Bigger on the Inside

- Description:
- No matter if you're new to Doctor Who or a longtime fan, Bigger on the Inside is the podcast for you! The two hosts - one a very knowledgeable fan, the other being new to the program - will examine every serial with keen eyes and an unending wit.
Homepage: Bigger on the Inside
RSS Feed:
- Episodes:
- 190
- Average Episode Duration:
- 0:1:19:20
- Longest Episode Duration:
- 0:6:04:15
- Total Duration of all Episodes:
- 10 days, 11 hours, 13 minutes and 14 seconds
- Earliest Episode:
- 23 November 2008 (4:00pm GMT)
- Latest Episode:
- 7 December 2023 (2:05pm GMT)
- Average Time Between Episodes:
- 28 days, 21 hours, 42 minutes and 58 seconds
Bigger on the Inside Episodes
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 85
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 59 minutes and 44 secondsThe Doctor's role as the master manipulator begins to shine through as his earliest adventure on Earth is retconned into something rather sinister in "Remembrance of the Daleks." And in "The Happiness Patrol," The Doctor and Ace are far from happy when they discover an emotionally oppressed society run by a tyrant and her candy-skinned assassin! Before starting this episode, keep the following questions in mind: what will Dan and Mike have to say about The Doctor's final act against Skaro, did Mike have a change of heart about "The Happiness Patrol," and just how awesome is the Special Weapons Dalek? (The answer to the last one is easy: freaking awesome!) Also, make sure to listen all the way to the end of the program for a special message from our friend Tom Deja.
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 84
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 24 minutes and 4 secondsFirstly, roving gangs, killer machines, cannibal grannies, and an undying architect plague The Doctor and Mel ("Paradise Towers"). Then genocidal mercenaries hunt an alien queen to Earth, in an effort to destroy her and her rapidly growing spawn ("Delta and the Bannermen"). And lastly, a dragon holds the key to an icy madman's freedom ("Dragonfire"). Additionally, Dan teaches Mike a new word, Mel leaves The Doctor to take up with Sabalom Glitz, Ace debuts, and Dan believes the 24th season just might be the worst ever.
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 83
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 39 minutes and 14 secondsIn "Time and The Rani," Sylvester McCoy, the final classic-era Doctor, makes his not-so-grand debut by wearing a Colin Baker wig, pratfalling, playing the spoons, screwing up common phrases, and stopping The Rani by letting her escape. Also, Dan has feelings about the opening credits (and they're not warm or fuzzy), and an old friend returns to the show.
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 82
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 58 minutes and 37 secondsColin Baker's final season of Doctor Who begins and comes to an end in this episode of Bigger on the Inside. In the 14-part "The Trial of a Time Lord," The Doctor must fight for his remaining lives against a supposedly immortal robot ("The Mysterious Planet"), a returned Sil ("Mindwarp"), vulgar-looking plant-monsters ("Terror of the Vervoids"), and his accuser: The Valeyard ("The Ultimate Foe")! As Dan and Mike say goodbye to Peri and Colin Baker, they greet Mel, have fun with the Vervoid costumes, and Mike discovers a new fetish: grannies with assault rifles.
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 81
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 48 minutes and 50 secondsThe 22nd season of Doctor Who comes to a close as The Doctor prevents a mutant from committing genocide ("Timelash"), and then he steps in as Davros attempts to turn humans into the new Dalek race ("Revelation of the Daleks"). From there the guys discuss the mini-episode "A Fix with Sontarans," the 18-month hiatus, and, sigh, "Doctor in Distress." Also, Peri does something useful, and Dan has an epic rant.
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 80
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 56 minutes and 45 secondsAfter spending five minutes gushing about a podcast, Dan and Mike close out 2011 by banging their heads against the wall while discussing "The Mark of the Rani" (with a character-damaging appearance by The Master) and "The Two Doctors" (with Patrick Troughton spending the bulk of his time strapped into or on things).
