Latest Podcast Episodes
Radio Free Skaro #190 - Ludwig Speed Kings
Radio Free SkaroRampant speculation was the order of the day for the Three Who Rule, as a spate of trailers got the thinkin’ (and other) juices flowing. New footage! A Dalek! A Cyberman! Several…other things! And 13 days to go before a new Doctor, a new companion, and a new season debut in the UK. All this and a smattering of news, some pedanting, and ribald statements.Check out the show notes at
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 34
Bigger on the InsideIn "Terror of the Autons," The War Chief returns! (Oh, what's this? A note from Tom Deja: "Mike, embrace the truth. The Master is not The War Chief. Your friend, Tom.") Sigh... okay. In "Terror of the Autons," The Master debuts, and he's brought some familiar foes with him! Then in "The Mind of Evil," The Master schemes to launch a missile at a world peace conference.
Episode 14: The Keeper of Traken and its Big Finish Love Child (Now with More Bathroom Humor!)
The TARDIS TavernPutting Gallifrey 21 and would could have and couldn't have happened behind us, we go back to our rumdum duties of reviewing Doctor Who stories. In this poop-smothered episode we examine "The Keeper of Traken" and its Big Finish sequel/prequel "Primevil."
"The Keeper of Traken" ranked 70th in Doctor Who Magazine's "Mighty 200" poll, but is a story revolving around a society that functions merely because people are terribly nice to each other worth breaking the bank to satisfy the BBC's costume budget?
"Primevil," featuring the Fifth Doctor and Nyssa and taking place 3,000 years prior to the events of "Keeper," tries to settle the age-old debate of whether blind faith and religion will ever win out over logic and reason. Perhaps fortunately, that's the deepest insight that you'll find on this subject even after listening to the episode.
We also have our usual battery of feedback and a huge dollop of Traken bathroom humor.
Please send feeback, ransom notes, and PayPal transactions to Sean at Also follow us on Twitter and befriend us on the Book of Face!
A big thanks goes to Angel Mendez (from for the Who Rocks The Party That Rocks The Tardis mix at the end of the show.
Staggering Stories Podcast #67: Being Daleks on a Pub Crawl
Staggering Stories PodcastSummary:
Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith, Jean Riddler and the Real Keith Dunn talk about Doctor Who: The Daleks, Being Human Season 2, Alice in Wonderland and a Real Ale Doctor Who pub crawl, find some general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:- 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
- 00:45 — Welcome!
- 01:35 – News:
- 01:59 — Doctor Who: Touring the UK to kick off Series 2, Season 5.
- 04:10 — Doctor Who: The console game coming to Nintendo Wii and DS.
- 05:12 — Delia Derbyshire documentary.
- 06:15 — J. Michael Straczynski taking on Superman and Wonder Woman.
- 08:34 — The Shat: William Shatner fronting new social networking site.
- 10:24 — Firefly: Dark House comics bringing out two new Firefly stories.
- 11:46 — Death: Peter Graves goes to the grave.
- 12:43 – Doctor Who: The Daleks (the 1963/4 story).
- 23:32 – Doctor Who: CAMRA pub crawl.
- 30:35 – Being Human: Season 2.
- 44:44 – Alice in Wonderland.
- 53:16 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at
- 91:09 – Farewell for this podcast!
- 91:45 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.
Vital Links:
- Staggering Stories.
- BBC: Doctor Who.
- Delia Derbyshire.
- J. Michael Straczynski.
- William Shatner.
- My Outerspace.
- Wikipedia: Firefly.
- Dark Horse Comics.
- Wikipedia: Peter Graves.
- BBC: Doctor Who – The Daleks.
- CAMRA: Campaign for Real Ale.
- BBC: Being Human.
- Disney: Alice in Wonderland.
- Doctor Who Podcast Alliance.
- Facebook: Staggering Stories Group.
- Twitter: Adam J Purcell.
EPISODE34 - Jules v. Wells 'Clash of the Titans'
The Cultdom CollectiveTwo giants - Jules Verne and H G Wells - go head to head as we rate their different contributions to Fantasy & Science Fiction.
