Latest Podcast Episodes
Episode #38 : Des morts inassouvies
Gallicast (Francais)Au programme, un thomas de mauvaise humeur a cause de certaines news, un michel heureux de nous parler du troisieme episode de la saison 1, et un jonathan lui aussi heureux de commencer la saison 2 de la serie classic.
Radio Free Skaro #281 - Mirror, Mirror
Radio Free SkaroIt’s Doctor Who Day! Well, if you’re reading this on November 23rd, 2011, at any rate. But even if you aren’t, the Three Who Rule have a jam-packed show for you with not only a surprisingly packed news list but also an interview with Bill Stanley. Who is this Bill Stanley, you ask? Well, for a sizable number of older North American Whovians, PBS was the only place one could see the good Doctor’s adventures during their formative years, and Bill Stanley was the program director for Spokane PBS affiliate KSPS in the 80s and 90s. His recall of those days has not dimmed one jot, and we were delighted to talk to the man who more than anyone else is responsible for the love of Doctor Who we hold to this day. But that’s not all! We also have….a commentary for the Rebel Flesh. Yup. The Rebel…Flesh. Happy Doctor Who Day, everyone!
Check out the show notes at
Radio Free Skaro #281 - Mirror, Mirror
Radio Free SkaroIt's Doctor Who Day! Well, if you're reading this on November 23rd, 2011, at any rate. But even if you aren't, the Three Who Rule have a jam-packed show for you with not only a surprisingly packed news list but also an interview with Bill Stanley. Who is this Bill Stanley, you ask? Well, for a sizable number of older North American Whovians, PBS was the only place one could see the good Doctor's adventures during their formative years, and Bill Stanley was the program director for Spokane PBS affiliate KSPS in the 80s and 90s. His recall of those days has not dimmed one jot, and we were delighted to talk to the man who more than anyone else is responsible for the love of Doctor Who we hold to this day. But that's not all! We also have....a commentary for the Rebel Flesh. Yup. The Rebel...Flesh. Happy Doctor Who Day, everyone!
Check out the show notes at
Radio Free Skaro #281 - Mirror, Mirror
Radio Free SkaroIt’s Doctor Who Day! Well, if you’re reading this on November 23rd, 2011, at any rate. But even if you aren’t, the Three Who Rule have a jam-packed show for you with not only a surprisingly packed news list but also an interview with Bill Stanley. Who is this Bill Stanley, you ask? Well, for a sizable number of older North American Whovians, PBS was the only place one could see the good Doctor’s adventures during their formative years, and Bill Stanley was the program director for Spokane PBS affiliate KSPS in the 80s and 90s. His recall of those days has not dimmed one jot, and we were delighted to talk to the man who more than anyone else is responsible for the love of Doctor Who we hold to this day. But that’s not all! We also have….a commentary for the Rebel Flesh. Yup. The Rebel…Flesh. Happy Doctor Who Day, everyone!
Check out the show notes at
So many years ago heroes ruled the world
Who's He?It's that time of the month!! The Who's He? three are back with an audio commentary for The Talons of Weng-Chiang, episodes 1 to 3. And as last month, Tony gets really excited with his facts but this time runs out of steam after episode 1. As Phil and Paul try desperately to calm him down, they valiantly try to continue with their own version of events.
They also go through the news this week that a Doctor Who film is in the offing and also announce that the Who's He? Podcast will be attending the official convention next year and talk about the trailer for the Christmas special. And Tony gets to hear Let's Save Confidential by No Touch Pod which fair takes his breath away.
So many years ago heroes ruled the world
Who's He?It's that time of the month!! The Who's He? three are back with an audio commentary for The Talons of Weng-Chiang, episodes 1 to 3. And as last month, Tony gets really excited with his facts but this time runs out of steam after episode 1. As Phil and Paul try desperately to calm him down, they valiantly try to continue with their own version of events.
They also go through the news this week that a Doctor Who film is in the offing and also announce that the Who's He? Podcast will be attending the official convention next year and talk about the trailer for the Christmas special. And Tony gets to hear Let's Save Confidential by No Touch Pod which fair takes his breath away.
