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The BoxRoom Podcast #19
The BoxRoom PodcastAbout what's about and what's about that should be avoided
The Doctor's Companion Ep. 13 - Spoilers!
The Doctor's CompanionScott and Randy conclude their look at new showrunner Steven Moffat’s contributions to Doctor Who with the series four 2-parter “Silence in the Library” and “Forest of the Dead”. Who is River Song and what does she have to do with the Doctor’s “spoilers”? What is hiding in the dark? Does everybody live? Find out, in the newest episode of The Doctor’s Companion!
Next Time: Steven Moffat’s “Coupling”
186 - Doctor Who: Podshock
PodshockDoctor Who: Podshock - Episode 186
Running time: 0:58:42Our Gallifrey 21 Wrap-Up show reporting on Gallifrey Blackjack 21 in Los Angeles, CA. We wrap up our thoughts on the convention with special surprise walk-on guest, Frazer Hines.
Hosted by Louis Trapani, James Naughton, and Ken Deep.
Cover art photos by Eric Escamilla and Rachel McCauley
Brought to you by the Gallifreyan Embassy and is a production of Art Trap Productions.
This podcast is made possible in part by Podshock Supporting Subscribers and from donations from listeners like you.
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The Doctor's Companion Ep. 12 - Timey Wimey Stuff
The Doctor's CompanionAnother week brings more Moffat goodness. This time Scott and Randy discuss the mini-episode “Time Crash” and the series three fan favorite episode “Blink”. What’s so interesting about the costume Peter Davison wore in “Time Crash”? Are there any holes in Moffat’s “timey wimey” plot? What is Scott’s solution to the weeping angels? Find out, in the newest episode of The Doctor’s Companion!
Next Time: Moffat and The Doctor Part 4 – Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead
Episode 13: A Look Back at Gallifrey 21
The TARDIS TavernSteve arrives to pick Sean up from the airport after Gallifrey 21, and they spend some time in the airport bar looking back at the weekend. There are some regrets, high points, drunk points, and new friends spoken of fondly. We also relish in the feedback and, prompted by a friend, chat a bit about the show's future and what will ever happen if the Doctor runs out of regenerations. (Like as if!)
Stay tuned week after next when we review "The Keeper of Traken" as well as the Big Finish prequel, Primevil.
As always, please send feedback and complaints about Steve's petulant comments to Feedback makes us feel validated after we look at our download figures.
Special acknowledgment goes to Eaglestriker (from for the Dark Fairytale mix at the end of the show.
Studio Epi - Romana II's Gally Adventure
The Cultdom CollectiveDave, Ian, Mike, Tim and Benjamin Elliot (has was repairing the Cone Of Silence) Grill Romana about her first experience at Gallifery.
Studio Epi - Romana II's Gally Adventure
The Cultdom CollectiveDave, Ian, Mike, Tim and Benjamin Elliot (has was repairing the Cone Of Silence) Grill Romana about her first experience at Gallifery.
Studio Epi - Romana II's Gally Adventure
The Cultdom CollectiveDave, Ian, Mike, Tim and Benjamin Elliot (has was repairing the Cone Of Silence) Grill Romana about her first experience at Gallifery.
Studio Epi - Romana II's Gally Adventure
The Cultdom CollectiveDave, Ian, Mike, Tim and Benjamin Elliot (has was repairing the Cone Of Silence) Grill Romana about her first experience at Gallifery.
Radio Free Skaro #188 - They Can't All Be Winners
Radio Free SkaroA post-Gally funk has set in for the Three Who Rule, but they soldiered on regardless, bringing you the news of the week and the irreverence you know and tolerate. Not that there was much news of course, but this week is only a precursor to the inevitable flood of pre-Fnarg promotion and pimpery sure to come, not to mention the premiere of an entirely new era of Doctor Who in mere weeks. Soon, my pretties, soon.
Check out the show notes at
Radio Free Skaro #188 - They Can't All Be Winners
Radio Free SkaroA post-Gally funk has set in for the Three Who Rule, but they soldiered on regardless, bringing you the news of the week and the irreverence you know and tolerate. Not that there was much news of course, but this week is only a precursor to the inevitable flood of pre-Fnarg promotion and pimpery sure to come, not to mention the premiere of an entirely new era of Doctor Who in mere weeks. Soon, my pretties, soon.
Check out the show notes at
Radio Free Skaro #188 - They Can't All Be Winners
Radio Free SkaroA post-Gally funk has set in for the Three Who Rule, but they soldiered on regardless, bringing you the news of the week and the irreverence you know and tolerate. Not that there was much news of course, but this week is only a precursor to the inevitable flood of pre-Fnarg promotion and pimpery sure to come, not to mention the premiere of an entirely new era of Doctor Who in mere weeks. Soon, my pretties, soon.
Check out the show notes at
Staggering Stories Podcast #66: Trailer Trash
Staggering Stories PodcastSummary:
Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Jean Riddler and Keith Dunn talk about Doctor Who: The Masque of Mandragora, New Who Season Trailers and Survivors Season 2, find some general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:- 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
- 00:49 — Welcome!
- 02:12 – News:
- 02:33 — Doctor Who: 3D trailer for New Series, Season 5.
- 05:14 — Syfy: The UK Sci-Fi channel gets a dose of SyFy.
- 07:33 — Doctor Who: Prop and costume auction.
- 10:40 — Doctor Who: New Character Options figure – 7th Doctor & Remembrance Dalek.
- 11:50 — Metropolis: Complete copy found, remastered DVD on its way.
- 13:25 – Doctor Who: The Masque of Mandragora.
- 27:06 – Survivors: Season 2 (2010).
- 37:42 – Doctor Who: New Who season trailers.
- 59:30 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at
- 86:17 – Farewell for this podcast!
