Latest Podcast Episodes
5.06 The Fury From The Deep
Drunken Time TravelSecond Doctor, Jamie, and VictoriaBesides your usual drunken ramblings about Doctor Who, find out where the cat was hiding and what happened to Nemo. Episodes: 6The TARDIS brings The Doctor, Jamie and Victoria to the present-day North Sea coast. Something nasty is lurking in the gas pipelines of the North Sea, and before long the nearby refinery is under attack. The Doctor discovers that a form of living seaweed is at work, and that a number of the base personnel have been possessed. Can he and his friends work in time to prevent an entire take-over of earth?Writer: Victor PembertonDirector: Hugh David
5.06 The Fury From The Deep
Drunken Time TravelSecond Doctor, Jamie, and VictoriaBesides your usual drunken ramblings about Doctor Who, find out where the cat was hiding and what happened to Nemo. Episodes: 6The TARDIS brings The Doctor, Jamie and Victoria to the present-day North Sea coast. Something nasty is lurking in the gas pipelines of the North Sea, and before long the nearby refinery is under attack. The Doctor discovers that a form of living seaweed is at work, and that a number of the base personnel have been possessed. Can he and his friends work in time to prevent an entire take-over of earth?Writer: Victor PembertonDirector: Hugh David
5.06 The Fury From The Deep
Drunken Time TravelSecond Doctor, Jamie, and Victoria Besides your usual drunken ramblings about Doctor Who, find out where the cat was hiding and what happened to Nemo. Episodes: 6 The TARDIS brings The Doctor, Jamie and Victoria to the present-day North Sea coast. Something nasty is lurking in the gas pipelines of the North Sea, and before long the nearby refinery is under attack. The Doctor discovers that a form of living seaweed is at work, and that a number of the base personnel have been possessed. Can he and his friends work in time to prevent an entire take-over of earth? Writer: Victor PembertonDirector: Hugh David
5.06 The Fury From The Deep
Drunken Time TravelSecond Doctor, Jamie, and VictoriaBesides your usual drunken ramblings about Doctor Who, find out where the cat was hiding and what happened to Nemo.Episodes: 6The TARDIS brings The Doctor, Jamie and Victoria to the present-day North Sea coast. Something nasty is lurking in the gas pipelines of the North Sea, and before long the nearby refinery is under attack. The Doctor discovers that a form of living seaweed is at work, and that a number of the base personnel have been possessed. Can he and his friends work in time to prevent an entire take-over of earth?Writer: Victor PembertonDirector: Hugh David
#021 Rassilon's Rod
WHO 37 - A Doctor Who which our fearless podcaster finishes what he started with DVD commentary for Part 4 of "The Deadly Assassin". Expect lots of old man jokes, alcoholic jokes, and male anatomy jokes. You have been warned...
#021 Rassilon's Rod
WHO 37 - A Doctor Who Podcast…in which our fearless podcaster finishes what he started with DVD commentary for Part 4 of "The Deadly Assassin". Expect lots of old man jokes, alcoholic jokes, and male anatomy jokes. You have been warned...
#021 Rassilon's Rod
WHO 37 - A Doctor Who which our fearless podcaster finishes what he started with DVD commentary for Part 4 of "The Deadly Assassin". Expect lots of old man jokes, alcoholic jokes, and male anatomy jokes. You have been warned...
5.06 The Fury From The Deep
Drunken Time TravelSecond Doctor, Jamie, and Victoria Besides your usual drunken ramblings about Doctor Who, find out where the cat was hiding and what happened to Nemo. Episodes: 6 The TARDIS brings The Doctor, Jamie and Victoria to the present-day North Sea coast. Something nasty is lurking in the gas pipelines of the North Sea, and before long the nearby refinery is under attack. The Doctor discovers that a form of living seaweed is at work, and that a number of the base personnel have been possessed. Can he and his friends work in time to prevent an entire take-over of earth? Writer: Victor Pemberton Director: Hugh David
5.06 The Fury From The Deep
Drunken Time TravelSecond Doctor, Jamie, and VictoriaBesides your usual drunken ramblings about Doctor Who, find out where the cat was hiding and what happened to Nemo.Episodes: 6The TARDIS brings The Doctor, Jamie and Victoria to the present-day North Sea coast. Something nasty is lurking in the gas pipelines of the North Sea, and before long the nearby refinery is under attack. The Doctor discovers that a form of living seaweed is at work, and that a number of the base personnel have been possessed. Can he and his friends work in time to prevent an entire take-over of earth?Writer: Victor PembertonDirector: Hugh David
#020 Good Day
WHO 37 - A Doctor Who which our fearless podcaster cries his eyes out in celebration of Doctor Who's 50th Anniversary with his review of "The Day of the Doctor." and his own personal tribute to the program.