Doctor Who - Who's He? #37 So many years ago hero's ruled the world
Who's He?It's that time of the month! The Who's He? 3 are back with an audio commentary for The Talons of Weng-Chiang, episodes 1 to 3. And as last month, Tony gets really excited with his facts but this time runs out of steam after episode 1. As Phil and Paul try desperately to calm him down, they valiantly try to continue with their own version of events. They also go through the news this week that a Doctor Who film is in the offing and also announce that the Who's He? Podcast will be attending the official convention next year and talk about the trailer for the Christmas special. And Tony gets to to hear Let's Save Confidential by No Touch Pod which fair takes his breath away.
26: The Visitation | Doctor Who Cast | Doctor Who Podcast
Doctor WhocastWelcome back (after such a brief absence!) to Doctor Whocast! We are speeding right along with our mission to watch something from all the previous doctors before the holiday, and this week is no different. We tackle the Fifth Doctor, Peter Davison, and the 1982 serial "The Visitation." Along the way, Nancy uses some risque language, Brian forgets how to speak and BJ "Interruptor Jones" Jackson gets on somebody's last nerve! So sit back, relax and enjoy the only podcast that also travels in time!
Episode 34 - Series 16, Part V - Dudley Simpson and the Power of Kroll
Adventures in Time Space and MusicIn this episode we'll be looking at the music of the Doctor's composer Dudley Simpson focusing on his work on Series 16, the Key to Time. In this episode we will look at his work on Serial 5E - Story 102 - The Power of Kroll, a 4-part story which originally aired between the 23rd of December, 1978 and the 13th of January, 1979 on BBC One.
Episode 34 - Series 16, Part V - Dudley Simpson and the Power of Kroll
Adventures in Time Space and MusicIn this episode we'll be looking at the music of the Doctor's composer Dudley Simpson focusing on his work on Series 16, the Key to Time. In this episode we will look at his work on Serial 5E - Story 102 - The Power of Kroll, a 4-part story which originally aired between the 23rd of December, 1978 and the 13th of January, 1979 on BBC One.
Staggering Stories Commentary #45: Doctor Who - The Wedding of River Song
Staggering Stories PodcastSummary:
Adam J Purcell, Andy Simpkins and Keith Dunn sit down, eyepatched, in front of the 2011 Doctor Who episode, The Wedding of River Song, and spout our usual nonsense!The Doctor’s gone all beardy weirdy (again), River’s practicing her spacesuited swimming proficiency and Churchill likes mounting mammoths. But enough of their problems, please sit down with us to enjoy The Wedding of River Songa|
Vital Links:
- Staggering Stories.
- BBC: Doctor Who.
- BBC: Doctor Who – The Wedding of River Song.
- Doctor Who Podcast Alliance.
- Facebook: Staggering Stories Group.
- Twitter: Adam J Purcell.
Episode 49: Aliens of London
The Bad Wilf PodcastIn which your heroes look at Aliens of London.
To our surprise, one of us actually liked it, one hadn’t watched it and one struggled to find anything to say about it.
Next week willll be our 50th, please send congrats, audio or otherwise to
Martyn: @BadWilf
Imran: @Nerdthropology
Pete: @BeeblePete
EPISODE126 - Dr Who on the Big Screen
The Cultdom CollectiveWith the possiblity of a new big screen treatment of Doctor Who what are the Collectives hopes and fears. Also what do we think of the earlier movies
EPISODE126 - Dr Who on the Big Screen
The Cultdom CollectiveWith the possiblity of a new big screen treatment of Doctor Who what are the Collectives hopes and fears. Also what do we think of the earlier movies
EPISODE126 - Dr Who on the Big Screen
The Cultdom CollectiveWith the possiblity of a new big screen treatment of Doctor Who what are the Collectives hopes and fears. Also what do we think of the earlier movies
EPISODE126 - Dr Who on the Big Screen
The Cultdom CollectiveWith the possiblity of a new big screen treatment of Doctor Who what are the Collectives hopes and fears. Also what do we think of the earlier movies
EPISODE 113 - Review of Paradise Towers and The Man who Never Was
Doctor Who Review TodayNow where did i misplaced the swimming pool.Yes it's that time the review of Paradise Towers and the last SJA review of The Man who Never Was.With guests Darth Skeptical and Chuck (the 3rd doctor ) Dotson.
