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WHO 37 - A Doctor Who Podcast

WHO 37 - A Doctor Who Podcast
WHO 37 - A middle-aged geek from Chicago puts his face in front of a mic and talks about his passion for Doctor Who.

Homepage: http://who37.libsyn.com

RSS Feed: http://who37.libsyn.com/rss

WHO 37 - A Doctor Who Podcast Statistics
Average Episode Duration:
Longest Episode Duration:
Total Duration of all Episodes:
19 days, 20 hours, 44 minutes and 52 seconds
Earliest Episode:
20 February 2013 (1:14am GMT)
Latest Episode:
29 June 2024 (3:40pm GMT)
Average Time Between Episodes:
8 days, 9 hours, 54 minutes and 41 seconds

WHO 37 - A Doctor Who Podcast Episodes

  • See Your Doctor If Your Election Lasts More Than Four Days

    8 November 2020 (4:54pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 49 minutes and 50 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    Recorded during day four of the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election, three middle-aged American white males who did NOT vote for Trump attempt to review the Big Finish Audio “Time in Office”. CONTENTS INCLUDE: Chris is not a Cyberman, dissing and defending “Delta and the Bannermen”, classic companions showing up in movies, watching “Star Wars” for the first time, getting old sucks, JB’s ultimate locker room humiliation, explaining jock straps to Sean, nude swimming class, Sean tries to bluff his way through a Big Finish review, pulling a Dodo with Turlough, rehashing “The Face of Evil”, Janet Fielding is your favorite drunk aunt, bitching about the Peanuts specials moving to Apple TV, sneaking alcohol into movie theaters and airplanes, Tim the Time Lord and the Voltron TARDIS, “on Concord”, the age of consent in England, destroying “Talons” DVDs is now trending, a quick history of black characters in Classic Who, David Tennant almost played Hannibal Lecter, plaster casters, podcasters on Ambien, manatees are writing Big Finish Adventures, Chris breaks up and JB cracks up, closing in on 270, we completely missed the L.I.N.D.A. reference, David Tennant shilling products on his podcast, Doctor Who references on Saturday Night Live, watching SNL in the 80s and 90s, how the Trump-to-Biden transition will be like the Moffat-to-Chibnall transition, when will AOC be old enough to run for President?, an update on our download numbers, JB’s not-well-thought-out plan to bribe listeners for podcast reviews, why “The Muppet Movie” holds up and “The Muppet Show” doesn’t.

  • Bigly Finish

    4 October 2020 (4:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 16 minutes and 27 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    Seven months into the pandemic, and maybe things are starting to look up? This month JB, Sean and Chris get political on all y’all while reviewing the Big Finish audio adventure “The Lovecraft Invasion” starring Colin Baker. CONTENTS INCLUDE: Where we were when Trump got Covid-19, the train-wreck that was the Presidential Debate, Texas messes with early voting, Tom Baker is officially a fossil, an ode to Smokey Joe, the replacement rat on the Talons blu-ray, diversifying the background characters in the “Fury from the Deep” animation, getting Twitter love from Frazier Hines, Sophie Aldred and Juliet Landau, getting overwhelmed by Big Finish’s catalogue, another plug for the Big Finish app, who the fuck is Flip?, using personal pronouns and verb tenses when talking about time-traveling transgenders, death of the author, Colin Baker sounding much older, we talk about smoking for almost eight minutes, Big Finish taking the Chibnall approach in dealing with Lovecraft’s xenophobia, woeful American accents, cribbing from “Vincent and the Doctor”, the Doctor meeting Thomas Jefferson, “The Shakespeare Code” is now as problematic as “The Talons of Weng-Chiang”, did the 456 aliens inspire QAnon?, nine hours of Dalek dialogue, the most offensive cat name, dissecting the Radio Times Doctor Who poll, “NMD’s” and “JodieBots”, Republicans are morons, Christmas at Ground Zero.

