Tin Dog Podcast

- Description:
- tin-dog@hotmail.co.uk The Tin Dog welcomes you to sit back and listen to his rants and ramblings about all that is best in modern SF and Television. Via the gift of the new fangled Podcast over the tinterweb. As you can probably guess Tin Dog mostly talks about Doctor Who, Torchwood and Sarah Jane Smith but that wont stop him talking about any other subject you suggest. Hailing from a non specific part of the northeast of England, Tin Dog is male and in his mid 30s. A life long fan of almost all TV SF. His semi-autistic tendencies combined with his total lack of social skills have helped him find a place in the heart of British SF Fandom. Even as a child the Tin Dogs mother told him that she can trace his love of SF TV back to his rhythmic kicking, while still in the womb, along to the beat of the Avengers theme music. From Gabriel Chase to Totters Lane, from the Bad Wolf Satellite to the back streets of the Cardiff, Tin Dog will give you his thoughts on the wonderful Whoniverse. Daleks and Cybermen and TARDIS ES Oh My If you enjoy these Tin Dog Podcasts please remember to tell your friends and leave an email tin-dog@hotmail.co.uk
Homepage: http://tin-dog.co.uk
RSS Feed: http://www.tin-dog.co.uk/rss
- Episodes:
- 2878
- Average Episode Duration:
- 0:0:10:06
- Longest Episode Duration:
- 0:2:09:15
- Total Duration of all Episodes:
- 20 days, 4 hours, 41 minutes and 53 seconds
- Earliest Episode:
- 1 May 2007 (6:54pm GMT)
- Latest Episode:
- 13 February 2025 (5:05am GMT)
- Average Time Between Episodes:
- 2 days, 6 hours, 10 minutes and 58 seconds
Tin Dog Podcast Episodes
TDP 1060: Binge The Book of Boba Fett Episode 5 and 6 #StarWars
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 9 minutes and 46 secondsTDP 1060: Binge The Book of Boba Fett Episode 5 and 6 #StarWars After tracks and kills a bounty, he delivers the bounty's head for directions to a Mandalorian hideout. There, he finds and , survivors of their tribe of Mandalorian warriors, who inspect the that he won from . The Armorer explains that whoever wins the Darksaber in combat can become the ruler of Mandalore, though their civilization was destroyed by the Empire. The Armorer turns Djarin's beskar spear into a gift for his former charge, . Vizsla, a descendant of the Darksaber's creator Tarre Vizsla, challenges Djarin to a duel for the saber. Djarin defeats Vizsla but reveals that he previously broke their tribe's code by removing his helmet. Rejected by the tribe, Djarin takes a commercial transport to meet on Tatooine, who has an old to replace his previous ship, the Razor Crest. Together, they fix and modify the starship and Djarin takes it for a test flight. Upon his return, Fennec Shand arrives and asks Djarin to assist Boba Fett in the upcoming war. He agrees, but only after he visits a friend. , marshal of Tatooine's Freetown (formerly Mos Pelgo), confronts and shoots Pyke spice runners. Djarin flies to a forested world to visit Grogu, and is greeted by and . Tano convinces Djarin that his presence will hinder Grogu, so he returns to Tatooine after asking Tano to deliver the gift—a beskar tunic—to the youngling. Master has begun training Grogu, his first student, to use the Force. Skywalker helps the youngling remember his home, the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, where he saw many Jedi killed during . Fett and his allies discuss their manpower shortage, and Djarin travels to Freetown to enlist Vanth and his people. After Djarin leaves, the hired gun arrives on behalf of the Pykes to order the town to be neutral in the upcoming war. Following a standoff, Bane shoots both the marshal and his deputy. Two Pykes later bomb the Sanctuary in Mos Espa. Skywalker, bearing Djarin's gift, gives a choice to Grogu: take the chain mail and stop his training, or take 's lightsaber and be trained as a Jedi.
TDP 1060: Binge The Book of Boba Fett Episode 5 and 6 #StarWars
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 9 minutes and 46 secondsTDP 1060: Binge The Book of Boba Fett Episode 5 and 6 #StarWars After tracks and kills a bounty, he delivers the bounty's head for directions to a Mandalorian hideout. There, he finds and , survivors of their tribe of Mandalorian warriors, who inspect the that he won from . The Armorer explains that whoever wins the Darksaber in combat can become the ruler of Mandalore, though their civilization was destroyed by the Empire. The Armorer turns Djarin's beskar spear into a gift for his former charge, . Vizsla, a descendant of the Darksaber's creator Tarre Vizsla, challenges Djarin to a duel for the saber. Djarin defeats Vizsla but reveals that he previously broke their tribe's code by removing his helmet. Rejected by the tribe, Djarin takes a commercial transport to meet on Tatooine, who has an old to replace his previous ship, the Razor Crest. Together, they fix and modify the starship and Djarin takes it for a test flight. Upon his return, Fennec Shand arrives and asks Djarin to assist Boba Fett in the upcoming war. He agrees, but only after he visits a friend. , marshal of Tatooine's Freetown (formerly Mos Pelgo), confronts and shoots Pyke spice runners. Djarin flies to a forested world to visit Grogu, and is greeted by and . Tano convinces Djarin that his presence will hinder Grogu, so he returns to Tatooine after asking Tano to deliver the gift—a beskar tunic—to the youngling. Master has begun training Grogu, his first student, to use the Force. Skywalker helps the youngling remember his home, the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, where he saw many Jedi killed during . Fett and his allies discuss their manpower shortage, and Djarin travels to Freetown to enlist Vanth and his people. After Djarin leaves, the hired gun arrives on behalf of the Pykes to order the town to be neutral in the upcoming war. Following a standoff, Bane shoots both the marshal and his deputy. Two Pykes later bomb the Sanctuary in Mos Espa. Skywalker, bearing Djarin's gift, gives a choice to Grogu: take the chain mail and stop his training, or take 's lightsaber and be trained as a Jedi.
TDP 1059: Binge The Book of Boba Fett Episode 4 #StarWars
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 5 minutes and 54 secondsTDP 1059: Binge The Book of Boba Fett Episode 4 In the bacta tank, Fett remembers trying to reclaim his from Jabba's Palace, which was heavily guarded. When he discovered Shand dying from a gut wound, Fett took her to a Mos Eisley mod-parlor, where her life was saved with cybernetics. In return, Fett requested Shand's help to break into the palace, now ruled by . After fighting the guards and retrieving Fett's ship, Shand decided to stay with Fett. They killed the biker gang that Fett believed to have massacred his Tusken tribe, before flying to the sarlacc pit to retrieve his armor. Shand killed the attacking sarlacc with a seismic charge, though Fett did not find his armor inside. In the present, Fett emerges from the bacta tank fully healed. He witnesses Krrsantan fighting in the Sanctuary and hires him. At a banquet, he urges Mos Espa's other crime bosses to unite against the Pyke Syndicate, but they refuse. With the rancor's presence, Fett convinces them to remain neutral while he fights the Syndicate alone. Shand suggests that they hire reinforcements for the imminent war.
TDP 1059: Binge The Book of Boba Fett Episode 4 #StarWars
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 5 minutes and 54 secondsTDP 1059: Binge The Book of Boba Fett Episode 4 In the bacta tank, Fett remembers trying to reclaim his from Jabba's Palace, which was heavily guarded. When he discovered Shand dying from a gut wound, Fett took her to a Mos Eisley mod-parlor, where her life was saved with cybernetics. In return, Fett requested Shand's help to break into the palace, now ruled by . After fighting the guards and retrieving Fett's ship, Shand decided to stay with Fett. They killed the biker gang that Fett believed to have massacred his Tusken tribe, before flying to the sarlacc pit to retrieve his armor. Shand killed the attacking sarlacc with a seismic charge, though Fett did not find his armor inside. In the present, Fett emerges from the bacta tank fully healed. He witnesses Krrsantan fighting in the Sanctuary and hires him. At a banquet, he urges Mos Espa's other crime bosses to unite against the Pyke Syndicate, but they refuse. With the rancor's presence, Fett convinces them to remain neutral while he fights the Syndicate alone. Shand suggests that they hire reinforcements for the imminent war.
TDP 1058: Binge The Book of Boba Fett Episode 3
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 5 minutes and 37 secondsTDP 1058: Binge The Book of Boba Fett Episode 3 Fett is asked by water-monger Lortha Peel to punish a gang of who are stealing his water in Mos Espa, claiming that the citizens of Tatooine do not respect Fett yet. Upon seeing that the gang has no work, Fett employs the cyborgs as enforcers and demands that Peel reduce his prices. In his bacta tank, Fett recalls seeking the toll from the Pykes on behalf of the Tusken tribe, only to find the tribe destroyed by the Nikto gang on his return. His memories are interrupted when Fett is attacked by Krrsantan. Fett, Shand, the guards, and the cyborgs fight off and capture the Wookiee. The Twins soon apologize for sending Krrsantan, claiming that Shaiz has promised Jabba's territory to another syndicate. The Twins vow to leave Tatooine and gift a to Fett. After releasing Krrsantan and resolving to train the rancor, Fett goes to Mos Espa with Shand and the cyborgs to question Shaiz. They find the mayor absent but chase down his majordomo who reveals that Shaiz is working with the Pykes. Later, the Pykes begin arriving in Mos Espa and Fett decides to prepare for war.
TDP 1058: Binge The Book of Boba Fett Episode 3
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 5 minutes and 37 secondsTDP 1058: Binge The Book of Boba Fett Episode 3 Fett is asked by water-monger Lortha Peel to punish a gang of who are stealing his water in Mos Espa, claiming that the citizens of Tatooine do not respect Fett yet. Upon seeing that the gang has no work, Fett employs the cyborgs as enforcers and demands that Peel reduce his prices. In his bacta tank, Fett recalls seeking the toll from the Pykes on behalf of the Tusken tribe, only to find the tribe destroyed by the Nikto gang on his return. His memories are interrupted when Fett is attacked by Krrsantan. Fett, Shand, the guards, and the cyborgs fight off and capture the Wookiee. The Twins soon apologize for sending Krrsantan, claiming that Shaiz has promised Jabba's territory to another syndicate. The Twins vow to leave Tatooine and gift a to Fett. After releasing Krrsantan and resolving to train the rancor, Fett goes to Mos Espa with Shand and the cyborgs to question Shaiz. They find the mayor absent but chase down his majordomo who reveals that Shaiz is working with the Pykes. Later, the Pykes begin arriving in Mos Espa and Fett decides to prepare for war.
TDP 1057: Binge The Book of Boba Fett Episode 2
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 8 minutes and 57 secondsTDP 1057: Binge The Book of Boba Fett Episode 2 Fett and Shand interrogate the captured assassin who claims to have been hired by Mok Shaiz, the Mayor of Mos Espa. Shaiz denies this but offers payment to Fett for capturing the assassin and suggests that they visit the Sanctuary again. Fwip informs Fett that two of Jabba's cousins, a pair of Hutts known as "The Twins", want to claim Jabba's throne for themselves. The Twins arrive with the Wookiee bounty hunter and try to intimidate Fett, but he refuses to submit. In the bacta tank, Fett remembers the Tuskens teaching him their style of combat and desert survival skills. After the tribe was attacked by a Syndicate spice train, Fett stole from a nearby gang and taught the Tuskens how to ride them. He led the tribe in a successful attack to stop the train and warned the surviving Pykes that they would have to pay a toll to enter the Tuskens' territory in the future. To be admitted into the Tusken tribe, Fett was guided by a lizard inside his head to a branch, which he turned into his gaffi stick. The tribe then held a ceremony to accept him.
TDP 1057: Binge The Book of Boba Fett Episode 2
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 8 minutes and 57 secondsTDP 1057: Binge The Book of Boba Fett Episode 2 Fett and Shand interrogate the captured assassin who claims to have been hired by Mok Shaiz, the Mayor of Mos Espa. Shaiz denies this but offers payment to Fett for capturing the assassin and suggests that they visit the Sanctuary again. Fwip informs Fett that two of Jabba's cousins, a pair of Hutts known as "The Twins", want to claim Jabba's throne for themselves. The Twins arrive with the Wookiee bounty hunter and try to intimidate Fett, but he refuses to submit. In the bacta tank, Fett remembers the Tuskens teaching him their style of combat and desert survival skills. After the tribe was attacked by a Syndicate spice train, Fett stole from a nearby gang and taught the Tuskens how to ride them. He led the tribe in a successful attack to stop the train and warned the surviving Pykes that they would have to pay a toll to enter the Tuskens' territory in the future. To be admitted into the Tusken tribe, Fett was guided by a lizard inside his head to a branch, which he turned into his gaffi stick. The tribe then held a ceremony to accept him.
TDP 1056: Binge The Book of Boba Fett Episode 1
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 9 minutes and 10 secondsTDP 1056: Binge The Book of Boba Fett Episode 1 barely escapes from the that swallowed him and is left for dead by who steal his Mandalorian armor. He is captured by and fails to escape their camp. Five years later, Fett and have taken control of 's criminal empire on . They receive from local dignitaries and gain the services of two guards. Fett and Shand visit the Sanctuary, a cantina in Mos Espa run by Garsa Fwip, who also offers a tribute. Outside the cantina, the group is ambushed by assassins, whom they fight off. Shand captures one of the assailants after pursuing them across the rooftops. The guards take an injured Fett to the palace and place him in a tank for healing. Fett remembers his time with the Tuskens: he and a prisoner were forced to dig for black melons in the desert until they were attacked by a large sand creature that killed the Rodian. Fett killed the creature, saving a Tusken child and earning the respect of the tribe.
TDP 1056: Binge The Book of Boba Fett Episode 1
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 9 minutes and 10 secondsTDP 1056: Binge The Book of Boba Fett Episode 1 barely escapes from the that swallowed him and is left for dead by who steal his Mandalorian armor. He is captured by and fails to escape their camp. Five years later, Fett and have taken control of 's criminal empire on . They receive from local dignitaries and gain the services of two guards. Fett and Shand visit the Sanctuary, a cantina in Mos Espa run by Garsa Fwip, who also offers a tribute. Outside the cantina, the group is ambushed by assassins, whom they fight off. Shand captures one of the assailants after pursuing them across the rooftops. The guards take an injured Fett to the palace and place him in a tank for healing. Fett remembers his time with the Tuskens: he and a prisoner were forced to dig for black melons in the desert until they were attacked by a large sand creature that killed the Rodian. Fett killed the creature, saving a Tusken child and earning the respect of the tribe.
TDP 1054: '#Torchwood 50 Black knight
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 9 minutes and 7 secondsThis title was released in March 2022. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 May 2022, and on general sale after this date. A brilliant scientist detects an asteroid destroying any craft entering the Earth's orbit. Is it protecting the human race or imprisoning it? Only one person believes her. That person is from Torchwood. Norton Folgate is taking Lynne Sharman on the journey of her life.
TDP 1054: '#Torchwood 50 Black knight
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 9 minutes and 7 secondsThis title was released in March 2022. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 May 2022, and on general sale after this date. A brilliant scientist detects an asteroid destroying any craft entering the Earth's orbit. Is it protecting the human race or imprisoning it? Only one person believes her. That person is from Torchwood. Norton Folgate is taking Lynne Sharman on the journey of her life.
TDP 1053: #DoctorWho NEM2. UNIT: Nemesis 2: Agents of the Vulpreen
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 8 minutes and 36 secondsThis title was released in March 2022. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 May 2022, and on general sale after this date. UNIT has stopped the Eleven’s efforts to retrieve the Arch. But questions remain. How did an artefact imbedded with advanced technology become buried under a prehistoric lava flow? Why does it form a connection with an alien world? And just who are the Vulpreen, the alien race that live there? Those questions are about to be answered... 2.1 The Man From Gallifrey by Andrew Smith As Osgood works flat out to rescue a lost friend, Kate is at a demonstration of a new UK spaceship, the Starseeker. There she meets two people. Lieutenant Jimmy Tan looks like potential UNIT material, and the stranger called Hasper knows a lot about UNIT and the Eleven. He should – he’s the Celestial Intervention Agency operative who sent the Eleven through the Arch millions of years ago. 2.2 Power of the Dominators by Kenneth Grant Portstone New Town is a living space for the future. A dream community, or so the advertising promises. But UNIT discovers the developers are alien Dominators. Which means there’s a more sinister purpose behind Portstone, and the Dominators’ deadly killer robots - the Quarks - can’t be far away. 2.3 The War Factory by Lizzie Hopley Temporal anomalies strike in the present and the past - 19th century infantry at Belmarsh Prison in the present day, and Brigadier Winifred Bambera is confronted by Tudor warships on the Thames in the late 20th century. Enquiries by UNIT past and present lead them to the site of Woolwich Arsenal, where the Eleven is trying to create a bridge to another world. And UNIT will learn he’s not the only one on the side of their alien adversaries. 2.4 Ten Minutes in Hell by John Dorney On the alien world on the far side of the Arch, the Vulpreen put their human prisoner through an ordeal. Osgood must lead a desperate rescue attempt - and she’s got ten minutes to do it.
TDP 1053: #DoctorWho NEM2. UNIT: Nemesis 2: Agents of the Vulpreen
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 8 minutes and 36 secondsThis title was released in March 2022. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 May 2022, and on general sale after this date. UNIT has stopped the Eleven’s efforts to retrieve the Arch. But questions remain. How did an artefact imbedded with advanced technology become buried under a prehistoric lava flow? Why does it form a connection with an alien world? And just who are the Vulpreen, the alien race that live there? Those questions are about to be answered... 2.1 The Man From Gallifrey by Andrew Smith As Osgood works flat out to rescue a lost friend, Kate is at a demonstration of a new UK spaceship, the Starseeker. There she meets two people. Lieutenant Jimmy Tan looks like potential UNIT material, and the stranger called Hasper knows a lot about UNIT and the Eleven. He should – he’s the Celestial Intervention Agency operative who sent the Eleven through the Arch millions of years ago. 2.2 Power of the Dominators by Kenneth Grant Portstone New Town is a living space for the future. A dream community, or so the advertising promises. But UNIT discovers the developers are alien Dominators. Which means there’s a more sinister purpose behind Portstone, and the Dominators’ deadly killer robots - the Quarks - can’t be far away. 2.3 The War Factory by Lizzie Hopley Temporal anomalies strike in the present and the past - 19th century infantry at Belmarsh Prison in the present day, and Brigadier Winifred Bambera is confronted by Tudor warships on the Thames in the late 20th century. Enquiries by UNIT past and present lead them to the site of Woolwich Arsenal, where the Eleven is trying to create a bridge to another world. And UNIT will learn he’s not the only one on the side of their alien adversaries. 2.4 Ten Minutes in Hell by John Dorney On the alien world on the far side of the Arch, the Vulpreen put their human prisoner through an ordeal. Osgood must lead a desperate rescue attempt - and she’s got ten minutes to do it.
