Latest Podcast Episodes
WhoGirls Podcast 1 - And so it begins...
WhoGirls podcastJoin Heather Maloney and Michelle Talkington as they discuss everything Doctor Who.
Episode 166 - Reoccurring Characters
Traveling the VortexIn this week’s show we have a lot of news to react to, including the announcement of Samuel Anderson joining Doctor Who Series 8. Also, some speculation of the possibility of new things on the horizon in the toy building world.
But, what would a show be without a few reviews. This time we look at the recently released Second Doctor story, The Moonbase, with newly animated episodes.
Also, a look at last year’s 50th anniversary anthology piece in the ongoing e-book series, The Nameless City, also featuring the Second Doctor and Jamie.
Plus, a brief look at the new update from everyone’s favorite game, Doctor Who: Legacy.
And, of course, your feedback.
Links mentioned in this week’s show:
Life…From the View Of a Geeky Girl (Brittany’s blog)
Titan Comics Doctor Who covers (from
Vote for Doctor Who: Legacy at
Verity! Extra! - Chicago TARDIS Leftovers
Doctor Who: Verity!Remember how much fun we had at the Chicago TARDIS live show when we let the audience pick the topics we'd talk about? It didn't seem fair that we couldn't all participate, so we saved the last few topics for the rest of the gang! Join Deb, Erika, Katrina, and Tansy as we clean up the last few ideas submitted by our lovely Chicago TARDIS live audience. We don't manage to stay on topic terribly well this time either--surprise surprise!
Bonus link [on our site]:
Tansy's blog post on Martha Jones
Verity! Extra! - Chicago TARDIS Leftovers
Doctor Who: Verity!Remember how much fun we had at the Chicago TARDIS live show when we let the audience pick the topics we'd talk about? It didn't seem fair that we couldn't all participate, so we saved the last few topics for the rest of the gang! Join Deb, Erika, Katrina, and Tansy as we clean up the last few ideas submitted by our lovely Chicago TARDIS live audience. We don't manage to stay on topic terribly well this time either--surprise surprise!
Bonus link [on our site]:
Tansy's blog post on Martha Jones
Verity! Extra! - Chicago TARDIS Leftovers
Doctor Who: Verity!Remember how much fun we had at the Chicago TARDIS live show when we let the audience pick the topics we'd talk about? It didn't seem fair that we couldn't all participate, so we saved the last few topics for the rest of the gang! Join Deb, Erika, Katrina, and Tansy as we clean up the last few ideas submitted by our lovely Chicago TARDIS live audience. We don't manage to stay on topic terribly well this time either--surprise surprise!
Bonus link [on our site]:Tansy's blog post on Martha Jones
Episode #210
The 20mb Doctor Who PodcastThe Gunfighters
Adam, Mary, Robert, Kirby and Matthew talk about this wild west adventure. There is also feedback and this week's You Won't Get This One.
Episode 9: Warrior Tales
Stories From The Vortex: A Doctor Who Audio Adventures Podcast
This episode finds Matthew Kresal, Mary Lang and Robert Haynes reviewing Red Dawn and Frozen Time which both feature the Ice Warriors. Topics discussed include how well utilized the Martian reptiles are in each story, the derivative nature of Red Dawn and that old favorite: accents and the quality of them.
If you'd like to send in feedback to the podcast you can do so at and you can join our Facebook group. We're a proud member of the Doctor Who Podcast Alliance.
Stories From The Vortex is an unofficial and unlicensed Doctor Who podcast and is not affiliated to the British Broadcasting Company (BBC), AudioGo or Big Finish Productions in any way. Doctor Who is a registered trademark of the BBC. No copyright infringement intended.
Six months of Big Finish in sixty minutes!
The Doctor Who PodcastJoin James and a special guest (a very, very special guest) as they talk their way through six – yes, SIX Big Finish Main Range plays. Sit back and hear them talk about Eldrad Must Die, The Lady of Mercia, Prisoners of Fate, Persuasion, Starlight Robbery and Daleks Among Us.
