Latest Podcast Episodes
Bigger on the Inside - Episode 90
Bigger on the InsideThe classic era of Doctor Who has come to a close, but before Dan and Mike move forward to the modern era, they take one last (and long) look at everything that's come before. Mixed in with a slew of listener e-mails are discussions of the stories they revisited, as well as plenty of lists chronicling their favorite Doctors, companions, cheesy moments, themes, quotes, and so much more! And some of the entires on these lists are guaranteed to surprise you!
2MTL 267: "The Parting of the Ways" Two-minute Throwback
Two-minute Time Lord"You have the guts to do what's right when everyone else just runs away!" That's what the Doctor's taught Rose, she tells Mickey and Jackie during the most important scene in "The Parting of the Ways." But is this story about the triumph of the human spirit, or something much more bleak? And, oh yeah, isn't this someone's last episode?
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #142 - Feedback and a review of Get Your House in Order
The Doctor Who PodcastJust Trevor andJames to keep you entertained this episode as we again delve into the mailbag and see what delights lay within. We also have a chat about Barry, the star of a recent episode of Get Your House In Order, a series where experts try and declutter peoples lives and help them with their [...]
Feedback and a review of Get Your House in Order
The Doctor Who PodcastJust Trevor and James to keep you entertained this episode as we again delve into the mailbag and see what delights lay within.
We also have a chat about Barry, the star of a recent episode of Get Your House In Order, a series where experts try and declutter peoples lives and help them with their hoarding tendencies. Barry has Doctor Who stuff, a lot of Doctor Who stuff. Trevor and James talk about how successful the shows attempts were to help him with his overwhelming collection.
Feedback and a review of Get Your House in Order
The Doctor Who PodcastJust Trevor and James to keep you entertained this episode as we again delve into the mailbag and see what delights lay within.
We also have a chat about Barry, the star of a recent episode of Get Your House In Order, a series where experts try and declutter peoples lives and help them with their hoarding tendencies. Barry has Doctor Who stuff, a lot of Doctor Who stuff. Trevor and James talk about how successful the shows attempts were to help him with his overwhelming collection.
The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #112
The 20mb Doctor Who PodcastHappy Birthday Show
It is Adam’s birthday and also the 2nd birthday of the podcast so Adam and Alicia take us back to the way we used to do the show, back in the day and it’s less than 20mb.
We hope you enjoy this old style 20mb Doctor Who Podcast and carry on enjoying future episodes and thank you all for sticking with the mayhem.
Episode 6 - COMPANION
The Blue Box PodcastThe Blue Box Podcast - Episode 6: Companion. Brought to you every Saturday by Starburst Columnist - JR Southall, Lee Rawlings, Mark Cockram and Simon Brett
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #142 - Feedback and a review of Get Your House in Order
The Doctor Who PodcastJust Trevor andJames to keep you entertained this episode as we again delve into the mailbag and see what delights lay within. We also have a chat about Barry, the star of a recent episode of Get Your House In Order, a series where experts try and declutter peoples lives and help them with their [...]
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #142 - Feedback and a review of Get Your House in Order
The Doctor Who PodcastJust Trevor and James to keep you entertained this episode as we again delve into the mailbag and see what delights lay within. We also have a chat about Barry, the star of a recent episode of Get Your House In Order, a series where experts try and declutter peoples lives and help them with [...]
Episode 10
Gallifrey Doctor Who PodcastIn this podcast episode I discuss the latest Doctor Who News, Doctor Who Convention News, and I also discuss my review for The Web Planet. Check out for all the latest doctor who news!
Episode 10
Gallifrey Doctor Who PodcastIn this podcast episode I discuss the latest Doctor Who News, Doctor Who Convention News, and I also discuss my review for The Web Planet. Check out for all the latest doctor who news!
DWO WhoCast - #242 - Doctor Who Podcast
DWO WhoCastYes, it's the 'HAAAAACCCEEEE!!!!!' Boxset. Dragonfire and The Happiness Patrol get a look at by Dave and Elisabeth. Oh, and enjoy some news on the next Target re-releases.
The DWO WhoCast - It's glad you're happy....
Doctor Who - 5.4 'The Time of Angels'
Impossible PodcastsCaleb Woodbridge and Sarah Burrow go back to commentate on The Time of Angels, the story which reintroduced River Song and the Weeping Angels for the Steven Moffat era. With the Angels returning for Amy and Rory's departure from the show in the autumn, does it hold any clues to the future?