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 79
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 8 minutes and 25 secondsUsing an ill-gotten time machine, the Cybermen plan to destroy Earth in 1985, thus saving Mondas one year before their very first encounter with The Doctor ("Attack of the Cybermen"). Then, a dying TARDIS needs a rare ore to survive, but to acquire it The Doctor and Peri must withstand the endless traps of a mindlessly violent television show ("Vengeance on Varos").
Doctor Who: The Caves of Androzani DVD commentary trailer
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 37 secondsTo purchase the DVD commentary of Doctor Who: The Caves of Androzani for only $1.99, visit
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 78
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 36 minutes and 25 secondsDepending on which host you ask, "The Twin Dilemma" is either rote or enjoyable. However, once Colin Baker is factored in, they agree rather mightily on his awesomeness! Also, the 21st season is examined, and Mike reacts poorly to the results of a Doctor Who Magazine poll.
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 77
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 15 minutes and 28 seconds"Planet of Fire" and "The Caves of Androzani" bring Peter Davison's era to an end with "the best story of the 48 year history of Doctor Who," a truly emotional performance, and a stunning regeneration. Before Davison leaves, however, we also say goodbye to Turlough and Kamelion, and hello to Peri.
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 76
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 45 minutes and 14 secondsAs the guys speed to the end of Peter Davison's era as The Doctor, both the violence and quality of the series begins to pick up. In "Frontios," despite his reservations, The Doctor comes to the aid of an Earth colony besieged by weaponized meteorite showers. Then in "Resurrection of the Daleks," Davros is freed by his creations because they need him to cure a deadly virus, but it all leads to a Dalek civil war. And the ensuing carnage, bloodshed, and death causes Tegan to flee from her life with The Doctor.
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 75
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 8 minutes and 21 secondsWith only a few minor spoilers, the guys briefly discuss "The Wedding of River Song." Then a listener tells a tale of a Doctor Who-related prank that nearly went wrong. As for the two stories, first, in "Warriors of the Deep," the Silurians and Sea Devils are back, and are up to their old man-eradicating ways. And in "The Awakening," a long-buried alien force takes control of a village during a reenactment of the English Civil War. Mixed in with the green paint of the Myrka are lots of truly random references, often to better programming. Note: The duo experienced Internet issues during the recording, leading to some less-than-desirable bits of audio.
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 74
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 43 minutes and 20 secondsAs four-ish of the five Doctors try to save their very existence, a traitor is revealed on the High Council of Time Lords! Say it ain't so, Rassilon! This is it! Join Dan and Mike as they gush over "The Five Doctors," a special 20 years in the making!
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 73
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 18 minutes and 14 secondsAs a group of immortals sail around our solar system seeking enlightenment, the Black Guardian makes his final move against The Doctor ("Enlightenment"). Then, in an effort to prevent parliamentary democracy from ever forming, The Master attempts to stop King John of England from signing the Magna Carta ("The King's Demons"). As for the two most recent modern episodes of Doctor Who ("The Girl Who Waited" and "The God Complex"), there are spoilers between 3:40 and 13:40. Vroom! Vroom!
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 72
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 39 minutes and 24 secondsAs The Doctor attempts to save his own life from a small group of undying mutants ("Mawdryn Undead"), and then the lives of those suffering from a leprosy-like disease ("Terminus"), Turlough is introduced as the Black Guardian's sort-of-unwilling lackey / assassin, a retired Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart makes his return, and Nyssa bids the TARDIS and her friends farewell.
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 71
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 2 minutes and 19 secondsOutside of Colin Baker making his Doctor Who debut (in which he gets to shoot and later execute The Doctor), there's not much to say about "Arc of Infinity" and "Snakedance." Well, obviously that's not true. The episode is an hour long, so the guys had stuff to say, such as comments on Nyssa's new outfit, a villain's resemblance to a child actor, and puppets. Lots of puppets.
