Latest Podcast Episodes
#101 Memories of my younger days, clearly
Who's He?After last weeks disappointing outing for the Doctor, Phil and a returning Paul turn their attentions to the latest episode The Rings of Akhaten. Is this episode an improvement on last weeks or is it just another crushing disappointment? Listen to find out if this podcast is just another hatred and bile filled episode or full of wonder and delight. But during the course of this episode Phil makes up a new word and offers up his pen to Grandfather. Paul looks on and shakes his head in bemusement.
And in the news this week, Christopher Eccleston on joining the 50th Anniversary special, Christopher Eccleston not joing the 50th Anniversary special, the return of the Zygons and the BFI's attempts at a more fair approach to allocating tickets to their 50th Anniversary events.
Episode 78: Garcia, We Need Your Help
The Sonic Toolbox
Baby girl, this is one wild story. If you've braved logging into your WiFi to get access to the internet in order to listen to this podcast...congratulations! You haven't been uploaded to the Cloud yet. Thank you, Mr. Moffat. Now we're all afraid of our souls being digitized and stored in someone's server. This week we review the return of Series 7 with "The Bells of St. John".
Episode 78: Garcia, We Need Your Help
2MTL 301: "The Rings of Akhaten" Reviewed
Two-minute Time LordDoctor Who as written and directed by Jack Kirby? To this comics reader this certainly LOOKED like an episode that belonged in DC Comics's world of mad gods and flying supercycles. But did "The Rings of Akhaten" belong in Doctor Who's world?
RRR 12, Inc. Defiance, SciFi/Fantasy/Horror/Tech UK
Roy's Rocket RadioBack again, NOT a millionaire, The Wolverine, Defiance, Doctor Who Series 7 Part 2, Horizon: Big Data, The Walking Dead Season 3, SyFys Blakes Seven Reboot, Iain Banks, Beano and Commando, Dan Dare, Amazon Lockers, No High Street Shops, PCWorld, Fighting Fantasy
RRR12 Defiance
Roy's Rocket RadioBack again, NOT a millionaire, The Wolverine, Defiance, Doctor Who Series 7 Part 2, Horizon: Big Data, The Walking Dead Season 3, SyFys Blakes Seven Reboot, Iain Banks, Beano and Commando, Dan Dare, Amazon Lockers, No High Street Shops, PCWorld, Fighting Fantasy
RRR12 Defiance
Roy's Rocket RadioBack again, NOT a millionaire, The Wolverine, Defiance, Doctor Who Series 7 Part 2, Horizon: Big Data, The Walking Dead Season 3, SyFys Blakes Seven Reboot, Iain Banks, Beano and Commando, Dan Dare, Amazon Lockers, No High Street Shops, PCWorld, Fighting Fantasy
076 - Back to Babylon
The Minute Doctor Who PodcastWhat did I make of The Rings of Akhaten? Watch on to find out.
Available in YouTubeHD -
Episode 7- The Liberating Claws of Podcasting
The Infinity Archives
Join Will and Gareth for a Discussion on the new Series of Doctor who, Dvd's, anniversary News, Audios and lots more Contact- Email- Facebook- search or The Liberating podcast (Group) The Liberating podcast(Page), Gareth Lloyd and Will Lloyd Twitter- @GarethLloyd5 @WillLloyd5
The Whostorian: Episode 57 - Anti-Gravity Triumphs
The WhostorianThe Whostorian: Episode 57 - Anti-Gravity Triumphs Season 3 Episode 7. Stylin' Steve is joined once again by his favourite cohost Shannon and they sit down to talk about the start of Series 7b, The Bells of St. John I can be found at by searching The Whostorian in iTunes On Facebook: On Twitter: @TheWhostorian Email:
Doctor Who Commentary - 7.07 'The Bells of Saint John'
Impossible PodcastsHappy birthday to us!!! It’s been five long years since our very first Doctor Who commentary and, to mark the occasion, here’s our latest – ‘The Bells of Saint John’.
Caleb and P.G. find plenty to talk about as Clara finally joins the Doctor full-time. Has her (re-)introduction been too long coming? How does she compare to her previous incarnations? And what clues to her identity have we found so far? All this, plus the question of souls; the spectre of Russell T Davies; the brilliant Celia Imrie and Jumping the Shard. (Geddit?)
We also open with a very important announcement about the future of the podcast that you really don’t want to miss, and finish with a look ahead to the 50th Anniversary. So let’s get cracking!
