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TDP 096: Maudryn Undead and Children of Earth Round Up
Tin Dog PodcastNot sure if anyone else is aware of the Twitter/James Moran things. Thought youd like to read the item from his blog. the direct link is at the bottom of the page Sunday, July 12, 2009 Stepping back Before I start, this post - and every post on here, and anything I say on Twitter, or anywhere else - is entirely MY opinion. Nothing to do with the people I've worked with, or the BBC, or anyone else. I don't speak for any other writers, I *only* speak for myself, and I will not pass on any messages to anyone. Here's my position: I'm not going get into any more discussions or debates about what happened in Torchwood this week (being vague, in case people come across this and haven't seen it). Not now, not in the future. Why? I started trying to discuss it, but swiftly realised that it was pointless. It simply turns into "No it isn't" / "Yes it is", and there's no way I can win the argument, because in certain people's opinion, I am wrong, and that's the end of it. And it's all just opinion anyway. It would also feel like I was trying to justify the show, and I'm not doing that. I have absolutely no need to. The show is the show. Whether you like it or dislike it, that's up to you. I helped plot the whole storyline, and I stand by every single decision. Yes, including *that* one - I had my hand on the death lever along with everyone else, and was fully involved. I think it's a fantastic, brave, challenging drama, and contains some of the best moments on TV all year. I've received over a thousand messages from viewers talking about the show. The vast majority have been extremely positive. Even though many of them are upset and shocked, they have managed to express that without making it personal. So to you, I'm extremely grateful. I'm glad you liked the show, and love that it made you respond so strongly. I can't reply to everyone, it'd take weeks, so please accept my thanks. But the rest of the messages? Unacceptable. Some have been spewing insults and passive aggressive nonsense. Accusing me of deliberately trying to mislead, lie, and hurt people. Telling me I hate the fans, that I'm laughing at them, that I used them, that I'm slapping people in the face, that I've "killed" the show, that I'm a homophobe, that I want to turn the fanbase away and court new, "cooler" viewers, even that I'm hurting depressed people with dark storylines. Asking me to pass on vitriolic, hateful messages to people I love and respect. Not cool. These are all things that nobody would dare to say to me in person. But on the internet, it's easy for them to fire off these things. Forgetting that at the other end is me, a real person, someone who has been nothing but open and friendly. But I've been a bit too open, a bit too nice, a bit too willing to explain the thought process behind story decisions. And some people are taking advantage of that, or misinterpreting what it means. So here's the deal: I'm a professional writer. That's my job. I write what I write, for whatever the project might be. I have the utmost respect for you, and honestly want you to like my work, but I can't let that affect my story decisions. Everybody wants different things from a story, but this is not a democracy, you do not get to vote. You are free to say what you think of my work, even if you hate it, I honestly don't mind. But the ONLY person I need to please is myself, and the ONLY thing I need to serve is the story. Not you. I will do my work to the very best of my ability, in an attempt to give you the best show, the best movie, the best story, the best entertainment I possibly can. Even if that means that sometimes, I'll do things you won't like. I won't debate it. Either you go along with it, or you don't. None of it is done to hurt you, or to force some agenda down your throat, or anything else. It's all in service of the story. When I started this blog, I wanted to give some insight into the writing process. I've done that. I've answered all the questions, written about the process, done several huge posts trying to pass on what I've learned. The posts are all still there, and will remain there. I've had great fun with it, and given as much as I can, but it's never going to be enough. For a while now, I've let things get too cosy here, indulged myself too much, and if I let it carry on, it will affect my work. The last few days have just confirmed that for me. So I'm going to step back and take a break from it. Things are very busy for the next month or two, and I won't have the time anyway. I'm extremely grateful to everyone who has commented on here, and the blog will probably continue in some form, but limited to anything that isn't about the work - announcements, TV/movie recommendations, etc. I have to concentrate on my writing. And I will not put up with any more abusive messages, or threats, or accusations, or attempted guilt trips. So while I completely understand your pain at some of the events in the series, that does not give you the right to insult me. Talk about the *work*, all you want. But lay off the person behind the work. Because I'm simply trying to tell you good stories. In the end, that is all I can do. James Moran Writer Please feel free to pass this on, I encourage you to do so, to make my position clear to everyone - but you must include the link to the full post here: Bookmark and Shareinfo to follow
Whocast #129 - We (:) like Torchwood - Day 8 (Deutsche)Und somit sind wir dann beim letzten Tag unseres Torchwoodmarathons angelangt. Es geht - naturlich - um Day 5 und eine Betrachtung der ganzen Staffel. Ausserdem gibt es einiges an Post und wir sind mal wieder ein Mitmachpodcast zu diversen Themen. Allem vorran naturlich die kleine "Fandomimplusion" nach Day 4. Vielen Dank an dieser Stelle an alle fleissigen Helfer fur's Sammeln der Zitate. Also lasset die Spiele beginnen...
