Latest Podcast Episodes
Episode 41: The War Games
The Bad Wilf PodcastMartyn and The Pharos Project look for Ryan Reynolds, then Martyn and Imran subject themselves to The War Games.
Martyn: @BadWilf
Imran: @Nerdthropology
The Flashing Blade Podcast - 107 - Doctor Who Podcast
The Flashing Blade PodcastSo. Let's Kill Hitler. Bob n Tony have a look at it.... I mean, what could possibly go wrong?
Well, possibly an American gatecrasher?
Could there be a new presenter?
As A Scientist I can say with absolute authority, that we just don't know!
Episode #27 : Let's Kill Hitler
Gallicast (Francais)Le Docteur est de retour, Thomas, Michel et Jonathan aussi, apres des petites vacances au mois d'aout. Mais qu'on t'il pense de "Let's Kill Hitler". Etait il bon ? Mauvais ? Vous le saurez en ecoutant ce Gallicast. attention, il est necessaire d'avoir vus l'episode avant pour comprendre.
Article 22.3: Day 3 at Dragon*Con 2011
Articles of the Shadow ProclamationIn this episode, Scott, Debbie, Nancy, Sacha, and Cathleen report on Day 3 of Dragon*Con 2011. In other news, Scott met Talkie Toaster from Red Dwarf, and Cathleen's iPhone goes rogue! (Please help her find it.)
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #98 - Review of Night Terrors
The Doctor Who PodcastAfter checking the front door to make it was locked, leaving a light on and having the phone handy we settled down to watch Night Terrors, a creepy entry into the Season 6 lineup. All three DWP hosts are in the campervan this week - Trevor, James and Tom. Hear what they have to say [...]
Radio Free Skaro #270 - Dolls Polyphony
Radio Free SkaroFear Her, one of the lesser appreciated stories in the Doctor Who oeuvre, isn’t a story that the Three Who Rule reasoned (or hoped) would ever be brought up again in Doctor Who, but all three of your intrepid hosts got a distinct Chloe Webber/scribble monster/suburban England vibe from Mark Gatiss’s Night Terrors. That isn’t to say that they didn’t enjoy it, though. Also up for discussion was Episode 9 of Torchwood: Miracle Day, The Gathering, as that series hurdles, or stumbles, to its conclusion next week. All this and the usual dash and sprinkle of news, including the talk of the upcoming UNIT Box Set and some bona fide monumental viewing figures for SPACE in Canada.
Check out the show notes at
Radio Free Skaro #270 - Dolls Polyphony
Radio Free SkaroFear Her, one of the lesser appreciated stories in the Doctor Who oeuvre, isn't a story that the Three Who Rule reasoned (or hoped) would ever be brought up again in Doctor Who, but all three of your intrepid hosts got a distinct Chloe Webber/scribble monster/suburban England vibe from Mark Gatiss's Night Terrors. That isn't to say that they didn't enjoy it, though. Also up for discussion was Episode 9 of Torchwood: Miracle Day, The Gathering, as that series hurdles, or stumbles, to its conclusion next week. All this and the usual dash and sprinkle of news, including the talk of the upcoming UNIT Box Set and some bona fide monumental viewing figures for SPACE in Canada.
Check out the show notes at
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #98 - Review of Night Terrors
The Doctor Who PodcastAfter checking the front door to make it was locked, leaving a light on and having the phone handy we settled down to watch Night Terrors, a creepy entry into the Season 6 lineup. All three DWP hosts are in the campervan this week – Trevor, James and Tom. Hear what they have to say [...]
Radio Free Skaro #270 - Dolls Polyphony
Radio Free SkaroFear Her, one of the lesser appreciated stories in the Doctor Who oeuvre, isn’t a story that the Three Who Rule reasoned (or hoped) would ever be brought up again in Doctor Who, but all three of your intrepid hosts got a distinct Chloe Webber/scribble monster/suburban England vibe from Mark Gatiss’s Night Terrors. That isn’t to say that they didn’t enjoy it, though. Also up for discussion was Episode 9 of Torchwood: Miracle Day, The Gathering, as that series hurdles, or stumbles, to its conclusion next week. All this and the usual dash and sprinkle of news, including the talk of the upcoming UNIT Box Set and some bona fide monumental viewing figures for SPACE in Canada.
