Latest Podcast Episodes
The Doctor Who Podcast Quiz 11
The Doctor Who PodcastAfter a long and not necessarily planned hiatus, the DWP ventures into another quiz. Leeson is quiz master this time around and pits the questions against an expectant Trevor, Tom and James. Who will be the victor? Who will be left crying into their drinks? Have a listen and find out!
Episode #09: "The Web Planet"
Under The MiniscopeIt's time to respect your elders as Andrew and Sarah dive into William Hartnell's most infamous serial and dovetail into a general discussion about the intricate relationships between the Doctor and his very first companions!
Staggering Stories Commentary #56: Babylon 5 - Revelations
Staggering Stories PodcastSummary:
Adam J Purcell, Andy Simpkins and Keith Dunn sit down, hatching, in front of the Babylon 5 second season episode, Revelations, and spout our usual nonsense!Franklin’s giving Garibaldi special care and attention, Sheridan’s rather carelessly lost his wife and Delenn’s coming out. But enough of their problems, please sit down with us to enjoy Revelations...
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EPISODE145 - Neat Gadgets & Weaponry
The Cultdom CollectiveNeat Gadgets & Weaponry ... in Bond, SciFi and Fantasy
EPISODE145 - Neat Gadgets & Weaponry
The Cultdom CollectiveNeat Gadgets & Weaponry ... in Bond, SciFi and Fantasy
EPISODE145 - Neat Gadgets & Weaponry
The Cultdom CollectiveNeat Gadgets & Weaponry ... in Bond, SciFi and Fantasy
EPISODE145 - Neat Gadgets & Weaponry
The Cultdom CollectiveNeat Gadgets & Weaponry ... in Bond, SciFi and Fantasy
2MTL 262: List of Demands
Two-minute Time LordBy the time Chip got around to thinking about what he'd like to see in Series Seven and the 50th anniversary, that cheeky Steven Moffat got around to making the darned thing without waiting for Chip's demands. This is not stopping the strangely assertive, possibly temporarily unhinged Chip from posting his list of demands, written on the palm of his hand.
Works cited: 2MTL 161 on McGann, Tiki Dalek, Adventures With the Wife in Space.
The Cloister Room 036 - They Don't Humanize the Human
The Cloister RoomThis week Tom and Louis continue their journey through Season 18 with a chat about the classic story Meglos. Digressions occur.
Episode 64: The Single-Horned Equine and the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (and Paul McGann!)
The TARDIS Tavern"The Unicorn and the Wasp" isn't exactly a conspicuous story, but after churning out three Pertwees and "The Caves of Androzani", it seemed to go down smooth and sweet. In fact, we haven't talked about a Tenth Doctor and Donna since way, way back when we did "Partners in Crime." So enjoy!
If you're the slightest bit disappointed by this topic, keep listening. Our roving reporter Andre Tessier got to sit down with none other than Eighth Doctor himself, Paul McGann! What do you think he'll have to drink? (Spoiler: red wine.)
Feel free to send yummy feedback to us at, follow Sean on Twitter via @tardistavern, Steve via @tardistaverntit, and Andre via @andret_ny. Oh yeah, don't forget Facebook and GetGlue!
Episode 64: The Single-Horned Equine and the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (and Paul McGann!)
The TARDIS Tavern“The Unicorn and the Wasp” isn’t exactly a conspicuous story, but after churning out three Pertwees and “The Caves of Androzani”, it seemed to go down smooth and sweet. In fact, we haven’t talked about a Tenth Doctor and Donna since way, way back when we did “Partners in Crime.” So enjoy!
If you’re the slightest bit disappointed by this topic, keep listening. Our roving reporter Andre Tessier got to sit down with none other than Eighth Doctor himself, Paul McGann! What do you think he’ll have to drink? (Spoiler: red wine.)
Feel free to send yummy feedback to us at, follow Sean on Twitter via @tardistavern, Steve via @tardistaverntit, and Andre via @andret_ny. Oh yeah, don’t forget Facebook and GetGlue!
