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Geeklectic on Gallifrey - An Adventure in Space and Time
GeeklecticIn this episode, Stephen manages to change the title of "An Adventure in Space and Time" at least 12 times. Also - in a rare case of role reversal, Stephen rants while Clay is calm and calculated. Please send any comments to
Geeklectic on Gallifrey - An Adventure in Space and Time
GeeklecticIn this episode, Stephen manages to change the title of "An Adventure in Space and Time" at least 12 times. Also - in a rare case of role reversal, Stephen rants while Clay is calm and calculated. Please send any comments to
Review of the year - so far!
The Doctor Who PodcastJoin James, Stephen and Ian as they get together to talk about….well, it’s a geek-out so anything’s on the cards. It’s only natural however that the conversation heads in the direction of reviewing the 50th Anniversary year. All three attended the Celebration at the Excel so that gets a review along with a chat about all the other celebratory events that have taken place . In all the excitement, a lone voice dares to say; yes Doctor Who has taken over television – but has there been enough of the actual flagship show itself? Would we have traded the Afterparty and The Science of Doctor Who for another episode of the show itself? Hmmm.
Next week – it’s BACK! Yes, it’s our Christmas Quiz!!
Review of the year - so far!
The Doctor Who PodcastJoin James, Stephen and Ian as they get together to talk about….well, it’s a geek-out so anything’s on the cards. It’s only natural however that the conversation heads in the direction of reviewing the 50th Anniversary year. All three attended the Celebration at the Excel so that gets a review along with a chat about all the other celebratory events that have taken place . In all the excitement, a lone voice dares to say; yes Doctor Who has taken over television – but has there been enough of the actual flagship show itself? Would we have traded the Afterparty and The Science of Doctor Who for another episode of the show itself? Hmmm.
Next week – it’s BACK! Yes, it’s our Christmas Quiz!!
The Doctor Who Podcast #240 - Review of the year - so far!
The Doctor Who PodcastJoinJames, Stephen and Ian as they get together to talk about....well, it's a geek-out so anything's on the cards. It's only natural however that the conversation heads in the direction of reviewing the 50th Anniversary year. All three attended the Celebration at the Excel so that gets a review along with a chat about all [...]
Advent 11 2013
The Minute Doctor Who PodcastAvailable in YouTubeHD –
Episode 3: He's Back And It's About Time
Stories From The Vortex: A Doctor Who Audio Adventures Podcast
This episode finds Matthew Kresal, Mary Lang and Robert Haynes reviewing Storm Warning and Sword Of Orion, the first two Big Finish eighth Doctor stories from 2001. Topics brought up in the process include Paul McGann's voice, "traditional" Doctor Who, surprise appearances (or lack thereof) while Robert gets annoyed with jetpacks and accents.
You can subcribe to the podcast via iTunes and if you'd like to send in feedback to the podcast you can do so at
Stories From The Vortex is an unofficial and unlicensed Doctor Who podcast and is not affiliated to the British Broadcasting Company (BBC), AudioGo or Big Finish Productions in any way. Doctor Who is a registered trademark of the BBC. No copyright infringement intended.
TDP 359: Destiny of the Doctor 10 Deaths Deal
Tin Dog PodcastResponding to multiple maydays, the TARDIS lands on the planet of Death’s Deal, but the distress calls are old, the final echoes of terrified lost souls. This is an exotic world of lethal creatures, nicknamed ‘The Deadliest Planet in the Galaxy’, and only the brave, foolhardy or greedy would ever dare to visit. Finding themselves stranded among a motley bunch of space-tourists, the Doctor and Donna must lead a struggle for survival against the frenzied wildlife, as they slowly realise that other members of the group have very different agendas. And soon the Doctor learns of an even bigger threat hiding on Death’s Deal. Somewhere deep below the surface, is something that must never be unearthed.Time is running out, and only an impossible survivor holds the key… PLEASE NOTE: THE CD RELEASE DOES NOT COME WITH A FREE DOWNLOAD OF THE STORY. Written By: Darren JonesDirected By: John Ainsworth Cast Catherine Tate (Donna Noble), Duncan Wisbey (Krux/Erskine)
The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #198
The 20mb Doctor Who PodcastPower of the Daleks ReImagined Adam, Matthew, Mary, Robert, Kirby and Ben talk Doctor Who. We also have news and a little feedback.
