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  • Geek Syndicate

    Comic Racks - Episode 7

    Geek Syndicate

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    15:33 (GMT) - 5 Feb 2008

    After the gargantuan double episode Doctor Who extravaganza (also known as the two episode ramble-fest), the Racks gals get back to their regular fortnightly format to chat all things comics (and some things TV and film...)

    Join us as Iz gets over excited at the prospect of signed John Barrowman stuff, Stace demonstrates why she shouldn't be allowed to sing on the podcast, and both girls come up with the worst, least newsworthy news EVER. Stace's sister, Zoe, makes her comics podcast debut, allbeit in a slightly concussed and very un-comic related way.

    Being too lazy to actually think of a main topic to discuss, The Racks ladies (ladies? pfft!) do an extended review section, covering comics and graphic novels from recent to oldies, and indies to the Big Two. Stace gets a little bit violent towards old witchy women (for good reason, though!) and Iz worries that her all-round love for Battlepope may condemn her to the fiery depths of Hell :P

    We give the details about our competition again (just a couple more episodes to go to get your entries in, guys!), and Iz pimps herself out for a new job.


  • Geek Syndicate

    Comic Racks - Episode 7

    Geek Syndicate

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    15:33 (GMT) - 5 Feb 2008

    After the gargantuan double episode Doctor Who extravaganza (also known as the two episode ramble-fest), the Racks gals get back to their regular fortnightly format to chat all things comics (and some things TV and film...)

    Join us as Iz gets over excited at the prospect of signed John Barrowman stuff, Stace demonstrates why she shouldn't be allowed to sing on the podcast, and both girls come up with the worst, least newsworthy news EVER. Stace's sister, Zoe, makes her comics podcast debut, allbeit in a slightly concussed and very un-comic related way.

    Being too lazy to actually think of a main topic to discuss, The Racks ladies (ladies? pfft!) do an extended review section, covering comics and graphic novels from recent to oldies, and indies to the Big Two. Stace gets a little bit violent towards old witchy women (for good reason, though!) and Iz worries that her all-round love for Battlepope may condemn her to the fiery depths of Hell :P

    We give the details about our competition again (just a couple more episodes to go to get your entries in, guys!), and Iz pimps herself out for a new job.


  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #68 - Keeping Fans at arm's length since 2006

    Radio Free Skaro

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    02:23 (GMT) - 3 Feb 2008

    The BBC threw us a nice softball by releasing a "cinema-exclusive" season 4 trailer on February 1st, which someone promptly uploaded to YouTube. The RFS took delight in analyzing and dissecting this tasty morsel, speculating wildly on what are likely innocuous shots of no real relevance. We also discussed the newest episode of Torchwood, hashed over Russell T Davies declaration that he keeps fans at arm's length, and of course went our trademark off-topic ramblings as per usual.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #68 - Keeping Fans at arm's length since 2006

    Radio Free Skaro

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    02:23 (GMT) - 3 Feb 2008

    The BBC threw us a nice softball by releasing a "cinema-exclusive" season 4 trailer on February 1st, which someone promptly uploaded to YouTube. The RFS took delight in analyzing and dissecting this tasty morsel, speculating wildly on what are likely innocuous shots of no real relevance. We also discussed the newest episode of Torchwood, hashed over Russell T Davies declaration that he keeps fans at arm's length, and of course went our trademark off-topic ramblings as per usual.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #68 - Keeping Fans at arm's length since 2006

    Radio Free Skaro

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    02:23 (GMT) - 3 Feb 2008

    The BBC threw us a nice softball by releasing a "cinema-exclusive" season 4 trailer on February 1st, which someone promptly uploaded to YouTube. The RFS took delight in analyzing and dissecting this tasty morsel, speculating wildly on what are likely innocuous shots of no real relevance. We also discussed the newest episode of Torchwood, hashed over Russell T Davies declaration that he keeps fans at arm's length, and of course went our trademark off-topic ramblings as per usual.

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #063 - And the Winner is...

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

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    19:24 (GMT) - 2 Feb 2008

    ...am letzten Samstag ganz sicher in der Hammondbar in Koln gewesen. In diesem Whocast gibt es einen kurzen Ruckblick uber die Veranstaltung vom letzten Samstag (Das Publik Whoing der ersten beiden deutschen Folgen). Ausserdem werden die Gewinner des Pubquizes ausgelost und bekannt gegeben.

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #063 - And the Winner is...

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:24 (GMT) - 2 Feb 2008

    ...am letzten Samstag ganz sicher in der Hammondbar in Koln gewesen. In diesem Whocast gibt es einen kurzen Ruckblick uber die Veranstaltung vom letzten Samstag (Das Publik Whoing der ersten beiden deutschen Folgen). Ausserdem werden die Gewinner des Pubquizes ausgelost und bekannt gegeben.

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 41: To the Last Man Torchwood 2.3

    Tin Dog Podcast

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    13:10 (GMT) - 1 Feb 2008