EPISODE34 - Jules v. Wells 'Clash of the Titans'
The Cultdom CollectiveTwo giants - Jules Verne and H G Wells - go head to head as we rate their different contributions to Fantasy & Science Fiction.
EPISODE34 - Jules v. Wells 'Clash of the Titans'
The Cultdom CollectiveTwo giants - Jules Verne and H G Wells - go head to head as we rate their different contributions to Fantasy & Science Fiction.
EPISODE34 - Jules v. Wells 'Clash of the Titans'
The Cultdom CollectiveTwo giants - Jules Verne and H G Wells - go head to head as we rate their different contributions to Fantasy & Science Fiction.
The Flashing Blade Podcast 1-41
The Flashing Blade PodcastIt's Doctor Who and the Silurians, everybody! Hooray! Jo! and Tony go pot holing in Derbyshire and meet 'The Barney People', apparently. Bob talks about Red Dawn, Terry John is...erm...smutty, and theres feedback also... Send yours to
Whocast #155 - 11 (O'Clock) News (Deutsche)Da sich in den letzten Tagen, dank des Prescreenings, einiges getan hat in Bezug auf die kommende Staffel und auch sonst noch einige News ausstehen, war Fabian so freundlich, mich zu diesen recht kurzfristigen Cast zu uberreden... Also jeder der bisher noch nicht dazu gekommen ist, sich die letzten Neuigkeiten zusammenzusuchen, sollte mal reinhoren.
Whocast #155 - 11 (O'Clock) News (Deutsche)Da sich in den letzten Tagen, dank des Prescreenings, einiges getan hat in Bezug auf die kommende Staffel und auch sonst noch einige News ausstehen, war Fabian so freundlich, mich zu diesen recht kurzfristigen Cast zu uberreden... Also jeder der bisher noch nicht dazu gekommen ist, sich die letzten Neuigkeiten zusammenzusuchen, sollte mal reinhoren.
The RaT Project 71 Live: Video Game Movie Time
The RaT Project LiveThe grand adventure wherein Rand and panel discover that video game to movie transitions aren't always a great idea. Also the latest news in sci fi, video games, and tech. Coldlimit1972 joins in, and discussion carries on for a variety of topics, ranging from politics to current events. Great last portion of the show.
Tim's Take On:Episode 9(The Ninth Doctor)
Tim's Take On...This week I look at the ninth doctor, my least favourite of the doctors since Doctor Who returned in 2005, I try to explain why I dislike in and hope some of you agree with me.
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury
End theme tune is a remix of the Doctor Who Theme by Tony Gallichan of The Flashing Blade Podcast, Tony can be contacted here
Tim's Take On:Episode 9(The Ninth Doctor)
Tim's Take On...This week I look at the ninth doctor, my least favourite of the doctors since Doctor Who returned in 2005, I try to explain why I dislike in and hope some of you agree with me.
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury
End theme tune is a remix of the Doctor Who Theme by Tony Gallichan of The Flashing Blade Podcast, Tony can be contacted here
EPISODE 57.5Bonus Reairing of Episode42 Attack of the Cybermen for the DWPA
Doctor Who Review TodayRepeat-With guest host Darth Skeptical and Co-host Romana II. Also joining us is Charlie.Reedited with new opening and ending for DWPA.
034 – Journey of a Title Sequence
The Minute Doctor Who PodcastThe title sequences of the classic era of the show come under the spotlight in this episode.
034 - Journey of a Title Sequence
The Minute Doctor Who PodcastThe title sequences of the classic era of the show come under the spotlight in this episode.
Episode 3: The Three Doctors
The Bad Wilf PodcastSkype traps Imran in a time eddy during this week’s episode review and Martyn has to go ‘tin dog.’
Martyn: @BadWilf
Imran: @Nerdthropology
MHC #1 Megan
Mostly Harmless CutawayAnd now for something completely different...