Episode 41 : The Robots of Death
The Untempered Schism PodcastThe Fourth Doctor shows his usual impeccable timing as he and Leela arrive onto a giant sandminer when the crew starts turning up dead. With a name like The Robots of Death you can guess that the robots are the ones doing the killing. Not that such a thing should even be possible, but when did that ever stop an evil madman?
Feedback to:
Twitter: @schismpodcast
Web: 26:55
Doctor Who Podcast Episode 26: The Christopher Eccelston Era, Part 1. 'Rose'
Sound On Sight PodcastHappy 7th anniversary New-Who! Hard to believe, but it has been seven years (!) since our favourite Timelord was returned to us; and we here at Sound on Sight are in a mood to do a little celebratin'! We hope you'll join us over the next three weeks as we take a look at the tenure of Mr. Christopher Eccleston, who assumed the role of The Doctor and defined this enigmatic character for a whole new generation. Join Derek Gladu, Eric Mendoza, Lindsay Wood, and Beverly Brown as we go back to where it all started again in our review of 2005's "Rose".
For those of you wanting to hear a little more gushing about Mr. Ecckleston, you should check out Sound on Sight's very first Doctor Who podcast when Derek and Eric discuss "The Empty Child" and the "Doctor Dances".
The Whostorian - Episode 33 - Two Tickets To Paradise (Towers)
The WhostorianThis is Season 2 Episode 3. This week the Companion Randomizer finds Zoe, then the guys talk about producer Innes Lloyd, Doctor Who Unbound, they give a review of Paradise Towers and this week in the Death Zone it’s Shockeye Vs. The Kandy Man.
We can be found at
by searching The Whostorian in iTunes
by searching for The Whostorian on Facebook
On Twitter: @TheWhostorian
Doctor Who Podcast Episode 26: Overview of The Christopher Eccelston era, Part 1. "Rose"
Sound On Sight PodcastHappy 7th anniversary New-Who! Hard to believe, but it has been seven years (!) since our favourite Timelord was returned to us; and we here at Sound on Sight are in a mood to do a little celebratin'! We hope you'll join us over the next three weeks as we take a look at the tenure of Mr. Christopher Eccleston, who assumed the role of The Doctor and defined this enigmatic character for a whole new generation. Join Derek Gladu, Eric Mendoza, Lindsay Wood, and Beverly Brown as we go back to where it all started again in our review of 2005's "Rose". For those of you wanting to hear a little more gushing about Mr. Ecckleston, you should check out Sound on Sight's very first Doctor Who podcast when Derek and Eric discuss "The Empty Child" and the "Doctor Dances".
027 Doctor Who (Inferno)
theTimeVaultThe Centre of the Earth. A fascinating subject, tackled by many different writers and storytellers over the ages; what wonders are to be found at the Earth's core? What dangers, treasures and enchantments are waiting to be discovered? But as good as these stories may be, that is all they are - stories, flights of fancy. The truth is like nothing you could imagine and now, finally, Doctor Who has revealed to us that most incredible truth. The Earth's core (drum roll please) is full......of...... Snot. Boiling. bubbling snot. And hair. Lots of it, all over the body. There's also a lot of burning hot magma spewing forth like the after-effects of a really hot curry. Strangely enough no women get affected by these things, only men. So join us as we discuss Doctor Who and the Hot 'n Hairy Snot Monsters from the Earth's Core
DWO WhoCast - #237 - Doctor Who Podcast
DWO WhoCastMary had a little lamb, it's fleece was white as snow. Eko Eko Wash!
Yes folks, Dave and Elisabeth have a good look see through their reticule at the 2Entertain release of The Daemons. What mischief will they find? And will they choose a dance around the Maypole or a pint?
The DWO WhoCast - It wants Professor Horner's hat...
The Memory Cheats #4
The Memory CheatsAfter rambling through their hazy recollections of telesnap reconstructions last week, Josh and Steven are back into familiar territory this week as the Wheel of Fortune gives them Sutekh's gift of a classic story: Pyramids of Mars.
