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  • Waffle On Podcast

    Political Satire on TV

    Waffle On Podcast

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    20:59 (GMT) - 10 Jun 2009

    Waffle On about Political Satire on TV. Welcome to another edition of Waffle ON. On this episode Meds and Kell are joined by Pete Coleman and they discuss programmes with a political satire link. We discuss That Was The Week That Was, Frost, Report, Python, Yes Minister, The Day Today, Brass Eye, The thick of It and a few more. Politics never had it so good.

  • Waffle On Podcast

    Political Satire on TV

    Waffle On Podcast

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    19:59 (GMT) - 10 Jun 2009


    Waffle On about Political Satire on TV.

    Welcome to another edition of Waffle ON. On this episode Meds and Kell are joined by Pete Coleman and they discuss programmes with a political satire link. We discuss That Was The Week That Was, Frost, Report, Python, Yes Minister, The Day Today, Brass Eye, The thick of It and a few more.

    Politics never had it so good.

  • Waffle On Podcast

    Waffle On about Political Satire on TV

    Waffle On Podcast

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    17:59 (GMT) - 10 Jun 2009


    Waffle On about Political Satire on TV.

    Welcome to another edition of Waffle ON. On this episode Meds and Kell are joined by Pete Coleman and they discuss programmes with a political satire link. We discuss That Was The Week That Was, Frost, Report, Python, Yes Minister, The Day Today, Brass Eye, The thick of It and a few more.

    Politics never had it so good.

  • The Flashing Blade Podcast

    The Flashing Blade Podcast 1-1

    The Flashing Blade Podcast

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    20:04 (GMT) - 9 Jun 2009

    The first Flashing Blade Podcast featuring Tony Gallichan and his plucky girl assistant, Jo!

    This time around we look at the recent Radiophonic Workshop concert, Ashes to Ashes and Doctor Who - The Five Doctors (look, it gets it out of the way early on...lol)

    all feedback, including mp3's to


  • Doctor Who Review Today

    EPISODE35.5 - Review of the Aztecs and Father's Day Part 2

    Doctor Who Review Today

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    13:13 (GMT) - 9 Jun 2009

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #117 - Geben und Nehmen

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

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    02:50 (GMT) - 8 Jun 2009

    Im heutigen Podcast gibt es etwas zu gewinnen! Mit freundlicher Unterstutzung von KSM verlosen wir ein Exemplar der randvollen Season 2 Box von Doctor Who! Des weiteren nehmen wir das gute Stuck fur Euch naturlich genau unter die Augen. Lohnt sich der Kauf? Ausserdem gibt es News und Post. UND wir werfen einen kurzen Blick auf den Tod von David Carradine. ---------------- Wie schon, dass es heute jemandem aufgefallen ist (weder mir noch Harald war das gewahr). Bei der Frage 5 des Quizes habe ich mich versprochen. Es muss naturlich Pro7 nicht BBC heissen. Somit entfallt die Frage naturlich - jeder der sie trotzdem beantwortet (also die richtige) erhalt eine kleine Aufmerksamkeit ;) Soooooooory,

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #117 - Geben und Nehmen

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

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    01:50 (GMT) - 8 Jun 2009

    Im heutigen Podcast gibt es etwas zu gewinnen! Mit freundlicher Unterstutzung von KSM verlosen wir ein Exemplar der randvollen Season 2 Box von Doctor Who! Des weiteren nehmen wir das gute Stuck fur Euch naturlich genau unter die Augen. Lohnt sich der Kauf? Ausserdem gibt es News und Post. UND wir werfen einen kurzen Blick auf den Tod von David Carradine. ---------------- Wie schon, dass es heute jemandem aufgefallen ist (weder mir noch Harald war das gewahr). Bei der Frage 5 des Quizes habe ich mich versprochen. Es muss naturlich Pro7 nicht BBC heissen. Somit entfallt die Frage naturlich - jeder der sie trotzdem beantwortet (also die richtige) erhalt eine kleine Aufmerksamkeit ;) Soooooooory,

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #144 - Square Peggs

    Radio Free Skaro

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    22:10 (GMT) - 7 Jun 2009

    Katrina was back in the fold again this week (replacing Warren, who’s busy blogging in Banff this week), with the main focus of the Three Who Rule being to provide comments on Series 1 episode The Long Game. The trio never once went more than ten minutes without discussing the episode at hand – a new record? Along the way, various bits of news were covered, including the explosion of fandom (aka the closing of Doctor Who Forum at Outpost Gallifrey), the shrapnel of which, it was determined, landed well short of affecting your intrepid hosts. Check out the show notes at www.radiofreeskaro.com

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #144 - Square Peggs

    Radio Free Skaro

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    22:10 (GMT) - 7 Jun 2009

    Katrina was back in the fold again this week (replacing Warren, who's busy blogging in Banff this week), with the main focus of the Three Who Rule being to provide comments on Series 1 episode The Long Game. The trio never once went more than ten minutes without discussing the episode at hand - a new record? Along the way, various bits of news were covered, including the explosion of fandom (aka the closing of Doctor Who Forum at Outpost Gallifrey), the shrapnel of which, it was determined, landed well short of affecting your intrepid hosts.

    Check out the show notes at www.radiofreeskaro.com

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #144 - Square Peggs

    Radio Free Skaro

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    21:10 (GMT) - 7 Jun 2009

    Katrina was back in the fold again this week (replacing Warren, who’s busy blogging in Banff this week), with the main focus of the Three Who Rule being to provide comments on Series 1 episode The Long Game. The trio never once went more than ten minutes without discussing the episode at hand – a new record? Along the way, various bits of news were covered, including the explosion of fandom (aka the closing of Doctor Who Forum at Outpost Gallifrey), the shrapnel of which, it was determined, landed well short of affecting your intrepid hosts.

