Playing Doctor: A Doctor Who Podcast

- Description:
- A weekly uncensored Doctor Who podcast where we discuss every episode. EVER. Starring your hosts, the Very Internet Famous Ben McCormick & Jennie Zell of Dork Trek PLUS special guests!
RSS Feed:
- Episodes:
- 71
- Average Episode Duration:
- 0:0:50:51
- Longest Episode Duration:
- 0:1:47:09
- Total Duration of all Episodes:
- 2 days, 12 hours, 10 minutes and 2 seconds
- Earliest Episode:
- 9 July 2017 (4:13am GMT)
- Latest Episode:
- 9 May 2017 (4:12am GMT)
- Average Time Between Episodes:
- 24 days, 19 hours, 37 minutes and 33 seconds
Playing Doctor: A Doctor Who Podcast Episodes
Ep-15 Wrap That Rascal Up
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 19 minutes and 1 secondClassic Doctor Who ran from 1963 until its cancellation in 1989. Much like its central character, The Doctor, the series itself regenerated in 2005 with a new look and all new adventures. For the past few weeks we've discussed the first season of the revived Doctor Who series and we are bringing together some of our previous guests to discuss the season as a whole. Joining us this week are former guests Ben Rollman, Grace Hebert, Dennis Black-and-Asian, Drew Stewart and The LadyFox.
When you’re dealing with something as big as Doctor Who, sometimes you want to jump right in and keep driving forward as fast as you can but occasionally it’s nice to slow down and look back when you Wrap That Rascal Up.
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Ep-014 Time Vortex Make Out Session
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 35 minutes and 38 secondsThe LadyFox returns for episode 13, the season finale of Series 1: "The Parting of the Ways."
The new and improved Daleks are back and have taken over the Earth via mind-numbing reality television programming (explaining the Honey Boo-Boo show). The Doctor and his companions have only 22 minutes to figure out how to foil the Dalek plan before the enemy attacks Satellite 5. Rose is tricked into returning to her own time, but she is determined to make a stand with her friends.
All bets are off and people start to die as the Daleks make their way to the top, you may not want to hide on the lower levels this week as Rose and the Doctor have a Time Vortex Make Out Session.
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Ep-013 Who's Afraid of the Bad Wolf
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 11 minutes and 58 secondsSeries 1 of Doctor Who is almost finished and this week we get our good friend The LadyFox to help us discuss episode 12, “Bad Wolf.”
The future was promised to be great and bountiful but instead the world has been plunged in to Reality TV hell. Game shows rule the airwaves and if you’re unfortunate enough to be chosen as a contestant you better play to win, because only the winners get to live!
The Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack wake up in the middle of various game shows and have to get their bearings fast because there’s huffing and puffing outside and it sounds like they’re living in a house of straw. It might be time to panic as we find out Who’s Afraid of the Bad Wolf!
Weakest Link Doctor Who SpecialThe post Ep-013 Who’s Afraid of the Bad Wolf appeared first on Playing Doctor: A Doctor Who Podcast.
Playing Doctor SPOILERS 06
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 27 minutes and 6 secondsWelcome to Playing Doctor SPOILERS! If you haven't watched all of Doctor Who through the fifth episode of series seven, "The Angels Take Manhattan", you don't want to listen to this episode. If you are caught up but don't want to hear rumors and spoilers about the upcoming series, you don't want to listen to this episode.
We say goodbye to the Ponds and hello to some spooky adventures in 1938 New York City. This very Film Noir influenced episode will have you on the edge of your seat.
As always, don’t listen to the entire show if you don’t want to hear possible spoilers when we discuss “The Angels Take Manhattan.”
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Ep-012 Deus Equis Machine
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 12 minutes and 12 secondsThis week we are joined by Drew Stewart, TOS editor for Trek.FM as we discuss Doctor Who season one, episode eleven, “Boom Town.”
You can also find Drew around the Internets @doubleofive on Twitter and Star Wars Revisted News.
Like a bad penny, Margaret Blaine the Slitheen turns up again, this time as the mayor of Cardiff. Up to her old tricks, she plans on building an unsafe nuclear power station right on the rift. When it ultimately melts down, the Earth will finally be destroyed and her family will be avenged.
Meanwhile, a strange love triangle– or is it a square?– is forming between Rose, Mickey, and her time travelling companions. Can they put their hormones on a shelf for long enough to once again save the Earth from destruction?
I’m not always mayor of Cardiff, but when I am I use a Deus Equis Machine.
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Playing Doctor Spoilers 05
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 45 minutes and 30 secondsWelcome to Playing Doctor SPOILERS! If you haven't watched all of Doctor Who through the fourth episode of series seven, "The Power of Three", you don't want to listen to this episode. If you are caught up but don't want to hear rumors and spoilers about the upcoming series, you don't want to listen to this episode.