Welcome to this, the first Mostly Harmless Cutaway. Like the rest of the universe it was created with more of a whimper than a bang really. What? This wasn't what you signed up for? This isn't your beloved Hitchhiker's Guide to the Whoverse? Firstly, DON'T PANIC. Secondly, note the title: "Mosty" - "Harmless" - "Cutaway." We thought it a very apt name as it's description is written right there on the outside of the box. No intended misdirection on our part.
If you listen, (and we're sure you will) you'll hear it explained that this is simply a slight deviation from our traditional podcast format you may be accoustumed to by now. This is our producer (if you in fact believe that we have one) breaking down that 4th wall and speaking to you directly about whatever might be on his mind pertaining to the Whoverse et al.
In this MHC Eric interviews a new friend he made at the Gallifrey One convention. Megan (@meganhibner) is a cosplayer and at Gally 21 she dressed up as Sarah Jane Smith from The Hand of Fear. Also check out Megan's The Channel of Rassilon on YouTube. Remember her name, this may not be the last we hear from her...
Special thanks to John Brannigan from the Cyber Testicle Podcast for our 1st guest intro. And while you're at it, why not congradulate him on his new baby via twitter? (@cybertesticle) We've said it once, we've said it a thousand times: His is the freshest of the new batch of Doctor Who podcasts out there. And by freshest we mean most putrid, but adoringly & most entertainingly so.
Expect more MHC's in the near future, but not only that. Perhaps next Friday (3/26) we shall re-release our condensed Minute Waters of Mars (review) from the Sci-Fi Party Line vault followed by our Too Minute End of Time the Friday after (4/2) in preparation for Matt Smith's opening story The Eleventh Hour premeireing on the BBC. And yes, somewhere in there, or after, or yesterday, we shall release HHG2W #5 Hiatus. Yes, we also thought that a very appropriate title as well. ;^)
Disclaimer: We, the makers of this fine audio program in no way take any responsibity for was has just transpired... unless you liked it. There was at least 1 faux paus committed during recording of this episode, some of you may or may not notice it. For those who do, we can conditionally promise that it is highly improbable that particular something will ever happen again. Unfortunately, due to the never ceasing recession we have been forced to cut 58% of our staff. Despite such losses we are still offering this podcast to you free of charge! Please repay us by leaving a kind comment on iTunes. Or lastly, if all else fails...
Creator/Producer: Eric Escamilla
Email: bullitt33 ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Skype username: bullitt33
Twitter: @Bullitt33
Facebook: Bullitt33
Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @HHG2W
Voicemail: 773-336-2686
Twitter: @SciFiPartyLine
Facebook: Sci-Fi Party LineThe MHC theme was created by Eric Escamilla. The MHC coverart was created by Cat (@fancyfembot).
MHC #1 Megan
Mostly Harmless CutawayAnd now for something completely different...
Welcome to this, the first Mostly Harmless Cutaway. Like the rest of the universe it was created with more of a whimper than a bang really. What? This wasn't what you signed up for? This isn't your beloved Hitchhiker's Guide to the Whoverse? Firstly, DON'T PANIC. Secondly, note the title: "Mosty" - "Harmless" - "Cutaway." We thought it a very apt name as it's description is written right there on the outside of the box. No intended misdirection on our part.
If you listen, (and we're sure you will) you'll hear it explained that this is simply a slight deviation from our traditional podcast format you may be accoustumed to by now. This is our producer (if you in fact believe that we have one) breaking down that 4th wall and speaking to you directly about whatever might be on his mind pertaining to the Whoverse et al.
In this MHC Eric interviews a new friend he made at the Gallifrey One convention. Megan (@meganhibner) is a cosplayer and at Gally 21 she dressed up as Sarah Jane Smith from The Hand of Fear. Also check out Megan's The Channel of Rassilon on YouTube. Remember her name, this may not be the last we hear from her...
Special thanks to John Brannigan from the Cyber Testicle Podcast for our 1st guest intro. And while you're at it, why not congradulate him on his new baby via twitter? (@cybertesticle) We've said it once, we've said it a thousand times: His is the freshest of the new batch of Doctor Who podcasts out there. And by freshest we mean most putrid, but adoringly & most entertainingly so.