    Check out the show notes at www.radiofreeskaro.com

  • Staggering Stories Podcast

    Staggering Stories Podcast #47: When Assassins Go Deadly

    Staggering Stories Podcast

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    10:20 (GMT) - 7 Jun 2009

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith, Jean Riddler and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about the Doctor Who: The Deadly Assassin, Ashes to Ashes, find Doctor Who in Unusual Places, Choose their own Staggering Story, find lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00:42 — Welcome!
    • 01:15 – News:
    • 01:33 — Doctor Who: New companion announced – Karen Gillan (with character name speculation!)
    • 06:10 — The Sarah Jane Adventures: David Tennant to appear as the 10th Doctor.
    • 07:20 — Doctor Who: New big screen film talk.
    • 08:22 — Doctor Who: BBC America to screen the 2009 Specials.
    • 09:05 — Dollhouse: Summer Glau to move into the house?
    • 10:05 — Alien: prequel/reboot in the works.
    • 11:36 — Buffy the Vampire Slayer: New film is planned, Whedon not involved.
    • 13:18 — Flight of the Navigator: another one for the remake bandwagon.
    • 13:59 — UFO: 1970s British TV series destined for a film version.
    • 15:05 — Hasslefree Miniatures: releasing metal miniatures ‘not’ based on Doctor Who and Firefly.
    • 16:36 — Telltale Games wants to licence Doctor Who for a computer game?
    • 17:34 — Toby Hadoke on tour with his Moths Ate My Doctor Who Scarf.
    • 19:03 – Doctor Who: The Deadly Assassin.
    • 37:13 – An epic new Film Trailer!
    • 37:59 – Doctor Who in Unusual Places: A Madness of Angels.
    • 39:50 – Choose Your Own Staggering Story!
    • 42:38 – Ashes to Ashes.
    • 52:15 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 66:54 – Shameless Plug: Tim’s Take On Podcast
    • 67:33 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 67:52 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • BBC: Doctor Who.
    • Karen Gillan.
    • Wikipedia: Karen Gillan.
    • BBC: The Sarah Jane Adventures.
    • David Tennant.
    • BBC America.
    • Fox: Dollhouse.
    • Wikipedia: Alien (film).
    • Wikipedia: Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
    • Wikipedia: Flight of the Navigator.
    • Wikipedia: UFO (TV Series).
    • Hasslefree Miniatures.
    • Teltale Games.
    • Toby Hadoke: Moths ate my Doctor Who Scarf.
    • Facebook: Whooverville.
    • Whooverville.
    • BBC: Doctor Who: The Deadly Assassin.
    • Kate Griffin: A Madness of Angels.
    • BBC: Ashes to Ashes.
    • Tim’s Take On… Podcast.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 122 E3 Special

    Geek Syndicate

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    04:39 (GMT) - 7 Jun 2009

    Welcome to another hour of geek entertainment.

    In this week's episode Dave vacates his host chair to head out on a secret mission against the Villainous EPOCH. Amacehi, the Non Geek, steps into the fray to take over co-hosting duties for this episode.

    News: A first look at Clash of the Titans and The Kung Fu legend is no more.

    Week that was: Lie to me, Legend of the Seeker and the upcoming V remake

    Main feature: The boys take a look at the gaming event of the year, E3. They chat over some of the big announcements that have come of the show. They also look at some of the games that they'll be picking up as soon as they hit the streets.

    Apologies for the lateness of the episode and some of the audio quality.


  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 122 E3 Special

    Geek Syndicate

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    03:39 (GMT) - 7 Jun 2009

    Welcome to another hour of geek entertainment.

    In this week's episode Dave vacates his host chair to head out on a secret mission against the Villainous EPOCH. Amacehi, the Non Geek, steps into the fray to take over co-hosting duties for this episode.

    News: A first look at Clash of the Titans and The Kung Fu legend is no more.

    Week that was: Lie to me, Legend of the Seeker and the upcoming V remake

    Main feature: The boys take a look at the gaming event of the year, E3. They chat over some of the big announcements that have come of the show. They also look at some of the games that they'll be picking up as soon as they hit the streets.

    Apologies for the lateness of the episode and some of the audio quality.


  • Podshock

    Doctor Who: Podshock - 152


    Direct Podcast Download

    03:11 (GMT) - 7 Jun 2009

    Doctor Who: Podshock - Episode 152Doctor Who: Podshock - Episode 152
    Running Time: 1:04:08

    All news edition: Karen Gillan Recap, Outpost Gallifrey Closing, Gallifreyan Embassy New Website, Who Party 14 Toronto, Doctor Who/Torchwood Comes to Space in Canada, BBC America Launches HD, Planet of the Dead and Torchwood Children of Earth come to DVD/Blu-ray, 24th Anniversary Celebration, and more.

    Hosted by Ken Deep and Louis Trapani, with Mike Doran.

    Brought to you by the Gallifreyan Embassy and presented by Outpost Gallifrey.

    Do you want the Enhanced Podcast AAC file format? Get our Enhanced Podcast version of this episode using our feed at http://www.gallifreyanembassy.org/podshock/podshock.xml.

  • The Minute Doctor Who Podcast

    016 - The Last Pertwee

    The Minute Doctor Who Podcast

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    08:18 (GMT) - 6 Jun 2009

    In which I take a look at the last Pertwee story. And no, it's not Planet of the Spiders.

  • Doctor Who Review Today

    EPISODE 35 - Review of The Aztecs and Father's Day Part 1

    Doctor Who Review Today

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    20:09 (GMT) - 5 Jun 2009

    Part 1 of 2 with guest darth skeptical and emily from ohio

  • Geek Syndicate

    Everything Comes Back to 2000 AD - Episode 3

    Geek Syndicate

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    03:46 (GMT) - 3 Jun 2009

    Rich and Steve briefly discuss The Judge Child Quest before delving into
    the memory banks for a look back at prog 4 and then fast forwarding to progs
    1634 and 1635 where lots of manlove is shown towards Al Ewing

  • Geek Syndicate

    Everything Comes Back to 2000 AD - Episode 3

    Geek Syndicate

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    02:46 (GMT) - 3 Jun 2009

    Rich and Steve briefly discuss The Judge Child Quest before delving into
    the memory banks for a look back at prog 4 and then fast forwarding to progs
    1634 and 1635 where lots of manlove is shown towards Al Ewing

  • Geek Syndicate

    Science Friction - Episode 4

    Geek Syndicate

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    04:16 (GMT) - 2 Jun 2009

    Unrehearsed, unprofessional and probably unwanted, Science Friction returns to your audiovibratory physiomolecular podcast playing devicelment type thingie! In this episode a new co-host is introduced and we take a look at some of the science behind the "Firefly" universe.

