Overall Statistics

Who's He?

Who's He?
Who's He? the Doctor Who podcast from a triumvirate of unlikely fellows who give you news, reviews, discussion and audio commentaries of old and new Who. Sometimes they get it right but mostly they take the word ramshackle to new heights!

Homepage: http://www.whos-he-podcast.co.uk/

RSS Feed: http://whos-he-podcast.co.uk/rss

Who's He? Statistics
Average Episode Duration:
Longest Episode Duration:
Total Duration of all Episodes:
50 days, 18 hours, 46 minutes and 31 seconds
Earliest Episode:
18 March 2011 (12:00pm GMT)
Latest Episode:
21 July 2024 (5:37pm GMT)
Average Time Between Episodes:
3 days, 9 hours, 0 minutes and 43 seconds

Who's He? Episodes

  • Who's He? Podcast #195 But the clock, tick-tock on the mantlepiece

    20 February 2015 (1:31pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 46 minutes and 48 seconds

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    Fresh from the Gallifrey One convention, the Who's He? Podcast come back down to earth with a bump as they continue their series 2 retrospective with The Girl In The Fireplace. What can they say about this rightly regarded modern classic of Doctor Who that hasn't already been said? Not much really but it does lead Phil and Paul onto a discussion about whether Steven Moffat being the head writer, Executive Producer and Script Editor of Doctor Who is a good thing and can lessons be learnt from the past?

    And in a slow news week, the return of Missy in series 9, Kate Lethbridge-Steward debuts on Big Finish and in Omega's Tat Corner it's tat for your fridges, laptops and bedroom walls.

  • Who's He? Podcast #194 Gally Diary - Day 3

    16 February 2015 (3:54am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 13 minutes and 34 seconds

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    It's the final day of the Gallifrey One convention in Los Angeles and Phil files his final report on events.

    In an episode that features tears and Phil's terrible hearing, he leaves you all with gushing but hopefully rousing reasons why you should attend this most fantastic of conventions.

  • Gally Diary - Day 3

    16 February 2015 (3:54am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 13 minutes and 34 seconds

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    It's the final day of the Gallifrey One convention in Los Angeles and Phil files his final report on events.

    In an episode that features tears and Phil's terrible hearing, he leaves you all with gushing but hopefully rousing reasons why you should attend this most fantastic of conventions.

  • Gally Diary - Day 3

    16 February 2015 (3:54am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 13 minutes and 34 seconds

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    It's the final day of the Gallifrey One convention in Los Angeles and Phil files his final report on events.

    In an episode that features tears and Phil's terrible hearing, he leaves you all with gushing but hopefully rousing reasons why you should attend this most fantastic of conventions.

  • Who's He? Podcast #193 Gally Diary - Day 2

    15 February 2015 (2:39am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 16 minutes and 34 seconds

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    Yes, follow Phil on his latest adventures at the Gallifrey One convention in Los Angeles as he takes in a full day of panels!

    However, do you remember yesterday when he said he would try to interview some cosplayers? Well, prepare to be disappointed as he sat on his backside all day listening to people talk, the lazy bast......

  • Gally Diary - Day 2

    15 February 2015 (2:39am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 16 minutes and 34 seconds

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    Yes, follow Phil on his latest adventures at the Gallifrey One convention in Los Angeles as he takes in a full day of panels!

    However, do you remember yesterday when he said he would try to interview some cosplayers? Well, prepare to be disappointed as he sat on his backside all day listening to people talk, the lazy bast......

  • Gally Diary - Day 2

    15 February 2015 (2:39am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 16 minutes and 34 seconds

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    Yes, follow Phil on his latest adventures at the Gallifrey One convention in Los Angeles as he takes in a full day of panels!

    However, do you remember yesterday when he said he would try to interview some cosplayers? Well, prepare to be disappointed as he sat on his backside all day listening to people talk, the lazy bast......

  • Who's He? Podcast #192 Gally Diary - Day 1

    14 February 2015 (5:10am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 16 minutes and 18 seconds

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    In this edition of the Who's He? Podcast, Phil quickly charts his first day of the Gallifrey One convention in Los Angeles (ooh, get him!), where he blathers on about the panels he attended and the cosplaying situation.