We had an awesome time at Intervention this year and we can’t wait to go back next year. We met a lot of new friends and saw many of our old friends. We’d like to thank Onezumi and her staff for putting on a terrific show.
As always, don’t listen to the entire show if you don’t want to hear possible spoilers when we discuss “The Power of Three”,The post Playing Doctor Spoilers 05 appeared first on Playing Doctor: A Doctor Who Podcast.
Ep-011 The Doctor When His Pants Fell
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 1 minutes and 59 secondsDennis Black-and-Asian returns to help us discuss Doctor Who Season 1, Episode 10, “The Doctor Dances.”
We rejoin our heroes as they unravel the mystery of the strange plague which rewrites human DNA to give people stylish gas masks and scars on the backs of their hands. We last left them surrounded by a horde of zombies looking for their Mummy. When the Doctor orders the child to his room, all of them obey.
They investigate the child's room in the hospital and experiment with "dancing" after a quick chase through the hospital, pursued by the zombies. When Nancy is captured by the military, her path once again crosses the Doctor, Rose and Jack.
Jack saves the day in the end, by capturing the bomb that was set to destroy the ambulance. The Doctor and Rose in turn rescue him and prepare to take him on their next adventure. Your face red, your eyes wet. Doctor when his pants fell.
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Playing Doctor Spoilers 04
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 23 minutes and 27 secondsBe sure to join Jennie and Ben at Intervention, September 21-23 at the Hilton Washington DC in Rockville, MD. Details at
Welcome to Playing Doctor SPOILERS! If you haven't watched all of Doctor Who through the third episode of series 7, "A Town Called Mercy", you don't want to listen to this episode. If you are caught up but don't want to hear rumors and spoilers about the upcoming series, you don't want to listen to this episode.
As always, don’t listen to the entire show if you don’t want to hear possible spoilers when we discuss “A Town Called Mercy” and leave the teletypes at home.The post Playing Doctor Spoilers 04 appeared first on Playing Doctor: A Doctor Who Podcast.
Ep-010 Ambulance Chaser
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 50 minutes and 20 secondsThis week we are joined by Dennis Black-and-Asian as we discuss Doctor Who Season 1, Episode 9, “The Empty Child.”
The Doctor's danger fetish leads him and Rose to London, 1941, in the middle of the Blitz as they chase a metal cylinder through the Time Vortex. He meets a group of plucky young British orphans who scrounge to survive in the streets of the city during the air raids. Meanwhile, Rose is swept off her feet and rescued by a devilishly charming and handsome man named Captain Jack Harkness. Investigating the mystery of the creepy, gas mask-wearing Empty Child, the Doctor returns to Albion Hospital where dozens of zombie-like victims have somehow transformed to have gas masks for faces. Rose and Jack find the Doctor just as the zombies wake and begin to close in on them…
There’s a war on and people are getting killed, we better call an Ambulance Chaser.
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Playing Doctor SPOILERS-03
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 27 minutes and 27 secondsWelcome to Playing Doctor SPOILERS! If you haven't watched all of Doctor Who through the second episode of series 7, "Dinosaurs on a Spaceship", you don't want to listen to this episode. If you are caught up but don't want to hear rumors and spoilers about the upcoming series, you don't want to listen to this episode.
This week’s SPOILERS episode is a little late due to our drive to the Baltimore Comic-Con so we spend the first part of the show talking about BCC, Con Crud and bathroom hygiene.As always, don’t listen to the entire show if you don’t want to hear possible spoilers when we discuss “Dinosaurs on a Spaceship”
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Ep-009 Don't Fear the Reaper
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 14 minutes and 47 secondsWe are joined by our good friend Darryl Lewis of as we discuss Doctor Who series 1, episode 8, “Father’s Day.” Darryl is the amazing talent behind our theme music and he writes a awesome blog about Motorcycles, Sci-Fi and Rock ‘n Roll, so check it out.
This time, Rose's brilliant idea of the week is to go back and meet her father in his dying moments. Hilarity ensues when she saves his life instead, tearing a hole in the time space continuum. Giant bug-dinosaur-like creatures take advantage of the situation, terrorizing the town and all the British white trash within. It looks like the end for the Doctor when he becomes a crunchy snack for one of the Reapers, until Pete Tyler becomes the hero and sacrifices himself to set things right again.
If you want to survive breaking the Universe be sure you have your TARDIS key handy and Don’t Fear the Reaper!