TDP 1052: #DoctorWho Ninth Doctor Old Friends
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes and 16 secondsThis title was released in February 2022. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 30 April 2022, and on general sale after this date. Travelling the universe alone, the Doctor can’t help running into people. Some are new acquaintances, and some have a much longer history, back through all of his lives. 4.1 Fond Farewell by David K Barnes Fond Farewell is the intergalactic funeral parlour with a difference: the deceased attend their own wake! Invited by celebrated naturalist Flynn Beckett to his memorial, the Doctor finds he's not quite the man he was. But who would steal the memories of the dead? 4.2 Way of the Burryman by Roy Gill Young Sam Bishop is at a crossroads with girlfriend Fiona: she’s staying in Scotland, he wants to travel the world. As the Burryman celebrations begin, ghosts haunt the Forth Bridge. Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart arrives to investigate – and so does the Doctor… 4.3 The Forth Generation by Roy Gill The Forth Generation have emerged. The Doctor, the Brigadier, Sam and Fiona are at their mercy. Is there a way to defeat them? Has UNIT learned from the past? And can the enemy’s nature be changed for the future? Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart © Haisman & Lincoln and used under licence. With thanks to Hannah Haisman and Candy Jar
TDP 1052: #DoctorWho Ninth Doctor Old Friends
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes and 16 secondsThis title was released in February 2022. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 30 April 2022, and on general sale after this date. Travelling the universe alone, the Doctor can’t help running into people. Some are new acquaintances, and some have a much longer history, back through all of his lives. 4.1 Fond Farewell by David K Barnes Fond Farewell is the intergalactic funeral parlour with a difference: the deceased attend their own wake! Invited by celebrated naturalist Flynn Beckett to his memorial, the Doctor finds he's not quite the man he was. But who would steal the memories of the dead? 4.2 Way of the Burryman by Roy Gill Young Sam Bishop is at a crossroads with girlfriend Fiona: she’s staying in Scotland, he wants to travel the world. As the Burryman celebrations begin, ghosts haunt the Forth Bridge. Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart arrives to investigate – and so does the Doctor… 4.3 The Forth Generation by Roy Gill The Forth Generation have emerged. The Doctor, the Brigadier, Sam and Fiona are at their mercy. Is there a way to defeat them? Has UNIT learned from the past? And can the enemy’s nature be changed for the future? Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart © Haisman & Lincoln and used under licence. With thanks to Hannah Haisman and Candy Jar
TDP 1051: Doctor Who: The Third Doctor Adventures: The Annihilators #DoctorWho
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 8 minutes and 18 secondsreview This title was released in February 2022. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 March 2022, and on general sale after this date. There’s something in the water at Lewgate Docks. Something strange, and green, and deadly. Summoned to the North of England by a mystery informer, the Brigadier finds his investigations hampered at every turn by the local police. Just what are they trying to hide? While the Doctor uncovers sinister goings-on in the city morgue, Liz attracts the attention of something unearthly. But with Time running out, quite literally, the Doctor, Liz and UNIT aren’t the only ones to find themselves targeted by a world-shattering alien menace… ...because they’ve got a previous Doctor and his best friend Jamie in their sights, too! Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart © Haisman & Lincoln and used under licence. With thanks to Hannah Haisman and Candy Jar
TDP 1051: Doctor Who: The Third Doctor Adventures: The Annihilators #DoctorWho
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 8 minutes and 18 secondsreview This title was released in February 2022. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 March 2022, and on general sale after this date. There’s something in the water at Lewgate Docks. Something strange, and green, and deadly. Summoned to the North of England by a mystery informer, the Brigadier finds his investigations hampered at every turn by the local police. Just what are they trying to hide? While the Doctor uncovers sinister goings-on in the city morgue, Liz attracts the attention of something unearthly. But with Time running out, quite literally, the Doctor, Liz and UNIT aren’t the only ones to find themselves targeted by a world-shattering alien menace… ...because they’ve got a previous Doctor and his best friend Jamie in their sights, too! Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart © Haisman & Lincoln and used under licence. With thanks to Hannah Haisman and Candy Jar
TDP 1050: #DoctorWho #Torchwood Sonny
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes and 37 secondsThis title was released in February 2022. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 30 April 2022, and on general sale after this date. Sonny is the answer to elderly care. Artificially intelligent robot carers placed in old peoples’ homes that mimic the behaviour of their owners. Only there are rumours that something is wrong with the Sonny units. That they’re too clever. That they are learning too much. Rhys sends his mother into a home to find out. But what will it cost him?
TDP 1050: #DoctorWho #Torchwood Sonny
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes and 37 secondsThis title was released in February 2022. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 30 April 2022, and on general sale after this date. Sonny is the answer to elderly care. Artificially intelligent robot carers placed in old peoples’ homes that mimic the behaviour of their owners. Only there are rumours that something is wrong with the Sonny units. That they’re too clever. That they are learning too much. Rhys sends his mother into a home to find out. But what will it cost him?