    How feasible is moving to another solar system? How do you terraform a planet? and why is Karl obsessed with invoking feline wrath? These are just some of the questions asked (and some even answered!) in the exciting new instalment! If you have any comments or suggestions, you can contact us at sciencefriction@ymail.com

  • Geek Syndicate

    Science Friction - Episode 4

    Geek Syndicate

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    03:16 (GMT) - 2 Jun 2009

    Unrehearsed, unprofessional and probably unwanted, Science Friction returns to your audiovibratory physiomolecular podcast playing devicelment type thingie! In this episode a new co-host is introduced and we take a look at some of the science behind the "Firefly" universe.

    How feasible is moving to another solar system? How do you terraform a planet? and why is Karl obsessed with invoking feline wrath? These are just some of the questions asked (and some even answered!) in the exciting new instalment! If you have any comments or suggestions, you can contact us at sciencefriction@ymail.com

  • Doctor Who Review Today

    EPISODE 34.5- Review of The Ark Of Infinity and Utopia part 2

    Doctor Who Review Today

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    12:54 (GMT) - 1 Jun 2009

    Part two also sci-fi review of brimstone

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #143 - Never Trust a Man With a Soul Patch

    Radio Free Skaro

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    01:51 (GMT) - 1 Jun 2009

    More news than you can shake a stick at and a highlight of the Eccleston era (Rob Shearman's "Dalek") being commented upon, the Three Who Rule blather on for an hour and a half about the happenings in the Who world for the past week (including a discussion on new companion Karen Gillan), and touch on the introduction of a Classic Series icon to NuWho. All this and the latest on Ian Levine and Lizo Mzimba at your fingertips on Radio Free Skaro!

    Check out the show notes on www.radiofreeskaro.com.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #143 - Never Trust a Man With a Soul Patch

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    01:51 (GMT) - 1 Jun 2009

    More news than you can shake a stick at and a highlight of the Eccleston era (Rob Shearman's "Dalek") being commented upon, the Three Who Rule blather on for an hour and a half about the happenings in the Who world for the past week (including a discussion on new companion Karen Gillan), and touch on the introduction of a Classic Series icon to NuWho. All this and the latest on Ian Levine and Lizo Mzimba at your fingertips on Radio Free Skaro!Check out the show notes on www.radiofreeskaro.com.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #143 - Never Trust a Man With a Soul Patch

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    00:51 (GMT) - 1 Jun 2009

    More news than you can shake a stick at and a highlight of the Eccleston era (Rob Shearman's "Dalek") being commented upon, the Three Who Rule blather on for an hour and a half about the happenings in the Who world for the past week (including a discussion on new companion Karen Gillan), and touch on the introduction of a Classic Series icon to NuWho. All this and the latest on Ian Levine and Lizo Mzimba at your fingertips on Radio Free Skaro!

    Check out the show notes on www.radiofreeskaro.com.

  • Bigger on the Inside

    Bigger on the Inside - Episode 14

    Bigger on the Inside

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    15:25 (GMT) - 31 May 2009

    The Doctor and Steven find themselves in the middle of a religious purging, one they cannot stop no matter how much they long to ("The Massacre"). And after picking up a new companion named Dodo, the trio lands on a spaceship containing the last survivors of the human race ("The Ark").

  • Waffle On Podcast

    Mini Waffle. Episode 3.

    Waffle On Podcast

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    13:27 (GMT) - 30 May 2009

    Welcome to Mini Waffle Episode 3. As you know we like to throw these in between the big waffles. Just a little show to let you good listeners know whats coming up next and its going to be about political satire. With British politics awash with naughty money expenses we thought we’d jump on the topical bandwagon and do a podcast dedicated to anything to do with politics that is broadcast on TV. We;ll be talking about comedy satire, politic broadcasts, spin, news and political quiz shows. Comments wether via email or mps are always welcome and please send them to waffleonpodcast@googlemail.com.

  • The Minute Doctor Who Podcast

    015 - Susan Foreman and the Tory Party

    The Minute Doctor Who Podcast

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    08:17 (GMT) - 30 May 2009

    An amusing addition to Doctor Who mythology courtesy of David Whitaker's novelisation of The Crusade.

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 091: Planet of the Dead and Fab Whostrology

    Tin Dog Podcast

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    07:07 (GMT) - 30 May 2009