We’ll be back next week when we turn our attention to just who might follow Steven Moffat as Showrunner of Doctor Who.
Enjoy the show.
Six months of Big Finish in sixty minutes!
The Doctor Who PodcastJoin James and a special guest (a very, very special guest) as they talk their way through six – yes, SIX Big Finish Main Range plays. Sit back and hear them talk about Eldrad Must Die, The Lady of Mercia, Prisoners of Fate, Persuasion, Starlight Robbery and Daleks Among Us.
We’ll be back next week when we turn our attention to just who might follow Steven Moffat as Showrunner of Doctor Who.
Enjoy the show.
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #248 - Six months of Big Finish in sixty minutes!
The Doctor Who PodcastJoinJames and a special guest (a very, very special guest) as they talk their way through six - yes, SIX Big Finish Main Range plays. Sit back and hear them talk about Eldrad Must Die, The Lady of Mercia, Prisoners of Fate, Persuasion, Starlight Robbery and Daleks Among Us. We'll be back next week when [...]
The Doctor As Family
Gallifrey Public Radio - A Doctor Who PodcastWe’ve all got that one weird uncle that no one really understands, but you can’t help but love. The Doctor has a general love for humanity, but there are a select few that can claim a closer relationship with him. … Continue reading
MUTTER'S SPIRAL Podcast #66 - Gally 2014 Review
Mutter's Spiral Podcast2 weeks and one nasty case of the BPP later, MUTTER'S SPIRAL Podcast is finally back to talk about the 2014 Gallifrey One - the 25th annual extravaganza! John (once again healthy) and Will discuss cosplaying for the first time, all of the great friends they spent time with and the various great moments of this year's GALLY! We'll talk about all of it!
Plus, as an added, first-time ever bonus - a 3rd voice! Our friend Mette, who was instrumental in inspiring us to dress up and then crucial in helping us make our costumes actually look good, joins us for some ON LOCATION, in room costuming prep and discussion.
Hopefully, it's "adorably giddy" (H/t to Deborah Stanish of VERITY!)! Please take a listen!
MUTTER'S SPIRAL Podcast #66 - Gally 2014 Review
Mutter's Spiral Podcast2 weeks and one nasty case of the BPP later, MUTTER'S SPIRAL Podcast is finally back to talk about the 2014 Gallifrey One - the 25th annual extravaganza! John (once again healthy) and Will discuss cosplaying for the first time, all of the great friends they spent time with and the various great moments of this year's GALLY! We'll talk about all of it!
Plus, as an added, first-time ever bonus - a 3rd voice! Our friend Mette, who was instrumental in inspiring us to dress up and then crucial in helping us make our costumes actually look good, joins us for some ON LOCATION, in room costuming prep and discussion.
Hopefully, it's "adorably giddy" (H/t to Deborah Stanish of VERITY!)! Please take a listen!
Episode 62 - Springheel'd Jack speaks and spoils!
Outpost Skaro PodcastDerek and Alan are joined by the writers of “The Legend of Springheel’d Jack” ( Jack Bowman and Robert Valentine) who not only tell us about their story but just what Springheel’d Jack may be doing in S8!
Visit the Wireless Theatre at –
And SHJ on the WTC website -
Follow them on twitter
WTC Twitter – @WirelessTheatre
SHJ Twitter – @SpringheelWTC
Jack – @realjackbowman
Rob – @robvalentine80
And Facebook
DWPA - Annette Badland
The Minute Doctor Who PodcastInterview conducted with Annette Badland at Whooverville 5.
DWPA – Annette Badland
The Minute Doctor Who PodcastInterview conducted with Annette Badland at Whooverville 5.