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Playing Doctor SPOILERS-02
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 31 minutes and 28 seconds
Welcome to Playing Doctor SPOILERS! If you haven't watched all of Doctor Who through the first episode of series 7, "Asylum of the Daleks", you don't want to listen to this episode. If you are caught up but don't want to hear rumors and spoilers about the upcoming series, you don't want to listen to this episode.Each week during the current season of Doctor Who we will be presenting this bonus episode each week where we will discuss the new 7th season of Doctor Who. Join us every Monday as we talk about the episode that just aired Saturday night and rumors about the episode coming up next week.
All of the links, news items and rumors mentioned in the podcast can be found after the break. Just select “more” to see all of the notes, but be warned there are SPOILERS.
The post Playing Doctor SPOILERS-02 appeared first on Playing Doctor: A Doctor Who Podcast.
Ep-008 Dude, Where's my Shoes?
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 8 minutes and 40 secondsThis week we'll be crossing the time streams and discussing the first episode of the 1970 seventh season of Classic Doctor Who "Spearhead from Space".
The Doctor returns to Earth along with a swarm of plastic meteorites which carry inside of them energy to power the Nestene Consciousness. The Nestene is an entity which can animate plastic, and takes over a toy factory as part of a larger plan to infiltrate the world's governments with plastic replicas of their leaders. Meanwhile they've created an army of Autons to terrorize the public and take out its enemies.
The Doctor works with new Companion Liz Shaw and returning Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart to unravel the plot before it's too late. Since the Autons are not taken out by guns, the heroes develop a special weapon that emits a high frequency signal which breaks the link between the Autons and the Nestene Consciousness.
There is a struggle between the Doctor and the Nestene Consciousness' tentacles after they discover their secret weapon doesn't affect it. Fortunately Liz re-calibrates it to a new frequency which DOES work, just in the nick of time.
And in all of this chaos you’ll be as confused as the Doctor when he asks, “Dude, where’s my shoes?”
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Playing Doctor SPOILERS!-01
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 21 minutes and 36 secondsWelcome to Playing Doctor SPOILERS! If you haven't watched all of Doctor Who through 2011 series 6, you don't want to listen to this episode. If you are caught up but don't want to hear rumors and spoilers about the upcoming series, you don't want to listen to this episode.
Each week during the current season of Doctor Who we will be presenting this bonus episode each week where we will discuss the new 7th season of Doctor Who. Join us every Monday as we talk about the episode that just aired Saturday night and rumors about the episode coming up next week.
All of the links, news items and rumors mentioned in the podcast can be found after the break. Just select “more” to see all of the notes, but be warned there are SPOILERS.
New Series Premiere Date Announced!
You probably know this already unless you haven't been online all last week but, after much speculation and round after round of rumours, BBC has announced the official date and time for the start of Series 7.- BBC and BBC America have confirmed date and time.
Pond Life
- Series of five mini-webisodes featuring Amy and Rory at home
- Will be available on the BBC website
- Begins Monday afternoon, 27 August 2012
- Ends on a cliffhanger that leads into the first episode of Season 7
- Not sure if it will be available online outside the UK.
New Companion announced and will arrive at Christmas
- Jenna-Louise Coleman will be playing new companion
- Details about the character are being kept secret.
- Moffat said,
“… that’s all you’re getting for now. Who she’s playing, how the Doctor meets her, and even where he finds her, are all part of one of the biggest mysteries the Time Lord ever encounters. Even by the Doctor’s standards, this isn’t your usual boy meets girl.”
- Moffat said,
- Photos have been popping up on the Interwebs from location shoots
- She reminds me of Ace, Companion of the 7th Doctor.
- Hopefully she won't have a supply of Nitro-9.
- She reminds me of Ace, Companion of the 7th Doctor.
- New Companion appears in Christmas Special
Old friends will be showing up
- Silurian Lady Vastra and her "friend" Jenny from "A Good Man Goes to War"
- Looks to be at a funeral, everyone is in Victorian Era clothes.
- Sontaran in Victorian clothes Strax is Bax?
- Silurian Lady Vastra and her "friend" Jenny from "A Good Man Goes to War"
Episode titles that have been released:
- Asylum of the Daleks
- Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
- A Town Called Mercy
- The Power of Three
- The Angels Take Manhattan
Season to be in Two Parts
- First half of the season will be the first 5 episodes
- All will appear in September (Sept. has 5 Saturdays this year)
- Break until Christmas Special in December
- Second half of the season will be in early 2013 but no date announced yet
- Traditionally the show would start around Easter, is this the case?
- Just in case, Easter 2013 is Sunday, March 31st.
- Traditionally the show would start around Easter, is this the case?
