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The Doctor Who Podcast

The Doctor Who Podcast
The Doctor Who Podcast - your only source for the latest reviews, interviews, and features from the world of Doctor Who. We review the latest episodes, DVD releases, Big Finish audios, comics and much much more.

Homepage: http://www.thedoctorwhopodcast.com/

RSS Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheDoctorWhoPodcast

The Doctor Who Podcast Statistics
Average Episode Duration:
Longest Episode Duration:
Total Duration of all Episodes:
21 days, 10 hours, 43 minutes and 59 seconds
Earliest Episode:
27 March 2010 (12:00pm GMT)
Latest Episode:
27 June 2024 (8:04pm GMT)
Average Time Between Episodes:
4 days, 8 hours, 23 minutes and 15 seconds

The Doctor Who Podcast Episodes

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #229 - Burning Issues 2.3: Does the actor playing The Doctor actually need to act?!

    9 October 2013 (8:50pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    In this episode, Stephen, Tom andJames discuss the announcement made last week that The Day of The Doctor will be simulcast in over 75 countries around the globe. Now just why didn't that happen with The Five Doctors?! They also bring you the final part in the latest mini-series of Burning Issues - to what [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #229 - Burning Issues 2.3: Does the actor playing The Doctor actually need to act?!

    9 October 2013 (7:50pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 44 minutes and 20 seconds

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    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #229 – Burning Issues 2.3: Does the actor playing The Doctor actually need to act?!In this episode, Stephen, Tom and James discuss the announcement made last week that The Day of The Doctor will be simulcast in over 75 countries around the globe. Now just why didn't that happen with The Five Doctors?! They also bring you the final part in the latest mini-series of Burning Issues - to […]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #228 - Interview with Tara Ward and a review of Warriors of the Deep

    3 October 2013 (10:13pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 42 minutes and 24 seconds

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    The reptiles theme continues this week asJames, Stephen and a special guest talk about the much-maligned Warriors of the Deep. What will the Campervan occupants make of the re-imagined Silurians and Sea Devils and of course, everyone's favourite pet marine monster, the Myrka? Stephen also has the privilege of talking to the wonderful Tara Ward [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #228 - Interview with Tara Ward and a review of Warriors of the Deep

    3 October 2013 (8:13am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 42 minutes and 24 seconds

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    The reptiles theme continues this week asJames, Stephen and a special guest talk about the much-maligned Warriors of the Deep. What will the Campervan occupants make of the re-imagined Silurians and Sea Devils and of course, everyone's favourite pet marine monster, the Myrka? Stephen also has the privilege of talking to the wonderful Tara Ward [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #228 - Interview with Tara Ward and a review of Warriors of the Deep

    3 October 2013 (7:13am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 42 minutes and 24 seconds

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    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #228 – Interview with Tara Ward and a review of Warriors of the DeepThe reptiles theme continues this week as James, Stephen and a special guest talk about the much-maligned Warriors of the Deep. What will the DWP occupants make of the re-imagined Silurians and Sea Devils and of course, everyone's favourite pet marine monster, the Myrka? Stephen also has the privilege of talking to the wonderful Tara […]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #227 - Review of The Ice Warriors DVD and the Big Finish story Bloodtide

    26 September 2013 (8:06am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    This week the Campervan time travels back to 1967 to take a look at the classic story, The Ice Warriors. The story has recently been released on two brand new shiny DVDs and the two missing episodes have been animated, allowing fans to experience the story in a way that simply hasn't been possible until [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #227 - Review of The Ice Warriors DVD and the Big Finish story Bloodtide

    25 September 2013 (6:06pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    This week the Campervan time travels back to 1967 to take a look at the classic story, The Ice Warriors. The story has recently been released on two brand new shiny DVDs and the two missing episodes have been animated, allowing fans to experience the story in a way that simply hasn't been possible until [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #227 - Review of The Ice Warriors DVD and the Big Finish story Bloodtide

    25 September 2013 (5:06pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 44 minutes and 47 seconds

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    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #227 – Review of The Ice Warriors DVD and the Big Finish story BloodtideThis week the Campervan time travels back to 1967 to take a look at the classic story, The Ice Warriors. The story has recently been released on two brand new shiny DVDs and the two missing episodes have been animated, allowing fans to experience the story in a way that simply hasn't been possible until […]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #226 - Missing Episode Recovery rumours!