Attack of the Cybermen
The Rather Awful Doctor Who Episode GuideWe take on 1985's 'Attack of the Cybermen', starring Colin Baker before he was good. Warning: Contains Sarah Greene.
Attack of the Cybermen
The Rather Awful Doctor Who Episode GuideWe take on 1985's 'Attack of the Cybermen', starring Colin Baker before he was good. Warning: Contains Sarah Greene.
The Doctor Who Podcast #240 - Review of the year - so far!
The Doctor Who PodcastJoinJames, Stephen and Ian as they get together to talk about....well, it's a geek-out so anything's on the cards. It's only natural however that the conversation heads in the direction of reviewing the 50th Anniversary year. All three attended the Celebration at the Excel so that gets a review along with a chat about all [...]
The Doctor Who Podcast #240 - Review of the year - so far!
The Doctor Who PodcastJoin James, Stephen and Ian as they get together to talk about....well, it's a geek-out so anything's on the cards. It's only natural however that the conversation heads in the direction of reviewing the 50th Anniversary year. All three attended the Celebration at the Excel so that gets a review along with a chat about […]
Advent 10 2013
The Minute Doctor Who PodcastAvailable in YouTubeHD –
Series 10 Episode 1: Terry Molloy Interview
The Preachrs PodcastThe Preachrs Podcast returns for the 10th series of exciting new interviews, reviews and loads of fun!
Today Benjamin chats with the actor who played Davros in the Classic Series, Terry Molloy. Enjoy!
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MUTTER'S SPIRAL 58 - Adventure in Space & Time and Five-ISH Doctors: Reboot
Mutter's Spiral PodcastThe DOCTOR WHO 50th Anniversary celebration continues on the Mutter's Spiral Podcast! This time, John & Will tackle Mark Gatiss's sublime "An Adventure in Space & Time" as well as Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann & a cast of thousands (Smith! Tennant! Coleman! Moffat! Georgia Tennant! BARROWMAN!) in the delightful confection "The Five-ish Doctors: Reboot". Tears and laughs abound as we discuss what we enjoyed AND learned from both of these anniversary "gifts" to fans. We'll also cover some other Who-related media (Brian Cox special, BBC 3 after party) and Sherlock news, and there's of course trivia - even questions going in both directions this week! Please take a listen!
MUTTER'S SPIRAL 58 - Adventure in Space & Time and Five-ISH Doctors: Reboot
Mutter's Spiral PodcastThe DOCTOR WHO 50th Anniversary celebration continues on the Mutter's Spiral Podcast! This time, John & Will tackle Mark Gatiss's sublime "An Adventure in Space & Time" as well as Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann & a cast of thousands (Smith! Tennant! Coleman! Moffat! Georgia Tennant! BARROWMAN!) in the delightful confection "The Five-ish Doctors: Reboot". Tears and laughs abound as we discuss what we enjoyed AND learned from both of these anniversary "gifts" to fans. We'll also cover some other Who-related media (Brian Cox special, BBC 3 after party) and Sherlock news, and there's of course trivia - even questions going in both directions this week! Please take a listen!
075 - What Women Want (Spoilers, It's David Tennant)
Arrow of TimeThis week we take a break from the 50th festivities to bring you an episode out of its time (we recorded it in the past and make occasional dated comments about the 50th happening soon). Listen as Matt is joined by podcasters Kate and Heather with their take on David Tennant, ’cause there’s always more to talk about with this gentleman, ALWAYS MORE!
The break songs in this episode are “Turn To Stone” by ELO, and “Alien 8″ by Lagwagon.
For your WhoTube viewing pleasure check out this sensational tribute loaded with feels called “Doctor Who David Tennant (It Was My Way)” by Seduff.
Advent 09 2013
The Minute Doctor Who PodcastAvailable in YouTubeHD –
episode 41 - Eleven Doctors, Eleven Stories
MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who PodcastJoin Mark Baumgarten and Patricia Helm as they guide you through the WHOniverse with guest co-hosts Meghan Laughlin and Mary Geisler. This weeks show is a review of the 11 Doctor Who "children" eBooks that were released once a month since January celebrating each of the 11 Doctors. These books have now been collected in printed form and are available now from and in February from Plus all the latest Doctor Who news we could find.
episode 41 - Eleven Doctors, Eleven Stories
MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who PodcastJoin Mark Baumgarten and Patricia Helm as they guide you through the WHOniverse with guest co-hosts Meghan Laughlin and Mary Geisler. This weeks show is a review of the 11 Doctor Who "children" eBooks that were released once a month since January celebrating each of the 11 Doctors. These books have now been collected in printed form and are available now from and in February from Plus all the latest Doctor Who news we could find.
