Overall Statistics
- Podcasts: 188
- Podcast Episodes: 58,697
- Average Episodes Per Podcast: 312.218085106383
- Average Episode Duration: 0:0:48:33
- Longest Episode Duration: 0:22:21:46
- Total Duration of all Episodes: 1978 days, 20 hours, 17 minutes and 13 seconds
- Feeds Last Checked: 9:49pm, 14 February 2025
- Last Update:
6:18pm, 14 February 2025
An Unearthly Podcast: An Exploration of Doctor Who

- Description:
- Ran-San, Mad Matt, The Man in Black and friends explore the universe of Doctor Who. Each week, we take an in-depth either a new episode or a classic serial and decide whether it's a Love or a Monster!
Homepage: http://www.youtube.com/user/ManinBlackReviews
RSS Feed: http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/PLn79TgRfPW3L6BjbzhGPnWF7xPXva-B6
An Unearthly Podcast: An Exploration of Doctor Who Statistics
- Episodes:
- 0
- Average Episode Duration:
- Exception!
- Longest Episode Duration:
- Exception!
- Total Duration of all Episodes:
- Exception!
- Earliest Episode:
- 29 October 2014 (4:24pm GMT)
- Latest Episode:
- Exception!
- Average Time Between Episodes:
- Exception!
An Unearthly Podcast: An Exploration of Doctor Who Episodes
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