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DWO WhoCast - #5.3 - Doctor Who Podcast
DWO WhoCastIn this week's episode of the DWO WhoCast... Paul and Seb discuss the latest episode: 5.3: Victory of the Daleks.
Also in the show, Paul speaks with Courtney from 'From Austin to A&M' about sexism in fandom.
Bringing the world of Doctor Who to you - the DWO WhoCast is just what The Doctor ordered!
If you are an iTunes user, make sure you rate and discuss the podcast; the more people that vote and leave their comments the higher up the rankings we go and the more successful we are.
Also if you have any feedback let us know, and of course suggestions are always welcome. Why not email us an mp3 comment and we can play it on the show?
#19: Chicks Dig Time Lords
Bridging the RiftErik and Nat are joined by two contributors to the new non-fiction book Chicks Dig Time Lords: A Celebration of Doctor Who by the Women Who Love It, co-editor Lynne M Thomas and essayist Deborah Stanish.
We discuss why we enjoyed the book, look at the range of fan activities and perspectives covered, and ask if there's a difference between male and female fandom.
Direct Download
Show Notes
@ 1 minute - We introduce Lynne and Deb:
Lynne M. Thomas is the Head of Rare Books and Special Collections at Northern Illinois University where her responsibilities include archiving science fiction and fantasy literature. She is the co-editor of Chicks Dig Time Lords:
Deborah Stanish is a Philadelphia-area writer and freelance journalist. She is a frequent contributor to Enlightenment, the fanzine of Canada's Doctor Who Information Network, and contributed the essay My Fandom Regenerates to Chicks:
Main Discussion - Chicks Dig Time Lords
@ 3 minutes 30 seconds - We begin our discussion of the new non-fiction book Chicks Dig Time Lords: A Celebration of Doctor Who by the Women Who Love It, available now from Mad Norwegian Press, Amazon or your local book store:
Previous Bridging The Rift episodes featuring Chicks Dig Time Lords contributors:
Episode 1 with Liz Myles:
Episode 4 with Kate Orman:
Episode 12 with Johanna Mead:
Next Time
@ 1 hour 2 minutes 20 seconds - Next time we'll be looking at your feedback to recent episodes and returning to our David Tennant retrospective episode to take a peek into Creativity Corner.
If you have any feedback about anything we've discussed, you can spend messages on Twitter directed @BridgingTheRift, comment on our blog at or send short MP3 feedback to our GoogleMail address.
Trocking Out - Companion
@ 1 hour 3 minutes 20 seconds - This episode has an extra special trocking out with an introduction recorded by the artist especially for our Chicks Dig Time Lords episode. The song's Companion by filk group Vixy and Tony. If you'd like to read a longer version of the story behind the song, take a look at the link below:
EPISODE 59 - Review of The The Keys Of Marinus and The 11th Hour
Doctor Who Review TodayReviewing the William Hartnell story The Keys Of Marinus, and the story from the new series with the 11th Doctor Matt Smith. (My name is smith, Dotor john smith)
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #5: Fan reaction to The Beast Below
The Doctor Who PodcastSteve from the TARDIS Tavern podcast joins us this episode to review the fan reaction to The Beast Below. We also cover the feedback you have been generous enough to send into us. feedback@ is the place to send your mp3s. For each MP3 you send in a cuddly animal is saved from extinction. Honest.
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #5: Fan reaction to The Beast Below
The Doctor Who PodcastSteve from the TARDIS Tavern podcast joins us this episode to review the fan reaction to The Beast Below. We also cover the feedback you have been generous enough to send into us. is the place to send your mp3s. For each MP3 you send in a cuddly animal is saved from extinction. Honest.
Geek Syndicate - Episode 152
Geek SyndicateWith Dave off on his travels again (something about getting married)
Barry is joined by fellow podcaster, the lovely Stacey Whittle for this episode.
News Eagle awards nominations now open Lucasfilm developing stars wars comedy Going Postal on sky one Week That Was Hellblazer Dark Entries Hope for the Future True Blood A Team trailer
We take a look at the very first episode of the new series of Doctor Who.
Enjoy and congrats to the newlyweds Mr and Mrs Monteith
Replay Epi 21 - Loving New Who
The Cultdom CollectiveEpi. 21 'Loving New Who - 27 Things SFX Loves About New Who' 'remastered' for the DWPA DVD of Podcasts (still only 'live' audio quality) SFX list:-
Geek Syndicate - Episode 152
Geek SyndicateWith Dave off on his travels again (something about getting married)
Barry is joined by fellow podcaster, the lovely Stacey Whittle for this episode.