    To the Last Man (Torchwood)Jump to: navigation, search15 - "To the Last Man"Torchwood episodeWriter     Helen RaynorDirector     Andy GoddardScript editor     Brian MinchinProducer     Richard StokesChris Chibnall (co-producer)Executive producer(s)     Russell T. DaviesJulie GardnerProduction code     2.3Series     Series 2Length     50 minsOriginally broadcast     30 January 2008Chronology? Preceded by     Followed by -"Sleeper"     "Meat"IMDb profile"To the Last Man" is the third episode of the second series of British science fiction television series Torchwood, which was broadcast by BBC Two on 30 January 2008.[1]Contents[hide]    * 1 Plot    * 2 Cast          o 2.1 Cast notes    * 3 Production    * 4 Continuity    * 5 Errors    * 6 References    * 7 External links[edit] PlotA time rift is causing 1918 and 2008 to bleed together. Tommy Brockless, a young First World War soldier shell-shocked from his experience in the trenches, is the key to "stitching" the hole in time. He is abducted by Torchwood in 1918, and held in cryogenic storage until the time comes for him to save the world. He is awoken for one day each year for a medical check-up, meaning he experiences the 90 year period of his freezing as around three months.Toshiko becomes infatuated with him, and the two share a brief and doomed romance. Owen, noticing this and having experienced something similar (cf. "Out of Time"), warns Tosh about the eventuality of saying goodbye. Jack and Ianto discuss Jack's own displacement in time, revealing (in an inordinate number of words) that Jack does love Ianto in a way, and it culminates in a very sexy kiss.However, with a rift opening in time, and with the apocalyptic threat of the years 1918 and 2008 colliding, Tommy must return to 1918 to seal the rift, never to see Toshiko again. However, history records that Tommy will be sent back to the western front, and break down again, resulting in his execution for 'cowardice'.The writer has used this episode to draw attention to the British army's slow appreciation and recognition of the psychological trauma inflicted by the First World War, classing many shell-shocked soldiers as cowards.[edit] Cast    * Captain Jack Harkness -- John Barrowman    * Gwen Cooper -- Eve Myles    * Owen Harper -- Burn Gorman    * Toshiko Sato -- Naoko Mori    * Ianto Jones -- Gareth David-Lloyd    * Tommy Brockless -- Anthony Lewis    * Gerald Carter -- Roderic Culver    * Harriet Derbyshire -- Siobhan Hewlett    * Nurse -- Lizzie Rogan    * Foreman -- Ricky Fearon[edit] Cast notes    * Although credited, Kai Owen does not appear as Gwen's fiance Rhys Williams.[edit] ProductionThe title of - and dialogue within - the episode is a reference to Field Marshal Douglas Haig's Order of the Day on 11 April 1918, in response to the German Spring Offensive: "There is no other course open to us but to fight it out. Every position must be held to the last man: there must be no retirement. With our backs to the wall and believing in the justice of our cause each one of us must fight on to the end."[2]"Tommy Atkins" or simply "Tommy" was a common slang term for a British soldier, possibly dating back to the 18th Century, but is particularly associated with the First World War.The song "One Of These Mornings" by Moby plays towards the start and at the end of this episode. The song "She's Got You High" by Mumm-Ra plays in the pub as Toshiko and Tommy play pool.News 24 stock footage is used to depict the Iraq War, again with the BBC logo omitted as it has been in Torchwood, The Sarah Jane Adventures episodes and in more recent Doctor Who episodes when news reports have been included as part of the story.[edit] Continuity    * Tommy remarks on how ridiculous it is that he has to save the world in his pyjamas. The Doctor does just that in the Doctor Who episode "The Christmas Invasion", which in turn is a reference to Arthur Dent.    * Tommy is described by the phrase '(a) stitch in time', this is used as the name for Bilis Manger's antique shop in the series 1 episode End of days. Curiously, Manger has the ability to travel through time, whilst Tommy, now in possession of a rift manipulator, can presumably do the same.    * Jack Harkness's suggestion that "more than 300" shell shocked British soldiers were executed is false. Total British military executions numbered 346, of which 40 were for murder, treason, or mutiny. The remaining 306 were for desertion, cowardice, and other offences, and while many can now be attributed to shell shock, many cannot, although all 306 were posthumously pardoned in 2006.[edit] Errors    * Tommy incorrectly describes himself as a "private officer," a non-existent rank or designation; the correct term is "private soldier" or simply "private."    * Toshiko drops her bag when Tommy carrys her up on the pier, then in the same scene the bag is back on Toshiko's shoulder.[edit] References   1. ^ BBC - Press Office (17 January 2008). "Week 5". Press release. Retrieved on 2006-01-23.   2. ^ Schools History: Special order of the Day - The First World War - April 1918[edit] External links    * Torchwood at bbc.co.uk    * Episode Guide at Unreality PrimetimeThis Doctor Who-related article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.     

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 40: The Time Meddler

    Tin Dog Podcast

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    13:00 (GMT) - 31 Jan 2008