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The Memory Cheats #4
The Memory CheatsAfter rambling through their hazy recollections of telesnap reconstructions last week, Josh and Steven are back into familiar territory this week as the Wheel of Fortune gives them Sutekh's gift of a classic story: Pyramids of Mars.
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The Memory Cheats #4 - Pyramids of Mars
The Memory CheatsAfter rambling through their hazy recollections of telesnap reconstructions last week, Josh and Steven are back into familiar territory this week as the Wheel of Fortune gives them Sutekh's gift of a classic story: Pyramids of Mars.
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Tim's Take On: Episode 116(Bernice Summerfield panel at Big Finish Day 2)
Tim's Take On...This week we return to our coverage of Big Finish Day 2 with the Bernice Summerfield panel, featuring amongst others Actor Lisa Bowerman and writers Paul Cornell and Gary Russell.
You can read more about Bernice Summerfield here and find out more about books and audios featuring her here
You can see my photos of Big Finish Day here
Video of this week's end theme can be seen here
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
Tim's Take On: Episode 116(Bernice Summerfield panel at Big Finish Day 2)
Tim's Take On...This week we return to our coverage of Big Finish Day 2 with the Bernice Summerfield panel, featuring amongst others Actor Lisa Bowerman and writers Paul Cornell and Gary Russell.
You can read more about Bernice Summerfield here and find out more about books and audios featuring her here
You can see my photos of Big Finish Day here
Video of this week's end theme can be seen here
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
Tim's Take On: Episode 116(Bernice Summerfield panel at Big Finish Day 2)
Tim's Take On...This week we return to our coverage of Big Finish Day 2 with the Bernice Summerfield panel, featuring amongst others Actor Lisa Bowerman and writers Paul Cornell and Gary Russell.
You can read more about Bernice Summerfield here and find out more about books and audios featuring her here
You can see my photos of Big Finish Day here
Video of this week's end theme can be seen here
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
Untruths Podcast with Elliott Tiney (Idiots of Ants)
Mondas Podcast
Ian Todd talks to Elliott Tiney from the sketch group,Idiots of Ants about Touring,Dvd boxsets,soundtracks and more.
MHC #71 Around the Horns of Nimon
Mostly Harmless Cutaway317 days until Gally 24!
- Welcome to Mostly Harmless Cutaway Seven-One featuring Eric, Sean, Kyle (@FunctionalNerd), Chris (@dubbayoo), and Erik (@sjcaustenite)! And we have something very special to present to you today -- the very first trial edition of Around the Horns of Nimon! This is a new game we've put together to serve 2 basic functions. 1) Pass the time until new WHO returns with Series 7. 2) Give us a forum whereby we have the flexibility to present a fluid cornucopia of guests on any give week.
- Choose your favorite champioin weakling scum!
- This discussion contains miscellaneous, Sherlock, Torchwood, new WHO, and Classic SPOILERS pertaining to Doctor Who. If you are 100% spoilerphobic to New & Classic epsiodes not yet seen, do not complain to us. This episode is MOSTLY HARMLESS & contains EXPLICIT terms and as always expect strokes of innuendo throughout.
- The Doctor Who Bookclub Podcast, (@dwbcpodcast):
- Show notes image and coverart by Julian (@JLB_Tosche).