#020 Good Day
WHO 37 - A Doctor Who which our fearless podcaster cries his eyes out in celebration of Doctor Who's 50th Anniversary with his review of "The Day of the Doctor." and his own personal tribute to the program.
#020 Good Day
WHO 37 - A Doctor Who Podcast…in which our fearless podcaster cries his eyes out in celebration of Doctor Who's 50th Anniversary with his review of "The Day of the Doctor." and his own personal tribute to the program.
Episode 60 - Day of the Doctor, Sleepy Hollow and Catching Fire
Transmissions From AtlantisJC and Rita are finally down from their Day of the Doctor high, have collected their thoughts and are ready to provide them to you! Did they love Day of the Doctor? Did they hate it? And what about Adventures in Space and Time?
Plus – is Matt’s Doctor actually Doctor Number 13 and what other rumors of the Christmas Special are out there?
They’re also back to their regular features of Sci-Fi News and Horror News, reviewing Thor and Hunger Games: Catching Fire while also catching up on episodes of Sleepy Hollow and the Walking Dead.
Links and more after the jump!
Episode 60 – The Day of the Doctor, Sleepy Hollow, Catching Fire
1:28 Opening
6:08 Sci-Fi News
- Review of Thor
- Review of Catching Fire
25:42 Horror News
- Walking Dead Catchup
- Sleepy Hollow Catchup
47:38 Doctor Who
- An Adventure in Space and Time
- The Day of the Doctor
- Why Jason and Rita are pissed at Chris Eccelston
- Day of the Doctor set all kinds of records
- Has Marco Polo been found?
- The Christmas Episode
- The Time of the Doctor
- More Christmas Rumors
- Matt is the 13th Doctor?
- Gallifrey and the Future of Doctor Who
1:58:24 Closing, featuring the Beatles – In My Life
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The post Episode 60 – Day of the Doctor, Sleepy Hollow and Catching Fire appeared first on Transmissions From Atlantis.
The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #196
The 20mb Doctor Who PodcastAdventures in Space and Time The Day of The Doctor Adam, Kirby, Ben, Rhys, Mary, Robert and Matthew talk concisely (despite the extended length of the podcast) about two special television events celebrating 50 years of Doctor Who. We also have feedback and a cameo from members of the Doctor Who Podcast.
The Day of the Doctor
The Rather Awful Doctor Who Episode GuideThe cake has been eaten, the bunting has come down and we're all nursing Whovian hangovers. But there's still time to take a look at the 50th anniversary episode, The Day of the Doctor. Warning: Does not contain Paul McGann.
The Day of the Doctor
The Rather Awful Doctor Who Episode GuideThe cake has been eaten, the bunting has come down and we're all nursing Whovian hangovers. But there's still time to take a look at the 50th anniversary episode, The Day of the Doctor. Warning: Does not contain Paul McGann.
MUTTER'S SPIRAL podcast 57 - DAY of the DOCTOR review
Mutter's Spiral PodcastHAPPY 50th ANNIVERSARY DOCTOR WHO! The Doctor turns 50, and ALL hands are on deck for the smashing 50th celebration episode, "The Day of the Doctor"! John & Will make a long-overdue return to discuss this 75 minute bundle of glory and joy (Spoiler Alert: We LOVED it)! We talk all about the episode, all of the Doctors (old and new) and even add in some discussion of "Night of the Doctor". Future podcasts will cover "An Adventure in Space & Time" & "The Five(ish) Doctors - REBOOT" specials. For now, it's the main course: Smith, Tennant, Hurt, Jenna, Billie, and a few added surprises! There's also trivia, of course! Please take a listen! NOTE: IT's a long one, over 2 hours - but that's because there's just so much awesomeness to discuss!
Verity! Episode 29 - A Day in the Lives
Doctor Who: Verity!We made it, guys! The 50th anniversary special has come, kicked booty, and gone again. Join Deb, Erika, Liz, Lynne, and Tansy as we marvel at many things including the ways Doctor Who brings people together, the utter joy of seeing three Doctors on screen together for So Many Minutes, the genius of working in Billie Piper as not-Rose, the way Moffat "fixed" so many elements of classic and new Who, and, not least of all, the hilarity of seeing classic Doctors send themselves up beautifully.