Whocast #129 - We (:) like Torchwood - Day 8 (Deutsche)Und somit sind wir dann beim letzten Tag unseres Torchwoodmarathons angelangt. Es geht - naturlich - um Day 5 und eine Betrachtung der ganzen Staffel. Ausserdem gibt es einiges an Post und wir sind mal wieder ein Mitmachpodcast zu diversen Themen. Allem vorran naturlich die kleine "Fandomimplusion" nach Day 4. Vielen Dank an dieser Stelle an alle fleissigen Helfer fur's Sammeln der Zitate. Also lasset die Spiele beginnen...
Doctor Who: Podshock - 157
PodshockDoctor Who: Podshock - Episode 157
Running Time: 1:26:39Quasi-live coverage of San Diego Comic Con 2009, 11th Doctor's New Threads and New TARDIS, Special Reports from Tara Wheeler at SDCC, Jarrod Cooper of Hurricane Who interviewed, and more.
Hosted by Ken Deep, James Naughton, and Louis Trapani.
Pay attention to the SPOILER ALERTS in this episode.
Brought to you by the Gallifreyan Embassy and presented by Outpost Gallifrey.
Worth Godwin offers computer help in plain english
Do you want the Enhanced Podcast AAC file format? Get our Enhanced Podcast version of this episode using our feed at
Whocast #128 - We (:) like Torchwood - Day 7 (Deutsche)Ich denke viel muss man nicht mehr schreiben: Children of Earth: Day 4. Heute mal wieder ein Mitmachpodcast...
Whocast #128 - We (:) like Torchwood - Day 7 (Deutsche)Ich denke viel muss man nicht mehr schreiben: Children of Earth: Day 4. Heute mal wieder ein Mitmachpodcast...
Bridging the Rift #0 - Promo
Bridging the RiftA short promo for Bridging the Rift: Bringing The Doctor Who Universe Together, a podcast about the Doctor Who Universe fandom, its discussions and creative pursuits.
018 - What do you Think I Believe RTD?
The Minute Doctor Who PodcastThe longest individual file I've produced so far. The first half is housekeeping stuff and the second is the angle I'm taking on the latest Torchwood. If it sparks a discussion fair enough, if not, I don't mind. Link to Whoovervile:
Radio Free Skaro #151 - Killing Time Before The Waters of Mars
Radio Free SkaroIn what has to be the most overwhelming of all weeks for Doctor Who in all recorded history, the RFS crew slogged mightily through tales of Comic Con, rumours confirmed, others dashed, and in the midst of our recording the release of a new trailer for "The Waters of Mars." And that was BEFORE we got around commentating on "Planet of the Dead", making this if not the longest Radio Free Skaro ever than certainly the densest, and not just because of PotD's plodding, pedestrian poltroonery.
Radio Free Skaro #151 - Killing Time Before The Waters of Mars
Radio Free SkaroIn what has to be the most overwhelming of all weeks for Doctor Who in all recorded history, the RFS crew slogged mightily through tales of Comic Con, rumours confirmed, others dashed, and in the midst of our recording the release of a new trailer for "The Waters of Mars." And that was BEFORE we got around commentating on "Planet of the Dead", making this if not the longest Radio Free Skaro ever than certainly the densest, and not just because of PotD's plodding, pedestrian poltroonery.
Radio Free Skaro #151 - Killing Time Before The Waters of Mars
Radio Free SkaroIn what has to be the most overwhelming of all weeks for Doctor Who in all recorded history, the RFS crew slogged mightily through tales of Comic Con, rumours confirmed, others dashed, and in the midst of our recording the release of a new trailer for "The Waters of Mars." And that was BEFORE we got around commentating on "Planet of the Dead", making this if not the longest Radio Free Skaro ever than certainly the densest, and not just because of PotD's plodding, pedestrian poltroonery.