    Special Features  Commentary Verity Lambert Obituary Photo Gallery Subtitle Production Notes Subtitles pdf files of Radio Times billings "The Lost Twelve Seconds" - 12 lost seconds recreated using off-air audio recording and the script Stripped for action - a look at the first Doctor's comic strip adventures Restoration featurette The TARDIS arrives on an English coastline in the year 1066. Exploring, the Doctor discovers that one of his own people, the Monk, is conspiring to wipe out the Viking fleet and thus allow King Harold to face the forces of William of Normandy with a fresh army at the Battle of Hastings. The Doctor succeeds in thwarting the Monk's plans and leaves him trapped in England. Synopsis The Doctor, Vicki, and new companion Steven Taylor arrive in Saxon Northumbria on the eve of the Viking and Norman invasions. It is 1066, a pivotal moment in British history, and the hand of a mysterious Monk is at work in the nearby monastery. The Monk is actually a time/space traveller from the same planet as the Doctor, and is attempting historical alterations. The Doctor prevents this and traps the Monk in 1066 by removing a critical component of his TARDIS. Plot The First Doctor and Vicki are surprised to find Steven Taylor aboard the TARDIS. In a disorientated state on Mechanus, he stumbled aboard the ship and has stowed away. They are grateful he survived the collapse of the Mechanoid city and help nurse him back to health, but when the TARDIS lands on a rocky beach and they all step outside Steven takes some convincing that the TARDIS has really been able to travel in space and time. They have in fact arrived in 1066 on the coast of Northumbria, and their arrival has been witnessed by a Monk who does not seem fazed by the materialisation. The TARDIS is soon after spotted by a Saxon villager called Eldred who runs to tell the headman of his village, Wulnoth, about it. The Doctor establishes the century from a discarded Viking helmet and heads off to the village while Steven and Vicki explore the cliffs above. The Doctor encounters Edith, Wulnoth's wife, and convinces her he is a harmless traveller while probing her for more information. He soon finds out it is 1066, since Harold Godwinson is on the throne and has not yet faced Harold Hardrada at Stamford Bridge let alone William the Conqueror in the Battle of Hastings. He then turns his attention to the nearby monastery, at which monks are chanting despite only one of them ever being seen, especially after the chanting seems to slow down as if played back from a recording at the wrong speed. He determines to visit the building. When he gets there the Monk lets him in without revealing himself and then allows the Doctor to prowl around. He finds a gramophone playing the monastic chanting, and the Monk also has modern conveniences such as a toaster and a manufactured teapot. The Monk soon has the upper hand and manages to trap the Doctor in a makeshift cell. Steven and Vicki have meanwhile encountered Eldred and noticed his possession of a wristwatch that the Monk dropped earlier. They spend the night in a clearing and the next morning head off back to the TARDIS, little realising Wulnoth has overheard them. Within minutes they are ambushed by the Saxons and taken to the village council. After a heated discussion they convince Wulnoth they are but travellers and are given some provisions to travel on, though Vicki is equally heartened to hear from Edith that the Doctor passed by her hut on his way to the monastery. Steven and Vicki decide to visit the monastery next to try and find their missing friend. The Monk tries to dissuade them from entering but gives himself away deliberately by describing the Doctor too accurately, and so Steven and Vicki decide he must be a prisoner inside the monastery. They decide to break in after dark, which delights the Monk as he prepares the same trap for them that caught the Doctor. The Monk has meanwhile been surveying the seas with binoculars and is pleased to finally sight a Viking ship on the horizon. Soon the Vikings land and two small groups are sent to search the area, with one group of three heading toward the Saxon village. One of the Vikings finds and attacks Edith, leaving her traumatised, and in response some of the Saxons go hunting for the invaders. The three Vikings are drunk when they are found and the giant that attacked Edith is cut down, though his companions Sven and Ulf manage to flee. Eldred too has been badly wounded and Wulnoth takes him to the monastery for help. At the Monk's lair Steven and Vicki have stolen in under cover of darkness. They too find the gramophone and are stunned. The Monk has his trap prepared but cannot spring it due to the arrival at the door of Wulnoth and the injured Eldred, whom Wulnoth insists be taken into the Monk's care. Steven and Vicki have meanwhile found the cell empty bar the Doctor's cloak and they then manage to leave the monastery via a secret passage. The Doctor has actually taken the same passage himself and returns to Edith in the Saxon village. He soon hears of the Viking invasion scouting party and, upon leaving Edith's house, decides to head back to the monastery to track down Steven and Vicki, having learned they have gone there. Steven and Vicki have meanwhile found to their dismay that the TARDIS has been submerged beneath the incoming tide. Afraid that the Doctor may have had to leave in it, they resolve to check for him at the monastery anyway, especially after they discover an atomic bazooka trained out to sea from the clifftop near where the TARDIS was. The Monk is intent on using the Vikings for his own ends and, once Wulnoth has departed his monastery, produces an elaborate checklist that builds to a meeting with King Harold himself. There is another knock at the monastery door and this time it is the Doctor who has the upper hand when the door is answered. Fooled into thinking he is being held at gunpoint, the Monk is marched back inside and is about to answer a few questions when there is yet another knock at the door. When the Doctor and Monk answer, they are overpowered by the two Vikings, Sven and Ulf. In the ensuing confrontation the Monk is able to slip away, leaving the Doctor as the Viking prisoner. It is a state of play that does not last long. The Doctor knocks out Sven and elsewhere the Monk does the same to Ulf and securely ties him up. The Monk uses his freedom to persuade the villagers to light beacon fires on the cliff tops, lying that he is expecting materials by sea to enhance the monastery, when in fact he wishes to lure the Viking fleet to land nearby. Wulnoth says he will light the fires, but does not do so as he realises the danger. Steven and Vicki return to the monastery via the secret passage and investigate the crypt, where a heavy power cable emanates from a sarcophagus. When they look inside, they discover that it is a TARDIS of the Monk's very own - he must come from the same place as the Doctor (though the term Time Lord is not used). The Monk has meanwhile returned to the monastery and is once more under the Doctor's control. He reveals his plan is not to help the Vikings but to lure them to the coast where he hoped to destroy the invasion fleet with atomic bazookas. This would prevent the Viking invasion and thereby shore up King Harold to such an extent he would not then lose the Battle of Hastings. In short, the Monk is a Time Meddler who left his and the Doctor's own planet some fifty years after the Doctor himself. Steven and Vicki have found further evidence of his meddling in his TARDIS: a journal recording his meeting with Leonardo da Vinci to discuss powered flight, providing anti-gravitational discs to help the ancient Celts build Stonehenge, and using time travel to collect a fortune in compound interest from a bank. The Doctor denounces the Monk for seeking to alter history and forces him to reveal his TARDIS, where they find Steven and Vicki. Together the time travellers piece together the Monk's immoral plot, which the Monk insists is intended to stabilise England and benefit Western civilisation. The Vikings have meanwhile freed themselves from their bonds and decide to avenge themselves on the monks who have imprisoned them. Eldred spots them and, despite his injuries, flees to the village where he raises Wulnoth and a squad of Saxons to deal with the marauders. At the monastery the tables have turned. Ulf and Sven have formed a contrived alliance with the Monk and have tied up the Doctor's party while the three of them take the bazooka shells down to the cannon on the beach. The scheme is foiled however when the Saxons arrive and engage the fleeing Vikings in a nearby clearing, presumably killing Sven and Ulf in battle. The Monk hides while this fighting rages, little knowing that the Doctor and his friends have been freed and are tampering with his TARDIS. With his scheme in ruins, the Monk decides to leave and returns his TARDIS, though the Doctor has gone and left a note assuring the Monk his meddling days are ended. When the Monk looks inside his TARDIS he realises the Doctor has taken the dimensional control and the interior of his ship has shrunk beyond use, leaving him stranded in 1066 with an angry band of Saxons nearby. The tide having gone out, the Doctor and his friends are free to leave this primitive time in their TARDIS, and journey onward to the stars. Cast Dr. Who -- William HartnellVicki -- Maureen O'BrienSteven -- Peter PurvesMonk -- Peter ButterworthEdith -- Alethea CharltonEldred -- Peter RussellWulnoth -- Michael MillerSaxon Hunter -- Michael GuestViking Leader -- Geoffrey CheshireUlf -- Norman HartleySven -- David AndersonGunnar the Giant -- Ronald Rich Cast notes Features a guest appearance by Peter Butterworth - see also Celebrity appearances in Doctor Who.William Hartnell does not appear in episode 2 as he was on holiday. A pre-taped recording of his voice is played when the Doctor is locked in a cell. Continuity Vicki and the Doctor discuss Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright's departure as seen in The Chase and the Doctor refers to Susan's departure as seen in The Dalek Invasion of Earth. The Doctor later misses Barbara's knowledge of history.Vicki reveals she would like to return to New York after seeing it briefly from the Empire State Building during the events of The Chase. The Doctor, and the Daleks, would return to New York and the Empire State Building onscreen, but without Vicki in the two-part story "Daleks in Manhattan" and "Evolution of the Daleks".The Time Meddler is the first example of what is known in Doctor Who as the 'pseudo-historical' story, which is one that uses the past as a setting for a science fiction story, as opposed to the pure historical stories, which are set in the past but have no science-fictional elements attached to them besides the presence of the regular characters.This is also the first time we meet another member of the Doctor's race (although they are not yet identified as Time Lords), from a time 50 years after the Doctor left his homeworld (which is not named in this story). The spin-off novels, which are of debatable canonicity, establish that the Monk and the Doctor attended the Academy as schoolmates.As the Monk has his own craft much like the Doctor's, and it is referred to by the same name, this story appears to contradict Susan's original claim to have invented the name 'TARDIS' from the craft's initials (in An Unearthly Child episode one). All future references likewise seem to belie Susan's claim.For that matter, this is the first story in which the acronym TARDIS is said to stand for "Time and Relative Dimensions in Space", rather than the singular 'Dimension' as had been used in An Unearthly Child. This was an error made by Maureen O'Brien during recording, but was retained throughout much of the series' history, with occasional exceptions. The original 'Dimension' was firmly re-established in the first episode of the revived 2005 series, "Rose" and so far maintained thereafter.The Monk's name, as given in later novels - Mortimus - is not revealed in this story. He is simply The Monk, The Meddling Monk or the titular Time Meddler. The canonicity of non-broadcast stories is unclear. The character would make one return appearance on televsion, however, in the epic The Daleks' Master Plan. Production The working title for this story was The Monk.The four episodes of the serial had individual titles. They were, respectively, "The Watcher", "The Meddling Monk", "A Battle of Wits", and "Checkmate".During production of this story, new producer John Wiles began taking over production duties.William Hartnell, displeased at the number of changes undergoing the production, play-acted throwing a temper tantrum during the rehearsal of this story.Episodes one, three, and four were reported missing from the BBC Film and Videotape Library following an audit in 1978 (see Doctor Who missing episodes). Edited telerecordings of all four episodes were returned to the BBC from Nigeria in 1985, and complete copies of episodes one and three were returned in 1992. A short sequence from episode four remains missing from the otherwise complete print of all four episodes; the announced 2008 Region 2 DVD release is scheduled to include a recreation of this missing sequence, which was removed by censors and runs 12 seconds in duration, depicting an act of violence.[1] In print Doctor Who book The Time Meddler Series Target novelisations Release number 126 Writer Nigel Robinson Publisher Target Books Cover artist Jeff Cummins ISBN 0 491 03337 0 Release date 15th October 1987 (Hardback) March 1988 (Paperback) Preceded by Terror of the Vervoids Followed by The Mysterious Planet A novelisation of this serial, written by Nigel Robinson, was published by Target Books in October 1987. Broadcast,VHS and DVD releases This story was repeated on BBC2 in 1992.It was released on VHS in November 2002.It will be released on Region 2 DVD in the United Kingdom on February 4, 2008.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 66