Expect more MHC's in the near future, but not only that. Perhaps next Friday (3/26) we shall re-release our condensed Minute Waters of Mars (review) from the Sci-Fi Party Line vault followed by our Too Minute End of Time the Friday after (4/2) in preparation for Matt Smith's opening story The Eleventh Hour premeireing on the BBC. And yes, somewhere in there, or after, or yesterday, we shall release HHG2W #5 Hiatus. Yes, we also thought that a very appropriate title as well. ;^)
Disclaimer: We, the makers of this fine audio program in no way take any responsibity for was has just transpired... unless you liked it. There was at least 1 faux paus committed during recording of this episode, some of you may or may not notice it. For those who do, we can conditionally promise that it is highly improbable that particular something will ever happen again. Unfortunately, due to the never ceasing recession we have been forced to cut 58% of our staff. Despite such losses we are still offering this podcast to you free of charge! Please repay us by leaving a kind comment on iTunes. Or lastly, if all else fails...
Creator/Producer: Eric Escamilla
Email: bullitt33 ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Skype username: bullitt33
Twitter: @Bullitt33
Facebook: Bullitt33
Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @HHG2W
Voicemail: 773-336-2686
Twitter: @SciFiPartyLine
Facebook: Sci-Fi Party LineThe MHC theme was created by Eric Escamilla. The MHC coverart was created by Cat (@fancyfembot).
Episode 21 - The Three Doctors
Hoo on WhoDavid, Marty and special guest Sean Homrig from the Tardis Tavern, discuss the Three Doctors DVD. David recounts his experience at Gallifrey 21 and the Hooie boys have a conversation about multi-doctor stories while Sean is on a potty break. DVD Extras are also covered.
Episode 21 - The Three Doctors
Hoo on WhoDavid, Marty and special guest Sean Homrig from the Tardis Tavern, discuss the Three Doctors DVD. David recounts his experience at Gallifrey 21 and the Hooie boys have a conversation about multi-doctor stories while Sean is on a potty break. DVD Extras are also covered.
Whocast #154 - Bring on the XTC! (Deutsche)Heute gibt es eine weitere Rezension eines klassischen Big Finish Horspieles. Diesmal "The Rapture" mit dem siebten Doctor und Ace. Am Micro heute: Annika und Raphael.
Whocast #154 - Bring on the XTC! (Deutsche)Heute gibt es eine weitere Rezension eines klassischen Big Finish Horspieles. Diesmal "The Rapture" mit dem siebten Doctor und Ace. Am Micro heute: Annika und Raphael.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Waffle On PodcastA Waffle On Special with the Ladies from Anomaly Podcast This months podcast is a extra special show. Meds and Kell are joined with Jen and Angela from the brilliant Anomlay podcast and they discuss Monty Pythons second film, the 'Epic' Monty Pythons Search for the Holy Grail. The podcast is packed with clips from the film and listener comments. Its a long show this one my friends but it is well worth it. Full of facts and trivia, quotes and of course some classic off tangent chat in true Waffley style. Anomaly Ladies You have to listen to this awesome podcast presented by Angela (on the left) and Jen (on the right). Its dedicated to all things geeky, they chat about Sci Fi, films and TV shows, books and gaming. You can find them at or of course head to itunes and find them there.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Waffle On PodcastA Waffle On Special with the Ladies from Anomaly Podcast This months podcast is a extra special show. Meds and Kell are joined with Jen and Angela from the brilliant Anomlay podcast and they discuss Monty Pythons second film, the 'Epic' Monty Pythons Search for the Holy Grail. The podcast is packed with clips from the film and listener comments. Its a long show this one my friends but it is well worth it. Full of facts and trivia, quotes and of course some classic off tangent chat in true Waffley style. Anomaly Ladies You have to listen to this awesome podcast presented by Angela (on the left) and Jen (on the right). Its dedicated to all things geeky, they chat about Sci Fi, films and TV shows, books and gaming. You can find them at or of course head to itunes and find them there.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Waffle On PodcastA Waffle On Special with the Ladies from Anomaly Podcast
This months podcast is a extra special show. Meds and Kell are joined with Jen and Angela from the brilliant Anomlay podcast and they discuss Monty Pythons second film, the 'Epic' Monty Pythons Search for the Holy Grail. The podcast is packed with clips from the film and listener comments. Its a long show this one my friends but it is well worth it. Full of facts and trivia, quotes and of course some classic off tangent chat in true Waffley style.