  • The Captain's Log

    5 September 2020 (7:01pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 13 minutes and 57 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    Six months into the pandemic, and we’re still at it.  CONTENTS INCLUDE: Sean obsessively purchases replacement DVDs, Time Flight over Hell Bent, we got over 3,000 downloads last month, the “silent majority”, we don’t do Instagram, reviewing the Tom Baker/David Tennant Big Finish story, Christopher Eccleston does Big Finish and why he really left the TV series, JB and Sean talk about “The Umbrella Academy”, paying to watch first-run movies on streaming, watching Classic Who in movie theaters, it’s Chris’ turn to present a game, that prattling DJ, Beat the Geeks, watching all the pretty goth girls dance, interrupted by gunshots, don’t fuck with the Jedi Master, “Don’t Stop Me Now”.

  • Who Lost The Thread?

    8 August 2020 (10:19pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 21 minutes and 16 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    Five months into the pandemic, and we’re still podcasting while drinking cocktails. It’s the only way we know how to stay sane in this insane time. CONTENTS INCLUDE: JB sounds like Ira Glass, The OOD Cast made too much work for themselves, we aren’t NPR, recording in different time zones, Steve Martin, “Everyone’s a Little Bit Racist”, “Pocahontas” and toxic boyfriends, Sean learns about the “MeToo” movement, Chris wants to go cold turkey on all the swearing, rate and review our fucking podcast, a question from Jeff Waddell, a shout-out to Caleb and , we now have , Victorian-era Clara should’ve been the companion, Tom Baker gets another new companion on Big Finish, decent villain roles for persons-of-color, we play a new game, Chicago TARDIS goes virtual for 2020, JB does not sound like Ira Glass, “Toxic Adventurer” by Dancing Rat.

  • Trials and Triple Libations

    18 July 2020 (11:05pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 19 minutes and 19 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    JB, Chris & Sean take turns acting as prosecutor, defender and judge as they place a handful of Doctor Who stories on trial. This is probably the crudest episode we’re recorded thus far from beginning to end, so we apologize in advance. TODAY’S (randomly picked) TRIAL DOCKET: “Listen”, “The Rescue”, “The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood”, and “The End of Time, Parts 1 & 2”.

  • DWGAF Trailer 1 (uncensored)

    4 July 2020 (9:27pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 1 minutes and 16 seconds

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  • The Chicken Soup of Doom

    20 June 2020 (8:50pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 8 minutes and 50 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    Hey, it’s JB. Chris, Sean and I went almost three hours recording this one. We were really inebriated and got into a very cathartic and politically charged discussion, most of which you’re NOT going to hear. I’m lucky I got an hour of usable material for this episode. Please forgive the audio levels. I promise to be the designated driver next time we record an episode, cause I get really fucking loud in this. CONTENTS INCLUDE: A botched intro, listening to Yes and Queen, Chris gets tested for Covid-19, sponsorship, “professional” podcasts, problematic creative people and cancel culture, James Cordon’s Doctor Who Cosplay Challenge, bitching about aging (again), what’s a Cloister Wraith?, Moffat mansplaining the Bootstrap Paradox, Nicola Bryant offering personal hypnotherapy sessions, why do they defer to the First Doctor on multi-Doctor stories?, JB really needs to stop yelling into the mic, the “Lockdown Video” featuring Bill & Nardole, Doc liked “City of Death”, watching “The Sensorites” as punishment, “The Edge of Destruction” as a Pinter play, should the Police Box be abolished from the series?, filming new episodes on video and CSO, “Rosa” and confronting our white privilege, Sean praises “Vincent and the Doctor”, “Home”, everyone should watch Mr. Rogers, cocky leaky soup, “The Noodle Doodle Man” by Jon Pertwee.

