Voice of Gallifrey (Russian)

- Description:
- Voice of Gallifrey podcast
Homepage: https://voiceofgallifrey.wordpress.com/
RSS Feed: https://vk.com/podcasts-27236752.rss
- Episodes:
- 117
- Average Episode Duration:
- 0:0:08:08
- Longest Episode Duration:
- 0:1:15:00
- Total Duration of all Episodes:
- 0 days, 15 hours, 50 minutes and 52 seconds
- Earliest Episode:
- 25 April 2012 (10:34am GMT)
- Latest Episode:
- 15 February 2021 (1:20am GMT)
- Average Time Between Episodes:
- 27 days, 12 hours, 1 minutes and 25 seconds
Voice of Gallifrey (Russian) Episodes
Glas Gallifreia 106 - Zhenshchina, kotoraia padaet na Zemliu
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsChego ozhidat' ot starta 11 sezona? Kraten'ko i bez spoilerov – v 106 vypuske podkasta “Glas Gallifreia”. Zavetnyi den' uzhe nastupil. zhdat' ostalos' sovsem chut'-chut'!
Glas Gallifreia 105 - Doktor prizemliaetsia na bol'shie ekrany
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsDoktoromanam prishlo vremia vykhodit' iz khiatusa. Dazhe podkast “Glas Gallifreia” prosnulsia, aki Rassilon v svoei grobnitse. Nastraivaemsia na khuvianskoe nastroenie i gotovimsia k 7-mu oktiabria.
Glas Gallifreia 105 - Doktor prizemliaetsia na bol'shie ekrany
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsDoktoromanam prishlo vremia vykhodit' iz khiatusa. Dazhe podkast “Glas Gallifreia” prosnulsia, aki Rassilon v svoei grobnitse. Nastraivaemsia na khuvianskoe nastroenie i gotovimsia k 7-mu oktiabria.
108 - Женщина, которая упала на Землю
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 43 minutes and 59 secondsВремя подробно и со спойлерами обсудить первую серию 11 сезона. Лэйр и Тибер - к вашим услугам!
107 - По горячим следам #2: Призрачный памятник
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 9 minutes and 14 secondsСвежайшие впечатления от серии "Призрачный памятник" и... Ничего лишнего. Спойлеров - всего щепотка, лично я бы это даже спойлерами не назвал. Никаких деталей сюжета не раскрывается, все прилично! Послушайте и поделитесь своим мнением о серии в комментах. Я жду вас! :)
106 - Женщина, которая падает на Землю
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 6 minutes and 30 secondsЧего ожидать от старта 11 сезона? Кратенько и без спойлеров - в 106 выпуске подкаста "Глас Галлифрея". Заветный день уже наступил. ждать осталось совсем чуть-чуть!
105 - Доктор приземляется на большие экраны!
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 5 minutes and 0 secondsДоктороманам пришло время выходить из хиатуса. Даже подкаст "Глас Галлифрея" проснулся, аки Рассилон в своей гробнице. Настраиваемся на хувианское настроение и готовимся к 7-му октября.
Voice of Gallifrey - 98: Mark Gatiss' Epic Vinaigrette
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIstoriia o, vozmozhno, proshchal'nom podarke dannogo stsenarista dlia khuvian, ibo po slukham, pisat' dlia “Doktora Kto” Getiss bol'she ne budet. Analiz serii “Imperatritsa Marsa”, eio suti i interesnykh momentov. Ves'ma podrobno, ibo v nei mnogo interesnogo.
Obiazatel'no poslushaite!Taimkody, na vsiakii:
00.00 Mark Getiss
03.40 Obsuzhdalovo
24:55 Liubopytnaia teoriia
26:45 Eshchio mysli
Voice of Gallifrey - 94: Victims of Indian Code
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsSegodnia pogovorim o serii pro mordashek-ulybashek-obnimashek (s) Leir
Sumel li Frenk Kotrell-Bois reabilitirovat'sia v glazakh fandoma posle “V Lesu Nochnom”? Prekratitsia li samotsitirovanie i sobiranie novykh serii iz kuskov starykh? Uznaem v etom vypuske!