    "Planet of the Dead" is an episode of the British science fiction television series Doctor Who that was simultaneously broadcast on BBC One and BBC HD on 11 April 2009. It is the first of four special episodes to be broadcast throughout 2009 and early 2010, which serve as lead actor David Tennant's denouement as the Tenth Doctor. He is joined in the episode by actress Michelle Ryan, who plays one-off companion to the Doctor Lady Christina de Souza. The episode was co-written by Russell T Davies and Gareth Roberts: the first writing partnership since the show's revival in 2005. The episode depicts Christina fleeing the police from a museum robbery by boarding a bus that accidentally travels from London to the desert planet of San Helios, trapping her, the Doctor, and several passengers on board a damaged bus. After the bus driver dies trying to return to Earth, the Unified Intelligence Taskforce, headed by Captain Erisa Magambo (Noma Dumezweni) and scientific advisor Malcolm Taylor (Lee Evans), attempt to return the bus to Earth while preventing a race of metallic stingray aliens from posing a threat to Earth. At the end of the episode, one of the passengers delivers a warning to the Doctor which foreshadows the remaining three specials. "Planet of the Dead" is the first Doctor Who episode to be filmed in high definition, after a positive reaction to the visual quality of spin-off series Torchwood and the financial viability of HDTV convinced the production team to switch formats. To ensure that the desert scenes looked as realistic as possible, the production team filmed in Dubai for three days, sending several props--most notably, a 1980 double-decker Bristol VR bus--to the United Arab Emirates for filming. After the bus was unintentionally damaged in Dubai by a shipping container, Davies rewrote the script to explain the damage in the narrative. Reaction to the episode was mixed: the audience gave the episode an Appreciation Index of 88[3]--considered excellent--but critics gave average reviews to the episode. The consensus among critics was that it was enjoyable as a whole but that it was only an average script. The main point of praise was Evans' performance alongside Dumezweni in scenes set on Earth, which countered their criticism of the events on San Helios as being relatively boring. //<![CDATA[ if (window.showTocToggle) { var tocShowText = "show"; var tocHideText = "hide"; showTocToggle(); } //]]> Plot The episode begins with a young thrill-seeking burglar, Lady Christina de Souza (Ryan), stealing a gold chalice once belonging to King Athelstan from a museum. She then narrowly evades the police by riding on a London bus on which the Doctor (Tennant) is also travelling, shortly before the bus suddenly passes through a wormhole and arrives on the desert planet of San Helios. The Doctor and the other passengers find that the wormhole is still present, but deduce that the bus had protected them like a Faraday cage after the bus driver is killed trying to cross back on foot, evaporating to a skeleton instantly. Seeing the driver's skeleton coming out on the other side of the portal, the police call in UNIT, commanded by Captain Erisa Magambo (Dumezweni) and aided by scientific advisor Malcolm Taylor (Evans), to close the wormhole. Trapped on a heavily damaged bus, the other passengers introduce themselves: Angela (Victoria Alcock) is a middle-aged mother travelling home to her family; Lou (Reginald Tsiboe) and Carmen (Ellen Thomas) are an elderly couple who win PS10 each time they play the National Lottery due to Carmen's low-level psychic abilities; Barclay (Daniel Kaluuya) was travelling to a friend's house to ask her on a date; and Nathan (David Ames) was travelling home to watch television. The Doctor and Christina decide to scout the planet, spotting an approaching storm, while Nathan and Barclay try to fix the bus. As they travel, the Doctor learns of Christina's troubled history, and appreciates her callousness and aptitude to the alien situation. The Doctor and Christina encounter the Tritovore, an anthropomorphic fly species, who take them to their wrecked spaceship. The Tritovore explain that they were making a routine goods collection from the planet but crashed in an unfamiliar environment; a year previously, the planet housed a hundred billion inhabitants and a thriving ecosystem. The Tritovore send out a probe to investigate the cause, and discover a large swarm of metallic stingray-like aliens who routinely create wormholes and destroy ecospheres as their biological imperatives. To rescue the Tritovore and the bus passengers, Christina uses her burglary skills to retrieve a crystal which powers the spaceship (together with the pedestal it is located on), unintentionally awakening a stingray that kills the two Tritovore. The Doctor attaches parts of the pedestal to the bus and uses the chalice of Athelstan as an interface to the technology. This allows the bus to fly through the wormhole, with the stingrays in hot pursuit. Taylor quickly closes the wormhole but not before three of the stingrays pass through it. After UNIT has shot down the stingrays and the passengers have been debriefed, Christina asks the Doctor to let her travel with him; he rejects her because he does not want to lose another companion. The characters part ways. The Doctor recommends that UNIT hire Barclay and Nathan, Christina is arrested by the police for the theft and Carmen has a premonition that visibly unnerves the Doctor: You be careful, because your song is ending, sir. It is returning, it is returning through the dark. And then Doctor... oh, but then... he will knock four times. --Carmen, "Planet of the Dead"[4] As a final act of kindness, the Doctor uses his sonic screwdriver to release Christina from her handcuffs. The pair part on good terms as she flies away in the bus as the Doctor enters his TARDIS and dematerialises. Production Writing and casting Ryan and Tennant reviewing the script before filming in Butetown on 28 January 2009. Russell T Davies co-wrote the episode with Gareth Roberts, the first writing partnership for the show since its 2005 revival.[5] "Planet of the Dead" was a departure from Roberts' usual stories--Roberts had previously only written pseudo-historical stories--and instead consisted of "wild" science fiction elements from his literary career and teenage imagination. The episode had no clear concept--such as Shakespeare and witches in "The Shakespeare Code" or Agatha Christie and a murder mystery in "The Unicorn and the Wasp"--and instead was a deliberate "clash [of concepts] with many disparate elements". Roberts explained he was cautious to ensure that each element had to "feel precise and defined ... like we meant that", citing the serial Arc of Infinity as an example where such control was not enforced.[6] The episode includes a common feature of Davies' writing in that there is no clear antagonist: the Tritovore are eventually sympathetic to the protagonists and the stingrays are only following their biological imperative.[7][8] Unlike the Christmas specials, the theme of Easter was not emphasised in the story; the episode only contained a "fleeting mention" of the holiday instead of "robot bunnies carrying baskets full of deadly egg bombs". The episode's tone word--"joyous"--was influenced by Davies' realisation that "every story since "The Fires of Pompeii" [had] a bittersweet quality" and subsequent desire to avoid the recurring theme.[5] The starting point for the story was Roberts' first novel The Highest Science. Davies liked the image of a London Underground train on a desert planet and rewrote it to contain a bus. Davies nevertheless emphasised it was not an "adaptation as such" because tangential elements were constantly being conceived and added.