Playing Doctor: A Doctor Who Podcast

- Description:
- A weekly uncensored Doctor Who podcast where we discuss every episode. EVER. Starring your hosts, the Very Internet Famous Ben McCormick & Jennie Zell of Dork Trek PLUS special guests!
RSS Feed:
- Episodes:
- 71
- Average Episode Duration:
- 0:0:50:51
- Longest Episode Duration:
- 0:1:47:09
- Total Duration of all Episodes:
- 2 days, 12 hours, 10 minutes and 2 seconds
- Earliest Episode:
- 9 July 2017 (4:13am GMT)
- Latest Episode:
- 9 May 2017 (4:12am GMT)
- Average Time Between Episodes:
- 24 days, 19 hours, 37 minutes and 33 seconds
Playing Doctor: A Doctor Who Podcast Episodes
SPOILERS! - Season 10, Episode 4; Knock Knock
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 21 minutes and 5 secondsDoctor Who is BACK, and so are we, now with a Scooby Doo Mystery House. ZOINKS!
This episode has zero to do with Cinco de Mayo because this week Jennie and Ben discuss the newest season and episode 4, ” Knock Knock”
This is a Spoilers episode so don’t listen if you’re not caught up to Season 10, Episode 4!
Don’t forget to stop by and meet Jennie and Ben at Tidewater Comicon May 13-14 at the Virginia Beach Convention Center. They’re at Artist Alley Table 912! Get more details at
SPOILERS! - Season 10, Episode 3
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 25 minutes and 13 secondsDoctor Who is BACK, and so are we, now with poop fuel Regency England Orphans.
This episode has zero to do with Cinco de Mayo because this week Jennie and Ben discuss the newest season and episode 3, ” Thin Ice”
This is a Spoilers episode so don’t listen if you’re not caught up to Season 10, Episode 3!
SPOILERS! Season 10, Episode 2
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 21 minutes and 17 secondsDoctor Who is BACK, and so are we, with 50% more emojis?
This week Jennie and Ben discuss the newest season and episode 2, “Smile’
This is a Spoilers episode so don’t listen if you’re not caught up to Season 10, Episode 2!
SPOILERS! Season 10, Episode 1
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 20 minutes and 59 secondsDoctor Who is BACK, and so are we!
This week Jennie and Ben discuss the newest season and episode 1, “The Pilot’
This is a Spoilers episode so don’t listen if you’re not caught up to Season 10, Episode 1!
Ep-45: Do You Want Daleks?
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 25 minutes and 38 secondsIt’s November 5, 1966 and you’ve decided to settle down and watch a science fiction show on the telly. There are evil aliens, a crashed space capsule and it all takes place on the planet Vulcan. If you think you’re watching Star Trek you’re wrong, it’s “The Power of the Daleks” and it’s the first adventure featuring the Second Doctor, Patrick Troughton.
Our favorite recorder playing space tramp leads us on this adventure as a remote Earth colony faces the dangers of the Daleks. Joining us this week is Kris Roley, veteran podcaster, internet celebrity, and our Number 1 on Number 2. Check out Kris’ site at .
SPOILERS!-Season 9 Episode 5
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 20 minutes and 12 secondsThis week Jennie and Ben discuss “The Girl Who Died:” episode 5 of the 9th season in this spolieriffic episode.
The Doctor and Clara have to save Space Maisie Gray and her Viking buddies from being crushed to death by a giant foot. From Space.
SPOILERS!-Season 9 Episode 4
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 29 minutes and 16 secondsThis week Jennie and Ben discuss “Before the Flood” episode 4 of the 9th season. We weren’t too happy about this one but what can you do.
We discuss spoilers from the episode and lots of talk about bootstraps, like the doctor said, Google it. Apparently lots of folks did as there was a spike in Google trends for searches for “bootstrap” on Saturday night and Sunday.
SPOILERS!-Season 9 Episode 3
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 24 minutes and 27 secondsEditor’s Note: Ben is a bad person. Ben failed to check the audio equipment prior to recording and this week’s Spoilers! episode was recorded using the built-in mic on his laptop instead of the nice fancy podcasting microphone that Jennie and Ben were talking to during this episode. Ben is being punished as we speak.
Another spoiler episode as Jennie and Ben discuss season 9, episode 3, “Under the Lake”. If you were expecting a discussion about the Little Mermaid song “Under the Sea” you will be disappointed.
The season continues its trend of two part episodes with this Toby Whithouse thriller. We don’t want to give away too much in the description but there are GHOSTS and we don’t think they’re old man Jenkins in disguise this time Scooby-Doo fans.
