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Staggering Stories Podcast

Staggering Stories Podcast
Random thoughts from the Staggering Stories team, mainly featuring discussion on television Science Fiction such as Doctor Who, Firefly, Star Trek and so many more. Also general randomness on MMOs and all manner of other geek topics! Come and join in on the insanity!

Homepage: https://www.staggeringstories.net/index2.html

RSS Feed: https://blog.staggeringstories.net/?feed=rss2&cat=23

Staggering Stories Podcast Statistics
Average Episode Duration:
Longest Episode Duration:
Total Duration of all Episodes:
23 days, 0 hours, 32 minutes and 40 seconds
Earliest Episode:
24 June 2007 (7:46pm GMT)
Latest Episode:
21 July 2024 (8:00am GMT)
Average Time Between Episodes:
9 days, 10 hours, 26 minutes and 20 seconds

Staggering Stories Podcast Episodes

  • Staggering Stories Podcast: Christmas Tape 2007

    23 December 2007 (9:37pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith, Tony Gallichan plus special guests Paul (A.T. Wilson) from WhoCast and Alistair Lock feature in various weird bits, out takes and extra interview chunks saved over from prior podcasts.

    Beware: 142% more disjointed than a usual Staggering Stories Podcast!

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #10: A Big Ball of Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey, Crashey-Lashey Stuff

    9 December 2007 (4:06pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and Tony Gallichan talk about Doctor Who: Time Crash, Doctor Who: Timelash, the books of Harry Harrison, reviving, reimagining or repeating old Sci Fi TV, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00.34 — Greetings, yes?
    • 01.16 — Where is Keith???
    • 02.30 — Two and a half minutes in and Tony is already losing the plot.
    • 02.40 – Resurrecting TV from the past.
    • 03.43 — Tony cannot contain himself any longer.
    • 04.45 — Knights of God, isn’t it, look you?
    • 06.09 — Tony’s Rant Number One – Widdecombe!
    • 07.47 — Serenity/Firefly
    • 08.24 — The 25th century is where it all changes.
    • 09.18 — All alone in the night.
    • 10.30 — Blake’s 7.
    • 12.36 — The Tomorrow People (Everyone says no, Tony says yes…guess who’s right? Clue, its not everyone…)
    • 12.42 — Tripods.
    • 13.16 — Star Cops – you just know it won’t be easy….
    • 15.14 — Sapphire And Steel.
    • 16.26 — Oh boy…
    • 16.58 — Sliders.
    • 17.32 — That short-lived programme, Stargate: SG1.
    • 17.48 — Tony’s Rant Number Two – Guinness Book of Dodgy, Made-up-to-sell-books-in-the-USA Records.
    • 18.00 — Quatermass – respect is due.
    • 19.17 — The Clangers – yayyyyy!
    • 19.51 — Don’t tell Professor Nebulous – here comes Bod!
    • 20.53 — Slippery Jim’s first appearance…
    • 21.22 — The BBC’s Ghost Stories.
    • 21.54 — Tony’s Rant Number Three – Anne Robinson (dear Bod, what is he on tonight?)
    • 22.46 — The Boy From Space!
    • 23.52 — Captain Zepp!
    • 24.03 — Noseybonk and The O-Men!
    • 26.04 — Its time to light the lights, apparently.
    • 26.21 — The Spirit of Dark and Lonely Water.
    • 28.37 — Tony’s Rant Number Four – British Children’s Telly – look, blame Fake Keith for this one.
    • 29.20 – Doctor Who
    • 29.53 — Timelash – well, our first attempt..um..look, it’s a tricky one, ok?
    • 30.09 – Ok, Time Crash instead….we’ll get back to Timelash later….much later…
    • 30.38 — Tony’s Rant Number Five – Children In Need….oh the humanity…
    • 39.12 – Ok, look, there’s no avoiding it…..Timelash!
    • 42.23 — The Borat! er… is that right?
    • 42.40 — An actual viewer contribution! Good grief!
    • 44.06 — Android, would you like some cake whilst you do science?
    • 44.23 — Crumbly starts having flashbacks to fantasies about Miss Perpugilliam Brown. Oh dear.
    • 45.24 — Never mind the Morlox…
    • 47.36 — The make up of Doom and Vena’s long distance performance…
    • 48.49 — Revenge of the Maylin – this time it’s ham!
    • 53.36 — The plight of Peri – warning, may contain bad innuendo!
    • 56.22 — Borat meets the Skarasen – Cue Cliffhanger!
    • 56.36 – The book report of Crumbly – Not, alas, Terrance Dicks, but Harry Harrison!
    • 57.02 — The Stainless Steel Rat – what a guy!
    • 59.46 — Deathworld
    • 61.52 — To the Stars!
    • 63.07 — West Of Eden
    • 64.34 — Stars and Stripes Forever.
    • 66.45 — Plague From Space! (Aiieeeeee!!!)
    • 66.50 — War With The Robots (Aiieeeeee!!!)
    • 68.17 – *Letters and viewer feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 73.46 – Fake Keith IS The Law!
    • 87.44 – Goodbyeeeeeeeee!!
    • 88.08 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories
    • Timelash
    • Time Crash
    • Harry Harrison
    • Bod