    Mind you, please be aware that this is just Phil talking on his own with no backup from anyone. It's like the podcast has done an unplugged session and by the end of this, you'll wish he had been.

  • Gally Diary - Day 1

    14 February 2015 (5:10am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 16 minutes and 18 seconds

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    In this edition of the Who's He? Podcast, Phil quickly charts his first day of the Gallifrey One convention in Los Angeles (ooh, get him!), where he blathers on about the panels he attended and the cosplaying situation.

    Mind you, please be aware that this is just Phil talking on his own with no backup from anyone. It's like the podcast has done an unplugged session and by the end of this, you'll wish he had been.

  • Gally Diary - Day 1

    14 February 2015 (5:10am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 16 minutes and 18 seconds

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    In this edition of the Who's He? Podcast, Phil quickly charts his first day of the Gallifrey One convention in Los Angeles (ooh, get him!), where he blathers on about the panels he attended and the cosplaying situation.

    Mind you, please be aware that this is just Phil talking on his own with no backup from anyone. It's like the podcast has done an unplugged session and by the end of this, you'll wish he had been.

  • Who's He? Podcast #191 I seem to be what I'm not, you see

    4 February 2015 (9:05pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 12 minutes and 31 seconds

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    In a special edition of the Who's He? Podcast, Phil chats to comedian, artist and cartoonist Robbie Bonham about the Peter Cushing Dalek movies, Doctor Who And The Daleks and Dalek Invasion Earth 2150AD. But along the way, Robbie tells Phil how he first got into Doctor Who, the wonders of VHS tapes, Amicus films and how dresssing up as the Doctor in public is a difficult look to pull off.

    If you want to see any of Robbie Bonham's artwork, please take a look at his website:



  • I seem to be what I'm not, you see

    4 February 2015 (9:05pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 12 minutes and 31 seconds

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    In a special edition of the Who's He? Podcast, Phil chats to comedian, artist and cartoonist Robbie Bonham about the Peter Cushing Dalek movies, Doctor Who And The Daleks and Dalek Invasion Earth 2150AD. But along the way, Robbie tells Phil how he first got into Doctor Who, the wonders of VHS tapes, Amicus films and how dresssing up as the Doctor in public is a difficult look to pull off.

    If you want to see any of Robbie Bonham's artwork, please take a look at his website:



  • I seem to be what I'm not, you see

    4 February 2015 (9:05pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 12 minutes and 31 seconds

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    In a special edition of the Who's He? Podcast, Phil chats to comedian, artist and cartoonist Robbie Bonham about the Peter Cushing Dalek movies, Doctor Who And The Daleks and Dalek Invasion Earth 2150AD. But along the way, Robbie tells Phil how he first got into Doctor Who, the wonders of VHS tapes, Amicus films and how dresssing up as the Doctor in public is a difficult look to pull off.

    If you want to see any of Robbie Bonham's artwork, please take a look at his website:



  • Who's He? Podcast #190 Gee it's good to be back home

    23 January 2015 (8:47pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 42 minutes and 23 seconds

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    It's time for another Target book review and this time Phil and Paul have chosen Destiny Of The Daleks written by Terrance Dicks. Phil is not such a fan of this story, so his judgement is already quite clouded, while Paul tries to find the good story lurking beneath. While this book is the fastest release Target made after a story's transmission (and it shows!), the shabby nature of the TV serial shines through which only leads Phil to conclude that the one thing that could have saved the book and the TV serial is extra boobs.

    And in the news this week, how Doctor Who fared at the National Television awards, some more series 9 updates, Russell T. Davies on writing a Doctor Who movie script and in Omega's Tat Corner it's kitchen tat and some new figures that evoke memories of a BBC newsreader from days gone by.

  • Gee it's good to be back home

    23 January 2015 (8:47pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 42 minutes and 23 seconds

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    It's time for another Target book review and this time Phil and Paul have chosen Destiny Of The Daleks written by Terrance Dicks. Phil is not such a fan of this story, so his judgement is already quite clouded, while Paul tries to find the good story lurking beneath. While this book is the fastest release Target made after a story's transmission (and it shows!), the shabby nature of the TV serial shines through which only leads Phil to conclude that the one thing that could have saved the book and the TV serial is extra boobs.

