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  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #142 - Four To Doomsday

    Radio Free Skaro

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    00:19 (GMT) - 25 May 2009

    In a desperate bid to find someone who could give an unequivocal thumbs up to Series 1 tome World War Three, the RFS gang numbered four (Warren, Steven, Chris, and Katrina) for one of the few times in history to record a commentary for the episode. The result? No thumbs up were given, but neither were there definite thumbs down, mostly because the hosts were more encumbered in dealing with various innuendos, intended or otherwise.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #142 - Four To Doomsday

    Radio Free Skaro

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    23:19 (GMT) - 24 May 2009

    In a desperate bid to find someone who could give an unequivocal thumbs up to Series 1 tome World War Three, the RFS gang numbered four (Warren, Steven, Chris, and Katrina) for one of the few times in history to record a commentary for the episode. The result? No thumbs up were given, but neither were there definite thumbs down, mostly because the hosts were more encumbered in dealing with various innuendos, intended or otherwise.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast

    Staggering Stories Podcast #46: Under Captain Kirk

    Staggering Stories Podcast

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    10:55 (GMT) - 24 May 2009

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith, Jean Riddler and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about the Doctor Who: Image of the Fendahl, the new Star Trek film, Choose their own Staggering Story, find lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00:48 — Welcome!
    • 01.05 — Hello Jean!
    • 01:36 – News (with ridiculously long intro!):
    • 02:23 — Doctor Who: Timothy Dalton appearing as baddie.
    • 03:22 — Doctor Who: The Doctor’s mother?
    • 04:04 — Primeval not axed…
    • 05:05 — Dollhouse gets a second season!
    • 05:48 — Sarah Connor terminated.
    • 06:27 — Star Trek a success.
    • 06:49 — Hunt for Golum fan film crashes server.
    • 07:43 — Star Tours ride updated.
    • 08:40 — Dom DeLuise RIP.
    • 09:12 — Doctor Who in all the wrong places.
    • 09:43 – El Presidente.
    • 10:53 – Doctor Who: Image of the Fendahl.
    • 23.45 — Shameless plugs for Whooverville and Hoo on Who.
    • 24:31 – Choose Your Own Staggering Story!
    • 29:08 – Star Trek: The 2009 Film.
    • 42:51 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 65:04 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 76:38 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Wikipedia: William Shatner’s ‘Musical Career’!
    • Bill Bailey (the news intro!).
    • BBC: Doctor Who.
    • Wikipedia: Timothy Dalton.
    • ITV: Primeval.
    • Fox: Dollhouse.
    • Wikipedia: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
    • Wikipedia: Star Trek (film).
    • The Hunt for Gollum.
    • Wikipedia: Star Tours.
    • Wikipedia: Dom DeLuise.
    • Star Trek.
    • BBC: Doctor Who: Image of the Fendahl.
    • Facebook: Whooverville.
    • Whooverville.
    • Hoo On Who Podcast.
    • Wikipedia: The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins.

  • The Minute Doctor Who Podcast

    014c - Feedback - Part Three

    The Minute Doctor Who Podcast

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    08:16 (GMT) - 24 May 2009

    And now I ask for some audience participation. Hopefully I'll get enough response to make the podcast that I want to make in the future.

  • Podshock

    Doctor Who: Podshock - 150


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    02:17 (GMT) - 23 May 2009

    Doctor Who: Podshock - Episode 150Doctor Who: Podshock - Episode 150
    Running Time: 0:59:20

    Eliza Roberts interviewed (speaking of her role in the 1996 movie along with Eric Roberts and his recent work with Christopher Eccleston), news, announcements, special communique from Starship Sofa, and more.

    Hosted by Louis Trapani, with Ken Deep.

    Brought to you by the Gallifreyan Embassy and presented by Outpost Gallifrey.

    Do you want the Enhanced Podcast AAC file format? Get our Enhanced Podcast version of this episode using our feed at http://www.gallifreyanembassy.org/podshock/podshock.xml.

  • Doctor Who Review Today

    EPISODE 34 - Review of The Arc of Infinity and Utopia Pt 1

    Doctor Who Review Today

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    20:09 (GMT) - 22 May 2009

    Part 1 of 2 With co-Host Romana II and guests Darth Skeptical and Emily From Ohio. Part 2 will be on episode 34.5 and some sound is spoty because of talkshoe.Thanks for downloading.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 120

    Geek Syndicate

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    07:33 (GMT) - 22 May 2009

    Welcome to another Fifty Five minutes of geek fun!

    News: A new Phantom look for a New Phantom TV series, Dollhouse Renewed/ Sarah Connor gets canned and Battleships the movie (no, not a joke!)

    Week that was: We respond to a twitter post and give our thoughts on the current season of Robin Hood. We then turn our attention to the season finales of Lost, Dollhouse, Krodd Mandoon, Smallville, Fringe and Supernatural.

    Main Feature: Interview with Comix guys Andi Ewington and Ed Deighton about their new and ambitious project Fourty-Five.


  • Staggering Stories Podcast

    Staggering Stories Podcast Promo

    Staggering Stories Podcast

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    06:55 (GMT) - 22 May 2009

    Promo time!

    Don’t fear (or perhaps do!), the next podcast should be out on schedule this coming Sunday/Monday. In the meantime here is a little something that might or might not amuse (but plug our podcast, either way!)