Voice of Gallifrey - 93: Soft Reboot
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsA vy kak dumali? Miagkie perezapuski nynche v mode, vot i my tuda zhe. No u nas vse nastol'ko miagko, chto vy i ne zametite. Tiber dogoniaet poezd desiatogo sezona i tsepliaetsia za pervyi vagon, a vmeste s nim i Leir, kotoryi u nas teper' na postoiannoi osnove. Vot i ves' rebut. Tak chto priiatnogo proslushivaniia! V kontse nedeli zagliadyvaite za obzorom “Ulybashki”, nu a dal'she postaraemsia rasshirit' vypuski vsiakim raznym. Spasibo, chto vy s nami!
Voice of Gallifrey #91: In memory of John Hurt
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds
Voice of Gallifrey #86: News from Whovianville (Cardiff)
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds
Voice of Gallifrey #85: Eww, audio drama
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsThe time has come to open the mind to Big Finish complitely. Tiber and Lair reviews The Tenth Doctor Adventures with awesome David Tennant and stunning Catherine Tate!
Voice of Gallifrey #84: Sound. News. Your.
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds
Voice of Gallifrey #83: Mackie the Pearl
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsTiber and Bruno are here to tell you something about new companion Bill! And we’ll start with the fact that Bill is actually a girl…
Voice of Gallifrey #82: News and Olds
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsWhat happens these days? The fandom is waiting news and as soon as they appear – you will know first.
Voice of Gallifrey #79: The H-word
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsToday we decided to discuss: how do we live until christmas 2016? What could whovians do when this scary h-thing comes? :)
Russian podcast :)
Voice of Gallifrey #78: Herald of the New Year
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsHappy New Year! First news about series 10 for the most early birds of the fandom.
Russian podcast :)
Voice of Gallifrey #77: River's Husbands and the Doctor's Horns
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIt’s christmas and everyone gathering together: The Doctor, River Song, Tiber and his guest Bruno from “Evening Trenzalore”. Interplanetary podcast, ya know :)
Russian podcast :)
Voice of Gallifrey #74: Fastest Show in the Galaxy!
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIt was year ago, when the Voice of Gallifrey was in terrible long hiatus. Now, the 2014 and it’s time to review The Day Of The Doctor.
Russian podcast :)
Voice of Gallifrey #73: The Other Doctor and Raggedy Girl
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsA bit of lecture about a things that happend on Steven Moffat’s laptop in january-february 2013.
Russian podcast :)
Voice of Gallifrey #72: Jess vs Moffat
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsMISSYon impossible: add some logic to Steven Moffat’s script. But Jess did it in a new episode of The Voice of Gallifrey!
Russian podcast ;)
Voice of Gallifrey #71: Kinda het, kinda slash
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsSo! How did the Master became a woman? How did Missy escape from Gallifrey? Where is her TARDIS now? Well, these and other questions Steven Moffat hadn’t answer as ever.
Russian podcast ;)
Voice of Gallifrey #70: Scottish Episode
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds
Voice of Gallifrey #69: Clara Who and TARDIS Snail
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsOmg. So late. Such podcast. Hmm, ok, the podcast is still here. Today Tiber and Paul takes a look on a “Flatline” with all it’s cute and funny moments and OMG THIS EPISODE IS SO COOL.
Russian podcast ;)
Voice of Gallifrey #67: Digging for something that not there... Or?
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsTiber and Jess going to the moon to tell ya why is “Kill the Moon” isn’t so awesome as some people say. But it’s still a good episode though.
Russian podcast ;)
Voice of Gallifrey #66: Clara, be my daughter
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsTiber, Jess and Paul watched a new episode of sitcom “Space Dad” and now presenting a review of it. Also, there are some distraction to the “Listen” but hey, it was awesome episode, so deal with it :D
Russian podcast ;)
Voice of Gallifrey #65: Let's plunder time
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds
Voice of Gallifrey #64: Who stole the blanket?!
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsNo, seriously, who stole the blanket? Tiber and Jess are going to find out this and some other stuff in the new episode of the “Voice Of Gallifrey” podcast. Listen!
Russian podcast ;)
Voice of Gallifrey #63: Ice Bucket Challenge
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsToday Paul, Jess and Tiber will look to the Twelfth Doctor’s soul and beat some plotholes of “Robot of Sherwood” with super Gallifrey spoon :)
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsSo much impressions, so much about Twelfth Doctor and Danny Pink. Can’t say something really bad about the episode again. But there is definately a lot of stuff we can discuss. :)
00:00 – Impressions and episode info
10:00 – Thoughts about Doctor 12
17:00 – Visuals
21:00 – Characters
24:16 -- Danny
27:34 -- Clara
31:05 -- Journey
34:20 -- Missy
Voice of Gallifrey #61: Tick-tock, slow-mo!