- COMING SOON: MHC #72 The Cutaway Cheats II
Host/Producer: Eric
Email: EscoWHO ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @Bullitt33 / @BullittWHO
Blog: bullitt33tvblog.wordpress.comCo-host: Josh
Email: whomeJZ ~at~ yahoo ~dot~com
Twitter: @whomeJZCoverart/Sketch Artist: Julian aka 'Louis Blair'
Email: samwisewise ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @JLB_Tosche
The 2am Show: twoamshow.libsyn.comCo-hostess: Cat
Email: fancyfembot ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @fancyfembot
Sci-Fi Party Line:
Sci-Fi Party Line News Network: scifipartyline.netMostly Harmless Cutaway
Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @DoctorWhoMHC
Facebook: Doctor Who: Mostly Harmless CutawayFrequent Special Guest: Sean H. (@tardistavern)
Anonymous cold open by Emily K. (@emilyooo)
TARDIS Cutaway artwork by Peter Tulay
MHC Theme created by E.A. Escamilla
- Welcome to Mostly Harmless Cutaway Seven-One featuring Eric, Sean, Kyle (@FunctionalNerd), Chris (@dubbayoo), and Erik (@sjcaustenite)! And we have something very special to present to you today -- the very first trial edition of Around the Horns of Nimon! This is a new game we've put together to serve 2 basic functions. 1) Pass the time until new WHO returns with Series 7. 2) Give us a forum whereby we have the flexibility to present a fluid cornucopia of guests on any give week.
MHC #71 Around the Horns of Nimon
Mostly Harmless Cutaway317 days until Gally 24!
- Welcome to Mostly Harmless Cutaway Seven-One featuring Eric, Sean, Kyle (@FunctionalNerd), Chris (@dubbayoo), and Erik (@sjcaustenite)! And we have something very special to present to you today — the very first trial edition of Around the Horns of Nimon! This is a new game we've put together to serve 2 basic functions. 1) Pass the time until new WHO returns with Series 7. 2) Give us a forum whereby we have the flexibility to present a fluid cornucopia of guests on any give week.
- Choose your favorite champioin weakling scum!
- This discussion contains miscellaneous, Sherlock, Torchwood, new WHO, and Classic SPOILERS pertaining to Doctor Who. If you are 100% spoilerphobic to New & Classic epsiodes not yet seen, do not complain to us. This episode is MOSTLY HARMLESS & contains EXPLICIT terms and as always expect strokes of innuendo throughout.
- The Doctor Who Bookclub Podcast, (@dwbcpodcast):
- Show notes image and coverart by Julian (@JLB_Tosche).
- COMING SOON: MHC #72 The Cutaway Cheats II
Host/Producer: Eric
Email: EscoWHO ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @Bullitt33 / @BullittWHO
Blog: bullitt33tvblog.wordpress.comCo-host: Josh
Email: whomeJZ ~at~ yahoo ~dot~com
Twitter: @whomeJZCoverart/Sketch Artist: Julian aka 'Louis Blair'
Email: samwisewise ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @JLB_Tosche
The 2am Show: twoamshow.libsyn.comCo-hostess: Cat
Email: fancyfembot ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @fancyfembot
Sci-Fi Party Line:
Sci-Fi Party Line News Network: scifipartyline.netMostly Harmless Cutaway
Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @DoctorWhoMHC
Facebook: Doctor Who: Mostly Harmless CutawayFrequent Special Guest: Sean H. (@tardistavern)
Anonymous cold open by Emily K. (@emilyooo)
TARDIS Cutaway artwork by Peter Tulay
MHC Theme created by E.A. Escamilla
- Welcome to Mostly Harmless Cutaway Seven-One featuring Eric, Sean, Kyle (@FunctionalNerd), Chris (@dubbayoo), and Erik (@sjcaustenite)! And we have something very special to present to you today — the very first trial edition of Around the Horns of Nimon! This is a new game we've put together to serve 2 basic functions. 1) Pass the time until new WHO returns with Series 7. 2) Give us a forum whereby we have the flexibility to present a fluid cornucopia of guests on any give week.
FRS 43: 'Four To Doomsday' Peter Davison - part one
Fast Return SwitchJoin us as we hurl abuse at Adric, marvel at production values and enjoy the word Monopticon.