    Obviously feel free to spread this around – we would be most grateful. Fellow podcasters, don’t be surprised if you get a pleading email from us! We’re always happy to play a promo or two, of course, send them along.

    They might be able to contain swine flu but they can’t contain Staggering Stories!

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 120

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:33 (GMT) - 22 May 2009

    Welcome to another Fifty Five minutes of geek fun!

    News: A new Phantom look for a New Phantom TV series, Dollhouse Renewed/ Sarah Connor gets canned and Battleships the movie (no, not a joke!)

    Week that was: We respond to a twitter post and give our thoughts on the current season of Robin Hood. We then turn our attention to the season finales of Lost, Dollhouse, Krodd Mandoon, Smallville, Fringe and Supernatural.

    Main Feature: Interview with Comix guys Andi Ewington and Ed Deighton about their new and ambitious project Fourty-Five.


  • The Doctor Who Audio Dramas

    Doctor Who: Alive part four

    The Doctor Who Audio Dramas

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:00 (GMT) - 21 May 2009

  • The Doctor Who Audio Dramas

    Doctor Who: Alive part three

    The Doctor Who Audio Dramas

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:00 (GMT) - 21 May 2009

  • The Doctor Who Audio Dramas

    Doctor Who: Alive part two

    The Doctor Who Audio Dramas

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:00 (GMT) - 21 May 2009

  • The Doctor Who Audio Dramas

    Doctor Who: Alive part one

    The Doctor Who Audio Dramas

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:00 (GMT) - 21 May 2009

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #115 - Baddies' Delight

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

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    22:28 (GMT) - 20 May 2009

    Die heutige Folge des Whocastes ist etwas fur die hungrigen Horer unter Euch. Uwe vom Kuchenlicht kocht mit uns zwei Rezepte aus dem "Doctor Who Cookbook" von Gary Downie. Zum einen das Lieblinsrezept von Roger "Master" Delgado und einen einfachen und sehr leckeren Nachtisch von Terry "Davros" Molloy. Genau Rezeptangaben und Bilder zum Mitkochen findet ihr auf der Seite des Kuchenlichts.

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #115 - Baddies' Delight

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:28 (GMT) - 20 May 2009

    Die heutige Folge des Whocastes ist etwas fur die hungrigen Horer unter Euch. Uwe vom Kuchenlicht kocht mit uns zwei Rezepte aus dem "Doctor Who Cookbook" von Gary Downie. Zum einen das Lieblinsrezept von Roger "Master" Delgado und einen einfachen und sehr leckeren Nachtisch von Terry "Davros" Molloy. Genau Rezeptangaben und Bilder zum Mitkochen findet ihr auf der Seite des Kuchenlichts.

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 90: Big Finish Round Up

    Tin Dog Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:52 (GMT) - 18 May 2009

     to follow

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #141 - The Curse of Keith Boak

    Radio Free Skaro

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    22:55 (GMT) - 17 May 2009

    With the regular hosts of Radio Free Skaro jumping ship left and right in order to avoid commentating on perceived Series One low point Aliens of London, it was left to Steven, Katrina, and, at the last minute, Chris to try and find something worthy to talk about for the Slitheen's debut appearance in Doctor Who lore. They succeeded in not going too terribly off topic, although the intrusion of the subtitle track from the 1964 classic series story Marco Polo didn't help. Have a listen for yourselves!

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #141 - The Curse of Keith Boak

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:55 (GMT) - 17 May 2009

    With the regular hosts of Radio Free Skaro jumping ship left and right in order to avoid commentating on perceived Series One low point Aliens of London, it was left to Steven, Katrina, and, at the last minute, Chris to try and find something worthy to talk about for the Slitheen's debut appearance in Doctor Who lore. They succeeded in not going too terribly off topic, although the intrusion of the subtitle track from the 1964 classic series story Marco Polo didn't help. Have a listen for yourselves!

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #141 - The Curse of Keith Boak

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:55 (GMT) - 17 May 2009

    With the regular hosts of Radio Free Skaro jumping ship left and right in order to avoid commentating on perceived Series One low point Aliens of London, it was left to Steven, Katrina, and, at the last minute, Chris to try and find something worthy to talk about for the Slitheen's debut appearance in Doctor Who lore. They succeeded in not going too terribly off topic, although the intrusion of the subtitle track from the 1964 classic series story Marco Polo didn't help. Have a listen for yourselves!

  • Bigger on the Inside

    Bigger on the Inside - Episode 13

    Bigger on the Inside

    Direct Podcast Download

    15:50 (GMT) - 17 May 2009

    Great characterization, wonderful pacing, solid acting, the painful deaths of not one but three companions, the awesomeness of the Daleks and the unexpected return of an old foe come together to make "The Dalek's Master Plan" one of the best Doctor Who stories to date.

  • Podshock

    Doctor Who: Podshock - 149


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    04:55 (GMT) - 16 May 2009

    Doctor Who: Podshock - Episode 149Doctor Who: Podshock - Episode 149
    Running Time: 1:39:50

    DVD Easter Eggs, Doctor Who Fab Cafe reports from Tim Drury and Dave "AC" Cooper, news, feedback from Rassilon on Planet of the Dead, Tom, Rob Shear, and Chris in NC.

    Hosted by Ken Deep, James Naughton, and Louis Trapani.

    Brought to you by the Gallifreyan Embassy and presented by Outpost Gallifrey.