  • Show Us Your TARDIS

    1 June 2020 (4:33am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 23 minutes and 28 seconds

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    It’s your monthly dose of drunken Doctor Who podcasting for the end times. CONTENTS INCLUDE: The Three Doctors on Zoom, dissing “Four to Doomsday”, Tegan’s PTSD, planting potatoes on Facebook Live, busted by the wife, attempting to use “City of Death” as an aphrodisiac, fucking Twitter, GATEKEEPING, Steven Schapansky - Social Justice Warrior, Demat-circuit or butt-plug?, The Wife in Space, , Liz Myles, “Mel got a spaceship!”, fans shitting on Colin Baker’s era, Radio Free Skaro’s unbridled hatred of “The End of Time”, Moffat hater or Men’s Rights Activist?, Graeme Burk would hire Danny Pink as a schoolteacher, the infamous Jon Pertwee corporate video, law firm Christmas parties, we can’t watch “Mad Men”, shameless podcast plug #1, Colin Baker on Cameo, you see a penis and I see vagina, more dissing of “Four to Doomsday”, Tegan’s gay cousin, mourning for a broken “Battlestar Galatica” DVD, Pixar Butt, “Time Lord Victorious”, lame 70’s sit-com reference, no one’s buying 13th Doctor merchandise, Eric Roberts returns as the Master for Big Finish, Jenny #1 and Jenny #2, mixing the classic with the modern, Drax, Jago & Lightfoot, Glitz & Dibber, shameless podcast plug #2, how we would write out “the fam”, “Thazmine”, Grace is Ruth, Star Wars toys, He-Man and She-Ra action figures, Yaz is Martha, what are our backstories for being the new companion?, a Movellan as the new companion, “Leave the girl!”, eliminating sexual tension from the series, Handles is the perfect sex toy, “The Buxom Country Maid” by Jon Pertwee.

  • Show Us Your TARDIS

    1 June 2020 (4:33am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 23 minutes and 28 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    It’s your monthly dose of drunken Doctor Who podcasting for the end times. CONTENTS INCLUDE: The Three Doctors on Zoom, dissing “Four to Doomsday”, Tegan’s PTSD, planting potatoes on Facebook Live, busted by the wife, attempting to use “City of Death” as an aphrodisiac, fucking Twitter, GATEKEEPING, Steven Schapansky - Social Justice Warrior, Demat-circuit or butt-plug?, The Wife in Space, , Liz Myles, “Mel got a spaceship!”, fans shitting on Colin Baker’s era, Radio Free Skaro’s unbridled hatred of “The End of Time”, Moffat hater or Men’s Rights Activist?, Graeme Burk would hire Danny Pink as a schoolteacher, the infamous Jon Pertwee corporate video, law firm Christmas parties, we can’t watch “Mad Men”, shameless podcast plug #1, Colin Baker on Cameo, you see a penis and I see vagina, more dissing of “Four to Doomsday”, Tegan’s gay cousin, mourning for a broken “Battlestar Galatica” DVD, Pixar Butt, “Time Lord Victorious”, lame 70’s sit-com reference, no one’s buying 13th Doctor merchandise, Eric Roberts returns as the Master for Big Finish, Jenny #1 and Jenny #2, mixing the classic with the modern, Drax, Jago & Lightfoot, Glitz & Dibber, shameless podcast plug #2, how we would write out “the fam”, “Thazmine”, Grace is Ruth, Star Wars toys, He-Man and She-Ra action figures, Yaz is Martha, what are our backstories for being the new companion?, a Movellan as the new companion, “Leave the girl!”, eliminating sexual tension from the series, Handles is the perfect sex toy, “The Buxom Country Maid” by Jon Pertwee.

