Latest Podcast Episodes
Sending out an SOS
Who's He?This week Phil and Paul return to the Destiny of The Doctor audio series with the penultimate story Death's Deal read by Catherine Tate. There is plenty to enjoy for the pair of them this week as they both agree on this fantastic story and discuss some of the highs and lows of this series so far.
Also this week, there is a discussion on the Who's He? Podcasts recent trips to the BFI Doctor Who 50 10th and 8th Doctor events where they give their views on the stories shown and the Q&A panels that followed.
And in the news this week, the offical announcement of the 50th Anniversary global broadcast, the national press insisting that over 100 missing episodes have been found (a friend of our source said), Paul McGann's tweet about providing a voice over for Matt Smith and Phil gets more than he bargained for when discussing a news item on Kate O'Mara wanting to return as the Rani!
Episode 97: Warriors on the Rocks
The TARDIS TavernIf there is one thing we're not known for, it's being sober and providing our listeners with up-date-reviews on stories that have either just aired or just been released on DVD. Therefore, it was time we brought you our thoughts on "The Ice Warriors", which was released on DVD last month and features two missing episodes that have been animated by the restoration team a la "The Invasion" and "The Reign of Terror".
If you're looking for drunken banter on Patrick Troughton, Victoria, and a bunch of scientists with uninspiring names, then look no further. Not that we have any competition from other podcasts in that department to worry about it.
"Like" us on Facebook, send us email (or audio feedback!) at, and follow Sean on Twitter via @tardistavern. You can also follow Steve via @tardistaverntit, but he's a twat and never uses it. He also never reads these postings.
BMU #1 The Final Frontier '89
Doctor Who: Prognosis NegativeBeam Me Up I
- Prognosis Negative proudly presents this Beam Me Up, the preeminant Star Trek commentary podcast featuring Steven, Josh, Eric, and Kyle.
- Join us as we dive into B-Shat's directoral debut, The Final Frontier. Let the mayhem begin!
- Nowhere will you find a Star Trek commentary that sprinkles in more oblique Doctor Who references.
- This discussion contains miscellaneous SPOILERS pertaining to the film(s) discussed and more! If you are 100% spoilerphobic to films not yet seen, do not complain to us.
- The commentary is littered with EXPLICIT terms, concepts, and as always expect strokes of innuendo throughout.
- ↓The Podcasts that Rule this Commentary↓
- Radio Free Skaro:
- The Memory Cheats:
- Mostly Harmless Cutaway:
- WTF Are You Watching:
- Doctor Who: The Writers' Room:
- COMING SOON: ProgNeg #23
What does God need with a starship?
Steven @Legopolis
Josh @whomeJZ
Kyle @FunctionalNerd
Eric @BullittWHOPrognosis Negative @ProgNeg
Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Facebook: by E.A. Escamilla
Episode 104: Be A Clown
The Sonic ToolboxAll the world loves a clown, and while the Seventh Doctor isn't dressed as loudly as his predecessor he certainly is more entertaining. This Doctor does magic, juggles and (famously) playes the spoons. This week we find ourselves rrrrolling along, and rrrrolling ourrrr Rrrrrs, with the last of the original run Doctors.
"Be A Clown" by Cole Porter, for the Gene Kelly/Judy Garland film "The Pirate". Available on Amazon (NTSC) and Amazon UK (PAL).
Who's He? Podcast #132 Sending out an SOS
Who's He?This week Phil and Paul return to the Destiny of The Doctor audio series with the penultimate story Death's Deal read by Catherine Tate. There is plenty to enjoy for the pair of them this week as they both agree on this fantastic story and discuss some of the highs and lows of this series so far.
Also this week, there is a discussion on the Who's He? Podcasts recent trips to the BFI Doctor Who 50 10th and 8th Doctor events where they give their views on the stories shown and the Q&A panels that followed.
And in the news this week, the offical announcement of the 50th Anniversary global broadcast, the national press insisting that over 100 missing episodes have been found (a friend of our source said), Paul McGann's tweet about providing a voice over for Matt Smith and Phil gets more than he bargained for when discussing a news item on Kate O'Mara wanting to return as the Rani!
