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  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #087 - The Worst to start with

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

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    14:38 (GMT) - 9 Sep 2008

    Nein, dies ist nicht DER Whocast, mit dem man am ehesten NICHT anfangen sollte, sondern in diesem Whocast geht es um Doctor Who Folgen, die man nicht unbedingt als erstes schauen sollte, oder die man zumindest nicht seinen noch nicht "infizierten" Freunden zeigen sollte. Dies betrifft naturlich vor allem Folgen der ersten sieben Doctoren, aber auch die aktuellen Staffeln bieten da die ein oder andere Moglichkeit "daneben zu greifen".

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #087 - The Worst to start with

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

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    13:38 (GMT) - 9 Sep 2008

    Nein, dies ist nicht DER Whocast, mit dem man am ehesten NICHT anfangen sollte, sondern in diesem Whocast geht es um Doctor Who Folgen, die man nicht unbedingt als erstes schauen sollte, oder die man zumindest nicht seinen noch nicht "infizierten" Freunden zeigen sollte. Dies betrifft naturlich vor allem Folgen der ersten sieben Doctoren, aber auch die aktuellen Staffeln bieten da die ein oder andere Moglichkeit "daneben zu greifen".

  • Geek Syndicate

    Episode 21 - Ubu Bubutasticulair :), Jamie Smart - inaudible and full of vitriol

    Geek Syndicate

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    12:42 (GMT) - 8 Sep 2008

    In this super-duper special episode, The Ladies of the Racks get up close and personal with none other than Ubu Bubu creator and all-round cool dude, Jamie Smart!

    Alas, there are no news and reviews segments, but heck, who needs those when you have a awesome interview?? Especially when said interview reveals a deep seated hatred of Jaffa Cakes, a general fear of selling oneself at conventions, a far too large amount of talk about cat porn, and the revelation that Jamie Smart smells. It's true. No, really.

    Sir Jamie Smartington sticks with the girls through Rack Music, almost causing a divide in Rack City, and even puts forth a Peeve of the Fortnight. Like this podcast wasn't filled with enough vitriol wink.gif

    All this plus girly squeals, more random swear words than you can shake a stick at and a whole lot of fun!

    ~ Please to note: We apologise profusely for the sound quality of this episode. Unfortunately technical difficulties minutes before recording and the Pamela program's all-round hatred of Racks fun lead to a rather muffled Jamie. We present this episode to you in the best state we could muster, and we hope to muck around with other recording programmes in order to have Jamie on again in the future. If he'll do it, that is, we were quite scary... ~

    Jamie Smart's website of awesomeness

  • Geek Syndicate

    Episode 21 - Ubu Bubutasticulair :), Jamie Smart - inaudible and full of vitriol

    Geek Syndicate

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    11:42 (GMT) - 8 Sep 2008

    In this super-duper special episode, The Ladies of the Racks get up close and personal with none other than Ubu Bubu creator and all-round cool dude, Jamie Smart!

    Alas, there are no news and reviews segments, but heck, who needs those when you have a awesome interview?? Especially when said interview reveals a deep seated hatred of Jaffa Cakes, a general fear of selling oneself at conventions, a far too large amount of talk about cat porn, and the revelation that Jamie Smart smells. It's true. No, really.

    Sir Jamie Smartington sticks with the girls through Rack Music, almost causing a divide in Rack City, and even puts forth a Peeve of the Fortnight. Like this podcast wasn't filled with enough vitriol wink.gif

    All this plus girly squeals, more random swear words than you can shake a stick at and a whole lot of fun!

    ~ Please to note: We apologise profusely for the sound quality of this episode. Unfortunately technical difficulties minutes before recording and the Pamela program's all-round hatred of Racks fun lead to a rather muffled Jamie. We present this episode to you in the best state we could muster, and we hope to muck around with other recording programmes in order to have Jamie on again in the future. If he'll do it, that is, we were quite scary... ~

    Jamie Smart's website of awesomeness

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #99 - Alas, Poor Ruprecht

    Radio Free Skaro

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    01:20 (GMT) - 8 Sep 2008

    More fake news and the continuation of our commentary for "Monster of Peladon" which, using our amazing ability to create nonsensical backstories to sustain interest, became a compelling after-school special about Ruprecht, the Special Needs Ice Warrior who just can't get a break.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #99 - Alas, Poor Ruprecht

    Radio Free Skaro

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    01:20 (GMT) - 8 Sep 2008

    More fake news and the continuation of our commentary for "Monster of Peladon" which, using our amazing ability to create nonsensical backstories to sustain interest, became a compelling after-school special about Ruprecht, the Special Needs Ice Warrior who just can't get a break.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #99 - Alas, Poor Ruprecht

    Radio Free Skaro

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    00:20 (GMT) - 8 Sep 2008

    More fake news and the continuation of our commentary for "Monster of Peladon" which, using our amazing ability to create nonsensical backstories to sustain interest, became a compelling after-school special about Ruprecht, the Special Needs Ice Warrior who just can't get a break.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast

    Staggering Stories Podcast #28: The Duchovny with a Billion Backs

    Staggering Stories Podcast

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    18:15 (GMT) - 7 Sep 2008