    Geek Syndicate

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    22:28 (GMT) - 30 Jan 2008

    In this special episode we chat with James Moran the writer of the movie Severance, the Torchwood episode 'Sleeper' and a future and the upcoming Dr Who episode "Pompeii".

    James explains how he got into writing, reveals some of his methods and inspirations. He also reveals how he found himself living out one of his dreams as a writer on Doctor Who.


  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 66

    Geek Syndicate

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    22:28 (GMT) - 30 Jan 2008

    In this special episode we chat with James Moran the writer of the movie Severance, the Torchwood episode 'Sleeper' and a future and the upcoming Dr Who episode "Pompeii".

    James explains how he got into writing, reveals some of his methods and inspirations. He also reveals how he found himself living out one of his dreams as a writer on Doctor Who.


  • Geek Syndicate

    Comic Racks episode 6b

    Geek Syndicate

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    15:29 (GMT) - 28 Jan 2008

    Join us in a slightly shorter yet super special episode in which we round up our Doctor Who ramblements.

    Our usual routine goes out of the window so we can complete our review Doctor Who series 3, from Human Nature right up the the Christmas Special, Voyage of the Damned.

    Stace gets scared of, well, practically everything in this episode, from statues to small girls with balloons, Iz sings a Doctor Who solo and we both get a little Tennant-fangirlish as we delve into what we both see as the better half of this season.

    Stay tuned for a quick reminder of our competition and prizes; we've now had two entries, but we're greedy for more!

    Enjoy :)

  • Geek Syndicate

    Comic Racks episode 6b

    Geek Syndicate

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    15:29 (GMT) - 28 Jan 2008

    Join us in a slightly shorter yet super special episode in which we round up our Doctor Who ramblements.

    Our usual routine goes out of the window so we can complete our review Doctor Who series 3, from Human Nature right up the the Christmas Special, Voyage of the Damned.

    Stace gets scared of, well, practically everything in this episode, from statues to small girls with balloons, Iz sings a Doctor Who solo and we both get a little Tennant-fangirlish as we delve into what we both see as the better half of this season.

    Stay tuned for a quick reminder of our competition and prizes; we've now had two entries, but we're greedy for more!

    Enjoy :)

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #67 - Kiss Kiss We're Back

    Radio Free Skaro

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    23:27 (GMT) - 27 Jan 2008

    After scheduling snafus and real life intruded to keep us from recording last week, the RFS crew returned to discuss the first two episodes of Torchwood (verdict: pretty decent), speculate on the latest round of rumours, and digress as always into realms nonsensical. And for once we actually came in at under an hour. Enjoy!

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #67 - Kiss Kiss We're Back

    Radio Free Skaro

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    23:27 (GMT) - 27 Jan 2008

    After scheduling snafus and real life intruded to keep us from recording last week, the RFS crew returned to discuss the first two episodes of Torchwood (verdict: pretty decent), speculate on the latest round of rumours, and digress as always into realms nonsensical. And for once we actually came in at under an hour. Enjoy!

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #67 - Kiss Kiss We're Back

    Radio Free Skaro

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    23:27 (GMT) - 27 Jan 2008

    After scheduling snafus and real life intruded to keep us from recording last week, the RFS crew returned to discuss the first two episodes of Torchwood (verdict: pretty decent), speculate on the latest round of rumours, and digress as always into realms nonsensical. And for once we actually came in at under an hour. Enjoy!

  • Staggering Stories Podcast

    Staggering Stories Podcast #13: Voyage to the Banana of the Darned

    Staggering Stories Podcast

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    20:33 (GMT) - 27 Jan 2008

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and Tony Gallichan talk about Doctor Who: Voyage of the Damned, Sam and Max, the PC game Portal, our recent Christmas presents, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00.56 — Greetings, yes?
    • 03.34 — Where is Keith?
    • 05.33 – Our Christmas Presents: Fake Keith
    • 08.45 – Sam and Max.
    • 21:50 – Portal.
    • 28.27 – Our Christmas Presents: Adam.
    • 34.40 – Doctor Who – Voyage of the Damned.
    • 63.01 – Our Christmas Presents: Andy.
    • 67.22 – Our Christmas Presents: Tony.
    • 72.33 – Letters and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 82.12 — The real Keith sinks without a trace.
    • 84.39 – Goodbyeeeeeeeee!!
    • 85.20 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.
    • 86.02 — Portal spoilers.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Doctor Who: Voyage of the Damned.
    • Sam and Max, the Telltale Games Seasons.
    • Sam and Max: Abe Lincoln Must Die! Free Episode.
    • Portal.
    • Portal: First Slice. Free to nVidia graphics card owners.

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #062 - Von Feiern und Toten

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

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    00:32 (GMT) - 26 Jan 2008

    Trotz vieler aktueller Ereignisse setzen wir in diesem Cast die Aufholjagd aktueller Big Finish Horspiele fort. Diesmal gibt es zwei kurze Reviews zum JubilaumsHorspiel "100" und C'rizz Abschiedsfolge "Absolution". Die wir im Torchwoodrausch ein wenig uberkritisch betrachten...

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #062 - Von Feiern und Toten

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

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    00:32 (GMT) - 26 Jan 2008

    Trotz vieler aktueller Ereignisse setzen wir in diesem Cast die Aufholjagd aktueller Big Finish Horspiele fort. Diesmal gibt es zwei kurze Reviews zum JubilaumsHorspiel "100" und C'rizz Abschiedsfolge "Absolution". Die wir im Torchwoodrausch ein wenig uberkritisch betrachten...