Tim's Take On: Episode 96(What next for TV Vampires? panel at SFX Weeekender 2)
Tim's Take On...Another trip back in time to February 2011 for more coverage of the SFX Weekender 2, this week a panel consisting of writers John Courtenay Grimwood, James Lovegrove, Toby Whithouse, Sarah Gifford and James Moran discuss vampire shows and where the genre can go next.
Also this week No Touch Pod released Let's Save Confidential which you can download here for free and see the video here
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
We're just four episodes from the 100th Tim's Take On so feel free to email some mp3 feedback for that.
Tim's Take On: Episode 96(What next for TV Vampires? panel at SFX Weeekender 2)
Tim's Take On...Another trip back in time to February 2011 for more coverage of the SFX Weekender 2, this week a panel consisting of writers John Courtenay Grimwood, James Lovegrove, Toby Whithouse, Sarah Gifford and James Moran discuss vampire shows and where the genre can go next.
Also this week No Touch Pod released Let's Save Confidential which you can download here for free and see the video here
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
We're just four episodes from the 100th Tim's Take On so feel free to email some mp3 feedback for that.
Tim's Take On: Episode 96(What next for TV Vampires? panel at SFX Weeekender 2)
Tim's Take On...Another trip back in time to February 2011 for more coverage of the SFX Weekender 2, this week a panel consisting of writers John Courtenay Grimwood, James Lovegrove, Toby Whithouse, Sarah Gifford and James Moran discuss vampire shows and where the genre can go next.
Also this week No Touch Pod released Let's Save Confidential which you can download here for free and see the video here
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
We're just four episodes from the 100th Tim's Take On so feel free to email some mp3 feedback for that.
Article 30: Vampires From The Theoretical Future
Articles of the Shadow ProclamationIn this episode, Scott and Calliope discuss The Curse of Fenric, it's connections to New Who, and say "Revelation of the Daleks" when they mean "Remembrance of the Daleks." They do that last one a few times, actually. All those darn "R" Dalek epsiodes are hard to keep straight. Apologies.
Elisabeth Sladen tribute: The Sarah Jane Adventures - 'The Man Who Never Was' Commentary
Impossible PodcastsCaleb Woodbridge, P.G. Bell and Sarah Jane devotee Brandon Michelle pay tribute to the wonderful Elisabeth Sladen, who as Sarah Jane Smith won the hearts of generations of fans.
We look back on The Sarah Jane Adventures in our commentary on the final story, 'The Man Who Never Was', discussing Elisabeth Sladen's return to our screens via Doctor Who, the show's place in children's television drama history, and what both she and the show mean to us.
Length: 1 hour 4 minutes
Download: Click here
The Flashing Blade Podcast -1-113 - Doctor Who Podcast
The Flashing Blade PodcastViki meets Timelash. Oh. Tony is back. Oh dear.
Ep 20 - Doc 10 and the lost years hunting vampires!?!
Outpost Skaro PodcastAlan, Andy and Derek tackle this last weeks hot topic:A Is Matt Smith about to leave?A Also could the team have discovered what the 10th Doctor was really doing in those lost years between Waters of Mars and the End of Time Pt1?
25: Pyramid of Mars | Doctor Who Cast | Doctor Who Podcast
Doctor WhocastHola, Whovians! We're back this week with our examination of the Fourth Dcotor, the much-loved Tom Baker. We watch "Pyramids of Mars" and give our thoughts on the Longscarf as well as a very young, very beautiful Elizabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith. Bobby and Brian square off against Nancy and BJ in a war of opinion, and we also discuss the recent news about the Doctor Who movie that is being developed. As always, sit back, relax, and enjoyy the only podcast that also travels in time!