  • The Rise of Stolen Fluid Links

    1 May 2020 (12:07am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 40 minutes and 51 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    More foul-mouthed, drug-induced Doctor Who discussion by the Three Who Drool. Please remember to drink responsibly even if you are stuck at home! CONTENTS INCLUDE: Doctors thanking real doctors, new podcast theme, condolences to Georgia, babysitting the kids, JB’s unemployment saga, Chris returns to the Dirty WHOers, JB’s “Invisible Enemy” story, “Last Christmas”, Jenna Coleman welching on conventions, “Farewell, Sarah-Jane”, Sadie takes over for her mom on Big Finish, Luke is gay, Tegan is not gay, George Takei, “Lost Girl”, Sean didn’t get Eric Roberts’ autograph, creeping out Sarah Sutton, “podner”, Steve’s autographed cricket ball, Doctors on “The Big Night In” and the toxic fan backlash, WHO looked good?, Randomizer.net, “Enemy of the World” is now a historical, JB loves “The Chase”, Sean revisits the Target Novelizations, Terrence Dicks, Doctor Who death pool, “Susan’s War”, “which rapist should I vote for?”, the boys brushes with fame, Chris’ Bacon number, which Doctor do you want to save us from Covid-19?, Jiminy Glick impressions, trying to remember Series 12, watching “The Five-ish Doctors” with Peter Davison, Ace needs actual closure, fanboying over Eternals, why we didn’t do a commentary, is Bill the Dodo of the modern series?, Karen Gillan is still on the free list, what does the TARDIS smell like?, hair envy, Doctor Who tackling porn addiction, “The Stuff”, that Star Trek episode with Ashley Judd, keep Troughton and burn Hartnell, Chris loves “The Macra Terror” and the Chumblies, shout-out to Jeff Waddell, River closes the show, “Who’s Doctor Who” by Frasier Hines.

  • The Rise of Stolen Fluid Links

    1 May 2020 (12:07am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 40 minutes and 51 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    More foul-mouthed, drug-induced Doctor Who discussion by the Three Who Drool. Please remember to drink responsibly even if you are stuck at home! CONTENTS INCLUDE: Doctors thanking real doctors, new podcast theme, condolences to Georgia, babysitting the kids, JB’s unemployment saga, Chris returns to the Dirty WHOers, JB’s “Invisible Enemy” story, “Last Christmas”, Jenna Coleman welching on conventions, “Farewell, Sarah-Jane”, Sadie takes over for her mom on Big Finish, Luke is gay, Tegan is not gay, George Takei, “Lost Girl”, Sean didn’t get Eric Roberts’ autograph, creeping out Sarah Sutton, “podner”, Steve’s autographed cricket ball, Doctors on “The Big Night In” and the toxic fan backlash, WHO looked good?, Randomizer.net, “Enemy of the World” is now a historical, JB loves “The Chase”, Sean revisits the Target Novelizations, Terrence Dicks, Doctor Who death pool, “Susan’s War”, “which rapist should I vote for?”, the boys brushes with fame, Chris’ Bacon number, which Doctor do you want to save us from Covid-19?, Jiminy Glick impressions, trying to remember Series 12, watching “The Five-ish Doctors” with Peter Davison, Ace needs actual closure, fanboying over Eternals, why we didn’t do a commentary, is Bill the Dodo of the modern series?, Karen Gillan is still on the free list, what does the TARDIS smell like?, hair envy, Doctor Who tackling porn addiction, “The Stuff”, that Star Trek episode with Ashley Judd, keep Troughton and burn Hartnell, Chris loves “The Macra Terror” and the Chumblies, shout-out to Jeff Waddell, River closes the show, “Who’s Doctor Who” by Frasier Hines.


    1 April 2020 (12:18am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 25 minutes and 21 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    The podcast officially regenerates for the new age of uncertainty and social distancing over Skype. JB, Chris & Sean cope with the new normal by playing “the Game of Rassilon” where Doctors and companions are randomly mixed and matched into stories which were also mixed and matched to other writers. CONTENTS INCLUDE: Doctor Who DOES give a fuck, “that’s what she said!”, Graeme Burk writes a decent comedy sketch, Big Finish, Tom Baker’s voiceover outtakes, not buying the Blu-Rays, midwestern accents, 4x3 vs 16x9 aspect ratios, killing off Nardole, “it was Earth all along!”, fake plastic tree monsters, Neil Gaiman grudge match, a cameo from Reed, Amanda Fucking Palmer, ASMR in space, “Ben”, HIP mall, Project Runway rejects, non-recyclable Autons, gay spiders, killing off Lee from the TV movie, racist jokes from The Walking Dead, the dark side of Patrick Troughton, convention sex, virtual conventions, RIP MLB, enjoying social distancing, hoarding TP and eggs, political memes on Facebook, Dystopian or Star Trek future?, “It’s Gonna Get Better”.