TDP 1049: #DoctorWho The War Doctor Begins 2 War Bringer
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 8 minutes and 49 secondshttps://bbvproductions.co.uk/products/Faction-Paradox-The-Confession-of-Brother-Signet-AUDIO-DOWNLOAD-p389922366
TDP 1049: #DoctorWho The War Doctor Begins 2 War Bringer
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 8 minutes and 49 secondshttps://bbvproductions.co.uk/products/Faction-Paradox-The-Confession-of-Brother-Signet-AUDIO-DOWNLOAD-p389922366
TDP 1048: Peladon From #DoctorWho @Bigfinish
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 15 minutes and 51 secondsThis title was released in January 2022. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 28th February 2022, and on general sale after this date. Journey to Peladon, member world of the Galactic Federation and home to intrigue and adventure. With each passing generation, the toll of industrial exploitation and deadly political games is taking its toll on the planet. Can the Doctor and his allies guide the course of history towards a hopeful future? Or is Peladon's fate in the lap of the gods? 1. The Ordeal of Peladon by Jonathan Barnes & Robert Valentine When King Peladon hears of a holy man with seemingly magical powers and the gift of foresight, he resolves to discover the truth of it for himself. But his quest to understand the shifting loyalties of his people is one from which he cannot return unchanged. 2. The Poison of Peladon by Lizzie Hopley River Song has infiltrated the court of Queen Thalira in the guise of a high priestess. With rumours swirling that Peladon is on the brink of a republican uprising, River joins forces with her new best friend, Alpha Centauri, to get to the bottom of the mystery 3. The Death of Peladon by Mark Wright The Sixth Doctor and Mel arrive on Peladon to discover a world on the brink of environmental disaster. Civil war looms and a dark plot brews in the shadows of the court. Unless they can help avert catastrophe, there seems to be little hope left for one of the Doctor's favourite planets. 4. The Truth of Peladon by Tim Foley Arla, last of Peladon’s great seamstresses, is commissioned to make a great cloak for the latest coronation. She’ll need a new assistant to complete her work in time, and one appears: the Eighth Doctor! Determined to show Arla the truth of Peladon, the delicate threads he's drawing together will change Peladon forever.
TDP 1048: Peladon From #DoctorWho @Bigfinish
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 15 minutes and 51 secondsThis title was released in January 2022. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 28th February 2022, and on general sale after this date. Journey to Peladon, member world of the Galactic Federation and home to intrigue and adventure. With each passing generation, the toll of industrial exploitation and deadly political games is taking its toll on the planet. Can the Doctor and his allies guide the course of history towards a hopeful future? Or is Peladon's fate in the lap of the gods? 1. The Ordeal of Peladon by Jonathan Barnes & Robert Valentine When King Peladon hears of a holy man with seemingly magical powers and the gift of foresight, he resolves to discover the truth of it for himself. But his quest to understand the shifting loyalties of his people is one from which he cannot return unchanged. 2. The Poison of Peladon by Lizzie Hopley River Song has infiltrated the court of Queen Thalira in the guise of a high priestess. With rumours swirling that Peladon is on the brink of a republican uprising, River joins forces with her new best friend, Alpha Centauri, to get to the bottom of the mystery 3. The Death of Peladon by Mark Wright The Sixth Doctor and Mel arrive on Peladon to discover a world on the brink of environmental disaster. Civil war looms and a dark plot brews in the shadows of the court. Unless they can help avert catastrophe, there seems to be little hope left for one of the Doctor's favourite planets. 4. The Truth of Peladon by Tim Foley Arla, last of Peladon’s great seamstresses, is commissioned to make a great cloak for the latest coronation. She’ll need a new assistant to complete her work in time, and one appears: the Eighth Doctor! Determined to show Arla the truth of Peladon, the delicate threads he's drawing together will change Peladon forever.
TDP 1047: #DoctorWho @ Bigfinish ShortTrip I, Kamerion
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 5 minutes and 57 secondsThe planet Tairot is a haven for technology, dedicated to improving the quality of life for its inhabitants one cerebral implant at a time. And yet with no memory to guide him, finds himself to now be one of those inhabitants, taken from his self-imposed exile and forced into a human body. A seemingly permanent one. With a new conspiracy unfolding around him, Kamelion begins his quest to find answers. Why have and become public enemy number one? What is the truth behind the planet’s technology? And most of all…how does an android dream of electric beasts?
TDP 1047: #DoctorWho @ Bigfinish ShortTrip I, Kamerion
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 5 minutes and 57 secondsThe planet Tairot is a haven for technology, dedicated to improving the quality of life for its inhabitants one cerebral implant at a time. And yet with no memory to guide him, finds himself to now be one of those inhabitants, taken from his self-imposed exile and forced into a human body. A seemingly permanent one. With a new conspiracy unfolding around him, Kamelion begins his quest to find answers. Why have and become public enemy number one? What is the truth behind the planet’s technology? And most of all…how does an android dream of electric beasts?
TDP 1046: #Torchwood Cadoc Point
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes and 5 secondsThis title was released in January 2022. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 March 2022, and on general sale after this date. Andy’s old art teacher is in trouble. The disappearance of three of his former pupils has brought him some unwelcome attention. The authorities think that there’s a secret in Merl’s past. Whatever Andy’s suspicions, he discovers that something much older and stranger is hiding in Merl’s past. Clues are scattered through his paintings, and all of them lead to a place called Cadoc Point.
TDP 1046: #Torchwood Cadoc Point
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes and 5 secondsThis title was released in January 2022. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 March 2022, and on general sale after this date. Andy’s old art teacher is in trouble. The disappearance of three of his former pupils has brought him some unwelcome attention. The authorities think that there’s a secret in Merl’s past. Whatever Andy’s suspicions, he discovers that something much older and stranger is hiding in Merl’s past. Clues are scattered through his paintings, and all of them lead to a place called Cadoc Point.
TDP 1045: #DoctorWho The Fifth Doctor Adventures: Forty 1
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 8 minutes and 55 secondsCelebrating four decades of the Fifth Doctor, with stories from across his timeline. 1.1 Secrets of Telos by Matt Fitton Professor Parry’s expedition to the tombs of Telos was hardly an unmitigated success. The handful of survivors limp home in a spaceship… unaware that the deadly peril they faced from the Cybermen is not yet banished. Into this situation stumble the Fifth Doctor and his friends Nyssa and Tegan - and they’re soon in a deadly fight for their lives. Except things aren’t quite that simple - something odd is happening to the Doctor. He’s suddenly in a different part of his own timeline inhabiting his future self with no idea of why or how this has happened. Who is bouncing him through time? And what could they possibly want? 1.2 God of War by Sarah Grochala The Doctor is still being jolted through his own timeline, and has now found himself with Nyssa, Tegan and Adric in ninth century Iceland near a Viking settlement on the edge of a volcano. A settlement whose leader has just found a god in the ice. The TARDIS crew are soon in a battle with the fearsome Ice Warriors. There are a lot of lives to save… and not just those of their new friends. The Doctor’s about to find that his biggest battle may be with his own conscience.