SPOILERS!-Season 9 Episode 2
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 20 minutes and 34 secondsIn this week’s SPOILERS! episode we’re discussing “The Witch’s Familiar”
Lots of spoilers in this one so don’t listen if you haven’t caught up to season 9 yet.
We spend a good five or ten minutes discussing how awesome Missy is. Not saying she’s in this season, but she is awesome.
Ep-44: Creepy Angels
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 58 minutes and 33 secondsThis week Jennie and Ben are joined by long time friend of the Show, Darryl Lewis to discuss Season 3, Episode 10.
Sally Sparrow and her Scooby Doo gang of Mystery Investigators check out a derelict house in London. There, they discover the race known as the Weeping Angels who kill by sending their victims back in time. They cannot move if you look at them, so all you have to do is just.. not ... blink. ever. As the mystery unfolds Sally communicates with the Doctor across the decades to help defeat the angels and return his TARDIS.
Available on Netflix and Hulu Plus
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SPOILERS!- Series 9 Episode 1, "The Magician's Assistant"
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 23 minutes and 27 secondsIn this spoiler filled episode Jennie and Ben discuss the first episode of season nine. This episode amazed the crew so much that we can’t even describe it here without risking a major spoiler event!
Big events happen that you just have to see to believe, including the most awesome axe fight in history.
Seriously, there be spoilers here.
Ep-43: Game of Family Blood Nature
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 11 minutes and 31 secondsThis week Jennie and Ben are joined by longtime friend of the show Drew Stewart to discuss the eighth and ninth episodes of season 3, Human Nature and Family of Blood.
The episode begins with the Doctor and Martha barely escaping the clutches of an unseen enemy. A frantic Doctor tells Martha she is the key to their escape just before the Doctor wakes up in his PJs with Martha bringing him breakfast in bed. No, Martha's dreams haven't come true, the Doctor has disguised himself as a human school teacher at an all boys boarding school on Earth in 1913. Now they must remain in hiding from the Family of Blood or all will be lost. But when the Doctor's special watch gets stolen just when Martha needs her Doctor the most love is in the air between the human Doctor and the boarding school's Matronly nurse. In the end the Family of Blood learns what the true rage of a Time Lord feels like and the Doctor breaks the heart of another blonde, all the while ignoring Martha.
Available on Netflix and Hulu Plus
Use our Hulu Referral Link and get 2 free weeks when you sign up for Hulu Plus!
You can check out Drew Stewart’s other work on the Trek.FM network,
Standard Orbit:
Commentary: Trek Stars:
Ep-42: Here Comes the Sun, Deedle-Deedle Dee
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 30 minutes and 3 secondsBack from an exciting weekend at Intervention 6 Jennie and Ben didn’t even have time to unpack before they were off to the Kempsville Area Library in Virginia Beach to record a live show as part of the library’s “Evening of the Doctor” program. As always the crew had a great time visiting with their library friends.
One of the events during the Evening was a vote for your favorite companion. The results were rather interesting:
- Donna Noble
- Ponds (both)
- Sarah Jane Smith
There were some interesting responses added, such as: Handles, K9, and "Not Clara".
This week Jennie and Ben discuss the third season episode “42” which coincidentally is the 42nd episode of the Playing Doctor Podcast. The Doctor and Martha land on a spaceship that’s about to crash into a sun in– wait for it — forty-two minutes. A mysterious “infection” threatens to kill the crew before they have a chance to crash and burn in the sun. Their only hope is to know their Beatles trivia and avoid escape pods.
Special thanks go out to Librarian Denise Walker and Crystal Parker for inviting us to the show and once again putting up with our antics. We really enjoyed ourselves and were honored to once again be asked to participate in the evening's events.
If you're in the area be sure to check out some of the other fun events at the Kempsville Area Library.
Ep-41: Doin' the Charleston at Intervention
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 50 minutes and 15 secondsJoined by our friends Ben Taylor and CW Cobalt before a live audience at Intervention, we go back to 1982 and discuss the upperclass English adventure story in “Black Orchid.” The Doctor arrives in the early 20th century countryside for some cricket, a spot of tea… AND MURDER. Several cases of mistaken identity leads to the typical wacky hijinks of a Davison episode. As the Doctor and pals try to unravel the mysteries in the strange house, we try to keep CW from thinking about the Charleston and avoid scathing burns from Future Ben’s wit.
Ben Taylor: @BobTGoldfish
CW Cobalt: Radio Cobalt
Ep-40 I'm Old Now I'm Young!
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 54 minutes and 38 secondsBryan Lewis of legendary Norfolk bands The Gloom! and Humanoids From the Deep joins us to discuss the third series episode, “Lazarus.”