    And in the news this week, how Doctor Who fared at the National Television awards, some more series 9 updates, Russell T. Davies on writing a Doctor Who movie script and in Omega's Tat Corner it's kitchen tat and some new figures that evoke memories of a BBC newsreader from days gone by.

  • Gee it's good to be back home

    23 January 2015 (8:47pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 42 minutes and 23 seconds

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    It's time for another Target book review and this time Phil and Paul have chosen Destiny Of The Daleks written by Terrance Dicks. Phil is not such a fan of this story, so his judgement is already quite clouded, while Paul tries to find the good story lurking beneath. While this book is the fastest release Target made after a story's transmission (and it shows!), the shabby nature of the TV serial shines through which only leads Phil to conclude that the one thing that could have saved the book and the TV serial is extra boobs.

    And in the news this week, how Doctor Who fared at the National Television awards, some more series 9 updates, Russell T. Davies on writing a Doctor Who movie script and in Omega's Tat Corner it's kitchen tat and some new figures that evoke memories of a BBC newsreader from days gone by.

  • Who's He? Podcast #189 Some sporting prince of Aunt Florence's

    18 January 2015 (7:49pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 37 minutes and 25 seconds

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    In this week episode, the Who's He? Podcast look at another Big Finish title The Auntie Matter starring Tom Baker and Mary Tamm. In this tale of chinless wonders, maiden Aunts and apologetic murderous robot butlers, Phil and Paul lament the fact this is the first ever story that they have reviewed that features Mary Tamm and can't believe why they haven't featured her so far and they discuss whether this story really fits in with season 16.

    And in the news, there are no stats!! But there is news of Russell T. Davies of never wanting to write for Doctor Who again, some more series 9 filming news and John Barrowman announces the return of further Torchwood audio stories that gives Phil unwanted flashbacks to Miracle Day.

  • Some sporting prince of Aunt Florence's

    18 January 2015 (7:49pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 37 minutes and 25 seconds

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    In this week episode, the Who's He? Podcast look at another Big Finish title The Auntie Matter starring Tom Baker and Mary Tamm. In this tale of chinless wonders, maiden Aunts and apologetic murderous robot butlers, Phil and Paul lament the fact this is the first ever story that they have reviewed that features Mary Tamm and can't believe why they haven't featured her so far and they discuss whether this story really fits in with season 16.

    And in the news, there are no stats!! But there is news of Russell T. Davies of never wanting to write for Doctor Who again, some more series 9 filming news and John Barrowman announces the return of further Torchwood audio stories that gives Phil unwanted flashbacks to Miracle Day.

  • Some sporting prince of Aunt Florence's

    18 January 2015 (7:49pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 37 minutes and 25 seconds

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    In this week episode, the Who's He? Podcast look at another Big Finish title The Auntie Matter starring Tom Baker and Mary Tamm. In this tale of chinless wonders, maiden Aunts and apologetic murderous robot butlers, Phil and Paul lament the fact this is the first ever story that they have reviewed that features Mary Tamm and can't believe why they haven't featured her so far and they discuss whether this story really fits in with season 16.

    And in the news, there are no stats!! But there is news of Russell T. Davies of never wanting to write for Doctor Who again, some more series 9 filming news and John Barrowman announces the return of further Torchwood audio stories that gives Phil unwanted flashbacks to Miracle Day.

  • Who's He? Podcast #188 Oh, I remember you

    10 January 2015 (8:17pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 50 minutes and 1 second

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    This week Phil and Paul finally return to their series 2 retrospective with the beloved School Reunion written by Toby Whithouse.  And what a story to return to! Sarah Jane Smith and K9 make their return to the Whoniverse in a tale of old friends and tasty chips. Other topics crop up along the way with reasons why Anthony Head should have been made the Master, Rose at her most possessive and sparkling dialogue!

    And in the news, the sad passing of Bernard Kay and Fiona Cummings, yet more stats for Last Christmas and in Omega's Tat Corner some beverage tat news that descends into filth.