    Do you want the Enhanced Podcast AAC file format? Get our Enhanced Podcast version of this episode using our feed at http://www.gallifreyanembassy.org/podshock/podshock.xml.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 119 - Bristol Con 09 and SPExpo 09 Report

    Geek Syndicate

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    07:13 (GMT) - 14 May 2009

    Welcome to your fifty five minute guide through the murky underbelly of geekdom.

    Arriving home after the Bristol Comic Expo and the Small Press Expo we give our report (with the aid of some whisky) on how we found both events.

    There is also behind the scenes chat on the panel we hosted (which for some reason has now become a con legend...though that had little to do with us and the force of nature that is Dan Boultwood and Tony Lee.

    Look out for interviews with Mal Smith, the organiser of the SPExpo and Mr DC Comics himself Dan Didio.

    Get Yer Geek on Ninjas!

  • Geek Syndicate

    Everything Comes Back to 2000ad - Episode 2

    Geek Syndicate

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    07:08 (GMT) - 14 May 2009

    This Episode Flint and Bluemeanie discuss progs 3, 1632 and 1633. Blue reviews the Dredd story 'The Pit' and Flint thinks Russell Brand is a twat! This episode carries more sexual innuendo than 'Carry on up the Khyber!'...listen responsibly!

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 119 - Bristol Con 09 and SPExpo 09 Report

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:13 (GMT) - 14 May 2009

    Welcome to your fifty five minute guide through the murky underbelly of geekdom.

    Arriving home after the Bristol Comic Expo and the Small Press Expo we give our report (with the aid of some whisky) on how we found both events.

    There is also behind the scenes chat on the panel we hosted (which for some reason has now become a con legend...though that had little to do with us and the force of nature that is Dan Boultwood and Tony Lee.

    Look out for interviews with Mal Smith, the organiser of the SPExpo and Mr DC Comics himself Dan Didio.

    Get Yer Geek on Ninjas!

  • Geek Syndicate

    Everything Comes Back to 2000ad - Episode 2

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:08 (GMT) - 14 May 2009

    This Episode Flint and Bluemeanie discuss progs 3, 1632 and 1633. Blue reviews the Dredd story 'The Pit' and Flint thinks Russell Brand is a twat! This episode carries more sexual innuendo than 'Carry on up the Khyber!'...listen responsibly!

  • Tachyon TV Podcasts

    A Special Appeal from Rula Lenska

    Tachyon TV Podcasts

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    16:30 (GMT) - 11 May 2009

    Join Rula as she makes an extra special appeal on behalf of MILF FARTS.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #140 - The Gay(seous) Agenda

    Radio Free Skaro

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    20:19 (GMT) - 10 May 2009

    "The Unquiet Dead" was the episode next in line for commentary, but the intrepid investigations of the Three Who Rule have discovered a hidden message within this tale of Dickens, aliens, and reanimated corpses. Yes, it seems Russel T. Davies sees fit to force his sick preferences for matter in neither solid or liquid but gaseous(!) form down the throats of the public. Well, not on our watch, dear listener. What's next, marriage between a glass of water and a pineapple? The mind boggles.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #140 - The Gay(seous) Agenda

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:19 (GMT) - 10 May 2009

    "The Unquiet Dead" was the episode next in line for commentary, but the intrepid investigations of the Three Who Rule have discovered a hidden message within this tale of Dickens, aliens, and reanimated corpses. Yes, it seems Russel T. Davies sees fit to force his sick preferences for matter in neither solid or liquid but gaseous(!) form down the throats of the public. Well, not on our watch, dear listener. What's next, marriage between a glass of water and a pineapple? The mind boggles.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #140 - The Gay(seous) Agenda

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:19 (GMT) - 10 May 2009

    "The Unquiet Dead" was the episode next in line for commentary, but the intrepid investigations of the Three Who Rule have discovered a hidden message within this tale of Dickens, aliens, and reanimated corpses. Yes, it seems Russel T. Davies sees fit to force his sick preferences for matter in neither solid or liquid but gaseous(!) form down the throats of the public. Well, not on our watch, dear listener. What's next, marriage between a glass of water and a pineapple? The mind boggles.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast

    Staggering Stories Podcast #45: The Throwback

    Staggering Stories Podcast

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    10:26 (GMT) - 10 May 2009

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about the Doctor Who: Invasion 09 convention, Ashes to Ashes, Star Trek: the best and worst of Original Trek, dig up some Escape Pod Discs, find lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00:45 — Welcome!
    • 01:22 – News:
    • 01:30 — Doctor Who: Yet more cast announced!
    • 04:24 — Heroes: Season 4 is to be pruned back.
    • 05:44 — Wolverine and Star Trek: Delayed due to swine flu.
    • 07:34 — Terminator Salvation: Arnie will be back!
    • 08:38 — Aardman Animations: Two new films with Sony.
    • 12:56 – Doctor Who: Invasion 09 Convention Report.
    • 24:56 – Escape Pod Discs: Crumbly.
    • 30:58 – Ashes to Ashes: Episodes 2.1 and 2.2.
    • 40:11 – Star Trek: Best and Worst of The Original Series.
    • 55:48 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 76:19 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 76:38 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • BBC: Doctor Who.
    • Heroes.
    • Wolverine.
    • Star Trek.
    • Angels and Demons.
    • Terminator Salvation.
    • Aardman Animations.
    • Doctor Who Convention: Invasion 09.
    • Tim’s Take On… Podcast.
    • BBC: Ashes to Ashes.
    • Wikipedia: Star Trek – The Original Series.
    • ITV: Primeval.