    1 April 2020 (12:18am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 25 minutes and 21 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    The podcast officially regenerates for the new age of uncertainty and social distancing over Skype. JB, Chris & Sean cope with the new normal by playing “the Game of Rassilon” where Doctors and companions are randomly mixed and matched into stories which were also mixed and matched to other writers. CONTENTS INCLUDE: Doctor Who DOES give a fuck, “that’s what she said!”, Graeme Burk writes a decent comedy sketch, Big Finish, Tom Baker’s voiceover outtakes, not buying the Blu-Rays, midwestern accents, 4x3 vs 16x9 aspect ratios, killing off Nardole, “it was Earth all along!”, fake plastic tree monsters, Neil Gaiman grudge match, a cameo from Reed, Amanda Fucking Palmer, ASMR in space, “Ben”, HIP mall, Project Runway rejects, non-recyclable Autons, gay spiders, killing off Lee from the TV movie, racist jokes from The Walking Dead, the dark side of Patrick Troughton, convention sex, virtual conventions, RIP MLB, enjoying social distancing, hoarding TP and eggs, political memes on Facebook, Dystopian or Star Trek future?, “It’s Gonna Get Better”.

  • The End of the F*cking World

    14 March 2020 (6:23pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 10 minutes and 41 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ...in which you've got nothing else better to do while under self-imposed quarantine than to listen to three drunk middle-aged white guys talk about the later half of Series 12 of Doctor Who. JB, Sean & Chris didn't bother to remember any of the episode titles, but they have plenty of theories and opinions. As an added bonus, find out which two of our panelists have been incarcerated.

  • The End of the F*cking World

    14 March 2020 (6:23pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 10 minutes and 41 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ...in which you've got nothing else better to do while under self-imposed quarantine than to listen to three drunk middle-aged white guys talk about the later half of Series 12 of Doctor Who. JB, Sean & Chris didn't bother to remember any of the episode titles, but they have plenty of theories and opinions. As an added bonus, find out which two of our panelists have been incarcerated.

  • Doctor Who Gives A F*ck

    1 February 2020 (4:03pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 34 minutes and 48 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ... in which three ex-Doctor Who podcasters get the band back together.  JB Anderton (WHO 37), Chris Buchanan (Dirty WHOers), and Sean Homrig (The TARDIS Tavern) have a virtual boys night out (w/alcohol and edibles) and discuss the first five stories of Series 12: "Spyfall" (Parts 1 & 2), "Orphan 55", "Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror", and "Fugitive of the Judoon". Opening Theme: "Doctorin The Tardis" by The KLF Closing Theme: "Bigger on the Inside" by Aurelio Voltaire  

  • Doctor Who Gives A F*ck

    1 February 2020 (4:03pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 34 minutes and 48 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ... in which three ex-Doctor Who podcasters get the band back together.  JB Anderton (WHO 37), Chris Buchanan (Dirty WHOers), and Sean Homrig (The TARDIS Tavern) have a virtual boys night out (w/alcohol and edibles) and discuss the first five stories of Series 12: "Spyfall" (Parts 1 & 2), "Orphan 55", "Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror", and "Fugitive of the Judoon". Opening Theme: "Doctorin The Tardis" by The KLF Closing Theme: "Bigger on the Inside" by Aurelio Voltaire  

  • #141 Gold Star

    6 January 2019 (7:33pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes and 38 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ...in which the Doctor makes her "Resolution" for another hiatus year, and our fearless podcaster has the last word. It's the end of WHO 37, for which the moment has been prepared. Thanks to everyone who have listened to and have guested on the podcast these past six years.