Earth Station One Episode 105: An Evening without Kevin Smith
Earth Station OneThe ESO hangs out at the Quick Stop to discuss the works of Kevin Smith. We assure you, we’re open to review the good, the bad, and the dogma of Smith’s influential career. Mike, Mike and the Not-So-Silent Bobby are joined by Richard Ewell, who finds himself strapped to The Geek Seat. Also, Marcon’s Sidley … Continue reading
Movie Review - The Incredible Hulk (2008)
MrTARDIS Reviews
Welcome back to 'Avengers Month'. Trilbee takes a the black sheep of the Avengers movies, 'The Incredible Hulk'. Is it an underrated gem or does it make Hulk angry. The Incredible Hulk belongs to Marvel Studios & Universal Pictures.
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #135 - Location Report from the Official Doctor Who convention and visit to the TARDIS set
The Doctor Who PodcastJames, Leeson and Ian were lucky enough to attend the Official Doctor Who convention in Cardiff recently and recorded a podcast while they were there. James and Leeson chat about their experiences at the convention, whilst Ian was lucky enough to secure one of the passes to go and visit the TARDIS set. Ian recalls [...]
Location Report from the Official Doctor Who convention and visit to the TARDIS set
The Doctor Who PodcastJames, Leeson and Ian were lucky enough to attend the Official Doctor Who convention in Cardiff recently and recorded a podcast while they were there.
James and Leeson chat about their experiences at the convention, whilst Ian was lucky enough to secure one of the passes to go and visit the TARDIS set. Ian recalls this once in a lifetime experience.
Location Report from the Official Doctor Who convention and visit to the TARDIS set
The Doctor Who PodcastJames, Leeson and Ian were lucky enough to attend the Official Doctor Who convention in Cardiff recently and recorded a podcast while they were there.
James and Leeson chat about their experiences at the convention, whilst Ian was lucky enough to secure one of the passes to go and visit the TARDIS set. Ian recalls this once in a lifetime experience.
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 87
Bigger on the InsideThe immortal sorceress Morgaine and her wicked son Mordred seek to claim Excalibur as their own ("Battlefield"), then The Doctor aims to better Ace by forcing her to face an evil she felt in her youth ("Ghost Light"). Also: Dan gives The Doctor a rather unassuming name, Mike calls one of these two stories his new favorite, and both Ian Wilson and Tom Deja make appearances.
Pharos Project 94: The Plunger Games
The Pharos Project PodcastThis week, the Projecteers bid farewell to the ninth Doctor as they review "Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways". Also, important information on how to relieve yourself Doctor Who style, how to cheat your way out of a satsuma and reaction to some aggressive knitware casting.
Twitter: @Doctor_Vendetta @natalien @beastmasterpete @KungFuYoda @PharosProject
Facebook: The Pharos Project Group Page. People who do not join, the day will come when we come over to your house and sex wink outside your window until you cry brown tears from your bum bum.
The secret word this week is: Piddle
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #135 - Location Report from the Official Doctor Who convention and visit to the TARDIS set
The Doctor Who PodcastJames, Leeson and Ian were lucky enough to attend the Official Doctor Who convention in Cardiff recently and recorded a podcast while they were there. James and Leeson chat about their experiences at the convention, whilst Ian was lucky enough to secure one of the passes to go and visit the TARDIS set. Ian recalls [...]
Dissecting Worlds: Series 6, Episode 1
Geek SyndicateDoning their tin hats the disagreeing duo of Dissecting Worlds turn their scalpels to Alternate History this series. To open the bowling they're going to limber up with Kim Stanley Robinson's "The Years of Rice & Salt", an exploration of a world in which Europe exited history in the 15th-16th centuries. This gives an opportunity to discuss alternate histories on the way, and in the process they potentially upset * quantum physicists * Marxists * Nazis * Harry Turtledove * Arthur C Clarke * the romantic view of history In the usual blend of confessions, obsessions & mispronunciations and teasers for future episodes in the series. For all your dissecting worlds news follow us @dissectingwrlds For ramblings of the sleep deprived @clarkythecruel & alternate history RPG at (related Wargame material under the VBCW tag.) Matts twitter is @theGrampus & he really should do a website on his d-hopping campaign (or some blog entries.)