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #9: The [BLANK]s of Death

    25 November 2007 (5:08pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and Tony Gallichan talk about Doctor Who: The Robots of Death, the World of Warcraft MMORPG, the Dalek Masterplan play and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.10 – intro and theme tune
    • 00.42 — Greetings, yes?
    • 02.25 — WARNING! This podcast kills!!!
    • 04.17 — Where is Keith?
    • 05.08 — The Sauce [blank]
    • 09.48 – World of Warcraft – now with added adverts!
    • 37.06 — The [blank] Game…
    • 39.55 – Doctor Who – The Robots Of Death
    • 55.10 – History Today – The Dalek Masterplan play and Mini Con
    • 71.47 — Scenery madness – cue cliffhanger!
    • 71.53 – Letters and viewer feedback. Hit us yourself at show@staggeringstories.net
    • 75.51 – Goodbyyeeeeeeeee!!!
    • 76.11 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories
    • The Robots of Death
    • World of Warcraft
    • New Theatre Royal: The Dalek’s Masterplan Play
    • DWO WhoCast
    • YouTube – World of Warcraft – Beer Song
    • YouTube – World of Warcraft – The Internet is for porn
    • Amazon.com: Plays Live: Music: Peter Gabriel

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #8: Zen and the Art of Podcasting

    11 November 2007 (9:45pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    For 12 November 2007 (recorded 24 October 2007)

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith, Tony Gallichan and special guest Alistair Lock talk about Doctor Who: The Tomb of the Cybermen, the life and times of Alistair Lock, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.00 – Intro and theme tune
    • 00.33 — Greetings, yes?
    • 00.57 — Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert! Or something..
    • 01.27 — Where is Keith?
    • 02.06 – Doctor Who – The Tomb of the Cybermen.
    • 02.27 — Crumbly’s ‘Troughton in rubber’ fetish resurfaces…
    • 04.18 — Naughty, devious Troughton! Part 1
    • 04.52 — Fake Keith’s brain/mouth interface problems
    • 05.50 — Kleig as played by..er…Art Malik….um…
    • 06.40 — All hail the Cyber-Controller, all hail!
    • 07.10 — Super Mario Cybermen
    • 07.29 — Cyberman interior decorating and it’s relationship to Pink Floyd albums…um..yes…er..
    • 08.36 — History Today – Whence Tomb…?
    • 10.42 — Release the Pertwee Thing!
    • 12.00 — Look, Father Christmas DOES exist…ok? (legal ‘covering of back’ covered)
    • 12.15 — The Cult of Salvador Dalek’s Eyeball….worrying, frankly…
    • 13.48 — Fake Keith, sexism and Tomb. Nothing to worry her pretty, little head over…
    • 15.37 — Troughton the mass murderer!
    • 17.56 — Poor bloody Cybermen…
    • 19.46 — Bad Disney, naughty Disney, in your bed!!!
    • 21.20 — Naughty, devious Troughton! Part 2
    • 21.45 — Fake Keith decides that Adam is, apparently, clever…with hilarious concequences…..
    • 23.12 — £50 to the first person to explain the new currency of….The Future!
    • 26.34 — Next episode Robots of Death – Cue Cliffhanger!
    • 26.45 – Alistair Lock – the man of..um..three voices…oh dear…
    • 28.02 — History Today – Inside Alistair.
    • 31.38 — Alistair makes the mistake of thinking we might actually know what we’re doing with this interviewing lark..
    • 35.40 — Salvador and Clementine
    • 36.50 — Audio Visuals
    • 38.10 — Sonic Waves
    • 38.45 — Takeover Bid and Planet Without a Home
    • 41.00 — Kaldor City, Travis – The Final Act and Logic of Empire – no Terrible Aspect though…phew!
    • 46.36 — Big Finish
    • 47.50 — Ronnie Hazelhurst – he wrote all the Beatles’ tracks, you know…
    • 48.16 — Blake’s Seven – the New Adventures…sort of..er…yes.
    • 52.30 — City on the Edge of..um….somewhere…
    • 55.30 — Look, it needs a Tarrant..any Tarrant, just include one, ok?
    • 58.53 — Incredibly obvious outro to Alistair’s segment….
    • 59.02 – Letters and viewer feedback. Hit us yourself at show@staggeringstories.net
    • 64.30 – Goodbyeeeeeee!!
    • 64.39 — *End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.
    • 65.10 — extra goodies including a ‘New Blake’s Seven’ exclusive!!!