- 87:14 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.
Vital Links:
- Staggering Stories.
- BBC: Doctor Who.
- SciFi UK.
- Forbidden Planet (.com) 7th Doc and Dalek.
- Wikipedia: Metropolis (film)!
- BBC: Doctor Who – The Masque of Mandragora.
- Facebook: Lets get Bernard Cribbins back into the charts!
- BBC: Survivors.
- Professor Dave’s Ark in Space.
- The Flashing Blade Podcast.
- Radio Free Skaro.
- Doctor Who Podcast Alliance.
- Facebook: Staggering Stories Group.
- Twitter: Adam J Purcell.
EPISODE32 - Superpads & Pimp my Ride
The Cultdom CollectiveSuper Heroes and Villans have great Cribs and flashy rides - but who has the best!
Small Press Big Mouth
Geek SyndicateWelcome to Small Press Big Mouth Episode 16, your hosts Stace and Lee have news and reviews of Harker by Roger Gibson and Vince Danks, Road Crew, Axecop and Asterios Polyp.We also have a great chat about Richard Stark's Parker the Hunter by Darwyn Cooke! We hope you enjoy it!
Small Press Big Mouth
Geek SyndicateWelcome to Small Press Big Mouth Episode 16, your hosts Stace and Lee have news and reviews of Harker by Roger Gibson and Vince Danks, Road Crew, Axecop and Asterios Polyp.We also have a great chat about Richard Stark's Parker the Hunter by Darwyn Cooke! We hope you enjoy it!
EPISODE32 - Superpads & Pimp my Ride
The Cultdom CollectiveSuper Heroes and Villans have great Cribs and flashy rides - but who has the best!
EPISODE32 - Superpads & Pimp my Ride
The Cultdom CollectiveSuper Heroes and Villans have great Cribs and flashy rides - but who has the best!
EPISODE32 - Superpads & Pimp my Ride
The Cultdom CollectiveSuper Heroes and Villans have great Cribs and flashy rides - but who has the best!
The Flashing Blade Podcast 1-39
The Flashing Blade PodcastHave The Special Of Peladon.
Or something.
This time around, Jo! and Tony look at The Curse of Peladon, the boy Bob looks at The Prisoner of Peladon, there's feedback, stereo stepladders and, well... lots of thunder, (Peladon is such a noisy place!).
All feedback to
Whocast #152 - Haralds Revongsch (Deutsche)Und schon gibts den nachsten Cast. Diesmal wieder mit Harald und einer weiteren Folge der Sarah Jane Adventures - Mona Lisa's Revenge. Ausserdem war Kolja so freundlich uns ein "kurzes" Buchreview einzusprechen und es gibt endlich wieder Post von unseren Liebsten - den Horern.
Whocast #152 - Haralds Revongsch (Deutsche)Und schon gibts den nachsten Cast. Diesmal wieder mit Harald und einer weiteren Folge der Sarah Jane Adventures - Mona Lisa's Revenge. Ausserdem war Kolja so freundlich uns ein "kurzes" Buchreview einzusprechen und es gibt endlich wieder Post von unseren Liebsten - den Horern.
#17: Live from LA
Bridging the RiftRecorded live from Nat's hotel room at the Los Angeles Airport Marriott on Sunday the 28th of February, Nat, Katrina and Erik discuss the highlights of the 21st Gallifrey One Convention having just attended its closing ceremony.
We also discuss the fan creativity we witnessed and the Gally Podcasting Summit held during the convention.
Show Notes
@ 1 minute – Katrina, Nat and Erik reveal they're recording live from Gallifrey Blackjack 21!
Main Discussion – Our Gallifrey One, Blackjack 21
@ 1 minute 50 seconds – We discuss the highlights of our Gally experience:
The official photo archive:
Patrick Salsbury's photos:
Miz Lia's photos:
Tommy Knight's Gally ribbon kilt:
Podcast Summit:
Chicks Dig Time Lords: Edited by Lynne M. Thomas and Tara O'Shea.
Fan Art Panel Aimee Major: Jean Kang: Sarah Airriess:
Fan Reactions to Character Deaths panel write up:
Rob Shearman – Love Songs For The Shy And Cynical:
Paul Cornell's Just A Minute with Katy Manning:
Graeme Harper kaffeeklatsch and RFS interview:
Louise Page talks to costumers and gives out samples:
Knitters: Knitted Doctors:
The Masquerade:
The full sized Dalek and the baby Daleks: Katy and Georgia get intimate with the Dalek:
Dog K9:
The Unsung Hero:
There's Something On Their Backs…
Oodicrously good costumes:
Eleven sonics the Tribble:
Impossible Planet Spacesuit Doctor:
Close-ups on the Tritovore and Swarm costume from the masquerade:
Big Finish companions:
Ace and Nyssa costumes as mentioned:
How To Hear More
@ 29 minute 40 seconds – Back home in Nottingham, Nat tells you how to hear more from Gallifrey 21, including the audio of the Podcast Summit:
Podcast Summit Audio:
Radio Free Skaro Daily Gally Episodes:
Trocking Out – Right Said Moff
@ 30 minute 40 seconds – We trock out to a parody of the Bernard Cribbins song, Right Said Fred. If you're in the UK and you want to help Wilfred Mott,1960's movie companion Tom Campbell, voice of the Wombles and all round National Treasure Bernard Cribbins make it back into the top 40 and possibly even to number one, join the Facebook campaign and make sure you download Right Said Fred from iTunes in the week of the 7th to the 13th of March. It’s only 79p after all!
The song comes from the highly recommended satirical Doctor Who podcast Tachyon TV who, as well as being at Gally this year, have also just released a compilation of all their clever parody songs from previous episodes: Tachyon TV the Album. Download it from iTunes now or go to: