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The Pandorica Alliance

The Pandorica Alliance
welcom to the only asia-pacific doctor who podcast. join me as we talk about doctor who among other with our host from singapore, australia and the Philippines


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The Pandorica Alliance Statistics
Average Episode Duration:
Longest Episode Duration:
Total Duration of all Episodes:
0 minutes and 0 seconds
Earliest Episode:
30 March 2011 (2:46pm GMT)
Latest Episode:
14 June 2011 (12:12pm GMT)
Average Time Between Episodes:
0 days, 7 hours, 59 minutes and 19 seconds

The Pandorica Alliance Episodes

  • book this now

    10 April 2011 (9:57pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    i know some people had always dreamed of going to cardiff and see the sights of where doctor who is made. well, this company called brit film tours offers tour of all the doctor who location from the classic series to the matt smith era. here thier vid:

    i basically want to work here so if you know anyone who work here, please drop a line, I'm a professional tour guide living in the philippines. please take me now

    -link here

  • The Pandorica Alliance #2 Amy and the ponds

    10 April 2011 (6:53am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    art by jimoakley666

    today we explore a new frontier as the alliance, me(@manisanisland) raynne(@gallifreich) and susan(@ronamatyler) talk over on the episode know as the eleventh hour plus news


    intro song
    I Am The Doctor (full) - Piano Arrangement by socksofbalhoon

    outro song
    amy in the tardis-score by murray gold

    please don't sue us!

  • The Pandorica Alliance #2 Amy and the ponds

    10 April 2011 (5:53am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    art by jimoakley666

    today we explore a new frontier as the alliance, me(@manisanisland) raynne(@gallifreich) and susan(@ronamatyler) talk over on the episode know as the eleventh hour plus news


    intro song
    I Am The Doctor (full) - Piano Arrangement by socksofbalhoon

    outro song
    amy in the tardis-score by murray gold

    please don't sue us!

  • from the words of Mark Gatiss

    10 April 2011 (1:18am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    IGM talked to co- sherlock and nominee for the next doctor who showrunner @markgatiss about the second series of sherlock and the 6 series of doctor who. here the article:
    Kapow! 11: Ideal Holmes
    Mark Gatiss on the new series of Sherlock and Doctor Who.

    The game is afoot: the mystery of what awaits fans of last year's hit BBC series Sherlock - which transplanted Arthur Conan Doyle's legendary Victorian detective into the present day - received its first clues today from show co-runner Mark Gatiss at the Kapow! Comic Con in London. 

    "We knew after having a successful first run that the natural order would be to do three of the most famous [stories]," explained Gatiss to a packed, rapt audience, "being a version of A Scandal in Bohemia, a version of The Hound of the Baskervilles and a version of The Final Problem." 

    Hound of the Baskervilles needs little introduction, but for non-hardcore Holmes buffs, Bohemia pits the super sleuth against one Irene Adler (the character Rachel McAdams played in the recent Guy Ritchie movie) and The Final Problem has the infamous Holmes vs. Moriarty duel at the Reichenbach Falls. Gatiss discussed the challenges he and co-creator Steven Moffat face in updating these tales for their contemporary setting. 

    "There's the question of how to go out on a cliffhanger and then the thematic things of the three stories, where we were trying to get to," he said, "and what Sherlock and John's relationship is a little further on. You can't just go back to: 'You have no emotions.' 'I don't care.' You've got to move on somewhere and make sure the other characters have something of a journey too." 

    In terms of divvying up the writing, Gatiss also divulged that "Steve wanted to do the twisted love story [A Scandal in Bohemia], I'm doing the Gothic horror [Baskervilles] and Steve Thompson {who wrote Series 1's The Blind Banker] is doing The Final Problem." 

    Gatiss also joked about sharing star Martin Freeman, now playing Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit, with Peter Jackson. "I've written the hobbit in [to Sherlock]," he laughed. "No, amazingly they're working around us. I know that when Martin gets off the plane he's going to be 13 stone heavier, with hairy feet. And they're a little behind [schedule], I don't think they've done as much as they'd wanted to, but Martin's back with us and then back to New Zealand." 

    Speaking further on his collaboration with Doctor Who show runner Moffat, Gatiss spilled a little about the new episode of Who he's written. "It's my first modern day one," he divulged. "At the moment it's called What Are Little Boys Made Of. It's set in a tower block, essentially about a little boy with kind of OCD whose parents are despairing of him because he's frightened of everything. And the Doctor turns up and tells him he's right...!" 

    - the article wrtten by 
    Leigh Singer 
    -the link to the article here

  • from the words of Mark Gatiss

    10 April 2011 (1:18am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    IGM talked to co- sherlock and nominee for the next doctor who showrunner @markgatiss about the second series of sherlock and the 6 series of doctor who. here the article:
    Kapow! 11: Ideal Holmes
    Mark Gatiss on the new series of Sherlock and Doctor Who.

    The game is afoot: the mystery of what awaits fans of last year's hit BBC series Sherlock - which transplanted Arthur Conan Doyle's legendary Victorian detective into the present day – received its first clues today from show co-runner Mark Gatiss at the Kapow! Comic Con in London. 

    "We knew after having a successful first run that the natural order would be to do three of the most famous [stories]," explained Gatiss to a packed, rapt audience, "being a version of A Scandal in Bohemia, a version of The Hound of the Baskervilles and a version of The Final Problem." 

    Hound of the Baskervilles needs little introduction, but for non-hardcore Holmes buffs, Bohemia pits the super sleuth against one Irene Adler (the character Rachel McAdams played in the recent Guy Ritchie movie) and The Final Problem has the infamous Holmes vs. Moriarty duel at the Reichenbach Falls. Gatiss discussed the challenges he and co-creator Steven Moffat face in updating these tales for their contemporary setting. 

    "There's the question of how to go out on a cliffhanger and then the thematic things of the three stories, where we were trying to get to," he said, "and what Sherlock and John's relationship is a little further on. You can't just go back to: 'You have no emotions.' 'I don't care.' You've got to move on somewhere and make sure the other characters have something of a journey too." 

    In terms of divvying up the writing, Gatiss also divulged that "Steve wanted to do the twisted love story [A Scandal in Bohemia], I'm doing the Gothic horror [Baskervilles] and Steve Thompson {who wrote Series 1's The Blind Banker] is doing The Final Problem." 

    Gatiss also joked about sharing star Martin Freeman, now playing Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit, with Peter Jackson. "I've written the hobbit in [to Sherlock]," he laughed. "No, amazingly they're working around us. I know that when Martin gets off the plane he's going to be 13 stone heavier, with hairy feet. And they're a little behind [schedule], I don't think they've done as much as they'd wanted to, but Martin's back with us and then back to New Zealand." 

    Speaking further on his collaboration with Doctor Who show runner Moffat, Gatiss spilled a little about the new episode of Who he's written. "It's my first modern day one," he divulged. "At the moment it's called What Are Little Boys Made Of. It's set in a tower block, essentially about a little boy with kind of OCD whose parents are despairing of him because he's frightened of everything. And the Doctor turns up and tells him he's right…!" 

    - the article wrtten by 
    Leigh Singer 
    -the link to the article here

  • an interview with toby whithouse

    10 April 2011 (1:14am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

     this is in the among other things category, here an interview from being human showrunner and also nominee for doctor who showrunner toby whitehouse. read it here:

    Being Human' creator Toby Whithouse on the shocking finale -- EXCLUSIVE
    by Aubry D'Arminio


    Image Credit: Touchpaper Television/BBC AMERICA

    Being Human U.K. fans figured Aidan Turner's bloodsucker Mitchell wasn't long for the show the second Peter Jackson cast the actor in The Hobbit. But did they also assume he wasn't long for the world? Perhaps... primarily because the majority of this current season centered on a prophecy that Mitchell (who murdered 20 people on a Bristol train) would be slain by a werewolf -- the knowledge of which sent him spiraling from a determined hero to paranoid lunatic. Not even the love of a good woman -- or ghost, i.e. Lenora Crichlow's Annie -- could save him. (If you haven't seen the final episode, it's probably best to stop reading now. Spoilers ahead!)
    Yet, Mitchell's mercy killing at the hands of wolf-buddy George (Russell Tovey) in Saturday's finale still hurt. Bad. Maybe it was all the tears and "I love yous" between the pair and flatmate Annie, or that new evil vampire Wyndam (Lee Ingleby) popped up at the last minute to unsuccessfully keep Mitchell alive as his henchman. Either way, it was brutal watching one of the roomies, literally, turn to dust in the wind -- so EW called Being Human creator/executive producer Toby Whithouse to talk about why Mitchell couldn't have just retired to South America, if we can expect new vamps in his place, and what could have happened if he lived.
    ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: When did you know you were going have to write Mitchell out of the show?

    TOBY MITCHELL: To be honest, the first time I met Aidan. I knew he was somebody we'd only be borrowing from movie stardom. In the U.S. you'll contract actors for seven seasons -- we don't have the finances to do that. So every time we start a new series, we have to renegotiate with the actors and see whom we have left. Sure enough, Peter Jackson came along and saw Aidan and whisked him away to New Zealand. The thing is, I was kind of preparing myself for that on series 2 when I wrote the sequence where he kills all those people on the train. I always knew that would ultimately be the reason for the character's exit, whether it happened at the end of series 3 or 33.

    But did you have to kill him?
    As it was, we had Aidan for series 3. He got offered the job toward the end of filming that [season], so I hadn't written the last episode yet. I think even the shooting script had a number of different endings, including one where he gets whisked back to Bolivia with the other vampires. As a matter of fact, it was really Aidan who pushed for Mitchell to be killed, because he thought that was the appropriate ending for the character.

    But when EW interviewed Aidan in February, he said he'd be willing to return to the show if the dates could be worked out. He must have known by then Mitchell was doomed.
    We mentioned to him that there might be a chance of bringing him back in flashbacks. We've done them before. But ultimately those things sound very well, but in practice they are very complicated. We'd have to secure him so far in advance, and with the way The Hobbit'sfilming dates keep shifting around, we'd never be able to guarantee that we'd properly get him. Somebody like Aidan, God knows we'd absolutely love to have him back, but because our budget is so small, we have to be pragmatic. We have to acknowledge that our chances of getting him back are pretty slim.

    Are you going to add to the cast in season 4?
    Lee Ingleby [as 1,000-year-old vampire Wyndam] is coming back for some of [season]4. We're also bringing back Tom [Michael Socha], the young werewolf. The cast of the show is constantly changing and evolving and growing and shrinking. We've been very lucky that pretty much every single guest actor we've had, as they've been leaving, has said "You know, I could come back if you wanted me to." Being Human is a bit like a Mexican daytime soap -- even if someone dies, it doesn't preclude them from coming back at some point.

    How about resurrecting Paul Rhys' Ivan?
    I absolutely love Paul Rhys' performance. I know that he was a big hit with the fans.  We don't have a policy of not bringing anyone back. The bottom line we always have is that there be a good story for them.

    What about teen vampire Adam (Craig Roberts) from the Becoming Human web spin-off?
    If a story comes up for him, yeah. He's another one of these people that when he first auditioned we just thought, "Well, he's a star, simple as that." We're really lucky in that we tend to get a lot of people in their ascendancy, if you know what I mean. We did it with Aidan and we also did it with Craig [who's starring in The Weinstein Company's Submarine, which opens June 3]. We feel as though we discovered them, and pretty soon after we can't afford them.

    Will you ever have a good vampire on the show again? 
    Yes. [Laughs] We will.

    What's going to happen to George now that he killed his best friend?
    I couldn't possibly say. We have a very loyal, tenacious, passionate fan base. They often ask me questions through the website. On the one hand they're saying, "Can you tell me what's going to happen on the next series?" On the other, when some of the press kit went on the Internet, they bemoaned that there were spoilers in it. I write on Doctor Who and I think I feel the way about Doctor Who that Being Human fans feel about Being Human: The downside of working on it is that I know the stuff that's coming up, so I don't watch it as an audience member. In a way I sort of want to say to the fans, "Hang on to that lack of knowledge [about George]. You'll regret it when you don't have it."

    Is there anything you wish you could have done with Mitchell that you didn't?

    I don't think there was, but I'm sure we could have found something if we'd gone for another series. There was a moment in the finale where Herrick says to him, "So you'll be the villain now," and Mitchell says, "I always was." I wonder whether there is an alternate version where there's a fourth series of Being Human where Mitchell is the villain in the way that Herrick was and the way that Kemp and Jaggat were in series 2. I wonder if there's a series in which Mitchell is the villain -- but I guess we'll never know.
    -link here

  • an interview with toby whithouse

    10 April 2011 (1:14am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

     this is in the among other things category, here an interview from being human showrunner and also nominee for doctor who showrunner toby whitehouse. read it here:

    Being Human' creator Toby Whithouse on the shocking finale -- EXCLUSIVE
    by Aubry D'Arminio


    Image Credit: Touchpaper Television/BBC AMERICA

    Being Human U.K. fans figured Aidan Turner’s bloodsucker Mitchell wasn’t long for the show the second Peter Jackson cast the actor in The Hobbit. But did they also assume he wasn’t long for the world? Perhaps… primarily because the majority of this current season centered on a prophecy that Mitchell (who murdered 20 people on a Bristol train) would be slain by a werewolf — the knowledge of which sent him spiraling from a determined hero to paranoid lunatic. Not even the love of a good woman — or ghost, i.e. Lenora Crichlow’s Annie — could save him. (If you haven’t seen the final episode, it’s probably best to stop reading now. Spoilers ahead!)
    Yet, Mitchell’s mercy killing at the hands of wolf-buddy George (Russell Tovey) in Saturday’s finale still hurt. Bad. Maybe it was all the tears and “I love yous” between the pair and flatmate Annie, or that new evil vampire Wyndam (Lee Ingleby) popped up at the last minute to unsuccessfully keep Mitchell alive as his henchman. Either way, it was brutal watching one of the roomies, literally, turn to dust in the wind — so EW called Being Human creator/executive producer Toby Whithouse to talk about why Mitchell couldn’t have just retired to South America, if we can expect new vamps in his place, and what could have happened if he lived.
    ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: When did you know you were going have to write Mitchell out of the show?

    TOBY MITCHELL: To be honest, the first time I met Aidan. I knew he was somebody we’d only be borrowing from movie stardom. In the U.S. you’ll contract actors for seven seasons — we don’t have the finances to do that. So every time we start a new series, we have to renegotiate with the actors and see whom we have left. Sure enough, Peter Jackson came along and saw Aidan and whisked him away to New Zealand. The thing is, I was kind of preparing myself for that on series 2 when I wrote the sequence where he kills all those people on the train. I always knew that would ultimately be the reason for the character’s exit, whether it happened at the end of series 3 or 33.

    But did you have to kill him?
    As it was, we had Aidan for series 3. He got offered the job toward the end of filming that [season], so I hadn’t written the last episode yet. I think even the shooting script had a number of different endings, including one where he gets whisked back to Bolivia with the other vampires. As a matter of fact, it was really Aidan who pushed for Mitchell to be killed, because he thought that was the appropriate ending for the character.

    But when EW interviewed Aidan in February, he said he’d be willing to return to the show if the dates could be worked out. He must have known by then Mitchell was doomed.
    We mentioned to him that there might be a chance of bringing him back in flashbacks. We’ve done them before. But ultimately those things sound very well, but in practice they are very complicated. We’d have to secure him so far in advance, and with the way The Hobbit’sfilming dates keep shifting around, we’d never be able to guarantee that we’d properly get him. Somebody like Aidan, God knows we’d absolutely love to have him back, but because our budget is so small, we have to be pragmatic. We have to acknowledge that our chances of getting him back are pretty slim.

    Are you going to add to the cast in season 4?
    Lee Ingleby [as 1,000-year-old vampire Wyndam] is coming back for some of [season]4. We’re also bringing back Tom [Michael Socha], the young werewolf. The cast of the show is constantly changing and evolving and growing and shrinking. We’ve been very lucky that pretty much every single guest actor we’ve had, as they’ve been leaving, has said “You know, I could come back if you wanted me to.” Being Human is a bit like a Mexican daytime soap — even if someone dies, it doesn’t preclude them from coming back at some point.

    How about resurrecting Paul Rhys’ Ivan?
    I absolutely love Paul Rhys’ performance. I know that he was a big hit with the fans.  We don’t have a policy of not bringing anyone back. The bottom line we always have is that there be a good story for them.

    What about teen vampire Adam (Craig Roberts) from the Becoming Human web spin-off?
    If a story comes up for him, yeah. He’s another one of these people that when he first auditioned we just thought, “Well, he’s a star, simple as that.” We’re really lucky in that we tend to get a lot of people in their ascendancy, if you know what I mean. We did it with Aidan and we also did it with Craig [who’s starring in The Weinstein Company’s Submarine, which opens June 3]. We feel as though we discovered them, and pretty soon after we can’t afford them.

    Will you ever have a good vampire on the show again? 
    Yes. [Laughs] We will.

    What’s going to happen to George now that he killed his best friend?
    I couldn’t possibly say. We have a very loyal, tenacious, passionate fan base. They often ask me questions through the website. On the one hand they’re saying, “Can you tell me what’s going to happen on the next series?” On the other, when some of the press kit went on the Internet, they bemoaned that there were spoilers in it. I write on Doctor Who and I think I feel the way about Doctor Who that Being Human fans feel about Being Human: The downside of working on it is that I know the stuff that’s coming up, so I don’t watch it as an audience member. In a way I sort of want to say to the fans, “Hang on to that lack of knowledge [about George]. You’ll regret it when you don’t have it.”

    Is there anything you wish you could have done with Mitchell that you didn’t?

    I don’t think there was, but I’m sure we could have found something if we’d gone for another series. There was a moment in the finale where Herrick says to him, “So you’ll be the villain now,” and Mitchell says, “I always was.” I wonder whether there is an alternate version where there’s a fourth series of Being Human where Mitchell is the villain in the way that Herrick was and the way that Kemp and Jaggat were in series 2. I wonder if there’s a series in which Mitchell is the villain — but I guess we’ll never know.
    -link here

  • from the words of Mark Gatiss

    10 April 2011 (12:18am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    IGM talked to co- sherlock and nominee for the next doctor who showrunner @markgatiss about the second series of sherlock and the 6 series of doctor who. here the article:
    Kapow! 11: Ideal HolmesMark Gatiss on the new series of Sherlock and Doctor Who.

    The game is afoot: the mystery of what awaits fans of last year's hit BBC series Sherlock - which transplanted Arthur Conan Doyle's legendary Victorian detective into the present day a received its first clues today from show co-runner Mark Gatiss at the Kapow! Comic Con in London. 

    "We knew after having a successful first run that the natural order would be to do three of the most famous [stories]," explained Gatiss to a packed, rapt audience, "being a version of A Scandal in Bohemia, a version of The Hound of the Baskervilles and a version of The Final Problem." 
    Hound of the Baskervilles needs little introduction, but for non-hardcore Holmes buffs, Bohemia pits the super sleuth against one Irene Adler (the character Rachel McAdams played in the recent Guy Ritchie movie) and The Final Problem has the infamous Holmes vs. Moriarty duel at the Reichenbach Falls. Gatiss discussed the challenges he and co-creator Steven Moffat face in updating these tales for their contemporary setting. 
    "There's the question of how to go out on a cliffhanger and then the thematic things of the three stories, where we were trying to get to," he said, "and what Sherlock and John's relationship is a little further on. You can't just go back to: 'You have no emotions.' 'I don't care.' You've got to move on somewhere and make sure the other characters have something of a journey too." 
    In terms of divvying up the writing, Gatiss also divulged that "Steve wanted to do the twisted love story [A Scandal in Bohemia], I'm doing the Gothic horror [Baskervilles] and Steve Thompson {who wrote Series 1's The Blind Banker] is doing The Final Problem." 
    Gatiss also joked about sharing star Martin Freeman, now playing Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit, with Peter Jackson. "I've written the hobbit in [to Sherlock]," he laughed. "No, amazingly they're working around us. I know that when Martin gets off the plane he's going to be 13 stone heavier, with hairy feet. And they're a little behind [schedule], I don't think they've done as much as they'd wanted to, but Martin's back with us and then back to New Zealand." 
    Speaking further on his collaboration with Doctor Who show runner Moffat, Gatiss spilled a little about the new episode of Who he's written. "It's my first modern day one," he divulged. "At the moment it's called What Are Little Boys Made Of. It's set in a tower block, essentially about a little boy with kind of OCD whose parents are despairing of him because he's frightened of everything. And the Doctor turns up and tells him he's righta|!" 
    - the article wrtten by Leigh Singer 
    -the link to the article here

  • new doctor who trailer from bbc

    10 April 2011 (12:15am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    its low quality so bear with me

    -but thanks to stopitsgingertime from de youtubes.

  • new doctor who trailer from bbc

    10 April 2011 (12:15am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    its low quality so bear with me

    -but thanks to stopitsgingertime from de youtubes.

  • an interview with toby whithouse

    10 April 2011 (12:14am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

     this is in the among other things category, here an interview from being human showrunner and also nominee for doctor who showrunner toby whitehouse. read it here:

    Being Human' creator Toby Whithouse on the shocking finale -- EXCLUSIVEby Aubry D'Arminio