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsSo, it’s a review of a Deep Breath, Yeah, just like on almost all other shows, blogs and websites! :D
00:55 – Peter Capaldi
04:10 – Visuals
08:45 – Sound
13:55 – Characters
22:10 – Story
31:25 – Series Eight
Voice of Gallifrey #60: Alone at the microphone
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsHey-hey. The summer is cool… I mean hot. Hot great summer. But the show STILL lives! Some news today. Tiber-only edition.
We are still a russian podcast, so, you may try to listen it if you are russian or you want to confuse yourself with a bunch of straaaaange noises. :)
Voice of Gallifrey #59: WTF is fanfiction?
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsSlash, AU, R, PG… WTF?! Jess will explain.
We are still a russian podcast, so, you may try to listen it if you are russian or you want to confuse yourself with a bunch of straaaaange noises. :)
Voice of Gallifrey #58: The Time of the CapalDOS
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsYay! Voice of Gallirey is’t dormant anymore. With Matt Smith’s departure four months ago, Tiber, Paul and Jess decided it’s the best time to do it.
We are still a russian podcast, so, you may try to listen it if you are russian or you want to confuse yourself with a bunch of straaaaange noises. :)
The Voice Of Gallifrey #57
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds
The Voice Of Gallifrey - Happy New Year!
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds
The Voice Of Gallifrey #53
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsNovyi vypusk! Vypusk 53, ili “Gudbai Pondz” ili “Opiat' vedushchie ne mogut sosredotochit'sia i nesut kakuiu-to chush'”. Nu, s kem ne byvaet, dorogie slushateli, s kem ne byvaet.
Segodnia my povedaem vam paru slukhov o prodolzhenii sed'mogo sezona i obsudim pervuiu polovinu sed'mogo sezona, a takzhe, konechno, ego dusherazdiraiushchuiu kontsovku.
“Glas Gallifreia” zhelaet vam priiatnykh ostatkov voskresen'ia i udachnoi rabochei nedeli.
The Voice Of Gallifrey #52
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsAn interview about “StarCon – 2012″ with Little Squirrel.
Novyi vypusk!
Segodnia my, s NEBOL'ShIM opozdaniem, speshim predstavit' vashemu vnimaniiu interv'iu o takom meropriiatii kak “Starkon”, kotoroe imelo mesto byt' minuvshim letom.
Nash dorogoi gost' v podrobnostiakh rasskazhet obo vsekh interesnostiakh, kotorye mozhno bylo tam otyskat'.
The Voice Of Gallifrey #51
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsWarning! Some spoilers ahead! But not so much.
A reviews of “A Town Called Mercy” and “The Power of Three”
The Voice Of Gallifrey #50
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsWarning! Some spoilers ahead! But not so much.
Hello and welcome, this is the 50th episode of “The Voice Of Gallifrey” podcast and today we are making review of episode 7.02 “Dinosaurs on a Spaceship”. It’s Gid, Paul and Julianna near the microphones today. Thanks to all the listeners!
The Voice Of Gallifrey #49
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsWarning! Spoilers ahead!
We’re sorry for delay. It’s about time, because we’ve been need some of that to rest after this epic adventure. Of course it is time to review “Asylum of the Daleks”. Hope, it was useful. Thanks!
The Voice Of Gallifrey #48
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsA new episode of “The Voice Of Gallifrey” podcast we decided to call “Madhouse of the Daleks”. Because suddenly there are four of us! Today Gideon, Paul, Julianna and the Squirrel will talk about news, make announces for a few foreign podcasts and speculation about what if russian producers would make an adaptation of the “Doctor Who”. Madhouse…
The Voice Of Gallifrey #47
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsHi everyone, this time in “The Voice Of Gallifrey” some speculations about the series 7 and of course Olympic Games with… No, not David Tennant. We’re sorry, but he wasn’t there, you probably were dreaming.