Episode 97: Warriors on the Rocks
The TARDIS TavernIf there is one thing we’re not known for, it’s being sober and providing our listeners with up-date-reviews on stories that have either just aired or just been released on DVD. Therefore, it was time we brought you our thoughts on “The Ice Warriors”, which was released on DVD last month and features two missing episodes that have been animated by the restoration team a la “The Invasion” and “The Reign of Terror”.
If you’re looking for drunken banter on Patrick Troughton, Victoria, and a bunch of scientists with uninspiring names, then look no further. Not that we have any competition from other podcasts in that department to worry about it.
“Like” us on Facebook, send us email (or audio feedback!) at, and follow Sean on Twitter via @tardistavern. You can also follow Steve via @tardistaverntit, but he’s a twat and never uses it. He also never reads these postings.
Episode 104: Be A Clown
The Sonic ToolboxAll the world loves a clown, and while the Seventh Doctor isn't dressed as loudly as his predecessor he certainly is more entertaining. This Doctor does magic, juggles and (famously) playes the spoons. This week we find ourselves rrrrolling along, and rrrrolling ourrrr Rrrrrs, with the last of the original run Doctors.
"Be A Clown" by Cole Porter, for the Gene Kelly/Judy Garland film "The Pirate". Available on Amazon (NTSC) and Amazon UK (PAL).
Episode 104: Be A Clown
The Sonic ToolboxAll the world loves a clown, and while the Seventh Doctor isn't dressed as loudly as his predecessor he certainly is more entertaining. This Doctor does magic, juggles and (famously) playes the spoons. This week we find ourselves rrrrolling along, and rrrrolling ourrrr Rrrrrs, with the last of the original run Doctors.
"Be A Clown" by Cole Porter, for the Gene Kelly/Judy Garland film "The Pirate". Available on Amazon (NTSC) and Amazon UK (PAL).
Episode 104: Be A Clown
The Sonic ToolboxAll the world loves a clown, and while the Seventh Doctor isn't dressed as loudly as his predecessor he certainly is more entertaining. This Doctor does magic, juggles and (famously) playes the spoons. This week we find ourselves rrrrolling along, and rrrrolling ourrrr Rrrrrs, with the last of the original run Doctors.
"Be A Clown" by Cole Porter, for the Gene Kelly/Judy Garland film "The Pirate". Available on Amazon (NTSC) and Amazon UK (PAL).
1.08 - Father's Day
FeexbyA commentary track, if you wait patiently, for Paul Cornell's splendid Doctor Who story Father's Day, the eighth episode of the first season of new Doctor Who.Join us.We're the ones on the sofa.
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Radio Free Skaro #387 - The Velvet Web
Radio Free SkaroAs we turn the corner into October in this 50th anniversary year of Doctor Who, the Three Who Rule reach the halfway point in their odyssey of covering the eras of each producer of the classic series in the Miniscope. This week, the Barry Letts epoch is the focus, a five year stretch of classic episodes that vaulted Doctor Who from a Saturday tea-time tradition to a British television institution. A lifelong fan of the era, Gary Russell, who has been involved with the show in many ways since the early 1980s, joins us to discuss the many strengths of Lett's time on the show. Steven, Warren, and Chris also reunite to discuss the news of the week, including details of a worldwide simulcast of The Day of the Doctor, which were announced earlier this week. Fun and exciting!
Check out the show notes at
Radio Free Skaro #387 - The Velvet Web
Radio Free SkaroAs we turn the corner into October in this 50th anniversary year of Doctor Who, the Three Who Rule reach the halfway point in their odyssey of covering the eras of each producer of the classic series in the Miniscope. This week, the Barry Letts epoch is the focus, a five year stretch of classic episodes that vaulted Doctor Who from a Saturday tea-time tradition to a British television institution. A lifelong fan of the era, Gary Russell, who has been involved with the show in many ways since the early 1980s, joins us to discuss the many strengths of Lett's time on the show. Steven, Warren, and Chris also reunite to discuss the news of the week, including details of a worldwide simulcast of The Day of the Doctor, which were announced earlier this week. Fun and exciting!