While The Doctor is dropping off Martha after their "one" trip in the TARDIS a story on the news catches his eye and soon they're off on another adventure. The brilliant Dr. Richard Lazarus has figured out how to reverse the aging process. Meanwhile the effects of Dr. Lazarus' experiment have started to show as he becomes the Scorpion King of Death. The Doctor defeats the Scorpion King by playing his organ to defeat the CGI monster once and for all. In the end Marth and the Doctor leave again for more adventures despite ominous warnings from Harold Saxon to Martha's mom.
Bryan Lewis on Facebook. Also listen to his story from the Tell Me More… Live event!
The Gloom! Official website. Download all their music from Bandcamp!
Ep-39 Skaroface
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 46 minutes and 25 secondsThis week we are joined by Tommy V. and Lauren as we discuss series 3, episode 4, “Daleks in Manhattan”.
The Doctor and Not-Rose land on November 1, 1930 (GREAT SCOTT!) to witness the construction of the Empire State building. They meet some friendly hobos and begin to uncover the mysterious disappearances in the otherwise perfect utopia known as Hooverville.
Meanwhile, four Daleks known as the Cult of Skaro have taken over the construction of the Empire State building with a Frankendalek genetic lab. Using their creepy pigmen slaves to kidnap more humans, the Daleks plan on harnessing gamma radiation from a solar flare to create a master race of Dalek-human hybrids.
As usual, the Doctor and his Companions risk life, limb and snout to thwart the evil plans. The Doctor's compassion allows Dalek KHAAAAAAN to survive in the end, undoubtedly to return again soon.
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Check out our hot new merchandise in our new online store: Who is becoming Lego:
Lego game – Dimensions
Ep-38 : Grimlock
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 11 minutes and 32 secondsOur good friend Dennis Black-N-Asian returns to talk about the series 3 episode, Gridlock. the Doctor and his rebound companion, Martha, take a trip to New Earth. As a reflection of his relationship with her as compared to Rose, he ends up going to grim, post-apocalyptic version of NNY’s history instead of the idyllic apple grass scented futuristic paradise. Much like modern day Earth, they get stuck in a traffic jam and that’s where their adventures begin.
EP-37: A Chat With Nev Fountain
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 46 minutes and 12 secondsRecently at (Re)Generation Who we had scheduled to record a podcast during our panel. While setting up for our recording we had the pleasure of meeting Nev Fountain who was finishing his panel and chatting with Proper Ben (Taylor) and FotS Craig Cobalt. We ended up having the opportunity to spend our panel time having a chat with Nev about his work with the Big Finish Audio Dramas, a lifetime of being a Doctor Who fan, and being a writer.
Many of our listeners will recognize Nev as the author of the Mervyn Stone Mysteries, his work on the audio dramas and also as writer for the popular British comedy series Dead Ringers. We were honored to have the chance to speak with Nev and look forward to the release of his upcoming novel "Painkiller" due out in early 2016.
Nev Fountain's Twitter: @Nevfountain
Ben Taylor: 3 Drinks, 2 Guys, 1 Topic
The Time Scales – big finish ratings
Worst Doctor Who Villain EVER.
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes and 54 secondsMY HEAD IS ART
At Regeneration Who last month we were joined by friends Ben Taylor and Chris Otto. This time we did a miniature version of our bracket challenge, to pick the Worst Doctor Who villain ever… welll… then it evolved slightly into “Which villain do we never want to see again?”
For the purposes of condensing the selection into something reasonable, we decided to stick to recurring villains and leave out the one-hit wonder failures like the Abzorbaloff.
Here’s the first round picks. You can click through to see the full bracket if you’re really impatient or want to follow along.
Some spoilers included if you’re not caught up through the Matt Smith years, but we figure most of our fans have moved on by now…
(Re)Generation Who - Wrap Up Show
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 37 minutes and 42 secondsJennie and Ben returned from (Re)Generation Who after three days of the best Doctor Who Convention EVER. After taking a few days to recover they sat down to recount their exciting weekend in Hunt Valley, MD. As you’ll hear in this episode, words escape them. There was just too much happening all weekend to fit into one show.
Playing Doctor Podcast would like to take a moment to thank the creators of (Re)Generation Who, Oni and Harknell and the wonderful staff they gathered together to make such a terrific show. The entire weekend was filled with meeting old friends, making new friends and tears of joy.
The guest list was phenomenal and we enjoyed meeting Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Tom Baker (via Skype), Nicola Bryant, Sophie (Aldred) Henderson, Andrew Cartmel, Terry Molloy, Deborah Watling, Patricia Quinn, Colin Spaull, Nev Fountain, and so many more that we feel bad for leaving anyone out. We were busy working our table and doing panels so we didn’t get to go to all of the unbelievable programming. We especially wanted to see Bree Geek’s Weeping Angel Robot but it was standing room only in that panel.