Check out the show notes at
16: Night Terrors | Doctor Who Cast | Doctor Who Podcast
Doctor WhocastThe second half of the sixth season continues with the standalone episode "Night Terrors," which Bobby, BJ, Nancy and the returning Brian discuss with great pleasure. We ponder a few listener questions (including what rooms would be standard in our personal TARDISes) from both our Twitter and email as well as in our LIVE chat room via UStream! Subscribe to UStream and hear us live every week. Remember, we are the only podcast that also travels in time!
Doctor Who Cast is a Doctor Who podcast and blog dedicated to the BBC television series Doctor Who. The longest running science fiction show on television which currently stars Matt Smith as The Doctor, Karen Gillan as Amy Pond and Arthur Darvill as Rory Williams. The show’s executive producer is Steven Moffat. For more information on the BBC series go to
From the DWPA - Spoilers Special
Adventures in Time Space and MusicWhat is a spoiler? How do you feel about spoilers? Do some of the 'officially released' bits of information by the BBC and other media give too much information away? James (The Doctor Who Podcast) and Adam (Staggering Stories) host this special where a number of other podcasters give their opinions.
From the DWPA - Spoilers Special
Adventures in Time Space and MusicWhat is a spoiler? How do you feel about spoilers? Do some of the 'officially released' bits of information by the BBC and other media give too much information away? James (The Doctor Who Podcast) and Adam (Staggering Stories) host this special where a number of other podcasters give their opinions.
EPISODE115 - Dr Who 'Night Terrors'
The Cultdom CollectiveThe Collective review the second episode of the latest run of Dr Who 'Night Terrors'
EPISODE115 - Dr Who 'Night Terrors'
The Cultdom CollectiveThe Collective review the second episode of the latest run of Dr Who 'Night Terrors'
EPISODE115 - Dr Who 'Night Terrors'
The Cultdom CollectiveThe Collective review the second episode of the latest run of Dr Who 'Night Terrors'
EPISODE115 - Dr Who 'Night Terrors'
The Cultdom CollectiveThe Collective review the second episode of the latest run of Dr Who 'Night Terrors'
057 - Quiz Answers
The Minute Doctor Who PodcastThe answers and winner of the quiz that comprised the last episode of TMDWP. Watch in HD –
057 – Quiz Answers
The Minute Doctor Who PodcastThe answers and winner of the quiz that comprised the last episode of TMDWP. Watch in HD –
057 - Quiz Answers
The Minute Doctor Who PodcastThe answers and winner of the quiz that comprised the last episode of TMDWP.
Watch in HD -
Staggering Stories Podcast #114: Monster in the Cupboard
Staggering Stories PodcastSummary:
Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith, Jean Riddler and the Real Keith Dunn talk about Doctor Who: Let’s Kill Hitler and Night Terrors, Torchwood: Miracle Day episodes seven and eight, find some general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:- 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
- 01:01 — Welcome!
- 02:07 – News:
- 02:25 — Doctor Who: Another Hugo Award for Steven Moffat.
- 03:42 — Blade Runner: Ridley Scott to make a new film?
- 06:21 — Big Finish: Co-Producing a live action short called Cleaning Up.
- 08:48 — Matt Smith: Karen Gillan is only a 5 out of 10!
- 10:20 – Doctor Who: Let’s Kill Hitler.
- 27:06 – Doctor Who: Night Terrors.
- 41:41 – Torchwood: Miracle Day episodes 7 and 8.
- 60:50 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself atA
- 93:13 – Competition Time!
- 95:02 – Farewell for this podcast!
- 95:42 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.
Vital Links:
- Staggering Stories.
- Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game, Fifth edition.
- BBC: Doctor Who.
- Wikipedia: The Hugo Awards.
- Wikipedia: Blade Runner.
- Big Finish.
- Karen Gillan.
- Wikipedia: Karen Gillan.
- BBC: Doctor Who – Let’s Kill Hitler.
- BBC: Doctor Who – Night Terrors.
- BBC: Torchwood.
- Doctor Who Podcast Alliance.
- Facebook: Staggering Stories Group.
- Twitter: Adam J Purcell.
Tim's Take On: Episode 85(Torchwood Miracle Day episode eight review/Dr Who: Night Terrors review)
Tim's Take On...First up this week my first thoughts review of Torchwood Miracle Day episode eight:End of The Road then an on location review from outside the Whooverville Dr Who Convention in Derby featuring the thoughts of fellow podcasters Chris and Paul from The Pharos Project and Martyn from Bad Wild.
Be warned this podcast does contain a few swear words!