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 39: Sleeper Torchwood 2.2

    Tin Dog Podcast

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    14:09 (GMT) - 25 Jan 2008

    Plot Two burglars break into a flat owned by a woman called Beth and her boyfriend. There's a struggle, a flash of light and soon Torchwood are on the scene investigating the grisly fate suffered by the burglars. Beth cannot remember events and is taken into custody by Torchwood, who suspect she is not of this earth. When they take her to a cell, she passes a Weevil and it cowers in her presence. Captain Jack, after flirting with Ianto, decides to take drastic measures and subject Beth to a mind probe. Despite no initial reaction, the probe eventually uncovers alien technology buried under the skin of her right forearm. It emerges that she is an alien 'sleeper agent', yet to be activated and oblivious to its real identity having been given memory implants. Around Cardiff, other sleeper agents are suddenly activated, with their right arms transforming into bayonet-like weapons. They carry out a series of suicide bombings at key locations, paving the way for their leader - a former doting husband - to head for a base containing nuclear warheads. Beth manages to escape and is found with her ailing husband in hospital. She is struggling to keep her human identity and instinctively stabs him in his bed. Captain Jack manages to track down the leading sleeper agent to the base moments before he can detonate the nuclear weapons. Jack is stabbed in the process and the agent warns him that there are others of his kind. Back at Torchwood, Beth turns the gun on Gwen, forcing the others to shoot and kill her. Gwen believes that Beth knew this would be the case and wanted to be killed. [edit] Cast Captain Jack Harkness -- John BarrowmanGwen Cooper -- Eve MylesOwen Harper -- Burn GormanToshiko Sato -- Naoko MoriIanto Jones -- Gareth David-LloydJanet the Weevil -- Paul KaseyBeth Halloran[2] -- Nikki Amuka-BirdMike Halloran -- Dyfed Potter  Cast notes Although credited, Kai Owen does not appear as Gwen's fiance Rhys Williams. Outside references Owen calls Gwen "Jessica Fletcher", the lead character from television series Murder, She Wrote.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 65

    Geek Syndicate

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    04:42 (GMT) - 24 Jan 2008

    This week there is no main feature just a lot of week that was of which a lion's share is dedicated to our spoilerful review of the first episode of Torchwood. We  have a spoilerful look at the end league issue 1.

    There is also some chat about the I am legend novel,Dan Dare, Blood Ties, House and Mass Effect on the Xbox360. Dave does a brief interview with Orbital Comics  in London about their upcoming sale.

    Oh and at last Barry's musical segment if officially named.


  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 65

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    04:42 (GMT) - 24 Jan 2008

    This week there is no main feature just a lot of week that was of which a lion's share is dedicated to our spoilerful review of the first episode of Torchwood. We have a spoilerful look at the end league issue 1.

    There is also some chat about the I am legend novel,Dan Dare, Blood Ties, House and Mass Effect on the Xbox360. Dave does a brief interview with Orbital Comics in London about their upcoming sale.

    Oh and at last Barry's musical segment if officially named.


  • Geek Syndicate

    Comic Racks Episode 6

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:04 (GMT) - 21 Jan 2008

    This week the noobie-bird-nerds get their teeth into the first half of Dr Who season 3, and a darn sight more in between.

    Join the ladies as they talk about loads of stuff including Jenna Jameson's comic and her need for a nice jumper.

    Stacey looses her mind and has a full-on nerdgasm during a News Item on Deadpool,and Iz proves once again she can't read properly as Teen Titans Year One is referred to as TT Year Zero :(

    Dr Who Season 3 from The Runanway Bride through to 42 is reviewed, with slight detours via starch-related old Who villains, a morbid fear of Davros, Tom Baker's teeth, and the utter crap-ness of straws.

    In our Top of the Racks section Stacey gets a little creepy over her Kingdom Come and Iz goes all groupie over Mike Norton (again).

    If anyone is easily offended, please do NOT listen to the Peeve of the Fortnight section - the girls out-do themselves on the swearing front this week..but it's all Anne Robinson's fault.

    Listen out for the all important shout-outs, which Iz manages to screw up quite a bit, but recovers in time to discuss logos on thongs and dog jackets :)


    Jenna Jameson's Shadow Hunter #0
    Teen Titans Year One

    Main Feature:
    Dr Who Season Three (The Runaway Bride, Smith and Jones - 42)

    Top of the Racks:
    Absolute Edition Kingdom Come

  • Geek Syndicate

    Comic Racks Episode 6

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:04 (GMT) - 21 Jan 2008

    This week the noobie-bird-nerds get their teeth into the first half of Dr Who season 3, and a darn sight more in between.

    Join the ladies as they talk about loads of stuff including Jenna Jameson's comic and her need for a nice jumper.

    Stacey looses her mind and has a full-on nerdgasm during a News Item on Deadpool,and Iz proves once again she can't read properly as Teen Titans Year One is referred to as TT Year Zero :(

    Dr Who Season 3 from The Runanway Bride through to 42 is reviewed, with slight detours via starch-related old Who villains, a morbid fear of Davros, Tom Baker's teeth, and the utter crap-ness of straws.

    In our Top of the Racks section Stacey gets a little creepy over her Kingdom Come and Iz goes all groupie over Mike Norton (again).

    If anyone is easily offended, please do NOT listen to the Peeve of the Fortnight section - the girls out-do themselves on the swearing front this week..but it's all Anne Robinson's fault.

    Listen out for the all important shout-outs, which Iz manages to screw up quite a bit, but recovers in time to discuss logos on thongs and dog jackets :)


    Jenna Jameson's Shadow Hunter #0
    Teen Titans Year One

    Main Feature:
    Dr Who Season Three (The Runaway Bride, Smith and Jones - 42)

    Top of the Racks:
    Absolute Edition Kingdom Come

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #061 - Shit, Shit, Gang Bang

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    15:18 (GMT) - 20 Jan 2008

    Nach langerer Pause sind wir wieder da. Diesmal gibt es News zu den Einschaltquoten, viel Post und naturlich unser Review zur ersten Torchwoodfolge der zweiten Staffel. Soviel vorab - unsere Begeisterung hielt sich in Grenzen... Dafur verkunden wir voller Freude die Gewinner unseres Weihnachtsquizes.

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #061 - Shit, Shit, Gang Bang

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    15:18 (GMT) - 20 Jan 2008

    Nach langerer Pause sind wir wieder da. Diesmal gibt es News zu den Einschaltquoten, viel Post und naturlich unser Review zur ersten Torchwoodfolge der zweiten Staffel. Soviel vorab - unsere Begeisterung hielt sich in Grenzen... Dafur verkunden wir voller Freude die Gewinner unseres Weihnachtsquizes.