There's more than enough love and joy and squee to go around!
Also covered [links on our site]:Liz lols at the trainwreck that was Doctor Who Live: The Afterparty!Tansy is made gleeful by the cameos in An Adventure in Space and Time! Loves Neil and Sue's liveblogging at The Guardian! And enjoys the Doctor Who tweets from "legitimate" twitteraccounts!Erika is going to see All the Whos in Whoville!Lynne indoctrinates friends with classic Doctor Who using Caves of Androzani and Horror of Fang Rock! And plays the awesome Doctor Who Google doodle!Deb loves Liz even more than before because she rage-ranked ALL the Doctor Who stories! And appreciates Tansy's collection of links to her Who-50 posts!
Bonus links [also on our site]:The Five(ish) Doctors!Chicago TARDIS!Doctor Who Live: The Afterparty (UK only, available through Nov. 30)
Verity! Episode 29 - A Day in the Lives
Doctor Who: Verity!We made it, guys! The 50th anniversary special has come, kicked booty, and gone again. Join Deb, Erika, Liz, Lynne, and Tansy as we marvel at many things including the ways Doctor Who brings people together, the utter joy of seeing three Doctors on screen together for So Many Minutes, the genius of working in Billie Piper as not-Rose, the way Moffat "fixed" so many elements of classic and new Who, and, not least of all, the hilarity of seeing classic Doctors send themselves up beautifully.
There's more than enough love and joy and squee to go around!
Also covered [links on our site]:
Liz lols at the trainwreck that was Doctor Who Live: The Afterparty!
Tansy is made gleeful by the cameos in An Adventure in Space and Time! Loves Neil and Sue's liveblogging at The Guardian! And enjoys the Doctor Who tweets from "legitimate" twitteraccounts!
Erika is going to see All the Whos in Whoville!
Lynne indoctrinates friends with classic Doctor Who using Caves of Androzani and Horror of Fang Rock! And plays the awesome Doctor Who Google doodle!
Deb loves Liz even more than before because she rage-ranked ALL the Doctor Who stories! And appreciates Tansy's collection of links to her Who-50 posts!Bonus links [also on our site]:
The Five(ish) Doctors!
Chicago TARDIS!
Doctor Who Live: The Afterparty (UK only, available through Nov. 30)
Verity! Episode 29 - A Day in the Lives
Doctor Who: Verity!We made it, guys! The 50th anniversary special has come, kicked booty, and gone again. Join Deb, Erika, Liz, Lynne, and Tansy as we marvel at many things including the ways Doctor Who brings people together, the utter joy of seeing three Doctors on screen together for So Many Minutes, the genius of working in Billie Piper as not-Rose, the way Moffat "fixed" so many elements of classic and new Who, and, not least of all, the hilarity of seeing classic Doctors send themselves up beautifully.
There's more than enough love and joy and squee to go around!
Also covered [links on our site]:
Liz lols at the trainwreck that was Doctor Who Live: The Afterparty!
Tansy is made gleeful by the cameos in An Adventure in Space and Time! Loves Neil and Sue's liveblogging at The Guardian! And enjoys the Doctor Who tweets from "legitimate" twitteraccounts!
Erika is going to see All the Whos in Whoville!
Lynne indoctrinates friends with classic Doctor Who using Caves of Androzani and Horror of Fang Rock! And plays the awesome Doctor Who Google doodle!
Deb loves Liz even more than before because she rage-ranked ALL the Doctor Who stories! And appreciates Tansy's collection of links to her Who-50 posts!Bonus links [also on our site]:
The Five(ish) Doctors!
Chicago TARDIS!
Doctor Who Live: The Afterparty (UK only, available through Nov. 30)
Mutter's Spiral PodcastHAPPY 50th ANNIVERSARY DOCTOR WHO! The Doctor turns 50, and ALL hands are on deck for the smashing 50th celebration episode, "The Day of the Doctor"! John & Will make a long-overdue return to discuss this 75 minute bundle of glory and joy (Spoiler Alert: We LOVED it)! We talk all about the episode, all of the Doctors (old and new) and even add in some discussion of "Night of the Doctor". Future podcasts will cover "An Adventure in Space & Time" & "The Five(ish) Doctors - REBOOT" specials. For now, it's the main course: Smith, Tennant, Hurt, Jenna, Billie, and a few added surprises! There's also trivia, of course! Please take a listen! NOTE: IT's a long one, over 2 hours - but that's because there's just so much awesomeness to discuss!