You can read what our very own James Willetts thought of the episode at the time in his Time of Angels review. And in wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey fashion, we recorded our commentary on Flesh and Stone, the second half of the story, back in 2010 when it first aired.
Length: 51 minutes
Download: Click here (Right click and "Save Link/Target As...")
Tim's Take On: Episode 121(Fan debates/Shane Rimmer audiobook review/Meet The Stars Panel at Dr Who The Official Con)
Tim's Take On...In a packed show this week I kick off a new feature for fan debates if you'd like to have one with my email Shane Rimmer's audio book gets review and in convention coverage the Meet The Stars panel at Dr Who The Official Con
You can see video of this week's panel here including Karen Gillan's infamous Silurian encounter
You can see all of my photos of Dr Who The Official Convention here
End theme is Dr Who Gypsy Guitar version by Thrip
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
Tim's Take On: Episode 121(Fan debates/Shane Rimmer audiobook review/Meet The Stars Panel at Dr Who The Official Con)
Tim's Take On...In a packed show this week I kick off a new feature for fan debates if you'd like to have one with my email Shane Rimmer's audio book gets review and in convention coverage the Meet The Stars panel at Dr Who The Official Con
You can see video of this week's panel here including Karen Gillan's infamous Silurian encounter
You can see all of my photos of Dr Who The Official Convention here
End theme is Dr Who Gypsy Guitar version by Thrip
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
Tim's Take On: Episode 121(Fan debates/Shane Rimmer audiobook review/Meet The Stars Panel at Dr Who The Official Con)
Tim's Take On...In a packed show this week I kick off a new feature for fan debates if you'd like to have one with my email Shane Rimmer's audio book gets review and in convention coverage the Meet The Stars panel at Dr Who The Official Con
You can see video of this week's panel here including Karen Gillan's infamous Silurian encounter
You can see all of my photos of Dr Who The Official Convention here
End theme is Dr Who Gypsy Guitar version by Thrip
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
The Voice Of Gallifrey #38
Voice of Gallifrey (Russian)Novyi vypusk! Bol'she raznoobraziia, bol'she! Po-krainei mere, my k etom stremimsia. Na segodnia u nas novosti, odna novaia rubrika, kotoraia, my uvereny, prinesiot pol'zu, v kontse kak obychno interaktiv, nu i poseredine obzorchik. My postaralis' maksimal'no uchest' vashi zamechaniia po obzoram i vovsiu stremimsia k pravil'nomu “obzoringu”, tol'ko ne zhdite ot nas vsego i srazu. Spasibo vsem kto s nami, my staraemsia dlia vas!
The Voice Of Gallifrey #38
Voice of Gallifrey (Russian)DD3/4D2ND1 D2ND?NNDo! DD3/4D>>NNDu NDdegD*D1/2D3/4D3/4D+-NDdegD*D,N, D+-D3/4D>>NNDu! DD3/4-DoNDdegD1D1/2DuD1 D1/4DuNDu, D1/4N Do NND3/4D1/4 NNNDuD1/4D,D1/4NN. DDdeg NDuD3D3/4D'D1/2N N D1/2DdegN D1/2D3/4D2D3/4NND,, D3/4D'D1/2Ddeg D1/2D3/4D2DdegN NND+-ND,DoDdeg, DoD3/4ND3/4NDdegN, D1/4N ND2DuNDuD1/2N, D?ND,D1/2DuNNN D?D3/4D>>ND*N, D2 DoD3/4D1/2NDu DoDdegDo D3/4D+-NND1/2D3/4 D,D1/2NDuNDdegDoND,D2, D1/2N D, D?D3/4NDuNDuD'D,D1/2Du D3/4D+-D*D3/4NND,Do. DN D?D3/4NNDdegNDdegD>>D,NN D1/4DdegDoND,D1/4DdegD>>ND1/2D3/4 NNDuNNN D2DdegND, D*DdegD1/4DuNDdegD1/2D,N D?D3/4 D3/4D+-D*D3/4NDdegD1/4 D, D2D3/4D2NN NNNDuD1/4D,D1/4NN Do D?NDdegD2D,D>>ND1/2D3/4D1/4N “D3/4D+-D*D3/4ND,D1/2D3N”, ND3/4D>>NDoD3/4 D1/2Du DPD'D,NDu D3/4N D1/2DdegN D2NDuD3D3/4 D, NNDdegD*N. D!D?DdegND,D+-D3/4 D2NDuD1/4 DoND3/4 N D1/2DdegD1/4D,, D1/4N NNDdegNDdegDuD1/4NN D'D>>N D2DdegN!