End theme tune is a remix of the Doctor Who Theme by Tony Gallichan of The Flashing Blade Podcast, Tony can be contacted here
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
Tim's Take On: Episode 85(Torchwood Miracle Day episode eight review/Dr Who: Night Terrors review)
Tim's Take On...First up this week my first thoughts review of Torchwood Miracle Day episode eight:End of The Road then an on location review from outside the Whooverville Dr Who Convention in Derby featuring the thoughts of fellow podcasters Chris and Paul from The Pharos Project and Martyn from Bad Wild.
Be warned this podcast does contain a few swear words!
End theme tune is a remix of the Doctor Who Theme by Tony Gallichan of The Flashing Blade Podcast, Tony can be contacted here
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
The man is dead, the man is dead
Who's He?In their second podcast of the week, the Who's He? Podcast take a look at episode 8 of Torchwood: Miracle Day. Phil feels slightly disappointed at this weeks episode, while Paul just enjoys it the happy go lucky chap that he is.
All this plus Doctor Who and Torchwood news and the pair of them stick up for Steven Moffat over some rather unsavoury tweets sent in his direction and completely off topic, Phil uses this podcast as a platform to vent his fury at George Lucas for mucking around with Star Wars again!
The man is dead, the man is dead
Who's He?In their second podcast of the week, the Who's He? Podcast take a look at episode 8 of Torchwood: Miracle Day. Phil feels slightly disappointed at this weeks episode, while Paul just enjoys it the happy go lucky chap that he is.
All this plus Doctor Who and Torchwood news and the pair of them stick up for Steven Moffat over some rather unsavoury tweets sent in his direction and completely off topic, Phil uses this podcast as a platform to vent his fury at George Lucas for mucking around with Star Wars again!
Tim's Take On: Episode 85(Torchwood Miracle Day episode eight review/Dr Who: Night Terrors review)
Tim's Take On...First up this week my first thoughts review of Torchwood Miracle Day episode eight:End of The Road then an on location review from outside the Whooverville Dr Who Convention in Derby featuring the thoughts of fellow podcasters Chris and Paul from The Pharos Project and Martyn from Bad Wild.
Be warned this podcast does contain a few swear words!
End theme tune is a remix of the Doctor Who Theme by Tony Gallichan of The Flashing Blade Podcast, Tony can be contacted here
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
Doctor Who - Who's He? #24 The man is dead, the man is dead
Who's He?In their second podcast of the week, Who's He? take a look at episode 8 of Torchwood Miracle Day. Phil feels slightly disappointed at this weeks episode, while Paul just enjoys it, the happy go lucky chap that he is. All this plus Doctor Who and Torchwood news and the pair of them stick up for Steven Moffat over some rather unsavoury tweets sent in his direction and completely off topic, Phil uses this podcast as a platform to vent his fury at George Lucas for mucking around with Star Wars again! And don't forget to donate to Walk for Lis!
DWO WhoCast - #210 - Doctor Who Podcast
DWO WhoCastTick tock goes the clock - even for the Doctor!
We look at the sublime Night Terrors...
The show surely cannot get any better.
Can it?
Hmm, see you next week.....
The Blues Brothers
Waffle On PodcastWaffle On about The Blues Brothers
Hello and welcome to this months edition of Waffle On in which Meds is joined by regular guest host Peter Coleman as Kell takes a break whilst sorting out his wedding arrangements. Here we talk about the classic 1980 film The Blues Brothers. Written by Dan Aykroyd and John landis it stared Aykroyd and fellow Saturday night live comedian and friend John Belushi. This edition has musical clips from the film and a little treat at the end after the promos.
We have also been nominated in the European podcast awards. Please do vote for us at and you can vote once a day so please pass on to your friends.