We met a few other podcasters doing live shows and want to send a shout out to our Trek brethren at Trek Off Podcast. We recorded a few minutes with them by way of introduction and look forward to dropping by their show some time in the future.
We let Future Ben (he says Proper Ben) out of Jennie’s basement to record with us. Ben Taylor is a big part of our con family and he keeps us in line. Whether he’s spreading the word about Playing Doctor Podcast or manning our table when Sleepy American Ben won’t wake up on time, we can always count on Proper Ben to do right by us.
This year we introduced a new merchandise design by Jennie. You may have heard about the TARDIS Access badge or seen one if you were at the convention. We greatly underestimated the popularity of these badges and sold out on Friday. We will be contacting the folks who signed up for one soon and everyone else can catch up with us at Tidewater Comicon or Intervention to pick one up. Again, Future Ben was a big promoter of the TARDIS Access Badge and I think his wearing it around the con helped us to sell out.
Be sure to keep an eye on this page, Facebook, Google+, and Twitter to find out all about our upcoming appearances. We love meeting listeners and making new friends.
EP-34: Calling All Whovians: EVENT!
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 58 minutes and 2 secondsIn this episode of Playing Doctor Podcast we travel to the Kempsville Area Library in Virginia Beach. We were pleased to be invited to participate in the Library’s Doctor Who night “Calling All Whovians” and we look forward to participating again in the future (or maybe even the past, because TARDIS). The night’s discussion was “Doctor Who: Fifty Years to Overnight Success”. We examined how that even though Doctor Who has been on the air and popular in Britain since 1963 and enjoyed niche success in the US during the 1970s and 80s, it wasn’t until 2010 and the arrival of Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor that Doctor Who exploded in popularity in the United States. While this isn’t a SPOILER episode we do discuss several topics across all five decades of Doctor Who so there may be a few minor spoilers.
Special thanks go out to Librarian Denise Walker and Crystal Parker for inviting us to the show. We really enjoyed ourselves and were honored to be asked to participate in the evening’s events.
If you’re in the area be sure to check out some of the other fun events at the Kempsville Area Library.
SPOILERS! - 2014 X-mas Special
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 17 minutes and 33 secondsIn this spoiler filled episode of Playing Doctor SPOILERS, Jennie and Ben discuss the 2014 X-mas special. There’s foul language and we’re not talking about the Christmas Goose.
Witches Be Trippin'
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 44 minutes and 59 secondsThis week Jennie & Ben are joined by long time listener Kirby Bartlett-Sloan from The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast to discuss “The Shakespeare Code”, Episode 2 of Series 3.
After several months of having to wait until our episodes were posted before we could get Kirby’s Corrections(tm) for what we had said on the show we decided it would be quicker to get Kirby on the show so he could correct as we go! This episode was recorded before we started the summer convention season so Kirby has had plenty of time to get his notes together in preparation for this episodes corrections.
Tonight we travel back to jolly old England and meet Billy Shakespeare. He’s your average Elizabethan man-about-town who happens to be a pretty decent playwright, but that may be the only decent thing about this tomcat. Things are amiss at the old (new) Globe Theatre when the Witches of Eastwick (or Eastenders?) show up with brooms at hand. You’re a wizard now, Harry but this quidditch match is for keeps. Doomfinger and Bloodtide are after the Golden Snitch and despite their awkward innuendo laced names they just may win and release the Carrionites into our world.
Now the Doctor, the NotRose, and Billy Shakespeare are going to party like it’s 1599 because These Witches be Trippin
SPOILERS! - Series 8 Episode 7
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 27 minutes and 47 secondsSpoiler Episode! Jennie and Ben are joined by Friend of the Show Ben Taylor to discuss the seventh episode of series 7, “Kill the Moon”. There may be some Clara hatred popping up but it’s all about choice in this episode. See if we choose life, space or rum in this episode of Playing Doctor SPOILERS!
Thanks to Ben Taylor for returning as a guest! You can hear his other podcast at 3 Drinks, 2 Guys, 1 Topic and occasionally on Pop Culture Uncovered. Follow him on Twitter, too: @BobTGoldfish
SPOILERS! - Series 8 Episodes 5 and 6
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 29 minutes and 25 secondsIn this new Playing Doctor Spoilers! Episode Jennie and Ben take a look at “Time Heist” and “The Caretaker”. Short episode but not much to say. We take calls from Peter NotCapaldi and FotS* Lauren and get their take on the episodes. Ben curses a lot in this episode because he’s binge watching The Thick of It.
*FotS=Friend of the Show, ’nuff said.
Ep-32: Judoon Tampoons on the Moon
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 43 minutes and 38 secondsThis week we are once again live at Intervention in Bethesda and are joined by fan favorite Ben Taylor to discuss episode one of the third season "Smith and Jones."