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories
    • Big Finish
    • BBV (Auton, etc.)
    • Faction Paradox Audio Plays
    • Blake’s 7
    • The Tomb of the Cybermen

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #7: The Dalek Special

    28 October 2007 (4:20pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    For 29 October 2007 (recorded 10 October 2007)

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and Tony Gallichan talk about Doctor Who’s Daleks in time for the Dalek Masterplan mini convention on 27th October. We run through the Dalek TV and film stories, looking especially at the two Peter Cushing films, Doctor Who and the Daleks and Daleks: Invasion Earth 2150AD, and Sylvester McCoy’s Remembrance of the Daleks, plus a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.00 – Intro, (ooh, scary!), and theme tune
    • 00.47 — Greetings, yes?
    • 02.24 — Boris!
    • 03.24 — Where is Keith?
    • 03.50 – Doctor Who.
    • 04.38 — History Today – Remembering of the Daleks!
    • 06.23 — Fake Keith and Davros, sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G.
    • 08.34 — The Dead…er..The Muta…no..hang on..Um…Got it!! The Daleks!
    • 09.52 — The Dalek Invasion of Earth!
    • 11.53 – Doctor Who and the Daleks.
    • 13.04 — Tony is REALLY sad!
    • 14.42 — Tony is REALLY a big smart arse!
    • 14.55 — The best line from a Dalek ever, ever in the world, ever – so there!
    • 15.34 — Under the gaze of the Head
    • 18.23 – Daleks: Invasion Earth 2150…AD!
    • 18.46 — Tony is REALLY grumpy!
    • 20.08 — So here they come, the sound of drums…
    • 22.43 — Time is Rel – ative…
    • 23.35 — So… it’s Ronan then, is it?
    • 28.48 — The first appearance of the John Peel Band Name Game
    • 31.31 — The Chase.
    • 31.39 — If your wondering just what that crackling sound is, it’s Crumbly unwrapping a crumbliest, flakiest chocolate bar! Bad Crumbly!!!
    • 32.42 — The Dalek Masterplan.
    • 33.34 — Power and Evil of the Daleks. Yup… had lots to say about them… oopsies.
    • 36.30 — Day of the Daleks.
    • 38.23 — Planet of the Daleks.
    • 38.54 — Keep ‘em peeled….
    • 41.18 — Death to the Daleks.
    • 43.00 — Genesis of the Daleks – despite Crumbly trying to wedge in Spine Millington, the well known typing error…
    • 45.30 — Good grief! Tony actually cracks a joke in really bad taste instead of Adam or Crumbly…
    • 47.00 — Destiny of the Daleks.
    • 47.35 — Tony rants against the Davros box set.
    • 49.55 — Resurrection of the Daleks.
    • 53.03 — Revelation of the Daleks.
    • 54.34 — The Graeme Harper Appreciation Society.
    • 55.51 — Tony, the Radio Times and the Head of Stengos.
    • 57.11 – Rememberance of the Daleks.
    • 57.58 — Run up the stai… oooh bugger!
    • 59.23 — Fake Keith rants against emotional Daleks…
    • 71.20 — Devious Doctor? Cue Cliffhanger!!!
    • 71.36 – Letters and viewer feedback.
    • 76.07 — Zquivilly!!!!!!!!
    • 76.26 – End credits (ooh, even scarier!! Boogly boogly boogly!!)