episode 41 - Eleven Doctors, Eleven Stories
MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who PodcastJoin Mark Baumgarten and Patricia Helm as they guide you through the WHOniverse with guest co-hosts Meghan Laughlin and Mary Geisler. This weeks show is a review of the 11 Doctor Who "children" eBooks that were released once a month since January celebrating each of the 11 Doctors. These books have now been collected in printed form and are available now from and in February from Plus all the latest Doctor Who news we could find.
episode 41 - Eleven Doctors, Eleven Stories
MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who PodcastJoin Mark Baumgarten and Patricia Helm as they guide you through the WHOniverse with guest co-hosts Meghan Laughlin and Mary Geisler. This weeks show is a review of the 11 Doctor Who "children" eBooks that were released once a month since January celebrating each of the 11 Doctors. These books have now been collected in printed form and are available now from and in February from Plus all the latest Doctor Who news we could find.
episode 41 - Eleven Doctors, Eleven Stories
MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who PodcastJoin Mark Baumgarten and Patricia Helm as they guide you through the WHOniverse with guest co-hosts Meghan Laughlin and Mary Geisler. This weeks show is a review of the 11 Doctor Who "children" eBooks that were released once a month since January celebrating each of the 11 Doctors. These books have now been collected in printed form and are available now from and in February from Plus all the latest Doctor Who news we could find.
2MTL 330: Who Knew it Was Duodecimal?
Two-minute Time LordThis one's a possible SPOILER if you've been avoiding the press for "The Time of the Doctor," as we talk about the nature of Matt Smith's upcoming regeneration.
Whocast #263 - McGanning fur Anfanger (Deutsche)Nach dem uberraschenden Auftauchen Paul McGanns als achtem Doctor im Prequel "The Night of the Doctor" ist offensichtlich ein kleiner run auf die Horspiele von Big Finish ausgebrochen. Zum einen sicherlich , weil gewisse Fangruppen gemerkt haben, wie sexy doch klassik sein kann. Zum anderen mit Sicherheit aber auch, weil McGann abseits vom TV Movie mal zeigen konnte, was fur einen grossartigen Doctor er abgibt. Da das Angebot an Horspielen bei Big Finish auf den ersten Blick ziemlich uberwaltigend ist, versuchen wir hier ein klein wenig Licht in die Audios um den 8. Doctor zu bringen, damit jeder einen kleinen Uberblick bekommt, in welchem Verhaltnis die verschiedenen Sparten zueinander stehen und womit es sich anzufangen lohnt. Ausserdem gibt es heute die Auflosung des Jeopardy-Gewinnspiels aus Cast #260 und wir verkunden den glucklichen Gewinner der Taschenuhr (gelost aus den Spendern fur die 2012 Archiv DVD).
Whocast #263 - McGanning fur Anfanger (Deutsche)Nach dem uberraschenden Auftauchen Paul McGanns als achtem Doctor im Prequel "The Night of the Doctor" ist offensichtlich ein kleiner run auf die Horspiele von Big Finish ausgebrochen. Zum einen sicherlich , weil gewisse Fangruppen gemerkt haben, wie sexy doch klassik sein kann. Zum anderen mit Sicherheit aber auch, weil McGann abseits vom TV Movie mal zeigen konnte, was fur einen grossartigen Doctor er abgibt. Da das Angebot an Horspielen bei Big Finish auf den ersten Blick ziemlich uberwaltigend ist, versuchen wir hier ein klein wenig Licht in die Audios um den 8. Doctor zu bringen, damit jeder einen kleinen Uberblick bekommt, in welchem Verhaltnis die verschiedenen Sparten zueinander stehen und womit es sich anzufangen lohnt. Ausserdem gibt es heute die Auflosung des Jeopardy-Gewinnspiels aus Cast #260 und wir verkunden den glucklichen Gewinner der Taschenuhr (gelost aus den Spendern fur die 2012 Archiv DVD).
Radio Free Skaro #396 - The Great Canadian Wheat Plains Are Safe
Radio Free SkaroStatspocalypse! Yes, in a moment that Warren has feared since the inception of Radio Free Skaro, the 50th Anniversary generated stats to such a degree that they may have become sentient and declared war on humanity. And despite Warren’s hatred of the Devil Numbers, Radio Free Skaro gave you, the listener, comprehensive coverage of viewing figures, iPlayer requests, and other such pointless spreadsheetery.