Episode 57 - Day of the Fish Doctor
Outpost Skaro PodcastAndy, Alan and Derek get together to review a variety of Dr Who content: An adventure in space and time, The Night of the Doctor, The Day of the Doctor and…. something a bit erm Fishy. (Contains no ME news… stand by for that next week after MBW)
Episode 2: Light And Sirens
Stories From The Vortex: A Doctor Who Audio Adventures PodcastThis episode finds Matthew Kresal, Mary Lang and Robert Haynes reviewing two of Big Finish's multi-Doctor stories: 1999's The Sirens Of Time and the fiftieth anniversary story The Light At The End. In exploring these two stories written and directed by Nicholas Briggs, they discuss such things as the aging of actor's voices, the importance of sound design in getting across alien landscapes and much more.
If you'd like to send in feedback to the podcast you can do so at
Stories From The Vortex is an unofficial and unlicensed Doctor Who podcast and is not affiliated to the British Broadcasting Company (BBC), AudioGo or Big Finish Productions in any way. Doctor Who is a registered trademark of the BBC. No copyright infringement intended.
Studio Episode: L. I. Who 2012 Convention Report
The Cultdom CollectiveA Studio Report of the first Long Island Doctor Who Convention held Nov 2012. Cultdom members Perry Gerakines, Jessica Burke and Anthony Burdge. Hosted by daveac
TDP 354: The Night of the Doctor
Tin Dog Podcastreprinted from wiki "The Night of the Doctor" is a mini-episode of the British science fiction televisionprogramme Doctor Who. It was made available on BBC iPlayer and YouTube on 14 November 2013, as part of the BBC One lead-up to the show's 50th anniversary special.[1][2] Written by Steven Moffat, it starred Paul McGann as the Doctor.[3] The episode, set during the Time War, shows the previously unseen last moments of the Eighth Doctor (McGann), and his artificially controlled regeneration into the War Doctor (John Hurt). It is notable for featuring McGann's second onscreen appearance as the Doctor, following his debut in the TV movie seventeen years earlier in 1996.[4] It is also, in the series chronology, the first appearance of the War Doctor Synopsis[edit] During the Time War, the Eighth Doctor (Paul McGann) attempts to rescue a pilot, Cass, whose spacecraft is crashing into the planet Karn. When Cass realises that the Doctor is a Time Lord, she refuses his aid, ignoring his claims that he has never taken part in the devastating Time War. The Doctor refuses to abandon Cass. Both are killed when the ship crashes. On the planet, the Doctor is taken in by the Sisterhood of Karn, who revive him temporarily; Cass, however, is beyond their help. The Sisterhood offer the Doctor a selection of potions which, if consumed before he expires, will regenerate him into a form of his choice. They convince the Doctor that he must take action and end the Time War. The Doctor asks for a potion that will turn him into "a warrior". He utters his last words ('Physician, heal thyself') and, after drinking it, regenerates into the War Doctor(John Hurt, appearing via digitally manipulated archive footage from his younger days), who takes Cass's belt and declares, "Doctor no more."[5] Continuity[edit] The Eighth Doctor, before he regenerates, mentions Charley Pollard, C'rizz, Lucie Miller, Tamsin Drew, and Molly O'Sullivan.[6] These are the Doctor's companions in various audio dramas for Big Finish Productions, marking the first time that the Big Finish audio series has been directly referenced in the television show,[7] and follows a similar reference to Professor Arthur Candy from Steven Moffat-penned Virgin Decalog short story, "Continuity Errors" in the 2011 episode "Let's Kill Hitler" and the appearance of Kate [Lethbridge]-Stewart from the Reeltime Pictures direct-to-video feature films Downtime and Dæmos Rising, in the 2012 episode "The Power of Three". The Fourth Doctor previously visited Karn in The Brain of Morbius. The Sisterhood also recurred in Eighth Doctor Big Finish stories.[7] Production[edit] The look of the Eighth Doctor was significantly different from Paul McGann's first appearance in 1996 The idea for "The Night of the Doctor" came following the creation of the previously unknown incarnation of the Doctor played by John Hurt in "The Name of the Doctor". Steven Moffat decided that he wanted to see how this Doctor came into being, with the best story idea being a direct regeneration from the Eighth Doctor, which would have the added benefit of showing the end of the Eighth Doctor, which Moffat had always wanted to see. Having contacted Paul McGann, who indicated his willingness to participate, Moffat then constructed the mini-episode to serve as an additional surprise for the fans, as well as serving as an introductory piece to "The Day of the Doctor".