  • #141 Gold Star

    6 January 2019 (7:33pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes and 38 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    …in which the Doctor makes her “Resolution” for another hiatus year, and our fearless podcaster has the last word. It’s the end of WHO 37, for which the moment has been prepared. Thanks to everyone who have listened to and have guested on the podcast these past six years.

  • #140 Battle of the Planets

    21 December 2018 (6:18am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 1 minutes and 51 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ...in which, for once, Doctor Who finishes a season with a pretty solid Sci-Fi story instead of a convoluted and emotionally charged melodrama. St. Xtofer joins JB for the final lap of Series 11 reviews with "The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos".

  • #140 Battle of the Planets

    21 December 2018 (6:18am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 1 minutes and 51 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    …in which, for once, Doctor Who finishes a season with a pretty solid Sci-Fi story instead of a convoluted and emotionally charged melodrama. St. Xtofer joins JB for the final lap of Series 11 reviews with “The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos”.

  • #139 Across The Mirrorverse

    16 December 2018 (12:25am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 19 minutes and 23 seconds

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    ... in which our fearless podcasters almost get thru an episode review without talking about comics. Jon Clarke from the Caffeinated Comics podcast joins JB for a review of Series 11 Episode 9, "It Takes You Away".

  • #139 Across The Mirrorverse

    16 December 2018 (12:25am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 19 minutes and 23 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    … in which our fearless podcasters almost get thru an episode review without talking about comics. Jon Clarke from the Caffeinated Comics podcast joins JB for a review of Series 11 Episode 9, “It Takes You Away”.

  • #138 Witching and Bitching

    9 December 2018 (12:06am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 18 minutes and 54 seconds

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    ... in which our fearless podcaster and our local fan organizer put on their funny black hats and explain why they no longer participate in their local Doctor Who convention. JB is joined by Gordon Dymowski from the Chicago Doctor Who Meetup to review Series 11 Episode 8, "The Witchfinders", and to have a candid discussion on the current state of Chicago TARDIS.

  • #138 Witching and Bitching

    9 December 2018 (12:06am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 18 minutes and 54 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    … in which our fearless podcaster and our local fan organizer put on their funny black hats and explain why they no longer participate in their local Doctor Who convention. JB is joined by Gordon Dymowski from the Chicago Doctor Who Meetup to review Series 11 Episode 8, “The Witchfinders”, and to have a candid discussion on the current state of Chicago TARDIS.

  • #137a Living on Channel Z

    1 December 2018 (1:19am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 23 minutes and 28 seconds

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    A bonus podcast featuring what JB was able to salvage from the original recording session for the "Kerblam" review featuring Josh Zimon from Mostly Harmless Cutaway and (formerly) The Memory Cheats.

  • #137a Living on Channel Z

    1 December 2018 (1:19am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 23 minutes and 28 seconds

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    A bonus podcast featuring what JB was able to salvage from the original recording session for the “Kerblam” review featuring Josh Zimon from Mostly Harmless Cutaway and (formerly) The Memory Cheats.

  • #137 Going Postal

    29 November 2018 (2:18am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 55 minutes and 37 seconds

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    ... in which our fearless podcasters attempt to decode machine logic and end up with word salad. Sean Homrig from The TARDIS Tavern and The Columbo Confab joins JB for a review of Series 11 Episode 7, "Kerblam!"

  • #137 Going Postal

    29 November 2018 (2:18am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 55 minutes and 37 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    … in which our fearless podcasters attempt to decode machine logic and end up with word salad. Sean Homrig from The TARDIS Tavern and The Columbo Confab joins JB for a review of Series 11 Episode 7, “Kerblam!”