Whocast #127 - We (:) like Torchwood - Day 6 (Deutsche)Ihr werdet es erraten haben - Heute geht es um Day 3. Ausserdem gibt es ein wenig Post...
Whocast #127 - We (:) like Torchwood - Day 6 (Deutsche)Ihr werdet es erraten haben - Heute geht es um Day 3. Ausserdem gibt es ein wenig Post...
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 18
Bigger on the InsideIn what must be a new record, it takes Mike less than four minutes to utterly shame himself. Beyond that, the duo briefly discusses the most recent season of Torchwood and the Eleventh Doctor's wardrobe. Also, two e-mails are answered. Oh, yeah, and the guys talk about "The Power of the Daleks," the first story starring Patrick Troughton as The Doctor.
The Flashing Blade Podcast 1-8
The Flashing Blade PodcastBonjour, tous la Monde. Ici c'est la Podcast de la Flashing Blade, numero 8.
Or something.
Right, this time around we scrutinise the McGann series two part finale and then bask in the radioactive winds of Argolis for a look at The Lesiure Hive.
Ah, bliss...
pod 1-9 will be the Mahogany Murders and The Three Doctors and pod 1-10 will be the Davison play 'Spare Parts' and the Ecclestone story 'Dalek'
All comments on those and feedback in general to
toodles for now then..
Whocast #126 - We (:) like Torchwood - Day 5 (Deutsche)Und weiter gehts. Heute: Day 2 des Torchwood Funfteilers "Children of Earth". Ausserdem ein klein wenig News.
Whocast #126 - We (:) like Torchwood - Day 5 (Deutsche)Und weiter gehts. Heute: Day 2 des Torchwood Funfteilers "Children of Earth". Ausserdem ein klein wenig News.
EPISODE00 - The Way Ahead
The Cultdom CollectiveA second Studio recording setting out - The Way Ahead - getting ready for LIVE Episode 1
EPISODE00 - The Way Ahead
The Cultdom CollectiveA second Studio recording setting out - The Way Ahead - getting ready for LIVE Episode 1
EPISODE00 - The Way Ahead
The Cultdom CollectiveA second Studio recording setting out - The Way Ahead - getting ready for LIVE Episode 1
EPISODE00 - The Way Ahead
The Cultdom CollectiveA second Studio recording setting out - The Way Ahead - getting ready for LIVE Episode 1
Waffle On about Star Wars, In the Shadows & A Tribute to John Ryan
Waffle On PodcastStar Wars In the Shadows. On this special mini waffle on i talk about a fantastic new audio drama coming out soon called Star wars in The Shadows, it is written, directed and produced by Dany Pepin (37y/o) a French-Canadian born in Quebec, now living in Ottawa, Ontario. SWITS is Dany's first original story of any type in his second language (English) and only second audio drama project following the surprising adaptation of Karen Traviss' short story Omega Squad: Targets. Dany was mostly known in Star Wars fandom by his implication in the French community and his Star Wars radio show Star Wars en Direct, both in French (since 2001) and English (2003-2006). SWITS is a classic Star Wars space opera not unlike "A New Hope". I would describe it as a light fugitive/adventure type of story with some mature theme inserted within. SWITS has obviously been inspired by the Star Wars movies but also its Expanded Universe (EU) like the media giant Shadows of the Empire and The Force Unleashed. There are many small EU references that will appeal to the fans of the genre, but most importantly the participation of Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, Xizor, Guri and Mon Mothma in the actual story plot. head to for more info. John Ryan. Cartoonist John Ryan, creator of the Captain Pugwash TV series, has died in hospital in Rye, East Sussex, aged 88. The BBC commissioned the first series in 1957 after spotting potential in Ryan's books about the tales of Pugwash and his nemesis Cut Throat Jake. His agent, Jane Gregory, said there was "a huge amount of love" for the childish pirate and his shipmates, who included Tom the Cabin Boy and Willy. Captain Horatio Pugwash was created in 1950 while Ryan was an art teacher at Harrow School, shortly after he got married to fellow artist Priscilla. It was published, in the same year, in the first edition of the Eagle comic. A book deal followed, before it was adapted for TV by the BBC in 1957, with black-and-white episodes being made until 1967. Colour episodes were shown on the BBC in a mid-1970s revival. Ms Gregory told BBC News he was "always enthusiastic, always charming". "A lot of the character of Captain Pugwash was John, which is probably why we loved him as much. We devote this mini waffle on to the memory of John Ryan.