Download: Voice_Of_Gallifrey_38.mp3
D!DoDdegNDdegNN/Download (20 DD)
DDdegN D!DdegD1N
D!NNDdegD1/2D,NDoDdeg DDoD3/4D1/2NDdegDoNDu
Earth Station Who Episode 5: Spearhead from Space
Earth Station WhoNow in Colour! On this episode, the ESW crew reviews the first story arc of the Third Doctor, Jon Pertwee. Since The Doctor will be trapped on Earth for a while, we invited an author with a PhD to...
Earth Station Who is a show dedicated to the culture around the BBC icon Doctor Who. Join Mike F, Mike G and Dave as we explore the 50 year history and fandom surrounding the Doctor With reviews, interviews and just general talk you never know WHO might pop up.
PodKast with a Crash!
Kasterborous PodkastDoctor Who scriptwriter Tom MacRae joins us this week to talk about the Crash of the Elysium, the live action immersive experience that is transferring to Ipswich next month as part of the 2012 Olympic celebrations.
In order to contextualize this, James McLean, Brian Terranova and Christian Cawley start off by discussing the various Doctor Who events and attractions since 2005 and how they have grown in scale and ambition. Christian also quizzes Tom on The Girl Who Waited and the future of the Cybermen…
If you’re enjoying our podKasts, why not subscribe to our RSS feed (the popular way of keeping track of podcasts) which will allow you to automatically download the latest edition to your PC or MP3 player; alternatively you can find this podKast listed on iTunes!
And if you have anything to add, please leave your comments below and we’ll discuss them next time. You can also drop us a line via the Contact Us page.
036 - Fraser McAlpine, Please Don't Kill Us
Arrow of TimeThis week we invite the wrath of one Mr. Fraser McAlpine! (Help.)
I think it’s safe to post a WhoTube, so here’s Nancy Blackett’s “Doctor Who: Moving Right Along” (eek he saw us):
The Cloister Room 037 - Does HE know about IT?
The Cloister RoomHey! It's Tom and Louis discussing the early episodes of Awake. Just in time for... the late episodes for Awake.
You're judging us. Stop judging us.
The Oncoming Storm Ep 8: NA #6 - Choosing the Right Weapon
The Oncoming StormA cleaning lady. A child killer. That scary wiccan chick. What do they all have in common? Why, they're all discussed in the 8th Episode of The Oncoming Storm of course! Josh and Ashley are looking at Cat's Cradle: Warhead this week, a novel by former script editor of Doctor Who Andrew Cartmel. With someone who was that close to the television show, it's sure to be just like what we used to watch on the telly right? When you're done laughing at that little ditty, turn on Josh and Ashley as they discuss the beginnings of the"Dark" Doctor, the benfits of ignoring character dialogue, and just what it means if you find yourself in the unfortunate position of being "useful" to the Doctor. All this and more, in the exciting 8th episode of The Oncoming Storm! The Oncoming Storm... This time, we've got even less cats! There was, like, one page with a cat! Who does Virgin think they're fooling???
Scrolls Book Group: The Woman In Black
Geek SyndicateIn which Susan Hill's chilling classical ghost story is shared, enthused over and examined by the Scrolls team. Clover hosts this special episode, ably assisted by Mattie & Phil and joined by the multi-talented Sarah Taylor, who has been a fan of the story (in all its forms) for many years. Whilst absent from the discussion, Dion provides a little atmosphere with selected readings from the text in the first half of the episode.
With deference to the new film and the ever popular stage production, the second half of the episode examines alternative interpretations of the tale and the ways in which they both succeed and fail to capture the essence of Hill's creation. Along with a certain amount of squeeing. I'm naming no names.
As ever with the Scrolls Book Group, spoilers abound, so we recommend that you read the book before you listen in.
Preferably by candlelight.
Feedback is always welcome. You can comment on this post, e-mail us at or follow our Twitter feed @Scrollscast (for author retweets and news.)
You can even follow our personal accounts @Dion_Scrolls and @Phlambler if you like.
Our next Book Group episode will be in November. If you want to take part in the episode after that then please drop us a line to say what book you would choose, and why you love it so much. We look forward to hearing from you. Keep reading.