    18 September 2013 (4:59pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    Discussing rumours of newly discovered missing episodes is a prerequisite of being a Doctor Who fan. Where would be all be if we didn't allow ourselves the secret hope that one day, someone will find the 106 episodes missing from the BBC archives in a box in someone's loft or in the bowels of an [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #226 - Missing Episode Recovery rumours!

    18 September 2013 (2:59am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    Discussing rumours of newly discovered missing episodes is a prerequisite of being a Doctor Who fan. Where would be all be if we didn't allow ourselves the secret hope that one day, someone will find the 106 episodes missing from the BBC archives in a box in someone's loft or in the bowels of an [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #226 - Missing Episode Recovery rumours!

    18 September 2013 (1:59am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 40 minutes and 30 seconds

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    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #226 – Missing Episode Recovery rumours!Discussing rumours of newly discovered missing episodes is a prerequisite of being a Doctor Who fan. Where would be all be if we didn’t allow ourselves the secret hope that one day, someone will find the 106 episodes missing from the BBC archives in a box in someone’s loft or in the bowels of an […]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #225 - Reviews of the Big Finish Plays, The Burning Prince, The Acheron Pulse and The Shadow Hear

    11 September 2013 (9:22am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    Stephen and Michele share similar cultural and Doctor Who histories. They'll agree on everything, right? Judge for yourself as they discuss a recent Big Finish main range trilogy - The Burning Prince, The Acheron Pulse and The Shadow Heart. But it isn't until they turn their thoughts to the casting of Peter Capaldi that things [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #225 - Reviews of the Big Finish Plays, The Burning Prince, The Acheron Pulse and The Shadow Hear

    10 September 2013 (7:22pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    Stephen and Michele share similar cultural and Doctor Who histories. They'll agree on everything, right? Judge for yourself as they discuss a recent Big Finish main range trilogy - The Burning Prince, The Acheron Pulse and The Shadow Heart. But it isn't until they turn their thoughts to the casting of Peter Capaldi that things [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #225 - Reviews of the Big Finish Plays, The Burning Prince, The Acheron Pulse and The Shadow Hear

    10 September 2013 (6:22pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 49 minutes and 44 seconds

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    Stephen and Michele share similar cultural and Doctor Who histories. They'll agree on everything, right? Judge for yourself as they discuss a recent Big Finish main range trilogy - The Burning Prince, The Acheron Pulse and The Shadow Heart. But it isn't until they turn their thoughts to the casting of Peter Capaldi that things […]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #224 - Burning Issues 2.2: Is the Sonic Screwdriver a magic wand?

    4 September 2013 (11:21am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    Join Stephen, Leeson andJames in the second of our newest series of Burning Issues episodes. The Sonic Screwdriver. Love it or hate it, it's become a fundamental part of the show in much the same way as the TARDIS is. But has it's continual presence in the series since 2005 done the show any [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #224 - Burning Issues 2.2: Is the Sonic Screwdriver a magic wand?

    3 September 2013 (9:21pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    Join Stephen, Leeson andJames in the second of our newest series of Burning Issues episodes. The Sonic Screwdriver. Love it or hate it, it's become a fundamental part of the show in much the same way as the TARDIS is. But has it's continual presence in the series since 2005 done the show any [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #224 - Burning Issues 2.2: Is the Sonic Screwdriver a magic wand?

    3 September 2013 (8:21pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 38 minutes and 1 second

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    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #224 – Burning Issues 2.2: Is the Sonic Screwdriver a magic wand?Join Stephen, Leeson and James in the second of our newest series of Burning Issues episodes. The Sonic Screwdriver. Love it or hate it, it’s become a fundamental part of the show in much the same way as the TARDIS is. But has it’s continual presence in the series since 2005 done the show […]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #223 - Galaxy Four and The Underwater Menace

    28 August 2013 (5:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    And welcome to a landmark episode of The Doctor Who Podcast - for the first time, all six hosts appear on this one! But not at the same time..... it's timey wimey. Stephen, Tom andJames zip all the way back to 1965 and talk about the first story in the third series of Doctor Who, [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #223 - Galaxy Four and The Underwater Menace

    27 August 2013 (3:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    And welcome to a landmark episode of The Doctor Who Podcast - for the first time, all six hosts appear on this one! But not at the same time..... it's timey wimey. Stephen, Tom andJames zip all the way back to 1965 and talk about the first story in the third series of Doctor Who, [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #223 - Galaxy Four and The Underwater Menace