[5] Michelle Ryan portrays Lady Christina de Souza, the daughter of a recently impoverished aristocrat and adrenaline junkie. Christina is a "typical" Doctor Who companion, Davies electing to draw parallels from the Time Lady Romana rather than new series companion Rose Tyler. Roberts described her as an "adventuress" who is "upper class and glam, suited and booted, and extremely intelligent" which the Doctor could relate to because they both rejected their heritages. The episode's director James Strong described the character as reverting to a traditional romantic-based companionship--rather than the platonic companionship of Donna Noble (Catherine Tate) in the fourth series--while still being a unique companion:[9] It's back to basics: she's probably more of a traditional, romantic kind of Thomas Crown Affair kind of heroine, if you like. [...] It echoes to me of Rose, in that there may be a good old fashioned romantic connection between them. She's young, she's beautiful, she's sexy, but whereas Rose was a very ordinary, normal girl, Lady Christina is a lady, she comes from a very privileged, very elite background. She's different to any of the companions we've ever had in that she doesn't particularly want to get caught up with the Doctor. She's got her own thing going on, so she's very much a match for the Doctor and very much an equal. Often in an adventure the Doctor will take control and everyone will do what he says. She's very much in control - the two of them are in a sparring way, battling against each other to get through this adventure. --James Strong, Digital Spy interview.[9] Comedian Lee Evans plays Professor Malcolm Taylor, a UNIT scientist devoted to his predecessor, the Doctor. Davies created Evans' character to serve as a foil for Noma Dumezweni's pragmatic character Captain Erisa Magambo, who previously appeared in the episode "Turn Left".[5] Roberts noted after writing the episode that Evans' character had unintentionally become a "loving" caricature of Doctor Who fandom.[6][10] The episode was influenced by several works: Davies described "Planet of the Dead" as "a great big adventure, a little bit Indiana Jones, a little bit Flight of the Phoenix, a little bit Pitch Black.";[11] the relationship between the Doctor and Christina was influenced by 1960s films such as Charade and Topkapi, which included Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn "being witty and sophisticated together, and then running for their lives";[5] and the Tritovore were influenced by 1950s and 1970s science fiction B-movies such as The Fly and Davies' habit of including aliens that were recognisable to the audience as animals from Earth, such as the Judoon.[7] Carmen's warning evoked memories of the Ood's warning to the Doctor and Donna in the fourth series episode "Planet of the Ood".[7] Tennant explained the prophecy meant that the Doctor's "card [had become] marked" and the three specials would thus be darker--characterising "Planet of the Dead" as the "last time the Doctor gets to have any fun"--and that the subject of the prophecy was not the obvious answer: David TennantReally, from this moment on, the Doctor's card is marked. Because when we come back in "The Waters of Mars", it's all become a little bit darker.Julie GardnerAnd as we know, David, he really does knock four times.TennantYeah, absolutely, and if you think you've figured out what that means, you're wrong!GardnerBut when you do figure it out, it's a sad day. --David Tennant and Julie Gardner, Doctor Who: The Commentaries, "Planet of the Dead"[8] Filming The two major filming locations of the episode: the desert of Dubai was used for scenes on the "planet of the dead"; and the Queen's Gate Tunnel in Butetown, Cardiff was used for the majority of Earth-bound scenes. Pre-production on the four specials started on 20 November 2008--four days before scheduled--because the episode's overseas filming in Dubai required the extra planning time.[12] Two weeks later, the production team was on a recce for the special and the final draft of the script was completed.[13] The production team examined overseas locations to film the episode because they wanted the scenery to feel "real" and thought that they would be unable to film on a Welsh beach in winter. After examining countries such as Morocco and Tunisia, the production team decided to film in Dubai because the area was more amicable to the filming industry and viable filming locations were nearer to urban areas than other locations.[14] Production began on 19 January in Wales.[2][10] The special was the first Doctor Who episode to be filmed in high-definition television resolution.[15] The move to HD had previously been resisted for two major reasons: when the show was revived in 2005, high-definition television was not adopted by an adequate portion of the audience to be financially viable; and special effects were considerably more expensive to create in high-definition than in standard-definition. "Planet of the Dead" was used to switch to HD because of the show's reduced schedule in 2009 and because the filming crew had become experienced with the equipment while they were filming Torchwood.[8] Filming began at the National Museum Cardiff,[location 1] which doubled for the history museum depicted in the episode's first scene. To portray the tunnel the bus travelled into, the Queen's Gate Tunnel of the A4232 road in Butetown[location 2] was closed for four nights to accommodate filming. The last major piece of filming in Wales took place in the closed Mir (formerly Alphasteel) steelworks in Newport,[location 3] which doubled almost unaltered for the Tritovore spaceship. Filming took place at the peak of the February 2009 Great Britain snowfall, where the sub-zero temperatures slowed filming and had a visible effect on the cast. To accommodate for the adverse conditions, Davies included a line in the script that specified that the Tritovore spaceship cooled as external temperatures increase.[8] The 200 bus--so named after the episode's landmark--in dock at Dubai City Port, after a container was accidentally dropped on it. Filming in Dubai[location 4] took place in mid-February 2009. Two weeks previously, one of the two 1980 Bristol VR double-decker buses bought for filming had been substantially damaged when a crane accidentally dropped a container in Dubai City Port.[7][16]After an emergency discussion by the production team, they agreed that the damage was unintentionally artistic and decided to include the damaged bus in the episode;[7] instead of shipping the spare bus from Cardiff--which would have delayed the already hurried filming schedule--the production team decided to partially reconstruct the bus in Dubai, damage the spare bus in Cardiff to match the bus in Dubai, and rewrite part of the script to accommodate and mention the damage to the bus.[7][8][17][18] James Strong recalled the reaction of the production team to the damage to the bus in an issue of Doctor Who Magazine: One morning in the first week of February, I was leaving my flat when Julie Gardner phoned. She said, "there's been a little accident with the bus [...] it's a disaster; the bus is fucked." When I got into the office, I was handed a photograph--and my initial reaction was absolute horror. We called an emergency meeting. Russell came in [...] and we discussed our options. We had bought an identical London bus to film on in Cardiff, so could we send that out to Dubai? We could have got it out in time if it'd left Cardiff, literally, the next day, but we'd have had to find a third bus, an exact replica, to film on in Cardiff a week later. It had taken us a month to find the one we had. It was even mooted that we'd have to forget Dubai and opt for a beach in the UK. But Russell's response was "Okay, let's embrace it. Let's say that the bus was damaged on its way to the alien planet. [...] He wove it into the narrative. We're not trying to hide the damage at all. In fact, we show it off, enhancing it with special effects, smoke and sparks. It works rather marvellously. That London bus, damaged and smoking, in the middle of the desert--yeah, it looks incredible, especially in gorgeous hi-def. --James Strong, Doctor Who Magazine issue 407.