Remember we have a Facebook group if you want to join that just head over to Fb and search for us there. Also please do leave us reviews on itines as it would really help us out. Any comments please send to
Meds & Kell
The Blues Brothers
Waffle On PodcastWaffle On about The Blues Brothers Hello and welcome to this months edition of Waffle On in which Meds is joined by regular guest host Peter Coleman as Kell takes a break whilst sorting out his wedding arrangements. Here we talk about the classic 1980 film The Blues Brothers. Written by Dan Aykroyd and John landis it stared Aykroyd and fellow Saturday night live comedian and friend John Belushi. This edition has musical clips from the film and a little treat at the end after the promos. We have also been nominated in the European podcast awards. Please do vote for us at and you can vote once a day so please pass on to your friends. Remember we have a Facebook group if you want to join that just head over to Fb and search for us there. Also please do leave us reviews on itines as it would really help us out. Any comments please send to Cheers Meds & Kell
The Blues Brothers
Waffle On PodcastWaffle On about The Blues Brothers Hello and welcome to this months edition of Waffle On in which Meds is joined by regular guest host Peter Coleman as Kell takes a break whilst sorting out his wedding arrangements. Here we talk about the classic 1980 film The Blues Brothers. Written by Dan Aykroyd and John landis it stared Aykroyd and fellow Saturday night live comedian and friend John Belushi. This edition has musical clips from the film and a little treat at the end after the promos. We have also been nominated in the European podcast awards. Please do vote for us at and you can vote once a day so please pass on to your friends. Remember we have a Facebook group if you want to join that just head over to Fb and search for us there. Also please do leave us reviews on itines as it would really help us out. Any comments please send to Cheers Meds & Kell
Waffle On about The Blues Brothers
Waffle On PodcastWaffle On about The Blues Brothers
Hello and welcome to this months edition of Waffle On in which Meds is joined by regular guest host Peter Coleman as Kell takes a break whilst sorting out his wedding arrangements. Here we talk about the classic 1980 film The Blues Brothers. Written by Dan Aykroyd and John landis it stared Aykroyd and fellow Saturday night live comedian and friend John Belushi. This edition has musical clips from the film and a little treat at the end after the promos.
We have also been nominated in the European podcast awards. Please do vote for us at and you can vote once a day so please pass on to your friends.
Remember we have a Facebook group if you want to join that just head over to Fb and search for us there. Also please do leave us reviews on itines as it would really help us out. Any comments please send to
Meds & Kell
044 - The Unearthly Child Podcast: Let's Kill Hitler
The Unearthly Child PodcastDoctor Who is back in last Saturday's Let's Kill Hitler, so I'm hear to tell you all what I thought. I also talk about the eighth episode of Torchwood: Miracle Day.
'Who' - Is The Man Podcast episode 29: Aussie Aussie Aussie!
'Who' - Is The Man PodcastHello all! In this episode I, along with Robert Haynes, disscus Doctor Who: Let's Kill Hitler and Torchwood Miracle Dat episode 7.
Please send your feedback to or join the Facebook group and chat there.
Article 22.2: Day 2 at Dragon*Con 2011
Articles of the Shadow ProclamationIn this episode, Scott and Debbie report on Day 2 of Dragon*Con 2011. Hey! They met Sylvester McCoy!
Article 22.1: Day 1 at Dragon*Con 2011
Articles of the Shadow ProclamationIn this episode, Scott is reporting in from Day 1 of Dragon*Con 2011.
DWO TorchCast - #9 - Doctor Who/Torchwood Podcast
DWO TorchCastPhil takes a diversion via gravity train whilst mark tells it like it is in this honest discussion about the 9th episode of Torchwood - Miracle Day.
daveac vblog 163
Daveac Video Blog
Updates,changes,goodbyes and podcasts. I toast them all with a wine.
Episode 44 - Planet of the Spiders
Hoo on WhoThis is the BIG one!! 2 Hours of Hoo On Who as we are joined by Chip from the Two Minute Timelord Podcast!! David, Marty and Chip discuss Jon Pertwee's final episode, read listener feedback email and cover DVD Extras for this 2 Disc 2 Entertain Spectacular! Marty performs his first High Speed Review of New Who for the Fall half of Series 6 and we are joined by Dr. Phill to discuss his thoughts on this episode and the music of it and the era. Enjoy!
Episode 44 - Planet of the Spiders
Hoo on WhoThis is the BIG one!! 2 Hours of Hoo On Who as we are joined by Chip from the Two Minute Timelord Podcast!! David, Marty and Chip discuss Jon Pertwee's final episode, read listener feedback email and cover DVD Extras for this 2 Disc 2 Entertain Spectacular! Marty performs his first High Speed Review of New Who for the Fall half of Series 6 and we are joined by Dr. Phill to discuss his thoughts on this episode and the music of it and the era. Enjoy!
The Next Level - Episode 34
Geek SyndicateThis time, Amaechi and Antony look at some of the news coming out of Gamescom and PAX before reviewing Call of Juarez: The Cartel and offering some first impressions of Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Finally, we see the return of the "forthcoming releases segment".
The Next Level - Episode 34
Geek SyndicateThis time, Amaechi and Antony look at some of the news coming out of Gamescom and PAX before reviewing Call of Juarez: The Cartel and offering some first impressions of Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Finally, we see the return of the "forthcoming releases segment".