  • Oh, I remember you

    10 January 2015 (8:17pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 50 minutes and 1 second

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    This week Phil and Paul finally return to their series 2 retrospective with the beloved School Reunion written by Toby Whithouse.  And what a story to return to! Sarah Jane Smith and K9 make their return to the Whoniverse in a tale of old friends and tasty chips. Other topics crop up along the way with reasons why Anthony Head should have been made the Master, Rose at her most possessive and sparkling dialogue!

    And in the news, the sad passing of Bernard Kay and Fiona Cummings, yet more stats for Last Christmas and in Omega's Tat Corner some beverage tat news that descends into filth.

  • Oh, I remember you

    10 January 2015 (8:17pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 50 minutes and 1 second

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    This week Phil and Paul finally return to their series 2 retrospective with the beloved School Reunion written by Toby Whithouse.  And what a story to return to! Sarah Jane Smith and K9 make their return to the Whoniverse in a tale of old friends and tasty chips. Other topics crop up along the way with reasons why Anthony Head should have been made the Master, Rose at her most possessive and sparkling dialogue!

    And in the news, the sad passing of Bernard Kay and Fiona Cummings, yet more stats for Last Christmas and in Omega's Tat Corner some beverage tat news that descends into filth.

  • Who's He? Podcast #187 They sold me a dream of Christmas

    28 December 2014 (8:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 50 minutes and 6 seconds

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    It's the last podcast of 2014 and what else what Phil and Paul review but Last Christmas, this years Doctor Who Christmas special!! So do they make of this years festive offering? Well, they make the case for Shona McCullough to not be the next companion in the Tardis and Phil is not too sure whether the subect matter is suitable for a Christmas special and Paul, still recovering in his sick bed, wonders whether this story actually needed Santa Claus at all.

    And in the news, the overnight viewing figure for Last Christmas, the future of Jenna Coleman seems to be set and the Doctor tops a BFI poll of the best sci-fi characters.

  • They sold me a dream of Christmas

    28 December 2014 (8:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 50 minutes and 6 seconds

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    It's the last podcast of 2014 and what else what Phil and Paul review but Last Christmas, this years Doctor Who Christmas special!! So do they make of this years festive offering? Well, they make the case for Shona McCullough to not be the next companion in the Tardis and Phil is not too sure whether the subect matter is suitable for a Christmas special and Paul, still recovering in his sick bed, wonders whether this story actually needed Santa Claus at all.

    And in the news, the overnight viewing figure for Last Christmas, the future of Jenna Coleman seems to be set and the Doctor tops a BFI poll of the best sci-fi characters.

  • They sold me a dream of Christmas

    28 December 2014 (8:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 50 minutes and 6 seconds

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    It's the last podcast of 2014 and what else what Phil and Paul review but Last Christmas, this years Doctor Who Christmas special!! So do they make of this years festive offering? Well, they make the case for Shona McCullough to not be the next companion in the Tardis and Phil is not too sure whether the subect matter is suitable for a Christmas special and Paul, still recovering in his sick bed, wonders whether this story actually needed Santa Claus at all.

    And in the news, the overnight viewing figure for Last Christmas, the future of Jenna Coleman seems to be set and the Doctor tops a BFI poll of the best sci-fi characters.

  • Who's He? Podcast #186 Just a beer light to guide us

    21 December 2014 (8:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 42 minutes and 19 seconds

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    Yes, it's the Who's He? Podcast Christmas Special and once again they look back at a Doctor Who Christmas Special of the past and this year it's the turn of The Runaway Bride.  And joining Phil this time is Martyn Havell from the Bad Wilf Podcast who fills in for an absent Paul.  So how kindly has time treated this story of giant spiders, jilted brides, robot Santa's and Tardis car chases?  Is it a case of Christmas cheer or a case of bah humbug?

    And in the news, the passing of Tom Adams, a series of Colonel Lethbridge Stewart novels are announced, news of a BBC theme park and in Omega's Tat corner it's metal tat!

  • Just a beer light to guide us

    21 December 2014 (8:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 42 minutes and 19 seconds

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    Yes, it's the Who's He? Podcast Christmas Special and once again they look back at a Doctor Who Christmas Special of the past and this year it's the turn of The Runaway Bride.  And joining Phil this time is Martyn Havell from the Bad Wilf Podcast who fills in for an absent Paul.  So how kindly has time treated this story of giant spiders, jilted brides, robot Santa's and Tardis car chases?  Is it a case of Christmas cheer or a case of bah humbug?