But it wasn’t all stats (thankfully)! News of Other Doctor dollies, in-depth articles on 3D and the Radiophonic Workshop and more besides peppered the news list, leading up to the main event, the Missing Episodes panel from Chicago TARDIS, featuring Ed Stradling and Dan Hall of the DVD range and our own Steven as moderator. Note to Gallifrey Base users: Try not to divine rumour and nonsense from the facts and statements of truth in said panel. That is all. Thank you and good day! (puts on bowler hat, storms off stage left)
Check out the show notes at
Radio Free Skaro #396 - The Great Canadian Wheat Plains Are Safe
Radio Free SkaroStatspocalypse! Yes, in a moment that Warren has feared since the inception of Radio Free Skaro, the 50th Anniversary generated stats to such a degree that they may have become sentient and declared war on humanity. And despite Warren’s hatred of the Devil Numbers, Radio Free Skaro gave you, the listener, comprehensive coverage of viewing figures, iPlayer requests, and other such pointless spreadsheetery.
But it wasn’t all stats (thankfully)! News of Other Doctor dollies, in-depth articles on 3D and the Radiophonic Workshop and more besides peppered the news list, leading up to the main event, the Missing Episodes panel from Chicago TARDIS, featuring Ed Stradling and Dan Hall of the DVD range and our own Steven as moderator. Note to Gallifrey Base users: Try not to divine rumour and nonsense from the facts and statements of truth in said panel. That is all. Thank you and good day! (puts on bowler hat, storms off stage left)
Check out the show notes at
Radio Free Skaro #396 - The Great Canadian Wheat Plains Are Safe
Radio Free SkaroStatspocalypse! Yes, in a moment that Warren has feared since the inception of Radio Free Skaro, the 50th Anniversary generated stats to such a degree that they may have become sentient and declared war on humanity. And despite Warren's hatred of the Devil Numbers, Radio Free Skaro gave you, the listener, comprehensive coverage of viewing figures, iPlayer requests, and other such pointless spreadsheetery.
But it wasn't all stats (thankfully)! News of Other Doctor dollies, in-depth articles on 3D and the Radiophonic Workshop and more besides peppered the news list, leading up to the main event, the Missing Episodes panel from Chicago TARDIS, featuring Ed Stradling and Dan Hall of the DVD range and our own Steven as moderator. Note to Gallifrey Base users: Try not to divine rumour and nonsense from the facts and statements of truth in said panel. That is all. Thank you and good day! (puts on bowler hat, storms off stage left)
Check out the show notes at
Who's He? Podcast #141 It's a celebration
Who's He?This week it's a mammoth review of everything but The Day of The Doctor! For 85 minutes Phil and Paul cover The Night of The Doctor, The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot, The Last Day, An Adventure in Space and Time, The Day of The Doctor After Show Party and the Doctor Who Celebration weekend at London's Excel Centre (phew!!). Yes they discuss an awful lot in this podcast, so sit back, fill your pipe with your favourite shag and enjoy!
And in the news this week, the time is confirmed for the showing of The Time of The Doctor on BBC1, the special effects team is confirmed for Peter Capaldi's first season and in a bumper edition of Omega's Tat Corner there are more Christmas ideas than you can shake a stick at and one particular piece of tat will spice up the bedroom!
It's a celebration
Who's He?This week it's a mammoth review of everything but The Day of The Doctor! For 85 minutes Phil and Paul cover The Night of The Doctor, The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot, The Last Day, An Adventure in Space and Time, The Day of The Doctor After Show Party and the Doctor Who Celebration weekend at London's Excel Centre (phew!!). Yes they discuss an awful lot in this podcast, so sit back, fill your pipe with your favourite shag and enjoy!
And in the news this week, the time is confirmed for the showing of The Time of The Doctor on BBC1, the special effects team is confirmed for Peter Capaldi's first season and in a bumper edition of Omega's Tat Corner there are more Christmas ideas than you can shake a stick at and one particular piece of tat will spice up the bedroom!
It's a celebration
Who's He?This week it's a mammoth review of everything but The Day of The Doctor! For 85 minutes Phil and Paul cover The Night of The Doctor, The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot, The Last Day, An Adventure in Space and Time, The Day of The Doctor After Show Party and the Doctor Who Celebration weekend at London's Excel Centre (phew!!). Yes they discuss an awful lot in this podcast, so sit back, fill your pipe with your favourite shag and enjoy!