Check out the show notes at
Radio Free Skaro #387 - The Velvet Web
Radio Free SkaroAs we turn the corner into October in this 50th anniversary year of Doctor Who, the Three Who Rule reach the halfway point in their odyssey of covering the eras of each producer of the classic series in the Miniscope. This week, the Barry Letts epoch is the focus, a five year stretch of classic episodes that vaulted Doctor Who from a Saturday tea-time tradition to a British television institution. A lifelong fan of the era, Gary Russell, who has been involved with the show in many ways since the early 1980s, joins us to discuss the many strengths of Lett's time on the show. Steven, Warren, and Chris also reunite to discuss the news of the week, including details of a worldwide simulcast of The Day of the Doctor, which were announced earlier this week. Fun and exciting!
Check out the show notes at
EPISODE223 - Dr Who - The Doctor: 9th Doctor Revisited
The Cultdom CollectiveDoctor Who: The Doctors Revisited. This week it's the turn of the 9th Doctor as played by Christopher Eccleston
1.08 - Father's Day
FeexbyA commentary track, if you wait patiently, for Paul Cornell's splendid Doctor Who story Father's Day, the eighth episode of the first season of new Doctor Who.Join us.We're the ones on the sofa.
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1.08 - Father's Day
FeexbyA commentary track, if you wait patiently, for Paul Cornell's splendid Doctor Who story Father's Day, the eighth episode of the first season of new Doctor Who.Join us. We're the ones on the sofa.
1.08 - Father's Day
FeexbyA commentary track, if you wait patiently, for Paul Cornell's splendid Doctor Who story Father's Day, the eighth episode of the first season of new Doctor Who.Join us. We're the ones on the sofa.
Series 8 Episode 8: Peter Capaldi IS the Doctor
The Preachrs PodcastThis week Benjamin and Rob chat about the casting of the 12th Doctor. Are they happy find out now!
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EPISODE223 - Dr Who - The Doctor: 9th Doctor Revisited
The Cultdom CollectiveDoctor Who: The Doctors Revisited Review. This week it's the turn of the 9th Doctor as played by Christopher Eccleston
EPISODE223 - Dr Who - The Doctor: 9th Doctor Revisited
The Cultdom CollectiveDoctor Who: The Doctors Revisited Review. This week it's the turn of the 9th Doctor as played by Christopher Eccleston
EPISODE223 - Dr Who - The Doctor: 9th Doctor Revisited
The Cultdom CollectiveDoctor Who: The Doctors Revisited Review. This week it's the turn of the 9th Doctor as played by Christopher Eccleston
Doctor Who - The Flashing Blade Podcast - 1-170
The Flashing Blade PodcastHe returns! From Bod knows where, to be honest. Somewhere north, I expect.
Anyway, young Adric and Steve chat about two companion thingies, Mastermind and The Alchemists, in a futile game of catch up with Big Finish
And in the end: Wailing!
066 - Some Sort of Cricket Man
Arrow of TimeThis week we dive into Five! Peter Davison’s his name, and cricket’s his game (which apparently is like baseball by way of M.C. Escher). Following on the heels of Tom Baker, Davison had big shoes to fill. Does he have enough soul to get our support or should I stop trying to shoehorn puns in here? The former is easily answered by listening in to our latest podcast, and the latter is a resounding yes.
Our WhoTube this week returns us to the Babelcolour fold with his Fifth Doctor tribute, “Bowled Over”:
Tim's Take On: Episode 193(Jago & Lightfoot panel at Big Finish Day 3/HHGTTG Live mini review)
Tim's Take On...This week more coverage of Big Finish Day 3 with the Jago and Lightfoot panel, also this week a mini review of this year's Hitch Hikers Guide to The Galaxy Live Radio Show.
You can see my photos of Big Finish Day 3 here
and videos of the panel here
and here
End theme is Dr Who Gypsy Guitar version by Thrip
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
Tim's Take On: Episode 193(Jago & Lightfoot panel at Big Finish Day 3/HHGTTG Live mini review)
Tim's Take On...This week more coverage of Big Finish Day 3 with the Jago and Lightfoot panel, also this week a mini review of this year's Hitch Hikers Guide to The Galaxy Live Radio Show.