News Eagle awards nominations now open Lucasfilm developing stars wars comedy Going Postal on sky one Week That Was Hellblazer Dark Entries Hope for the Future True Blood A Team trailer
We take a look at the very first episode of the new series of Doctor Who.
Enjoy and congrats to the newlyweds Mr and Mrs Monteith
Replay Epi 21 - Loving New Who
The Cultdom CollectiveEpi. 21 'Loving New Who - 27 Things SFX Loves About New Who' 'remastered' for the DWPA DVD of Podcasts (still only 'live' audio quality) SFX list:-
Replay Epi 21 - Loving New Who
The Cultdom CollectiveEpi. 21 'Loving New Who - 27 Things SFX Loves About New Who' 'remastered' for the DWPA DVD of Podcasts (still only 'live' audio quality) SFX list:-
Replay Epi 21 - Loving New Who
The Cultdom CollectiveEpi. 21 'Loving New Who - 27 Things SFX Loves About New Who' 'remastered' for the DWPA DVD of Podcasts (still only 'live' audio quality) SFX list:-
MHC #6 The Cutaway Below
Mostly Harmless CutawayT minus 3 days until Victory of the Daleks.
Welcome to this, the 6th HHG2W: Mostly Harmless Cutaway - 'Ode to the Haters.' WARNING: this discussion contains SPOILERS or at the very least we assume you have already seen The Beast Below.
During this show we make special mention of and highly recommend the Radio Free Skaro podcast, especially their Beast Below reaction episode #193 - Cetacean Emancipation. Also make your way to the new regenerated The Doctor Who Podcast #4 to listen to some pretty interesting takes on said Beast Below. And once again please check out Neil Perryman's (@neilperryman) most excellent and concise collaborative Doctor Who Blog: Behind the Sofa.
Disclaimer: Blue Guy's in a rush at moment so no Disclaimer for now, but still...
Creator/Producer: Eric Escamilla
Email: bullitt33 ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Skype username: bullitt33
Twitter: @Bullitt33
Facebook: Bullitt33Co-host: Megan Hibner
Email: meganhibner ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @meganhibner
Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @HHG2W
Tumblr: guidetothewhoverse.tumblr.comSFPL:
Voicemail: 773-336-2686
Twitter: @SciFiPartyLine
Facebook: Sci-Fi Party LineThe MHC theme was created by Eric Escamilla.
The MHC coverart was created by Cat (@fancyfembot).
MHC #6 The Cutaway Below
Mostly Harmless CutawayT minus 3 days until Victory of the Daleks.
Welcome to this, the 6th HHG2W: Mostly Harmless Cutaway - 'Ode to the Haters.' WARNING: this discussion contains SPOILERS or at the very least we assume you have already seen The Beast Below.
During this show we make special mention of and highly recommend the Radio Free Skaro podcast, especially their Beast Below reaction episode #193 - Cetacean Emancipation. Also make your way to the new regenerated The Doctor Who Podcast #4 to listen to some pretty interesting takes on said Beast Below. And once again please check out Neil Perryman's (@neilperryman) most excellent and concise collaborative Doctor Who Blog: Behind the Sofa.
Disclaimer: Blue Guy's in a rush at moment so no Disclaimer for now, but still...
Creator/Producer: Eric Escamilla
Email: bullitt33 ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Skype username: bullitt33
Twitter: @Bullitt33
Facebook: Bullitt33Co-host: Megan Hibner
Email: meganhibner ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @meganhibner
Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @HHG2W
Tumblr: guidetothewhoverse.tumblr.comSFPL:
Voicemail: 773-336-2686
Twitter: @SciFiPartyLine
Facebook: Sci-Fi Party LineThe MHC theme was created by Eric Escamilla.
The MHC coverart was created by Cat (@fancyfembot).
The Flashing Blade Podcast Interview Special 4 - Katy Manning
The Flashing Blade PodcastUllo.
Contained within, an interview with the truly wonderful Katy Manning. She and Tony talk Iris, Jo, Liza, Bette and just why Wiki is not to be trusted...
Expect more ina couple of months.