We get our introduction to Martha Jones and her chaotic family. Many fans will remember Martha lovingly as "Not Rose" even though one of the Ben's in the room thinks she's second only to Martha as Tennent's best Companion. We end up in hospital with a troop of space rhinos searching for a blood thirsty alien grandma.
New Ben complains (justifiably) about breaking the No Romance on My TARDIS rule and Regular Ben drinks a few gin and tonics to get through the day. For the record this is the first episode of Playing Doctor recorded wholly in a bar but it probably won't be the last.
After a magical kiss from the Doctor Martha may start to swoon in front of the Judoon Platoon upoon the Moon and need a tampoon.
Thanks to Ben Taylor for returning as a guest! You can hear his other podcast at 3 Drinks, 2 Guys, 1 Topic and occasionally on Pop Culture Uncovered. Follow him on Twitter, too: @BobTGoldfish
SPOILERS! - Series 8 Episodes 3 and 4
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 29 minutes and 39 secondsRobin Hood is afraid of the monsters under his bed in this spoiler filled episode of Playing Doctor Spoilers. Regular Ben has returned from his recent expedition searching for the lost world of Gallifrey (hint: it wasn’t in Tibet) just in time to discuss the magic that is Peter Capaldi as the Doctor.
Thanks to Ben for returning as Co-host! You can read his blog at Reality Amuck and check out some of his other work at RA Comics.
Ep-31: Intervention 2014 Worst Companion Showdown
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 58 minutes and 22 secondsThis episode of Playing Doctor Podcast was filmed before a live studio audience.
We were invited to do a live show at Intervention 2014, so we thought, what better place to rant about our opinions on the worst companion to the Doctor? We’re joined by our friend Ben Taylor of 3 Drinks, 2 Guys, 1 Topic in this somewhat heated bracket-style nerd battle. Play along at home by filling in the chart below!
Regeneration Who - The Premier Showcase of Online Creativity
Intervention 2014 - A Doctor Who Convention for Every Generation. March 27-29, 2015
Spoilers! - Series 8 Episode 2, "Into the Dalek"
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 43 minutes and 49 secondsRegenerated Ben returns to discuss this week’s new episode from Series 8, “Into the Dalek.” If you haven’t seen it and want to avoid spoilers, we advise you skip this one!
Thanks to Ben for returning as a guest! You can hear his other podcast at 3 Drinks, 2 Guys, 1 Topic and occasionally on Pop Culture Uncovered. Follow him on Twitter, too: @BobTGoldfish
Ep-30: Spider Babies
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 58 minutes and 56 secondsFinally, the remaining episode from the Mike Federali sessions! He joins us to discuss Series 3′s Christmas episode, “The Runaway Bride,” where we meet Donna Noble on her wedding day. Her husband-to-be, Nerdy Black Renfield, has made a deal with a giant campy spider-empress to help bring her children forth from the center of the Earth.
Arachnophobes beware, if the Doctor can’t save the day, the entire planet will soon be overrun by a horde of Spider Babies!
Spoilers! - Series 8 Premiere
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 34 minutes and 0 secondsA future version of Ben (with a cool British accent) joins the show today to discuss the Series 8 Premier in which we are introduced to Peter Capaldi and his Very Angry Eyebrows. On Playing Doctor Podcast, we adjust to regeneration much more quickly than Cabbagehead Clara.
Ep-29: The Mike Federali bonus show
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 45 minutes and 41 secondsMike Federali, mastermind behind Tidewater Comicon, joined Jennie & Ben to talk about “The Runaway Bride.” However, everyone had so much fun and it went so far off-topic that we decided to split it up into two shows. Follow Tidewater Comicon on Facebook for all the hot news about TWCC guests and fundraising events.
Tidewater Comicon returns October 18, 2014 to the Virginia Beach Convention Center!
Check the full Event Calendar for more upcoming events:
Our first movie night at the best arcade restaurant around, DAVE AND BUSTERS!! Come watch Ghostbusters on the big screens and challenge your friends to the new Transformers and Batman arcade games. RSVP CLICK HERE
Ep-28: Every Rose Has Its Thorn
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 30 minutes and 1 secondThis week Jennie and Ben are joined by Drew Stewart to unravel the mysteries of Torchwood and the spooky things running around London.
An army of ghosts moves in to Planet Earth, giving its inhabitants something to be distracted by while the secret government organization Torchwood experiments with ripping a hole between dimensions. Shit gets real when Mickey shows back up, the ghosts turn into Cybermen, and Daleks pop out of a giant Easter Egg. The Doctor hatches a plan to not only rid the planet of the invaders but also to ditch his clingy companion in another world. Things may be going swimmingly now, but he knows that eventually they’d have relationship trouble, because Every Rose Has Its Thorn.