You can see my photos of Big Finish Day 3 here
and videos of the panel here
and here
End theme is Dr Who Gypsy Guitar version by Thrip
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
Tim's Take On: Episode 193(Jago & Lightfoot panel at Big Finish Day 3/HHGTTG Live mini review)
Tim's Take On...This week more coverage of Big Finish Day 3 with the Jago and Lightfoot panel, also this week a mini review of this year's Hitch Hikers Guide to The Galaxy Live Radio Show.
You can see my photos of Big Finish Day 3 here
and videos of the panel here
and here
End theme is Dr Who Gypsy Guitar version by Thrip
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
Earth Station Who Episode 51 - Human Nature/Family of Blood
Earth Station WhoThe Doctor explores what it means to be human in one of our favorite episodes in the 50 year history of the franchise. Mike, Mike, Jen, and the Phantom Troublemaker record “The Podcast of...
Earth Station Who is a show dedicated to the culture around the BBC icon Doctor Who. Join Mike F, Mike G and Dave as we explore the 50 year history and fandom surrounding the Doctor With reviews, interviews and just general talk you never know WHO might pop up.
Earth Statoin Who Episode 51
Earth Station WhoThe Doctor explores what it means to be human in one of our favorite episodes in the 50 year history of the franchise. Mike, Mike, Jen, and the Phantom Troublemaker record “The Podcast of...
Earth Station Who is a show dedicated to the culture around the BBC icon Doctor Who. Join Mike F, Mike G and Dave as we explore the 50 year history and fandom surrounding the Doctor With reviews, interviews and just general talk you never know WHO might pop up.
Episode 27 - Feedback and the 1996 TV Movie
Doctor Who: The Quest Is The QuestThis is a very special episode covering YOUR much appreciated feedback! I also review the 8th Doctor TV movie at the 13:37 mark. And please excuse the varying voices, courtesy of my 41st annual sinus infection. Hooray.
Feedback at:
Episode 27 - Feedback and the 1996 TV Movie
Doctor Who: The Quest Is The QuestThis is a very special episode covering YOUR much appreciated feedback! I also review the 8th Doctor TV movie at the 13:37 mark. And please excuse the varying voices, courtesy of my 41st annual sinus infection. Hooray.
Feedback at:
Episode 27 - Feedback and the 1996 TV Movie
Doctor Who: The Quest Is The QuestThis is a very special episode covering YOUR much appreciated feedback! I also review the 8th Doctor TV movie at the 13:37 mark. And please excuse the varying voices, courtesy of my 41st annual sinus infection. Hooray.
Feedback at:
Interview with Tara Ward and a review of Warriors of the Deep
The Doctor Who PodcastThe reptiles theme continues this week as James, Stephen and a special guest talk about the much-maligned Warriors of the Deep. What will the Campervan occupants make of the re-imagined Silurians and Sea Devils and of course, everyone’s favourite pet marine monster, the Myrka?
Stephen also has the privilege of talking to the wonderful Tara Ward who played Preston in Warriors about her memories of being cast, filming and what things were like on Sea Base 4.
Enjoy the show.
Interview with Tara Ward and a review of Warriors of the Deep
The Doctor Who PodcastThe reptiles theme continues this week as James, Stephen and a special guest talk about the much-maligned Warriors of the Deep. What will the Campervan occupants make of the re-imagined Silurians and Sea Devils and of course, everyone’s favourite pet marine monster, the Myrka?
Stephen also has the privilege of talking to the wonderful Tara Ward who played Preston in Warriors about her memories of being cast, filming and what things were like on Sea Base 4.
Enjoy the show.
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #228 - Interview with Tara Ward and a review of Warriors of the Deep
The Doctor Who PodcastThe reptiles theme continues this week asJames, Stephen and a special guest talk about the much-maligned Warriors of the Deep. What will the Campervan occupants make of the re-imagined Silurians and Sea Devils and of course, everyone's favourite pet marine monster, the Myrka? Stephen also has the privilege of talking to the wonderful Tara Ward [...]