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories
    • Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game
    • New Theatre Royal: The Dalek’s Masterplan Play
    • The Doctor’s Head Goes for a Roll

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #6: The Death that is Gween

    13 October 2007 (9:07pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    For 15 October 2007 (recorded 26 September 2007)

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and Tony Gallichan talk about Doctor Who: The Green Death, the writings of Larry Niven, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and Theme Tune.
    • 00:53 — Greetings, yes?
    • 01:15 — Where is Keith?
    • 02:19 — Podcast Drinking Game.
    • 04:22 — News and Stuff.
    • 06:10 — The Dalek Masterplan Play – meet us in Portsmouth on 27th October 2007.
    • 08:41 – Song Lyric Callbacks.
    • 09:05 – Doctor Who – The Green Death.
    • 11:40 — Crumbly and The Feet.
    • 15:24 — The Yoda School of Welsh.
    • 17:19 — Pertweecide.
    • 23:20 — Pertwee’s misdeads and the Head of Pertwee to have an outing.
    • 26:54 — Jo and Cliff’s ‘Our Tune’.
    • 29:10 — The Brig’s parrot impersonation.
    • 29:54 — End of a relationship?
    • 32:54 – Song Lyric Callbacks.
    • 33:50 – Larry Niven.
    • 35:49 — Known Space series and the Ringworld novel.
    • 37:01 — Pierson’s Puppeteers.
    • 38:32 — Kzin.
    • 38:50 — Pak Protectors.
    • 40:44 — Thrint.
    • 44:00 – Listener feedback/letters.
    • 46:06 — Genuine letters! WhoCast in a grump and Conrad Slater gets deep.
    • 51:22 – Next time on the Staggering Stories Podcast.
    • 52:01 – Goodbyeeeeee!!
    • 52:20 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.
    • plus extra goodies!

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories
    • Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game
    • New Theatre Royal: The Dalek’s Masterplan Play
    • Larry Niven
    • DWO WhoCast
    • Conrad Slater

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #5: Cavemen Politics

    23 September 2007 (6:29pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    For 24 September 2007 (recorded 5 September 2007)

    Show summary: Before listening to this podcast, please read The Staggering Stories Podcast Drinking Game rules and arm yourselves with alcohol…
    and a bucket for later.

    Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell and Tony Gallichan talk about other Podcasts, Doctor Who: An Unearthly Child, the writings of Alan Dean Foster, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and Theme Tune.
    • 01:18 — Greetings, yes?
    • 01:40 — News and Stuff.
    • 06:35 — Where is Keith?
    • 07:52 – Your slogan here!
    • 09:05 – Podcasts we have known…
    • 09:21 — LugRadio.
    • 10:52 — ” “.
    • 13:27 — Tony’s foolish, wishful thinking…
    • 15:00 — Yivvits and MrBubble.
    • 16:40 — Slice of SciFi.
    • 21:14 — Obligatory mention of this month’s ‘everybody loves it’ programme, Heroes. (Official U.N. Quota for jumping on bandwagons fulfilled.)
    • 22:00 — Podshock.
    • 24:55 — Escape Pod.
    • 25:47 — Tin Dog and Tachyon TV.
    • 26:00 — Skepticality.
    • 26:55 — Virgin Worlds.
    • 27:17 — SciFiDig.
    • 27:49 – Your slogan here!
    • 28:50 – Doctor Who – An Unearthly Child.
    • 33:13 — Can you remember where you were when you first heard Adam and Crumbly’s sickest joke yet?
    • 57:00 — Tony questions working practices of future Doctor Who crew members – Cue special ‘An Unearthly Child’ Cliffhanger…
    • 57:32 – Your slogan here!
    • 58:40 – Crumbly and Alan Dean Foster – could it be… love?
    • 62:55 — Humanx Commonwealth.
    • 67:00 — Spellsinger.
    • 67:24 — Chav scum! Ahem…
    • 70:06 — The Damned (Do they cry? We just don’t know…)
    • 71:42 — Adam IS Davros!
    • 72:31 — Boris for London?!
    • 73:03 — Lost! No, not THAT Lost, silly!
    • 74:30 — Sci-fi or Hard SF – the snob factor!
    • 78:11 — Crumbly’s pick of the pops…er..no…hang on…er…look, read these!
    • 79:00 — Only the crumbliest……beware – Bad Noise Alert.
    • 79:29 – Your slogan here!
    • 81:45 – Listener feedback/letters and an explanation on our policy on naughty words.
    • 88:35 – Goodbyeeeeee!!
    • 89:13 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories
    • LugRadio
    • Star Wars Galaxies with Yivvits and MrBubble
    • Slice of Scifi
    • Doctor Who: Podshock
    • Escape Pod
    • Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast
    • Tachyon TV
    • Skepticality
    • Virgin Worlds
    • SciFiDig
    • Alan Dean Foster

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #4: To Boldly Podcast

    9 September 2007 (1:20pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    For 10 September 2007 (recorded 1 August 2007)

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell and Tony Gallichan talk about the Star Trek TV franchises, Doctor Who: The Five Doctors, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune
    • 00:35 — Greetings, yes?
    • 00:39 — Could it possibly be…?
    • 00:40 — Yup it is… but… er… well… oh dear… um…
    • 00:46 — Where is Keith?
    • 01:58 – Star Trek.
    • 02:32 — Tony wiggles and, well, fails miserably.
    • 18:23 — Tony finishes his lecture on the nature of fandom – Thanks be to Ti!!!
    • 18:30 — Star Trek: The Next Generation
    • 21:54 — Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
    • 22:00 — Adam, DS9 and Babylon 5 – run!
    • 24:00 — He’s still off on one about this… and Crumbly’s joined in… Oh, the Humanity…
    • 28:09 — Oh thank Bod, he’s finished and… Oh Cruk… we’re on to Star Trek: Voyager now… nutbunnies!
    • 30:38 — Far Q!
    • 30:45 — Crumbly has memory trouble….
    • 31:10 — Crumbly remembers and… oh… oopsies…
    • 31:17 — Enterprise (or is that ‘Star Trek: Enterprise’?)
    • 34:40 — Poor bloody Cyberman…
    • 36:18 – Back by popular demand – Things Danes Like!! (or, how to take the mickey out of the Denmark Tourist Board’s brochure)
    • 37:10 — The Head Of Pertwee returns!
    • 37:38 – Doctor Who – The Five Doctors (look, we had to at some stage, so why not just get it out of the way from the off, hmm?)
    • 38:48 — Demand for more goats in The Five Doctors – write to your MP!
    • 40:25 — The running joke…. Of DOOM!
    • 50:15 — Yup, you guessed it…. It’s The Five Doctors, how could we NOT mention THAT line, hmm?
    • 54:24 — Crumbly’s pet subject – The Fart of Rassilon…
    • 55:57 — Adam’s shopping list of points, including, Borusa’s costume fetish, the Merchandising of Rassilon and David Banks’ milky milky… lovely.
    • 66:03 — As easy as pi… Oh my giddy Bod!
    • 68:46 — Comments invited for The Green Death – mail to show@staggeringstories.net please
    • 69:17 — The most cheesy link in the world ever – Cue special Five Doctors style cliffhanger!
    • 69:39 – Things Danes Like
    • 70:44 – Listener feedback/letters
    • 73:03 – Goodbyeeeeeeeeee!!!
    • 73:37 — End theme, credits, disclaimer etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories
    • Star Trek
    • Visit Denmark!
    • Wikipedia – Doctor Who: The Five Doctors