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 70
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 53 minutes and 25 secondsIn this somber episode of Bigger on the Inside, Dan and Mike mourn the loss of a companion who's been with The Doctor since his last incarnation. That's right, Tegan, the brash Australian woman with dreams of becoming a stewardess has left the TARDIS to fulfill her career path. We'll miss you, Tegan. Also, as the 19th season comes to a close, Adric gets totally obliterated to much laughter ("Earthshock"), and The Master does something but the guys aren't sure what it is ("Time-Flight").
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 69
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 8 minutes and 3 secondsWith a plot about an alien attempting to eradicate all life on Earth, "The Visitation" is a rather rote Doctor Who story. However, the serial is saved by Richard Mace (AKA Mr. Awesome), who Mike suggests might be related to another one-off companion from one of Tom Baker's most beloved stories. Then, in the two-part "Black Orchid," The Doctor is accused of murder, and a family secret prevents someone from corroborating The Doctor's alibi. Before all that, however, Chris Johnson drops by to deliver a segment that highlights the ups and downs of the recently ended Tom Baker era. (Said segment runs from 8:14 to 48:03.)
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 68
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 27 minutes and 50 secondsThe guys lament getting old, talk about how marriage changes one's ability to splurge on DVDs, and they address Peter Davison's costume. Also, Dan and Mike can't agree when it comes to "Four to Doomsday" and "Kinda." Meow!
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 67
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 23 minutes and 29 secondsVirus-infected computers, snobby IT guys, and YouTube posters get the guys bleeping bleep right out of the gate. After that, though, they calm down to discuss Peter Davison's first adventure as The Doctor: "Castrovalva."
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 66
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 9 minutes and 10 secondsAfter seven seasons on Doctor Who and nearly 10 months of coverage on Bigger on the Inside, Tom Baker departs the role of The Doctor during the four-part serial "Logopolis." Join Dan and Mike as the speak about the man whose impossibly long scarf and wild mane made him a worldwide icon who's still synonymous with the role all these years later. This episode also looks back at the 18th season of Doctor Who, as well as the two most recent modern stories: "The Almost People" and "A Good Man Goes to War." Warning: Spoilers for the mid-season cliffhanger fill the air between 10:28 and 41:35.
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 65
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 37 minutes and 47 secondsOn the final leg of their journey through E-Space, The Doctor and his friends set a race of time-sensitive slaves free ("Warriors' Gate"). Then The Doctor must prevent an old foe from claiming a near-limitless power as his own ("The Keeper of Traken")! We also say goodbye to Romana and K-9, and herald the return of The Master!
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 64
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 26 minutes and 51 secondsBeginning the three-part E-Space trilogy is "Full Circle," in which a group of humanoids are on the run from Marshmen, but little does anyone know the true secret of the aquatic aliens. Then The Doctor and Romana put an end to the Time Lord / Vampire war in "State of Decay." At the top of the show, however, Dan discusses his issues with "Day of the Moon," and Mike his problems with "The Curse of the Black Spot." And throughout the show, the duo eviscerate The Doctor's newest companion: Adric.
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 63
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 43 minutes and 56 secondsDan and Mike start off Tom Baker's final season of Doctor Who with "The Leisure Hive" and "Meglos," two rather forgettable stories. Before that, however, they briefly speak about "The Impossible Astronaut," Mike's new stupid theory about River Song, and Doctor Who-themed cat names. And, of course, they touch on the passing of Elisabeth Sladen.
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 62
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 37 minutes and 18 seconds"The Horns of Nimon" and "Shada" bring to a close one of the worst seasons of Doctor Who, as well as the Graham Williams and Douglas Adams' era of the program.
Bigger on the Inside - A request
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 58 secondsDan introduces Bigger on the Inside listeners to Libby, because he wants Bigger on the Inside listeners to help him introduce Libby to classic episodes of Doctor Who.