Scrolls Book Group: The Woman In Black
Geek SyndicateIn which Susan Hill's chilling classical ghost story is shared, enthused over and examined by the Scrolls team. Clover hosts this special episode, ably assisted by Mattie & Phil and joined by the multi-talented Sarah Taylor, who has been a fan of the story (in all its forms) for many years. Whilst absent from the discussion, Dion provides a little atmosphere with selected readings from the text in the first half of the episode.
With deference to the new film and the ever popular stage production, the second half of the episode examines alternative interpretations of the tale and the ways in which they both succeed and fail to capture the essence of Hill's creation. Along with a certain amount of squeeing. I'm naming no names.
As ever with the Scrolls Book Group, spoilers abound, so we recommend that you read the book before you listen in.
Preferably by candlelight.
Feedback is always welcome. You can comment on this post, e-mail us at or follow our Twitter feed @Scrollscast (for author retweets and news.)
You can even follow our personal accounts @Dion_Scrolls and @Phlambler if you like.
Our next Book Group episode will be in November. If you want to take part in the episode after that then please drop us a line to say what book you would choose, and why you love it so much. We look forward to hearing from you. Keep reading.
Dr. Phillip Serna/The Leisure Hive
A Mad Man with a BoxOn this week’s episode Dr. Phillip Serna of the Adventures in Time Space and Music Podcast and I debate if there is any recreation to be found in the re-creation machine of The Leisure Hive
To say anymore about this discussion would be to spoil it but let’s just say one of us is none too impressed by this episode.
Listen to the Adventures in Time Space and Music Podcast here
Follow the podcast on Twitter @ATSMPodcast
The Memory Cheats #9
The Memory CheatsThe Key to Time season holds special childhood memories for both Josh and Steven, but what did they think of one of the more maligned instalments in Season 16, The Power of Kroll? It was written by Robert Holmes and featured some classic Tom Baker moments, so it couldn't have been all bad, right?
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The Memory Cheats #9
The Memory CheatsThe Key to Time season holds special childhood memories for both Josh and Steven, but what did they think of one of the more maligned instalments in Season 16, The Power of Kroll? It was written by Robert Holmes and featured some classic Tom Baker moments, so it couldn't have been all bad, right?
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The Memory Cheats #9 - The Power of Kroll
The Memory CheatsThe Key to Time season holds special childhood memories for both Josh and Steven, but what did they think of one of the more maligned instalments in Season 16, The Power of Kroll? It was written by Robert Holmes and featured some classic Tom Baker moments, so it couldn't have been all bad, right?
Visit our website at
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Earth Station One Episode 110: No Avengers Assembly Required
Earth Station OneThis week, The Avengers opened nationwide and everyone's talking about it - including us! Mike, Mike, and Bobby are joined by award-winning artist Mark Maddox for a look at the first and possibly the best of this summer's big movies. We also offer suggestions for what comics to pick up if you are a new … Continue reading
2.09 The Time Meddler
Drunken Time TravelFirst Doctor, Vicki, & Steven It's the last episode in series 2 and I prepare to get some 'well actually' emails again. "The TARDIS arrives on an English coastline in the year 1066. Exploring, the Doctor discovers that one of his own people, the Monk, is conspiring to wipe out the Viking fleet and thus allow King Harold to face the forces of William of Normandy with a fresh army at the Battle of Hastings. The Doctor succeeds in thwarting the Monk's plans and leaves him trapped in England." Episode 1 - The Watcher - 03/07/1965 18:55 Episode 2 - The Meddling Monk - 10/07/1965 17:40 Episode 3 - A Battle of Wits - 17/07/1965 17:40 Episode 4 - Checkmate - 24/07/1965 17:40 Writer - Dennis Spooner Director - Douglas Camfield Links: Three Skulls Brewery Drunken Time Travel T-Shirt
2.09 The Time Meddler