Waffle On about Star Wars, In the Shadows & A Tribute to John Ryan
Waffle On PodcastStar Wars In the Shadows. On this special mini waffle on i talk about a fantastic new audio drama coming out soon called Star wars in The Shadows, it is written, directed and produced by Dany Pepin (37y/o) a French-Canadian born in Quebec, now living in Ottawa, Ontario. SWITS is Dany's first original story of any type in his second language (English) and only second audio drama project following the surprising adaptation of Karen Traviss' short story Omega Squad: Targets. Dany was mostly known in Star Wars fandom by his implication in the French community and his Star Wars radio show Star Wars en Direct, both in French (since 2001) and English (2003-2006). SWITS is a classic Star Wars space opera not unlike "A New Hope". I would describe it as a light fugitive/adventure type of story with some mature theme inserted within. SWITS has obviously been inspired by the Star Wars movies but also its Expanded Universe (EU) like the media giant Shadows of the Empire and The Force Unleashed. There are many small EU references that will appeal to the fans of the genre, but most importantly the participation of Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, Xizor, Guri and Mon Mothma in the actual story plot. head to for more info. John Ryan. Cartoonist John Ryan, creator of the Captain Pugwash TV series, has died in hospital in Rye, East Sussex, aged 88. The BBC commissioned the first series in 1957 after spotting potential in Ryan's books about the tales of Pugwash and his nemesis Cut Throat Jake. His agent, Jane Gregory, said there was "a huge amount of love" for the childish pirate and his shipmates, who included Tom the Cabin Boy and Willy. Captain Horatio Pugwash was created in 1950 while Ryan was an art teacher at Harrow School, shortly after he got married to fellow artist Priscilla. It was published, in the same year, in the first edition of the Eagle comic. A book deal followed, before it was adapted for TV by the BBC in 1957, with black-and-white episodes being made until 1967. Colour episodes were shown on the BBC in a mid-1970s revival. Ms Gregory told BBC News he was "always enthusiastic, always charming". "A lot of the character of Captain Pugwash was John, which is probably why we loved him as much. We devote this mini waffle on to the memory of John Ryan.
Waffle On about Star Wars, In the Shadows & A Tribute to John Ryan
Waffle On PodcastStar Wars In the Shadows. On this special mini waffle on i talk about a fantastic new audio drama coming out soon called Star wars in The Shadows, it is written, directed and produced by Dany Pepin (37y/o) a French-Canadian born in Quebec, now living in Ottawa, Ontario. SWITS is Dany's first original story of any type in his second language (English) and only second audio drama project following the surprising adaptation of Karen Traviss' short story Omega Squad: Targets. Dany was mostly known in Star Wars fandom by his implication in the French community and his Star Wars radio show Star Wars en Direct, both in French (since 2001) and English (2003-2006). SWITS is a classic Star Wars space opera not unlike "A New Hope". I would describe it as a light fugitive/adventure type of story with some mature theme inserted within. SWITS has obviously been inspired by the Star Wars movies but also its Expanded Universe (EU) like the media giant Shadows of the Empire and The Force Unleashed. There are many small EU references that will appeal to the fans of the genre, but most importantly the participation of Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, Xizor, Guri and Mon Mothma in the actual story plot. head to for more info.
John Ryan.
Cartoonist John Ryan, creator of the Captain Pugwash TV series, has died in hospital in Rye, East Sussex, aged 88. The BBC commissioned the first series in 1957 after spotting potential in Ryan's books about the tales of Pugwash and his nemesis Cut Throat Jake. His agent, Jane Gregory, said there was "a huge amount of love" for the childish pirate and his shipmates, who included Tom the Cabin Boy and Willy. Captain Horatio Pugwash was created in 1950 while Ryan was an art teacher at Harrow School, shortly after he got married to fellow artist Priscilla. It was published, in the same year, in the first edition of the Eagle comic. A book deal followed, before it was adapted for TV by the BBC in 1957, with black-and-white episodes being made until 1967. Colour episodes were shown on the BBC in a mid-1970s revival. Ms Gregory told BBC News he was "always enthusiastic, always charming". "A lot of the character of Captain Pugwash was John, which is probably why we loved him as much. We devote this mini waffle on to the memory of John Ryan.