    And in the news, the passing of Tom Adams, a series of Colonel Lethbridge Stewart novels are announced, news of a BBC theme park and in Omega's Tat corner it's metal tat!

  • Just a beer light to guide us

    21 December 2014 (8:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 42 minutes and 19 seconds

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    Yes, it's the Who's He? Podcast Christmas Special and once again they look back at a Doctor Who Christmas Special of the past and this year it's the turn of The Runaway Bride.  And joining Phil this time is Martyn Havell from the Bad Wilf Podcast who fills in for an absent Paul.  So how kindly has time treated this story of giant spiders, jilted brides, robot Santa's and Tardis car chases?  Is it a case of Christmas cheer or a case of bah humbug?

    And in the news, the passing of Tom Adams, a series of Colonel Lethbridge Stewart novels are announced, news of a BBC theme park and in Omega's Tat corner it's metal tat!

  • Who's He? Podcast #185 Come and keep your comrade warm

    7 December 2014 (8:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 43 minutes and 58 seconds

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    In this weeks episode of the Who's He? Podcast, Phil and Paul return to the audio stories of Big Finish with a look at the 7th Doctor story Thin Ice, the first in the Lost Stories series. What will Phil and Paul make of this cold war era story featuring Ice Warriors, East End spivs, phony Russian accents and fish fingers? Tune in to find out!

    And in the news this week, this years Christmas special has a name and air time and it's the return of the dreaded stats!! Plus in Omega's Tat corner, some very expensive and cheap tat!

  • Come and keep your comrade warm

    7 December 2014 (8:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 43 minutes and 58 seconds

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    In this weeks episode of the Who's He? Podcast, Phil and Paul return to the audio stories of Big Finish with a look at the 7th Doctor story Thin Ice, the first in the Lost Stories series. What will Phil and Paul make of this cold war era story featuring Ice Warriors, East End spivs, phony Russian accents and fish fingers? Tune in to find out!

    And in the news this week, this years Christmas special has a name and air time and it's the return of the dreaded stats!! Plus in Omega's Tat corner, some very expensive and cheap tat!

  • Come and keep your comrade warm

    7 December 2014 (8:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 43 minutes and 58 seconds

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    In this weeks episode of the Who's He? Podcast, Phil and Paul return to the audio stories of Big Finish with a look at the 7th Doctor story Thin Ice, the first in the Lost Stories series. What will Phil and Paul make of this cold war era story featuring Ice Warriors, East End spivs, phony Russian accents and fish fingers? Tune in to find out!

    And in the news this week, this years Christmas special has a name and air time and it's the return of the dreaded stats!! Plus in Omega's Tat corner, some very expensive and cheap tat!

  • Who's He? Podcast #184 What I do ain't make believe

    23 November 2014 (8:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 9 minutes and 22 seconds

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    In this episode of the Who's He? Podcast we celebrate the 51st anniversary of Doctor Who as the BBC couldn't be bothered. And to celebrate, Phil and Paul go back to their Target novelisation reviews with a look at the 1st anniversary special The Three Doctors. As they look over this classic story, they ponder over certain famous quotes missing from the book version and Phil delves back into his past and gives an insight to his more violent side.

    And in the news, Peter Capaldi reveals he once turned down the role of a lifetime and what he would like for the TARDIS, Bernard Cribbins receives a J.M. Barrie award and in Omega's Tat Corner, some festive tat and some rip off tat that you would need to take a payday loan out for.

  • What I do ain't make believe

    23 November 2014 (8:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 9 minutes and 22 seconds

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    In this episode of the Who's He? Podcast we celebrate the 51st anniversary of Doctor Who as the BBC couldn't be bothered. And to celebrate, Phil and Paul go back to their Target novelisation reviews with a look at the 1st anniversary special The Three Doctors. As they look over this classic story, they ponder over certain famous quotes missing from the book version and Phil delves back into his past and gives an insight to his more violent side.