  • #136 Indian Takeaway

    18 November 2018 (6:06am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 54 minutes and 46 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ... in which the series continues to be more relevant politically and dramatically with another (mostly) historical adventure. This week JB is joined by Cate Brecht, co-host of the Babes Watch Buffy Podcast, to discuss episode six of Series 11, "Demons of the Punjab".

  • #136 Indian Takeaway

    18 November 2018 (6:06am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 54 minutes and 46 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    … in which the series continues to be more relevant politically and dramatically with another (mostly) historical adventure. This week JB is joined by Cate Brecht, co-host of the Babes Watch Buffy Podcast, to discuss episode six of Series 11, “Demons of the Punjab”.

  • #135 The Funko Pop of Death

    12 November 2018 (3:31pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 40 minutes and 54 seconds

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    ... in which our fearless podcasters stick condoms on the backs of their ears and hope that neither of them get pregnant. JB and St. Xtofer review "The Tsuranga Conundrum".

  • #135 The Funko Pop of Death

    12 November 2018 (3:31pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 40 minutes and 54 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    … in which our fearless podcasters stick condoms on the backs of their ears and hope that neither of them get pregnant. JB and St. Xtofer review “The Tsuranga Conundrum”.

  • #134 Mr. Big Is Still A Dick

    3 November 2018 (5:40am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 1 second

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    ... in which no spiders were harmed in the recording of this podcast. JB is joined by television/film critic and fellow "Timey Wimey" alum Clint Worthington from the "Alcohollywood" podcast for a review of "Arachnids in the UK".

  • #134 Mr. Big Is Still A Dick

    3 November 2018 (5:40am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 1 second

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ... in which no spiders were harmed in the recording of this podcast. JB is joined by television/film critic and fellow "Timey Wimey" alum Clint Worthington from the "Alcohollywood" podcast for a review of "Arachnids in the UK".

  • #133 On The Bus

    28 October 2018 (5:15pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 12 minutes and 16 seconds

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    JB welcomes back to the podcast Dawn Xiana Moon of Raks Geek & Raks Inferno for a discussion on racism, politics and wacky sci-fi tropes as they review Episode Three of Series 11, "Rosa". Closing Theme: "Beautiful Flowers Under A Full Moon", arranged and performed by Dawn Xiana Moon.

  • #133 On The Bus

    28 October 2018 (5:15pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 12 minutes and 16 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    JB welcomes back to the podcast Dawn Xiana Moon of Raks Geek & Raks Inferno for a discussion on racism, politics and wacky sci-fi tropes as they review Episode Three of Series 11, “Rosa”. Closing Theme: "Beautiful Flowers Under A Full Moon", arranged and performed by Dawn Xiana Moon.

  • #132 Giving Up The Ghost

    21 October 2018 (7:37pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 37 minutes and 48 seconds

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    ... in which our fearless podcasters have a lot to say, but not necessarily about the episode they're reviewing. JB welcomes Daniel Harper back to Doctor Who podcasting as they cross the desert sands and the deadly seas to reach "The Ghost Monument".

  • #132 Giving Up The Ghost

    21 October 2018 (7:37pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 37 minutes and 48 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    … in which our fearless podcasters have a lot to say, but not necessarily about the episode they’re reviewing. JB welcomes Daniel Harper back to Doctor Who podcasting as they cross the desert sands and the deadly seas to reach “The Ghost Monument”.

  • #131 The Doctor Who Who Fell To Earth

    16 October 2018 (2:18am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 44 minutes and 40 seconds

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    ... in which we finally have new Doctor Who to review. Lauren Faits returns to the podcast (and to the program) bringing her She-Ra: Progressive of Power podcast co-host Eric Garneau (who has never watched the program before) to join JB and his two new PodCats in welcoming Jodie Whittaker as they review the Series 11 opener, "The Woman Who Fell To Earth".