The post Ep-28: Every Rose Has Its Thorn appeared first on Playing Doctor: A Doctor Who Podcast.
Ep-27: Fingers to Lips
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 8 minutes and 27 secondsChildren have gone missing from a chilly London suburb and they’re not visiting the London Olympics. This week we are joined by Tommy V and Lauren to help us discuss the cold summer Olympics set in the crazy future year 2012.
In a rare editorial move, we’re lifting the curtain and letting you see a glimpse of In the Console room. Before the show starts (and even after the credits) you’ll get to hear a bit of the pre-show debauchery and see what it takes to get everyone on the same page and get the show started.
Most agree this isn’t the best episode of Doctor Who and at some point we may get a little distracted while talking about the episode. No worries because when Tommy V gives us the “Tom Baker Eyes” and Lauren starts inappropriate relations with Simba the only thing left for Jennie and Ben to do is put Fingers to Lips.
Tommy V: Twitter Facebook
Lauren: Twitter
The post Ep-27: Fingers to Lips appeared first on Playing Doctor: A Doctor Who Podcast.
Ep-26: Tile F**ker
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 0 minutes and 57 secondsAre you a socially awkward fan of ELO? Do you enjoy basement potluck dinners? Have you ever watched Doctor Who and thought, ” There’s way too much Doctor and not nearly enough Man-on-Concrete love action? The we have the episode for you!
This week we’re Playing Doctor with our semi-regular guest and long-time friend of the show Dennis Black-n-Asian as we discuss “Love and Monsters”.
Lovable loser Elton, already obsessed with ELO, discovers the magic of the Doctor and his companion. He loves the Doctor so much that he is determined to get close to him in the only way he can–by sleeping with Jackie Tyler.
When a mysterious stranger joins the group, strange things start happening to LINDA. But the story has a happy ending, as Elton trips over a strange piece of tile and falls in love.
Sticks and stones may break Elton’s bones as he enters the bizarre world of the Tile F**ker!
Find Ben on Twitter @RealityAmuck
Find Jennie on Twitter @Jennie_Z
Find Dennis on Twitter @DennisBlkAndAsnTardsiode 10:
The post Ep-26: Tile F**ker appeared first on Playing Doctor: A Doctor Who Podcast.
Ep-25: Satan's Pit Stains
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 7 minutes and 15 secondsIt’s a normal day for the Doctor and Rose, which starts of course with at least 6 impossible things before breakfast then rounded out with being stranded on a planetoid in orbit around a black hole by mid-afternoon. We meet the Ood, a race of strangely faced creatures that remind us of (insert your answer here). Before long, the Doctor finds himself deeply entrenched in man’s timeless battle against evil: avoiding commitment with a clingy companion.
The Ood might be the perfect servants, but no matter how good they are at laundry, nothing can remove Satan’s Pit Stains.
Robot Portraits by Ben Rollman
Tardisode 8:
Tardisode 9:
The post Ep-25: Satan’s Pit Stains appeared first on Playing Doctor: A Doctor Who Podcast.
Ep-24: Fifties Face Off
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 1 minutes and 15 secondsIt’s 1953 and as London prepares for Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation something sinister is afoot in Muswell Hill. Mysterious Men in Black are abducting blanket covered grandmas and something is fishy with the telly.
Sean Devereux joins Jennie and Ben to discuss “The Idiot’s Lantern” as The Doctor and Rose meet The Wire and have a Fifties Face Off!
Push Comedy Theater on Facebook
Help fund the Push Comedy Theater! Among the great incentives: for $35, you can have coffee with Sean. Sip on a delicious cup of coffee while Sean lists in order his favorite Doctors (spoiler… David Tennant is #6). He will also pick up the tab for the coffee. (The coffee date will be held at one of Hampton Roads fine coffee establishments.)
Another Spoiler: He may also mention his favorite in this episode. Listen and find out!
Tardisode #7
The post Ep-24: Fifties Face Off appeared first on Playing Doctor: A Doctor Who Podcast.
EP-23 CyberSexMans
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 9 minutes and 30 secondsWhen the TARDIS crash lands–again–the Doctor and crew find themselves in an alternate universe where Jackie and Pete Tyler are still together, Mickey really is Rickey, and of course, people travel in zeppelins. When they discover something fishy going on with the Cybus Industries brand Bluetoofs everyone’s wearing, they investigate with their new friends in the Mystery Machine.
You can’t always trust the A/S/L in this parallel universe because sometimes it’s a hot blonde, and sometimes it’s the Cybersexmans!