TDP 1045: #DoctorWho The Fifth Doctor Adventures: Forty 1
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 8 minutes and 55 secondsCelebrating four decades of the Fifth Doctor, with stories from across his timeline. 1.1 Secrets of Telos by Matt Fitton Professor Parry’s expedition to the tombs of Telos was hardly an unmitigated success. The handful of survivors limp home in a spaceship… unaware that the deadly peril they faced from the Cybermen is not yet banished. Into this situation stumble the Fifth Doctor and his friends Nyssa and Tegan - and they’re soon in a deadly fight for their lives. Except things aren’t quite that simple - something odd is happening to the Doctor. He’s suddenly in a different part of his own timeline inhabiting his future self with no idea of why or how this has happened. Who is bouncing him through time? And what could they possibly want? 1.2 God of War by Sarah Grochala The Doctor is still being jolted through his own timeline, and has now found himself with Nyssa, Tegan and Adric in ninth century Iceland near a Viking settlement on the edge of a volcano. A settlement whose leader has just found a god in the ice. The TARDIS crew are soon in a battle with the fearsome Ice Warriors. There are a lot of lives to save… and not just those of their new friends. The Doctor’s about to find that his biggest battle may be with his own conscience.
TDP 1043: #DoctorWho: Stranded 3
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes and 30 secondsThis title was released in December 2021. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 January 2022, and on general sale after this date. After crashing in 2020 London, the TARDIS is healing. It can now take its passengers through time and space - but the future has changed around them... A sinister force steers humanity’s destiny, and as the Doctor and friends investigate the mystery they’re trapped inside, they may make the outcome even worse... 3.1 Patience by Tim Foley The Doctor decides to investigate the limits of the paradoxical timeline in which he and his friends are stranded. But they find themselves hunted by a force of mercenary Judoon. It seems that Earth’s altered history has changed the whole universe… 3.2 Twisted Folklore by Lizzie Hopley Tracking the course of the future, the Doctor and friends arrive on Rarkelia - where human forces rule. Earth - and Divine Intervention - are shaping the universe in their own image. Helen, Liv and Tania embed themselves in society, while the Doctor starts a revolution. 3.3 Snow by James Kettle Returning to London in the 2030s, the TARDIS travellers find a sinister elite taking hold. Baker Street now has just one lonely resident - and what’s more, it is the last place on Earth where snow ever falls. 3.4 What Just Happened? by John Dorney All actions have consequences. The path to victory or disaster is unclear unless seen from a different perspective… With the lives of the entire human race at stake, the Doctor confronts a nemesis like no other. And not everyone will make it home.
TDP 1043: #DoctorWho: Stranded 3
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes and 30 secondsThis title was released in December 2021. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 January 2022, and on general sale after this date. After crashing in 2020 London, the TARDIS is healing. It can now take its passengers through time and space - but the future has changed around them... A sinister force steers humanity’s destiny, and as the Doctor and friends investigate the mystery they’re trapped inside, they may make the outcome even worse... 3.1 Patience by Tim Foley The Doctor decides to investigate the limits of the paradoxical timeline in which he and his friends are stranded. But they find themselves hunted by a force of mercenary Judoon. It seems that Earth’s altered history has changed the whole universe… 3.2 Twisted Folklore by Lizzie Hopley Tracking the course of the future, the Doctor and friends arrive on Rarkelia - where human forces rule. Earth - and Divine Intervention - are shaping the universe in their own image. Helen, Liv and Tania embed themselves in society, while the Doctor starts a revolution. 3.3 Snow by James Kettle Returning to London in the 2030s, the TARDIS travellers find a sinister elite taking hold. Baker Street now has just one lonely resident - and what’s more, it is the last place on Earth where snow ever falls. 3.4 What Just Happened? by John Dorney All actions have consequences. The path to victory or disaster is unclear unless seen from a different perspective… With the lives of the entire human race at stake, the Doctor confronts a nemesis like no other. And not everyone will make it home.
TDP 1044: #Torchwood Grey Maire
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 4 minutes and 56 secondsThis title was released in December 2021. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 28 February 2022, and on general sale after this date. “Listen. Mari Lwyd. White as moonlight. Rattle-bagged and broken backed. Steed of winter who the pale men carry. “Who are those that squire you? Slow and ceaseless, yard by yard, house by house, and door by door.” The Mari Lwyd is a fine Welsh Christmas Tradition - the skeleton of a horse roams the streets, begging to be let in for food and warmth. Once she knocks, only the most cunning can send her away. Ianto Jones has come to a remote village for a quiet Christmas. But the Mari Lwyd has come knocking. And she’s real.
TDP 1044: #Torchwood Grey Maire
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 4 minutes and 56 secondsThis title was released in December 2021. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 28 February 2022, and on general sale after this date. “Listen. Mari Lwyd. White as moonlight. Rattle-bagged and broken backed. Steed of winter who the pale men carry. “Who are those that squire you? Slow and ceaseless, yard by yard, house by house, and door by door.” The Mari Lwyd is a fine Welsh Christmas Tradition - the skeleton of a horse roams the streets, begging to be let in for food and warmth. Once she knocks, only the most cunning can send her away. Ianto Jones has come to a remote village for a quiet Christmas. But the Mari Lwyd has come knocking. And she’s real.
TDP 1042: DU1.3. #DoctorWho Dalek Universe 3
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 9 minutes and 25 secondsThis title was released in October 2021. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 January 2022, and on general sale after this date. Lost in a universe before the Time War, the Doctor is still struggling to find a way back home... but has only found himself in the middle of another war. A very familiar war, involving his oldest enemies – and their malevolent creator. However he’s not alone – as there are old friends here too. At least he thinks they’re old friends... but when the stakes are as high as this, can he really be sure who to trust? What side are they truly on? 3.1 The First Son by Lizzie Hopley The Doctor’s attempts to return home have led him to the middle of a war zone... and a familiar voice. The travellers have arrived on a planet made up of crashed space-ships where they encounter River Song... Or do they? Because she’s dressed as a Movellan and claims to be a member of that robot race. Is she undercover, a duplicate, or something more sinister? And more importantly... who is her son? 3.2 The Dalek Defence by Matt Fitton The Doctor and Anya are trapped between battling Dalek and Movellan forces and only the intervention of Earth can get them out of trouble. But the humans have troubles too – and a very familiar prisoner. Davros. Stuck in a universe before the Time War, the Doctor is bound by the rules of his own past... Can he keep everyone alive without changing history? And would he even want to? 3.3 The Triumph of Davros by Matt Fitton Returning to a familiar planet, with Movellan and Dalek warships floating in the sky above, the stakes for the time-travellers are higher than ever. The mistakes of the Doctor’s past are coming back to haunt him. Alliances are made and broken. And the course of the war is about to turn. The Doctor can’t stop what’s coming. But maybe, just maybe... he may be able to save his friends. This boxset release contains all three stories, plus additional behind the scenes interviews.