Anomaly Ladies
You have to listen to this awesome podcast presented by Angela (on the left) and Jen (on the right). Its dedicated to all things geeky, they chat about Sci Fi, films and TV shows, books and gaming. You can find them at or of course head to itunes and find them there.
Studio Epi - Spinning The Doctor Who Bottle
The Cultdom CollectiveDave Ian and Mike take a look at Cult Spy's list of Possible Doctor Who Spinoffs.
Anomaly Waffles On about Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Waffle On PodcastA Waffle On Special with the Ladies from Anomaly Podcast
This months podcast is a extra special show. Meds and Kell are joined with Jen and Angela from the brilliant Anomlay podcast and they discuss Monty Pythons second film, the ‘Epic’ Monty Pythons Search for the Holy Grail. The podcast is packed with clips from the film and listener comments. Its a long show this one my friends but it is well worth it. Full of facts and trivia, quotes and of course some classic off tangent chat in true Waffley style.
Anomaly Ladies
You have to listen to this awesome podcast presented by Angela (on the left) and Jen (on the right). Its dedicated to all things geeky, they chat about Sci Fi, films and TV shows, books and gaming. You can find them at or of course head to itunes and find them there.
Studio Epi - Spinning The Doctor Who Bottle
The Cultdom CollectiveDave Ian and Mike take a look at Cult Spy's list of Possible Doctor Who Spinoffs.
Studio Epi - Spinning The Doctor Who Bottle
The Cultdom CollectiveDave Ian and Mike take a look at Cult Spy's list of Possible Doctor Who Spinoffs.
Studio Epi - Spinning The Doctor Who Bottle
The Cultdom CollectiveDave Ian and Mike take a look at Cult Spy's list of Possible Doctor Who Spinoffs.
EPISODE - Late Night:- Cultdom in the Bottle
The Cultdom CollectiveI (daveac) take the blame for this episode as I drag Ian & Mike into an impromptu show. Scifi, wine & general nonsence follow
EPISODE - Late Night:- Cultdom in the Bottle
The Cultdom CollectiveI (daveac) take the blame for this episode as I drag Ian & Mike into an impromptu show. Scifi, wine & general nonsence follow
EPISODE - Late Night:- Cultdom in the Bottle
The Cultdom CollectiveI (daveac) take the blame for this episode as I drag Ian & Mike into an impromptu show. Scifi, wine & general nonsence follow
EPISODE - Late Night:- Cultdom in the Bottle
The Cultdom CollectiveI (daveac) take the blame for this episode as I drag Ian & Mike into an impromptu show. Scifi, wine & general nonsence follow
EPISODE 56 DWRT Monthly for March Review of Four To Doomsday (live)
Doctor Who Review TodayWith guest host Graeme Sheridan.for march 2010.
The Next Level - Episode 8
Geek SyndicateNews:
* Lara Croft Gets a Road
* Online Gaming On the Up
* Plants Vs Zombies Sales
* The Sony Playstation Move
* 3D Gaming in June?
* Just Cause 2
Buy Rent Avoid
* Aliens Vs Predator
* Borderlands
* Dragon Age: Origins
* X-Men Origins: Wolverine
The Next Level - Episode 8
Geek SyndicateNews:
* Lara Croft Gets a Road
* Online Gaming On the Up
* Plants Vs Zombies Sales
* The Sony Playstation Move
* 3D Gaming in June?