[14] A notable use of lens flares being used in the episode for artistic effect. Strong sought to maximise--rather than minimise--effects such as these because it disguised the fact it was filmed in a studio and allowed the viewer to suspend their disbelief more easily; this specific shot was highlighted by Strong and Tennant as an example of how it was correctly utilised.[8] The damaged bus was not the only problem to filming in Dubai: the first of the three days was afflicted by a sandstorm which left most of the footage shot unusable.[14] The production team then struggled to complete three days of filming in two days; the last day was compared to "filming Lawrence of Arabia".[7] To complete the episode's filming, interior scenes in the bus were filmed in a studio in Wales. To disguise the fact they were using a translite--a 360-degree background image--, Strong utilised often-avoided techniques such as muddied windows and lens flares; the latter also served to create a warmer environment for the viewer.[8] After filming ended, editing and post-processing took place until two days before transmission, leaving the BBC to resort to using an unfinished copy to market the episode.[7][8] 200th story "Planet of the Dead" was advertised as Doctor Who's 200th story. Writer Russell T Davies admitted that the designation was arbitrary and debatable, based upon how fans counted the unfinished serial Shada, the season-long fourteen-part serial The Trial of a Time Lord, and the third series finale consisting of "Utopia", "The Sound of Drums" and "Last of the Time Lords".[19] Davies personally disagreed about counting The Trial of a Time Lord as one serial--arguing that it "felt like four stories" to him--and grouping "Utopia" with its following episodes, but agreed that it was only an opinion which did not override any others.[19] Gareth Roberts inserted a reference to the landmark--specifically, the bus number is 200[20]--and Davies emailed the show's publicity team to advertise the special as such.[19] Doctor Who Magazine's editor Tom Spilsbury aknowledged the controversy in the magazine's 407th issue, which ran a reader survey of all 200 stories.[21] EUBroadcast and reception Overnight figures estimated that the special was watched by 8.41 million people, a 39.6% share of the audience. An additional 184,000 watched the programme on BBC HD, the channel's highest rating so far. The initial showing had an Appreciation Index of 88: considered excellent.[22][23] A BBC One repeat, two days later, gained an overnight figure of 1.8 million viewers.[22] The special was therefore the second most watched programme of the day, being beaten by the premiere of the new series of Britain's Got Talent.[23] The final viewing figure for the initial broadcast was 9.54 million viewers on BBC One and 200,000 viewers on BBC HD, making it the fifth most watched programme of the week and the most watched programme ever aired on BBC HD.[24] Including repeats in the following week and viewings on the BBC iPlayer, 13.89 million viewers watched the episode in total.[25] The episode received average critical reviews. Simon Brew of science fiction blog Den of Geek said the episode was "by turns ambitious and predictable" but "still quite entertaining". The first part of the review mentioned an objection from his wife that the bus trapped in the sand "[looked] really fake", despite the episode being actually filmed in Dubai, and then mentioned Brew's appreciation of the concept of people stranded in the desert and concluded that "made a fair fist of it". Brew positively reviewed Michelle Ryan's performance--comparing her performance to be on par to her role in Bionic Woman rather than her role as Zoe Slater in Eastenders--and Lee Evans' performance as Malcolm Taylor, calling him the highlight of the episode because of his dialogue. He closed his review by saying that ""Planet of the Dead" was passable enough": he thought it "never really gelled" for him; but he thought it was overall entertaining and was excited for the remaining three specials as a result of Carmen's prophecy.[26] Charlie Jane Anders of io9 "mostly loved "Planet Of The Dead"", commenting that it was a standard Russell T Davies script that had the "elements of a cracking good story": POTD was pretty much everything you've come to expect from Russell T. Davies' Who: crazy adventures, slightly cartoony characters, clever dialogue, moments of sheer silly fun, a childlike solemnity, a miraculous save, bombastic music, and one woman who's held up as being the most special person ever. It didn't hurt that POTD had all the elements of a cracking good story: The Doctor and friends trapped on an alien planet, on the other side of the universe, with no easy way to get home. Alien creatures who might be hostile. A deadly swarm coming to tear our heroes apart. And UNIT on the other side of the wormhole, trying to come to grips with this almost unimaginable threat. --Charlie Jane Anders, io9[27] She compared it to two previous episodes, "The Impossible Planet" and "Midnight", both of which she enjoyed. She criticised three aspects of the episode: Lady Christina, who was the "first RTD heroine who actually filled [her] with revulsion", leaving her hoping that the character would be killed off-screen, Malcolm's reluctance to close the wormhole and the implausibility of only three stingrays travelling through it. She thought that the episode was "a pretty solid adventure with a cool set of monsters".[27] Ben Rawson-Jones of entertainment website Digital Spy gave the episode two stars out of five. He characterised the episode as being "as hollow as a big chocolate Easter egg" because it was "lacking in the enthralling drama and compelling characterisation that has been the lynchpin of the Russell T Davies era". His main criticism was towards Ryan's character, describing the romantic tension between Christina and the Doctor as "feeling forced" and arguing that Ryan was "utterly unconvincing" as Christina. Conversely, he was appreciative of Strong's direction and the UNIT subplot. Specifically, he approved of Evans' performance, noting that "the fact that Malcolm names a unit of measurement after himself is both inspired and hilarious". His review ended by describing the episode as "lifeless for much of the hour" and expressing his hope that the ambiguous entity from Carmen's premonition would "hurry up".[28] Orlando Parfitt of IGN gave the episode a 7.1 (Good) rating out of ten. Parfitt called it a "straightforward story" that did not elevate to the level of excitement typically seen in Doctor Who until the episode's climax, instead describing the majority of the story as being "taken up with Tennant and Ryan standing in the desert, swapping flirtatious banter in between proclaiming how dire their situation in between", and criticised the writing of the part of the episode where the bus was on San Helios, claiming that plot devices such as the Tritovore or Taylor being held at gunpoint and ordered to close the wormhole as "feel[ing] forced and unnaturally shoe-horned into the script". His praise of the episode went to Ryan and Evans: although he thought of Christina as a "shameless Lara Croft ripoff", he said that the character "still proves a sexy and wise-cracking counterpart to the Doctor"; and Evans' acting alongside Dumezweni highlighted his "undeniably great comic acting" as opposed to his "love-it-or-hate-it" stand-up comedy. The last paragraph of his review focused on the climax, which he thought was "a cracker [that] just-about makes up for the previously plodding plot", and described the entire episode as having "enough enjoyable moments" to entertain fans before the transmission of "The Waters of Mars".[29] DVD and Blu-Ray release "Planet of the Dead" will be released on DVD on 15 June 2009,[30] and on Blu-Ray on 29 June 2009.[31]