Related Tardisodes:
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Ep-22 - A Clockwork Banana
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 0 minutes and 56 secondsMickey tags along with Rose and the Doctor on his first off-planet adventure. They find themselves on a spaceship 3000 years in the future, where time windows have been opened into 18th century France. Mysterious clockwork robots are stalking Reinette, also known as Madame De Pompadour.
Russell T Davies got the idea to write a love story for the Doctor while researching for the 3-part serial from 2005, "Casanova," which also starred David Tennant. It is also (apparently) inspired by the novel, "The Time Traveller's Wife"
Is a fan favorite, also was nominated for a Nebula Award and won the 2007 Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form.
Available on Netflix and Hulu Plus
Use our Hulu Referral Link and get 2 free weeks when you sign up for Hulu Plus!
The post Ep-22 – A Clockwork Banana appeared first on Playing Doctor: A Doctor Who Podcast.
EP-21 Bubble Wrap of Death
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 50 minutes and 12 secondsThis week we cross the time streams and travel back to the crazy disco era of 1975 and the second episode of the Tom Baker era. Join the Fourth Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith and Surgeon Lieutenant Harry Sullivan on their first trip in the TARDIS. With an unfortunate twist of the helmic regulator Harry (a.k.a. Proto-Starburns) sends the crew to the distant future beyond the 30th Century and into a world of cellophane wrap slug trails, green bubble wrap turds and giant space wasps from space.
If you think the characters on British TV drama's are stodgy and uptight wait until you meet the crew of Nerva Beacon. Perhaps good ole Tom can warm their frozen hearts with his toothy smile and a jelly baby. Now if he could keep Harry from flirting with Sarah Jane we might all be able to save humanity from a fate worse than death. It's the Bubble Wrap of Death and it's going to keep this episode fresh.
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Playing Doctor SPOILERS! 11
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 46 minutes and 54 secondsIt's Christmas season and that means cookies, trees, presents and best of all, a Doctor Who Christmas special. This week we discuss the 2013 Christmas Special "The Time of the Doctor".
Due to a mysterious truth field we can't lie about how bad Clara is at cooking a turkey and how much of a b*tch Linda is when giving dating advice (or talking in general). Gran is ready for a game of naked twister with the strange Swedish doctor she meets and Dave is on about pigeons again. Sounds about like an average Christmas dinner.
We are all sad to see Matt Smith depart and we're excited for the new season to start. Let's all checkout Christmas in July and enjoy our five minutes in the sun on this week's Playing Doctor SPOILERS episode.
Warning, there be SPOILERS ahead.
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EP-20 Non-Sexual Doctor
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 47 minutes and 9 secondsThe Doctor is reunited with his old companions, Sarah Jane Smith and tin dog K-9 in the investigation of an eerily successful school as we travel back in time to discuss season 2, episode 3 "School Reunion" with long time friend of the show Drew Stewart. In addition to the Krillitanes, the heroes also find themselves battling the green eyed monster of jealousy. Rose and Sarah Jane vie for the Doctor's attention, while Mickey desperately tries to keep a foothold in his relationship with Rose.
Be sure to get your diabeetus medicine and eat all of your chips so you can figure out Sarah Jane and Rose won't be torturing the midget or walking the Mickey with the Non-Sexual Doctor in this episode of Playing Doctor because it's deadlock sealed by the bat people from space.
You can find Ben on Twitter @RealityAmuck
You can find Jennie on Twitter @Jennie_Z
You can find Drew on Twitter @doubleofive and at
(see we remembered to link you Drew!)We promise this episode isn't a commercial for Trek.FM no matter how much we talk about Star Trek in this episode.
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Spoilers: Day of the Doctor, 50th Anniversary Special
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 45 minutes and 32 secondsOn Saturday, 23 November 2013 the BBC aired "The Day of the Doctor" in celebration of the the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who. The program was broadcast in a record breaking 94 countries across 6 continents and on 1500 cinema screens. On this episode of Playing Doctor SPOILERS! we take a "moment" to talk about the anniversary special and give our thoughts on "The Day of the Doctor".
Warning, there be SPOILERS ahead.
An Adventure in Space and Time: A docudrama set in 1963 telling the story of Doctor Who‘s first episodes.
Purchase on iTunesWatch “The Five(ish) Doctors”:
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Playing Doctor SPOILERS! 09
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 28 minutes and 30 secondsIn the final days leading up to the 50th anniversary special the BBC released two mini-episodes online. A special guest in the first and a final day in the other. Tonight we discuss these and other spoilers.
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Ep-19 My Lovely Dalek Bumps
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 49 minutes and 37 secondsAs The Master pursues The Doctor promising to finally have his final vengeance of revenge on him, The Doctor asks to meet The Master and share some Universe-shattering news– The Doctor is getting married to his companion!