    27 August 2013 (2:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 49 minutes and 22 seconds

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    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #223 – Galaxy Four and The Underwater MenaceAnd welcome to a landmark episode of The Doctor Who Podcast - for the first time, all six hosts appear on this one! But not at the same time..... it's timey wimey. Stephen, Tom and James zip all the way back to 1965 and talk about the first story in the third series of Doctor [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #222 - When Stephen met Leeson

    21 August 2013 (10:11pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    Stephen continues his mission to record with the entire DWP Campervan crew in the space of just one month. Not afraid of controversy, Stephen opts to discuss another thorny issue - can Doctor Who really be considered as a British show any longer? Who better to fly the flag for Britiain, but the softest, fluffiest [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #222 - When Stephen met Leeson

    21 August 2013 (8:11am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    Stephen continues his mission to record with the entire DWP Campervan crew in the space of just one month. Not afraid of controversy, Stephen opts to discuss another thorny issue - can Doctor Who really be considered as a British show any longer? Who better to fly the flag for Britiain, but the softest, fluffiest [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #222 - When Stephen met Leeson

    21 August 2013 (7:11am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 35 minutes and 13 seconds

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    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #222 – When Stephen met LeesonStephen continues his mission to record with the entire DWP Campervan crew in the space of just one month. Not afraid of controversy, Stephen opts to discuss another thorny issue – can Doctor Who really be considered as a British show any longer? Who better to fly the flag for Britiain, but the softest, fluffiest [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #221 - An Older Doctor?

    16 August 2013 (10:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    Ian and Stephen are in the Campervan this week talking about the idea of an older actor playing the Doctor. After having several beautiful young men in the prime of their life play the part, we are now presented with a more mature option, Peter Capaldi. Ian and Stephen talk about their reaction to the [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #221 - An Older Doctor?

    16 August 2013 (8:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    Ian and Stephen are in the Campervan this week talking about the idea of an older actor playing the Doctor. After having several beautiful young men in the prime of their life play the part, we are now presented with a more mature option, Peter Capaldi. Ian and Stephen talk about their reaction to the [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #221 - An Older Doctor

    16 August 2013 (7:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 35 minutes and 14 seconds

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    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #221 – An Older DoctorIan and Stephen are in the Campervan this week talking about of all things, the idea of an older Doctor. After having the Doctor played by beautiful young men in the prime of their life we are now presented with a more mature option, Peter Capaldi. Ian talks about his reaction to the casting decision [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast #220 - Burning Issues 2.1: Is Doctor Who a Trend Setter or a Trend Follower and Part 6 (the finale!) of S

    10 August 2013 (3:31am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    Following on from our mini-season of Burning Issues podcasts earlier in the year Stephen Tom andJames are back with the first in a new series. It's often been said that Doctor Who takes its lead from other television shows and films, and certainly, there are times when a new story's inspiration is apparent. But its [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast #220 - Burning Issues 2.1: Is Doctor Who a Trend Setter or a Trend Follower and Part 6 (the finale!) of S

    9 August 2013 (1:31pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    Following on from our mini-season of Burning Issues podcasts earlier in the year Stephen Tom andJames are back with the first in a new series. It's often been said that Doctor Who takes its lead from other television shows and films, and certainly, there are times when a new story's inspiration is apparent. But its [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast #220 - Burning Issues 2.1: Is Doctor Who a Trend Setter or a Trend Follower and Part 6 (the finale!) of S

    9 August 2013 (12:31pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes and 8 seconds

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    The Doctor Who Podcast #220 – Burning Issues 2.1: Is Doctor Who a Trend Setter or a Trend Follower and Part 6 (the finale!) of Seventh HeavenFollowing on from our mini-season of Burning Issues podcasts earlier in the year Stephen Tom and James are back with the first in a new series. It's often been said that Doctor Who take sits inspiration from other television shows and films, and certainly, there are times when a new story's inspiration is apparent. But [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Special #7 - Presenting the new Doctor, Peter Capaldi

    5 August 2013 (11:06am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    The speculation, guesswork, teeth grinding and sleepless nights are over. We now know who will step into Matt Smith's shoes at the end of the year. Peter Capaldi, best known from the BBC comedy series The Thick of It, director of a Academy Awards nominated short film, winner of a BAFTA and two British comedy [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Special #7 - Presenting the new Doctor, Peter Capaldi