  • Podshock

    Doctor Who: Podshock - 148


    Direct Podcast Download

    22:10 (GMT) - 9 May 2009

    Doctor Who: Podshock - Episode 148Doctor Who: Podshock - Episode 148
    Running Time: 1:34:45

    Review of the Four to Doomsday DVD, news, feedback from Jim E. Oconner, Don, James, Lela, Fox, Bruce Strong, Ralph, Mike, Kent, Eugenia & Gerri, and Ian Chesterton. Hosted by Ken Deep, James Naughton, and Louis Trapani.

    Brought to you by the Gallifreyan Embassy and presented by Outpost Gallifrey.

    Do you want the Enhanced Podcast AAC file format? Get our Enhanced Podcast version of this episode using our feed at http://www.gallifreyanembassy.org/podshock/podshock.xml.

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 89: The Deadly Assassin

    Tin Dog Podcast

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    06:07 (GMT) - 9 May 2009

    Synopsis The Doctor answers a summons and finally returns to his homeworld, Gallifrey, seat of the Time Lords. However, when the President of the High Council is assassinated, he becomes the prime suspect, while an old enemy lurks in the shadows, pulling the strings. [edit] Plot The Fourth Doctor has arrived on Gallifrey after receiving a mysterious summons from the Time Lords. Along the way, he has a precognitive vision about the President of the Time Lords being murdered. As soon as the TARDIS materialises within the Gallifreyan Citadel, an alarm sounds and it is surrounded by soldiers. Their leader, Commander Hildred, reports to Castellan Spandrell. Both note that the TARDIS is a Type 40, which is no longer in service. Since the arrival is unauthorised, the soldiers are ordered to impound the TARDIS and arrest the occupant. The Doctor overhears this, and realises that the Time Lords did not summon him. Someone has gone to great lengths to set him up. Spandrell goes to see Coordinator Engin in the Archives Section, leaving Hildred in charge. Hildred and his troops enter the TARDIS, but the Doctor manages to sneak out and make his way to a service lift that leads to the main tower. A soldier is present, and threatens to place the Doctor under arrest. However, the soldier is quickly killed by a phantom-like figure who disappears before the Doctor can get a good look at him. The Doctor sends the lift on its way, in an attempt to fool the soldiers into thinking he has fled deeper into the Citadel. All of this has been observed by the Doctor's old adversary, the Master, who is wearing a black hood that conceals his features. "Predictable as ever, Doctor," he snorts, before returning to the shadows. Chancellor Goth arrives outside the TARDIS to see the situation for himself. Inside the TARDIS, the Doctor is watching a news broadcast by a reporter he recognises as Runcible (whom the Doctor nicknames "the Fatuous"), a classmate from his days at the Academy. It is revealed that the President is set to retire, and he is to name a successor before he does. Runcible is talking to Cardinal Borusa, one of the Doctor's former teachers. He asks Borusa who the Presidential successor will be, but Borusa brushes him off. The TARDIS is transmatted to the museum, and the Doctor takes the opportunity to steal a set of traditional Gallifreyan robes to mingle with the crowds. Meanwhile, deep within the archive tower, the Master, revealed to be horribly emaciated, confers with an unseen accomplice. He says that the trap has been set, and they must make sure the Doctor dies quickly. At the Panopticon, the disguised Doctor briefly converses with Runcible before the outgoing President makes his entrance. The Doctor scans the area and notes a camera stationed on an unguarded catwalk. He also spots a sniper rifle next to the camera. The Doctor fights his way to the catwalk, warning that the President is about to be killed. Unfortunately, for the Doctor, the assassin is actually among the delegates. He pulls out a pistol and shoots the President dead. The crowd sees the Doctor on the catwalk with the rifle and assume he is the assassin. The captured Doctor insists that he is innocent. Eventually, Spandrell starts to believe him and orders Engin to assist him in an independent investigation. Meanwhile, Goth and Borusa debate over the Doctor's impending trial. Goth notes that the election for a new President will occur in forty-eight hours, and he is eager to see the Doctor executed before then. Borusa, however, wants to ensure that the Doctor receives a fair trial, according to law. The Doctor surprises everyone by invoking Article 17: he will run for President, which will mean he can only be tried if he loses the election. The Master and his assassin are not pleased with this turn of events. The Doctor returns to the scene of the crime with Spandrell. They discover that the sight on the Doctor's rifle was fixed, making it impossible for this weapon to have killed the President. They conclude that the real assassin would have been caught on tape by a nearby video camera, but when they inspect the camera, they find the shrunken body of the technician inside. The Doctor then realises that the Master is behind this. Runcible attempts to take the tape from the camera to the archives for review, but he is killed by a spear to the back. The Doctor realises that the Master sent the Doctor the premonition of the assassination through the Matrix, a vast computer which turns thought patterns into virtual reality. He decides to enter the Matrix as a means of tracking the Master. Engin warns him that if he dies in the virtual world, he will die in the real world as well. The Doctor enters the Matrix and finds himself in a forbidding landscape of crumbling white cliffs and sparse vegetation. The disembodied laughter of some unknown presence echoes off the canyon walls. The Doctor is then engaged in a series of surrealistic sequences. First he nearly walks into the open jaws of a hungry crocodile, which simply disappears into thin air. He is then attacked by a masked samurai warrior and falls from a cliff into unconsciousness. He revives upon an outdoor operating table with a masked surgeon standing over him. The surgeon tries to inject him with a substance from an extremely large hypodermic needle. The Doctor pushes the surgeon away and runs off to find himself in the midst of a World War I battle. Shell and machine gun fire is heard and gas canisters explode all around. A soldier and his horse stumble out of the smoke wearing gas masks. The Doctor runs bewildered until he comes upon a train track, the rail of which closes upon one of his boots and traps him. A group of three masked men appear and one attempts to run him down with a mine train. The train disappears before hitting the Doctor and he works his foot free. The Doctor realizes that his surroundings are but an illusion and tries to deny their existence, but passes out from the strain. Recovering consciousness he becomes aware