Sarah Jane Smith.
    • Wikipedia: Lois Lane.
    • Doctor Who.
    • Doctor Who: The Stolen Earth.
    • Doctor Who: Journey’s End.
    • Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast

  • Tachyon TV Podcasts

    Survival Part 3

    Tachyon TV Podcasts

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:44 (GMT) - 12 Jul 2008

    'It's Chariots of Fur...'. Topics up for discussion include: Anthony Ainley's teeth acting, premenstrual tension, Peter Frampton, West Side Story, and the Boxer Beat.

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #082 - Loveparade

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:19 (GMT) - 11 Jul 2008

    Zwei Jahre Whocast. Mit dieser Jubilaumssendung sagen wir Danke an jeden, der es verdient hat. Insbesondere den Leuten, die uns fleissig ihre Meinung um Thema "Warum liebe ich Doctor Who" mitgeteilt haben. Es sollte ausdrucklich betont werden: In diesem Cast gibt es keine News oder ahnliches! Also wer kein Interesse an "Post" oder unserer Meinung zum Thema "Warum liebe ich Doctor Who" hat, sollte Abstand nehmen.

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #082 - Loveparade

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:19 (GMT) - 11 Jul 2008

    Zwei Jahre Whocast. Mit dieser Jubilaumssendung sagen wir Danke an jeden, der es verdient hat. Insbesondere den Leuten, die uns fleissig ihre Meinung um Thema "Warum liebe ich Doctor Who" mitgeteilt haben. Es sollte ausdrucklich betont werden: In diesem Cast gibt es keine News oder ahnliches! Also wer kein Interesse an "Post" oder unserer Meinung zum Thema "Warum liebe ich Doctor Who" hat, sollte Abstand nehmen.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 88

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    11:15 (GMT) - 11 Jul 2008

    What, nearly two hours of GS fun you say? In this special extended edition the guys pack in a shed load of news, shoutouts and reviews.

    In the main feature the guys interview Rob Williams, the writer of the new Indiana Jones Comic, Indiana Jones and the Tomb of the Gods from Dark Horse.

    Supes to return again with a new director?
    Exterminators comic crawls onto a tv screen near you soon.
    Tony Stark to play Sherlock Holmes?

    Notes from Nuge

    Adventures with 'The Phantom'

    Week that was

    Batman: Murder at Wayne manor.
    The Lost Journal of Indiana Jones.
    The Twelve - issue 6
    Kung Fu Panda
    Lone Wolf and Cub - last issue.
    Metal Gear Solid 4
    Review of new BBC series 'Bonekickers'


    Interview with Rob Williams, writer of the new Dark comic Indiana jones and the Tomb of the Gods.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 88

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    10:15 (GMT) - 11 Jul 2008

    What, nearly two hours of GS fun you say? In this special extended edition the guys pack in a shed load of news, shoutouts and reviews.

     In the main feature the guys interview Rob Williams, the writer of the new Indiana Jones Comic, Indiana Jones and the Tomb of the Gods from Dark Horse.

    Supes to return again with a new director?
    Exterminators comic crawls onto a tv screen near you soon.
    Tony Stark to play Sherlock Holmes?

    Notes from Nuge

    Adventures with 'The Phantom'

    Week that was

    Batman: Murder at Wayne manor.
    The Lost Journal of Indiana Jones.
    The Twelve - issue 6
    Kung Fu Panda
    Lone Wolf and Cub - last issue.
    Metal Gear Solid 4
    Review of new BBC series 'Bonekickers'


    Interview with Rob Williams, writer of the new Dark comic Indiana jones and the Tomb of the Gods.

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 65: Doctor Who 4.12 The Stolen Earth & 4.13 Journey's End

    Tin Dog Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    10:00 (GMT) - 9 Jul 2008

    Notes to follow shortly

  • Geek Syndicate

    Comic Racks Episode 17 - The One With All The Tangents

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    14:38 (GMT) - 8 Jul 2008

    Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls (go away, you innocent children shouldn't be hearing this kind of language!), welcome to Episode 17 of Comic Racks; the episode where no-one can stay on topic!

    That's right, it's Tangent City this episode as Stacey gets hyper on who knows what and Iz, still recovering from concussion, has to deal with that level of craziness.

    The girls cover highly important topics this fortnight, from the origins of The Cheeky Girls, to Stacey's Mr's giant birthday list, to whether Daniel Craig is a pouty woman or not, plus lots more in between.

    But fear not, my comic loving friends, for the girls do get their comic on and bust out a load of reviews, from Kick Ass to Fables, Dock Walloper to Maus, plus a couple of non-comic goodies along the way. This is mostly because they couldn't think of a proper topic, but hey, it's all good. During these spoiler-rific reviews Iz proclaims that everything ever is "fucking awesome", Stace brings everyone down and The Racks it's first ever joint Top of the Racks. That's right, folks, there's a comic out there so awesome that it gets the full Comic Racks endorsement! (Go buy it!)

    The regular Rack Music segment sees The Rack Ladies accidentally develop a theme of video game related tunes, though Stace has yet to find out Iz's verdict on her pick this fortnight.

    So sit back, relax, and enjoy a podcast full of random singing, laughs and reviews a-plenty!

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