Bigger on the Inside - Special 01
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 43 minutes and 23 secondsFor the first Bigger on the Inside Special, Dan introduces us to Trock, or Time Lord Rock, by playing the following songs: "Who Be The Man" by MC Loki, "Blink" by Chameleon Circuit, "Exterminate Regenerate" by Chameleon Circuit, "When Autons Attack" Turn Left, "New Earth" by Tom Milsom, "Who Turned Out the Lights" by Harriet Jones and the Former Prime Ministers, "Feline Fettle" by Harmonies in Whoville, "Gallifreyan History 101" by Chameleon Circuit, "C'mon Leela (Put Your Knife Away)" by Brux Callison and the Entangled Photons, "The Doctor Is In" by Antisoc, "Under Venice" by Laura Simpson of The Ood Cast, and "Journey's End" by Chameleon Circuit.
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 61
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 27 minutes and 16 secondsThe Doctor liberates a metal-deficient planet from its greedy, evil queen ("The Creature from the Pit"), and puts an end to a high-tech drug smuggling operation ("Nightmare of Eden"). Plus, discussion of the new Doctor Who trailer, the recently released short specials, Torchwood, lots of e-mails, and someone disagrees with one of Mike's synopses.
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 60
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 24 minutes and 43 secondsIn "Destiny of the Daleks," the Daleks seek to resurrect Davros in an attempt to gain a tactical advantage over the Movellans. And in "City of Death," the Time Lords visit contemporary Paris and stumble upon an alien's plan to send the entire planet back through time.
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 59
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 14 minutes and 21 secondsIn the final stretch of their journey for the Key to Time, the two Time Lords get mixed up in several feuds. First, that between methane miners and a local tribe ("The Power of Kroll"), then in a nuclear war involving neighboring planets Atrios and Zeos ("The Armageddon Factor"). And finally, as the Key is assembled, the Black Guardian rears his head! Also, the hosts discuss the passing of Nicholas Courtney, the fondly remembered Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart.
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 58
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 19 minutes and 21 secondsAs The Doctor and Romana continue to look for the scattered segments of the Key to Time, they cross Cailleach, an ancient alien criminal hiding on Earth ("The Stones of Blood"), and Grendel, a Count with his murderous eyes on the crown ("The Androids of Tara"). Note: This episode was recorded before the passing of Nicholas Courtney, hence the reason his death isn't mentioned at the top of the show. Look for Dan and Mike's thoughts about the man and his character next episode.
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 57
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 23 minutes and 17 secondsThe Key to Time saga begins with "The Ribos Operation" and "The Pirate Planet," in which The Doctor and Romana must stop tyrants of different kinds while locating the first two segments of the aforementioned key. All that, plus Mike makes one of his famous flubs (in less than five minutes, no less) and proclaims something shocking.
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 56
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 24 minutes and 18 secondsAfter discussing "Underworld" (in which an alien race tries to save itself from extinction) and "The Invasion of Time" (in which The Doctor saves Gallifrey by being a jerk), Dan and Mike say goodbye to Leela and the 15th season.
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 55
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 47 minutes and 6 secondsAn impossibly old skull brings death to a small English village ("Image of the Fendahl"), and a tax collector has subjugated all of the humans living on Pluto ("The Sun Makers").
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 54
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 2 minutes and 23 secondsTrapped inside a lighthouse, The Doctor and Leela must fend off a shape-changing alien ("Horror of Fang Rock"), and The Doctor is infected with an organism bent on galactic domination ("The Invisible Enemy"). Also, the debut of K-9!
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 53
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 31 minutes and 49 secondsIn the longest episode of Bigger on the Inside yet, Dan and Mike speak about two excellent stories! In "The Robots of Death," The Doctor, Leela, and the robotic D84 put a stop to a murderous scheme to end all human life. And in "The Talons of Weng-Chiang," a crazed time traveler who's stuck in Victorian London seeks his lost vessel, but activating it could destroy everything! From there, the two hosts discuss the spectacular 14th season, which just might be the best ever. (During which, Mike has one more chance to pronounce "Mandragora." Does he get it right?) And on top of all that, the hour-long podcasting panel from Chicago TARDIS 2010, which Mike took part in, is presented! That's one hefty show!