[8] The mini-episode was produced as part of the production schedule of "The Day of the Doctor", with filming taking place on the final two days of the shoot, the 4 and 5 May 2013; rather than a return to the costume from the TV movie, or using the new image that Big Finish had introduced, Moffat decided on a variation of the TV movie outfit designed by Howard Burden, which referenced that image, in retaining the long green coat and grey waistcoat, but making it appear more of an "adventurer's" rather than "gentleman's" outfit.[8] Broadcast and reception[edit] The broadcast of the episode came as a surprise to viewers, as it was announced via Twitter less than an hour before its release.[9] The appearance of Paul McGann was similarly unexpected. The mini-episode was intended to be released during the actual week of the anniversary, but was brought forward owing to the fact that its existence, as well as the surprise presence of McGann as the Eighth Doctor, were about to be leaked.[10] "The Night of the Doctor" received over 2.5 million views within the week of its release. McGann's reprise performance was met with acclaim; fans of the episode campaigned for the BBC to grant the Eighth Doctor his own spin-off series, with one petition on Change.orgaccumulating over 15,000 signatures.[11]
Episode 23....Our 23rd(ish) episode
Two girls, a guy and a TARDIS....The Podcast - Nervous Dog ProduThis is it! We watched the 50th anniversary special, The Day of the Doctor, and we talk about it along with The Five(ish) Doctors and An Adventure in Space and Time. So enjoy!
Studio Episode: L.I.Who 2013 Convention Report
The Cultdom CollectiveA Studio Report of the first Long Island Doctor Who Convention held Nov 2013. Cultdom members Perry Gerakines, Jessica Burke and Anthony Burdge. Hosted by daveac
Studio Episode: L.I.Who 2013 Convention Report
The Cultdom CollectiveA Studio Report of the first Long Island Doctor Who Convention held Nov 2013. Cultdom members Perry Gerakines, Jessica Burke and Anthony Burdge. Hosted by daveac
Studio Episode: L.I.Who 2013 Convention Report
The Cultdom CollectiveA Studio Report of the first Long Island Doctor Who Convention held Nov 2013. Cultdom members Perry Gerakines, Jessica Burke and Anthony Burdge. Hosted by daveac
Geeklectic on Gallifrey's "Oh for God's Sake!" 50th Show
GeeklecticIn this GoG Gab we talk about "The Day of the Doctor" and all the wonderful (and some terrible) Moffatting. Follow Stephen on twitter: @geeklectic Follow Clay on Twitter: @smartpenguin78 Email Clay: Email Stephen: Tell us what you like, what you don't and we might discuss your comments on the show!
Geeklectic on Gallifrey's "Oh for God's Sake!" 50th Show
GeeklecticIn this GoG Gab we talk about "The Day of the Doctor" and all the wonderful (and some terrible) Moffatting. Follow Stephen on twitter: @geeklectic Follow Clay on Twitter: @smartpenguin78 Email Clay: Email Stephen: Tell us what you like, what you don't and we might discuss your comments on the show!
Doctor Who Podcast Episode 58: Happy Whobilee! The 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who
Sound On Sight PodcastWe're celebrating an event half a century in the making, the much-anticipated 50TH Anniversary of Doctor Who. Join Derek Gladu, Eric Mendoza, Beverly Brown and special guest Joy Fleisig as we ring in the Golden Whobilee with our review of "An Adventure in Space and Time" & "The Day of the Doctor".
Oh, and there be Spoilers ahead, sweeties.
And feel free to give us a rating on Itunes. It supports the show and is probably slimming.
Follow Joy on Twitter @datadivajf
The post Doctor Who Podcast Episode 58: Happy Whobilee! The 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who appeared first on Sound On Sight.
Doctor Who Podcast Episode 58: Happy Whobilee! The 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who
Sound On Sight PodcastWe're celebrating an event half a century in the making, the much-anticipated 50TH Anniversary of Doctor Who. Join Derek Gladu, Eric Mendoza, Beverly Brown and special guest Joy Fleisig as we ring in the Golden Whobilee with our review of "An Adventure in Space and Time" & "The Day of the Doctor".
Oh, and there be Spoilers ahead, sweeties.