And in the news this week, the time is confirmed for the showing of The Time of The Doctor on BBC1, the special effects team is confirmed for Peter Capaldi's first season and in a bumper edition of Omega's Tat Corner there are more Christmas ideas than you can shake a stick at and one particular piece of tat will spice up the bedroom!
A002 Horror of Glam Rock
Who Back WhenDoc and Lucie are locked in a service station with Bernard Cribbins, Lucie's aunt and an actual member of Boyzone while monsters roam the parking lot.
The post A002 Horror of Glam Rock appeared first on Who Back When | A Doctor Who Podcast.
Advent 08 2013
The Minute Doctor Who PodcastAvailable in YouTubeHD –
Staggering Stories Podcast #173: The Weekend of the Doctor
Staggering Stories PodcastSummary:
Adam J Purcell, Andy Simpkins, Fake Keith, Jean Riddler, the Real Keith Dunn and Scott Fuller review ‘Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor’ and ‘An Adventure in Space and Time’, discuss their time at the official ExCeL convention ‘Doctor Who Celebration’, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:- 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
- 01:05 — Welcome!
- 01:25 – News:
- 01:32 — Doctor Who: ‘Day of the Doctor’ dominates!
- 04:04 — Doctor Who: ‘Legacy’ mobile game now out.
- 05:35 — Doctor Who: Daily Mail review.
- 11:03 – Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor.
- 30:44 – Doctor Who: An Adventure in Space and Time.
- 44:10 – Doctor Who: Celebration.
- 59:52 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at
- 82:18 – Farewell for this podcast!
- 83:11 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.
Vital Links:
- Staggering Stories.
- Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game, Fifth edition.
- BBC: Doctor Who.
- Google: Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Doodle.
- Facebook: Doctor Who Legacy mobile game.
- Tiny Rebel Games: makers of Doctor Who Legacy.
- BBC: Doctor Who – The Day of the Doctor.
- Wikipedia: Doctor Who – The Day of the Doctor.
- BBC: An Adventure in Space and Time.
- Wikipedia: An Adventure in Space and Time.
- Doctor Who Celebration.
- Doctor Who Podcast Alliance.
- Stitcher: Smartphone podcast streaming app.
- Facebook: Staggering Stories Group.
- Google+: Staggering Stories Page.
Episode 113: If I Could Save Time in a Stasis Cube
The Sonic ToolboxSlices of time held in stasis as art. It seems we just can't get away from The Day of the Doctor. This week we try to explain those impossible 3D paintings made by Gallifreyan artists. And while we're at it, we delve a bit into how Time Lords see and experience time. Oh, and then there's the bit about how the Doctor can break inside the time lock that surrounds the Time War.
All the while, Daisy squeeks and rasps thru larygitis recovery.
A-series and B-series temporal ordering philosophy
A Brief History of the A-Theory/B-Theory Debate about Time
Episode 113: If I Could Save Time in a Stasis Cube
The Sonic ToolboxSlices of time held in stasis as art. It seems we just can't get away from The Day of the Doctor. This week we try to explain those impossible 3D paintings made by Gallifreyan artists. And while we're at it, we delve a bit into how Time Lords see and experience time. Oh, and then there's the bit about how the Doctor can break inside the time lock that surrounds the Time War.
All the while, Daisy squeeks and rasps thru larygitis recovery.
A-series and B-series temporal ordering philosophy
A Brief History of the A-Theory/B-Theory Debate about Time
EPISODE233 - Dr Who - The Doctor: 11th Doctor Revisited
The Cultdom CollectiveDoctor Who: The Doctors Revisited. This week it's the turn of the 11th Doctor as played by Matt Smith
EPISODE233 - Dr Who - The Doctor: 11th Doctor Revisited
The Cultdom CollectiveDoctor Who: The Doctors Revisited. This week it's the turn of the 11th Doctor as played by Matt Smith
EPISODE233 - Dr Who - The Doctor: 11th Doctor Revisited
The Cultdom CollectiveDoctor Who: The Doctors Revisited. This week it's the turn of the 11th Doctor as played by Matt Smith
EPISODE233 - Dr Who - The Doctor: 11th Doctor Revisited
The Cultdom CollectiveDoctor Who: The Doctors Revisited. This week it's the turn of the 11th Doctor as played by Matt Smith