Feedback to
191 - Doctor Who: Podshock
PodshockDoctor Who: Podshock - Episode 191
Running time: 1:25:23Doctor Who: The Beast Below reviewed live over the net.
Hosted by Louis Trapani, Dave Cooper, and Ken Deep.
Brought to you by the Gallifreyan Embassy and is a production of Art Trap Productions.
This podcast is made possible in part by Podshock Supporting Subscribers and from donations from listeners like you.
Do you want the Enhanced Podcast AAC file format? Get our Enhanced Podcast version of this episode using our feed at
Episode 23 - ESpace Trilogy: State of Decay
Hoo on WhoDavid and Marty discuss the second adventure in the ESpace Trilogy box set, vampires, and their thoughts on Matt Smith's premier as the Eleventh Doctor.
The Doctor's Companion Ep. 18 - Not Big On Dignity
The Doctor's CompanionScott and Randy board the Starship UK to discuss the second episode of series 5, “The Beast Below”! The Doctor takes Amy on her first adventure as his newest companion but wherever the Doctor goes trouble seems to follow, and the distant future is no exception. How can a spaceship move through space without any engines? What is the government wanting its citizens to forget? What is the mystery of the beast below? Find out, in the newest episode of The Doctor’s Companion! And remember, BEWARE OF SPOILERS!!
Next Week: Victory of the Daleks!!
(Promo: Podculture)
Episode 23 - ESpace Trilogy: State of Decay
Hoo on WhoDavid and Marty discuss the second adventure in the ESpace Trilogy box set, vampires, and their thoughts on Matt Smith's premier as the Eleventh Doctor.
MHC #5 The Beast Below 31.2
Mostly Harmless CutawayT minus 5 days until Victory of the Daleks.
Welcome to this, the 5th Hitchhiker's Guide to the Whoverse: Mostly Harmless Cutaway. Today Eric & Megan break down the newest, latest, and greatest Doctor Who story The Beast Below. WARNING: this review/discussion contains world ending SPOILERS you may be able to protest, but won't be able to forget.
What can we say other than this conversation went on much longer than intended. For being a mere 42 minutes, this particular story was chock full of material to wade through.
Thanks so much to Sean (@tardistavern), 1 of the 'Two Who Drool' @ the TARDIS Tavern podcast for providing this episode's intro. We certainly feel his contribution adds a bit of much needed interior decoration & peartini to our otherwise alcohol free program. Please follow the links and check out their impeccably flawless drunken Texan take on the world of Doctor Who.
Disclaimer: Who da Man? Steven Moffat. Nuff said. All you DW Chicken Little's out there, 2 choices: Either go back to bed or...
Creator/Producer: Eric Escamilla
Email: bullitt33 ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Skype username: bullitt33
Twitter: @Bullitt33
Facebook: Bullitt33Co-host: Megan Hibner
Email: meganhibner ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @meganhibner
Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @HHG2W
Tumblr: guidetothewhoverse.tumblr.comSFPL:
Voicemail: 773-336-2686
Twitter: @SciFiPartyLine
Facebook: Sci-Fi Party LineThe MHC theme was created by Eric Escamilla.
The MHC coverart was created by Cat (@fancyfembot).
MHC #5 The Beast Below 31.2
Mostly Harmless CutawayT minus 5 days until Victory of the Daleks.
Welcome to this, the 5th Hitchhiker's Guide to the Whoverse: Mostly Harmless Cutaway. Today Eric & Megan break down the newest, latest, and greatest Doctor Who story The Beast Below. WARNING: this review/discussion contains world ending SPOILERS you may be able to protest, but won't be able to forget.
What can we say other than this conversation went on much longer than intended. For being a mere 42 minutes, this particular story was chock full of material to wade through.
Thanks so much to Sean (@tardistavern), 1 of the 'Two Who Drool' @ the TARDIS Tavern podcast for providing this episode's intro. We certainly feel his contribution adds a bit of much needed interior decoration & peartini to our otherwise alcohol free program. Please follow the links and check out their impeccably flawless drunken Texan take on the world of Doctor Who.
Disclaimer: Who da Man? Steven Moffat. Nuff said. All you DW Chicken Little's out there, 2 choices: Either go back to bed or...