  • #131 The Doctor Who Who Fell To Earth

    16 October 2018 (2:18am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 44 minutes and 40 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ... in which we finally have new Doctor Who to review. Lauren Faits returns to the podcast (and to the program) bringing her She-Ra: Progressive of Power podcast co-host Eric Garneau (who has never watched the program before) to join JB and his two new PodCats in welcoming Jodie Whittaker as they review the Series 11 opener, "The Woman Who Fell To Earth".

  • #130 Games Without Frontiers

    25 September 2018 (12:58pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 26 minutes and 11 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ...in which three old Doctor Who podcasters dust the cobwebs off their microphones, discuss the current state of Doctor Who fandom, and play some games. JB is joined by St. Xtofer from (the late) Dirty WHOers and Sean Homrig from The TARDIS Tavern (closed for remodeling).

  • #130 Games Without Frontiers

    25 September 2018 (12:58pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 26 minutes and 11 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    …in which three old Doctor Who podcasters dust the cobwebs off their microphones, discuss the current state of Doctor Who fandom, and play some games. JB is joined by St. Xtofer from (the late) Dirty WHOers and Sean Homrig from The TARDIS Tavern (closed for remodeling).

  • #129 My 70s Batman Childhood

    19 August 2018 (4:19pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 51 minutes and 43 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ... in which our fearless podcaster presents a special preview of his new podcast, "BAT 77 - My 70s Batman Childhood", coming soon to an RSS feed near you.

  • #129 My 70s Batman Childhood

    19 August 2018 (4:19pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 51 minutes and 43 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ... in which our fearless podcaster presents a special preview of his new podcast, "BAT 77 - My 70s Batman Childhood", coming soon to an RSS feed near you. 

  • #128 Return of the Son of Stolen Fluid Links

    12 August 2018 (2:03am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 22 minutes and 54 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ... in which our fearless podcaster emulates one of Schapansky's other podcasts with his own version of "lazy Doctor Who" by once again answering questions meant for Radio Free Skaro. JB also spills the beans regarding the future of WHO 37.

  • #128 Return of the Son of Stolen Fluid Links

    12 August 2018 (2:03am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 22 minutes and 54 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    … in which our fearless podcaster emulates one of Schapansky’s other podcasts with his own version of “lazy Doctor Who” by once again answering questions meant for Radio Free Skaro. JB also spills the beans regarding the future of WHO 37.

  • FLASHBACK - The Deadly Assassin Commentary

    6 July 2018 (4:23am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 41 minutes and 12 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    WHO 37 is on summer hiatus but will be back in the autumn with new episodes. In the meantime JB will be re-releasing some classic moments from the first year of the podcast which are no longer available on iTunes. This month JB represents all four parts of his commentary for the Season 14 classic story, "The Deadly Assassin". Originally appeared in Episodes #014 Goth Sausage Party, #015 WHO 37 at ARCHON 37, #019 Paul is Dead, and #021 Rassilon's Rod.

  • FLASHBACK - The Deadly Assassin Commentary

    6 July 2018 (4:23am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 41 minutes and 12 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    WHO 37 is on summer hiatus but will be back in the autumn with new episodes. In the meantime JB will be re-releasing some classic moments from the first year of the podcast which are no longer available on iTunes. This month JB represents all four parts of his commentary for the Season 14 classic story, “The Deadly Assassin”. Originally appeared in Episodes #014 Goth Sausage Party, #015 WHO 37 at ARCHON 37, #019 Paul is Dead, and #021 Rassilon’s Rod.

  • FLASHBACK - Podcast Panel 2013

    30 June 2018 (12:04am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes and 25 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    WHO 37 is on summer hiatus but will be back in the autumn with new episodes. In the meantime JB will be re-releasing some classic moments from the first year of the podcast which are no longer available on iTunes. This month it's an encore presentation of the Podcast Panel at Chicago TARDIS 2013, moderated by JB Anderton (WHO 37) and featuring Lynne Thomas & Erika Ensign (Verity!) and Alex Kennard (Reality Bomb) - originally appeared in Episode #022 Suburban TARDIS 2013.

Dormant Podcasts