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 38: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Torchwood 2.1

    Tin Dog Podcast

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    14:40 (GMT) - 19 Jan 2008

    Synopsis Captain Jack returns, as the Torchwood team reunite to fight a rogue Time Agent. The mysterious Captain John Hart, Captain Jack's old partner in more ways than one, is determined to wreak havoc, and needs to find something hidden on Earth. But with Gwen's life in danger, and cluster bombs scattered across the city, whose side is Jack on? [2] [edit] Plot At night, a red sports car races through Cardiff, driven by an alien Blowfish. At a crossing, he stops to let an old lady cross the street. The Torchwood van stops and asks the lady if she saw the Blowfish. She points them in the right direction. The team catch up with the blowfish and shoot the tyres, forcing him to leave the car. He flees into a home where he shoots a resident and holds another hostage. The team hold him at gunpoint and the Blowfish dares Ianto to shoot him, but Ianto hesitates. A shot is heard, killing the Blowfish. When Ianto turns around, he sees Jack, who fired the shot. He greets the team with the words, "Did you miss me?" When they return to Torchwood, the team want to know where Jack has gone, but he once again keeps them in the dark. He only tells them that he has seen the right doctor. When asked by Ianto why he returned he says he "came back for you (Ianto)", but then widens this statement to include the whole team. He takes Gwen to the side to tell her he has seen the end of the world. He then shows signs of having fallen for Gwen, and jealousy when he realises Gwen is going to marry Rhys because "nobody else would have her", but he covers this up by saying they should go "back to work". Tosh notices that there has been Rift activity. Meanwhile, a man, Captain John Hart, walks through the Rift at the top floor of a multi-storey car park. He notices a man is held at knife-point, and intervenes by grabbing the mugger's throat and holding him over the edge. The man pleads with Hart to stop, but he says "no" and drops him to his death. Hart then turns to the victim and tells him that he was never here, and to go. Hart then goes to a nightclub and tells everyone to leave by pulling out two side-arms in front of a bouncer, causing everyone to panic and ran out. Torchwood Three sees the body of the dead mugger on the street and Tosh notices traces of Rift energy from his neck. Jack then gets a message on his wrist device, where a hologram appears of Hart telling him to come to the nightclub, alone. He does, but the rest of his team follow him in a taxi. When Jack arrives in the club, he and Hart approach each other and kiss, but then proceed to fight. They then stop for a drink. Hart tells him that the Time Agency is gone, and that he has been to several rehabs for drink, drugs, sex and murder. Hart sees the others and realises that Jack has a new team now, called Torchwood. Jack explains that Hart was his partner. Hart also tells the rest of the team more about Jack than Jack himself said. He then asks the question "What are you doing here?" He then says that it was about time he would ask the question. They enter Torchwood Three station and John is checked for weapons. He has many, including several concealed knives and pistols, detected by Gwen. Hart says that there are several deadly radiation cluster bombs scattered all over Cardiff that could endanger everyone on Earth. Tosh finds the locations of three bombs all over the city. Gwen organises the team to go searching for the bombs in teams of two; Jack and Ianto, Owen and Tosh, and Gwen and Hart. Jack has problems with this and talks to Gwen alone. Gwen explains that she could get to know Hart better and to learn what he is really up to. Jack agrees and gives Gwen three rules on how to handle Hart: she should keep him in front of her at all times, she should never trust him and she should not let him kiss her. The teams splits up and Gwen and Hart are in the container docks. After some flirting from Hart, they find a cluster bomb in a container. However, once Gwen has it, Hart kisses her. Gwen realises that he has paralysed her with the kiss. Hart throws away her phone and tells Gwen she has two hours before her organs shut down and she dies. He then runs away. Meanwhile, Owen and Tosh are in an abandoned building and find the bomb, but Hart arrives, knocks out Tosh and shoots Owen in the leg. Jack and Ianto are in an office building searching for the other bomb, where Jack asks Ianto out on a date. He explains that John Hart is someone reminding him of his past and wants to be done with him. Ianto accepts. They then split up, while Jack goes to the roof. Ianto hears a noise and then realises it is Hart, holding him at gunpoint. Hart tells Ianto that Owen and Gwen are in trouble and he gets him to run to rescue them. Jack finds the last cluster bomb and is confronted by Hart again. Hart wants the cluster bomb, but Jack refuses. Hart wants Jack to join him running the Galaxy. Jack admits he isn't tempted, and throws the bomb over the edge. Hart then pushes Jack off the roof to another of his "deaths". Hart gets the remaining bomb and tells the "dead" Jack that rehab never worked. He then goes back to Torchwood Three. Ianto goes to Owen and helps Tosh dress his wound. They then go to the docks and eventually find Gwen just in time and inject her with an anti-toxin. At dawn, Hart goes to the corpse of the Blowfish, who worked for him, and takes out a small pyramid shaped object. He is then suprised to see the rest of the team, holding him at gunpoint, and realises that Jack is immortal. Hart then tells the truth; there are no cluster bombs. He was looking for a diamond that belonged to a lover of his once, but he killed her. The "bombs" are actually a device that would lead him to the location of the diamond. However, the woman's hologram says there is no diamond. A device shoots into Hart's chest, and the hologram explains that the device is a bomb that locks into the DNA of whoever killed her and it can't be removed. There are ten minutes until the bomb goes off, but Hart cuffs himself to Gwen. She has a plan that could kill her. Tosh says that the Rift is still open from Hart's arrival. Gwen takes Hart there, but Jack and Owen stay behind and quickly work on a solution. They arrive at the car park, quickly followed by Jack and Owen, who inject Hart with the DNA of all Torchwood members, which will temporarily confuse the bomb. The bomb releases itself and they throw it through the Rift. Just as it explodes, they are shifted back in time to the same moment Hart arrived. Hart, impressed, agrees to let Gwen go and reluctantly agrees to go back home. Before he disappears, he says, "By the way, I found Gray". Jack, shocked, is asked who or what "Gray" is. He just says that it's nothing. [edit] Cast Captain Jack Harkness -- John BarrowmanGwen Cooper -- Eve MylesOwen Harper -- Burn GormanToshiko Sato -- Naoko MoriIanto Jones -- Gareth David-LloydCaptain John Hart -- James MarstersRhys Williams -- Kai OwenPC Andy Davidson -- Tom Price (uncredited)Elspeth Morgan[3] -- Menna TrusslerBlowfish -- Paul KaseyMugger -- Crispin LayfieldVictim -- Nathan RyanHologram Woman -- Inika Leigh WrightMiss Styles[4] -- Sarah Whyte [edit] Continuity This episode features the first Time Agent to be seen since Jack's introduction in the Doctor Who episode "The Empty Child". Time Agents were first mentioned in the 1977 Doctor Who serial The Talons of Weng-Chiang. The Time Agency is revealed no longer to exist by Captain John, who invites Jack to join him "back in the old routine" as they would "be Emperors".Captain John's "lover," who appears in the puzzle-box hologram, is said by John to have owned an Arcadian diamond. The planet Arcadia was last mentioned by the Tenth Doctor in the Doctor Who episode "Doomsday", and first appeared in the Virgin New Adventures novel Deceit.A "Missing" poster[5] on the Torchwood website suggests that Jack went missing in February, indicating Jack has been missing for some time before his return.When John handcuffs himself to Gwen, he refers to the cuffs being "deadlock sealed", a term used in Doctor Who to mean something cannot be unlocked by sonic screwdriver. (Torchwood Three possess a lockpick with a similar functionality to the screwdriver.) Captain Jack returns, as the Torchwood team reunite to fight a rogue Time Agent. The mysterious Captain John Hart is determined to wreak havoc, and needs to find something hidden on Earth. But with Gwen's life in danger, and cluster bombs scattered across the city, whose side is Jack on?