TDP 1042: DU1.3. #DoctorWho Dalek Universe 3
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 9 minutes and 25 secondsThis title was released in October 2021. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 January 2022, and on general sale after this date. Lost in a universe before the Time War, the Doctor is still struggling to find a way back home... but has only found himself in the middle of another war. A very familiar war, involving his oldest enemies – and their malevolent creator. However he’s not alone – as there are old friends here too. At least he thinks they’re old friends... but when the stakes are as high as this, can he really be sure who to trust? What side are they truly on? 3.1 The First Son by Lizzie Hopley The Doctor’s attempts to return home have led him to the middle of a war zone... and a familiar voice. The travellers have arrived on a planet made up of crashed space-ships where they encounter River Song... Or do they? Because she’s dressed as a Movellan and claims to be a member of that robot race. Is she undercover, a duplicate, or something more sinister? And more importantly... who is her son? 3.2 The Dalek Defence by Matt Fitton The Doctor and Anya are trapped between battling Dalek and Movellan forces and only the intervention of Earth can get them out of trouble. But the humans have troubles too – and a very familiar prisoner. Davros. Stuck in a universe before the Time War, the Doctor is bound by the rules of his own past... Can he keep everyone alive without changing history? And would he even want to? 3.3 The Triumph of Davros by Matt Fitton Returning to a familiar planet, with Movellan and Dalek warships floating in the sky above, the stakes for the time-travellers are higher than ever. The mistakes of the Doctor’s past are coming back to haunt him. Alliances are made and broken. And the course of the war is about to turn. The Doctor can’t stop what’s coming. But maybe, just maybe... he may be able to save his friends. This boxset release contains all three stories, plus additional behind the scenes interviews.
TDP 1041: UNIT: Nemesis 1: Between Two Worlds
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 9 minutes and 47 secondsThis title was released in November 2021. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 January 2022, and on general sale after this date. An ancient artefact, a stone arch anachronistically imbedded with electronic circuitry, is recovered following a rupture in an undersea stretch of the Mull lava group in North West Scotland, a geological feature dating from tens of millions of years ago. UNIT's investigation will unlock a link to another world and bring them face to face with a new and powerful threat... 1.1 The Enemy Beyond by Andrew Smith In a UNIT facility beneath Edinburgh Castle, Kate and Osgood work to unlock the mystery of a stone arch discovered buried in a prehistoric rock formation. When the arch takes one of their number away to a strange, bleak world, it leads to an encounter with a Time Lord. One with multiple personalities. Soon the Eleven is loose on the streets of Edinburgh and plotting to seize the arch from UNIT by any means necessary. 1.2 Fire and Ice by John Dorney When Kate needs Harry Sullivan’s help with a threat from the Eleven, she and Osgood travel to Australia to meet him. He’s there with Naomi Cross, investigating footage of an apparent UFO crash that turned up on social media. They find themselves caught in the middle of a conflict between Ice Warriors. And one Ice Warrior isn’t so icy - in fact, he's red hot. And getting hotter... 1.3 Eleven’s Eleven by Lisa McMullin A series of jewel robberies in London and the Home Counties draws the attention of UNIT when it’s discovered that some of the stolen gems are alien in origin. The robberies are the work of an organised criminal gang led by East End villain Ava Drake. But Ava has a new, ruthless partner. The Eleven has promised her riches, and for him the gems are a means to defeat UNIT and regain the arch. 1.4 The Curator’s Gambit by Andrew Smith The arch is taken to the Under Gallery for safekeeping, under the protection of the Curator. When the Eleven penetrates the Gallery’s security, the Curator initiates an emergency plan. He and UNIT play a game of cat and mouse with their pursuers within the Under Gallery’s original location, Hampton Court Palace. Deploying November 2021
TDP 1041: UNIT: Nemesis 1: Between Two Worlds
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 9 minutes and 47 secondsThis title was released in November 2021. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 January 2022, and on general sale after this date. An ancient artefact, a stone arch anachronistically imbedded with electronic circuitry, is recovered following a rupture in an undersea stretch of the Mull lava group in North West Scotland, a geological feature dating from tens of millions of years ago. UNIT's investigation will unlock a link to another world and bring them face to face with a new and powerful threat... 1.1 The Enemy Beyond by Andrew Smith In a UNIT facility beneath Edinburgh Castle, Kate and Osgood work to unlock the mystery of a stone arch discovered buried in a prehistoric rock formation. When the arch takes one of their number away to a strange, bleak world, it leads to an encounter with a Time Lord. One with multiple personalities. Soon the Eleven is loose on the streets of Edinburgh and plotting to seize the arch from UNIT by any means necessary. 1.2 Fire and Ice by John Dorney When Kate needs Harry Sullivan’s help with a threat from the Eleven, she and Osgood travel to Australia to meet him. He’s there with Naomi Cross, investigating footage of an apparent UFO crash that turned up on social media. They find themselves caught in the middle of a conflict between Ice Warriors. And one Ice Warrior isn’t so icy - in fact, he's red hot. And getting hotter... 1.3 Eleven’s Eleven by Lisa McMullin A series of jewel robberies in London and the Home Counties draws the attention of UNIT when it’s discovered that some of the stolen gems are alien in origin. The robberies are the work of an organised criminal gang led by East End villain Ava Drake. But Ava has a new, ruthless partner. The Eleven has promised her riches, and for him the gems are a means to defeat UNIT and regain the arch. 1.4 The Curator’s Gambit by Andrew Smith The arch is taken to the Under Gallery for safekeeping, under the protection of the Curator. When the Eleven penetrates the Gallery’s security, the Curator initiates an emergency plan. He and UNIT play a game of cat and mouse with their pursuers within the Under Gallery’s original location, Hampton Court Palace. Deploying November 2021
TDP 1040: The Worlds Of Blake 7 Bayban The Butcher
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 11 minutes and 55 secondshis title was released in December 2021. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 January 2022, and on general sale after this date. Barbarian, Berserker... Bridegroom? Even a psychopath must start somewhere. Bayban's criminal career began well before he first met the Liberator crew. Somehow, his career also survived that fatal encounter with them. Bayban isn’t the forgiving type. Jenna, Vila and even Travis are about to learn that they don't call him the Butcher for nothing. 1. Conscience by Katharine Armitage Captain Jenna Stannis and her smuggler crew accept a job to help the people of Samana. Easy work, fast turnaround, quick profit. But a new, rival captain is interfering in the supply chain. And Bayban doesn’t care who gets hurt in the process. 2. The Butcher's Wife by Lizzie Hopley Desperate after escaping certain death, Bayban plans to pair up with a princess and usurp the wealthy planet Arl – unless another secretive visitor prevents him. Bayban and Travis are both survivors. The question is whether Arl can survive the pair of them. 3. Vengeance Games by Lizbeth Myles Bayban is in the mood for settling debts. He’s hunting down his old enemies – literally. All the better if he can make a profit from the game. Vila Restal isn’t usually the sort to avoid gambling – unless he has to stake his life.