018 Hammer (Dracula - Prince of Darkness)
theTimeVaultA professional cat impressionist with an outdated sense of dress, a medically recognised allergy to sunlight and a desperate need for some dental work is unfairly victimised by a bunch of squatters who've quite clearly mistaken his stately home for the Three Bears cottage (they sit in his chairs, eat his food and sleep in his beds). It's obviously not a fairytale though because after barging into the poor man's home and helping themselves to all his stuff, they creep into his bedroom to do who knows what and he's forced to defend himself. When Reservoir Priest turns up on the side of the squatters though, it just gets nasty. Victimisation by the church of lonely, disabled social outcasts and upper class English tourists behaving like common criminals... Honestly, what is the world coming to?
Ep. 21: Batman, bridesmaids, and other stories
Telos AMOnce more into the breach! This episode, your erstwhile Telos AMers have managed to get themselves to a review of The Wedding of River Song. Hear Nick forget to make a cutting pun! Hear Lindsey's mind go to rather unsavoury places! Hear Alex try to talk very quietly to avoid interrupting a film being watched in the room next door!
All this and more excitement here at Telos AM!
Twitter: @TelosAM
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #109 - Geek Out
The Doctor Who PodcastThis week was to have been our episode on the delightful Elisabeth Sladen, but unfortunately real life got in the way andJames could not join us. We really wanted to do Lis justice and have all three of us in the campervan so we will postpone that episode for a very short while. So, in [...]
Geek Out
The Doctor Who PodcastThis week was to have been our episode on the delightful Elisabeth Sladen, but unfortunately real life got in the way and James could not join us. We really wanted to do Lis justice and have all three of us in the campervan so we will postpone that episode for a very short while.
So, in the meantime, with a lack of anything to say about one of Doctor Who’s favourite companions, Trev and Tom settle back and have a geek out.
A what a wide ranging discussion it is – Voyage of the Damned, stunt casting, numeracy, Australian accents, accountancy and a whole lot of laughter.
Also the announcement of our competition just in time for Christmas.
Geek Out
The Doctor Who PodcastThis week was to have been our episode on the delightful Elisabeth Sladen, but unfortunately real life got in the way and James could not join us. We really wanted to do Lis justice and have all three of us in the campervan so we will postpone that episode for a very short while.
So, in the meantime, with a lack of anything to say about one of Doctor Who’s favourite companions, Trev and Tom settle back and have a geek out.
A what a wide ranging discussion it is – Voyage of the Damned, stunt casting, numeracy, Australian accents, accountancy and a whole lot of laughter.
Also the announcement of our competition just in time for Christmas.
Meet the Dread Pirate Roberts in Earth Station One Episode 86: Inconceivable!!!
Earth Station OneThis week we are joined from Professor Dave's Ark in Space Podcast, Lillibet the Wonder Girl to talk about one our favorite films, the Rob Reiner classic 'The Princess Bride'. Also this week we talk to Jem herself Samantha Newark to discuss her career and to take a shot at being in the Geek Seat. … Continue reading
Episode 56: The Craptastics, Part 4 of 5: Timelash
The TARDIS TavernFour down and one to go. This time we discuss "Timelash," number 199 of Doctor Who Magazine's 2009 poll. This time around we're joined by Matt of The Raggedy Podcast. Did watching this hour and a half of fluffery incite us to hurl ourselves into the Timelash? Or did we half-heartedly embrace it? (See also: Episode 54, in which we talk "Underworld.")
Plus we have one cryptic bit of audio feedback from a loyal listener as well as an email suggesting good Doctor Who for the Halloween, better late than never I suppose.
Join us on Facebook and send us feedback at tardistavern@gmail. Also catch Sean on Twitter via @tardistavern, Steve via @tardistaverntit, and Matt via @androiddreamer!