    Talking about The Five Doctors:

    With kind permission from Farmergeddon, http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=farmergeddon71
    We think he’s really got to the core of what the Five Doctors should be:


  • Staggering Stories Podcast #3: Unconventional Stories

    26 August 2007 (3:25pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    For 27 August 2007 (recorded 1 August 2007)

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell and Tony Gallichan talk about memories of Sci Fi conventions of old, the City of Heroes MMO, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune
    • 00:35 — Greetings, yes?
    • 01:00 — Where is Keith?
    • 02:27 – The Fact of Fiction – Staggering Statistics!
    • 03:50 — A shock for Crumbly!
    • 05:37 — Adam’s omnipresent viewings…
    • 07:00 — Riker/Worf sex stories/Beverly Crusher naked in bed!
    • 07:26 — Tony gets smug in a radiophonic manner (with thanks to Danny and Ian Stewart)…..
    • 10:40 – Things Danes Like – Part One.
    • 12:32 – History Today – Doctor Who Conventions!
    • 13:36 — Adam on the good ship DWAS.
    • 14:44 — Rush. Hang on, how did that get in here…?
    • 16:32 — Carousel 90 (or however its bloody well spelt)
    • 18:30 — Jonty and the best description of Big Brother EVER!

    WARNING The next, long section of this podcast features mainly Tony in full on ‘I remember when…’ mode. If listening to him waffling on and on and bloody on about conventions doesn’t grab you – and trust us, we’re not particularly enthralled by it either – then head on to the next Things Danes Like section… we shall be..!

    • 20:25 — Tony starts waffling… Carousel 90.
    • 21:17 — Jacqueline Pearce and Peter Tuddenham (what a gent!)
    • 22:25 — Action by HAVOC!
    • 24:17 — Adam tries to get a point about Autographs and ‘celebrities’ in edgeways..!
    • 24:43 — Eastercon 88… or was it 89? And the Jersey Doctor Who Fan Club.
    • 26:37 — Adam tries to make his point about Autographs and ‘celebrities’ again but fails at the voice of Tony – again!
    • 27:00 — Where is the Head of Pertwee?
    • 27:26 — The Head on Tour – Daleks’ Masterplan.
    • 28:35 — The Fan Olympiads.
    • 32:54 — Space Mountain – one and two. And Tony’s toilet ‘meeting’ with Nick Courtney. Oopsies.
    • 36:28 — Klokleda partha mennin klatch….
    • 37:10 — The Tavern – and another embarrassing moment for Tony… Sorry, Barry and Terrance…
    • 40:27 — Manopticon. Yup, you guessed it, yet ANOTHER embarrassing moment for Tony.

    Okay, it’s safe to come back now…

    • 43:43 – Things Danes Like – Part Two.
    • 45:00 – MMO – City Of Heroes/ City of Villains.
    • 53:33 — A quick moment about Second Life….
    • 55:50 — Mister. D. Bringer-15, Chisel-0
    • 62:21 – Letters – and, whats this? a CD? What the..?
    • 66:04 – Goodbyeeeeeeee!
    • 66:15 — End theme, credits, disclaimer etc. Oh, and Exo-Space.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories
    • The Secret Log of Captain Jean-Luc Picard
    • Visit Denmark!
    • Doctor Who Appreciation Society (DWAS)
    • New Theatre Royal: The Dalek’s Masterplan Play
    • Brian Perkins
    • City of Heroes MMO