    Image Credit: Touchpaper Television/BBC AMERICA
    Being Human U.K. fans figured Aidan Turneras bloodsucker Mitchell wasnat long for the show the second Peter Jackson cast the actor in The Hobbit. But did they also assume he wasnat long for the world? Perhapsa| primarily because the majority of this current season centered on a prophecy that Mitchell (who murdered 20 people on a Bristol train) would be slain by a werewolf a the knowledge of which sent him spiraling from a determined hero to paranoid lunatic. Not even the love of a good woman a or ghost, i.e. Lenora Crichlowas Annie a could save him. (If you havenat seen the final episode, itas probably best to stop reading now. Spoilers ahead!)Yet, Mitchellas mercy killing at the hands of wolf-buddy George (Russell Tovey) in Saturdayas finale still hurt. Bad. Maybe it was all the tears and aI love yousa between the pair and flatmate Annie, or that new evil vampire Wyndam (Lee Ingleby) popped up at the last minute to unsuccessfully keep Mitchell alive as his henchman. Either way, it was brutal watching one of the roomies, literally, turn to dust in the wind a so EW called Being Human creator/executive producer Toby Whithouse to talk about why Mitchell couldnat have just retired to South America, if we can expect new vamps in his place, and what could have happened if he lived.ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: When did you know you were going have to write Mitchell out of the show?
    TOBY MITCHELL: To be honest, the first time I met Aidan. I knew he was somebody wead only be borrowing from movie stardom. In the U.S. youall contract actors for seven seasons a we donat have the finances to do that. So every time we start a new series, we have to renegotiate with the actors and see whom we have left. Sure enough, Peter Jackson came along and saw Aidan and whisked him away to New Zealand. The thing is, I was kind of preparing myself for that on series 2 when I wrote the sequence where he kills all those people on the train. I always knew that would ultimately be the reason for the characteras exit, whether it happened at the end of series 3 or 33.
    But did you have to kill him?As it was, we had Aidan for series 3. He got offered the job toward the end of filming that [season], so I hadnat written the last episode yet. I think even the shooting script had a number of different endings, including one where he gets whisked back to Bolivia with the other vampires. As a matter of fact, it was really Aidan who pushed for Mitchell to be killed, because he thought that was the appropriate ending for the character.
    But when EW interviewed Aidan in February, he said head be willing to return to the show if the dates could be worked out. He must have known by then Mitchell was doomed.We mentioned to him that there might be a chance of bringing him back in flashbacks. Weave done them before. But ultimately those things sound very well, but in practice they are very complicated. Wead have to secure him so far in advance, and with the way The Hobbitasfilming dates keep shifting around, wead never be able to guarantee that wead properly get him. Somebody like Aidan, God knows wead absolutely love to have him back, but because our budget is so small, we have to be pragmatic. We have to acknowledge that our chances of getting him back are pretty slim.
    Are you going to add to the cast in season 4?Lee Ingleby [as 1,000-year-old vampire Wyndam] is coming back for some of [season]4. Weare also bringing back Tom [Michael Socha], the young werewolf. The cast of the show is constantly changing and evolving and growing and shrinking. Weave been very lucky that pretty much every single guest actor weave had, as theyave been leaving, has said aYou know, I could come back if you wanted me to.a Being Human is a bit like a Mexican daytime soap a even if someone dies, it doesnat preclude them from coming back at some point.
    How about resurrecting Paul Rhysa Ivan?I absolutely love Paul Rhysa performance. I know that he was a big hit with the fans.  We donat have a policy of not bringing anyone back. The bottom line we always have is that there be a good story for them.
    What about teen vampire Adam (Craig Roberts) from the Becoming Human web spin-off?If a story comes up for him, yeah. Heas another one of these people that when he first auditioned we just thought, aWell, heas a star, simple as that.a Weare really lucky in that we tend to get a lot of people in their ascendancy, if you know what I mean. We did it with Aidan and we also did it with Craig [whoas starring in The Weinstein Companyas Submarine, which opens June 3]. We feel as though we discovered them, and pretty soon after we canat afford them.
    Will you ever have a good vampire on the show again? Yes. [Laughs] We will.
    Whatas going to happen to George now that he killed his best friend?I couldnat possibly say. We have a very loyal, tenacious, passionate fan base. They often ask me questions through the website. On the one hand theyare saying, aCan you tell me whatas going to happen on the next series?a On the other, when some of the press kit went on the Internet, they bemoaned that there were spoilers in it. I write on Doctor Who and I think I feel the way about Doctor Who that Being Human fans feel about Being Human: The downside of working on it is that I know the stuff thatas coming up, so I donat watch it as an audience member. In a way I sort of want to say to the fans, aHang on to that lack of knowledge [about George]. Youall regret it when you donat have it.a
    Is there anything you wish you could have done with Mitchell that you didnat?
    I donat think there was, but Iam sure we could have found something if wead gone for another series. There was a moment in the finale where Herrick says to him, aSo youall be the villain now,a and Mitchell says, aI always was.a I wonder whether there is an alternate version where thereas a fourth series of Being Human where Mitchell is the villain in the way that Herrick was and the way that Kemp and Jaggat were in series 2. I wonder if thereas a series in which Mitchell is the villain a but I guess weall never know.-link here

  • new doctor who trailer from bbc

    9 April 2011 (11:15pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    its low quality so bear with me

    -but thanks to stopitsgingertime from de youtubes.

  • sherlock news chorva!!!!!!!

    9 April 2011 (1:12am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

       Ok! i say on our podcast that we are an evil podcast bent on talking about doctor who among other things. well this is the other thing. We just got information from our doctor who podcast alliance neighbor ,the oddcast. I'm say podcast 'neighbor' because they are just above us on the podcast list. like here. anyway getting back to point, this is what our podcast neighbor tweeted:

    Sherlock episodes are Scandal in Bohemia (Moffat), Hound of the Baskervilles (Gatiss) & Final Problem (Thompson). Did we know that?

       to give you a back story, our podcast neighbor was in a panel with @markgatiss. this is so much to bear. please bring sherlock back. 

    -find the oddcast at @theoodcast or there website

  • sherlock news chorva!!!!!!!

    9 April 2011 (1:12am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

       Ok! i say on our podcast that we are an evil podcast bent on talking about doctor who among other things. well this is the other thing. We just got information from our doctor who podcast alliance neighbor ,the oddcast. I'm say podcast 'neighbor' because they are just above us on the podcast list. like here. anyway getting back to point, this is what our podcast neighbor tweeted:

    Sherlock episodes are Scandal in Bohemia (Moffat), Hound of the Baskervilles (Gatiss) & Final Problem (Thompson). Did we know that?

       to give you a back story, our podcast neighbor was in a panel with @markgatiss. this is so much to bear. please bring sherlock back. 