  • Podshock

    Doctor Who: Podshock - 151


    Direct Podcast Download

    03:53 (GMT) - 30 May 2009

    Doctor Who: Podshock - Episode 151Doctor Who: Podshock - Episode 151
    Running Time: 1:37:24

    News, rumours, announcements, and feedback from: Jose, Rev. Craig Beeman, Amy Krell, Elizabeth Jackman, Benjamin Elliott, Shawn, Jill, ?, Fox Cutter (x2), Dan, Steve Small, Brian, and Chris.

    Hosted by Louis Trapani, Ken Deep, and James Naughton.

    Brought to you by the Gallifreyan Embassy and presented by Outpost Gallifrey.

    Do you want the Enhanced Podcast AAC file format? Get our Enhanced Podcast version of this episode using our feed at http://www.gallifreyanembassy.org/podshock/podshock.xml.

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #116 - Neues von zwei Alten

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:20 (GMT) - 29 May 2009

    Nachdem es mit dem Kochcast und den viele Gastcastern in den letzten Wochen etwas ungewohnlicher zuging, gibt es diesmal gewohntere Kost. Harald und Raphael graben sich durch den Berg an News, der sich in den letzten Wochen angesammelt hat und kommen auch nicht umher, die eine oder anderen zu kommentieren. Ausserdem gibt es viel Post von fleissigen Horern.

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #116 - Neues von zwei Alten

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:20 (GMT) - 29 May 2009

    Nachdem es mit dem Kochcast und den viele Gastcastern in den letzten Wochen etwas ungewohnlicher zuging, gibt es diesmal gewohntere Kost. Harald und Raphael graben sich durch den Berg an News, der sich in den letzten Wochen angesammelt hat und kommen auch nicht umher, die eine oder anderen zu kommentieren. Ausserdem gibt es viel Post von fleissigen Horern.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 121

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:51 (GMT) - 29 May 2009

    Welcome to another Fifty Five minutes of geek action!

    In our shout out section we''re joined briefly by a special guest. Barry tries his hand at Opera singing and Dave's does possibly the worst impression you've ever heard.

    News: Buffy the movie with no weedon or Gellar. The end of Lying in the Gutters and the Doctor Who movie script news.

    Week that was: Matrox, Channel Evil, Green Latern fan trailer, Dexter's Half Dozen, 24 Season finale, Legend of the Seeker and a non spoiler review of Terminator Salvation.

    Main: We report back from the MCM London Expo.


  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 121

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    08:51 (GMT) - 29 May 2009

    Welcome to another Fifty Five minutes of geek action!

    In our shout out section we''re joined briefly by a special guest. Barry tries his hand at Opera singing and Dave's does possibly the worst impression you've ever heard.

    News: Buffy the movie with no weedon or Gellar. The end of Lying in the Gutters and the Doctor Who movie script news.

    Week that was: Matrox, Channel Evil, Green Latern fan trailer, Dexter's Half Dozen, 24 Season finale, Legend of the Seeker and a non spoiler review of Terminator Salvation.

    Main: We report back from the MCM London Expo.


  • Tachyon TV Podcasts

    Rula Lenska Makes a Very Special Appeal

    Tachyon TV Podcasts

    Direct Podcast Download

    23:30 (GMT) - 27 May 2009

    Join Rula as she makes an extra special appeal on behalf of UNICEF and Neil Perryman's Kilimanjaro Climb.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Raiders of the Lost Podcast - Episode 3

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    12:47 (GMT) - 26 May 2009

    In the third of these infequent specials Barry and Heath take a look at the Blu Ray version of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

    There's discussion over the upcoming video game and it;s lack of appearance on the 360 and the PS3. They also ponder over the failure of the Indy merchandise from the fourth film and the future of the franchise.

    In the last section the lads open up the mailbag and tackle some questions sent in by listeners.


  • Geek Syndicate

    Raiders of the Lost Podcast - Episode 3

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    11:47 (GMT) - 26 May 2009

    In the third of these infequent specials Barry and Heath take a look at the Blu Ray version of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

    There's discussion over the upcoming video game and it;s lack of appearance on the 360 and the PS3. They also ponder over the failure of the Indy merchandise from the fourth film and the future of the franchise.

    In the last section the lads open up the mailbag and tackle some questions sent in by listeners.