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate vs Satan Episode 64

    Geek Syndicate

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    16:19 (GMT) - 17 Jan 2008

    You read the title right noble listener. It seems our rant on spidey's demonic sellout last episode has bought down the wrath of the unholy one.

    In our battle against Satan we use the Bionic Woman, a spoilerful review of the first episode of the second season of Primeval, Artemis Fowl and a whole host of independent comics that we review and more.

    Pray we win this battle or say farewell to our immortal souls...enjoy!

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate vs Satan Episode 64

    Geek Syndicate

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    16:19 (GMT) - 17 Jan 2008

    You read the title right noble listener. It seems our rant on spidey's demonic sellout last episode has bought down the wrath of the unholy one.

    In our battle against Satan we use the Bionic Woman, a spoilerful review of the first episode of the second season of Primeval, Artemis Fowl and a whole host of independent comics that we review and more.

    Pray we win this battle or say farewell to our immortal souls...enjoy!

  • Tachyon TV Podcasts

    Voyage of the Damned

    Tachyon TV Podcasts

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    19:44 (GMT) - 13 Jan 2008

    'Is there a chimp on the bridge?'. Topics up for discussion include: brutal dictators, student common rooms, Robot Wars, old queens and monkeys. Lots and lots of monkeys.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast

    Staggering Stories Podcast #12: Rumble in the Fungal

    Staggering Stories Podcast

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    23:23 (GMT) - 12 Jan 2008

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and Tony Gallichan talk about Doctor Who: The TV Movie (aka The Enemy Within), Star Wars Galaxies, 2007 in review, predictions for 2008, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 01.00 — Greetings, yes?
    • 02.15 — Where is Keith?
    • 02.57 – Predictions of the Future!
    • 03.10 — Fake Keith divines Billie Piper’s future career.
    • 03.28 — Crumbly has political fantasies.
    • 04.06 — Adam’s Predicable List. Is it curtains for Tom Baker?
    • 04.50 — Tony predicts Russell T. Davies goes Fonzie.
    • 05.25 — A grizzly fate for Tate?
    • 05.52 — The teddy gets it.
    • 06.25 — Tony dresses up as Captain Jack Harkness and Sean Pertwee attacks!
    • 07.19 — Special guest for Hamlet.
    • 07.40 — Tragedy for the Spice Girls.
    • 08.05 — New Star Wars Trilogy?
    • 09.00 – Hopes and Dreams, for the future.
    • 09.09 — Another Adam list, including Doctor Who, Babylon 5, Serenity 2, SETI and Staggering Stories Website redesign?
    • 10.56 — The Real Keith wants some Doctor Who MMO action.
    • 12.16 – Doctor Who – The 1996 Paul McGann TV Movie (aka The Enemy Within)
    • 12.50 — The gap decade.
    • 13.35 — Synopsis and mutant Smurfs
    • 15.21 — Dimensions in Time – wisely blanked from the mind.
    • 15.53 — Sylvester McCoy and his prat falls.
    • 18.25 — Eric Roberts does Rocky Horror in the TARDIS.
    • 22.56 — The scripts we didn’t have – the rapping TARDIS console!
    • 24.14 — The kissing and fireworks, cork popping, train through tunnel and other metaphors
    • 27.43 — Listener Leslie saves our bacon – again!
    • 36.58 — The Flying Dutchman of San Fancisco Police motorcyclists.
    • 37.44 — Next Time: We will talk about Voyage of the Damned.
    • 38.30 – Massively Multiplayer Games Talk: Star Wars Galaxies
    • 41.01 — Skill based rather than level based (before the shameful NGE)
    • 42.43 — Player towns, with statues!
    • 43.50 — Player economy and buffing people in the cantina.
    • 46.13 — The Combat Upgrade – the beginning of the end.
    • 48.00 — The New Game Experience – the end of the end (for many, at least).
    • 49.00 — The old Mission Terminals.
    • 53.20 — Knights of the Old Republic- A New Hope?
    • 54.30 – The Year in Review
    • 54.37 — Yet another list from Adam: Blake’s 7 audios, Sam Tyler is DEAD, Tennant making his mark.
    • 56.33 — Casino Royale – a new start for Bond.
    • 57.26 — Sam and Max, created by Steve Purcell (no relation!)
    • 58.00 — Death’s Head 3.0 – why?!
    • 59.14 – Letters and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 59.37 — The real Keith isn’t a prevert, not this time, at least.
    • 63.07 – Goodbyeeeeeeeee!!
    • 63.46 — * Auld Lang Syne, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories
    • Doctor Who: The TV Movie
    • Star Wars Galaxies

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #66 - Random Ruminations

    Radio Free Skaro

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    21:38 (GMT) - 12 Jan 2008

    Somehow, despite an almost complete lack of news, the RFS crew managed to pack together almost an hour of action-packed banter, hilarity and mumblesuch into the latest podcast. Enjoy our digressions and debate, and stay tuned for next week when we'll have the premiere of the second season of Torchwood to mull over and...well, another 40-odd minutes of banter.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #66 - Random Ruminations

    Radio Free Skaro

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    21:38 (GMT) - 12 Jan 2008

    Somehow, despite an almost complete lack of news, the RFS crew managed to pack together almost an hour of action-packed banter, hilarity and mumblesuch into the latest podcast. Enjoy our digressions and debate, and stay tuned for next week when we'll have the premiere of the second season of Torchwood to mull over and...well, another 40-odd minutes of banter.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #66 - Random Ruminations

    Radio Free Skaro

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    21:38 (GMT) - 12 Jan 2008

    Somehow, despite an almost complete lack of news, the RFS crew managed to pack together almost an hour of action-packed banter, hilarity and mumblesuch into the latest podcast. Enjoy our digressions and debate, and stay tuned for next week when we'll have the premiere of the second season of Torchwood to mull over and...well, another 40-odd minutes of banter.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate Episode 63

    Geek Syndicate

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    06:14 (GMT) - 10 Jan 2008

    A new year and a new Barry? Join us as we tackle everything from a remote control drinks cooler to, reviews of shoot em up(spoilerful but for this movie it really doesn't matter) and I am Legend(spoiler free). In our main feature we review the Spidey epic One More Day(spoilerful) and delve into the controversy that had sprung up around it.