of the two large black eyes of his unknown adversary in the side of a cliff, telling him that he is the creator of this world and that there is no escape. The Doctor, dehydrated and thirsty, hears the sound of running water, but when he attempts to dig into the ground to locate its source he is greeted by a red-nosed clown peering through a window, laughing at him. He is then strafed by machine gun fire by a masked pilot in a biplane, eventually receiving a bullet wound in the leg. The Doctor tries to deny the existence of the wound, and it disappears. However, the disembodied voice of the assassin reminds him that this is his reality, and his rules, and the wound reappears. The Doctor declares that he will then fight the assassin in his reality. In the real world, Engin tells Spandrell that the Doctor's adversary is using a lot of energy to maintain the virtual environment, so the Doctor can defeat him if he provides an adequate distraction. Inside the Matrix, the dry barren virtual environment merges into a thick, sticky jungle, and the assassin soon appears dressed as a big game hunter, a mesh veil obscuring his face. The assassin concludes that the Doctor will need water, and, leaving his backpack behind him, goes off to contaminate the local supply with poison from a small bottle. The Doctor finds the assassin's backpack and takes a grenade and some twine, setting up a makeshift booby trap. The assassin returns and trips it, setting off an explosion which wounds him in the abdomen. Fearing that his protege might lose, the Master sends a hypnotised guard to kill the Doctor's physical form. Back inside the Matrix, the Doctor continues to be hunted through the virtual jungle. Coming to the pool of water, he finds dead, floating fish and the empty bottle and realises that the water has been poisoned. He finds a small amount of uncontaminated water and drinks it through a reed, then uses the reed and some thorns off of a nearby tree to make a blowgun, dipping the ends of the darts into the remnants of the poison from the bottle. The Doctor climbs up into a tree and shoots the assassin in the leg with a dart. The assassin fires his rifle and hits the Doctor in the arm, causing him to fall out of the tree. Ripping his pants leg open to reveal a potentially fatal wound, the assassin injects himself with an antidote while the Doctor again escapes. In the real world, the hypnotised guard makes his way to the Matrix chamber, but Spandrell manages to shoot him before he can sabotage the Matrix link. Back in the Matrix, the Doctor has made it to a gas-filled marsh, where the assassin reveals his true identity: Chancellor Goth. Goth tries to shoot the Doctor but ignites the marsh gas, setting himself on fire. Goth falls into the water to extinguish the spreading flames. The Doctor comes out of hiding to confront him, but is caught by surprise by Goth and tackled. Intense hand-to-hand combat ensues, with Goth seeming to gain the upper hand. He attempts to drown the Doctor. However, the strain of fighting and keeping up the virtual reality overcomes Goth. The Doctor breaks free and hits Goth over the head with a large stick. The Master, realising that Goth has been effectively defeated, decides to hedge his bets and tries to trap the Doctor in the Matrix by overloading the neuron fields, even though this will also kill Goth. Engin manages to get the Doctor out, but Goth is not so lucky. The Master then injects himself with a hypodermic needle. The Doctor and Spandrell, accompanied by soldiers, manage to make their way to the chamber where the Master and Goth were accessing the Matrix. They find the Master slumped in a chair without a pulse and Goth dying. Goth reveals that he found the Master, near death, on Tersurus. The Master was nearing the end of his twelfth and final regeneration. Goth went along with his schemes mainly for power: he knew the President had no intention of naming him as a successor, but if a new election was held, he would be the front runner. Before he dies, Goth warns that the Master has a doomsday plan. When Spandrell relates the story to Borusa, the Cardinal orders that a cover story be created to maintain confidence in the Time Lords and their leadership. The official story will be that the Master arrived in secret to assassinate the President, and Goth heroically tracked him down and killed him but perished in the attempt. The charge against the Doctor will be dropped on condition that he leave Gallifrey. Attempting to piece together what the Master and Goth were planning, the Doctor inquires as to what becoming the President entails. He is told that the President has access to the symbols of office: the Sash and Great Key of Rassilon. As Engin plays the records of the Old Time, which describes how Rassilon found the Eye of Harmony within the "black void", the Doctor realises these objects are not ceremonial. The Doctor inspects the hypodermic needle, and realises that it contained a neural inhibitor. The Master is still alive. The Doctor, Spandrell, and Engin arrive at the morgue, to find that the Master has revived and killed Hildred. Armed with Hildred's staser pistol, the Master seizes the Sash from the President's corpse and traps the three in the morgue. The Doctor explains what he has deduced: that the Eye is actually the nucleus of a black hole, an inexhaustible energy source that Rassilon captured to power Gallifrey, and the Sash and Key are its control devices. The Doctor deduces that the Master was planning to steal this energy to gain a new cycle of regenerations. However, if the Eye is disrupted, Gallifrey will be destroyed and a hundred other worlds will be consumed in a chain reaction. Inside the Panopticon, the Master makes his way to the obelisk containing the Eye. He unhooks the coils that connect it to Gallifrey, and is prepared to access the energy. The Doctor makes his way to the Panopticon via a service shaft. The Citadel begins to quake, and cracks appear in the floor. The Doctor and the Master fight, until the Master loses his footing and falls into a chasm. The Doctor reconnects the coils and saves Gallifrey, although half the city is in ruins and many lives have been lost. The Doctor is now free to return to his TARDIS. He bids farewell to Borusa, Spandrell, and Engin, but also warns that the Master may not be dead. He had harvested some energy from the obelisk before he was stopped, and may have been able to channel it. As the Doctor's TARDIS dematerialises, Spandrell and Engin witness the Master sneak into his own TARDIS - disguised as a grandfather clock - and make his escape. Spandrell concludes that it is only a matter of time before the two enemies cross paths again. [edit] Cast notes Bernard Horsfall guest stars as Chancellor Goth. He had previously appeared as an unnamed Time Lord (credited as 'Time Lord 1') in the serial The War Games prompting some