The Memory Cheats #82
The Memory CheatsEpisode #82 of Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats! In this episode, we discuss...
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The Memory Cheats #82
The Memory CheatsEpisode #82 of Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats! In this episode, we discuss...
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Episode 144 - Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride
Traveling the VortexIn this week’s episode… SHAUN’S BACK! Yes, Shaun has returned from the The Aloha State, and brings with him a treat, he shares his many adventures on the island of Maui.
But, before that, we do have some business to attend to, namely this week’s review of the Ninth Doctor Adventure – Destiny of the Doctor: Night of the Whisper. We’ll give our opinions on this story co-produced by Big Finish and Audio GO.
Also, a look at the news of the week.
And, of course, you’re feedback.
The Memory Cheats #82
The Memory CheatsEpisode #82 of Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats! In this episode, we discuss...
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5.03 Drunken History -Ada Lovelace
Drunken Time TravelCome meet the father mother of computer programming as we discover how many 'it's' there were, who Lord Byron is, and what people computers are.
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #228 - Interview with Tara Ward and a review of Warriors of the Deep
The Doctor Who PodcastThe reptiles theme continues this week asJames, Stephen and a special guest talk about the much-maligned Warriors of the Deep. What will the Campervan occupants make of the re-imagined Silurians and Sea Devils and of course, everyone's favourite pet marine monster, the Myrka? Stephen also has the privilege of talking to the wonderful Tara Ward [...]
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #228 - Interview with Tara Ward and a review of Warriors of the Deep
The Doctor Who PodcastThe reptiles theme continues this week as James, Stephen and a special guest talk about the much-maligned Warriors of the Deep. What will the DWP occupants make of the re-imagined Silurians and Sea Devils and of course, everyone's favourite pet marine monster, the Myrka? Stephen also has the privilege of talking to the wonderful Tara […]
5.03 Drunken History -Ada Lovelace
Drunken Time TravelCome meet the father mother of computer programming as we discover how many 'it's' there were, who Lord Byron is, and what people computers are.
5.03 Drunken History -Ada Lovelace
Drunken Time TravelCome meet the father mother of computer programming as we discover how many 'it's' there were, who Lord Byron is, and what people computers are.
5.03 Drunken History -Ada Lovelace
Drunken Time TravelCome meet thefathermother of computer programming as we discover how many 'it's' there were, who Lord Byron is, and what people computers are.
5.03 Drunken History -Ada Lovelace
Drunken Time TravelCome meet thefathermother of computer programming as we discover how many 'it's' there were, who Lord Byron is, and what people computers are.
Commentary: Doctor Who - Earthshock Ep 3 & 4
The Cultdom CollectiveDave, Mike and Ian get tired of cave life and teleport up to an orbiting space ship. Ian and Dave make a bee line for the wine storage locker only to find a mint condition Dapol Cyberman. Meanwhile Mike sets up the view screen so the can set course for this weeks Commentary: Doctor Who - Earthshock Ep 3 & 4
5.03 Drunken History -Ada Lovelace
Drunken Time TravelCome meet thefathermother of computer programming as we discover how many ‘it’s’ there were, who Lord Byron is, and what people computers are.
Commentary: Dr Who - Earthshock Ep 3 & 4
The Cultdom CollectiveDave, Mike and Ian get tired of cave life and teleport up to an orbiting space ship. Ian and Dave make a bee line for the wine storage locker only to find a mint condition Dapol Cyberman. Meanwhile Mike sets up the view screen so the can set course for this weeks Commentary: Doctor Who - Earthshock Ep 3 & 4
Commentary: Dr Who - Earthshock Ep 3 & 4
The Cultdom CollectiveDave, Mike and Ian get tired of cave life and teleport up to an orbiting space ship. Ian and Dave make a bee line for the wine storage locker only to find a mint condition Dapol Cyberman. Meanwhile Mike sets up the view screen so the can set course for this weeks Commentary: Doctor Who - Earthshock Ep 3 & 4