TDP 1040: The Worlds Of Blake 7 Bayban The Butcher
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 11 minutes and 55 secondshis title was released in December 2021. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 January 2022, and on general sale after this date. Barbarian, Berserker... Bridegroom? Even a psychopath must start somewhere. Bayban's criminal career began well before he first met the Liberator crew. Somehow, his career also survived that fatal encounter with them. Bayban isn’t the forgiving type. Jenna, Vila and even Travis are about to learn that they don't call him the Butcher for nothing. 1. Conscience by Katharine Armitage Captain Jenna Stannis and her smuggler crew accept a job to help the people of Samana. Easy work, fast turnaround, quick profit. But a new, rival captain is interfering in the supply chain. And Bayban doesn’t care who gets hurt in the process. 2. The Butcher's Wife by Lizzie Hopley Desperate after escaping certain death, Bayban plans to pair up with a princess and usurp the wealthy planet Arl – unless another secretive visitor prevents him. Bayban and Travis are both survivors. The question is whether Arl can survive the pair of them. 3. Vengeance Games by Lizbeth Myles Bayban is in the mood for settling debts. He’s hunting down his old enemies – literally. All the better if he can make a profit from the game. Vila Restal isn’t usually the sort to avoid gambling – unless he has to stake his life.
TDP 1040: The Worlds Of Blake 7 Bayban The Butcher
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 11 minutes and 55 secondshis title was released in December 2021. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 January 2022, and on general sale after this date. Barbarian, Berserker... Bridegroom? Even a psychopath must start somewhere. Bayban's criminal career began well before he first met the Liberator crew. Somehow, his career also survived that fatal encounter with them. Bayban isn’t the forgiving type. Jenna, Vila and even Travis are about to learn that they don't call him the Butcher for nothing. 1. Conscience by Katharine Armitage Captain Jenna Stannis and her smuggler crew accept a job to help the people of Samana. Easy work, fast turnaround, quick profit. But a new, rival captain is interfering in the supply chain. And Bayban doesn’t care who gets hurt in the process. 2. The Butcher's Wife by Lizzie Hopley Desperate after escaping certain death, Bayban plans to pair up with a princess and usurp the wealthy planet Arl – unless another secretive visitor prevents him. Bayban and Travis are both survivors. The question is whether Arl can survive the pair of them. 3. Vengeance Games by Lizbeth Myles Bayban is in the mood for settling debts. He’s hunting down his old enemies – literally. All the better if he can make a profit from the game. Vila Restal isn’t usually the sort to avoid gambling – unless he has to stake his life.
TDP 1039: NOW £2.99 Confession Of Brother Signet WITH FREE Sample
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 6 minutes and 19 secondshttps://bbvproductions.co.uk/products/Faction-Paradox-The-Confession-of-Brother-Signet-AUDIO-DOWNLOAD-p389922366
TDP 1039: NOW £2.99 Confession Of Brother Signet WITH FREE Sample
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 6 minutes and 19 secondshttps://bbvproductions.co.uk/products/Faction-Paradox-The-Confession-of-Brother-Signet-AUDIO-DOWNLOAD-p389922366
TDP 1039: NOW £2.99 Confession Of Brother Signet WITH FREE Sample
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 6 minutes and 19 secondshttps://bbvproductions.co.uk/products/Faction-Paradox-The-Confession-of-Brother-Signet-AUDIO-DOWNLOAD-p389922366
TDP 1038: #DoctorWho #EveOfTheDaleks
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 12 minutes and 55 secondsnow only 2.99! "Eve of the Daleks" is the first of the of the British science fiction television programme Doctor Who, which was broadcast on BBC One on 1 January 2022. It was written by , and directed by Annetta Laufer. The episode follows the as a New Year’s Day special. The episode stars as the , alongside and as her , and , respectively.
TDP 1038: #DoctorWho #EveOfTheDaleks
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 12 minutes and 55 secondsnow only 2.99! "Eve of the Daleks" is the first of the of the British science fiction television programme Doctor Who, which was broadcast on BBC One on 1 January 2022. It was written by , and directed by Annetta Laufer. The episode follows the as a New Year’s Day special. The episode stars as the , alongside and as her , and , respectively.
TDP 1038: #DoctorWho #EveOfTheDaleks
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 12 minutes and 55 secondsnow only 2.99! "Eve of the Daleks" is the first of the of the British science fiction television programme Doctor Who, which was broadcast on BBC One on 1 January 2022. It was written by , and directed by Annetta Laufer. The episode follows the as a New Year’s Day special. The episode stars as the , alongside and as her , and , respectively.
TDP 1037: 9. The Diary of River Song Series 09: New Recruit
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 11 minutes and 10 seconds
TDP 1037: 9. The Diary of River Song Series 09: New Recruit
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 11 minutes and 10 seconds
TDP 1037: 9. The Diary of River Song Series 09: New Recruit
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 11 minutes and 10 seconds