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #2: Mystery of the Sauce

    29 July 2007 (12:53pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    For 30 July 2007 (recorded 4 July 2007)

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell and Tony Gallichan talk about the origin of Staggering Stories, 2007 Doctor Who, memories of the original Star Wars release, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:01 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00:32 – Greetings, yes? And introductions from the team.
    • 01:07 – Where is Keith?
    • 01:25 – Audio explanation.
    • 02:24 – Introduction to… The Taste Of Doom!
    • 03:46 – History Today – Where did Staggering Stories come from?
    • 04:08 – Private Lives.
    • 05:40 – The Crawley Mob’s RPG
    • 06:29 – Machete throwing and The Head Of Pertwee!
    • 07:15 – Crumbly’s BIG mistake….
    • 10:35 – From Private Lives Number One – How to be Paul Cornell at the Fitzroy Tavern.
    • 13:12 – The Taste Of Doom 1.
    • 14:04 – History Today – Star Wars, 1977, memories
    • 18:50 – The Revenge Of Tony – Mumptastic!
    • 22:16 – Doctor Who 2007 and the Saxon Prediction of Adam!
    • 22:57 – Utopia.
    • 27:16 – So here it comes, The Sound of Drums!
    • 33:40 – Is he mad, gone back in time or on location?
    • 36:01 – Last of the Time Lords.
    • 40:48 – Podshocking Vworps!
    • 40:51 – The Infinite Quest.
    • 45:20 – Tate!!!! (why??????????)
    • 49:10 – Tony’s prediction for Doctor Who 2008 – Cue Cliffhanger!!
    • 49:26 – The Taste Of Doom 2.
    • 50:43 – Things the team are looking forward to…
    • 50:52 – Babylon5 – The Lost Tales.
    • 52:00 – LUGRadio Live.
    • 52:43 – Star Wars: Celebration Europe
    • 54:35 – Star Wars: The Exhibition
    • 55:37 – Horley Proms.
    • 57:47 – Listener Feedback.
    • 60:58 – The Taste Of Doom 3.
    • 62:30 – Goodbyeeeeeeee!!
    • 62:37 – End theme, disclaimer, copyright etc

    Vital Links (Rarrr!):

    • Staggering Stories
    • The Secret Log of Captain Jean-Luc Picard
    • The Doctor’s Head Goes for a Roll
    • Staggering Stories Links Page
    • Big Finish’s Doctor Who: Jubilee
    • Doctor Who: Podshock
    • Staggering Stories Merchandise!

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #1: Fungus or Firefly?

    24 June 2007 (7:46pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    For 25 June 2007 (recorded 12 June 2007)

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell and Tony Gallichan talk about 2007 Doctor Who, Staggering Artwork, Uberguilds Radio, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.01 – Introduction and theme tune.
    • 00.31 – Greetings, yes? And introductions from the team.
    • 01.14 – Where is Keith?
    • 02.00 – Pizza Poetry 1
    • 02.41 – Discussion: Doctor Who:
    • 05.00 – Daleks In Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks and the dippy middle of series 3
    • 09.00 – Smith and Jones.
    • 11.11 – The Shakespeare Code.
    • 14.14 – Gridlock and the Doctor’s case of crabs…
    • 20.15 – The Lazarus Experiment.
    • 21.39 – 42.
    • 22.48 – Human Nature/ The Family of Blood.
    • 23.54 – Just why is the Doctor now Judge, Jury and Executioner? Kai Ying wants to know….
    • 30.03 – Blink: Sally Sparrow vs Martha Jones.
    • 31.58 – Adam’s prediction for Mr. Saxon and his ‘Associates’. Cue cliffhanger!!
    • 32.08 – Pizza Poetry 2.
    • 32.47 – And now, the Gallery. Or How Crumbly creates the Staggering Stories’ front covers…
    • 41.53 – Uberguilds Radio and Tony’s radio show
    • 46.41 – SOE adverts,’Alan’, and how not to take the mick out of Yivvits and Mr. Bubble…
    • 49.05 – Pizza Poetry 3.
    • 50.00 – A letter, an e-mail… and one ‘shiny’ bottle… and how to contact us
    • 52.38 – Goodbyeeeeee…
    • 52.51 – End theme, disclaimer, copyright etc
    • plus extra goodies!

    Vital Links:

    • Mr Dalek Web Cam
    • The Doctor’s Head Web Cam
    • The Jealhimet MMO Guild Forum
    • The premier Doctor Who Site: Outpost Gallifrey
    • “…Hold The Front Page!…” or “How Staggering Stories Artwork is Created”
    • Uberguilds Radio
    • Official Sony Online Entertainment Podcast
    • Star Wars Galaxies with Yivvits and Mr Bubble Podcast

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