DWPA - Annette Badland
The Minute Doctor Who PodcastInterview conducted with Annette Badland at Whooverville 5.
episode 49 - Untitled Guest on a Titled Podcast
MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who PodcastGrab your constable hats and join Mark, Trish, Ed, and Christian as they interview Travis Richey from the web series Untitled Web Series About A Space Traveler Who Can Also Travel Through Time. Hear how what started as a running gag on an NBC show has become an Internet hit! We also check on the latest news and see what would happen if the Doctor's next companion came from Jersey. And some of the hosts cheese off a continent or two!
episode 49 - Untitled Guest on a Titled Podcast
MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who PodcastGrab your constable hats and join Mark, Trish, Ed, and Christian as they interview Travis Richey from the web series Untitled Web Series About A Space Traveler Who Can Also Travel Through Time. Hear how what started as a running gag on an NBC show has become an Internet hit! We also check on the latest news and see what would happen if the Doctor's next companion came from Jersey. And some of the hosts cheese off a continent or two!
episode 49 - Untitled Guest on a Titled Podcast
MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who PodcastGrab your constable hats and join Mark, Trish, Ed, and Christian as they interview Travis Richey from the web series Untitled Web Series About A Space Traveler Who Can Also Travel Through Time. Hear how what started as a running gag on an NBC show has become an Internet hit! We also check on the latest news and see what would happen if the Doctor's next companion came from Jersey. And some of the hosts cheese off a continent or two!
episode 49 - Untitled Guest on a Titled Podcast
MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who PodcastGrab your constable hats and join Mark, Trish, Ed, and Christian as they interview Travis Richey from the web series Untitled Web Series About A Space Traveler Who Can Also Travel Through Time. Hear how what started as a running gag on an NBC show has become an Internet hit! We also check on the latest news and see what would happen if the Doctor's next companion came from Jersey. And some of the hosts cheese off a continent or two!
episode 49 - Untitled Guest on a Titled Podcast
MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who PodcastGrab your constable hats and join Mark, Trish, Ed, and Christian as they interview Travis Richey from the web series Untitled Web Series About A Space Traveler Who Can Also Travel Through Time. Hear how what started as a running gag on an NBC show has become an Internet hit! We also check on the latest news and see what would happen if the Doctor's next companion came from Jersey. And some of the hosts cheese off a continent or two!
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #248 - Six months of Big Finish in sixty minutes!
The Doctor Who PodcastJoinJames and a special guest (a very, very special guest) as they talk their way through six - yes, SIX Big Finish Main Range plays. Sit back and hear them talk about Eldrad Must Die, The Lady of Mercia, Prisoners of Fate, Persuasion, Starlight Robbery and Daleks Among Us. We'll be back next week when [...]
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #248 - Six months of Big Finish in sixty minutes!
The Doctor Who PodcastJoin James and a special guest (a very, very special guest) as they talk their way through six - yes, SIX Big Finish Main Range plays. Sit back and hear them talk about Eldrad Must Die, The Lady of Mercia, Prisoners of Fate, Persuasion, Starlight Robbery and Daleks Among Us. We’ll be back next week […]
2.01 - New Earth
FeexbyHello! We are back with a commentary and ancillary gubbins for the first episode of Series 2 of new Doctor Who: New Earth.