Episode #50-5: "With 50, You Get Unicorn"
Under The MiniscopeIt's our 50th in the 50th! Yes, appropriate to the celebratory year and season we're entering, Under the Miniscope celebrates its 50th show! Join the party as Sarah and Andrew record a jam-packed commentary on one of our favorite classic Who stories of all time, The Mind Robber! And please, heed the warning at the start...? Thrills, chills, a catfight over a catsuit, mysogyny and chivalry, intelligence vs. knowledge, the weeping angel conceptual trio, beating the concept of brook-pressing over the head, and much, much more... come on in and join the celebration!
Episode #50-4: "With 50, You Get Unicorn"
Under The MiniscopeIt's our 50th in the 50th! Yes, appropriate to the celebratory year and season we're entering, Under the Miniscope celebrates its 50th show! Join the party as Sarah and Andrew record a jam-packed commentary on one of our favorite classic Who stories of all time, The Mind Robber! And please, heed the warning at the start...? Thrills, chills, a catfight over a catsuit, mysogyny and chivalry, intelligence vs. knowledge, the weeping angel conceptual trio, beating the concept of brook-pressing over the head, and much, much more... come on in and join the celebration!
Episode #50-3: "With 50, You Get Unicorn"
Under The MiniscopeIt's our 50th in the 50th! Yes, appropriate to the celebratory year and season we're entering, Under the Miniscope celebrates its 50th show! Join the party as Sarah and Andrew record a jam-packed commentary on one of our favorite classic Who stories of all time, The Mind Robber! And please, heed the warning at the start...? Thrills, chills, a catfight over a catsuit, mysogyny and chivalry, intelligence vs. knowledge, the weeping angel conceptual trio, beating the concept of brook-pressing over the head, and much, much more... come on in and join the celebration!
Episode #50-2: "With 50, You Get Unicorn"
Under The MiniscopeIt's our 50th in the 50th! Yes, appropriate to the celebratory year and season we're entering, Under the Miniscope celebrates its 50th show! Join the party as Sarah and Andrew record a jam-packed commentary on one of our favorite classic Who stories of all time, The Mind Robber! And please, heed the warning at the start...? Thrills, chills, a catfight over a catsuit, mysogyny and chivalry, intelligence vs. knowledge, the weeping angel conceptual trio, beating the concept of brook-pressing over the head, and much, much more... come on in and join the celebration!
Episode #50-1: "With 50, You Get Unicorn"
Under The MiniscopeIt's our 50th in the 50th! Yes, appropriate to the celebratory year and season we're entering, Under the Miniscope celebrates its 50th show! Join the party as Sarah and Andrew record a jam-packed commentary on one of our favorite classic Who stories of all time, The Mind Robber! And please, heed the warning at the start...? Thrills, chills, a catfight over a catsuit, mysogyny and chivalry, intelligence vs. knowledge, the weeping angel conceptual trio, beating the concept of brook-pressing over the head, and much, much more... come on in and join the celebration!
The Whostorian: Episode 57 - Anti-Gravity Triumphs
The WhostorianThe Whostorian: Episode 57 - Anti-Gravity Triumphs Season 3 Episode 7. Stylin' Steve is joined once again by his favourite cohost Shannon and they sit down to talk about the start of Series 7b, The Bells of St. John I can be found at by searching The Whostorian in iTunes On Facebook: On Twitter: @TheWhostorian Email:
EPISODE197 - Dr Who 'The Rings of Akhaten' Review
The Cultdom CollectiveThe Collective Review Doctor Who Series 7 Episode 8 'The Rings of Akhaten'
The Whostorian: Episode 57 - Anti-Gravity Triumphs
The WhostorianThe Whostorian: Episode 57 - Anti-Gravity Triumphs Season 3 Episode 7. Stylin' Steve is joined once again by his favourite cohost Shannon and they sit down to talk about the start of Series 7b, The Bells of St. John I can be found at by searching The Whostorian in iTunes On Facebook: On Twitter: @TheWhostorian Email:
episode 17 - "Enough with the Bloody Sonic!!!"
MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who Podcastmarkwho42's WHOniverse is sad to report they did not enjoy The Rings of Akhaten. Hosts Mark Baumgarten, Trish Helm, and Eduardo M. Freyre still do their best to bring you blow by blow coverage of the latest episode of Doctor Who. So the episode isn't totally negative, they also bring you the latest news of the 50th Anniversary and a review of the ebook Summer Falls by Amelia Williams. Send comments and suggestions to
episode 17 - "Enough with the Bloody Sonic!!!"
MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who Podcastmarkwho42's WHOniverse is sad to report they did not enjoy The Rings of Akhaten. Hosts Mark Baumgarten, Trish Helm, and Eduardo M. Freyre still do their best to bring you blow by blow coverage of the latest episode of Doctor Who. So the episode isn't totally negative, they also bring you the latest news of the 50th Anniversary and a review of the ebook Summer Falls by Amelia Williams. Send comments and suggestions to
episode 17 - "Enough with the Bloody Sonic!!!"
MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who Podcastmarkwho42's WHOniverse is sad to report they did not enjoy The Rings of Akhaten. Hosts Mark Baumgarten, Trish Helm, and Eduardo M. Freyre still do their best to bring you blow by blow coverage of the latest episode of Doctor Who. So the episode isn't totally negative, they also bring you the latest news of the 50th Anniversary and a review of the ebook Summer Falls by Amelia Williams. Send comments and suggestions to
episode 17 - "Enough with the Bloody Sonic!!!"
MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who Podcastmarkwho42's WHOniverse is sad to report they did not enjoy The Rings of Akhaten. Hosts Mark Baumgarten, Trish Helm, and Eduardo M. Freyre still do their best to bring you blow by blow coverage of the latest episode of Doctor Who. So the episode isn't totally negative, they also bring you the latest news of the 50th Anniversary and a review of the ebook Summer Falls by Amelia Williams. Send comments and suggestions to
episode 17 - "Enough with the Bloody Sonic!!!"
MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who Podcastmarkwho42's WHOniverse is sad to report they did not enjoy The Rings of Akhaten. Hosts Mark Baumgarten, Trish Helm, and Eduardo M. Freyre still do their best to bring you blow by blow coverage of the latest episode of Doctor Who. So the episode isn't totally negative, they also bring you the latest news of the 50th Anniversary and a review of the ebook Summer Falls by Amelia Williams. Send comments and suggestions to
EPISODE197 - Dr Who 'The Rings of Akhaten' Review
The Cultdom CollectiveThe Collective Review Doctor Who Series 7 Episode 8 'The Rings of Akhaten'
EPISODE197 - Dr Who 'The Rings of Akhaten' Review
The Cultdom CollectiveThe Collective Review Doctor Who Series 7 Episode 8 'The Rings of Akhaten'
EPISODE197 - Dr Who 'The Rings of Akhaten' Review
The Cultdom CollectiveThe Collective Review Doctor Who Series 7 Episode 8 'The Rings of Akhaten'
Episode 22: Review: The Bells of Saint John
Voyagers in the TARDISHere is my bite-sized review of The Bells of Saint John! Got anything to add? Please send it in to Also, please like the show on Facebook:
Review of The Rings of Akhaten
The Doctor Who PodcastJames and Trevor are in the Campervan this week after tuning into watch the latest episode of Doctor Who, The Rings of Akhaten. They might even try to sing their version of the choral song used throughout the story. No, don’t worry, they don’t really. Or do they…..
So what did the DWP Campervan crew make of this episode? Innovative storytelling at it best or just plain strange?! There’s only one way you’re going to get to find out……
Remember to send us your feedback –
Review of The Rings of Akhaten
The Doctor Who PodcastJames and Trevor are in the Campervan this week after tuning into watch the latest episode of Doctor Who, The Rings of Akhaten. They might even try to sing their version of the choral song used throughout the story. No, don’t worry, they don’t really. Or do they…..
So what did the DWP Campervan crew make of this episode? Innovative storytelling at it best or just plain strange?! There’s only one way you’re going to get to find out……
Remember to send us your feedback –
The Doctor Who Podcast #198 - Review of The Rings of Akhaten
The Doctor Who PodcastJames and Trevor are in the Campervan this week after tuning into watch the latest episode of Doctor Who, The Rings of Akhaten. They might even try to sing their version of the choral song used throughout the story. No, don't worry, they don't really. Or do they..... So what did the DWP Campervan crew [...]
Pilot Episode
The Gallifrey Times PodcastThe Gallifrey Times Podcast pilot episode includes:- The latest Doctor Who news from the past week.
- A review of The Rings Of Akhaten.
- A review of An Unearthly Child by Sammi Carter.
Radio Free Skaro #361 - The Borings of Akhaten
Radio Free SkaroAfter a rollicking opening to Series 7B last week, we were treated to a new episode in "The Rings of Akhaten" that received almost no love from any of the Three Who Rule. In fact, only one person had something nice to say about it, and you'll never guess who! The episode may have left a bad taste in everyone's mouth, but the return of a full stats report, and a return of our new, impromptu game called "Guess the Stats!", proved to be a splash of minty, mouthwashy goodness! That, and talk of the 50th Anniversary special, Christopher Eccleston, DVD news, and an endless list of Doctor Who t-shirt ideas, makes clear that it's not where you start, but where you finish. Next week: Ice Warriorssss...