* Just Cause 2
Buy Rent Avoid
* Aliens Vs Predator
* Borderlands
* Dragon Age: Origins
* X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Two Geeks with No Name Podcast: Series 1 Empires: Episode 4 Earth Alliance
Geek Syndicate'This week Kehaar and Grampus wrestle with the slow kid in the Babylon 5 class - the Earth Alliance. With particular attention to the Earth-Minbar War and the Clark Civil War they buffet between topics including space colonisation, first contact and relative scales of unpleasantness in war.We apologise for delays in recording due to 'When Babies Attack' events.No damn shirt collars disappeared or went to Zah'um in the making of this episode.Now get the hell listenng our podcast!An ISN special report confirms Kehaar is doing the Liverpool Half Marathon if you want you can sponsor him hear is also willing to sponsor a Comic Forum project - details on the Geeksyndicate forum an executivue summary below from Bluemeanie:"Ok, short version - if we get enough teams to warrant doing it, we were after short comic stories of up to 10 pages max. The theme at the moment is just nerd-life, but this might change if the forum gets fixed and people can actually give feedback.
Deadline wise, were talking end of September which should be enough for even the laziest to get 3 or 4 pages together. Then it all gets put in a book, thrown up in Indyplanet and any and all proceeds go to the Hero Initiative.
In the past these have just been a bit of fun and only shift copies to people who have something in there, but its still a bit of fun and good practice."Interested wrIters or artists get in touch with Blue Meanie at or on the forumsComments on the episode n the forms or"
Two Geeks with No Name Podcast: Series 1 Empires: Episode 4 Earth Alliance
Geek Syndicate'This week Kehaar and Grampus wrestle with the slow kid in the Babylon 5 class - the Earth Alliance. With particular attention to the Earth-Minbar War and the Clark Civil War they buffet between topics including space colonisation, first contact and relative scales of unpleasantness in war.We apologise for delays in recording due to 'When Babies Attack' events.No damn shirt collars disappeared or went to Zah'um in the making of this episode.Now get the hell listenng our podcast!An ISN special report confirms Kehaar is doing the Liverpool Half Marathon if you want you can sponsor him hear is also willing to sponsor a Comic Forum project - details on the Geeksyndicate forum an executivue summary below from Bluemeanie:"Ok, short version - if we get enough teams to warrant doing it, we were after short comic stories of up to 10 pages max. The theme at the moment is just nerd-life, but this might change if the forum gets fixed and people can actually give feedback.
Deadline wise, were talking end of September which should be enough for even the laziest to get 3 or 4 pages together. Then it all gets put in a book, thrown up in Indyplanet and any and all proceeds go to the Hero Initiative.
In the past these have just been a bit of fun and only shift copies to people who have something in there, but its still a bit of fun and good practice."Interested wrIters or artists get in touch with Blue Meanie at or on the forumsComments on the episode n the forms or"
Everything Comes Back to 2000AD - Episode 21
Geek SyndicateIn this episode, Rich and a virtual Flint talk to 2000AD's Graphic Novels editor Keith Richardson after bitching about not being able to get certain trades in the last one. Wanna know whats coming out over the next year? Wanna know how the Meg stories will feature in the Case Files? Wanna know who's been cast as Dredd in the movie? Its all here... well, apart from the last bit anyway.
Everything Comes Back to 2000AD - Episode 21
Geek SyndicateIn this episode, Rich and a virtual Flint talk to 2000AD's Graphic Novels editor Keith Richardson after bitching about not being able to get certain trades in the last one. Wanna know whats coming out over the next year? Wanna know how the Meg stories will feature in the Case Files? Wanna know who's been cast as Dredd in the movie? Its all here... well, apart from the last bit anyway.
Radio Free Skaro #189 - Do You Like Movies About Gladiators?
Radio Free SkaroSeries Fnarg - check that, Series Five - premiere news was the order
of the day as the UK, US and Australia have all announced details
about their respective launches while Canada sits in the background
taking notes. From the bus to the cinema to conventions to the web,
all the bases are covered as the BBC prepares to launch the new series
of Doctor Who. Thankfully the banter gets broken up by the usual raft
of fictitious awards and fictitious polls otherwise we could go on and
on about global distribution of Doctor Who... and really, who needs
that?Check out the show notes at