You can find us on Twitter as @feexby and @Loll73. Also you can email us at if you like.Lots of love.John & Loll
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Dissecting Worlds: Series 8 - Episode 3 'RPGs and Religion'
Geek SyndicateBLURB:In this episode a scouse-less Matt, a scone-less Kehaar & a well researched guest host Ciaran discuss Religion in RPGs featuring:* definitely real gods, faith & forgotten realms* levelling up to god hood & the Malazan books* Glorantha & the Hero Quest* the Awkwardness of Alignment* Clerics & Paladins* Massacring Orc children in the name of good* Roger Zelazny's god-like heroes of Amber & Lord of Light* GMing & the act of sub creationCheck our Ciaran's blog here: Kehaar's writing on religion here: religion/
Feedback very welcome to: , on twitter @dissectingwrldsOr FACEBOOK group
Dissecting Worlds: Series 8 - Episode 3 'RPGs and Religion'
Geek SyndicateBLURB:In this episode a scouse-less Matt, a scone-less Kehaar & a well researched guest host Ciaran discuss Religion in RPGs featuring:* definitely real gods, faith & forgotten realms* levelling up to god hood & the Malazan books* Glorantha & the Hero Quest* the Awkwardness of Alignment* Clerics & Paladins* Massacring Orc children in the name of good* Roger Zelazny's god-like heroes of Amber & Lord of Light* GMing & the act of sub creationCheck our Ciaran's blog here: Kehaar's writing on religion here: religion/
Feedback very welcome to: , on twitter @dissectingwrldsOr FACEBOOK group
297 - Doctor Who: Podshock
PodshockDoctor Who: Podshock - Episode 297
Running time: 1:10:31We have a classic interview with Colin Baker from July 1985 in New Orleans (courtesy Chuck Rabb), plus the latest Doctor Who news, your feedback, and more. Hosted by Louis Trapani.
Presented to you by the Gallifreyan Embassy and is a production of Art Trap Productions.
This podcast is made possible in part by and is brought to you by Podshock Supporting Subscribers and from donations from listeners like you.
Get the DWP Podcast Companion App for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
This episode is also brought to you by Audible. Visit for the link to your FREE audio-book download with free trial.
Do you want the Enhanced Podcast AAC file format? Get our Enhanced Podcast version of this episode using our feed at
8: The Caves of Androzani, or Change, my dear
Pex Lives' Podcast
James and Kevin take a conversational journey through the 1984 serial once voted the best Doctor Who of all time and Peter Davison's swansong. How will they rate it? Listen & find out!
2.01 - New Earth
FeexbyHello! We are back with a commentary and ancillary gubbins for the first episode of Series 2 of new Doctor Who: New Earth.You can find us on Twitter as @feexby and @Loll73. Also you can email us at if you like.Lots of love.John & Loll
2.01 - New Earth
FeexbyHello! We are back with a commentary and ancillary gubbins for the first episode of Series 2 of new Doctor Who: New Earth.You can find us on Twitter as @feexby and @Loll73. Also you can email us at if you like.Lots of love.John & Loll
2.01 - New Earth
FeexbyHello! We are back with a commentary and ancillary gubbins for the first episode of Series 2 of new Doctor Who: New Earth.
You can find us on Twitter as @feexby and @Loll73. Also you can email us at if you like.Lots of love.John & Loll
Download Enhanced Podcast
Episode 7: I Hope That's Not Copyrighted
Trust Your DoctorYay good serials!
Somehow, Kiyan and Dylan have made it to 7 weeks with their sanity intact. This week they watched The Sensorites, written by Peter R. Newman and aired in June and August of 1964. Many fun facts were said in this episode.
Doctor Who (c) The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Delia Derbyshire.Subscribe on iTunes!
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Check us out on YouTube!
Episode 7: I Hope That's Not Copyrighted
Trust Your DoctorYay good serials!
Somehow, Kiyan and Dylan have made it to 7 weeks with their sanity intact. This week they watched The Sensorites, written by Peter R. Newman and aired in June and August of 1964. Many fun facts were said in this episode.
Doctor Who (c) The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Delia Derbyshire.Subscribe on iTunes!
Check us out on Facebook!
Check us out on YouTube!
Episode 123: Trying Not To Step On The Cockatiels
The Sonic ToolboxAs we try to recover from our trip to Gallifrey One, we explore the doctor's own recovery process from regeneration. Each itteration of our favorite time lord has his own reaction to post-regeneration sickness. From coma to crazy, this week we talk about who did what and what causes this bizarre condition.
Episode 123: Trying Not To Step On The Cockatiels
The Sonic ToolboxAs we try to recover from our trip to Gallifrey One, we explore the doctor's own recovery process from regeneration. Each itteration of our favorite time lord has his own reaction to post-regeneration sickness. From coma to crazy, this week we talk about who did what and what causes this bizarre condition.