And feel free to give us a rating on Itunes. It supports the show and is probably slimming.
Follow Joy on Twitter @datadivajf
The post Doctor Who Podcast Episode 58: Happy Whobilee! The 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who appeared first on Sound On Sight.
Doctor Who Podcast Episode 58: Happy Whobilee! The 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who
Sound On Sight PodcastWe're celebrating an event half a century in the making, the much-anticipated 50TH Anniversary of Doctor Who. Join Derek Gladu, Eric Mendoza, Beverly Brown and special guest Joy Fleisig as we ring in the Golden Whobilee with our review of "An Adventure in Space and Time" & "The Day of the Doctor".
Oh, and there be Spoilers ahead, sweeties.
And feel free to give us a rating on Itunes. It supports the show and is probably slimming.
Follow Joy on Twitter @datadivajf
Earth Station Who Episode 55 - The Day of the Doctor
Earth Station WhoAfter 50 years, The Doctor finally had his day and what a day it was! After the record-breaking global broadcast, the ESW crew celebrated the 50th anniversary with an event co-hosted with TimeGate...
Earth Station Who is a show dedicated to the culture around the BBC icon Doctor Who. Join Mike F, Mike G and Dave as we explore the 50 year history and fandom surrounding the Doctor With reviews, interviews and just general talk you never know WHO might pop up.
Earth Station Who Episode 55 - The Day of the Doctor
Earth Station OneAfter 50 years, The Doctor finally had his day and what a day it was! After the record-breaking global broadcast, the ESW crew celebrated the 50th anniversary with an event co-hosted with TimeGate Convention, Doctor Who: The Forgotten Doctor and DragonCon British Media Track. Mike, Mike, Jen, and the Phantom Troublemaker had a blast sharing … Continue reading
Episode 46: McGann you believe it?
The You Who PodcastKicking off our week-long anniversary celebrations with 'Night of the Doctor'.
Please listen, do.
The Weekend of the Krynoid
The Krynoid Podcast"I don't want to go!"
A popular phrase this Doctor Who 50th Anniversary weekend. And maybe Jim didn't fancy the visit to Martin's house and all the danger that entailed.
But there was Who to be celebrated and our intrepid podcasters braved crowds, a clergyman and an under-cooked Dalek cake to pay their respects to the venerable Time Lord.
And here's what they made of the veritable (Verity-able?) smorgasbord of Who delights...
The Weekend of the Krynoid
The Krynoid Podcast"I don't want to go!"
A popular phrase this Doctor Who 50th Anniversary weekend. And maybe Jim didn't fancy the visit to Martin's house and all the danger that entailed.
But there was Who to be celebrated and our intrepid podcasters braved crowds, a clergyman and an under-cooked Dalek cake to pay their respects to the venerable Time Lord.
And here's what they made of the veritable (Verity-able?) smorgasbord of Who delights...
The Weekend of the Krynoid
The Krynoid Podcast"I don't want to go!"
A popular phrase this Doctor Who 50th Anniversary weekend. And maybe Jim didn't fancy the visit to Martin's house and all the danger that entailed.
But there was Who to be celebrated and our intrepid podcasters braved crowds, a clergyman and an under-cooked Dalek cake to pay their respects to the venerable Time Lord.
And here's what they made of the veritable (Verity-able?) smorgasbord of Who delights...
4B: Pex Lives Presents the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Discussion (bonus)
Pex Lives' Podcast
The Pex Lives Podcast team, James and Kevin, discuss Doctor Who's 50th anniversary. Topics include the John F. Kennedy assassination, An Adventure in Space and Time, The Science of Doctor Who, The Night of the Doctor, The Last Day, and The Day of the Doctor.
episode 40 - The Day of The Doctor Review Special
MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who PodcastJoin the WHOniverse crew (Mark, Trish, Ed and Christian) as they review the 50th Anniversary episode of Doctor Who. It certainly was The Day of The Doctor and they've got plenty to say about it. Plus they also talk about the bio-pic "An Adventure in Space and Time" as well. It's an hour of informative fun with markwho42!!
episode 40 - The Day of The Doctor Review Special
MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who PodcastJoin the WHOniverse crew (Mark, Trish, Ed and Christian) as they review the 50th Anniversary episode of Doctor Who. It certainly was The Day of The Doctor and they've got plenty to say about it. Plus they also talk about the bio-pic "An Adventure in Space and Time" as well. It's an hour of informative fun with markwho42!!