Well, never mind. This is the new episode of “The Voice Of Gallifrey” with Gideon, Paul and our new companion Juliana
The Voice Of Gallifrey #46
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsDC/DdegDo-N, D'D3/4ND3/4D3D,Du ND>>NNDdegNDuD>>D,, D1/2DdegD'DuDuD1/4NN, NND3/4 D2N ND3/4ND3/4ND3/4 D?ND3/4D2D3/4D'D,NDu NND3/4 D>>DuND3/4, D2DuD'N D3/4NNDdegD>>NN D2NDuD3D3/4 D3/4D'D,D1/2 D1/4DuNNN! DD,D' D, DD3/4D>> D1/2Ddeg NDoNDoN D1/2Du DPDdegD>>NNNNN, Ddeg D?D3/4ND3/4D1/4N D3/4D1/2D, D, D*DdegD?D,NDdegD>>D, 46-D1 D2ND?NNDo D?D3/4D'DoDdegNNDdeg D?D3/4ND>>Du ND3/4D>>D,D'D1/2D3/4D3D3/4 D?DuNDuNND2Ddeg. DNDuD'ND?NDuDPD'DuD1/4 NNDdegD*N, NND3/4 D2ND?NNDo D?D3/4NND, D1/2D, D3/4 NND1/4. DD3/4D1/2DuND1/2D3/4, D1/4N D3/4D+-NND'D,D1/4 NNDuD1D>>DuN D, D1/2D3/4D2D3/4NND,, D1/2D3/4 D2NN D3/4NNDdegD>>ND1/2D3/4Du, NND3/4 D3/4D+-NND1/2D3/4 D*D2NND,N D2 “DD>>DdegNDu DDdegD>>D>>D,NNDuN” (DD>>NN DoD3/4Du-NND3/4 D1/2D3/4D2D3/4Du) D+-ND'DuN ND3/4 ND>>DuD'NNNDuD3D3/4, NDPDu D?D3/4D>>D1/2D3/4NDuD1/2D1/2D3/4D3D3/4 D2ND?NNDoDdeg. DNNDdegD2DdegD1NDuNN N D1/2DdegD1/4D,, D'NND*NN!
Download: Voice_Of_Gallifrey_46.mp3
D!DoDdegNDdegNN/Download (15 DD)
DDdegN D!DdegD1N
D!NNDdegD1/2D,NDoDdeg DDoD3/4D1/2NDdegDoNDu
The Voice Of Gallifrey #45
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsNovyi vypusk! Segodnia my delimsia s vami svezhimi novostiami i, konechno, anonsami angliiskikh podkastov. Vsio po planu – leto, nebol'shoi zastoi. My obiazatel'no pridumaem dlia vas chto-nibud' interesnoe v blizhaishem budushchem, ostavaites' s “Glasom Gallifreia”!
The Voice Of Gallifrey #45
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsDD3/4D2ND1 D2ND?NNDo! D!DuD3D3/4D'D1/2N D1/4N D'DuD>>D,D1/4NN N D2DdegD1/4D, ND2DuDPD,D1/4D, D1/2D3/4D2D3/4NNND1/4D, D,, DoD3/4D1/2DuND1/2D3/4, DdegD1/2D3/4D1/2NDdegD1/4D, DdegD1/2D3D>>D,D1NDoD,N D?D3/4D'DoDdegNND3/4D2. DNN D?D3/4 D?D>>DdegD1/2N – D>>DuND3/4, D1/2DuD+-D3/4D>>NND3/4D1 D*DdegNND3/4D1. DN D3/4D+-ND*DdegNDuD>>ND1/2D3/4 D?ND,D'ND1/4DdegDuD1/4 D'D>>N D2DdegN NND3/4-D1/2D,D+-ND'N D,D1/2NDuNDuND1/2D3/4Du D2 D+-D>>D,DPDdegD1NDuD1/4 D+-ND'NNDuD1/4, D3/4NNDdegD2DdegD1NDuNN N “DD>>DdegND3/4D1/4 DDdegD>>D>>D,NNDuN”!
Download: Voice_Of_Gallifrey_45.mp3
D!DoDdegNDdegNN/Download (14 DD)
DDdegN D!DdegD1N
D!NNDdegD1/2D,NDoDdeg DDoD3/4D1/2NDdegDoNDu
The Voice Of Gallifrey #44
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsNovyi vypusk! Segodnia my delimsia s vami svezhimi novostiami i, konechno, anonsami angliiskikh podkastov. Vsio po planu – leto, nebol'shoi zastoi. My obiazatel'no pridumaem dlia vas chto-nibud' interesnoe v blizhaishem budushchem, ostavaites' s “Glasom Gallifreia”!