Episode 56: The Craptastics, Part 4 of 5: Timelash
The TARDIS TavernFour down and one to go. This time we discuss "Timelash," number 199 of Doctor Who Magazine's 2009 poll. This time around we're joined by Matt of The Raggedy Podcast. Did watching this hour and a half of fluffery incite us to hurl ourselves into the Timelash? Or did we half-heartedly embrace it? (See also: Episode 54, in which we talk "Underworld.")
Plus we have one cryptic bit of audio feedback from a loyal listener as well as an email suggesting good Doctor Who for the Halloween, better late than never I suppose.
Join us on Facebook and send us feedback at tardistavern@gmail. Also catch Sean on Twitter via @tardistavern, Steve via @tardistaverntit, and Matt via @androiddreamer!
Callan & The Equalizer
Waffle On PodcastWaffle On About Callan & The Equalizer
Hello and welcome to this bumper episode of Waffle On in which Meds & Kell talk about two of Edward Woodwards best known TV vehicles, Callan and The Equalizer
Callan hit our screens back in 1967 as a special on a programme called Armchair theatre. The pilot was such a success a series soon followed and in total four series hit our screens, first in black and white and then in colour. Callan was a hard hitting killer who suffered from emotional prangs about the people he was contracted to deal with.
The Equalizer
Edward Woodward returned to hard hitting TV drama in the guise of Robert McCall aka The Equalizer. The series launched in 1985 and ran again for four series up to 1989. McCall a retired operative from a secret organisation known simply as The Agency attempts to make amends by hiring himself our for free in aid of people in distress in New York.
Meds does Movember for charity
As mentioned on the podcast Meds is growing a moustache for Movember a charity in aid of battling prostate and testicular cancer. If you want to donate please copy and paste this link into your browser
Take a look at Mimi's new book called Bartholomew. Head here for details of her book and how to pick up a copy.
Here is our Facebook group, head here to join
Callan & The Equalizer
Waffle On PodcastWaffle On About Callan & The Equalizer Hello and welcome to this bumper episode of Waffle On in which Meds & Kell talk about two of Edward Woodwards best known TV vehicles, Callan and The Equalizer Callan Callan hit our screens back in 1967 as a special on a programme called Armchair theatre. The pilot was such a success a series soon followed and in total four series hit our screens, first in black and white and then in colour. Callan was a hard hitting killer who suffered from emotional prangs about the people he was contracted to deal with. The Equalizer Edward Woodward returned to hard hitting TV drama in the guise of Robert McCall aka The Equalizer. The series launched in 1985 and ran again for four series up to 1989. McCall a retired operative from a secret organisation known simply as The Agency attempts to make amends by hiring himself our for free in aid of people in distress in New York. Meds does Movember for charity As mentioned on the podcast Meds is growing a moustache for Movember a charity in aid of battling prostate and testicular cancer. If you want to donate please copy and paste this link into your browser Take a look at Mimi's new book called Bartholomew. Head here for details of her book and how to pick up a copy. Here is our Facebook group, head here to join
Callan & The Equalizer
Waffle On PodcastWaffle On About Callan & The Equalizer Hello and welcome to this bumper episode of Waffle On in which Meds & Kell talk about two of Edward Woodwards best known TV vehicles, Callan and The Equalizer Callan Callan hit our screens back in 1967 as a special on a programme called Armchair theatre. The pilot was such a success a series soon followed and in total four series hit our screens, first in black and white and then in colour. Callan was a hard hitting killer who suffered from emotional prangs about the people he was contracted to deal with. The Equalizer Edward Woodward returned to hard hitting TV drama in the guise of Robert McCall aka The Equalizer. The series launched in 1985 and ran again for four series up to 1989. McCall a retired operative from a secret organisation known simply as The Agency attempts to make amends by hiring himself our for free in aid of people in distress in New York. Meds does Movember for charity As mentioned on the podcast Meds is growing a moustache for Movember a charity in aid of battling prostate and testicular cancer. If you want to donate please copy and paste this link into your browser Take a look at Mimi's new book called Bartholomew. Head here for details of her book and how to pick up a copy. Here is our Facebook group, head here to join
DWO WhoCast - #220 - Doctor Who Podcast
DWO WhoCastTony gets to talk to Stephen Gallagher, author of one of his favourite stories, 'Warriors' Gate' as well as the yummy 'Terminus' and so much more besides.