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about Doctor Who: Moments of Despair and Bafflement, Worst of New Who and Old Who, Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs, lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00.29 — Welcome!
    • 00.52 – News:
    • 01.06 — Large Hadron Collider going live.
    • 02.00 — Torchwood Series 3: Children of Earth.
    • 03:54 — Doctor Who specials to be recorded in America, then new Doctor?
    • 06:45 — New Red Dwarf for small screen.
    • 08:32 — Spooks Code 9 crashing.
    • 09:42 — James Bond: Quantum of Solace pushed back.
    • 11:21 — Kevin McKidd the new Highlander?
    • 12:58 — Stargate Universe.
    • 14:41 — Duchovny goes into rehab.
    • 16.22 – Fight Club: Commander Jeffrey Sinclair vs. Professor Nick Cutter.
    • 18.12 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 28.24 – Doctor Who: Moments of Despair and Bafflement.
    • 38.08 – Doctor Who: Our Worst of Old Who and New Who.
    • 59.37 – Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs.
    • 73.56 – Farewell for this podcast and what’s coming up next time!
    • 74.44 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game.
    • Wikipedia: Large Hadron Collider.
    • Torchwood.
    • Doctor Who.
    • Red Dwarf.
    • Spooks Code 9.
    • Quantum of Solace.
    • Wikipedia: Highlander (franchise).
    • Wikipedia: David Duchovny.
    • Wikipedia: Jeffrey Sinclair.
    • Wikipedia: Nick Cutter.
    • Wikipedia: Stargate Universe.
    • Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast
    • Google Video: Harrison Bergeron
    • Wikipedia: Futurama.

  • Doctor Who Review Today

    EPISODE 7 - The Master Part 2

    Doctor Who Review Today

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    22:31 (GMT) - 6 Sep 2008

    See notes from show 6 Part 1

  • Doctor Who Review Today

    EPISODE 6 - The Master Part 1

    Doctor Who Review Today

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    19:54 (GMT) - 5 Sep 2008

    Review of The Sea Devils and Logopolis.Also the review of Sound of Drums /The last of the Timelords.PART 1

  • Geek Syndicate

    The Nuge and Stacebob Show!

    Geek Syndicate

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    20:57 (GMT) - 4 Sep 2008

    SURPRISE!!!!..In this super secret episode Barry and Stace from Comic Racks join forces in this explosive episode. No episode blurb just sit back and wonder at just how many tangents these two can go off on without their respective co-hosts to keep them on the straight and narrow. Oh and there might be some singing...you have been warned! Enjoy!!!!

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 69: Mindwarp

    Tin Dog Podcast

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    20:34 (GMT) - 4 Sep 2008