Creator/Producer: Eric Escamilla
Email: bullitt33 ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Skype username: bullitt33
Twitter: @Bullitt33
Facebook: Bullitt33Co-host: Megan Hibner
Email: meganhibner ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @meganhibner
Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @HHG2W
Tumblr: guidetothewhoverse.tumblr.comSFPL:
Voicemail: 773-336-2686
Twitter: @SciFiPartyLine
Facebook: Sci-Fi Party LineThe MHC theme was created by Eric Escamilla.
The MHC coverart was created by Cat (@fancyfembot).
Dirty WHOers 006
Dirty WHOers's PodcastFuchia's away, so we welcome James Naugton to the Dirty WHOers podcast and talk about The Beast Below.
Whocast #157 - Besser nackt next Time (Deutsche)Da es bis zur Besprechung der ersten Folgen unter Moffat noch ein paar Tage hin ist, gibt es heute einen kleinen Cast mit News, ein wenig Post und einem kurzen Kommentar zum Fantreffen in Wesel, welches im Nachhinein ein wenig totgeschwiegen zu werden scheint. Warum dem vermutlich so ist und wie es generell so war, betrachten Gastcasterin Pia und Raphael, die beide in Wesel waren, ruckblickend in diesem Cast, in dem es auch einige "Vor-Ort-Aufnahmen" zu horen gibt.
Whocast #157 - Besser nackt next Time (Deutsche)Da es bis zur Besprechung der ersten Folgen unter Moffat noch ein paar Tage hin ist, gibt es heute einen kleinen Cast mit News, ein wenig Post und einem kurzen Kommentar zum Fantreffen in Wesel, welches im Nachhinein ein wenig totgeschwiegen zu werden scheint. Warum dem vermutlich so ist und wie es generell so war, betrachten Gastcasterin Pia und Raphael, die beide in Wesel waren, ruckblickend in diesem Cast, in dem es auch einige "Vor-Ort-Aufnahmen" zu horen gibt.
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #4: Review - The Beast Below
The Doctor Who PodcastThe episode The Beast Below comes under the scrutinising gaze of The Doctor Who Podcast this episode. Trevor, James and Tom give their thoughts on the second episode of the series. is the place to send your mp3s. Let us know how spot on and right we are.
Review – The Beast Below
The Doctor Who PodcastThe episode The Beast Below comes under the scrutinising gaze of The Doctor Who Podcast this episode. Trevor, James and Tom give their thoughts on the second episode of the series. is the place to send your mp3s. Let us know how spot on and right we are.
Review – The Beast Below
The Doctor Who PodcastThe episode The Beast Below comes under the scrutinising gaze of The Doctor Who Podcast this episode. Trevor, James and Tom give their thoughts on the second episode of the series. is the place to send your mp3s. Let us know how spot on and right we are.
Radio Free Skaro #193 - Cetacean Emancipation
Radio Free SkaroAnother strong week for new Who as "The Beast Below" solidified the love of the Three Who Rule for Matt Smith, otherwise known as "the new kid we think will work out just fine." Add a potent mix of thrilling stats, fictitious awards, and rare praise for Torchwood, and you've got a podcast, by gar!
Radio Free Skaro #193 - Cetacean Emancipation
Radio Free SkaroAnother strong week for new Who as "The Beast Below" solidified the love of the Three Who Rule for Matt Smith, otherwise known as "the new kid we think will work out just fine." Add a potent mix of thrilling stats, fictitious awards, and rare praise for Torchwood, and you've got a podcast, by gar!
Radio Free Skaro #193 - Cetacean Emancipation
Radio Free SkaroAnother strong week for new Who as "The Beast Below" solidified the love of the Three Who Rule for Matt Smith, otherwise known as "the new kid we think will work out just fine." Add a potent mix of thrilling stats, fictitious awards, and rare praise for Torchwood, and you've got a podcast, by gar!
Commentary: Unbottling The Beast Below
The Cultdom CollectiveThis time 'The Beast Below' gets the Cultdom commentary treatment - with Ian, Mike & daveac
Commentary: Doctor Who 'The Beast Below'
The Cultdom CollectiveThis time 'The Beast Below' gets the Cultdom commentary treatment - with Ian, Mike & daveac. Series 5 Episode 2
Commentary: Doctor Who 'The Beast Below'
The Cultdom CollectiveThis time 'The Beast Below' gets the Cultdom commentary treatment - with Ian, Mike & daveac. Series 5 Episode 2
Commentary: Doctor Who 'The Beast Below'
The Cultdom CollectiveThis time 'The Beast Below' gets the Cultdom commentary treatment - with Ian, Mike & daveac. Series 5 Episode 2
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #4: Review - The Beast Below
The Doctor Who PodcastThe episode The Beast Below comes under the scrutinising gaze of The Doctor Who Podcast this episode. Trevor, James and Tom give their thoughts on the second episode of the series. feedback@ is the place to send your mp3s. Let us know how spot on and right we are.