Check out the show notes at
Radio Free Skaro #361 - The Borings of Akhaten
Radio Free SkaroAfter a rollicking opening to Series 7B last week, we were treated to a new episode in "The Rings of Akhaten" that received almost no love from any of the Three Who Rule. In fact, only one person had something nice to say about it, and you'll never guess who! The episode may have left a bad taste in everyone's mouth, but the return of a full stats report, and a return of our new, impromptu game called "Guess the Stats!", proved to be a splash of minty, mouthwashy goodness! That, and talk of the 50th Anniversary special, Christopher Eccleston, DVD news, and an endless list of Doctor Who t-shirt ideas, makes clear that it's not where you start, but where you finish. Next week: Ice Warriorssss...
Check out the show notes at
The Wacko Sando & Zacko Show: Episode 8: Countdown of Death (In-Da-Park Special #2)
An Improbable Podcast
featuring Sandro JF & Zachary Adams RATED PG10+: Contains Mild Sexual References and Course Language This is a rather special episode. It's the second In-Da-Park special, it's extended by 10mins, and it's brings to life a new segment: Uncle Sandro Reads Skyrim. But the heart of this episode is twisted, for it's only wish is to confuse you and, by the end of the episode, make you want to re-listen so you can piece all the pieces together. (Oh, and the pictures for this episode will be up soon, just having some problems. Check the Facebook page ( for an update of when they will be available.) STUFF WE MENTIONED: "Not Afraid" "Sick School" "Earth" IMPORTANT LINKS: "An Improbable Website" "GoReCo." "Facebook Page"
Radio Free Skaro #361 - The Borings of Akhaten
Radio Free SkaroAfter a rollicking opening to Series 7B last week, we were treated to a new episode in "The Rings of Akhaten" that received almost no love from any of the Three Who Rule. In fact, only one person had something nice to say about it, and you'll never guess who! The episode may have left a bad taste in everyone's mouth, but the return of a full stats report, and a return of our new, impromptu game called "Guess the Stats!", proved to be a splash of minty, mouthwashy goodness! That, and talk of the 50th Anniversary special, Christopher Eccleston, DVD news, and an endless list of Doctor Who t-shirt ideas, makes clear that it's not where you start, but where you finish. Next week: Ice Warriorssss...
Check out the show notes at
Episode 52: Bell
The Blue Box PodcastThe Blue Box Podcast - Episode 52: Bell Brought to you every Saturday by Starburst Columnist - JR Southall, Lee Rawlings, Mark Cockram and Simon Brett
Tim's Take On: Episode 167(Dr Who The Rings of Akhaten review)
Tim's Take On...My first thoughts on the second episode of series 7b, a sentient sun and a sleeping god awaited the Doctor and Clara this week.
End theme is Dr Who Exterminate(faffytunes DJ Mix)
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
Tim's Take On: Episode 167(Dr Who The Rings of Akhaten review)
Tim's Take On...My first thoughts on the second episode of series 7b, a sentient sun and a sleeping god awaited the Doctor and Clara this week.
End theme is Dr Who Exterminate(faffytunes DJ Mix)
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
What the World Really Needs is Another Doctor Who Podcast - #2 Rings
What the World Really Needs Is Another Doctor Who PodcastThe Rings of Akhaten
What the World Really Needs is Another Doctor Who Podcast - #2 Rings
What the World Really Needs Is Another Doctor Who PodcastThe Rings of Akhaten
What the World Really Needs is Another Doctor Who Podcast - #2 Rings
What the World Really Needs Is Another Doctor Who PodcastThe Rings of Akhaten
What the World Really Needs is Another Doctor Who Podcast - #2 Rings
What the World Really Needs Is Another Doctor Who PodcastThe Rings of Akhaten
DWO WhoCast - #286 - Doctor Who Podcast
DWO WhoCastDave and Thomas are transported to The Rings of Akhaten where they witness The Doctor and Clara battle an ancient evil for the soul of a young girl meanwhile Elizabeth and Michelle are stuck in the past with The Doctor and Sarah Jane in Tom Baker's first adventure Robot
It's like a podcast version of Mawdryn Undead except it isn't really
DWO WhoCast - #286 - Doctor Who Podcast
DWO WhoCastDave and Thomas are transported to The Rings of Akhaten where they witness The Doctor and Clara battle an ancient evil for the soul of a young girl meanwhile Elizabeth and Michelle are stuck in the past with The Doctor and Sarah Jane in Tom Baker's first adventure Robot
It's like a podcast version of Mawdryn Undead except it isn't really
Tim's Take On: Episode 167(Dr Who The Rings of Akhaten review)
Tim's Take On...My first thoughts on the second episode of series 7b, a sentient sun and a sleeping god awaited the Doctor and Clara this week.
End theme is Dr Who Exterminate(faffytunes DJ Mix)
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
What the World Really Needs is Another Doctor Who Podcast - #2 Rings
What the World Really Needs Is Another Doctor Who Podcast