A009 Brave New Town
Who Back WhenThe Doc and Lucie materialise in Suffolk, Uzbekistan, and find themselves pinned twixt tank-driving mercenaries and some very autonomous villagers.
The post A009 Brave New Town appeared first on Who Back When | A Doctor Who Podcast.
Episode 87 : The Curse of the Black Spot
The Untempered Schism PodcastPirates, the High Seas, Swashbuckling and Walking the Plank, The Curse of the Black Spot has it all yet doesn't quite come through with a great story to go along with it. Instead we have The Doctor being wrong most of the time, an alien EMH, Rory dying (yet again) and Amy seeing faces in the wall. Breaking out the rum might be the best choice for the story.
Feedback to:
Twitter: @schismpodcast
Web: 16:12
2MTL 339: DOCTOR WHO's Annual Checkup with Keith Topping and Jason Snell (Time Dilation)
Two-minute Time LordIn this Time-Dialated, Gallifrey One-facilitated interview show, two popular media observers with impeccable DOCTOR WHO credentials — Yer Actual Keith Telly Topping and The Incomparable's Jason Snell — help me look outside the fishbowl to see just how well our favorite television series is doing in the wider world of SF fans and TV viewers.
Who's He? Podcast #152 You took the part that once was my heart
Who's He?In this episode Phil & Paul return once again to the world of Big Finish with a look at the 2002 story Spare Parts starring Peter Davison and Sarah Sutton. This story is widely regarded as a classic of the Big Finish range so it was with much trepidation that they recorded this review. Will they agree on its classic status or is it a fuss over nothing and the hype machine has worked overtime? Listen to find out but beware, this review is full of spoilers!
And in the news this week, casting news for series 8, a cancellation of a Doctor Who tour down under, DVD news and Phil and Paul give their opinion on the missing episodes spat between Ian Levine and himself. And in a short, sharp trip to Omega's Tat Corner there is future tat!! Well, maybe.
You took the part that once was my heart
Who's He?In this episode Phil & Paul return once again to the world of Big Finish with a look at the 2002 story Spare Parts starring Peter Davison and Sarah Sutton. This story is widely regarded as a classic of the Big Finish range so it was with much trepidation that they recorded this review. Will they agree on its classic status or is it a fuss over nothing and the hype machine has worked overtime? Listen to find out but beware, this review is full of spoilers!
And in the news this week, casting news for series 8, a cancellation of a Doctor Who tour down under, DVD news and Phil and Paul give their opinion on the missing episodes spat between Ian Levine and himself. And in a short, sharp trip to Omega's Tat Corner there is future tat!! Well, maybe.
You took the part that once was my heart
Who's He?In this episode Phil & Paul return once again to the world of Big Finish with a look at the 2002 story Spare Parts starring Peter Davison and Sarah Sutton. This story is widely regarded as a classic of the Big Finish range so it was with much trepidation that they recorded this review. Will they agree on its classic status or is it a fuss over nothing and the hype machine has worked overtime? Listen to find out but beware, this review is full of spoilers!
And in the news this week, casting news for series 8, a cancellation of a Doctor Who tour down under, DVD news and Phil and Paul give their opinion on the missing episodes spat between Ian Levine and himself. And in a short, sharp trip to Omega's Tat Corner there is future tat!! Well, maybe.
Radio Free Skaro #411 - Kicking the Styres
Radio Free SkaroThe classic commentary returns to Radio Free Skaro, in the form of a brief but enticing little number known as "The Sontaran Experiment"! Despite its quick running time, the adventures of Styre and Friends packs in adventure, spills, stunts, Terry Walsh in an unconvincing wig, and a pint-sized pugilist from another world who just wanted to make friends through torture and rigorous scientific villainy. The Three Who Rule were happy to lend their bon mots to this drama, sometimes even staying on point and discussing salient matters on screen! Next week, the return of the Miniscope, with Eccleston-era director Joe Ahearne!