    4 August 2013 (9:06pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    The speculation, guesswork, teeth grinding and sleepless nights are over. We now know who will step into Matt Smith's shoes at the end of the year. Peter Capaldi, best known from the BBC comedy series The Thick of It, director of a Academy Awards nominated short film, winner of a BAFTA and two British comedy [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Special #7 - Presenting the new Doctor, Peter Capaldi

    4 August 2013 (8:06pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 19 minutes and 57 seconds

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    The Doctor Who Podcast Special #7 – Presenting the new Doctor, Peter CapaldiThe speculation, guesswork, teeth grinding and sleepless nights are over. We now know who will step into Matt Smith’s shoes at the end of the year. Peter Capaldi, best known from the BBC comedy series The Thick of It, director of a Academy Awards nominated short film, winner of a BAFTA and two British comedy [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast #219 - A new era dawns, more Tom Baker Big Finish reviews and part 5 of Seventh Heaven

    31 July 2013 (9:29am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    JoinJames and Tom for the start of a new era of The Doctor Who Podcast! In this episode, they unwrap and welcome a brand new, shiny, polished, optimistic new DWP host. But who is it?! Well, tune in to find out as we examine his Doctor Who fan credentials. Or check out the Hosts page [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast #219 - A new era dawns, more Tom Baker Big Finish reviews and part 5 of Seventh Heaven

    30 July 2013 (7:29pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    JoinJames and Tom for the start of a new era of The Doctor Who Podcast! In this episode, they unwrap and welcome a brand new, shiny, polished, optimistic new DWP host. But who is it?! Well, tune in to find out as we examine his Doctor Who fan credentials. Or check out the Hosts page [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast #219 - A new era dawns, more Tom Baker Big Finish reviews and part 5 of Seventh Heaven

    30 July 2013 (6:29pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 48 minutes and 34 seconds

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    Join James and Tom for the start of a new era of The Doctor Who Podcast! In this episode, they unwrap and welcome a brand new, shiny, polished, optimistic new DWP host. But who is it?! Well, tune in to find out as we examine his Doctor Who fan credentials. Or check out the Hosts [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #218 - All Good Things

    25 July 2013 (1:35am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    There will be tears, there will be laughter, there will be gnashing of teeth and cries of desperation. All in all, a pretty standard day in the DWP Campervan when we get Leeson to attempt the washing up. While he clatters away chipping crockery and breaking glasses we attempted to record an episode of the [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #218 - All Good Things

    24 July 2013 (11:35am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    There will be tears, there will be laughter, there will be gnashing of teeth and cries of desperation. All in all, a pretty standard day in the DWP Campervan when we get Leeson to attempt the washing up. While he clatters away chipping crockery and breaking glasses we attempted to record an episode of the [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #218 - All Good Things

    24 July 2013 (10:35am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 57 minutes and 14 seconds

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    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #218 – All Good ThingsThere will be tears, there will be laughter, there will be gnashing of teeth and cries of desperation. All in all, a pretty standard day in the DWP Campervan when we get Leeson to attempt the washing up. While he clatters away chipping crockery and breaking glasses we attempted to record an episode of the [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #217 - Review of the Eighth Doctor Big Finish box-set Dark Eyes and part 4 of Seventh Heaven

    20 July 2013 (7:20am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    Returning to the fertile sanctuary of Big Finish this episode, Trevor, Leeson and Michele review the Paul McGann boxset series of audio dramas, Dark Eyes. Heralding a darker, edgier Eighth Doctor, Dark Eyes takes the Doctor that once deliriously marvelled at how well a pair of borrowed shoes fitted, into a new and very exciting [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #217 - Review of the Eighth Doctor Big Finish box-set Dark Eyes and part 4 of Seventh Heaven

    19 July 2013 (5:20pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    Returning to the fertile sanctuary of Big Finish this episode, Trevor, Leeson and Michele review the Paul McGann boxset series of audio dramas, Dark Eyes. Heralding a darker, edgier Eighth Doctor, Dark Eyes takes the Doctor that once deliriously marvelled at how well a pair of borrowed shoes fitted, into a new and very exciting [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #217 - Review of the Dark Eyes, an Eighth Doctor Big Finish series