Waffle On about Star Wars, In the Shadows & A Tribute to John Ryan
Waffle On PodcastStar Wars In the Shadows. On this special mini waffle on i talk about a fantastic new audio drama coming out soon called Star wars in The Shadows, it is written, directed and produced by Dany Pepin (37y/o) a French-Canadian born in Quebec, now living in Ottawa, Ontario. SWITS is Dany's first original story of any type in his second language (English) and only second audio drama project following the surprising adaptation of Karen Traviss' short story Omega Squad: Targets. Dany was mostly known in Star Wars fandom by his implication in the French community and his Star Wars radio show Star Wars en Direct, both in French (since 2001) and English (2003-2006). SWITS is a classic Star Wars space opera not unlike "A New Hope". I would describe it as a light fugitive/adventure type of story with some mature theme inserted within. SWITS has obviously been inspired by the Star Wars movies but also its Expanded Universe (EU) like the media giant Shadows of the Empire and The Force Unleashed. There are many small EU references that will appeal to the fans of the genre, but most importantly the participation of Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, Xizor, Guri and Mon Mothma in the actual story plot. head to for more info.
John Ryan.
Cartoonist John Ryan, creator of the Captain Pugwash TV series, has died in hospital in Rye, East Sussex, aged 88. The BBC commissioned the first series in 1957 after spotting potential in Ryan’s books about the tales of Pugwash and his nemesis Cut Throat Jake. His agent, Jane Gregory, said there was “a huge amount of love” for the childish pirate and his shipmates, who included Tom the Cabin Boy and Willy. Captain Horatio Pugwash was created in 1950 while Ryan was an art teacher at Harrow School, shortly after he got married to fellow artist Priscilla. It was published, in the same year, in the first edition of the Eagle comic. A book deal followed, before it was adapted for TV by the BBC in 1957, with black-and-white episodes being made until 1967. Colour episodes were shown on the BBC in a mid-1970s revival. Ms Gregory told BBC News he was “always enthusiastic, always charming”. “A lot of the character of Captain Pugwash was John, which is probably why we loved him as much. We devote this mini waffle on to the memory of John Ryan.
Whocast #125 - We (:) like Torchwood - Day 4 (Deutsche)Ich hoffe, alle haben den Tag Pause gut uberstanden? Heute geht es los mit dem ersten Teil der Besprechung der 3. Torchwoodstaffel "Children of Earth". Ausserdem gibt es ein klein wenig News...
Whocast #125 - We (:) like Torchwood - Day 4 (Deutsche)Ich hoffe, alle haben den Tag Pause gut uberstanden? Heute geht es los mit dem ersten Teil der Besprechung der 3. Torchwoodstaffel "Children of Earth". Ausserdem gibt es ein klein wenig News...
Small Press Big Mouth - Episode 4
Geek SyndicateWelcome to episode 4 of Small Press Big Mouth where Stace and Lee review One Page Filler Man, Letting Go by Will Kirby], Everyday Decay, Chew #1, ZOT! by Scott McCloud and Same Difference and Other Stories by Derek Kirk Kim.
The usual dismal array of outakes is missing this time around as Stace in a fit of temper at the laptop pressed the wrong buttons and lost the file, this is probably a blessed relief for all! Just over half an hour of comicy goodness presented once again in Geordiebrumophonics for your entertainment, enjoyment and ridicule!
Small Press Big Mouth - Episode 4
Geek SyndicateWelcome to episode 4 of Small Press Big Mouth where Stace and Lee review One Page Filler Man, Letting Go by Will Kirby], Everyday Decay, Chew #1, ZOT! by Scott McCloud and Same Difference and Other Stories by Derek Kirk Kim.
The usual dismal array of outakes is missing this time around as Stace in a fit of temper at the laptop pressed the wrong buttons and lost the file, this is probably a blessed relief for all! Just over half an hour of comicy goodness presented once again in Geordiebrumophonics for your entertainment, enjoyment and ridicule!