    And in the news, Peter Capaldi reveals he once turned down the role of a lifetime and what he would like for the TARDIS, Bernard Cribbins receives a J.M. Barrie award and in Omega's Tat Corner, some festive tat and some rip off tat that you would need to take a payday loan out for.

  • What I do ain't make believe

    23 November 2014 (8:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 9 minutes and 22 seconds

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    In this episode of the Who's He? Podcast we celebrate the 51st anniversary of Doctor Who as the BBC couldn't be bothered. And to celebrate, Phil and Paul go back to their Target novelisation reviews with a look at the 1st anniversary special The Three Doctors. As they look over this classic story, they ponder over certain famous quotes missing from the book version and Phil delves back into his past and gives an insight to his more violent side.

    And in the news, Peter Capaldi reveals he once turned down the role of a lifetime and what he would like for the TARDIS, Bernard Cribbins receives a J.M. Barrie award and in Omega's Tat Corner, some festive tat and some rip off tat that you would need to take a payday loan out for.

  • Who's He? Podcast #183 You don't know what you're missing now

    19 November 2014 (8:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 9 minutes and 6 seconds

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    In this weeks episode of the Who's He? Podcast, Phil and Paul take a look back over series 8 of Doctor Who (not series 7 as Phil stated last week!) and deliver their opinion of the series as a whole. And for once they try and have some semblance of structure to the critique but this soon goes out of the window while talking about hot topics such as plot threads that went nowhere, the real plot arc of this series and the effect Peter Capaldi has had on the show. But more importantly they vote for their favourite and least favourite episodes, plus which directors and writers they would like to see return for series 9!

    And in the news this week, the final round of the dreaded stats, the extension of the TARDIS set tours into December and a little report on their visit to Doctor Who: Anatomy of a Hit hosted by the Royal Television Society.

  • You don't know what you're missing now

    19 November 2014 (8:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 9 minutes and 6 seconds

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    In this weeks episode of the Who's He? Podcast, Phil and Paul take a look back over series 8 of Doctor Who (not series 7 as Phil stated last week!) and deliver their opinion of the series as a whole. And for once they try and have some semblance of structure to the critique but this soon goes out of the window while talking about hot topics such as plot threads that went nowhere, the real plot arc of this series and the effect Peter Capaldi has had on the show. But more importantly they vote for their favourite and least favourite episodes, plus which directors and writers they would like to see return for series 9!

    And in the news this week, the final round of the dreaded stats, the extension of the TARDIS set tours into December and a little report on their visit to Doctor Who: Anatomy of a Hit hosted by the Royal Television Society.

  • You don't know what you're missing now

    19 November 2014 (8:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 9 minutes and 6 seconds

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    In this weeks episode of the Who's He? Podcast, Phil and Paul take a look back over series 8 of Doctor Who (not series 7 as Phil stated last week!) and deliver their opinion of the series as a whole. And for once they try and have some semblance of structure to the critique but this soon goes out of the window while talking about hot topics such as plot threads that went nowhere, the real plot arc of this series and the effect Peter Capaldi has had on the show. But more importantly they vote for their favourite and least favourite episodes, plus which directors and writers they would like to see return for series 9!

    And in the news this week, the final round of the dreaded stats, the extension of the TARDIS set tours into December and a little report on their visit to Doctor Who: Anatomy of a Hit hosted by the Royal Television Society.

  • Who's He? Podcast #182 He opened the lid and shook his fist

    12 November 2014 (8:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 14 minutes and 6 seconds

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    It's the finale of series 8 with Death In Heaven by Steven Moffat. And did this finale deliver the goods and did Moffat keep his fairly good track record and deliver another quality series finish? Well, Phil and Paul really can't make their minds up in what proves to be a very argumentative episode. Yes, Phil and Paul seem quite content to contradict one another all through this and as usual Phil is angrier than most. In fact he gets so wound up, he misses plot points that Paul has to remind him of and he even stops remembering what series he has been watching!

    And in the news, more stats to bore you with, award news, the BBC responds to complaints over Dark Water which naturally gets Phil riled up and in Omega's Tat Corner, more tat from Titan and the New Zealand Mint.