speculation that they were the same character. Other parts played by Horsfall in Doctor Who were Gulliver in The Mind Robber and Taron in Planet of the Daleks. [edit] Continuity This is the only serial of the original Doctor Who series in which the Doctor does not have a companion. This was reportedly at Tom Baker's request as he wanted to try a solo adventure. In addition, some have suggested that the production team hoped to discourage Baker's interest in solo serials, but his enthusiastic reaction to the scripts seems to have belied this.Although this story was well-received, the experiment of the Doctor without his companions was not repeated until the revived series episode "Midnight" in the 2008 series. Robert Holmes later stated how difficult it was to write a script without anyone for the Doctor to share his thoughts and plans with (the character is seen to talk to himself more than usual).The planet Tersurus, where Goth says he found the Master, is seen in the 1999 charity spoof Doctor Who and the Curse of Fatal Death. How the Master arrived there in an emaciated state is described in the Eighth Doctor Adventures novel Legacy of the Daleks by John Peel.The character of Borusa reappears in The Invasion of Time, Arc of Infinity and The Five Doctors. In each subsequent story, the character is played by a different actor, Borusa having regenerated. He has also been promoted in each interim, a cardinal here, Chancellor, President, and Lord High President in the later serials, respectively.Earth is referred to as Sol 3; this name is again used in "Last of the Time Lords".[1] The Factfile for that episode on the official BBC Doctor Who website, compiled by fan Rob Francis, refers to the term as Earth's Gallifreyan name.[2] It is used as such again in "Voyage of the Damned".The Doctor's trial and subsequent exile to Earth by the Time Lords and the later lifting of that sentence are mentioned. [edit] Notable additions This is the first story to state that there is a limited number of times that a Time Lord can regenerate, and that this number is twelve. None of the Time Lords who are killed in this story are seen to regenerate, and the Doctor does qualify (in The War Games) that his people can live forever "barring accidents." In The Brain of Morbius, the fourth Doctor states that his people chose to not live forever because "death is the price of progress."This episode is one of the very few where we see the written Galifreyan language by way of a note to the authorities the Doctor leaves in the Tardis. The handwriting, done with a quill pen, resembles random stylized penstrokes shaped like the upside down capital letter L.The source of the Time Lords' power and that of the TARDIS is the Eye of Harmony, the nucleus of a black hole that lies beneath the citadel on Gallifrey. The Eye (or a link to it) is seen inside the TARDIS in the 1996 television movie. Whether the Eye survived the destruction of Gallifrey mentioned in the 2005 series is not clear, though the TARDIS is seen twice ("Boom Town", "Utopia") drawing its power from the time rift in Cardiff.This story introduces Rassilon who, along with Omega (introduced in The Three Doctors) would become the central figure in Time Lord mythology. When Rassilon's name is first mentioned, the Doctor inquires who he is.One of the artefacts that controls the Eye of Harmony is the Great Key of Rassilon, a large ebonite rod. Confusingly, there are two other Keys of Rassilon mentioned later in the series. One, also known as the Great Key, whose location is known only to the Chancellor, resembles an ordinary key and is a vital component of the demat gun (The Invasion of Time). The other, simply called the Key of Rassilon, gives access to the Matrix (The Ultimate Foe). [edit] Production Serial details by episode: Episode Broadcast date Run time Viewership (in millions) "Part One" 30 October 1976 21:13 11.8 "Part Two" 6 November 1976 24:44 12.1 "Part Three" 13 November 1976 24:20 13 "Part Four" 20 November 1976 24:30 11.8 [3][4][5] Working titles for this story included The Dangerous Assassin (which Holmes changed to "deadly" because he thought it "didn't sound right"). The final title is a tautology: a successful assassin must, by definition, be deadly. However, since Time Lords can in general survive death, and the assassin's victims do not, he is perhaps "deadly" in that sense.The story drew considerable hostile commentary from Mary Whitehouse, who particularly objected to the extended freeze frame of Goth drowning the Doctor at the end of episode 3. [edit] Outside references The story was largely inspired by the film and book The Manchurian Candidate, down to the inclusion of a CIA.The serial begins with Tom Baker doing a voiceover introduction referring to Time Lords in the third person, over a text crawl similar to that seen in the opening of Star Wars (although The Deadly Assassin predates the premiere of Star Wars by six months). The 1996 television movie, "Father's Day", "Army of Ghosts" and "Doomsday" are the only other stories so far that begin with a voiceover.See also: Simulated reality [edit] In print Doctor Who book Doctor Who and the Deadly Assassin Series Target novelisations Release number 19 Writer Terrance Dicks Publisher Target Books Cover artist Mike Little ISBN 0-426-11965-7 Release date 20 October 1977 Preceded by Doctor Who and the Mutants Followed by Doctor Who and the Talons of Weng-Chiang A novelisation of this serial, written by Terrance Dicks, was published by Target Books in October 1977, entitled Doctor Who and The Deadly Assassin. [edit] Broadcast This serial was repeated on BBC One in August 1977 (04/08/77) to (25/08/77) on Thursdays at 6.20pm. The cliffhanger to Episode 3 -- where Goth holds the Doctor's head underwater in an attempt to drown him -- came in for heavy criticism, particularly from television decency campaigner Mary Whitehouse. She often cited it in interviews as one of the most frightening scenes in Doctor Who, her reasoning being that children would not know if the Doctor survived until the following week and that they would have this strong image in their minds during all that time. After the episode's initial broadcast, the master tape of the episode was edited to remove the original ending. However, off-air U-matic recordings of the original broadcast exist with the ending intact, and have been used to restore the ending on the VHS and subsequent DVD release. [edit] VHS and DVD release This story was released in March 1989 in edited omnibus format in the US only.It was released in episodic format in the UK in October 1991. It was also re-released & remastered for the W H Smith exclusive Time Lord Collection in 2002 with a better quality freeze frame cliffhanger for Episode 3.DWM 404 confirmed this story for 2009 DVD release. Play.com has it listed for 11th May and Amazon.co.uk have this listed for a 4th May release.