    Synopsis Following on from The Mysterious Planet, the Valeyard and the Doctor argue about the Doctor's involvement in those events. The Inquisitor warns them both to pay due respect to the judicial process. The Valeyard proceeds to present his second block of evidence - the Doctor's arrival on the planet Thoros Beta. The TARDIS arrives on the planet, where the Doctor shows Peri a weapon given to him by the "Warlord of Thordon", made on Thoros Beta. He states that has come to find out how the warlords obtained such technology. They enter a cave, where Peri is grabbed by a large monstrous creature, which during a struggle the Doctor shoots with the gun. The Valeyard accuses the Doctor of deliberately shooting the monster, but he replies that the weapon went off accidentally. A figure arrives and accuses the Doctor and Peri of murdering the Raak, despite their protestations that it attacked them first. The figure asks if they are part of Crozier's group, and the Doctor says that he is. They flee before they can be identified as imposters, but are quickly faced by another monster, but it reacts kindly when the Doctor is nice to it. They are forced to flee further, and as they hide they see three reptilian figures being carried along by guards, the third of the figures is shown to be their old enemy Sil. The Doctor realises that Sil is probably behind the arms sales, and informs Peri that Thoros Beta is the home world of Sil's race, the Mentors. In Crozier's laboratory, King Yrcanos is being experimented on, and the Doctor and Peri sneak inside. As the Doctor sabotages some of Kiv's equipment, Sil arrives in the laboratory. The Doctor is strapped to a table, and Crozier applies a metal helmet to his head. Crozier states that the equipment to extract the truth from a suspect, and that technique could prove fatal. He starts to probe the Doctor's mind, but Yrcanos awakes and destroys the equipment. Overpowering the guards he departs the laboratory, followed by a stunned Doctor and Peri. Yrcanos outlines his plans to attack the Mentors. The Doctor says he would enjoy that, and then collapses. The Doctor tells the Inquisitor that he cannot remember these events. The Valeyard tells him he is in for a surprise if this is true. Yrcanos, the Doctor and Peri go to where new slaves are brought into the base. Yrcanos plans to attack the guards and steal their weapons, but as he sneaks into the room, the Doctor calls out to the guards, giving him away. Yrcanos, unable to fight the guards, flees. Peri points a weapon at Sil, and asks the Doctor for help, but he ignores her. Peri drops the weapon and flees after Yrcanos. Sil asks the Doctor why he helped the Mentors, and he replies that the odds were on their side. The Doctor insists that the footage is not of him, but the Valeyard tells him that the Matrix cannot lie. Peri comes across Matrona, who allows her to join the Mentors' servants rather than turn her over to the guards. Covered with a veil, she enters the Commerce Room with Kiv's medication. The Doctor calls to her to get him a drink, so she disguises her voice to avoid being recognised. When she brings him a new drink, the Doctor uncovers her and denounces her as an enemy to the Mentors. The Doctor tells the Courtroom that what they are seeing is all part of his ploy. He says he planned to gain the Mentors' trust so that he would be allowed to interrogate her alone, giving them a chance to escape. Peri is lashed to rocks on the shoreline and the Doctor stands over her, accusing of being a spy. She asks why he is behaving the way he is, and the Doctor tells her that Crozier is planning to put Kiv's brain into his body unless he can help them. Crozier stops the interegation, saying that they have more effective methods of extracting the truth from Peri. As they re-enter the complex, Yrcanos attacks the guard, and threatens to kill the Doctor. However, Peri smashes the gun from Yrcanos's hands allowing the Doctor to flee. In Crozier's laboratory, the scientist prepares to transplant Kiv's brain into a recently deceased Mentor corpse with the help of The Doctor. The operation proves successful. Meanwhile, Yrcanos, Peri and Dorf team up with members of the Alphan resistance. Agreeing to allow Yrcanos to lead them in an attack on the Mentors, they go to the resistance arms dump, but they are ambushed by Mentor guards and shot down. However, it is revealed they have merely been stunned, and they are taken to cells. In Crozier's laboratory, Lord Kiv is rambling due to the body of the fisherman influencing his brain. Crozier makes plans to transfer the brain into another more suitable body, and suggests using Peri. The Doctor says he would prefer that she is not experimented on, but while he is trying to find another candidate, Peri is brought to the laboratory, and strapped to the operating table. Crozier begins to prepare her for the surgery. The Doctor goes to Yrcanos's cell and tricks the guard allowing Yrcanos and Dorf to escape. Together they free the remaining resistance members. They head towards the control room from where all the slaves are mentally controlled and succeed in freeing the slaves from mental control, but Dorf is killed by a passing guard. Lord Kiv is taken to the laboratory to prepare for the operation. As the Doctor heads towards the lab, he is summoned by the Time Lords and promptly vanishes. The Inquisitor tells the Doctor this was the result of an order from the High Council, because the result of Crozier's experiment would affect all life in the Universe. As Yrcanos prepares his attack on the laboratory, the Time Lords capture him in a time bubble so that his attack is perfectly timed. When Kiv awakes in Peri's bald body, the time bubble dissipates and Yrcanos bursts into the laboratory. He is consumed with fury and begins firing his gun wildly. The Doctor is shocked by what he has seen. The Inquisitor and the Valeyard tell him that it was necessary to end Peri's life to prevent the disastrous consequences of Crozier's experiment. The Doctor insists that he was fetched out of time for some other reason, and he is going to find out what. Continuity Sil appeared in the previous season in the serial Vengeance on Varos.It's often debated amongst fandom[citation needed] as to what exactly happens during this story. It is stated on screen that the Valeyard has somehow distorted events, and that the actual scenes are by and large presented correctly but merely that the Doctor's performance has been distorted to show him in the worst possible light to the court. Many such scenes are prevalent throughout the story, leading fandom to great confusion as it isn't entirely clear which bits are "real" and which were concocted by the Valeyard. There are several theories: That the events seen are the true events, but distorted to show the Doctor in the worst possible light. For example, his line 'Look out behind you' is shown on screen as the Doctor giving King Yrcanos away to some guards, whereas the "true" events might very well have been the Doctor warning him of an attacker sneaking up ('Look out, behind you!'). It's all in how the line is pronounced rather than what the line is.That the Doctor was fried by the "Mindwarp" machine, which is why he exhibits 'out of character' behaviour throughout the story. The event is shown on screen, but as to whether it really occurred or not is still an event of great contention.That the Doctor is pretending to have been twisted by the "Mindwarp" machine, whilst really seeking to find a way to put things right. In the courtroom the Doctor claims this is the case, though he is at this stage unable to recall events. The Doctor meets Peri again in two spin off stories. She features in the Virgin New Adventures novel Bad Therapy by Matt Jones. A post-Mindwarp hallucination of Peri appears in the Big Finish Productions play Her Final Flight. The relationship of spin off media to the television series is open to interpretation by the individual. Production Serial details by episode: Episode Broadcast date Run time Viewership (in millions) "Part Five" 4 October 1986 24:42 4.8 "Part Six" 11 October 1986 24:45 4.6 "Part Seven" 18 October 1986 24:33 5.1 "Part Eight" 25 October 1986 24:44 5.0 [1][2][3] Music Initially it was intended that the BBC Radiophonic Workshop would provide music scores for both this and the following segment of The Trial of a Time Lord; both were assigned to Malcolm Clarke to begin with, although Terror of the Vervoids got re-assigned to Elizabeth Parker shortly afterwards. However, fellow Radiophonic Workshop composer Jonathan Gibbs left early in 1986 and was not replaced until the following year, leaving the other composers backlogged and no-one free to do the incidental music for Mindwarp. It was suggested that Dick Mills could provide both the music and sound effects, but John Nathan-Turner rejected this idea and instead hired film composer Richard Hartley to create the incidental music for this segment. It would be the only time that Hartley worked on the series. Casting Trevor Laird returned to Doctor Who in the Tenth Doctor era as Clive Jones, father of the Doctor's companion Martha Jones. Similarly, Christopher Ryan returned in 2008 as Sontaran leader General Staal in The Sontaran Stratagem and The Poison Sky. Commercial releases In October 1993, this story was released on VHS as part of the three-tape The Trial of a Time Lord set. A DVD release is due on September 29th 2008, similarly packaged with the other stories in The Trial of a Time Lord season. Special Features include: deleted and extended scenes * "The Making of the Trial of a Time Lord - Part Two - Mindwarp" (a 20-minute feature) * "Now and Then - On the Trial of a Time Lord" (a 21-minute feature) * "A Fate Worse Than Death" Feature * Doctor Who Lenny Henry sketch * BBC Children in Need archival footage * TV Talkback archival footage * photo gallery * trails and continuities. In print Doctor Who book Mindwarp Series Target novelisations Release number 139 Writer Philip Martin Publisher Target Books Cover artist Alister Pearson ISBN 0 426 20335 6 Release date 15 June 1989 Preceded by Attack of the Cybermen Followed by The Chase A novelisation of this serial, written by Philip Martin, was published by Target Books in June 1989 and was the final segment of the Trial arc to be adapted. Martin's novelisation adds a joke ending that gives away the revelation regarding Peri's fate in The Ultimate Foe, suggesting an entirely different outcome for the character (and for Yrcanos) than is suggested in the serial.