The DWO WhoCast - it does the right kind of nothing..
Waffle On about Callan & The Equalizer
Waffle On PodcastWaffle On About Callan & The Equalizer
Hello and welcome to this bumper episode of Waffle On in which Meds & Kell talk about two of Edward Woodwards best known TV vehicles, Callan and The Equalizer
Callan hit our screens back in 1967 as a special on a programme called Armchair theatre. The pilot was such a success a series soon followed and in total four series hit our screens, first in black and white and then in colour. Callan was a hard hitting killer who suffered from emotional prangs about the people he was contracted to deal with.
The Equalizer
Edward Woodward returned to hard hitting TV drama in the guise of Robert McCall aka The Equalizer. The series launched in 1985 and ran again for four series up to 1989. McCall a retired operative from a secret organisation known simply as The Agency attempts to make amends by hiring himself our for free in aid of people in distress in New York.
Meds does Movember for charity
As mentioned on the podcast Meds is growing a moustache for Movember a charity in aid of battling prostate and testicular cancer. If you want to donate please copy and paste this link into your browser
Take a look at Mimi’s new book called Bartholomew. Head here for details of her book and how to pick up a copy.
Here is our Facebook group, head here to join
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #109 - Geek Out
The Doctor Who PodcastThis week was to have been our episode on the delightful Elisabeth Sladen, but unfortunately real life got in the way and James could not join us. We really wanted to do Lis justice and have all three of us in the campervan so we will postpone that episode for a very short while. So, [...]
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #109 - Geek Out
The Doctor Who PodcastThis week was to have been our episode on the delightful Elisabeth Sladen, but unfortunately real life got in the way andJames could not join us. We really wanted to do Lis justice and have all three of us in the campervan so we will postpone that episode for a very short while. So, in [...]
Commentary: Life on Mars - Episode 5
The Cultdom CollectiveIt's Derby Day, Manchester 1973 and Ian, Mike and Dave are off to the match but have time to talk over LOM Series 1 Episode 5 (UK version)
TDP 217: Sarah Jane Smith @ Big Finish 1.2 The Tao Connection
Tin Dog PodcastCast: Elisabeth Sladen (Sarah Jane Smith); Jeremy James (Josh Townsend); Sadie Miller (Natalie Redfern); Caroline Burns-Cook (Claudia Coster); Juliet Warner (Ellie Martin); Mark Donovan (DI Morrisson); Moray Treadwell (Will Butley); Steven Wickham (Mr. Sharpe); Jane McFarlane (Nurse Jepson); Robert Curbishley (Read); Wendy Albiston (Meg Hawkins); Toby Longworth (Wong Chu); Maggie Stables (Mrs Lythe)Writer: Barry Letts Recorded: 27 February 2002Director: Gary Russell Released: 8 August 2002Music: Davy Darlington No. of Discs: 1Sound Design: Davy Darlington Duration 73' 18"Cover Art: Lee Binding Production Code: SJ02 ISBN: 1-903654-93-9SynopsisThe body of an old man is found floating in the Thames although the DNA of the corpse corresponds to an 18-year old friend of Josh and Ellie. Sarah Jane heads towards West Yorkshire in a bid to discover what killed the man, why someone is kidnapping homeless teenage boys and whether there is a link between that and the retreat of philanthropist Will Butley which hosts The Huang Ti Clinic. Sarah discovers that there is more to ancient Dark Sorcery than she may have otherwise believed.
Commentary: Life on Mars - Episode 5
The Cultdom CollectiveIt's Derby Day, Manchester 1973 and Ian, Mike and Dave are off to the match but have time to talk over LOM Series 1 Episode 5 (UK version)
Commentary: Life on Mars - Episode 5
The Cultdom CollectiveIt's Derby Day, Manchester 1973 and Ian, Mike and Dave are off to the match but have time to talk over LOM Series 1 Episode 5 (UK version)