- First half of the season will be the first 5 episodes
Amy and Rory Leave in Episode 5
- Moffat says, "Not everyone gets out alive and I mean it this time"
SPOILERS! (News & Rumours)
Unconfirmed episode titles
- Christmas Episode to be called "The Snowman"
- Alien Sentient Snow brings havoc to Christmas
- Christmas Episode to be called "The Snowman"
- Episode 8 – The Cold War
- Episode 9 – Phantoms of the Hex
- Episode 10 – The Crimson Horror
- Features Dame Diana Rigg (Avengers [British not Capt American]
- Amy Dies
- Rory is the Master
- Jack Returns
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Bo's Balls
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 57 minutes and 58 secondsThis week Jennie and Ben discuss Doctor Who, Series 1, Episode 7, “The Long Game.” Due to tampering with the neutron flow of our TARDIS’ Inversion Matrix Overdrive Circuits we don’t have a guest this week so we’ll go it on our own.
It’s the year 200,000 and The Doctor takes Rose and Adam to Station 5, where the news is created. Things are heating up on the lower levels while management is keeping cool upstairs. Is it love in an elevator? Is this the week Rose will decide to go “downstairs” on The Doctor? Does he need that as much as Adam needs another hole in his head?
Probably not, but if you watch Doctor Who closely this week you might get a glimpse of a few naughty things including the ever sexy sight of Bo’s Balls.
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Ep-006 Don't Pet a Dalek
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 22 minutes and 44 secondsThis week we are Playing Doctor with special guest Greg Harbin, co-host of “The Ready Room” on Trek.FM as we discuss Doctor Who Season 1, Episode 6, “Dalek” and we even find time for a barrel roll to make Greg feel at home.
When you’re rich enough to own the Internet and have a 54 story basement you tend to accumulate a few odds and ends and that’s what The Doctor and Rose find when they meet Henry van Statten, the richest jerk on Earth in the “future” year 2012. Among his collection of odd alien artifacts are a Slitheen arm, a Cyberman head and one living specimen (if you didn’t guess what it is by reading the title, spoiler warning, it’s a Dalek).
The Doctor bares his chest to van Statten and Rose makes a new friend but we all learn a valuable lesson, no matter what you do and not matter how much it begs you Don’t Pet a Dalek!
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Ep-005 Victory Needs to Be Naked
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 12 minutes and 56 secondsTwo weeks in a row? That’s right, we had so much fun with Ben Rollman and Grace Hebert we asked them to finish up the story arc and join us as we discuss Doctor Who Season 1, Episode 5 “World War Three.” Be sure to check out Ben Rollman’s great Robot Portraits. He does a great job turning your pictures into robot portraits. They’re seriously cool.
Farting aliens have managed to take over the British government and The Doctor, Rose and Harriet Jones (MP, Flydale North) are trapped in 10 Downing Street. Now it’s up to Mickey and his l33t haxor skilz to save the day before the missiles are unleashed starting World War Three.
You better be wearing your clean undies for this explosive episode because Victory Needs to be Naked!
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Ep-004 He Who Smelt It, Dealt It
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 7 minutes and 29 secondsThis week we are joined by special guests Ben Rollman and Grace Hebert as we discuss Doctor Who season 1, Episode 4, “Aliens of London.”
The Doctor takes Rose back to the projects to visit her mum and the sky starts falling. Politicians are generally full of hot air but the ones we meet this week take it too a new level. Visitors to Number 10 Downing Street are advised not to smoke or have any open flames.
Please don’t fart while The Doctor tries to save the world because He Who Smelt It, Dealt It.
Check out Ben Rollman’s great Robot Portraits!
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Ep-003 Dickens' Cider
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 49 minutes and 14 secondsThis week we are joined by special guest Tom Velure as we discuss Doctor Who Season 1, Episode 3, “The Unquiet Dead.”
It’s Christmas in Cardiff and The Doctor’s new pal Charlie joins in the adventure as the dead take to the streets to sing a Christ mas Carol or two. Rose doesn’t like their tone but in the end she finds it was a real gas.
Once things settle down it looks like there’s time at last for a holiday full of… Dickens’ Cider.
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Ep-002 Here Comes the Sun
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 22 secondsThis week we discuss Doctor Who (2005) Season 1, Episode 2 “The End of the World.”
The Doctor takes Rose to the far future where she meets hoity-toity rich aliens, including one that gives the Doctor wood and another who seems stretched a little thin. As usual things start falling apart at the seams and it’s up to the Doctor to keep cool.
If the Doctor and Rose are going to save the day they’ll have to hurry because, Here Comes the Sun.
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Ep-001 England Has White Trash Too
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 45 minutes and 6 secondsIn the premiere episode of Playing Doctor we meet Ben and Jennie and discuss the pilot episode of the 2005 Doctor Who series “Rose”.
White Trash Rose Tyler meets a strange leather-clad man Who changes her life. Oddly enough, drugs and alcohol weren’t involved. Only after ditching her rubbish boyfriend and saving the world from the Plastic Menace can this chav girl’s real adventure begin.
Because England has White Trash Too.
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