    -find the oddcast at @theoodcast or there website

  • sherlock news chorva!!!!!!!

    9 April 2011 (12:12am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

       Ok! i say on our podcast that we are an evil podcast bent on talking about doctor who among other things. well this is the other thing. We just got information from our doctor who podcast alliance neighbor ,the oddcast. I'm say podcast 'neighbor' because they are just above us on the podcast list. like here. anyway getting back to point, this is what our podcast neighbor tweeted:

    Sherlock episodes are Scandal in Bohemia (Moffat), Hound of the Baskervilles (Gatiss) & Final Problem (Thompson). Did we know that?

       to give you a back story, our podcast neighbor was in a panel with @markgatiss. this is so much to bear. please bring sherlock back. 

    -find the oddcast at @theoodcast or there website

  • the doctor has a tumblr account!!!!!!!

    8 April 2011 (11:15pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    well not really the doctor but you get my drift. find it here and go follow

  • the doctor has a tumblr account!!!!!!!

    8 April 2011 (11:15pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    well not really the doctor but you get my drift. find it here and go follow

  • the doctor has a tumblr account!!!!!!!

    8 April 2011 (10:15pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    well not really the doctor but you get my drift. find it here and go follow

  • Doctor Who: Insider Part 2 from BBC america

    7 April 2011 (2:24am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    it's basically doctor who 101

    -from BBC america *american announcer voice*

  • Doctor Who: Insider Part 2 from BBC america

    7 April 2011 (2:24am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    it's basically doctor who 101

    -from BBC america *american announcer voice*

  • Doctor Who: Insider Part 2 from BBC america

    7 April 2011 (1:24am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    it's basically doctor who 101

    -from BBC america *american announcer voice*

  • doctor who trailer for Cbbc

    7 April 2011 (12:53am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    it shorted than the original. there are addition scene one involving a fat guy

    -thank the BBC

  • did i mention i like trock songs

    6 April 2011 (10:23pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    one thing that i like. doctor who, theme parks and a parody of lady gaga's born this way and i'm still not getting why everyone hates this song

    - we found it on WhatTravisSays on youtube. go subscribe to him!

  • torchwood on access hollywood

    6 April 2011 (10:08pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    Torchwood: miracle day premiers july 8 on Starz and BBC. which is great. so i can recover from the doctor who series 6 awesomeness. eve myles is really comfortable with the american setting. i think she's getting along fine.

    -it came from accesshollywood

  • did i mention i like trock songs

    6 April 2011 (9:23pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    one thing that i like. doctor who, theme parks and a parody of lady gaga's born this way and i'm still not getting why everyone hates this song

    - we found it on WhatTravisSays on youtube. go subscribe to him!

  • torchwood on access hollywood

    6 April 2011 (9:08pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    Torchwood: miracle day premiers july 8 on Starz and BBC. which is great. so i can recover from the doctor who series 6 awesomeness. eve myles is really comfortable with the american setting. i think she's getting along fine.

    -it came from accesshollywood

  • karen gillian on the late late show with craig ferguson

    6 April 2011 (10:49am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds


         rumors are surface from the twitter that long-legged karen gillian will appear on the late late show with craig ferguson. it has been comfired

        if craig ferguson get arthur darvill on his show, he'll will a free adipose

  • karen gillian on the late late show with craig ferguson

    6 April 2011 (9:49am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds


         rumors are surface from the twitter that long-legged karen gillian will appear on the late late show with craig ferguson. it has been comfired

        if craig ferguson get arthur darvill on his show, he'll will a free adipose

  • doctor who comic relief

    6 April 2011 (3:13am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

  • the doctor drops in comic relief

    6 April 2011 (3:12am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

  • christopher and his kind

    6 April 2011 (3:12am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    be sure to watch out for out first podcast. trust me it will be great

  • The Impossible Astronaut prequel trailer

    6 April 2011 (3:11am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

  • Doctor Who series 6 teaser trailer

    6 April 2011 (3:11am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

  • new doctor who titles

    6 April 2011 (3:10am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    just read this:

    The latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine, out in the UK tomorrow numbered 433, includes some new titles for the upcoming series including some replacements for titles previously announced. They are:
    Episode 3: The Curse of the Black Spot
    Episode 4: The Doctor's Wife
    Episode 6: 
    The Almost People (formerly Gangers)
    Episode 7: 
    A Good Man Goes To War (formerly Demon's Run)
    Currently the Mark Gatiss episode, number 9 at the moment, is titled What Are Little Boys Made Of? This is subject to change of course. Episode 11, as already announced, isThe God Complex by Toby Whithouse and stars David Walliams. The magazine also features a full episode preview of The Impossible Astronaut and an interview with Steven Moffat along with much, much more! You can follow DWM on twitter here.