Drunken Time TravelFirst Doctor, Vicki, & Steven It's the last episode in series 2 and I prepare to get some 'well actually' emails again. "The TARDIS arrives on an English coastline in the year 1066. Exploring, the Doctor discovers that one of his own people, the Monk, is conspiring to wipe out the Viking fleet and thus allow King Harold to face the forces of William of Normandy with a fresh army at the Battle of Hastings. The Doctor succeeds in thwarting the Monk's plans and leaves him trapped in England." Episode 1 - The Watcher - 03/07/1965 18:55 Episode 2 - The Meddling Monk - 10/07/1965 17:40 Episode 3 - A Battle of Wits - 17/07/1965 17:40 Episode 4 - Checkmate - 24/07/1965 17:40 Writer - Dennis Spooner Director - Douglas Camfield Links: Three Skulls Brewery Drunken Time Travel T-Shirt
2.09 The Time Meddler
Drunken Time TravelFirst Doctor, Vicki, & Steven It's the last episode in series 2 and I prepare to get some 'well actually' emails again. "The TARDIS arrives on an English coastline in the year 1066. Exploring, the Doctor discovers that one of his own people, the Monk, is conspiring to wipe out the Viking fleet and thus allow King Harold to face the forces of William of Normandy with a fresh army at the Battle of Hastings. The Doctor succeeds in thwarting the Monk's plans and leaves him trapped in England." Episode 1 - The Watcher - 03/07/1965 18:55 Episode 2 - The Meddling Monk - 10/07/1965 17:40 Episode 3 - A Battle of Wits - 17/07/1965 17:40 Episode 4 - Checkmate - 24/07/1965 17:40 Writer - Dennis Spooner Director - Douglas Camfield Links: Three Skulls Brewery Drunken Time Travel T-Shirt
2.09 The Time Meddler
Drunken Time TravelFirst Doctor, Vicki, & StevenIt's the last episode in series 2 and I prepare to get some 'well actually' emails again.
"The TARDIS arrives on an English coastline in the year 1066. Exploring, the Doctor discovers that one of his own people, the Monk, is conspiring to wipe out the Viking fleet and thus allow King Harold to face the forces of William of Normandy with a fresh army at the Battle of Hastings. The Doctor succeeds in thwarting the Monk's plans and leaves him trapped in England."
Episode 1 - The Watcher - 03/07/1965 18:55Episode 2 - The Meddling Monk - 10/07/1965 17:40Episode 3 - A Battle of Wits - 17/07/1965 17:40Episode 4 - Checkmate - 24/07/1965 17:40Writer - Dennis SpoonerDirector - Douglas CamfieldLinks:Three Skulls BreweryDrunken Time Travel T-Shirt
2.09 The Time Meddler
Drunken Time TravelFirst Doctor, Vicki, & StevenIt's the last episode in series 2 and I prepare to get some 'well actually' emails again.
"The TARDIS arrives on an English coastline in the year 1066. Exploring, the Doctor discovers that one of his own people, the Monk, is conspiring to wipe out the Viking fleet and thus allow King Harold to face the forces of William of Normandy with a fresh army at the Battle of Hastings. The Doctor succeeds in thwarting the Monk's plans and leaves him trapped in England."
Episode 1 - The Watcher - 03/07/1965 18:55Episode 2 - The Meddling Monk - 10/07/1965 17:40Episode 3 - A Battle of Wits - 17/07/1965 17:40Episode 4 - Checkmate - 24/07/1965 17:40Writer - Dennis SpoonerDirector - Douglas CamfieldLinks:Three Skulls BreweryDrunken Time Travel T-Shirt
2.09 The Time Meddler
Drunken Time TravelFirst Doctor, Vicki, & StevenIt’s the last episode in series 2 and I prepare to get some ‘well actually’ emails again.
“The TARDIS arrives on an English coastline in the year 1066. Exploring, the Doctor discovers that one of his own people, the Monk, is conspiring to wipe out the Viking fleet and thus allow King Harold to face the forces of William of Normandy with a fresh army at the Battle of Hastings. The Doctor succeeds in thwarting the Monk’s plans and leaves him trapped in England.”
Episode 1 - The Watcher - 03/07/1965 18:55Episode 2 - The Meddling Monk - 10/07/1965 17:40Episode 3 - A Battle of Wits - 17/07/1965 17:40Episode 4 - Checkmate - 24/07/1965 17:40Writer - Dennis SpoonerDirector - Douglas CamfieldLinks:Three Skulls BreweryDrunken Time Travel T-Shirt
Ladies! In! Space! 1999!
Telos AMHere it is! A little late, but it's more than worth it. This month (well, last month) the Telos AM team take on gender in Doctor Who, talking to, among others, Courtney Stoker, editor of Doctor Her - an extraordinary blog.
Please support our brilliant cover artist, the excellent Soph, by visiting her site:
Our other cohost this month, Maddie, can be found at:
Doctor Her can be found by going to:
Thank you to everyone involved in this epic of an episode!