  • He opened the lid and shook his fist

    12 November 2014 (8:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 14 minutes and 6 seconds

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    It's the finale of series 8 with Death In Heaven by Steven Moffat. And did this finale deliver the goods and did Moffat keep his fairly good track record and deliver another quality series finish? Well, Phil and Paul really can't make their minds up in what proves to be a very argumentative episode. Yes, Phil and Paul seem quite content to contradict one another all through this and as usual Phil is angrier than most. In fact he gets so wound up, he misses plot points that Paul has to remind him of and he even stops remembering what series he has been watching!

    And in the news, more stats to bore you with, award news, the BBC responds to complaints over Dark Water which naturally gets Phil riled up and in Omega's Tat Corner, more tat from Titan and the New Zealand Mint.

  • He opened the lid and shook his fist

    12 November 2014 (8:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 14 minutes and 6 seconds

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    It's the finale of series 8 with Death In Heaven by Steven Moffat. And did this finale deliver the goods and did Moffat keep his fairly good track record and deliver another quality series finish? Well, Phil and Paul really can't make their minds up in what proves to be a very argumentative episode. Yes, Phil and Paul seem quite content to contradict one another all through this and as usual Phil is angrier than most. In fact he gets so wound up, he misses plot points that Paul has to remind him of and he even stops remembering what series he has been watching!

    And in the news, more stats to bore you with, award news, the BBC responds to complaints over Dark Water which naturally gets Phil riled up and in Omega's Tat Corner, more tat from Titan and the New Zealand Mint.

  • Who's He? Podcast #181 The coal black sea waits forever

    5 November 2014 (8:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 54 minutes and 51 seconds

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    Dark Water, the penultimate episode of this series of Doctor Who. And this story has yet again caused fandom to to start infighting with perceived obvious plot developments and gender swapping being at the heart of all the complaints. But what of Phil and Paul? Are they also divided on their opinion? Do they agree with the complaints being levelled at this story? Listen to find out!

    And in the news, the weekly drudgery of stats, the Doctor Who Experience has a problem which leads to Phil and Paul starting rumours, Welsh BAFTA's and in Omega's Tat Corner, a 5th Doctor jumper to keep you warm on those cold winter nights! Or you could just put the heating on.

  • The coal black sea waits forever

    5 November 2014 (8:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 54 minutes and 51 seconds

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    Dark Water, the penultimate episode of this series of Doctor Who. And this story has yet again caused fandom to to start infighting with perceived obvious plot developments and gender swapping being at the heart of all the complaints. But what of Phil and Paul? Are they also divided on their opinion? Do they agree with the complaints being levelled at this story? Listen to find out!

    And in the news, the weekly drudgery of stats, the Doctor Who Experience has a problem which leads to Phil and Paul starting rumours, Welsh BAFTA's and in Omega's Tat Corner, a 5th Doctor jumper to keep you warm on those cold winter nights! Or you could just put the heating on.

  • The coal black sea waits forever

    5 November 2014 (8:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 54 minutes and 51 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Dark Water, the penultimate episode of this series of Doctor Who. And this story has yet again caused fandom to to start infighting with perceived obvious plot developments and gender swapping being at the heart of all the complaints. But what of Phil and Paul? Are they also divided on their opinion? Do they agree with the complaints being levelled at this story? Listen to find out!

    And in the news, the weekly drudgery of stats, the Doctor Who Experience has a problem which leads to Phil and Paul starting rumours, Welsh BAFTA's and in Omega's Tat Corner, a 5th Doctor jumper to keep you warm on those cold winter nights! Or you could just put the heating on.

  • Who's He? Podcast #180 Because you told the blabbering trees

    29 October 2014 (8:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 55 minutes and 49 seconds

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    In this weeks episode of the Who's He? Podcast, Phil and Paul take a look at In The Forest Of The Night, the latest and what seems to be the most poorly recieved episode in this series of Doctor Who. But what do the lads think of this one? Well to give you an idea, Phil comes up with a zombie attack ending, Paul casts a critical eye over the late night scheduling of Doctor Who - Extra and they both plan their seperate futures with Danny Pink.

    And in the news this week, the sad passing of Lynda Bellingham, news of a special event for the release of the series 8 DVD/Blu-Ray boxset, the mind numbing tedium that is stats and in Omega's Tat Corner Phil encourages the audience to become criminals.