  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #142 - Four To Doomsday

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    00:19 (GMT) - 25 May 2009

    In a desperate bid to find someone who could give an unequivocal thumbs up to Series 1 tome World War Three, the RFS gang numbered four (Warren, Steven, Chris, and Katrina) for one of the few times in history to record a commentary for the episode. The result? No thumbs up were given, but neither were there definite thumbs down, mostly because the hosts were more encumbered in dealing with various innuendos, intended or otherwise.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #142 - Four To Doomsday

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    00:19 (GMT) - 25 May 2009

    In a desperate bid to find someone who could give an unequivocal thumbs up to Series 1 tome World War Three, the RFS gang numbered four (Warren, Steven, Chris, and Katrina) for one of the few times in history to record a commentary for the episode. The result? No thumbs up were given, but neither were there definite thumbs down, mostly because the hosts were more encumbered in dealing with various innuendos, intended or otherwise.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #142 - Four To Doomsday

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    23:19 (GMT) - 24 May 2009

    In a desperate bid to find someone who could give an unequivocal thumbs up to Series 1 tome World War Three, the RFS gang numbered four (Warren, Steven, Chris, and Katrina) for one of the few times in history to record a commentary for the episode. The result? No thumbs up were given, but neither were there definite thumbs down, mostly because the hosts were more encumbered in dealing with various innuendos, intended or otherwise.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast

    Staggering Stories Podcast #46: Under Captain Kirk

    Staggering Stories Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    10:55 (GMT) - 24 May 2009

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith, Jean Riddler and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about the Doctor Who: Image of the Fendahl, the new Star Trek film, Choose their own Staggering Story, find lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00:48 — Welcome!
    • 01.05 — Hello Jean!
    • 01:36 – News (with ridiculously long intro!):
    • 02:23 — Doctor Who: Timothy Dalton appearing as baddie.
    • 03:22 — Doctor Who: The Doctor’s mother?
    • 04:04 — Primeval not axed…
    • 05:05 — Dollhouse gets a second season!
    • 05:48 — Sarah Connor terminated.
    • 06:27 — Star Trek a success.
    • 06:49 — Hunt for Golum fan film crashes server.
    • 07:43 — Star Tours ride updated.
    • 08:40 — Dom DeLuise RIP.
    • 09:12 — Doctor Who in all the wrong places.
    • 09:43 – El Presidente.
    • 10:53 – Doctor Who: Image of the Fendahl.
    • 23.45 — Shameless plugs for Whooverville and Hoo on Who.
    • 24:31 – Choose Your Own Staggering Story!
    • 29:08 – Star Trek: The 2009 Film.
    • 42:51 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 65:04 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 76:38 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Wikipedia: William Shatner’s ‘Musical Career’!
    • Bill Bailey (the news intro!).
    • BBC: Doctor Who.
    • Wikipedia: Timothy Dalton.
    • ITV: Primeval.
    • Fox: Dollhouse.
    • Wikipedia: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
    • Wikipedia: Star Trek (film).
    • The Hunt for Gollum.
    • Wikipedia: Star Tours.
    • Wikipedia: Dom DeLuise.
    • Star Trek.
    • BBC: Doctor Who: Image of the Fendahl.
    • Facebook: Whooverville.
    • Whooverville.
    • Hoo On Who Podcast.
    • Wikipedia: The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins.

  • The Minute Doctor Who Podcast

    014c - Feedback - Part Three

    The Minute Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    08:16 (GMT) - 24 May 2009

    And now I ask for some audience participation. Hopefully I'll get enough response to make the podcast that I want to make in the future.

  • Podshock

    Doctor Who: Podshock - 150


    Direct Podcast Download

    02:17 (GMT) - 23 May 2009

    Doctor Who: Podshock - Episode 150Doctor Who: Podshock - Episode 150
    Running Time: 0:59:20

    Eliza Roberts interviewed (speaking of her role in the 1996 movie along with Eric Roberts and his recent work with Christopher Eccleston), news, announcements, special communique from Starship Sofa, and more.

    Hosted by Louis Trapani, with Ken Deep.

    Brought to you by the Gallifreyan Embassy and presented by Outpost Gallifrey.

    Do you want the Enhanced Podcast AAC file format? Get our Enhanced Podcast version of this episode using our feed at http://www.gallifreyanembassy.org/podshock/podshock.xml.

  • Doctor Who Review Today

    EPISODE 34 - Review of The Arc of Infinity and Utopia Pt 1

    Doctor Who Review Today

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:09 (GMT) - 22 May 2009

    Part 1 of 2 With co-Host Romana II and guests Darth Skeptical and Emily From Ohio. Part 2 will be on episode 34.5 and some sound is spoty because of talkshoe.Thanks for downloading.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 120

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:33 (GMT) - 22 May 2009

    Welcome to another Fifty Five minutes of geek fun!

    News: A new Phantom look for a New Phantom TV series, Dollhouse Renewed/ Sarah Connor gets canned and Battleships the movie (no, not a joke!)

    Week that was: We respond to a twitter post and give our thoughts on the current season of Robin Hood. We then turn our attention to the season finales of Lost, Dollhouse, Krodd Mandoon, Smallville, Fringe and Supernatural.

    Main Feature: Interview with Comix guys Andi Ewington and Ed Deighton about their new and ambitious project Fourty-Five.


  • Staggering Stories Podcast

    Staggering Stories Podcast Promo

    Staggering Stories Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:55 (GMT) - 22 May 2009

    Promo time!

    Don’t fear (or perhaps do!), the next podcast should be out on schedule this coming Sunday/Monday. In the meantime here is a little something that might or might not amuse (but plug our podcast, either way!)

    Obviously feel free to spread this around – we would be most grateful. Fellow podcasters, don’t be surprised if you get a pleading email from us! We’re always happy to play a promo or two, of course, send them along.

    They might be able to contain swine flu but they can’t contain Staggering Stories!

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 120

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:33 (GMT) - 22 May 2009

    Welcome to another Fifty Five minutes of geek fun!

    News: A new Phantom look for a New Phantom TV series, Dollhouse Renewed/ Sarah Connor gets canned and Battleships the movie (no, not a joke!)

    Week that was: We respond to a twitter post and give our thoughts on the current season of Robin Hood. We then turn our attention to the season finales of Lost, Dollhouse, Krodd Mandoon, Smallville, Fringe and Supernatural.

    Main Feature: Interview with Comix guys Andi Ewington and Ed Deighton about their new and ambitious project Fourty-Five.


  • The Doctor Who Audio Dramas

    Doctor Who: Alive part four

    The Doctor Who Audio Dramas

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:00 (GMT) - 21 May 2009

Dormant Podcasts