Nick - @the_penmin
Alex - @enola41
Lindsey - @Lazarus_LM
Review of Big Finish Tom Baker audios Renaissance Man, Wrath of the Iceni and Energy of the Daleks
The Doctor Who PodcastOur love affair with Tom Baker and Big Finish continues with Leeson, Trevor and James reviewing the latest batch of Fourth Doctor and Leela adventures.
Renaissance Man, Wrath of the Iceni and Energy of the Daleks are popped into the tape deck for a listen. What will the verdict be?
Review of Big Finish Tom Baker audios Renaissance Man, Wrath of the Iceni and Energy of the Daleks
The Doctor Who PodcastOur love affair with Tom Baker and Big Finish continues with Leeson, Trevor and James reviewing the latest batch of Fourth Doctor and Leela adventures.
Renaissance Man, Wrath of the Iceni and Energy of the Daleks are popped into the tape deck for a listen. What will the verdict be?
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #141 - review of Big Finish Tom Baker audios Renaissance Man, Wrath of the Iceni and Energy of th
The Doctor Who PodcastOur love affair with Tom Baker and Big Finish continues with Leeson, Trevor andJames reviewing the latest batch of Fourth Doctor and Leela adventures. Renaissance Man, Wrath of the Iceni and Energy of the Daleks are popped into the tape deck for a listen. What will the verdict be?
Doctor Who Podcast Episode 27: The Christopher Eccelston Era, part 2. 'The End of the World' & 'Dalek'
Sound On Sight PodcastWe’re continuing our look at the all too brief but undeniably fantastic time of Mr. Christopher Eccleston; the man who charmed a whole new generation of Whovians with his portrayal of the Ninth Doctor. Join Derek Gladu, Eric Mendoza, Linsay Wood, and Beverly Brown as we do a double header and review 2005′s “The End of the World” and “Dalek”.
Doctor Who Podcast Episode 26: The Christopher Eccelston era, part 2: "The End of the World" & "Dal
Sound On Sight PodcastWe're continuing our look at the all too brief but undeniably fantastic time of Mr. Christopher Eccleston; the man who charmed a whole new generation of Whovians with his portrayal of the Ninth Doctor. Join Derek Gladu, Eric Mendoza, Linsay Wood, and Beverly Brown as we do a double header and review 2005's "The End of the World" and "Dalek".
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #141 - review of Big Finish Tom Baker audios Renaissance Man, Wrath of the Iceni and Energy of th
The Doctor Who PodcastOur love affair with Tom Baker and Big Finish continues with Leeson, Trevor andJames reviewing the latest batch of Fourth Doctor and Leela adventures. Renaissance Man, Wrath of the Iceni and Energy of the Daleks are popped into the tape deck for a listen. What will the verdict be?
The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #141 - review of Big Finish Tom Baker audios Renaissance Man, Wrath of the Iceni and Energy of th
The Doctor Who PodcastOur love affair with Tom Baker and Big Finish continues with Leeson, Trevor and James reviewing the latest batch of Fourth Doctor and Leela adventures. Renaissance Man, Wrath of the Iceni and Energy of the Daleks are popped into the tape deck for a listen. What will the verdict be?
24 - Stealth Companions and Bendy Daleks
Outpost Skaro PodcastFrom the time vortex comes a strange discussion.A Is the new companion invisible to enemies?A Where did that Dalek eye stalk come from? Does anyone on TV have a clue? And just what does the series seven trailer have in common with Red Dwarf?
Episode 71 - Your Horoscope for Today
Traveling the VortexOn this week’s episode of Traveling the Vortex, we take a brief step out of the time vortex for a review of The Sarah Jane Smith Adventures, Series 2.
Also, it was superhero day for Keith and Shaun with a weekend trip to Omaha, Nebraska for Comic Book Day to meet “fake” Adam Baldwin (they swear he was real, but I’m still skeptical) then back to Topeka for a screening of The Avengers on the night of the “Super Moon”.
Also, a little spoiler action, as we talk Daleks in the new series. YOU’VE BEEN WARNED!
And of course your (er, Holly’s) feedback. Enjoy!
Links mentioned in the show:
AnimeNebaskon Novemeber 2-4, 2012
Gareth Roberts on Twitter – @OldRoberts953
Clark Gregg on Twitter – @clarkgregg