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #086 - Das Review mit Titten

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:57 (GMT) - 4 Sep 2008

    In der heutigen Folge (die wiedermal langer geworden ist, als geplant), gibt es neben News und Post eine Bewerbung zum Mitcasten, uber die Ihr abstimmen sollt und die Reviews zu "The Bride of Peladon" und zu "The Condemned", welche beide sehr gut wegkommen. Bei letzterem werden wir "aus der Ferne" von einem Gastcaster unterstutzt. Ausserdem gibt es, wie beim letzten mal angekundigt, das Bernice Summerfield Horspiel "Oh no, it isn't" zu gewinnen.

  • Geek Syndicate

    The Nuge and Stacebob Show!

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:57 (GMT) - 4 Sep 2008

    SURPRISE!!!!..In this super secret episode Barry and Stace from Comic Racks join forces in this explosive episode. No episode blurb just sit back and wonder at just how many tangents these two can go off on without their respective co-hosts to keep them on the straight and narrow. Oh and there might be some singing...you have been warned! Enjoy!!!!

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #086 - Das Review mit Titten

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    18:57 (GMT) - 4 Sep 2008

    In der heutigen Folge (die wiedermal langer geworden ist, als geplant), gibt es neben News und Post eine Bewerbung zum Mitcasten, uber die Ihr abstimmen sollt und die Reviews zu "The Bride of Peladon" und zu "The Condemned", welche beide sehr gut wegkommen. Bei letzterem werden wir "aus der Ferne" von einem Gastcaster unterstutzt. Ausserdem gibt es, wie beim letzten mal angekundigt, das Bernice Summerfield Horspiel "Oh no, it isn't" zu gewinnen.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #98 - The Curse of Pela-slog

    Radio Free Skaro

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    05:46 (GMT) - 1 Sep 2008

    The Three Who Rule were joined by a fourth, RFS friend Michael, who not only chimed in with commentary but also provided Chris with much needed Internet tubes for said conversing. The subject at hand? "The Monster of Peladon," one of Pertwee's lesser lights. Our bile was relentless as we criticized just about everything this story had to offer...which was little to begin with. Enjoy!

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #98 - The Curse of Pela-slog

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:46 (GMT) - 1 Sep 2008

    The Three Who Rule were joined by a fourth, RFS friend Michael, who not only chimed in with commentary but also provided Chris with much needed Internet tubes for said conversing. The subject at hand? “The Monster of Peladon,” one of Pertwee’s lesser lights. Our bile was relentless as we criticized just about everything this story had to offer…which was little to begin with. Enjoy!

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #98 - The Curse of Pela-slog

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    04:46 (GMT) - 1 Sep 2008

    The Three Who Rule were joined by a fourth, RFS friend Michael, who not only chimed in with commentary but also provided Chris with much needed Internet tubes for said conversing. The subject at hand? “The Monster of Peladon,” one of Pertwee’s lesser lights. Our bile was relentless as we criticized just about everything this story had to offer…which was little to begin with. Enjoy!

  • Doctor Who Review Today

    EPISODE 5.5 -Genesis of the Daleks and Destiny of the Daleks pt 2

    Doctor Who Review Today

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    23:17 (GMT) - 29 Aug 2008

    review of Genesis of the daleks and Destiny of the daleks, and review of Bad Wolf and Parting of the ways Also the wwII clip uncut.

  • Doctor Who Review Today

    EPISODE 5- Review of Genesis of the Daleks and Destiny of the Daleks pt 1

    Doctor Who Review Today

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    20:01 (GMT) - 29 Aug 2008

    Review of Genesis of the Daleks and Destiny of the Daleks also Review of Bad wolf/Parting olf the Ways part 1

  • The Doctor Who Audio Dramas

    Doctor Who: Equilibrium part four

    The Doctor Who Audio Dramas

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    19:00 (GMT) - 28 Aug 2008

  • The Doctor Who Audio Dramas

    Doctor Who: Equilibrium part three

    The Doctor Who Audio Dramas

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:00 (GMT) - 28 Aug 2008

  • The Doctor Who Audio Dramas

    Doctor Who: Equilibrium part two

    The Doctor Who Audio Dramas

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:00 (GMT) - 28 Aug 2008

  • The Doctor Who Audio Dramas

    Doctor Who: Equilibrium part one

    The Doctor Who Audio Dramas

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:00 (GMT) - 28 Aug 2008

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 68: The War Machines

    Tin Dog Podcast

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    11:33 (GMT) - 27 Aug 2008