    19 July 2013 (4:20pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 54 minutes and 36 seconds

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    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #217 – Review of the Dark Eyes, an Eighth Doctor Big Finish seriesReturning to the fertile sanctuary of Big Finish this episode, which sees Trevor, Leeson and Michele reviewing the Paul McGann boxset series of audio dramas, Dark Eyes. Heralding a darker, edgier Doctor, Dark Eyes takes the Doctor that once deliriously marvelled at how well a part of borrowed shoes fitted, into a new and very [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #216 - Dangling, loose ends and part 3 of Seventh Heaven

    17 July 2013 (8:24am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    Ever sat back and marvelled at Steven Moffat's ability to weave multi-threaded plotlines? What a fantastic mystery Clara was, set up almost 12 months before the resolution was presented on our telly screens. Oh, and don't forget the 'Who precisely IS River Song' arc that kicked off all the way back in 2008. But sometimes, [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #216 - Dangling, loose ends and part 3 of Seventh Heaven

    16 July 2013 (6:24pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    Ever sat back and marvelled at Steven Moffat's ability to weave multi-threaded plotlines? What a fantastic mystery Clara was, set up almost 12 months before the resolution was presented on our telly screens. Oh, and don't forget the 'Who precisely IS River Song' arc that kicked off all the way back in 2008. But sometimes, [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #216 - Dangling, loose ends from Series 7 and part 3 of Seventh Heaven

    16 July 2013 (5:24pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes and 2 seconds

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    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #216 – Dangling, loose ends from Series 7 and part 3 of Seventh HeavenEver sat back and marvelled at Steven Moffat‘s ability to weave multi-threaded plotlines? What a fantastic mystery Clara was, set up almost 12 months before the resolution was presented on our telly screens. Oh, and don’t forget the ‘Who precisely IS River Song’ arc that kicked off all the way back in 2008. But sometimes, [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #215 - Interview with Barnaby Edwards at Big Finish Day 3

    10 July 2013 (12:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    They've finally managed to do it. After years of trying, Ian and Michele have finally broken out of the Campervan annex and have 'peacefully occupied' the Executive Recording Lounge! The reason for this incursion however is valid as they've found a Dalek to interview. And this is no ordinary Dalek either - it's none other [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #215 - Interview with Barnaby Edwards at Big Finish Day 3

    9 July 2013 (10:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    They've finally managed to do it. After years of trying, Ian and Michele have finally broken out of the Campervan annex and have 'peacefully occupied' the Executive Recording Lounge! The reason for this incursion however is valid as they've found a Dalek to interview. And this is no ordinary Dalek either - it's none other [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #215 - Interview with Barnaby Edwards at Big Finish Day 3

    9 July 2013 (9:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 35 minutes and 41 seconds

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    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #215 – Interview with Barnaby Edwards at Big Finish Day 3They’ve finally managed to do it. After years of trying, Ian and Michele have finally broken out of the Campervan annex and have ‘peacefully occupied’ the Executive Recording Lounge! The reason for this incursion however is valid as they’ve found a Dalek to interview. And this is no ordinary Dalek either – it’s none other [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #214 - DVD reviews for Planet of Giants and The Ambassadors of Death

    3 July 2013 (12:27pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    This week a veritable feast of DVD reviewing as Trevor, James and Tom chow down on two classic era DVD releases. The First Doctor story Planet of Giants and the Third Doctor story The Ambassadors of Death fall under the microscope of the DWP campervan team. Also included this week is a review of one [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #214 - DVD reviews for Planet of Giants and The Ambassadors of Death

    2 July 2013 (10:27pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    This week a veritable feast of DVD reviewing as Trevor, James and Tom chow down on two classic era DVD releases. The First Doctor story Planet of Giants and the Third Doctor story The Ambassadors of Death fall under the microscope of the DWP campervan team. Also included this week is a review of one [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #214 - DVD reviews for Planet of Giants and The Ambassadors of Death

    2 July 2013 (9:27pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 13 seconds

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    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #214 – DVD reviews for Planet of Giants and The Ambassadors of DeathThis week a veritable feast of DVD reviewing as Trevor, James and Tom chow down on two classic era DVD releases. The First Doctor story Planet of Giants and the Third Doctor story The Ambassadors of Death fall under the microscope of the DWP campervan team. Also included this week is a review of one [...]

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