  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate Episode 63

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:14 (GMT) - 10 Jan 2008

    A new year and a new Barry? Join us as we tackle everything from a remote control drinks cooler to, reviews of shoot em up(spoilerful but for this movie it really doesn't matter) and I am Legend(spoiler free). In our main feature we review the Spidey epic One More Day(spoilerful) and delve into the controversy that had sprung up around it.


  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 37 Seadevils, silurians and Mat. Oh my!

    Tin Dog Podcast

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    15:03 (GMT) - 9 Jan 2008

     Doctor Who And The Silurians: Summoned by the Brigadier to an underground research centre at Wenley Moor, the Doctor and Liz Shaw learn from its director, Dr Lawrence, that work on a new type of nuclear reactor is being hampered by inexplicable power losses and by an unusually high incidence of stress-related illness amongst staff. Investigating a nearby cave system, the Doctor discovers it is the base of a group of intelligent reptiles, termed Silurians, who went into hibernation millions of years ago but have now been revived by power from the research centre. The Doctor strives for peace between reptiles and humans and manages to gain the trust of the old Silurian leader, but then a rebellious young Silurian seizes power and releases a deadly virus that threatens to wipe out humanity. The Doctor finds an antidote, but the Silurians retaliate by taking over the research centre and preparing to destroy the Van Allen Belt, a natural barrier shielding the Earth from solar radiation harmful to humans but beneficial to reptiles...The Sea Devils: The Doctor and Jo visit the Master in his high-security prison on an island off the south coast of England and hear from the governor, Colonel Trenchard, that ships have been mysteriously disappearing at sea. Investigating, the Doctor learns from Captain Hart, commander of a nearby Naval base, that the sinkings have centred around an abandoned sea fort. He and Jo then visit the fort and are attacked by what one of the men there terms a Sea Devil - an amphibious breed of the prehistoric creatures encountered by the Doctor shortly after his exile to Earth.The Master, aided by a misguided Trenchard, is stealing equipment from the Naval base in order to build a machine to revive the Sea Devils from hibernation. The Doctor takes a diving bell down to the Sea Devils' underwater base to try to encourage peace...Warriors Of The Deep: The Doctor, Tegan and Turlough arrive at an underwater Sea Base on Earth, where a scientific and military team led by Commander Vorshak are monitoring a rival power bloc. The team undergo regular missile launch test sequences to ensure that they are ready at all times to combat an attack. Three Silurians led by Icthar - the surviving member of a Silurian triad - revive a colony of Sea Devil Warriors in order to invade the base and use its weapons to attack the opposing power bloc, thus provoking a global war that will allow the reptiles to conquer the Earth...

  • Geek Syndicate

    Comic Racks Episode 5

    Geek Syndicate

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    18:18 (GMT) - 7 Jan 2008

    Cover your ears and run for the hills as Stace and Iz swear and rant their way through a round-up of 2007. The Racks look at what they rate as the very best and very worst (and very disappointing) comic issues, comic series', films, and TV of 2007. Also covered in depth are things on screen, stage, and print in 2008 that are making the girls a little bit over-excited.

    Along the way Iz proves that senility can happen to the best of us, and reveals why she could possibly be the worst person to go to the cinema with, Stace loses her mind over a panda, and provides a mini musical interlude, showing why one half of a podcast should not be left to their own devices......plus both girls have RANTS a-plenty.

    Stay tuned all the way through and hear about our awesome competition, a bit of good news and hear us get our contact details right for the very first time ever !!!

    Happy New Year ? ?

  • Geek Syndicate

    Comic Racks Episode 5

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    18:18 (GMT) - 7 Jan 2008

    Cover your ears and run for the hills as Stace and Iz swear and rant their way through a round-up of 2007. The Racks look at what they rate as the very best and very worst (and very disappointing) comic issues, comic series', films, and TV of 2007. Also covered in depth are things on screen, stage, and print in 2008 that are making the girls a little bit over-excited.

    Along the way Iz proves that senility can happen to the best of us, and reveals why she could possibly be the worst person to go to the cinema with, Stace loses her mind over a panda, and provides a mini musical interlude, showing why one half of a podcast should not be left to their own devices......plus both girls have RANTS a-plenty.

    Stay tuned all the way through and hear about our awesome competition, a bit of good news and hear us get our contact details right for the very first time ever !!!

    Happy New Year ? ?

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #060 - Christmas Special of the Damned

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

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    17:36 (GMT) - 6 Jan 2008

    Im ersten Whocast des neuen Jahres geht es vor allem um das Christmas Special "Voyage of the Damend" und die Casting News fur den neuen Doctor. Zusammen mit Raphael und Kolja ist auch Harald wieder mit von der Partie.

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #060 - Christmas Special of the Damned

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:36 (GMT) - 6 Jan 2008

    Im ersten Whocast des neuen Jahres geht es vor allem um das Christmas Special "Voyage of the Damend" und die Casting News fur den neuen Doctor. Zusammen mit Raphael und Kolja ist auch Harald wieder mit von der Partie.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skarp #65 - The Commentary of the Damned

    Radio Free Skaro

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    21:57 (GMT) - 5 Jan 2008

    With next to nothing in the way of news, the RFS crew brings you a full 71 minutes and change of rip-roaring commentary on the Doctor Who Xmas Special, "Voyage of the Damned." Does it stand up after a week and a half? Is Warren's Kylie jihad over and done with? Is Steven actually a computer programmed with nothing but Doctor Who facts? Tune in and find out!

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skarp #65 - The Commentary of the Damned

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:57 (GMT) - 5 Jan 2008

    With next to nothing in the way of news, the RFS crew brings you a full 71 minutes and change of rip-roaring commentary on the Doctor Who Xmas Special, "Voyage of the Damned." Does it stand up after a week and a half? Is Warren's Kylie jihad over and done with? Is Steven actually a computer programmed with nothing but Doctor Who facts? Tune in and find out!

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skarp #65 - The Commentary of the Damned

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:57 (GMT) - 5 Jan 2008

    With next to nothing in the way of news, the RFS crew brings you a full 71 minutes and change of rip-roaring commentary on the Doctor Who Xmas Special, "Voyage of the Damned." Does it stand up after a week and a half? Is Warren's Kylie jihad over and done with? Is Steven actually a computer programmed with nothing but Doctor Who facts? Tune in and find out!

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate Episode 62

    Geek Syndicate

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    09:02 (GMT) - 4 Jan 2008

    In our first episode of 2008 recorded in the dying embers of 2007 we are joined by Clive and resident non geek Amaechi.

    We review the season finale of Spooks(MI5 in the US) and the Doctor Who Christmas special Voyage of the Dammed.

    In our main feature we discuss some of the high and lows of 2007 in the world of comics, books, TV and gaming. We also get some insightful commentary from the non geek on the world of comic reading which he had only been recently exposed to.

    Enjoy and Happy New Year!!!

Dormant Podcasts