  • Doctor Who Review Today

    EPISODE 33 -K9 The Invisible Enemy and The Long Game

    Doctor Who Review Today

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    20:16 (GMT) - 8 May 2009

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 118

    Geek Syndicate

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    14:22 (GMT) - 7 May 2009

    Join us for another 55 minutes through the murky underbelly of geekdom!

    News: Battlestar Galatica DVD pricing rant and Wolverine sequel and Deadpool films are greenlit

    Week that was: Kick Ass issue 6,Doctor Who: The Forgotten, Cancertown, Sherlock Holmes, Wolverine the video game, Dark Avengers and Sarah Connor Chronicles

    Main: We have a brief chat to Mal Smith who is the organiser of the new kid on the block in the world of UK comic cons - The Small Press Expo.


  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 118

    Geek Syndicate

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    13:22 (GMT) - 7 May 2009

    Join us for another 55 minutes through the murky underbelly of geekdom!

    News: Battlestar Galatica DVD pricing rant and Wolverine sequel and Deadpool films are greenlit

    Week that was: Kick Ass issue 6,Doctor Who: The Forgotten, Cancertown, Sherlock Holmes, Wolverine the video game, Dark Avengers and Sarah Connor Chronicles

    Main: We have a brief chat to Mal Smith who is the organiser of the new kid on the block in the world of UK comic cons - The Small Press Expo.


  • Radio Free Skaro

    HiSciFi Interviews Radio Free Skaro's Warren Frey

    Radio Free Skaro

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    15:45 (GMT) - 5 May 2009

    HiSciFi, a weekly science fiction radio show that broadcasts out of Vancouver's Simon Fraser University on CJSF Radio, recently sat down to interview Radio Free Skaro's own Warren Frey about all things Doctor Who, as well as chat a little bit about this very podcast. Listen as Warren defends Peter Davison, exhumes William Hartnell (only to bury him again), and generally nerds it up with the radio hosts for nigh on 45 minutes.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    HiSciFi Interviews Radio Free Skaro's Warren Frey

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    15:45 (GMT) - 5 May 2009

    HiSciFi, a weekly science fiction radio show that broadcasts out of Vancouver's Simon Fraser University on CJSF Radio, recently sat down to interview Radio Free Skaro's own Warren Frey about all things Doctor Who, as well as chat a little bit about this very podcast. Listen as Warren defends Peter Davison, exhumes William Hartnell (only to bury him again), and generally nerds it up with the radio hosts for nigh on 45 minutes.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    HiSciFi Interviews Radio Free Skaro's Warren Frey

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    14:45 (GMT) - 5 May 2009

    HiSciFi, a weekly science fiction radio show that broadcasts out of Vancouver's Simon Fraser University on CJSF Radio, recently sat down to interview Radio Free Skaro's own Warren Frey about all things Doctor Who, as well as chat a little bit about this very podcast. Listen as Warren defends Peter Davison, exhumes William Hartnell (only to bury him again), and generally nerds it up with the radio hosts for nigh on 45 minutes.

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #114 - Zwei im kurzen Regenschauer

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

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    02:20 (GMT) - 5 May 2009

    Nach einer sehr WHOigen Woche geht es in diesem Cast mal ein wenig ruhiger zu. Die Standard-Crew widmet sich einem kurzen Review des Public WHOing IIIs in Koln und anschliessen dem Horspiel "The Raincloudman". Ausserdem gibt es Post, die den ein oder anderen vielleicht zum nachdenken oder gar zum schreiben bringt.