Article 22: Putting Hitler in the Cupboard
Articles of the Shadow ProclamationIn this episode, we discuss Let's Kill Hitler, and Scott's trip to DragonCon. If you're at the Con, find him and say Hi.
Whocast #205 - Von Speichelleckern und Arsenschluckern (Deutsche)Im heutigen Whocast besprechen Pia und Raphael nicht nur die zweite Episode der vierten Torchwoodstaffel, sondern geben im Horerpostbereich auch noch Lebenshilfe fur die Heranwachsenden. Lasst Euch also uberraschen woran wir mehr Spass hatten: An der Folge oder den Zuschriften...
Whocast #205 - Von Speichelleckern und Arsenschluckern (Deutsche)Im heutigen Whocast besprechen Pia und Raphael nicht nur die zweite Episode der vierten Torchwoodstaffel, sondern geben im Horerpostbereich auch noch Lebenshilfe fur die Heranwachsenden. Lasst Euch also uberraschen woran wir mehr Spass hatten: An der Folge oder den Zuschriften...
MHC #52 End of the Road 4.8
Mostly Harmless Cutaway0 days until The Gathering
- Outside the government. Beyond the police. In today's Cutaway (one of our shortest in a very long while) Eric, Josh, Cat and Andrew Cartmel delve into the not so latest ep of Torchwood, End of the Road.
- Mostly Harmless thanks to Erika (@_HollyGoDarkly_) and once again KEVIN! for the feedback.
- Special thanks to Tom & Co. for supporting us in the peanut gallery.
- This discussion contains miscellaneous Torchwood, NuWHO, and Classic SPOILERS pertaining to Doctor Who. If you are 100% spoilerphobic to New & Classic epsiodes not yet seen, do not complain to us. This episode is MOSTLY HARMLESS & contains EXPLICIT terms and as always expect strokes of innuendo throughout.
- Apologies to Mr. Cartmel and Kevin and anyone else who is currently enjoying Torturewood.
- COMING SOON: Let's Kill Hitler!
Email: EscoWHO ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @Bullitt33 + @BullittWHO
Blog: bullitt33tvblog.wordpress.comCo-host: Josh
Email: whomeJZ ~at~ yahoo ~dot~com
Twitter: @whomeJZCoverart/Sketch Artist: Andrew Cartmel
Email: samwisewise ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @LB_Tosche
The 2am Show: twoamshow.libsyn.comCo-hostess: Cat
Email: fancyfembot ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @fancyfembot
Sci-Fi Party Line:
Sci-Fi Party Line News Network: scifipartyline.netMostly Harmless Cutaway
Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @DoctorWhoMHC
Facebook: Doctor Who: Mostly Harmless CutawayMHC Theme created by E.A. Escamilla
Anonymous cold open by Emily K. (@emilyooo)
MHC #52 End of the Road 4.8
Mostly Harmless Cutaway0 days until The Gathering
- Outside the government. Beyond the police. In today's Cutaway (one of our shortest in a very long while) Eric, Josh, Cat and Andrew Cartmel delve into the not so latest ep of Torchwood, End of the Road.
- Mostly Harmless thanks to Erika (@_HollyGoDarkly_) and once again KEVIN! for the feedback.
- Special thanks to Tom & Co. for supporting us in the peanut gallery.
- This discussion contains miscellaneous Torchwood, NüWHO, and Classic SPOILERS pertaining to Doctor Who. If you are 100% spoilerphobic to New & Classic epsiodes not yet seen, do not complain to us. This episode is MOSTLY HARMLESS & contains EXPLICIT terms and as always expect strokes of innuendo throughout.
- Apologies to Mr. Cartmel and Kevin and anyone else who is currently enjoying Torturewood.
- COMING SOON: Let's Kill Hitler!
Email: EscoWHO ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @Bullitt33 + @BullittWHO
Blog: bullitt33tvblog.wordpress.comCo-host: Josh
Email: whomeJZ ~at~ yahoo ~dot~com
Twitter: @whomeJZCoverart/Sketch Artist: Andrew Cartmel
Email: samwisewise ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @LB_Tosche
The 2am Show: twoamshow.libsyn.comCo-hostess: Cat
Email: fancyfembot ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @fancyfembot
Sci-Fi Party Line:
Sci-Fi Party Line News Network: scifipartyline.netMostly Harmless Cutaway
Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @DoctorWhoMHC
Facebook: Doctor Who: Mostly Harmless CutawayMHC Theme created by E.A. Escamilla
Anonymous cold open by Emily K. (@emilyooo)