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 52
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 13 minutes and 9 secondsIn his grand return, The Master frames The Doctor for the murder of the Gallifreyan Lord President ("The Deadly Assassin"). And a mistake comes back to haunt The Doctor, as a sentient computer with The Doctor's personality causes havoc on a distant world ("The Face of Evil"). Also, the leather-clad Leela joins the TARDIS. Mmmmhhh, Leela!
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 51
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 38 minutes and 47 secondsThe Doctor accidentally brings a powerful alien threat to Italy, and must save a young duke (and the world) from a being of unimaginable power ("The Masque of Mandragora"). Also, the guys say goodbye to Sarah after she becomes the pawn of an ancient alien bent on revenge ("The Hand of Fear"). However, what you're all really waiting for is to hear how badly Mike butchers "Mandragora."
A plea for help
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 4 minutes and 18 secondsMike's computer is on its last leg, and so he makes a plea for help.
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 50
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 32 minutes and 40 secondsUsing The Doctor's head, a mad scientist attempts to resurrect a long-dead Time Lord ("The Brain of Morbius"). Then an evil millionaire conspires to steal a world-threatening alien plant ("The Seeds of Doom"). Dan and Mike also comment on the level of violence in recent stories, and by the end of the show Mike is also oddly prophetic (and embarrassed).
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 49
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 11 minutes and 42 secondsThe Doctor faces Sutekh, the most powerful, evil alien to have ever lived ("Pyramids of Mars"). Then he must stop an alien race from taking control of the planet ("The Android Invasion"). If the last plot sounds a little familiar (RE: generic), well, there's a reason for that.
Help us win a contest!
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 2 minutes and 1 secondMike's fiancee is attempting to win a worthwhile contest, and he tells you how your votes will help! Visit, or text 102829 to 73774.
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 48
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 10 minutes and 55 secondsIn "Terror of the Zygons," shape-shifting aliens use the Loch Ness Monster in an attempt to take over the world, and Harry departs the TARDIS. Then in "Planet of Evil," a humanoid race mines a planet to save their species, but they find something very frightening and deadly. Also, Mike shocks Dan with a proclamation.
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 47
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 26 minutes and 2 secondsTwilight, glitter guns, and clams?! Has Bigger on the Inside turned into horrible slash fiction? No! Dan and Mike are talking about "Genesis of the Daleks," "Revenge of the Cybermen," and the end of the 12th season.
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 46
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 57 minutes and 38 secondsAfter saving a long-lost group of space explorers ("The Ark in Space"), The Doctor and friends prevent the Sontarans from devastating a rejuvenated Earth ("The Sontaran Experiment"). Also, our friend Erin writes in with a detailed e-mail comparing The Doctor to Sherlock Holmes.
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 45
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 2 minutes and 48 secondsTom Baker begins his epic run as The Doctor in the four-part story "Robot." Also, make sure to visit
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 44
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 9 minutes and 28 secondsAs the 11th season comes to a close, so does Jon Pertwee's tenure as The Doctor. And you can bet Dan and Mike have plenty to say about "Planet of the Spiders," the season as a whole, and Pertwee's time as The Doctor.
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 43
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 48 minutes and 12 secondsAfter the TARDIS suffers a power loss, The Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith are trapped on an alien world with savages, Daleks, and a living city ("Death to the Daleks"). Then The Doctor returns to Peladon, where he uncovers a conspiracy while mediating a dispute between the ruling and working classes ("The Monster of Peladon").
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 42
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 4 minutes and 59 secondsDoctor Who begins its 11th season with "The Time Warrior," which introduces both Sarah Jane Smith and the Sontarans! Then in "Invasion of the Dinosaurs," seemingly everyone is in on a conspiracy to rewrite human history.
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 41
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 4 minutes and 40 secondsClosing out the 10th season, the Daleks invade a planet to learn the secrets of invisibility ("Planet of the Daleks"), and, back on Earth, mutated maggots overrun a small town ("The Green Death"). Also, Jo makes her exit from the program. Did the hosts finally come to admire the companion they've been rather cold on? Click it to find out!