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #114 - Zwei im kurzen Regenschauer

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

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    01:20 (GMT) - 5 May 2009

    Nach einer sehr WHOigen Woche geht es in diesem Cast mal ein wenig ruhiger zu. Die Standard-Crew widmet sich einem kurzen Review des Public WHOing IIIs in Koln und anschliessen dem Horspiel "The Raincloudman". Ausserdem gibt es Post, die den ein oder anderen vielleicht zum nachdenken oder gar zum schreiben bringt.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #139 - An Absence of Pedantry

    Radio Free Skaro

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    21:22 (GMT) - 3 May 2009

    There was no, repeat no news this week, save a couple of tidbit that were quite spoilery and best left to rot unless confirmed correct. Added to that was RFS dilettante "The Third Guy" was off at an event in Manchester called "Who at the Fab Cafe" (sounds made up). But while Chris had an imaginary good time, it was up to Steven, Warren and Katrina to pick up the slack and give their thoughts and opinions on "The End of the World".

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #139 - An Absence of Pedantry

    Radio Free Skaro

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    21:22 (GMT) - 3 May 2009

    There was no, repeat no news this week, save a couple of tidbit that were quite spoilery and best left to rot unless confirmed correct. Added to that was RFS dilettante "The Third Guy" was off at an event in Manchester called "Who at the Fab Cafe" (sounds made up). But while Chris had an imaginary good time, it was up to Steven, Warren and Katrina to pick up the slack and give their thoughts and opinions on "The End of the World".

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #139 - An Absence of Pedantry

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:22 (GMT) - 3 May 2009

    There was no, repeat no news this week, save a couple of tidbit that were quite spoilery and best left to rot unless confirmed correct. Added to that was RFS dilettante "The Third Guy" was off at an event in Manchester called "<a href="http://tardisscanner.yuku.com/calendar/event/id/739">Who at the Fab Cafe</a>" (sounds made up). But while Chris had an imaginary good time, it was up to Steven, Warren and Katrina to pick up the slack and give their thoughts and opinions on "The End of the World".

  • Bigger on the Inside

    Bigger on the Inside - Episode 12

    Bigger on the Inside

    Direct Podcast Download

    12:05 (GMT) - 3 May 2009

    As a planet is set to die, the Doctor discovers that he shouldn't judge races by beauty ("Galaxy 4"). The crew then takes a week off as hapless humans are exterminated by the Daleks ("Mission to the Unknown"). And lastly, the Doctor influences the outcome of the Trojan War ("The Myth Makers").

  • Podshock

    Doctor Who: Podshock - 147


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    03:04 (GMT) - 1 May 2009

    Doctor Who: Podshock - Episode 146Doctor Who: Podshock - Episode 147
    Running Time: 1:12:00

    Part 2 of 2 of our Live Review of Planet of the Dead with live listener feedback from Samantha "Romana II", Robert, Tiggs Panther, Tim Drury, Chip, Russel Hale, Omar, Jaffofan 88, Mystery Caller, Dave "AC" Cooper, and Mark Goodacre. Hosted by Louis Trapani and Ken Deep.

    Brought to you by the Gallifreyan Embassy and presented by Outpost Gallifrey.

    Do you want the Enhanced Podcast AAC file format? Get our Enhanced Podcast version of this episode using our feed at http://www.gallifreyanembassy.org/podshock/podshock.xml.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 117

    Geek Syndicate

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    03:04 (GMT) - 1 May 2009

    Join us on another adventure through the world of Geekdom!

    News: An Odyssey movie on the way, The Henchman's Book Club, Some Unfinished Business between Will Smith and the Sci-Fi Channel, A GI Joe cartoon by Warren Ellis, surely not?

    Week That Was: Xombie web cartoon series, Batman: murder at Wayne manor - an interactive mystery, Atomic Robo Vol 3- Shadow Beyond Time issue 1, Buck Rogers issue 0, Afro Samurai Resurrection and Taken

    Main: Wolverine non spoiler review

    Competitions: Last chance for Atomic Robo entries, Win tickets to special screening of Coraline and win Uninvited goodie bags.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 117

    Geek Syndicate

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    02:04 (GMT) - 1 May 2009

    Join us on another adventure through the world of Geekdom!

    News: An Odyssey movie on the way, The Henchman's Book Club, Some Unfinished Business between Will Smith and the Sci-Fi Channel, A GI Joe cartoon by Warren Ellis, surely not?

    Week That Was: Xombie web cartoon series, Batman: murder at Wayne manor - an interactive mystery, Atomic Robo Vol 3- Shadow Beyond Time issue 1, Buck Rogers issue 0, Afro Samurai Resurrection and Taken

    Main: Wolverine non spoiler review

    Competitions: Last chance for Atomic Robo entries, Win tickets to special screening of Coraline and win Uninvited goodie bags.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Everything Comes Back to 2000ad

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:52 (GMT) - 29 Apr 2009

    'The 2000ad Podcast to beat all 2000ad podcasts...simply because...there aren't any!'

    Join host Flint Lockjaw and the first of rotating co-hosts, Richard McAuliffe (Bluemeanie) on a trip down memory lane as they discuss the first two issues of 2000ad. Then fast forward 30 years later as they review one of the most current Progs! Prog 1631!

    Remember...Everything Comes Back to 2000ad!'

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