    ERROR IN THE PODCAST. FOR WHICH I AM VERY SORRY. JACKIE LANE HAS NOT PASSED AWAY AS IMPLIED IN THIS TPD. PLEASE FORGIVE ANY PROBLEMS THAT THIS MAY HAVE CAUSED. A FULL APOLOGY WILL FOLLOW IN THE NEXT TDP The War Machines is a serial in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, which was first broadcast in 4 weekly parts from June 25 to July 16, 1966. This serial is the first appearance of Michael Craze and Anneke Wills as the companions Ben Jackson and Polly, as well as marking the departure of Jackie Lane as Dodo Chaplet. It should not be confused with the Second Doctor story The War Games. //<![CDATA[ if (window.showTocToggle) { var tocShowText = "show"; var tocHideText = "hide"; showTocToggle(); } //]]> Plot Synopsis When the TARDIS lands in London near the Post Office Tower, the Doctor is unsettled by it. There the Doctor and Dodo meet Professor Brett, the creator of WOTAN (Will Operating Thought ANalogue), an advanced computer that even knows what TARDIS stands for. On C-Day, WOTAN will be linked to other major computers to take them over, including those of the White House, Cape Kennedy and the Royal Navy. WOTAN begins to have its own agenda and takes control of Professor Brett through a hypnotic beeping noise. WOTAN's hypnotic influence is exerted over many humans including Dodo until the Doctor breaks her out of it. He subsequently arranges for her to be sent to the country house of Sir Charles Summer, leader of the Royal Scientific Club, who has come to the aid of the Doctor. WOTAN uses its hypnotised workforce in a secret warehouse near Covent Garden to construct an army of War Machines to take over the world. Major Green, the chief of security at the Post Office Tower, has been programmed to oversee the construction of the War Machines. He ensures that any intruders are dealt with and all humans continue working on the project until they drop. Polly, Professor Brett's secretary, is one such production line convert, though a friend of hers, Royal Navy Able Seaman Ben Jackson, evades the production line. He seeks out the Doctor, whom he met through Dodo before her conditioning, and helps flesh out what is known about the threat of WOTAN and the War Machines. The Doctor alerts the army to the warehouse production factory, but their weapons are somehow disabled when they go to confront the War Machines. He knows WOTAN is behind the plot too, but can do nothing as humans cannot enter the Tower through the strong hypnotic beams being emitted. Given scientific and political support, the Doctor manages to capture a War Machine using an electromagnetic trap. He changes its programming and then uses it to enter the Post Office Tower and destroy WOTAN. This ends the threat and immediately releases the human slaves from the hypnosis. Ben and Polly, the two "fab" young people the Doctor has befriended during the adventure, meet him at the TARDIS to explain that they visited Dodo, who has revealed that she has decided to stay in London. The Doctor thanks them and heads into the Police Box - followed by Ben and Polly, who enter the TARDIS with the intent to return Dodo's key to the old man. They are then suddenly whisked off into time and space... Continuity Naming issues WOTAN is pronounced "Votan" - as, it is explained, the Norse god sometimes was. It stands, though, for Will Operating Thought ANalogue, which is indicative of its ability to connect to the human brain. WOTAN refers to the Doctor as "Doctor Who" - the only time the character is ever given this name within the series' narrative (though he is often credited as such in the end titles). While there is nothing in the series that directly contradicts it, many fans see this as an error and several theories have tried to account for it, one noting that WOTAN may have been misinformed, since it also described the Doctor as "human". WOTAN also manages to discern the meaning of the acronym TARDIS; how it manages to do so is not explained. [edit] Destination Earth This serial is the first in the series to be completely set on a contemporary Earth. The previous landings of the TARDIS in the 1960s were either brief (the Empire State Building sequence from The Chase, several landings during The Daleks' Master Plan, the stop over on Wimbledon Common in The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve) or exceptional (Planet of Giants, where the TARDIS crew were shrunk down to the size of insects and could not fully interact with present day humans). Here, for the first time, we see the Doctor take a leading role in the protection of the planet, which becomes a regular theme for the series from here on. The decision to set more episodes on present-day Earth was taken because the producers felt that the audience was becoming bored with the purely historical episodes that had been a major element of the show to date. As a result, this story marks the beginning of the turn away from historical stories. The next two historical stories, "The Smugglers" (which immediately follows "The War Machines") and Season 4's "The Highlanders", were to be the last historical stories until Season 19's "Black Orchid". [edit] Synchronicity The episode appears to be set on 20 July 1966 - Ben and Polly leave the Doctor in the Second Doctor story The Faceless Ones set in London on the same date (see the Chronology). However, the days of the week mentioned in The War Machines mean it cannot be 1966 if they're the same in Doctor Who continuity as in the 'real' world. Curiously, at the start of the latter serial, the Doctor comments that he feels the same sensation as he felt when the Daleks were around. While this appears to be intended to equate the War Machines and WOTAN to the Daleks, it is interesting to note that the events of the serial are revealed later in the series to happen contemporaneously with the Second Doctor serial The Evil of the Daleks. The Past Doctor Adventures novel The Time Travellers by Simon Guerrier is set in an alternate reality where the Doctor had not been around to stop WOTAN. The villain is never referred to by name, only as "the Machine", and while he was overthrown thousands were left insane by his mind-control and Britain was reduced to a technologically backward dictatorship. A later serial that also foreshadows the internet is The Green Death, which features a very similar computer villain. The Face of Evil also sees the Doctor encountering another such being (this time having been linked with his own brain rather than that of a human) and commenting on how familiar the threat has become. Production Serial details by episode: Episode Broadcast Date Run Time (mm:ss) Viewers (in millions) Archive "Episode 1" 25 June 1966 24:01 5.4 16mm t/r "Episode 2" 2 July 1966 24:00 4.7 16mm t/r "Episode 3" 9 July 1966 23:58 5.3 16mm t/r "Episode 4" 16 July 1966 23:11 5.5 16mm t/r Source: Error: Production Code not specified. Working titles for this story included The Computers.[1]. The idea for this story came about when Kit Pedler was being interviewed for a position as science advisor to the series. The producers asked all of the interviewees what would happen if the recently-built Post Office Tower somehow took over. Pedler suggested that it would be the work of a rogue computer that communicated with the outside world by means of the telephone system. The producers liked this suggestion and not only offered Pedler the job but developed the idea into a script (one of the few to feature a 'Story Idea by' credit). Only one War Machine prop was actually constructed; the production team changed the numbers, to represent the different machines. The titling style of each episode in this serial differs from the standard titles of other serials. Instead of a title overlay, after the "Doctor Who" logo has faded, the screen shifts to a solid background containing four inversely-coloured rectangles aligned down the left-hand side (reminiscent to an old-style computer punch card). The title, one word at a time, scrolls upwards - "THE", "WAR", "MACH", "INES" - with a final flash displaying the complete title on two lines. Another flash reveals the writer, the next flash reveals the word "EPISODE", and the final flash shows the actual episode number. All of the lettering displayed in this titling sequence is shown in a retro-computer font. Each of the four episodes' title sequences have slight variations to them. Casting Michael Craze provided the voice of a policeman heard in Episode four.WOTAN received a credit as "And WOTAN" at the end of the first three episodes, the only time a fictional character was credited as itself in the series.Jackie Lane's contract expired midway through production of this story. She does not appear again after episode two; Dodo's off-screen departure is relayed to the Doctor by Polly.This is the last William Hartnell era serial, and the only serial featuring Anneke Wills and Michael Craze, to exist in its entirety. Missing episodes Aside from its soundtrack (recorded off-air by fans), this serial was lost in the junk of episodes in the 1970s. The master videotapes for the story were the last of those starring William Hartnell to be junked, surviving until 1974.[2] The 16mm film telerecording copies held by BBC Enterprises were also the last of their kind to be destroyed, surviving until 1978, shortly before the junking of material was halted by the intervention of fan Ian Levine.[3] In 1978, a collector in Australia provided a copy of episode 2. Later in 1984 copies of all four episodes were returned from Nigeria. Episodes 2, 3 and 4 all had cuts to them, but most have been restored due to a combination of the other copy of episode 2, material used in a promotional item on the BBC's Blue Peter and censored clips from Australia. Some of the restored footage did not have its accompanying soundtrack, and so the missing sound was restored from the off-air recordings. To date, only episodes 3 and 4, do not exist in their entirety as was originally intended. Episode 3 is missing a visual brief bit of dialogue with Krimpton talking. This was replaced in the VHS release with a combination of a shot of WOTAN with the accompanied dialogue from the off-air recordings. Episode 3 is also missing around 59 seconds worth of the battle in the warehouse. Episode 4 is missing only a small amount of material. The first instance occurs with the man in the telephone box. Part of the continuing closeup of the man talking on the telephone is missing, but this was compensated on the VHS release by continuing in audio-only over the top of the beginning of the high shot of the phone box. There are also two lines of dialogue missing when Polly reports back to WOTAN. This scene, however, has not been re-instated for the VHS release as it was felt that there wouldn't be enough visual material to drop into the gap. The DVD release will have all of the episodes in their entirety. Commercial releases The serial was released on VHS in 1997, with an item from Blue Peter and a BBC1 "globe ident" (from the first part of the story) as extras. A DVD issue has been announced for August 25th 2008. Also, in 2007, an audio CD of the serial's soundtrack, with linking narration by and bonus interview with Anneke Wills, was released. In print Doctor Who book The War Machines Series Target novelisations Release number 136 Writer Ian Stuart Black Publisher Target Books Cover artist Alister Pearson and Graeme Wey ISBN 0 426 20332 1 Release date 16 February 1989 Preceded by Delta and the Bannermen Followed by Dragonfire A novelisation of this serial, written by Ian Stuart Black, was published by Target Books in February 1989.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #97 - Sir Reginald's Dirty Little Secret