Nothing can stop the love of two, uh, three hearts beating as one; not even 500 miles of fear and feces, an army of Daleks or even Joanna Lumley's etheric beam locators, or can they?
Travel back to the final televisual Doctor Who story of the 20th Century and the first written by Steven Moffat as you all enjoy checking out My Lovely Dalek Bumps.
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Ep-18 Xiaolin Skinheads
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 58 minutes and 24 secondsThis week we are joined by the Lady Fox as we discuss the second episode of series two, “Tooth and Claw”.
There’s strange things afoot at Torchwood House and Her Majesty Queen Victoria is less than pleased. The Doctor and Rose visit Scotland and meet up with some Kung-Fu monks and a lupine wavelength haemovariform! Ahh-WOOOOO Lupine wavelength haemovariform of Scotland… Doesn’t have the same ring to it as Werewolf of London but it’s the thought that counts.
Whether you’re locked in a cellar or hiding in a mistletoe paneled library, unlike the Queen you might just be amused when the Xiaolin Skinheads attack!
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Ep-17 Nurses, Nuns and Cats
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 31 minutes and 48 secondsYour long wait is over and we’re back to regular updates.
Jennie made me say that or she was going to poke my jiggery again. Either way, we recorded this discussion about Doctor Who season 2, episode 1: “New Earth” with our old pal Greg Harbin waaaaay back in October. So this is truly a time travel episode back to the long ago days of 2012. Obama was president, gas was cheaper and catwomen knew their place.
The Doctor and Rose go on a date to the distant future and run into trouble with cats. Anytime you deal with cats there’s going to be trouble. That’s just how it is with cats, especially cats who dress like nuns and practice the time honored tradition of nursing. To make things even more interesting we get a visit from our old friend Cassandra and a hospital full of quasi-zombie clones from space.
In this madcap adventure you’ll need to take the Doctor’s advice and never trust Nurses, Nuns or Cats.
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Habemus Medicus
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 28 minutes and 59 secondsOn Sunday, 4th of August 2013 the BBC made a special announcement broadcast live around the world at 19:00 Universal Time. In this 30 minute program several celebrities with connections to the Doctor Who franchise were interviewed, including the Fifth Doctor (Peter Davison) and fan favorite Bernard Cribbens (Wilfred Mott). Finally, they revealed the pick for Matt Smith’s replacement.
Today we discuss the announcement and our thoughts on the Twelfth Doctor.
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Peter Capaldi – WikipediaThe post Habemus Medicus appeared first on Playing Doctor: A Doctor Who Podcast.
Playing Doctor SPOILERS! 07
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 36 minutes and 6 secondsWelcome to Playing Doctor SPOILERS! If you haven’t finished watching Doctor Who all the way through the end of Series 7b “The Name of the Doctor” then you don’t want to listen to this episode. There be spoilers here.
We’ve been gone for a while but we’re back now. We were so excited to get this episode out we decided to put it out as soon as it was edited instead of waiting until next Thursday! We hope you enjoy this spoilery episode.
Jennie: I guess you were really excited about this week’s Doctor Who finale.
Ben: I sure was.
Jennie: Did you find out The Name of the Doctor?
Ben: Who.
Jennie: The Doctor, what was the Doctor’s name?
Ben: Who.
Jennie: What was the Doctor’s name?
Ben: No, Who is the Doctor.
Jennie: Yes, who is the Doctor?
Ben: Exactly.
Jennie: The Doctor’s name is exactly?
Ben: No, Who.
Jennie: You know, the Doctor. What is the Doctor’s name?
Ben: Fred.
Jennie: You ruin all the jokes.
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Ep-16 Ashy Christmas of Death
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 40 minutes and 48 secondsAmericans still haven’t thawed their turkeys for Thanksgiving and we’re already putting up our Christmas trees at the Playing Doctor Podcast! This week we are joined by our long time friend Darryl Lewis of (he also made our awesome theme music) to discuss the Children in Need special and Christmas Invasion as we begin Series 2 of Doctor Who.
Time’s not the only thing that’s a bit wibbly-wobbly as the Doctor crashes the TARDIS into a truck and the Powell Estate itself just in time to get Rose home for Christmas. He’s got a new face and a touch of narcolepsy for the holidays and Rose is doing all the work to save Christmas from the Robot Santas of Doom Brass Section.
With spinning Christmas Trees of Death, Regeneration Energy Belches and finding Howard’s fruit in your night robes this promises to be one of the better Christmases in London until everyone climbs up on the roof when the Sycorax arrive.
You’ll want to bundle up and put on your winter clothes before you start dreaming of an Ashy Christmas of Death.
The post Ep-16 Ashy Christmas of Death appeared first on Playing Doctor: A Doctor Who Podcast.