Check out the show notes at
Radio Free Skaro #411 - Kicking the Styres
Radio Free SkaroThe classic commentary returns to Radio Free Skaro, in the form of a brief but enticing little number known as "The Sontaran Experiment"! Despite its quick running time, the adventures of Styre and Friends packs in adventure, spills, stunts, Terry Walsh in an unconvincing wig, and a pint-sized pugilist from another world who just wanted to make friends through torture and rigorous scientific villainy. The Three Who Rule were happy to lend their bon mots to this drama, sometimes even staying on point and discussing salient matters on screen! Next week, the return of the Miniscope, with Eccleston-era director Joe Ahearne!
Check out the show notes at
Radio Free Skaro #411 - Kicking the Styres
Radio Free SkaroThe classic commentary returns to Radio Free Skaro, in the form of a brief but enticing little number known as "The Sontaran Experiment"! Despite its quick running time, the adventures of Styre and Friends packs in adventure, spills, stunts, Terry Walsh in an unconvincing wig, and a pint-sized pugilist from another world who just wanted to make friends through torture and rigorous scientific villainy. The Three Who Rule were happy to lend their bon mots to this drama, sometimes even staying on point and discussing salient matters on screen! Next week, the return of the Miniscope, with Eccleston-era director Joe Ahearne!
Check out the show notes at
RRR 31, Inc. Karl Edward Wagner's Kane, SciFi/Fantasy/Horror/Tech UK
Roy's Rocket RadioNews: I'm Ill(ish), Podcast Cover, Ch-ch-ch-changes, TV: Amazon Studios, Betas, Barbarella, Bosch, Books: Doctor Who: Short Trips: The Centenarian, Darkness Weaves, Death Angel's Shadow, Bloodstone, Dark Crusade, Night Winds, The Book of Kane, Tell Me Dark (graphic novel), Gods in Darkness, Midnight Sun: The Complete Stories of Kane, Technology, Mobile World Congress and New Smartphones, Inc. Nokia's X Series Android Phones and Mozilla's Twenty Five Dollar Phone, Aftershow: Geeking Out
RRR31 Karl Edward Wagner's Kane
Roy's Rocket RadioNews: I'm Ill(ish), Podcast Cover, Ch-ch-ch-changes, TV: Amazon Studios, Betas, Barbarella, Bosch, Books: Doctor Who: Short Trips: The Centenarian, Darkness Weaves, Death Angel's Shadow, Bloodstone, Dark Crusade, Night Winds, The Book of Kane, Tell Me Dark (graphic novel), Gods in Darkness, Midnight Sun: The Complete Stories of Kane, Technology, Mobile World Congress and New Smartphones Nokia's X Series Android Phones and Mozilla's Twenty Five Dollar Phone, Aftershow: Geeking Out
RRR31 Karl Edward Wagner's Kane
Roy's Rocket RadioNews: I'm Ill(ish), Podcast Cover, Ch-ch-ch-changes, TV: Amazon Studios, Betas, Barbarella, Bosch, Books: Doctor Who: Short Trips: The Centenarian, Darkness Weaves, Death Angel's Shadow, Bloodstone, Dark Crusade, Night Winds, The Book of Kane, Tell Me Dark (graphic novel), Gods in Darkness, Midnight Sun: The Complete Stories of Kane, Technology, Mobile World Congress and New Smartphones Nokia's X Series Android Phones and Mozilla's Twenty Five Dollar Phone, Aftershow: Geeking Out
The Infinity Archives Episode #001
The Infinity ArchivesWill and Gareth finally review The Time of the Doctor, look at some news and discuss Matt Smith. Also Welsh Terry and The Time Weevil show up to provide facts on Colin Bakers appetite on The Twin Dilemma and the Weevil shows up to bring exclusive Information on Series 8.