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:15 (GMT) - 25 Aug 2008

    Never let it be said that Radio Free Skaro digresses or makes up its own back story for the classic series episodes that we commentate on...because that's precisely what we do, especially in Day of the Daleks, our latest butchery of the works of Jon Pertwee. Not a bad story overall, enhanced by our analysis of Jo's mental state (lukewarm), the secret life of Sir Reginald (tawdry) and the gaseous state of Chris's belly.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #97 - Sir Reginald's Dirty Little Secret

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:15 (GMT) - 25 Aug 2008

    Never let it be said that Radio Free Skaro digresses or makes up its own back story for the classic series episodes that we commentate on...because that's precisely what we do, especially in Day of the Daleks, our latest butchery of the works of Jon Pertwee. Not a bad story overall, enhanced by our analysis of Jo's mental state (lukewarm), the secret life of Sir Reginald (tawdry) and the gaseous state of Chris's belly.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #97 - Sir Reginald's Dirty Little Secret

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:15 (GMT) - 25 Aug 2008

    Never let it be said that Radio Free Skaro digresses or makes up its own back story for the classic series episodes that we commentate on...because that's precisely what we do, especially in Day of the Daleks, our latest butchery of the works of Jon Pertwee. Not a bad story overall, enhanced by our analysis of Jo's mental state (lukewarm), the secret life of Sir Reginald (tawdry) and the gaseous state of Chris's belly.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast

    Staggering Stories Podcast #27: Guilty Pleasures

    Staggering Stories Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    12:42 (GMT) - 24 Aug 2008

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about Moments of Bliss and Guilty Pleasures, Doctor Who: The Best of Old Who and New Who, Heroes Season Two, some general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00.28 — Welcome!
    • 01.05 – News:
    • 01.12 — Hugo Awards 2008 – Doctor Who: Blink and Stardust.
    • 02:27 — No plans for Firefly/Serenity sequel.
    • 04:20 — Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince film delayed until July 2009.
    • 06:21 — George Lucas considers Indy V.
    • 07:30 — Doctor Who: Trial of a Time Lord delayed until September.
    • 09:11 — Possible delay to Cubicle 7′s Doctor Who Roleplaying Game.
    • 10:08 — Song: Happy Birthday Dear Crumbly!.
    • 10.39 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 12.35 – Fight Club: Bones vs. Bonekickers
    • 23.36 – Moments of Bliss and Guilty Pleasures.
    • 32.05 – El Presidente.
    • 33.14 – Doctor Who: Our Best of Old Who and New Who.
    • 48.33 – Heroes Season Two.
    • 55.00 – Farewell for this podcast and what’s coming up next time!
    • 55.28 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game.
    • Hugo Awards 2008.
    • No Serenity Sequel.
    • Wikipedia: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (film).
    • Wikipedia: Indiana Jones Franchise.
    • BBC: Trial of a Time Lord DVD Boxset delayed.
    • Cubicle 7.
    • Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast
    • Wikipedia: Babylon 5.
    • Bones.
    • Bonekickers.
    • Heroes.

  • Doctor Who Review Today

    EPISODE4 - review of Time Meddler and the Mind Robber

    Doctor Who Review Today

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:00 (GMT) - 22 Aug 2008

    Review of the time meddler and the mind robber and review of dalek

  • Geek Syndicate

    Comic Book Outsiders Episode 23 with added Nuge

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:53 (GMT) - 22 Aug 2008

    Hi all, whilst you're waiting for your regular GS schedule to return I thought you might interested in my co-host spot on the excellent Comic Book Outsiders hosted by Steve and Scott. Below are the show notes for this episode.

    Enjoy and see you in September!

    Comic Book Outsiders

    Bringing you some of the very best hidden gems from the world of independent comics, movies and TV.

    In this episode our Main Feature is an interview Scott conducted with Brad Lovett, our roving reporter who gives us his feedback on the San Diego Comic Con and what his experience was like as an attendee but also an independent comic creator.

    Then it's the first Challenge Barry, where I pitch three comics to Barry and try to get him interested enough in them to pick up at least one.

    Barry reveals a Guilty Pleasure and we get into a bit of a discussion about other guilty pleasures from the same era.

    Our last segment as always is the Hidden Gem and this episode Barry and Steve talk about Supernatural, a great TV show that more people should be watching.

    There is also a quick recap of the Secret Quotation competition. You need to send all five quotes, plus the name of the film that they come from to secretquotation@gmail.com. More information about the competition and which episodes you need to listen to can be found at UK Comics Podcast Secret Quotation Page

    If you want to get in touch about anything we talk about on this show, then you can email us at comicbookoutsiders@hotmail.com or visit our myspace or facebook pages, leave an iTunes review or a comment on the libsyn page.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Comic Book Outsiders Episode 23 with added Nuge

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:53 (GMT) - 22 Aug 2008

    Hi all, whilst you're waiting for your regular GS schedule to return I thought you might interested in my co-host spot on the excellent Comic Book Outsiders hosted by Steve and Scott. Below are the show notes for this episode.

    Enjoy and see you in September!

    Comic Book Outsiders

    Bringing you some of the very best hidden gems from the world of independent comics, movies and TV.

    In this episode our Main Feature is an interview Scott conducted with Brad Lovett, our roving reporter who gives us his feedback on the San Diego Comic Con and what his experience was like as an attendee but also an independent comic creator.

    Then it's the first Challenge Barry, where I pitch three comics to Barry and try to get him interested enough in them to pick up at least one.

    Barry reveals a Guilty Pleasure and we get into a bit of a discussion about other guilty pleasures from the same era.

    Our last segment as always is the Hidden Gem and this episode Barry and Steve talk about Supernatural, a great TV show that more people should be watching.

    There is also a quick recap of the Secret Quotation competition. You need to send all five quotes, plus the name of the film that they come from to secretquotation@gmail.com. More information about the competition and which episodes you need to listen to can be found at UK Comics Podcast Secret Quotation Page

    If you want to get in touch about anything we talk about on this show, then you can email us at comicbookoutsiders@hotmail.com or visit our myspace or facebook pages, leave an iTunes review or a comment on the libsyn page.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Comic Rack episode 20 - Back to da Racks

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:50 (GMT) - 21 Aug 2008

    After the awesomeness that was last episodes Paul Cornell interview, the ladies decide to get back to the Racks, bringing you an episode of completely delicious reviews.

    The girls cover everything from comics to TV to film, touching on titles such as Rest #0, The Walking Dead V1, Wall-E, Dynamo 5, The Mummy: Rise and Fall of Xango's Ax, Deadpool: The Circle Chase #1 - 4, The Living Corpse #0 & #.5 and Six Feet Under. And, of course, what would this episode be without a little Jamie Smart, this time in the form of Bohda Te?