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #135 - Location Report from the Official Doctor Who convention and visit to the TARDIS set
The Doctor Who PodcastJames, Leeson and Ian were lucky enough to attend the Official Doctor Who convention in Cardiff recently and recorded a podcast while they were there. James and Leeson chat about their experiences at the convention, whilst Ian was lucky enough to secure one of the passes to go and visit the TARDIS set. Ian recalls [...]
Dissecting Worlds: Series 6, Episode 1
Geek SyndicateDoning their tin hats the disagreeing duo of Dissecting Worlds turn their scalpels to Alternate History this series. To open the bowling they're going to limber up with Kim Stanley Robinson's "The Years of Rice & Salt", an exploration of a world in which Europe exited history in the 15th-16th centuries. This gives an opportunity to discuss alternate histories on the way, and in the process they potentially upset * quantum physicists * Marxists * Nazis * Harry Turtledove * Arthur C Clarke * the romantic view of history In the usual blend of confessions, obsessions & mispronunciations and teasers for future episodes in the series. For all your dissecting worlds news follow us @dissectingwrlds For ramblings of the sleep deprived @clarkythecruel & alternate history RPG at (related Wargame material under the VBCW tag.) Matts twitter is @theGrampus & he really should do a website on his d-hopping campaign (or some blog entries.)
The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #106
The 20mb Doctor Who PodcastNew Earth
Adam, Alicia (Cowes Carnival 2nd Senior Princess 2012), Ben, Robert and Kirby listen to and read feedback (Dr Phil, Richard Kulp and Ian Kirk) before reviewing David Tennant’s second story as The Doctor. Intertwined with this is the usual 20mb deviations and banter.
We also have news and eBay and cameo appearances from Isabella and Rhys.
Please keep sending in your lovely feedback and you can do so by the following methods:-
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Episode #08: "Villains and Monsters"
Under The Miniscope(Show notes: We forgot to mention that the Celestial Toymaker was planned for a Seventh Doctor re-appearence, if the show had been renewed for another season instead of being canceled- and also, that the Zygons look a heck of a lot like the Jim Carrey Grinch!)
"We both know that the Doctor is worth the Monsters." But which monsters are worthy of the Doctor? In this fantastic and epic discussion, Sarah and Andrew tackle all things antagonistic in Doctor Who, from their takes on the 'Big 4' of recurring Who villains, to their favorite villains of the 60s, 70s, and the New Series, plus their picks for which Classic Who monster they'd most like to see next-revived by the New Series- and we open up a poll for you, the listeners to vote on it! This double-length show is the one not to miss! (Well... this one, and the last show...)
Doctor Who:Mondas Podcast-Episode 44
Mondas Podcast
Ian Todd and Harry Medium Talk Season 13 of Doctor Who.
Virgin Cutaway
The Naked ScarfIn a break from our planned schedule Adam and Not Andi (or Steve as he prefers to be known) take a trip back to the 90s and look at Virgin’s The New Adventure books. They talk about their influence on current Who, favourite authors, misconceptions, violence, swearing and what exactly is the best way to get this unfortunate taste out of their mouths.
Episode 66 - Get Your Kicks
Traveling the VortexOn this week’s episode of Traveling the Vortex we have a special treat for our listeners. This week we have an interview with Simon Fisher-Becker who plays Dorium Maldovar in the stories The Pandorica Opens, A Good Man Goes to War and then again in The Wedding of River Song.
Also, this is our second Companion Archive in which we take a look at two Leela stories, The Face of Evil and Robots of Death.
Plus our reaction to the Series 7 trailer, the latest news, and of course, your feedback.
Night at the Space Museum
Future Time LordWe’re back! Lots of discussion of the newly announced companion, the latest trailer release, a Classic Series Review of “Space Museum” and a picture of our Dalek wedding toppers!
The First Doctor amusing himself with a new toy
Our wedding toppers, inspired by another member of Offbeat Bride