  • Because you told the blabbering trees

    29 October 2014 (8:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 55 minutes and 49 seconds

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    In this weeks episode of the Who's He? Podcast, Phil and Paul take a look at In The Forest Of The Night, the latest and what seems to be the most poorly recieved episode in this series of Doctor Who. But what do the lads think of this one? Well to give you an idea, Phil comes up with a zombie attack ending, Paul casts a critical eye over the late night scheduling of Doctor Who - Extra and they both plan their seperate futures with Danny Pink.

    And in the news this week, the sad passing of Lynda Bellingham, news of a special event for the release of the series 8 DVD/Blu-Ray boxset, the mind numbing tedium that is stats and in Omega's Tat Corner Phil encourages the audience to become criminals.

  • Because you told the blabbering trees

    29 October 2014 (8:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 55 minutes and 49 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    In this weeks episode of the Who's He? Podcast, Phil and Paul take a look at In The Forest Of The Night, the latest and what seems to be the most poorly recieved episode in this series of Doctor Who. But what do the lads think of this one? Well to give you an idea, Phil comes up with a zombie attack ending, Paul casts a critical eye over the late night scheduling of Doctor Who - Extra and they both plan their seperate futures with Danny Pink.

    And in the news this week, the sad passing of Lynda Bellingham, news of a special event for the release of the series 8 DVD/Blu-Ray boxset, the mind numbing tedium that is stats and in Omega's Tat Corner Phil encourages the audience to become criminals.

  • Who's He? Podcast #179 No room all round the walls are full

    22 October 2014 (7:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes and 23 seconds

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    On this weeks editiion of the Who's He? Podcast, Phil and Paul take a look at Flatline, episode 9 of this series of Doctor Who. Does this second story penned by Jamie Mathieson live up to the majesty of his first story Mummy On The Orient Express or does this episode live up to its title and flatline? During the discussion, Phil references a film that Paul hasn't seen and also a Playstation game that Paul hasn't played. Yep, the conversation is dynamite in this one!

    And in the news, the passing of two more people involved in Doctor Who, Omega's Tat Corner makes a brief return and in stat news, Phil gets flashbacks to The Love Boat again.

  • No room all round the walls are full

    22 October 2014 (7:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes and 23 seconds

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    On this weeks editiion of the Who's He? Podcast, Phil and Paul take a look at Flatline, episode 9 of this series of Doctor Who. Does this second story penned by Jamie Mathieson live up to the majesty of his first story Mummy On The Orient Express or does this episode live up to its title and flatline? During the discussion, Phil references a film that Paul hasn't seen and also a Playstation game that Paul hasn't played. Yep, the conversation is dynamite in this one!

    And in the news, the passing of two more people involved in Doctor Who, Omega's Tat Corner makes a brief return and in stat news, Phil gets flashbacks to The Love Boat again.

  • No room all round the walls are full

    22 October 2014 (7:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes and 23 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    On this weeks editiion of the Who's He? Podcast, Phil and Paul take a look at Flatline, episode 9 of this series of Doctor Who. Does this second story penned by Jamie Mathieson live up to the majesty of his first story Mummy On The Orient Express or does this episode live up to its title and flatline? During the discussion, Phil references a film that Paul hasn't seen and also a Playstation game that Paul hasn't played. Yep, the conversation is dynamite in this one!

    And in the news, the passing of two more people involved in Doctor Who, Omega's Tat Corner makes a brief return and in stat news, Phil gets flashbacks to The Love Boat again.

  • Who's He? Podcast #178 Feel your heart may stop

    15 October 2014 (7:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 51 minutes and 38 seconds

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    The Who's He? Podcast plough on with their review of series 8 of Doctor Who and this week it's the turn of Mummy On The Orient Express. After last weeks episode that divided fandom, is this a story that finds fandom reunited and more importantly do Phil and Paul show a united front also? Will Phil rant like he did last week or is it Paul's turn? One thing is for sure, they have longer than 66 seconds to decide! But the prog rock dinosaurs that they are, they still can't figure out just who Foxes is.

    And in an incredibly quiet news week, they can only bring you stats!!

Dormant Podcasts