    All this plus several more reviews (look out for The Dark Knight super-spoilers from 1 hour 10 mins until 1 hour 22 minutes in), a one-time-only new segment called Challenge Stacebob, and all the usual rambling!

    Don't forget to enter the UKCPG competition, Secret Quotation, by listening to Comic Racks 18, Geek Syndicate 90, Q!PAW 45, Comic Book Outsiders 22 and Birds of Geek 38 (to be released soon!)


    Additional links as promised in the episode:

    (Un)Employed Skeletor at the SDCC
    Hack/Slash - Suicide Girls
    B is for Bum Conker
    Joe Cornish - Song Wars

  • Geek Syndicate

    Comic Rack episode 20 - Back to da Racks

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:50 (GMT) - 21 Aug 2008

    After the awesomeness that was last episodes Paul Cornell interview, the ladies decide to get back to the Racks, bringing you an episode of completely delicious reviews.

    The girls cover everything from comics to TV to film, touching on titles such as Rest #0, The Walking Dead V1, Wall-E, Dynamo 5, The Mummy: Rise and Fall of Xango's Ax, Deadpool: The Circle Chase #1 - 4, The Living Corpse #0 & #.5 and Six Feet Under. And, of course, what would this episode be without a little Jamie Smart, this time in the form of Bohda Te?

    All this plus several more reviews (look out for The Dark Knight super-spoilers from 1 hour 10 mins until 1 hour 22 minutes in), a one-time-only new segment called Challenge Stacebob, and all the usual rambling!

    Don't forget to enter the UKCPG competition, Secret Quotation, by listening to Comic Racks 18, Geek Syndicate 90, Q!PAW 45, Comic Book Outsiders 22 and Birds of Geek 38 (to be released soon!)


    Additional links as promised in the episode:

    (Un)Employed Skeletor at the SDCC
    Hack/Slash - Suicide Girls
    B is for Bum Conker
    Joe Cornish - Song Wars

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #085 - Welcome to the Whoniverse

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    02:13 (GMT) - 19 Aug 2008

    Hallo und herzlich willkommen in unserer Welt. Wenn Ihr gerade neu ins Whoniversum eingetaucht seit, die Serie erst seit ein paar Woche kennt, oder gerade erst auf diesen Podcast gestossen seit, dann ist dies Episode die richtige Wahl. Wir geben Euch diesmal einen kurzen Einblick in das deutsche Fandom und ein paar wichtige Stationen an denen man mal halt machen sollte. Sozusagen das deutsche Doctor Who Starterpack...

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #085 - Welcome to the Whoniverse

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    01:13 (GMT) - 19 Aug 2008

    Hallo und herzlich willkommen in unserer Welt. Wenn Ihr gerade neu ins Whoniversum eingetaucht seit, die Serie erst seit ein paar Woche kennt, oder gerade erst auf diesen Podcast gestossen seit, dann ist dies Episode die richtige Wahl. Wir geben Euch diesmal einen kurzen Einblick in das deutsche Fandom und ein paar wichtige Stationen an denen man mal halt machen sollte. Sozusagen das deutsche Doctor Who Starterpack...

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #96 - Filer!!

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:04 (GMT) - 18 Aug 2008

    Things took a turn for the psychedelic this week, as the Three Who Rule recorded a commentary for "The Claws of Axos", a story best described as a product of its time. And what a time it was, with nasty video effects, UNIT mayhem, and the inimitable Bill Filer, Yankee Unit Operative and suave man of action. Filer!!

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #96 - Filer!!

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:04 (GMT) - 18 Aug 2008

    Things took a turn for the psychedelic this week, as the Three Who Rule recorded a commentary for "The Claws of Axos", a story best described as a product of its time. And what a time it was, with nasty video effects, UNIT mayhem, and the inimitable Bill Filer, Yankee Unit Operative and suave man of action. Filer!!

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #96 - Filer!!

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:04 (GMT) - 18 Aug 2008

    Things took a turn for the psychedelic this week, as the Three Who Rule recorded a commentary for "The Claws of Axos", a story best described as a product of its time. And what a time it was, with nasty video effects, UNIT mayhem, and the inimitable Bill Filer, Yankee Unit Operative and suave man of action. Filer!!

  • Doctor Who Review Today

    EPISODE3 - A review of Sarah Jane Smith -Time Warrior & Hand of fear

    Doctor Who Review Today

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:06 (GMT) - 15 Aug 2008

    Review and talk about sarah jane smith and review of school reunion and her sarah jane show,and k-9 and company.

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #084 - Thank you for the Music

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    15:41 (GMT) - 14 Aug 2008

    Im heutigen Podcast gibt es, neben News und reichlich Post, einen Blick auf die Promnight vom 27.07.2008, die ganz unter dem Thema "Doctor Who" stand und die "Miniepisode" "Music of the Spheres" enthielt.

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #084 - Thank you for the Music

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    14:41 (GMT) - 14 Aug 2008

    Im heutigen Podcast gibt es, neben News und reichlich Post, einen Blick auf die Promnight vom 27.07.2008, die ganz unter dem Thema "Doctor Who" stand und die "Miniepisode" "Music of the Spheres" enthielt.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #95 - Not the Mind Probe!

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:43 (GMT) - 11 Aug 2008

    News was sparse this week, but all the better for us to leap into commentary on "The Five Doctors," one of the most pleasurable bits of fanwank to grace the British small screen, at least until "The Stolen Earth." Next week, the adventures of the intrepid Bill Filer in "Claws of Axos." Whee!

Dormant Podcasts