Geek Syndicate - Episode 129
Geek SyndicateWelcome to another 55 minutes of Geek Entertainment blasting it's way onto your mp3 player.
News: Lobster Johnson the novel is coming, Star Trek DVD and Blu - Ray details and we announce an idea for our Halloween Special.
Week That Was: Blackest Night and The Eighth Doctor's Audio Adventures - Season Two
Main: We take an in depth look at the nominations for this years Hugo Awards.
Geek Syndicate - Episode 129
Geek SyndicateWelcome to another 55 minutes of Geek Entertainment blasting it's way onto your mp3 player.
News: Lobster Johnson the novel is coming, Star Trek DVD and Blu - Ray details and we announce an idea for our Halloween Special.
Week That Was: Blackest Night and The Eighth Doctor's Audio Adventures - Season Two
Main: We take an in depth look at the nominations for this years Hugo Awards.
Whocast #124 - We (:) like Torchwood - Day 3 (Deutsche)Tag drei unserer "Mini-Series". Heute geht es um das letzte Torchwood Horspiel "The Dead Line". Ausserdem gibt es ein paar News und wieder einen kleinen Haufen Post. Morgen gonnen wir uns und Euch einen Tag Pause, bevor es ubermorgen mit dem ersten Teil von "Children of Earth" weitergeht.
Whocast #124 - We (:) like Torchwood - Day 3 (Deutsche)Tag drei unserer "Mini-Series". Heute geht es um das letzte Torchwood Horspiel "The Dead Line". Ausserdem gibt es ein paar News und wieder einen kleinen Haufen Post. Morgen gonnen wir uns und Euch einen Tag Pause, bevor es ubermorgen mit dem ersten Teil von "Children of Earth" weitergeht.
EPISODEzero - The Cultdom Collective
The Cultdom CollectiveShort intro show with Ian & Dave - Ian at Unimatrix Zero and myself daveac still recovering from being blown up - in the Zero Room of the TARDIS
Whocast #123 - We (:) like Torchwood - Day 2 (Deutsche)Tag zwei des Torchwoodmarathons. Heute geht es um das zweite Torchwood Horspiel, "Golden Age". Ausserdem gibt es ein Horer MP3.
EPISODEzero - The Cultdom Collective
The Cultdom CollectiveShort intro show with Ian & Dave - Ian at Unimatrix Zero and myself daveac still recovering from being blown up - in the Zero Room of the TARDIS
EPISODEzero - The Cultdom Collective
The Cultdom CollectiveShort intro show with Ian & Dave - Ian at Unimatrix Zero and myself daveac still recovering from being blown up - in the Zero Room of the TARDIS
EPISODEzero - The Cultdom Collective
The Cultdom CollectiveShort intro show with Ian & Dave - Ian at Unimatrix Zero and myself daveac still recovering from being blown up - in the Zero Room of the TARDIS
Whocast #123 - We (:) like Torchwood - Day 2 (Deutsche)Tag zwei des Torchwoodmarathons. Heute geht es um das zweite Torchwood Horspiel, "Golden Age". Ausserdem gibt es ein Horer MP3.
Whocast #122 - We (:) like Torchwood - Day 1 (Deutsche)Am ersten Tag unseres Torchwood-Marathons besprechen Harald und Raphael das Torchwood-Horspiel "Asylum". Ausserdem gibt es News zum neuen Doctor und Big Finish und auch Post ist wieder mit an Board. Die nachsten Podcasts zum Thema Torchwood laufen ab heute taglich (mit einem Tag Pause nach den Horspielen) als "Miniseries".
Doctor Who: Podshock - 156
PodshockDoctor Who: Podshock - Episode 156
Running Time: 1:10:05Discussions on Doctor Who news from Waters of Mars to San Diego Comic Con, Dragon*Con, David Tennant, Matt Smith, and more.
Hosted by Ken Deep, Tara Wheeler, and Louis Trapani.
Brought to you by the Gallifreyan Embassy and presented by Outpost Gallifrey.
Worth Godwin offers computer help in plain english
Do you want the Enhanced Podcast AAC file format? Get our Enhanced Podcast version of this episode using our feed at