The Flashing Blade Podcast 1-44
The Flashing Blade PodcastAlonz-y!
No... Hang on...
Oh sod it..look, this time around all three of your bibbletastic hosts review, finally, The Eleventh Hour. There's also a review of the first part of Dalek Empire - Invasion of the Daleks. Where theres some Daleks. Doing invading. Tons of feedback including Professor Dave doing mumbling.
And Jo! starts to yet again Get It Wrong about Ashes to Ashes...
Send your mumbling to
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #4: Review - The Beast Below
The Doctor Who PodcastThe episode The Beast Below comes under the scrutinising gaze of The Doctor Who Podcast this episode. Trevor, James and Tom give their thoughts on the second episode of the series. is the place to send your mp3s. Let us know how spot on and right we are.
EPISODE37 - Dr Who 'The Beast Below'
The Cultdom CollectiveDoctor Who is back on UK TV and we discuss the second episode story 'The Beast Below'
EPISODE37 - Dr Who 'The Beast Below' Review
The Cultdom CollectiveDoctor Who is back on UK TV and we discuss the second episode story 'The Beast Below'
EPISODE37 - Dr Who 'The Beast Below' Review
The Cultdom CollectiveDoctor Who is back on UK TV and we discuss the second episode story 'The Beast Below'
EPISODE37 - Dr Who 'The Beast Below' Review
The Cultdom CollectiveDoctor Who is back on UK TV and we discuss the second episode story 'The Beast Below'
DWO WhoCast - #5.2 - Doctor Who Podcast
DWO WhoCastIn this week's episode of the DWO WhoCast... Paul and Seb discuss the latest episode: 5.2: The Beast Below.
We also have a review of the recently released Myths and Legends DVD box-set, and check out some of the listener feedback from last week's show.
Bringing the world of Doctor Who to you - the DWO WhoCast is just what The Doctor ordered!
If you are an iTunes user, make sure you rate and discuss the podcast; the more people that vote and leave their comments the higher up the rankings we go and the more successful we are.
Also if you have any feedback let us know, and of course suggestions are always welcome. Why not email us an mp3 comment and we can play it on the show?
MTC #1 Anywhere
Mostly Harmless CutawayMostly Testicle Cutaway #1: Anywhere
Once in a while something most improbable can happen. This happens to be 1 of those whiles. This unholy creation is a collaborative production between John (@cybertesticle) & Eric (@Bullitt33). It is a satirical Doctor Who parody based on a scene in The Eleventh Hour. John is responsible for writing & performing the script, while Eric pretty much laid out all the rest. Can you believe they make these things for fun? Warning: This skit contains EXPLICIT language. This type of humor is not recommended for the very young or uptight WHO fan!
John is the creator of The Cyber Testicle Podcast and long time friend of the show. We aren't exaggerating when we say his is the most unique Doctor Who podcast around. Give it a sample and you'll understand. This sketch is an example of some of the kinds of things you will find on his feed.
Disclaimer: Whether you like it or not, you may never see one of these things ever again. Not unless you convince us otherwise. The idea to do it was literally born on a camping trip we went on last summer. We trekked to a nearby pond to try and catch some supper. We brought fishing wire & hooks, but had to fashion our own rods. While John was trimming & whittling his branch his hand suddenly slipped, knife in palm, and suddenly slashed the crotch of his trousers. We said, 'John, are you alright mate?' Grimace on face he spoke: 'It's mostly testicle cutaway.' To which we exclaimed...
Creator/Producer: Eric Escamilla
Email: bullitt33 ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Skype username: bullitt33
Twitter: @Bullitt33
Facebook: Bullitt33Co-host: Megan Hibner
Email: meganhibner ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @meganhibner
Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @HHG2W
Tumblr: guidetothewhoverse.tumblr.comSFPL:
Voicemail: 773-336-2686
Twitter: @SciFiPartyLine
Facebook: Sci-Fi Party LineThe MHC theme was created by Eric Escamilla.
The MHC coverart was created by Cat (@fancyfembot).