          I am very excited on the pirate episode. but 'the curse of the black spot' sounds like a pirates of the Caribbean sequel. we all know the niel gainman ep title see here but i think it's the biggest red herring since 'the wolf shaped bullet' (being human series 3 look it up). the almost people sounds 'american TV pilot that did not go well'. i still like gangers. no comment on the episode 7 title.

    -we thank blogtorwho for the info. 

  • clocks a' ticking

    6 April 2011 (3:09am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

  • torchwood heading to cannes

    6 April 2011 (3:09am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    no not the film festival but still cannes, france. John Barrowman and Bill Pullman will be promoting the new series of Torchwood at the MIPTV Media Market in Cannes. The two stars will be joined by executive producer Julie Gardner to launch Torchwood: Miracle Day to buyers on Monday 4th April.

    Steve Macallister, Managing Director of BBC Worldwide Sales & Distribution, commented:

    We're thrilled to have John Barrowman and Bill Pullman with us at MIPTV. The fact that Torchwood: Miracle Day is able to attract such a high-calibre, international cast reflects the quality of the production - so it's sure to prove popular with buyers again, along with the rest of our exciting drama slate.

    we heard it from the doctor who news page don't sue us

  • Doctor Who Impossible Astronaut Prequel

    6 April 2011 (3:08am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    we thank the BBC for not geo locking this

    update: BBC version is not available in my area and presumably yours here a youtube version

    we thank thedoctorwhomedia for this pleas don't sue us

  • doctor who Neil Gaiman episode title revealed

    6 April 2011 (3:08am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    we heard it from the SFX.

    be warned! it's the kind of spoiler that make your mind explode

    here's the link

  • torchwood is coming

    6 April 2011 (3:08am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    thanks to inkblurboy

  • Guest stars for Doctor Who

    6 April 2011 (3:07am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

     who the hell is 'amy ponde'?

    -as seen on walesonline.co.uk

  • Doctor Who Series 6 Smith & Gillan Interview with Clips

    6 April 2011 (3:06am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    -don't thank us thank doctorwhotvuk

  • John Barrowman on Access Hollywood

    6 April 2011 (3:04am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    we got the video from tardisconsole-news

  • doctor who comic relief

    6 April 2011 (2:13am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

  • the doctor drops in comic relief

    6 April 2011 (2:12am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

  • christopher and his kind

    6 April 2011 (2:12am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    be sure to watch out for out first podcast. trust me it will be great

  • The Impossible Astronaut prequel trailer

    6 April 2011 (2:11am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

  • Doctor Who series 6 teaser trailer

    6 April 2011 (2:11am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

  • new doctor who titles

    6 April 2011 (2:10am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    just read this:

    The latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine, out in the UK tomorrow numbered 433, includes some new titles for the upcoming series including some replacements for titles previously announced. They are:Episode 3: The Curse of the Black Spot
    Episode 4: The Doctor's Wife
    Episode 6: The Almost People (formerly Gangers)
    Episode 7: A Good Man Goes To War (formerly Demon's Run)Currently the Mark Gatiss episode, number 9 at the moment, is titled What Are Little Boys Made Of? This is subject to change of course. Episode 11, as already announced, isThe God Complex by Toby Whithouse and stars David Walliams. The magazine also features a full episode preview of The Impossible Astronaut and an interview with Steven Moffat along with much, much more! You can follow DWM on twitter here.

          I am very excited on the pirate episode. but 'the curse of the black spot' sounds like a pirates of the Caribbean sequel. we all know the niel gainman ep title see here but i think it's the biggest red herring since 'the wolf shaped bullet' (being human series 3 look it up). the almost people sounds 'american TV pilot that did not go well'. i still like gangers. no comment on the episode 7 title.

    -we thank blogtorwho for the info. 

  • clocks a' ticking

    6 April 2011 (2:09am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

  • torchwood heading to cannes

    6 April 2011 (2:09am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    no not the film festival but still cannes, france. John Barrowman and Bill Pullman will be promoting the new series of Torchwood at the MIPTV Media Market in Cannes. The two stars will be joined by executive producer Julie Gardner to launch Torchwood: Miracle Day to buyers on Monday 4th April.

    Steve Macallister, Managing Director of BBC Worldwide Sales & Distribution, commented:

    Weare thrilled to have John Barrowman and Bill Pullman with us at MIPTV. The fact that Torchwood: Miracle Day is able to attract such a high-calibre, international cast reflects the quality of the production a so itas sure to prove popular with buyers again, along with the rest of our exciting drama slate.
    we heard it from the doctor who news page don't sue us

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